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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180809 00:00:00

congress. i have also spent many years volunteering to give back to my community. whether it was a member of the federal reserve bank, small business advisory council, member of the board of trustees at kenmore mercy hospital, or as a long-time mentor good evening, welcome to tucker carlson tonight, i am in for tucker this evening. right now, congressman chris collins is speaking after being arrested for insider trading. let s go there live. outside of the courtroom. as i fight to clear my name cannot rest assured i will continue to work hard for the peeper and constituents of the 27th can snow make congressional district of new york and i will remain on the ballot, running for reelection this november. thank you very much, and have a great night.
mark: that is chris collins speaking after being arrested for insider trading. in other legal news, president trump s legal team says that it is a negotiation over the terms of any interview with robert mueller. let s go live now to ed henry to break that down. good to see you, mark. the president s legal team is thinking that this is a good-faith effort on their part to try and get a deal on an interview with the special counsel with robert mueller. these two sites are so far apart and working out the details that this could become a major battle that ultimately is decided by the supreme court paid months ago, mueller privately threatened that if they can t agree on a voluntary interview from the president, he may issue a subpoena to try and compel the president s testimony. the only other time and testimony that happened was bill clinton being subpoenaed to testify in the monica lewinsky matter, but he backed down to avoid what could have been and embarrassing defeat.
A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of political correctness in Campus Craziness and.
communications with foreigners, this business of the assistant deputy, assistant deputy under attorney general, or whatever the hell the position was, this guy is surprisingly cozy with the foreign intelligence agent called christopher steele. how is it that bruce ohr, who still works for the department of justice, does not understand what he was doing is wrong and unseemly? with all of his contacts with all christopher steele? because that is a different standard. you know, what is interesting with the obama justice department at the senior levels and the fbi at the senior level levels, a politically corrupt two organizations. mr. ohr was part of that. he has been demoted three times since they discovered his activities, his text messages and emails that were discovered. he is probably being kept on for the department as a courtesy to allow him to retire with a
certain amount of time. but also, he has probably been forced to cooperate with the investigation to testify against other people like sally yates, john whatever his name was who ran the national security division. mark: thanks a lot, joe. that s amazing. demoted three times. eventually it s going to be down to janitor or whatever it is. dan bongino is a former secret service agent and our atv contributor. he is also author of the book spygate: the attempted sabotage of donald j. trump. dan joins us now. if you were in the president s position, would you agree to sit down with mueller? heck, no! why? why should he sit down with mueller? his case is based on nothing. mark, let s be logical. i know liberals have a difficult time with this. this entire case as we know it is based on this dossier, this nonsensical dossier.
let s walk through with with ti themselves said. the director said the information was salacious and unverified. the number 2 said they would have no investigation without the dossier. the head of the division in charge of the case said that verification of the dossier was in its infancy, and the lead investigator in the case said that there is no there there. my would you sit down with this guy? this is obviously a trap. he did nothing wrong. mark: like you said, that is logical, and i would buy that if somebody was doing that, but what about the politics of this? half of the company is going to go bananas if trump refuses to sit down with mueller. in other words, is the risk of walking into a perjury trap less than everybody claiming trump has pulled off a coup because he won t sit down with this cockamamie guy who wants to talk about some lousy steele dossier. it s a great point, mark.
the political price and the legality are two different points. yes, there will be a price. here s the problem i have with that, mark. if i thought mueller was acting in good faith, i would say, all right, it, it may be it may be worth doing at that point if it is limited in scope. the problem is, mark, there is no evidence of that. mike flynn sat down with investigators with the case with no lawyer. the fbi went back, admitted there were no signs of deception, they then prosecuted him for what? for lying to the fbi. does that make any sense? there is no good faith effort here at all. mark: and i am absolutely opposed of this whole lying to the fbi thing. i think that is disgraceful. dan, i want to get this in. despite allegedly being under russian control, president trump s administration just slapped new sanctions on russia in response to the nerve agent poisoning of a former russian agent and his daughter in the u.k., and the sanctions will kick in later this month.
