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Transcripts For DW Focus On Europe - Spotlight On People 20180811 08:30:00

so what do we really know that s a man behind the car. think. that the life of a great passion designer. starts september. hello and a warm welcome to focus on europe it is great to have you with us spain has become the new hotspot for migrants from africa they re heading to europe in search of a better life the vast majority cross the mediterranean and rubber boats and land in port cities like cuts in the first six months of this year more than twenty thousand people cross the sea to spain more than any other european country
topics: Spain: Refugee Crisis; Sweden: The Elin Ersson Case; Britain: Cellar Wars Beneath London; Iceland: Hunting Endangered Whales; Italy: Stamping out.
be in. spain is a country with high unemployment which by the mere. there s just not enough jobs for so many people but i got up on to him. the other spaniard see things differently antonio about volunteers for an aid organization and supports migrants like any way he can get it he helps plant vegetables and takes care of freight takes. on tonio sees the refugees as an economic factor the plantations in the region couldn t get by without them. you know after i get up from thanks to these people many others are getting rich at the immigrants live off what little money they can earn so they re cheaper labor. party fun of them having a job or the problem they have to put up with everything and never complain. antonino thinks they can be proud of what they ve accomplished so far but most of
them are ashamed to be living in a slum in europe. you know peering through from they don t want their families to see them living here in these conditions that s logical you can understand that. i don t think they ever lived like this in africa but if you go. there is not ashamed on the contrary he wants people to know what s really happening in europe. and he s not ready to give up on his dream of a better life. a move in modern us no one living here sometimes i ll go to work to get more money to send to my family offered to help myself here you know. for my future it will be to go. eventually once he is saved enough money intends to return to the ivory coast my son needs me he says all of africa needs us but that s in the future right
now he s got to figure out where he can sleep tonight. while migrants are facing an uncertain future across europe as governments step up deportations of those who ve been denied asylum but it is a controversial practice especially returning migrants back to afghanistan and critics say the country is not safe in sweden and activists made headlines were refusing to sit down on a flight taking off from gothenburg preventing the deportation of an afghan man ellen erickson has been celebrated by some for her courage and criticized by others for breaking the law we caught up with her to find out more. when and shauna gets together with her friends these days they usually talk about her protest which made headlines around the world she still getting messages of support . refused to take a seat on
a flight from gothenburg to istanbul in order to prevent the deportation of an asylum seeker to afghanistan video of the incident has gone viral. then she took this step to protest against sweden s asylum policies. we re not giving the correct legal procedure they have the right to we are the government and the migration office are doing so much things that s possible it can use to make sure that they deport and react as many people as possible. and works for an association in gothenburg that provides assistance for under age refugees. most of them come from afghanistan. they see hope in people like you trying to keep them from being deported even if it means breaking the law. or your figure they re trying to deport me to i took them to court and i ve been
waiting for a ruling for a year. it could take another year i ve lived in sweden for several years now and i have no idea how i d react to being deported if you know or don t do it over the over the. actions have sparked debate about sweden s asylum and immigration policies and recent polls indicate that right wing populist saw gaining ground ahead of september s parliamentary elections they blame immigrants for an increase in crime in suburban areas. and to stop the next government should stop immigration was. born. and young people who face death at home are allowed to stay and if we let in all sorts of shady characters we ve got. the conservative opposition party moderate turn out says ash on committed a crime and says she should be punished for it. we would do it in
sweden deportation cases are decided in a court of law not by politicians and you can t have private citizens interfering with that process of the suit but then sean says the courts ignore the dangers facing deportees in afghanistan and that s why she decided to protest. so in afghanistan we are when you are deported there they can see that you are from europe they can see that you re wearing clothes from europe that you have a different way of walking off talking and it s a really bad situation but if he. says that she now fears for her safety. right wingers have threatened her on social media networks so when she goes out in the city she keeps her eyes open. for her like they write down my whole life i think of her and such like that different sides you re just trying to make sure
that. this social media doesn t know where i am or who my. tsars. says she plans to keep protesting because of the dangers many afghans face once they return home despite all the recent pressure she remains determined. so even with guests like stuffing the dictations to afghanistan than we did probably a still together and i hope so because they are part of my life now but. time now for ensuring to give an english radio station an interview the debate over sweden s deportation policy continues. now london is facing a serious housing shortage the prime minister the city s mayor have vowed to fix the market and build more affordable housing but the british capital is becoming increasingly an affordable for normal earners and even for london s wealthy residents like robbie williams who you might know space is at a premium so if you can t build up or left or right there is only one direction for
a major conflict the victorian fortress is a listed building owned by rock star jimmy page the led zeppelin icon has lived here almost fifty years and was happy until another music legend turned up and wanted to start digging below ground. robbie williams bought the house next door for his growing family he has plans to build an underground swimming pool under his garden. but jimmy page thinks the project will cause irreparable damage to his house. he s been fighting the project for five years he lodged a complaint with the local council and asked them to refuse planning permission. he likes his home too much. i ve got to protect the building of. it it s a very special building and it s really difficult to be able to talk about it
a dream job for the marine biologist. it s one of the main attractions for tourists here but they need to be patient. with her spotted something a mentor whale is eating its way through a school of fish. the whale only stays at the surface for a few moments. with a bit of luck the guests may even catch sight of a much larger humpback whale. in the same waters where the tourists are shooting their photos others are whale hunting for whitaker a cool business. the sound it was laid out skid like out that has nerves it can feel there s pain so there s a heartbeat that goes into the wild an explosion and then they bring these wells on board so it can take you know thirty minutes up to an hour but these wild life is a long painful process. iceland s only whaling station lies
hidden at the end of a few org far from reykjavik the whale catchers have bagged a fin whale the second largest mammal on earth and listed as an endangered species . animal activists record the stripping of the forty ton whales blubber. begin to toss is an icelandic activist working to stop the killing of whales. she posts photos and videos on the internet hoping to inspire others to act against whaling mainly her own countrymen. this is not a tradition here really it started with norwegian still in it we have we have a long tradition of even kale in iceland and growing kale so if kale not the way
you. want. the whaling company owner places no value on such criticism as a teenager he harpooned whales from his father s boat and eat the meat. where you meet it s. the only meat without any harm or i think i don t feel that but it s being banned in all e.u. . us due to some reasons but if this sentiment is going to take over here i don t think i think iceland will be. will not be existing as a dependent nation in a couple of years if you re going to use that argument these aren t the everything groups they want to ban all fisheries they re protesting everything. was that here these demonstrators outside the parliament building in reykjavik aren t protesting everything only for protection for the endangered fin whales. survey
show more and more icelanders oppose whaling. the government could end the hunt at any time. instead it granted last sons whaling company a permit to kill one hundred ninety one fin whales in two thousand and eighteen. the uncle of our finance minister is the c.e.o. for the wally company so if this doesn t scream corruption i don t know what does but we have all the cards in parliament and they are against whaling and i hope that it will be forbidden by law to william iceland i hardly anything is left of the giant fin whale at the station the meat has generally been sold to japan the only export market for. this yarn most son has a new business idea he wants to make a compound to treat iron deficiency. we plan to freeze there are even me.
