offense is four years in state prison. daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine. i am a innocent. i definitely plead not guilty. in just minute, we ll find out the verdict in the manslaughter trial of michael jackson s doctor. more breaking news, a fourth woman is now making allegations of sexual harassment against republican presidential candidate herman cain. she is speaking out about them in explicit detail. lots of news happening today. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i m wolf blitzer, you re in the situation room. this is cnn, breaking news. we re following breaking news this hour. a verdict to be announced any minute now in the involuntary manslaughter trial of dr. conrad murray, michael jack scene personal physician, who was with the sixther when he died from the overdose of the powerful anesthet anesthetic. you are looking at live pictures outside the courthouse. we learned dr. murray is inside the cou
situation room. herman cain has been flying high. a leader in the republican nomination. suddenly there are stunning allegations of sexual misconduct, threatening to potentially dramatically hurt his campaign. they date back to the 1990s, brought by two women who reportedly received a financial settlement. herm yan cane flatly denies the jl gagss. they were first reported in politico. he says the allegations are totally false but why was his campaign seemingly caught flat-fooded by something going back more than a decade. joe johns has been digging teeper into this for us. joe, what are you finding. herman cain says this is a witch hunt and there was an investigation in the restaurant sewation where he works in the 1990s. he says they determined there is no factual basis pour what he calls false allegations against him for sexual harassment. he says he see knows reason to many release any more information. he is not aware that association paid a financial settlement agai