actually, another young woman in great britain subsequently died of this poison. so trump is acting against putin because putin is poisoning and, in fact, killing the citizens of american allies. what do you make of this? yeah, mark, if trump is a russian asset being controlled by putin, he is certainly the worst russian asset in the history of human intelligence gathering. his military wiped out 200 russian rocks on a syrian battlefield. he has led the effort to cut out the pipeline to economically damage russia. magnitsky has expanded that. we are having conversations like we are rational because we are, but trying to get through the 6-inch thick skull of liberals, nothing we say is going to make a difference. facts don t matter anymore. mark: all that stuff you said, dan, although it shows is that the conspiracy just goes deeper than any of us could possibly suspect.
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congressional district in a special race last night, but the race is too close to call. meanwhile, almost every candidate endorsed by socialist darling alexandria ocasio-cortez was defeated. lou dobbs is with us from lou dobbs tonight on fox business the most interesting, lou, the difference between the politics on the republican side. the other great scourge of the establishment speaker i ve arrived. mark: you are. i m not thrilled with many orthodoxies, whether left or right, particularly the venomous and so awfully wrong left in this country. it s extraordinary. ocasio-cortez is suddenly anointed the face of the democratic party. i have to say, it is a motion
that i would hardly second and endorse. she knows nothing about economics. she actually said that the unemployment rate is so low under trump because everyone has two jobs. there is no reasoning, no rationale. mark: you know that, lou paid 50% of the country has two jobs, that is full employment. it makes sense. about is march sense of the far left ever makes. and to think that she is aware that there is, as she put it, it s happening, there is something happening. she keeps talking about it. no one has talked about a descriptive label. mark: i think it is better to leave it as vague. when you pin down the something what is interesting about it, she was a star. she kind of burst out on the scene. she was the new star, and it s clear she s not star quality.
it is clear, perhaps, to you, to you me, to this audience, bum not sure it s clear to the democrats because they are the ones, after all, who carry her around as if it is precious cargo. trump derangement syndrome, the carry around the idea that other people s money is better spend by them. there are all sorts of delusional aspects to their everyday lives including who will be the pace of the democratic party for years to come. mark: let s look over on the g.o.p. side. as you said, you like to crush the rhino squishes like a bug beneath your thumb. who came out better from last night, trump is -sm or rhino squishes-ism. trump endorsed five candidates, five candidates won or our meeting tonight. that s pretty good.
not a single person running for office in the republican party thanked paul ryan for their victories, but they were all thinking president trump. i think there is a moral here for the rest of the republicans, including rinos. mark: and slate go trump or go home. exactly. mark: are you a little disappointed, chris kovach, all neck and neck? i m thrilled that he is ahead in the count to this point, something like 3,000 or 4,000 provisional ballots. i have known chris kovach for a long time. he is strong, he is absolutely resolute, he is an original thinker in american politics, just ask president trump, and i think he will make a terrific governor for the state of kansas, but what i really like
today, the manna secretary of state is the one who will be responsible for counting those balance. wait a minute, you have to recuse yourself this is my language, not his. he told him to go to hell because he wants to assure that it is fair and orderly, and that is exactly the right answer for any republican. mark: and i agree with you that he is an original thinker, and i love what he says about immigration and voter i.d. and all of those critical issues. what about though, what they say about ohio, just quickly, lou? i think mitt curated by 10. i think trump by 12 points. by is that so close? because of turnout in large measure. the republicans did not turn out as they should have. so far behind 2016 levels it is funny. perez saying he has great
optimism. remember, ohio s 12 district was going to be in the blue wave column. unfortunately, he is trying to spin the idea that a party that turned out almost twice as many people in the 12 district as a republican the republicans the republicans will absolutely slay 80. mark: will see about that. a little droplets on the floor, the blue wave. lou dobbs, thank you. criminal illegal immigrants roam free in the united states. how the democrats say the only problem is that the borders aren t open enough. that s next. this is your wake-up call. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock.