you get about thirty percent. of the meat that will be then ground down in powder. and used as a supplement either as a pain or as or just as a public arena biologist meghan whitaker reacts to such business ideas with sheer horror. just look you know the other threats these animals face oh it ll take a long time for us to rectify and whaling is something we can stop here and now and there s absolutely no need for it is just as pointless for industry. recently the hunting of minka whales at least was halted it s a key victory for iceland s conservationists and their fight against whaling. now to roam the eternal city millions of tourists flock to the italian capital
every year to visit ancient treasures like the colosseum where the pantheon or the trevi fountain roam is magnificent but it s also falling apart public infrastructure is collapsing especially streets and roads rome s administration has been accused of not doing enough mismanaging public funds the city is deep in debt so what can locals do well they re rolling up their sleeves and filling in the gaps them selfs. bad so must a low end his living on the streets of the eternal city he has been a taxi driver here for three decades he s lost millions of kilometers. but sometimes the job can get really dangerous every day must allow his to deal with countless paul tells. me so this problem isn t new the city s politicians haven t paid attention to the situation for fifteen years if i could write off tire damage on my tax form with me i d not have to pay any more income
tax. no one seems to know how many parts hells that are in room. fifty states indicates this one affray one turns up every ten meters in some parts of the city streets look like swiss cheese it s a real hasn t. for local residents the potholes are simply part of everyday life but they ve also attracted the attention of tourists city officials can t seem to get the patel problem under control despite the fact that by their own admission they ve spent a lot of money on st tropez. some residents have taken matters into their own hands as group of volunteers has started filling in the pot tells themselves. they call that group tap me all filmy they figure they for pet nearly six thousand health so far most of the materials needed by businesses city officials tolerate
the group s efforts but provide no financial support. for all volunteers which are going to give us all but we donate some of our free time to deal with this serious problem. goals are a major threat for motorcyclists. and it doesn t do any good to just sit around and complain when i meet a must on stuff will be a good result we want to make a contribution. removing it appears you want to get out of the us we ve even got an internet site where people can contact us and warn us about really dangerous part of us that i on weekends you can find christiane and devaney in his crew on the streets filling paul tells the most they ve ever done was one hundred in a single day but why does this work have to be done by private citizens and not city workers that work across the room blames the problem on corruption. when i look at my kid over the last twenty years the potholes in the streets of
rome have been filled with bribes instead of tar. i think the politicians are just afraid to admit that they can t fix this problem by themselves. i probably should maybe they think it would make them look bad but in situations like this you can t be too picky about how you re going to solve the problem about the what are you know willing immortals is not our mission in life we don t know what you want a bottle of water we just want to help out and solve a problem for the room hosted this year s general to tally up bicycle race and the riders had to keep their eyes peeled for part tells the attend all city and seemingly at ten on proper. well if you were planning a trip to rome anytime soon please keep an eye out for those potholes that wraps up this edition of focus on europe from all of us here thank you so much for watching we hope to see you back here next week.
the be. the be. the bastard abolish the bands now bring the ball into the bomb the b. and not the bands the be . mauled old.
woman in fighting for the place to take you seriously in your homework here s what s come out women strong. for your. smart arse smarts to come. legends frank recently in dangerous time the first couple of years for my mum s reputation for murder were lucky arsonist. tyrants. the roman emperor nero. to just get bad press to. remount historians are reexamining this case fled rethinking the rochas history been unfair to the infamous him her starts aug fourteenth on d. w. . o.
. rock n roll. luck good luck sinful muslims condemned by the church. that evil feeling that you feel when you like. the apostles of music are stoppable no one is more popular than jesus sa good religious morality preachers subversive talkers up battling with sound marketing potential by placing a warning label on music products. rock and religion a clash that brings many columns to light. are the two really so irreconcilable. come on the devil rock n roll starts aug nineteenth two w. .

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Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20180811 00:00:00

Chris Hayes discusses the day s top news.
posing as a romanian hacker. it is a good rule of thumb. it is a good rule of them, and you know, i think, you know, one way or another, they are looking at something serious about roger stone and that seems to be coming to a head. so they are using this collaterally to attack the investigation itself. you know, stone has said that he knows he is going it be or he thinks he is going to be indicted and he is preparing for it. he has had a falling out with nunberg, how do you think he is preparing himself for this? well, he certainly doesn t seem worried but that is kind of within his m.o. but i mean, they are certainly closing in on him even with kristin davis testifying to the grand jury shortly after she was interviewed by mueller, i think, you know, clear indication that
they are looking to bring charges against him and similar to manafort, might be unrelated to russian hacking or collusion. and it cullould be something ins past and that is what andrew miller might know about. davis and he are quite close. sure. was she around when you were filming the film? the film before the film if you will, we followed her before her run when she was running against eliot spitzer. the campaign fizzled out because she got ensnared? the fbi sting and was arrested for selling prescription drugs. and she didn t get out of prison until may of 2016. so her knowledge for working for
roger. whereas andrew miller was brought back into the fold around the time of the rnc, with roger in cleveland and working for him the months after that are in question ben, one thing that is striking is you have mueller having referred some cases. a number of folks that work in d.c. that aren t paul manafort to u.s. attorneys. referred out the michael cohen matter. this has not referred out. that is right and the reason for that is pretty clear which is if you look at the gru, the hacking indimctment, the link t roger stone is the collusion stuff. and the heart of the mueller investigation is the question of coordination between the russian interference in the 2016
election and anybody associated with the trump campaign. the person who is most clearly identified with that in the document itself is roger stone. and so i think this is the most public aspect we have other than the trump tower meeting of what is really the heart and soul of the mueller investigation and i keep coming back to the point how often he is in contact with senior campaign officials in the indictment of the russian officials. great to have you both. thanks so much. for more in the legal jeopardy. joined by mimi rocah. broad you are assault on the mueller investigation. here is what he had to say.
in order to appeal, judge howell s decision, challenging, have to have a contempt order. this is a major precedent set in the case. serious constitutional issues on the appointment clause. they already tried once with the district court. they tried to say, filed saying he is not improperly appointed. now they are trying to escalate. i think twice actually, i believe judge ellis. every reason to think on appeal they are going to get the ruling by the judge will be affirmed. but you know, as ben said, this is the way to challenge it if they want to get it up on appeal. and you know, it is risky in the sense that if they lose that, he
has to then either go to the grand jury or go to jail. they don t have to, but the judge has every right to do that. i had many cases in the district court where i was involved in usually organized crime cases where they didn t want to go to the grand jury because it is against their religion i guess. and they were put in jail. and you could be put in jail until you agree to testify or you know, i think there is a maximum of two years that you ar lou loued to be in jail. he says i don t know anything about collusion or obstruction, i don t know why they want to talk to me. but at the same time he says but if i do get forced to testify, i am going to take the fifth. this is kind of hail mary pass.
chris, on the off chance that this is successful, the whole mueller investigation is done. it is a wrap. this isn t only about roger miller, this is about whether mueller has the constitutional authority to do this investigation. that s a great point. the argument they are making is an existential assault on mueller s authority. saying it is violation of the constitutional appointment clause to create this body. it is violation of the constitution. and it would probably go to the supreme court. it would get rid of the whole thing yes. it could be the straw that stroke the camel s back or one of those saying. bad for the mueller investigation. but again, we can go down that road. you think it is unlikely.
