HBO s controversial sexually-charged TV series The Idol has come to a close with Sunday night s season finale, and, like they have all season long, many fans took to social media to bash the show.
Photo Illustration by Erin O'Flynn/The Daily Beast/HBONear the beginning of The Idol’s fifth and final episode, “Jocelyn Forever,” a bunch of music executives smushed together on a couch to watch a 20-minute-long, glorified middle school talent show. They were all confused. And as they stared in bewilderment at the naked, dancing 20-somethings, I, too, wondered what in the world I was watching. But I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, as the last four episodes of this series have been almost equa
'The Idol' finale ended on a surprising note, with Jocelyn and Tedros aka Mauricio Jackson switching power levels. Here's our 'The Idol' finale ending explained.