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director of i.c.e. and he joins us now. tom, 700,000, these are over stairs in one year. if nothing else, this figure we have heard for years now but 11 million so-called undocumented immigrants is likely to be something of an underestimate, when do you agre agree? i think that the overstayed visas make up about 40% of the estimate. but it s something we ve got to address. we have asked congress again, the same talking points i ve used for a long time. we ve asked congress to address the visa overstates, to make it a crime to overstate the visa. it s not a crime like entering the united states illegally is a crime. congress can help us by making that a crime and holding people accountable for breaking their promise of leaving the united states. mark: just to be clear on this, we live in a modern, high-tech age. many modern countries such as france and united kingdoms have exit controls. they check you out, as it were.
why is it that we presumably know these people have overstayed their visas but nothing gets done with it? is it just as, as is explained, it s actually not illegal? it s not illegal, but we do address the overstayed population. again, 11, 12 million, now a few thousand officers. we got to address those with a criminal nature. when we look at those that overstayed their visas, we prioritize those that come from countries of interest that meet a certain demographic, and we look at those that have committed crimes first. we ve got to remember, a lot of stories and reading is, well, the president is to concentrated on the ball wall, all of tha. we are aware of the criminal history. many of them are criminals, we d really do concentrate on that southern border. mark: let s look at what is
happening on the canadian border. i gather a lot of this is south of montreal, a 30 have a mild strip the vermont-quebec border, what you call the swanton sector, i believe, basically small rural border crossings, often like the famous town of derby line, the town library and upper house straddled the border, they are shared communities. these are not places that historically have seen a lot of illegal immigration. why are some the mexicans, middle eastern nurse, discovering that canada is an easy way to get into the u.s.? because of that exact reason. they figured out canada has a very weak immigration system. have you seen in the last year how many refugees that couldn t play the system here under this president, who takes it very seriously, went to canada? because canada has very weak immigration laws. this is by these numbers have
ticked up on the northern border. this is a perfect time for us to work with canada. for instance, they should require a visa for mexicans when they enter. we have a great relationship with canadian nonpermanent. this is something we should be working on. i grew up in new york near that region. there are places that you have 100 feet of vision. it is less than a one-minute boat ride across the st. lawrence river to get to the united states. it is a hard swath of land to cover. mark: and often those border posts seriously, though, justin trudeau sentimental rises illegal immigration in more than the democrats do. realistically, working with the canadians us in going to get too far is it, tom? i think now when they see that, i have talked to canadian immigration authorities, they are concerned. i think for the first time in a long time, they are looking to toughening up. i went to a law enforcement seminar in new york and i met
some canadian law enforcement, and i think they have awoken to this issue, and i think you are going to save and make some changes this year. mark: okay, let s hope so. thomas homan, former director of i.c.e. thank you. earlier this year, philadelphia s mayor celebrated when a court ruling allow the city to keep its sanctuary city policies. here he is. we are a sanctuary city, yeah mark: yeah, here s what that song actually looks like in practice. one of ramon vasquez, an illegal immigrant from honduras was released by philadelphia police despite an i.c.e. retainer request and then went on to rape and child. but andrew cuomo says i.c.e. is the real threat to the safety. we want the police force that fights terrorism. we don t want what we have an i.c.e., which is a politicized police force.