unlikely given this statute was written with concerns in mind about the watergate special counsel. so things written it like the main one being he has to report to the deputy attorney general. and so i think that you know, as the judge said in this case, these are good questions to raise, but no. right. and i think that is where we are with this. i want to ask you about a surreal moment that happened today. sean hannity has a radio show. and the president s attorneys took it over. flynn is the example. no crime. if it had been said, the president said go easy on him. which the president says he didn t say stop it, don t
do it. so no crime. however, it didn t take place according it the president. according to comey, it did. of course if it did, it wouldn t have mattered. but you are right. two recollection of a meeting. have you ever in your life seen something like this? no. this is stunning. this act of what they did. they took over a radio show to make arguments on behalf of their client. they took calls. i think giuliani has been skirting the line and in my opinion, has now gone over the line of violating the rules of professional conduct as a lawyer. and i don t know the exact process of who or where that complaint gets filed. but i wouldn t be surprised if
somebody did. chris, these guys i was going to say. this is a different proceeding. there is a trial going on now and going to be others and that is clearly what they are doing, poison the well of the american public jury pool. and these guys, they don t need to be on tv. they need to be preparing him for whatever eventuality. he is running scared and that is related to the first part of the segment, roger stone. act one was this indictment of the russians for hacking the e-mail. and act two potentially is the indictment of roger stone. act three is going to be dramatic if it happens. well, and let me say this. they understand, giuliani has
said this. he views this as entirely a political proceeding and not a legal one. so he is doing something that is outside the bounds of legal procedure. he is saying that, he is a lawyer. he still needs to abide by the rules. thank you for joining me. testimony about manafort s action while serving in the trump campaign. that story in two minutes. who doesn t love a deal? i do. check out the new united explorer card.
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under grant of immunity the bank ceo stephen calk. bank ceo was hoping for treasury secretary or hud secretary or secretary of the army. rick gates testified that he was trying to get him the job. manafort got two different loans from that bank totaling $16 million. for more on today s testimony, joined by elie honig. calk seems to be working with manafort and others.
so that is the bank fraud charge. what is not charged but springs to mind could be bribery. talking about this outrageous cabinet position. delivering this enormous loan to manafort. why did manafort take this job for no pay at a strange time. just washed out of his ukrainian business. manafort joins the campaign march 29, 2016. in may, they have dinner. he has dinner with the bank ceo. in july they video conference. august 3rd, manafort asks for calk resume. november 11 calk believes he might be up for job.
no legitimate explanation. it ties together. and tells you a story as to why he would have come in as campaign manager. this trial has to do with manafort s activities largely before he enters trump s orbit. but here he is using that position in a corrupt way allegedly. using his proximity of power. and it is the closest we have come to the actual administration in the campaign. and this is the key turning point in the time line. living large, has his crazy wardrobe, his landscaping. his business goes busts and then lying to the bank because he has got to maintain this lifestyle. he outright lied, doctored
documents. one theme of the trump era is grifters grifting grifters. everybody is lying. there is a book out which seems to be in that theme. you have paul manafort telling this dude that he is trying to roll for a loan. you might be up for secretary. we say, it is grifters grifting grifters. you can t flip, you can t get into a closed secretive criminal organization without some grifter walking you through it. so, you take a page right out of the southern district closing play book. what i find amazing is manafort pulls off the grift. at the end of the day manafort
walk the out with $16 million and calk doesn t end up with a job. and compare it to gates. the defense is it was all gates. but look at the money. manafort makes ten times what gates makes. thank you for your time. still to come, laura ingram afraid of massive demographic change. and a reform white supremacist on how he broke away from the hate movement next. this is the ocean. just listen. (vo) there s so much we want to show her. we needed a car that would last long enough to see it all. (avo) subaru outback.
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it has been one year since white supremacist gathered in charlottesville, virginia chanting jews will not replace us. to protest the proposed removal of the statue. our own trymaine lee . what did you find? i really wanted to better understand the deep connections to these monument. i headed down south and we talked to folks in the community where these monuments exist. we learned a lot. if we learned everything at all, it was never about a monument at
all. would you mind spelling your first and last name for us. first name gordon. last name cotton. just like you pick. is it time for us to move forward? no. if we move forward on this, we will leave everything out of our history. are we going to be selective if what we are going to keep and what we are going to forget. what about the idea that these men were fighting to maintain this system of slavery. they were fighting because our homes were invaded. and the whole thing based on money. going back to charlottesville. someone was killed, someone was shot at. someone beaten up. does it surprise you when somebody is that virulent in their support in robert e. lee and the rest. they are not the ones that started.
had the people not wanted to tear down a beautiful monument it would not happened. perhaps it could be moved to somewhere where it is respected. i disagree with you. it happened here. we commemorate it here. what do you think of jefferson davis? he is my hero. he was someone who supported the expansion of slavery. he wasn t the only one. i think growing up in this community seven miles from briarfield, going to a school name jefferson davis, they will never destroy the man. stone ghosts. much more on the state of the union 1 year after charlottesville after this.
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a documentary about his journey breaking hate airs sunday on msnbc. my question to you is whether charlottesville was a kind of victory for that movement or a defeat. i think it was a victory because any sort of publicity they consider good for them. they go to progressive areas like charlottesville or even berkeley. they are trying to provoke people and we are still talking about it a year later. unfortunately heather higher was killed because of that and they are threatening to come back. and done for decades. i used to do it years ago. we used to march and did this same exact thing. one of the thing that comes through is it is not an accident that those folks who are out in the streets in charlottesville,
continuity between the ideology between this is someone we should memorialize. it is ahistorical. it is hard to go anywhere in the south, their schools are named for robert e. lee. the idea that you are fighting for virtue. whether you want to keep the brown people across the border. you can t separate the roots of the trees from the leaves. you were from north. you were from chicago and got into this movement. and one of the people in the a.c. thompson document was a
ucla grad school working for northrop grumman. it is not about ideology. the pre radicalization starts early for that. it is about a search for identity, community and purpose. if we hit what i call potholes in our journey of life, sometimes it detours us. and there is a savvy recruiter waiting for a vulnerable people. we would stand outside of a punk rock concert to do that. today it is the internet that is that punk rock concert. so many people online that can live there. does it help recruiting to have a president of the united states who says, you know, there were blame on both sides. right. who, you know, uses all sorts of tropes of white supremacy and
racist language and behind the scenes calls african countries s-hole countries. does it help the movement? absolutely. 30 years ago we recognized the language we were using was putting off the average american white racist. so we were going to massage the language. go from boots to suits which david duke did in the early 90s. that is the m.o. they are trying to massage this and normalize it. and unfortunately it worked. and the president is absolutely enabling that. one of the things heather hyer s mother and father living with the aftermath of white supremacist. you memorialize in your reporting. i want to play this bit in the documentary. where you talked to a woman
about her father who was lynched. take a listen. when you think about what you missed not having him. my mom went from prosperity to poverty almost overnight. sometimes i wonder what my life could have been had he lived. what my life could have been. think being the mourning and trauma of those folks down through the years and in charlottesville right now as they prepare to commemorate this one year. you see the battle flag, you see the statues around every corner. but sending a clear message. to those misguided, those lost who are seeking identity and find their identity in their whiteness. it is actionable.