i will do nothing cooperatively with i.c.e. i have sent them letters asking for an investigation. i have said that if they do any criminal acts, which a police fe can do, we will take criminal action against i.c.e. mark: so for the chief executive of a major american state declaring war on law enforcement agencies takes priority. robert is a former regional director for barack obama s presidential campaign. he joins us now. robin, what is the reason for this fetishization of illegal immigration that has led people like andrew cuomo and that philadelphia mayor to actually declare war on american law enforcement? i m glad you asked that. i had to read the full statement in its entirety to grasp that. what he is alleging is that i.c.e. is being misused as just
a deportation force, and what he is taking specific issue with his proposed registration from this administration that will make it harder for undocumented immigrants to get green cards. mark: wait, wait, wait a minute. let me stop you there. i am illegal immigrants. it is a lot i am a legal immigrant. it is a lot of effort to get a green card. why should people that just walk into the country, why should they get a green card? you know, here is my theory on that. i honestly believe they are looking at this as a financial issue because their economies benefit from that. undocumented immigrants pay $11.64 billion in state and local taxes every year. mark: but wait a minute. that would sound a lot in new zealand, but in a country
with a multitrillion dollar expenditures, that is a relative drop in the ocean. most people would rather have noncriminal immigrants then get an extra $11 billion in taxes for state and local governments. well, there was a study in 2014, a bipartisan stated by the senate when they were considering an immigration reform bill, and that did show that on undocumented immigrants were far less likely to commit crimes the native citizens of our country, so i m not sure that that s entirely true that there is a huge influx of illegals wanting to commit crime. the numbers just don t match up. mark: but that s actually not the case. for example, with i.c.e., 9 out of 10 brian kilmeade mentions this on monday s show 9 out of 10 people detained by i.c.e. have committed a crime. by entering our country illegally, they certainly have.
mark: no, no, crimes other than illegal entry. and that gets us straight. let me just ask about this case in philadelphia. this guy, they won t cooperate with i.c.e., so you get a child rapist which is terrible, horrible. mark: but every country generates its own rapists and murderers, what s the use of cooperating with a system that facilitates the importing of additional rapists and murderers? why do you do it? like i said, the study shows that they commit less crimes than native citizens. i am assuming they re going off of that. and that was a bipartisan study done by these standards. mark: no. i prefer to speak in facts and not hyperbole. mark: well, that s
robin, every country is stuck with its own citizens, whether it is america or chad, you take the rapists and murderers of your own society as a given. and that is not a fair metric on which to measure any of the others. but thank you for joining us. great job of getting those out. mark: thank you for joining us, robin. more and more psychologists say they are seeing the symptom of a new disease, trump derangement syndrome. is it real? that s next on tucker carlson tonight.
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this tmz radio shows austin plate smashing the star. woman in massachusetts is being accused of intentionally running her car into another vehicle because it had a trump bumper sticker on end. this guy isn t mentally stable enough to run the country and he should be impeached in every congressman should lose their job. mark: yeah, it s trying to make time to impeach every congressman who won t impeach trump. for more than a year and a half, the left has been in the tightening grip of trump derangement syndrome. it s a fun term, but does it reflect a real psychological issue? more and more psychologists say they are seeing the symptoms, specifically, an overpowering fear that president trump represents the end of the world. i gather this started with a canadian broadcasting corporation survey, nell daily. you are a psychologist, do you
think stress trump derangement syndrome is a real syndrome? i didn t just start with the trump administration. any kind of derangement syndrome, when we have been talking about presidents, it started during the bush administration, people said that people had obama derangement syndrome, now they are saying that people have trump derangement syndrome. it s just a way of discrediting anybody who disagrees with you, essentially. mark: but let s break that down. i remember the bush derangement syndrome, i remember saying to someone at the time, basically, george w. bush, a very moderate republican, he loved mexicans, for example, unlike the president current president. like tony blair with a ranch. people convince themselves he was like the new hitler. now here we have a guy who, in some sense, it is an even more nontypical conservative.