ultimately at the end of the day, it ends up being about racial terror. on the other side of it, so often from, we go from the lynch memorial in montgomery, alabama. and you see 4,000 names. the many more who have been dumped in shallow graves. question about how to deal with what seems in white supremacist, white national rhetoric. channeled in less and less disguised fashion. question about persuasion and arguing. can you argue with this ideology or must you defeat it. how do you think about it. that is a question on everybody s mind right now. we can have these conversations without enabling the ideology. without endorsing it when we do that. the work that i do is based on
empathy. so i sit across from white supremacists almost every day or talk to them because my goal is try to enlighten them not through a debate in ideology, but through humanization. i try to destroy the demonization that is happening in their head by introducing them to the people they hate. and that is a powerful thing for people. does that work? absolutely it works. it has worked over 200 times. helping people to disengage from hate groups. every single one of them will tell you it is the compassion that they received from the people they thought that they hated. that changed their mind. thank you. breaking hate, is this sunday 9:00 p.m. eastern. two years ago she was forcefully removed from a trump
speech and tonight she is my guest after winning democratic primary for congress. tonight s thing one, thing two starts next. [upbeat music]
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donald trump is given all sorts of information. where he claims his approval rating is 90% without mentioning it is just republicans. actually, president s bush, reagan, nixon, were popular, at one point in the other. and there was no gallup polling during the civil war. the president s fuzzy grasp runs in the family. numbers that seem too good to be true. numbers that appear to be altered. and that is thing two in 60 seconds. a video game. this is not a screensaver. this is the destruction of a cancer cell by the body s own immune system, thanks to medicine that didn t exist until now. and today can save your life.
it s a revolution in sleep. the new sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999, intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts. so you wake up ready to train for that marathon. and now, save up to $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. ends wednesday. you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor recommended gaviscon. it quickly neutralizes stomach acid and helps keep acid down for hours. relieve heartburn with fast- acting, long-lasting gaviscon. donald trump jr. is always trying to make dad happy so he posted what looked like good new polling for the president on his instagram. trump at 50%.
nothing beats 50%. look at obama s puny 45%. writing amazing. #america first. magic. photo shop magic. you will see the 50% has clearly been edited over the original graphic which said 40%. don jr. took down the post this afternoon. but hey, he was just given that information. i was given that information. actually, i have seen that information around. but a very substantial victory. do you agree with that? you re the president. thank you. good answer. it s kind of like playing your own version of best ball. because here, you can choose any car in the aisle, even if it s a better car class than the one you reserved. so no matter what,
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are echoing the white nationalist claim that america is at risk because the nation is growing more diverse. an argument that treats the mere presence of nonwhite people, citizen or noncitizen, as an existential threat to the country. it is true the nation is growing more diverse but here s the thing. a big part of the country sees it not as a threat but a benefit. cause for celebration. this year has seen a really incredible explosion of democratic candidates from all kinds of back grounds. people like xanld rhea cortez whose comments prompted the rant and chairise. and then the first muslim woman ever elected to congress seen here interrupting a trump speech in detroit in 2016. she was one of several protesters dragged out of the hall that day. she is the daughter of tin immigrants, the eldest of 14
kids. she is now poised to represent a district 57% african-american and occupies a seat previously held by the civil rights icon john conyers who resigned last year amidst sexual harassment allegations. it was a really contested primary. you had this inspector. the way that he won t hanging over it. how did you win? i think i focused on the human contactingi. when you look at people in the face, in the eyes, on their porch. i think it changed people s minds and hearts. they were able to engage me and see that i really do want to elevate them and help them thrive and i believe it is because of that aggressive center door to door. the district is 57%
african-american. and amidst this african-american about diversity and representation, you find yourself in a position where you have your own interesting representational role. how do you think about it? i think about it because i grew up in a community predominantly african-american. it is so much in line with the needs and the priorities for my families in the 13th congressional district. i don t think it is so far that i m not african-american. i can tell you that i ll surround myself with a lot of people with that lens of growing up african-american. there is a lot of discussion around the connection and trauma sometimes. i recognize that and honor that. you have agendas or positions
that are similar to people more to the left. abolish i.c.e., medicare for all, tuition free college. what do you say to people, people like yourself are feeding republicans a kind of useful caricature of the terrifying socialists who are coming to scare away middle america. we re not scaring anybody away. we re like the mama bears of the delegation about to come. it s. true i don t think you will find any women, especially women of color, that doesn t want to take care of their constituency. doesn t put them at the heart of what they perceive, as they move forward. we ll be able to help every person live in a free, just society. i am excited with exposing who i am as not only a detroiter, a
democrat, a progressive, as a woman, to so many people across the country. not just in the 13th congressional district. people should not be afraid us. we are an incredible breed and i can t wait to work with them. to get elected this coming tuesday. i want to walk hand in hand with these beautiful women that the heart that we need in congress. it is something completely missing in the culture. right now president in the u.s. congress. do you think differentfully what your heart and job will be? the odds of you winning are overwhelming at this point, should you actually enter congress, which is likely, the difference between being a member and a minority member? i am a former michigan state legislator. i worked in the majority and the
minority and i know this is bigger. if your work and the issues around your constituency, your district, if your center is them, then you ll be able to be effective. i was able to do so much more in the minority in bringing resources back to my community. i had a neighborhood service center in the heart of my district and i ll continue to do that in congress. it keeps me grounded and focussed and it help me bring resources to my families. so they re not waiting. all the things that are really critical to work. on it are not me getting connected. that doesn t even imagine for the majority or minority. thank you for spending some time with us. thank you for having me. this is your friendly friday reminder. our podcast, why is this happening, why not check out some of the episodes we already have on, from mass

Blame , Sides , Another , Rule , Hacker , One-way , Rule-of-thumb , Romanian , One , Roger-stone , Mueller-investigation , Something

Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20180811 07:00:00

Chris Hayes discusses the day s top news.
sam nunberg s public meltdown after receiving a subpoena in march. he was implicit. he did not want to incriminate his mentor. roger stone is like my father. i am not going to go in there for them to set up a case against roger. after all that nunberg did testify with the grand jury. ultimately, mueller wants to indict roger. i think this indictment, he is going to have a sexy charge, conspiracy to defraud. my opinion as i said to you, roger conspired against himself and not the russians. mueller s team has continued to subpoena witnesses linked to stone. kristin davis appeared before
the grand jury just this afternoon. stone associate randy. stone is the vivid mentioned. quote on or about august 15 the conspirators posing as guccifer 2 .0. there is other evidence that stone could have colluded with agents including his own claim of having been in touch with wikileaks. in regard to the october surprise, what is your point on that.
and every reason to expect the d.c. circuit to affirm her on that. and this is at the end of the day, a lot of stern and drang with an order for him to appear before the grand jury. who is andrew miller and what is his role in the stone operation? well, sort of like nunberg and michael kaputo before him, started as a driver. he worked on a lot of campaigns with him including being a campaign manager for kristin davis run. so you know he has basically been roger s body man and his right hand for about over ten years. so close to him. like a very close associate.
subpoenas, it is a good sign that prosecutors are interested in you. particularly if they mention you specifically in an indictment with having been in contact with a foreign intelligence operation posing as a romanian hacker. it is a good rule of thumb. it is a good rule of them, and you know, i think, you know, one way or another, they are looking at something serious about roger stone and that seems to be coming to a head. so they are using this collaterally to attack the investigation itself. you know, stone has said that he knows he is going it be or he thinks he is going to be indicted and he is preparing for it.