he doesn t care about transgender bathrooms. he doesn t care about race. a lot of his family are jewish. yet he is apparently a neo-nazi, anti-semitic, racist, lgbtq community s are cowering fear. what is it, and the water, fluoride, what is going on? you need to trust your leader, have faith in your leader as a human being to have faith in their vision, to understand their vision. where the dialogue breaks down as if you don t have faith in your leader, you don t even want to hear their vision. and people trump has been treating at his opponents, people who don t support his political views, have trump derangement syndrome. in any kind of argument you are having with somebody, it shuts off the argument, lately if you tell the other side they are crazy. mark: just being clear on that now. you re saying that when the president by the president accusing the naysayers of having trump derangement syndrome, he
is actually giving them it? no, i didn t say that. i mean, this is just the term. i don t know whether i mean, it sounds like when he is saying things, he is diagnosing an entire population of people. again, this doesn t just happen from trump, right? it goes back to the bush administration. this goes back to people who disagreed with obama. mark: let me ask about a point you just made. i thought it was interesting when you said you have to have faith in your leader, as it were. this is a citizen republic where it chooses one of its own citizens to be the leader. that s why you got rid of george iii, there was a guy, because he didn t have faith in him. walking running crowns, powdered weeks, we said, will have a citizen president. why can t you take severe that he is a bloke in the office for a couple of years?
why let it ruin your life? that s a good point, and some people do take that position. not everybody who has come to me or to my office about the current president, but there are people who are. individuals handle it differently. but the point is, to show that you are an evolved person, a highly intelligent person, is open to intelligent, nuanced debate. we stop having those intelligent, nuanced debate in part because we stop listening when we are told that we are crazy to have a difference of opinion over a person that we are discussing these things with. mark: but it is not the president who drives someone to climb halfway up the statue of liberty and start going bananas, is it? i think that there are people who would disagree with you, and i think that there are people who disagree with you that that is necessarily a banana way of protesting. [laughter]
mark: okay, well, i ll see you up there. i don t know if i ll make it up there, but i ll see you there. even more deranged voices on the left are being left on untouch. that s next on tucker carlson tonight. keep it comin love. if you keep on eating, we ll keep it comin . all you can eat riblets and tenders at applebee s. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood. it s a revolution in sleep. the new sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999. intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that?
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offensive content, but offensive voices on the left aren t facing the same scrutiny. veteran hatemonger louis farrakhan has posted numerous videos on facebook attacking jews and when describing the white male as a freak of a human. the news website the daily caller as well as this program both contacted facebook to ask how those videos do not qualify as hate speech. thus far, facebook has removed two videos but the rest of the farrakhan archive is allowed to stay up there. jason nichols is a professor of african-american studies at the university of maryland and he joins us tonight. jason, what do you make of this double standard? that the rate gets policed by facebook and co. far more vigorously than the left. the first thing i would argue is that louis farrakhan is not necessarily a member of the
left. i think a lot of his views are actually part right. i think he doesn t fit very well and this kind of dichotomy. i think a lot of people see a black man and they automatically assume he is on the left, but a lot of his ideas are about personal responsibility and taking ownership of things. they are very much right wing ideas. i wouldn t exactly put him on the left. mark: so that s great. that s our fault too. farrakhan. let me just cite one of his things here. he says that the united states government is working with jews to feminize back men by weaponizing marijuana with chemicals. now, that s the sort of thing and i don t buy your, he is really a closet right winger. i don t think he is closeted at all. i think he is very much out with his right-wing views. mark: but the double
standard here is that, because he is a black man and, with respect to your thesis, perceived as being on the left, he can talk about jews feminizing if i talked about jews feminizing black man by putting chemicals in the water, i would be on facebook, boom, like that, first by suggesting it is possible to feminize black men and it is possible that black men are on marijuana and that jews are trying to feminize that is circles within circles. i would be gone instantly. i think the fundamental thing we have to think about is that facebook, google, twitter, they are privately owned companies. they believe that someone has violated their terms and conditions of use, they can remove them. i would suggest if you have an issue with farrakhan being on that platform, you should, like you said, write letters, email,
i guarantee you with enough economic pressure, they will probably remove the video. mark: we are beyond economic pressure, a third of the population of the planet, 2.5 billion people, are on facebook. that makes them bigger than any sovereign state. you can t really say they are just a habit private company. bigger than belgium. i would not make the argument that facebook owes anyone that platform. we know who the guy at the top is. he has the right to set the terms and conditions of the use of facebook. he felt that someone like alex jones is someone who violated those terms. i would actually argue that alex jones and his reach is much larger than that of ministers farrakhan. i think his influence. i think one of the things we have to take into account is the
reach and the influence of the person we are talking about. mark: okay, it jason. thank you. thank you very much for that, professor. despite the best efforts of louis farrakhan, you are a nonfeminized black man. not that there is anything wrong if you were being feminized or anything. [laughter] okay, that is the end. an extremist muslim has been arrested in new mexico after allegedly trying to turn a compound into a terrorist training camp for children. that story is up next. chicken?! chicken.