he has had a falling out with nunberg, how do you think he is preparing himself for this? well, he certainly doesn t seem worried but that is kind of within his m.o. but i mean, they are certainly closing in on him even with kristin davis testifying to the grand jury shortly after she was interviewed by mueller, i think, you know, clear indication that they are looking to bring charges against him and similar to manafort, might be unrelated to russian hacking or collusion. and it could be something in his past and that is what andrew miller might know about. davis and he are quite close. sure. was she around when you were filming the film? the film before the film if you will, we followed her before her run when she was running against eliot spitzer. the campaign fizzled out because
she got ensnared? the fbi sting and was arrested for selling prescription drugs. and she didn t get out of prison until may of 2016. so her knowledge for working for roger. whereas andrew miller was brought back into the fold around the time of the rnc, with roger in cleveland and working for him the months after that are in question ben, one thing that is striking is you have mueller having referred some cases. a number of folks that work in d.c. that aren t paul manafort to u.s. attorneys. referred out the michael cohen matter. this has not referred out. that is right and the reason for that is pretty clear which is if you look at the gru, the hacking indictment, the link to roger stone is the collusion stuff. and the heart of the mueller investigation is the question of coordination between the russian
for more in the legal jeopardy. joined by mimi rocah. broad you are assault on the mueller investigation. here is what he had to say. in order to appeal, judge howell s decision, challenging, have to have a contempt order. this is a major precedent set in the case. serious constitutional issues on the appointment clause. they already tried once with the district court. they tried to say, filed saying he is not improperly appointed. now they are trying to escalate. i think twice actually, i believe judge ellis. every reason to think on appeal
they are going to get the ruling by the judge will be affirmed. but you know, as ben said, this is the way to challenge it if they want to get it up on appeal. and you know, it is risky in the sense that if they lose that, he has to then either go to the grand jury or go to jail. they don t have to, but the judge has every right to do that. i had many cases in the district court where i was involved in usually organized crime cases where they didn t want to go to the grand jury because it is against their religion i guess. and they were put in jail. and you could be put in jail until you agree to testify or you know, i think there is a maximum of two years that you ar loued to be in jail. he says i don t know anything about collusion or obstruction, i don t know why they want to talk to me.
but at the same time he says but if i do get forced to testify, i am going to take the fifth. this is kind of hail mary pass. chris, on the off chance that this is successful, the whole mueller investigation is done. it is a wrap. this isn t only about roger miller, this is about whether mueller has the constitutional authority to do this investigation. that s a great point. the argument they are making is an existential assault on mueller s authority. saying it is violation of the constitutional appointment clause to create this body. it is violation of the constitution. and it would probably go to the supreme court. it would get rid of the whole
thing yes. it could be the straw that stroke the camel s back or one of those saying. bad for the mueller investigation. but again, we can go down that road. you think it is unlikely. unlikely given this statute was written with concerns in mind about the watergate special counsel. so things written it like the main one being he has to report to the deputy attorney general. and so i think that you know, as the judge said in this case, these are good questions to raise, but no. right. and i think that is where we are with this. i want to ask you about a surreal moment that happened today. sean hannity has a radio show. and the president s attorneys took it over. flynn is the example.
no crime. if it had been said, the president said go easy on him. which the president says he didn t say stop it, don t do it. so no crime. however, it didn t take place according it the president. according to comey, it did. of course if it did, it wouldn t have mattered. but you are right. two recollection of a meeting. have you ever in your life seen something like this? no. this is stunning. this act of what they did. they took over a radio show to make arguments on behalf of their client. they took calls. i think giuliani has been
skirting the line and in my opinion, has now gone over the line of violating the rules of professional conduct as a lawyer. and i don t know the exact process of who or where that complaint gets filed. but i wouldn t be surprised if somebody did. chris, these guys i was going to say. this is a different proceeding. there is a trial going on now and going to be others and that is clearly what they are doing, poison the well of the american public jury pool. and these guys, they don t need to be on tv. they need to be preparing him for whatever eventuality. he is running scared and that is related to the first part of the segment, roger stone. act one was this indictment of the russians for hacking the e-mail.
and act two potentially is the indictment of roger stone. act three is going to be dramatic if it happens. well, and let me say this. they understand, giuliani has said this. he views this as entirely a political proceeding and not a legal one. so he is doing something that is outside the bounds of legal procedure. he is saying that, he is a lawyer. he still needs to abide by the rules. thank you for joining me. testimony about manafort s action while serving in the trump campaign. that story in two minutes. this isn t just any moving day.
resigned to dangle possible jobs in the trump administration to a bank ceo over a month long process to get millions of dollars in bank loans. dennis raico testified in court under grant of immunity the bank ceo stephen calk. bank ceo was hoping for treasury secretary or hud secretary or secretary of the army. rick gates testified that he was trying to get him the job. manafort got two different loans from that bank totaling $16 million. for more on today s testimony, joined by elie honig.
calk seems to be working with manafort and others. so that is the bank fraud charge. what is not charged but springs to mind could be bribery. talking about this outrageous cabinet position. delivering this enormous loan to manafort. why did manafort take this job for no pay at a strange time. just washed out of his ukrainian business. manafort joins the campaign march 29, 2016. in may, they have dinner. he has dinner with the bank ceo. in july they video conference. august 3rd, manafort asks for calk resume. november 11 calk believes he
might be up for job. no legitimate explanation. it ties together. and tells you a story as to why he would have come in as campaign manager. this trial has to do with manafort s activities largely before he enters trump s orbit. but here he is using that position in a corrupt way allegedly. using his proximity of power. and it is the closest we have come to the actual administration in the campaign. and this is the key turning point in the time line. living large, has his crazy wardrobe, his landscaping. his business goes busts and then lying to the bank because he has got to maintain this lifestyle. he outright lied, doctored documents. one theme of the trump era is grifters grifting grifters. everybody is lying. there is a book out which seems
to be in that theme. you have paul manafort telling this dude that he is trying to roll for a loan. you might be up for secretary. we say, it is grifters grifting grifters. you can t flip, you can t get into a closed secretive criminal organization without some grifter walking you through it. so, you take a page right out of the southern district closing play book. what i find amazing is manafort pulls off the grift. at the end of the day manafort walk the out with $16 million
and calk doesn t end up with a job. and compare it to gates. the defense is it was all gates. but look at the money. manafort makes ten times what gates makes. thank you for your time. still to come, laura ingram afraid of massive demographic change. and a reform white supremacist on how he broke away from the hate movement next.
it has been one year since white supremacist gathered in charlottesville, virginia chanting jews will not replace us. to protest the proposed removal of the statue. our own trymaine lee . what did you find? i really wanted to better understand the deep connections to these monument. i headed down south and we talked to folks in the community where these monuments exist. we learned a lot. if we learned everything at all, it was never about a monument at all. would you mind spelling your first and last name for us. first name gordon. last name cotton. just like you pick. is it time for us to move forward?
no. if we move forward on this, we will leave everything out of our history. are we going to be selective if what we are going to keep and what we are going to forget. what about the idea that these men were fighting to maintain this system of slavery. they were fighting because our homes were invaded. and the whole thing based on money. going back to charlottesville. someone was killed, someone was shot at. someone beaten up. does it surprise you when somebody is that virulent in their support in robert e. lee and the rest.
they are not the ones that started. had the people not wanted to tear down a beautiful monument it would not happened. perhaps it could be moved to somewhere where it is respected. i disagree with you. it happened here. we commemorate it here. what do you think of jefferson davis? he is my hero. he was someone who supported the expansion of slavery. he wasn t the only one. i think growing up in this community seven miles from briarfield, going to a school name jefferson davis, they will never destroy the man. stone ghosts. much more on the state of the union 1 year after charlottesville after this.
i think there is blame on both sides. you look at both sides, i think there is blame on both sides and i have no doubt about it. and you don t have any doubt about it either. charlottesville, virginia preparing for the one year anniversary for the white supremacist rallies leaving one person dead. here a former white supremacist working to separate people from that moment. a documentary about his journey breaking hate airs sunday on msnbc. my question to you is whether charlottesville was a kind of victory for that movement or a defeat. i think it was a victory because any sort of publicity they consider good for them. they go to progressive areas like charlottesville or even berkeley. they are trying to provoke
people and we are still talking about it a year later. unfortunately heather higher was killed because of that and they are threatening to come back. and done for decades. i used to do it years ago. we used to march and did this same exact thing. one of the thing that comes through is it is not an accident that those folks who are out in the streets in charlottesville, continuity between the ideology between this is someone we should memorialize. it is ahistorical. it is hard to go anywhere in the south, their schools are named for robert e. lee. the idea that you are fighting for virtue. whether you want to keep the brown people across the border. you can t separate the roots of the trees from the leaves.
you were from north. you were from chicago and got into this movement. and one of the people in the a.c. thompson document was a ucla grad school working for northrop grumman. it is not about ideology. the pre radicalization starts early for that. it is about a search for identity, community and purpose. if we hit what i call potholes in our journey of life, sometimes it detours us. and there is a savvy recruiter waiting for a vulnerable people.
we would stand outside of a punk rock concert to do that. today it is the internet that is that punk rock concert. so many people online that can live there. does it help recruiting to have a president of the united states who says, you know, there were blame on both sides. right. who, you know, uses all sorts of tropes of white supremacy and racist language and behind the scenes calls african countries s-hole countries. does it help the movement? absolutely. 30 years ago we recognized the language we were using was putting off the average american white racist. so we were going to massage the language. go from boots to suits which david duke did in the early 90s. that is the m.o.
they are trying to massage this and normalize it. and unfortunately it worked. and the president is absolutely enabling that. one of the things heather hyer s mother and father living with the aftermath of white supremacist. you memorialize in your reporting. i want to play this bit in the documentary. where you talked to a woman about her father who was lynched. take a listen. when you think about what you missed not having him. my mom went from prosperity to poverty almost overnight. sometimes i wonder what my life could have been had he lived. what my life could have been. think being the mourning and trauma of those folks down through the years and in charlottesville right now as
they prepare to commemorate this one year. you see the battle flag, you see the statues around every corner. but sending a clear message. to those misguided, those lost who are seeking identity and find their identity in their whiteness. it is actionable. ultimately at the end of the day, it ends up being about racial terror. on the other side of it, so often from, we go from the lynch memorial in montgomery, alabama. and you see 4,000 names. the many more who have been dumped in shallow graves. question about how to deal with what seems in white supremacist, white national rhetoric. channeled in less and less
disguised fashion. question about persuasion and arguing. can you argue with this ideology or must you defeat it. how do you think about it. that is a question on everybody s mind right now. we can have these conversations without enabling the ideology. without endorsing it when we do that. the work that i do is based on empathy. so i sit across from white supremacists almost every day or talk to them because my goal is try to enlighten them not through a debate in ideology, but through humanization. i try to destroy the demonization that is happening in their head by introducing them to the people they hate. and that is a powerful thing for people. does that work? absolutely it works.
it has worked over 200 times. helping people to disengage from hate groups. every single one of them will tell you it is the compassion that they received from the people they thought that they hated. that changed their mind. thank you. breaking hate, is this sunday 9:00 p.m. eastern. two years ago she was forcefully removed from a trump speech and tonight she is my guest after winning democratic primary for congress. tonight s thing one, thing two starts next.
biggest electoral margin. so why should americans trust you. i was given that information. i was just given. we had a very, very big margin. i was given that information. i have seen that information around. but it was a very substantial victory. do you agree with that? donald trump is given all sorts of information. where he claims his approval rating is 90% without mentioning it is just republicans. actually, president s bush, reagan, nixon, were popular, at one point in the other. and there was no gallup polling during the civil war. the president s fuzzy grasp runs in the family.
numbers that seem too good to be true. numbers that appear to be altered. and that is thing two in 60 seconds.
don jr. took down the post this afternoon. but hey, he was just given that information. i was given that information. actually, i have seen that information around. but a very substantial victory. do you agree with that? you re the president. thank you. good answer. a distinct determination. to do whatever it takes, use every possible resource. to fight cancer. and never lose sight of the patients we re fighting for. our cancer treatment specialists share the same vision. experts from all over the world, working closely together to deliver truly personalized cancer care. specialists focused on treating cancer. using advanced technologies. and more precise treatments than before. working as hard as we can- doing all that we can-
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are echoing the white nationalist claim that america is at risk because the nation is growing more diverse. an argument that treats the mere presence of nonwhite people, citizen or noncitizen, as an existential threat to the country. it is true the nation is growing more diverse but here s the thing. a big part of the country sees it not as a threat but a benefit. cause for celebration. this year has seen a really incredible explosion of democratic candidates from all kinds of back grounds. people like xanld rhea cortez whose comments prompted the rant and chairise. and then the first muslim woman ever elected to congress seen here interrupting a trump speech in detroit in 2016. she was one of several protesters dragged out of the hall that day. she is the daughter of tin
immigrants, the eldest of 14 kids. she is now poised to represent a district 57% african-american and occupies a seat previously held by the civil rights icon john conyers who resigned last year amidst sexual harassment allegations. it was a really contested primary. you had this inspector. the way that he won t hanging over it. how did you win? i think i focused on the human contact. when you look at people in the face, in the eyes, on their porch. i think it changed people s minds and hearts. they were able to engage me and see that i really do want to elevate them and help them thrive and i believe it is
because of that aggressive center door to door. the district is 57% african-american. and amidst this african-american about diversity and representation, you find yourself in a position where you have your own interesting representational role. how do you think about it? i think about it because i grew up in a community predominantly african-american. it is so much in line with the needs and the priorities for my families in the 13th congressional district. i don t think it is so far that i m not african-american. i can tell you that i ll surround myself with a lot of people with that lens of growing up african-american. there is a lot of discussion around the connection and trauma sometimes. i recognize that and honor that. you have agendas or positions that are similar to people more to the left. abolish i.c.e., medicare for all, tuition free college. what do you say to people,
people like yourself are feeding republicans a kind of useful caricature of the terrifying socialists who are coming to scare away middle america. we re not scaring anybody away. we re like the mama bears of the delegation about to come. it s. true i don t think you will find any women, especially women of color, that doesn t want to take care of their constituency. doesn t put them at the heart of what they perceive, as they move forward. we ll be able to help every person live in a free, just society. i am excited with exposing who i am as not only a detroiter, a democrat, a progressive, as a woman, to so many people across the country. not just in the 13th congressional district. people should not be afraid us. we are an incredible breed and i can t wait to work with them.