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shooters. trace gallagher has more. trace. what initially appeared to be a case of extreme child abuse is now turning into a lot more. last week police in new mexico got a text message from an unknown source saying we are starving, need food and water. police then set up surveillance on a makeshift compound near nearing the new mexico-colorado border. watch. that was the breaking point where i thought we finally had enough probable cause to put in an affidavit for a search warrant and presented to a district judge. the warrant was then granted. when s.w.a.t. teams moved in they found 11 children ages 1-15 malnourished, dressed in rags, living in squalor but they also found an ar-15 rifle, four guns and dozens of rounds of ammunition. five adults were arrested, two men and three women and now court documents show that all five suspects are accused of training children to commit school shootings. the defendant transported children across state lines for
the purpose of the children receiving advanced weapons training to commit future acts of violence. authorities initially locked on as part of a search for unmissing georgia boy with severe medical problems. 4-year-old abdul rojas was allegedly abducted five months ago because the dad believed his son was possessed by the devil and plan to perform an exorcism when in fact the boy had epilepsy. the father was among the five adults arrested and other children rescued at the compound say at one time 4-year-old abdul was at the compound. though all police found where the remains of a small child and we should note the father is the son of a credit radical islamic who according to senate testimony is an unindicted coconspirator in the 1993 world trade center bombing. by the way, the 11 children taken from the compound are now in protective custody.
mark. mark: thanks, trace. amazing, it all goes back to that world trade center bombing 25 years ago. we will have more on this disturbing case out of new mexico tomorrow evening on tucker carlson tonight. but that is it for us tonight. thanks for joining us. never fear, the man is here. sean hannity has a great opening monologue. go get them, sean. sean: thank you, and a lot of news tonight. welcome to hannity. 448 days into mueller s seemingly never-ending witch hunt, but now with just 90 days to go until what i am calling the single most important midterm of our lifetime, there could actually be a light at the end of the tunnel. earlier today president trump s attorney rejected interview terms from team mueller and rightfully so, we will explain. this to me is an obvious perjury trap being set by partisan investigators. rudy giuliani, the president s attorney will be here with reaction and also to write more major breaking news surrounding

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Terms of Use - +972 Magazine - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Israel , Tel-aviv-jaffa-district , Tel-aviv , Israeli , Palestinian , State-of-israel , Third-party , Services-you , Terms-of-service , Party-services , Your-service

Malaysia orders Meta, TikTok to present plan to curb offensive content, amid surge in complaints of 'harmful' posts

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s administration has been on an extended campaign against posts deemed to be provocative to race, religion and royalty.

Malaysia , Malaysian , Fahmi-fadzil , Instagram , Multimedia-commission , Malaysian-communications , Facebook , Minister-fahmi-fadzil , Transparency-report , Eta , Iktok , Offensive-content

Bluesky: X rival Bluesky to roll out automated moderation tools

The company will also launch new features including user lists (generic lists of users) and moderation lists (lists you create in order to mute or block many users at once).

Lucknow , Uttar-pradesh , India , Kozhikode , Kerala , Offering-college , Senior-management-programme , Programme-in-fintech , Jack-dorsey-backed , Tech-prowess , High-value-skill