to get elected this coming tuesday. i want to walk hand in hand with these beautiful women that the heart that we need in congress. it is something completely missing in the culture. right now president in the u.s. congress. do you think differentfully what your heart and job will be? the odds of you winning are overwhelming at this point, should you actually enter congress, which is likely, the difference between being a member and a minority member? i am a former michigan state legislator. i worked in the majority and the minority and i know this is
bigger. if your work and the issues around your constituency, your district, if your center is them, then you ll be able to be effective. i was able to do so much more in the minority in bringing resources back to my community. i had a neighborhood service center in the heart of my district and i ll continue to do that in congress. it keeps me grounded and focussed and it help me bring resources to my families. so they re not waiting. all the things that are really critical to work. on it are not me getting connected. that doesn t even imagine for the majority or minority. thank you for spending some time with us. thank you for having me. this is your friendly friday reminder. our podcast, why is this

Plane , Horizon-airplane , Video , Flames , Military-jets , Island , Puget-sound , 15 , Mechanic , Ground , Authorities , Residents

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190507 00:30:00

fire. lots out really neat stories. world news tonight with david muir is coming up next. i m kristen sze. i m tonight, inside the jet crash. the new images now emerging this evening from the cabin of that passenger jet. dozens killed. an american among the victims. the horror inside the cabin and the moment authorities say the jet hit the ground, the landing gear collapsing, igniting that trail of fire. also tonight, the new video from the other passenger scare here in the u.s. the jet going off the runway into the water. the passengers, many of whom climbed out onto the wing to survive. why did the pilot switch runways at the last minute? the crush of cameras here in new york city today as president trp s foixer, mil cohen, leaves his apartment and heads to federal prison. his vow before the cameras. tonight, the u.s. deploying a carrier strike group. they say it is a show of force against iran, after what the u.s. says are threats against
u.s. forces in the region. what kind of threats? martha raddatz is standing by. the 24-year veteran officer shot and killed right outside his police department. a husband and father. the suspect on surveillance. and now, the urgent manhunt under way tonight. this evening, a me our own family, dr. jen ashton, sharing a very personal story about suicide, her husband and the father of their two children. her message to so many others tonight. the new and alarming headline about the measles this evening here in the u.s. and it s a boy. prince harry before the cameras today. what he said, what he revealed. our amy robach standing by in london. good evening. and it s great to have you with us to start another week here. and we begin tonight with those new images now emerging. the horror inside that passenger cabin, stunning images of that devastating emergency landing. a passenger jet turning into a fireball at the international airport in moscow. inside that plane, the
horrifying sight of the fire just outside the window. many passengers escaping down the chutes, but at least 41 people did not get out, including two children. one of the victims is an american. and we are learning more tonight about the heroic efforts of the flight crew. one flight attendant losing his life, but saving others after opening the door in the back of the plane to help passengers out. abc s dan harris is on the scene tonight in moscow. reporter: tonight, the final moments of terror inside that russian jet, as 78 passengers and crew scrambled to escape the flames. you can hear the panicked screams as they look out their windows in horror. this video now another clue for investigators trying to answer what went wrong. the jet appearing to bounce three times as it skidded to a stop. that massive fireball erupting upon final impact. under normal circumstances, the fire truck should follow
that emergency aircraft down the runway and be ready to put out any fire. it was a long time before we saw any fire trucks come on. reporter: the sukhoi superjet operated by the russian airline aeroflot was headed from moscow to murmansk. it had just returned to the airport after the pilot reported an emergency on board. some reports suggesting a lighting strike. after the crash, hero flight attendants scrambled to get the passengers out. one losing his life reportedly while trying to open a door for those trapped in the back of the plane. this flight attendant was said to have pushed passengers out to emergency slides. while the heroes are being celebrated tonight here in russia, some passengers are being criticized after they were seen carrying their luggage as they fled. the real question, did people slowing down to get their luggage delay the exit of people in the back and lead to deaths in this mishap? reporter: 41 people killed, including one crew member, one
child and american jeremy brooks from santa fe, new mexico, and was taking a job as a fishing guide in russia. he was more excited than anyone than ever before. he was doing what he loved. reporter: tonight, we re seeing the first images inside that charred cabin. investigators recovering both flight recorders and sifting through the ashes for clues. so, let s get to dan harris, he s on the scene in moscow tonight for us. and dan, we know investigators are looking at three things, pilot error, weather problems, any sort of technical malfunction. and you ve learned this plane had a troubled history? reporter: that s right. it s called a sukhoi superjet 100, commonly used here in russia, not used at all in the u.s. or europe. that s because it has, as you said, a history of safety problems. in fact, in 2012, one of these planes flew into the side of a mountain in indonesia and everybody onboard perished. those are just devastating images from moscow. dan harris leading us off on a monday night. thank you, dan. and to the other scare
tonight. this one, back here in the u.s. the passenger jet off a runway in florida, right into the water. much of the plane submerged in the river. and tonight, the new video here of passengers escaping onto the wing of the plane right in the middle of a storm. and this question now, why did the pilot switch runways at the last minute? abc s victor oquendo is on the scene in jacksonville. reporter: tonight, we re learning more about what led to these harrowing moments on the wing of that jetliner. it was the loudest bang i ve ever heard in my life. baby coming through! baby coming through! reporter: darwing silva shot the video after he opened the emergency door. we got the women and children first onto the raft and then the firefighter pulled the raft to shore. reporter: the defense department chartered the boeing 747 coming from guantanamo bay. it slid off the naval air station runway in jacksonville friday night and into the water. biscayne 293, just walked to navy jax tower. he said both runways look pretty, pretty bad. reporter: there were storms in the area, and the ntsb is investigating why the pilots changed runways, switching their
landing direction at the last minute. that change in direction put the wind at their backs, the plane landing at a higher speed than if it was landing into the wind, at more than 200 miles an hour. only the pilots make the final decision about which runway to use, but one of the key questions is, what did they know? what information did they have that led them to accept a tailwind runway? reporter: the cockpit voice recorder is a critical piece of evidence, it s located in the tail of the plane, still submerged tonight. they can t get to it until all the fuel is removed from the plane. contractors have been working on that all day. then, the plane can be removed from the water safely. david? we can see the plane there behind you. victor oquendo with us again tonight. thank you, victor. and next this monday night, to the chaotic scene right here in new york city today. the crush of cameras as president trump s former lawyer and fixer michael cohen left his apartment and then headed to federal prison. he emerged from his park avenue apartment building and right into that chaotic scene, getting into his car for that ride to prison. but he delivered a vow right
before he got into that car, and here s abc s chief national affairs correspondent tom llamas tonight. reporter: tonight, michael cohen is looking through a much different set of bars. emerging from the gold gilded doors at his trump park avenue apartment building and taking one last shot at the president. i hope that when i rejoin my family and friends that the country will be in a place without xenophobia, injustice and lies at the helm of our country. reporter: pushing through a crush of cameras michael, should people feel sorry for you? cohen stayed silent. even as a photographer stuck his lens into his waiting suv. get the [ bleep ] out of the car! reporter: over the weekend, he was all smiles, stopping for handshakes, posing for photos. but tonight, cohen is an inmate at new york s otisville federal correctional institution, where he ll spend the next three years. that s 1,095 days in the minimum
security prison housing other notorious celebrities like mike the situation sorrentino from the jersey shore tv show and the fyre festival creator, billy mcfarland. cohen has pleaded guilty to a number of crimes, including arranging illegal hush money payments to women who claimed to have had affairs with donald trump. the president denied it all, but cohen insists he was just following the boss s orders. there still remains much to be told, and i look forward to the day that i can share the truth. all right, tom llamas with us live here in new york tonight. and tom, michael cohen spent hours, as we know, cooperating with the special counsel, robert mueller. cohen then spent hours testifying on the hill in front of the american people. now congress wants to hear from robert mueller himself on the hill, but president trump tonight has changed his mind about this? reporter: that s right, david. at first, president trump said the decision would be up to attorney general william barr, but then the president tweeted this bob mueller should not testify.
no redo for the dems. now barr told congress he had no problem with mueller testifying, and tonight, a source familiar with the attorney general s thinking tells abc news he has not changed his mind. david? all right, tom llamas, great to have you. next tonight, to what the u.s. calls a show of force against iran, rushing the uss lincoln carrier strike group and air force bombers to the middle east tonight. it comes after what white house is calling, quote, troubling warnings that iran or its allies were preparing for a possible attack on u.s. forces. here s martha raddatz. reporter: at this hour, more than 6,000 navy personnel are steaming towards the mideast. the uss abraham lincoln carrier strike group bristling with firepower. an american bomber task force also deployed. it was u.s. central command responsible for the region which urgently requested the additional forces. a u.s. official saying intelligence indicated possible attacks being planned by iran or its proxy forces, possibly in
iraq or syria, or u.s. ships at sea. we re taking all the appropriate actions both from a security perspective as well as our ability to make sure that the president has a wide range of options. reporter: the state department recently designated iran s revolutionary guard corps a terrorist organization. iran responded by labeling centcom a terrorist military organization, as well. martha raddatz with us live tonight. and martha, officials say they have clear indications that iran was preparing for a possible attack, as i mentioned, on u.s. forces in the region. do we know anything more tonight about these threats? reporter: david, there have been no specifics, but this show of force certainly sends a strong warning to iran that if they do attack, they will face what the white house is calling an unrelenting response. david? martha raddatz with us here, as well. thank you, martha. and now to the global headline tonight that was decidedly more upbeat, in fact, a lot of cheer, after news broke today of the royal baby. prince harry and duchess meghan welcoming a baby boy, and
breaking tradition, handling the announcement, the reveal in their own way, announcing the news in an instagram post first, and then prince harry coming outside their home to talk to reporters. he could not contain his excitement. and then revealing when the world will see the baby. our amy robach at windsor castle tonight. reporter: a beaming prince harry sharing his happy news with the world. i m very excited to announce that meghan and myself had a baby boy. reporter: harry was there by meghan s side. i m so incredibly proud of my wife. and as every father and parent would ever say, you know, your baby is absolutely amazing. but this little thing is absolutely to die for, so i m just over the moon. hey! reporter: royal well wishers celebrating on the streets of windsor, popping champagne. the traditional easel outside buckingham palace announcing the first biracial royal baby, seventh in line to the throne. but the sussexes choosing to spend a few private days at
home, meghan s mother doria there with them. no same day photo ops like we ve seen with his royal cousins and newborn prince harry himself in the arms of his late mother, diana. harry clearly thrilled to be a dad, something he laughed about back when he and meghan got engaged. children? plans if not currently, no. no, of course, i think, you know, one step at a time. ah, yes, we remember that interview. but how quickly things changed. harry ever the loving father there today. amy, he couldn t contain his excitement. amy robach has been on baby watch for what seems like weeks now. i love how they tested tradition there today, amy, doing it on their terms. so, when will the world see the royal baby? reporter: well, david, we heard from prince harry and he said that he and duchess meghan will introduce their son to the world in two days time, so, that would mean that we ll all get to finally meet baby boy sussex by wednesday, david. all right, amy robach on the watch.
amy, thank you. back here at home tonight, and to the growing measles, the scare. the cdc out with new numbers tonight. 764 confirmed cases this year. 60 more than a week ago. cases now seen in 23 states. pennsylvania has now been added to the list. we re going to turn next here tonight to a member of our own family sharing a very personal story about suicide and about loss. dr. jen ashton, our chief medical correspondent, and her two children suffering unexpected heartbreak. and their message tonight to other families in this country you are not alone. at about 10:30 in the morning, three detectives knocked on the door and showed their badges and came in and asked me to sit down. and the lead detective said, we found your name on the remains of your husband. and at the word remains, i collapsed onto the floor and i just started screaming,
no, no, no. and i just i just couldn t believe it. reporter: dr. jennifer ashton and her husband, rob, also a doctor. they met while studying medicine at columbia. they married the following year and had two beautiful children, alex and chloe. both jen and her husband successful doctors and both deeply devoted parents. to the prairies to the oceans white with foam reporter: there were the trips as a family. the skating lessons and the hockey games that would follow. that s chloe, number 8, scoring a goal. rob was the quintessential hockey dad. he would tie her skates before games. reporter: their children came first. and over the years, they would acknowledge, they needed to work on their marriage. they sought counseling. but still, after two decades together, they had grown apart. and jen, to this day, says any overt warning signs were not there. rob didn t have any of the classic signs of depression that we learn about in medical school.
not a single one of them. reporter: rob would take his own life. his family crushed with the heartache that would follow. they sought therapy. and as a family, they have moved forward together, helping each other. chloe on something her brother said to her. it wasn t until two weeks later that my brother actually said something that almost simplified the component of suicide. he said, dad died from a disease just like cancer. just like somebody with cancer dies and they re not weaker for it, somebody who loses their battle with depression and dies by suicide is not weak. it s not their fault. reporter: dr. ashton with help now from her growing children is now determined to help others, hoping to erase the stigma. we ve learned a lot about life and how precious it is, and that you can grieve someone s death but still be happy at the same time. and dr. jen ashton is here
with us tonight. so brave, jen, and your children, so brave. what your son said to your daughter, please thank them, as well. i know it s been a really hard journey for you, not only as a family, to recover from this, but in deciding whether or not to go public. and i know, ultimately, just in our conversations, you decided that with that microphone, you had the power to help others, because so many families out there deal with this. well, my kids, david, actually helped me decide. they wanted me to talk about it. and we really learned that talking about it helped others, but it also helped us, and we ve learned so much through this process about posttraumatic growth that follows or can follow a tragedy, and we ve been lucky to have a lot of therapy and that will definitely continue. and we want to let everyone at home know that we re going to stay on this with dr. jen, because our veterans in this country, our young people in this country, we re seeing numbers and suicide rates that are really, really troubling. yeah. thank you so much, david. we thank you, jen. and dr. ashton s new book, life after suicide: finding courage, comfort and community after
unthinkable loss , is out tomorrow. and it s so important really to remind everyone at home that there is help out there. the suicide prevention lifeline on the bottom of your screen there, 1-800-273-8255. there are also counselors onhand to help. and we should mention the proceeds from jen s book will go to suicide prevention organizations all over the country in rob s honor. there is still much more ahead on world news tonight this monday. there is news coming in tonight about tiger woods, the big headline just moments ago. also more news ahead tonight, the veteran officer shot and killed right outside the police department. a husband and father. the suspect on surveillance. they want to show you. and the urgent manhunt now under way tonight. the jet leaving las vegas and then crashing. there s news coming in on this front tonight. and then later here this evening, the scene millions watched from game of thrones, but take a close look here tonight. what s wrong with this picture? the new statement just out tonight. a lot more news ahead here. if you have moderate to severe psoriasis,
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we turn next tonight to the veteran police officer, a husband and step-father, who was shot and killed right outside the police station. abc s steve osunsami with the images from mississippi tonight. reporter: police in mississippi are determined to find this man, seen here on surveillance video wearing this red hat, who police say murdered one of their own in cold blood right outside police headquarters in biloxi. officer robert mckeithen was a 24-year veteran of the force. he died in the emergency room down the street from the police station. an arrest warrant is out for this man, darien atkinson, who police say walked up to the officer in the police parking lot sunday night and fired multiple rounds. the animal that did this is still on the run. and we re going to do everything within our power to bring him to justice. reporter: police aren t sure if this was a random or targeted attack, but do say the accused gunman is seen here boldly walking into the police station for a few moments. the officer who was murdered served in the air force and was awarded a medal of valor for helping save the lives of four children during hurricane
katrina. because biloxi police are so close to this, the neighboring gulfport police department is handling the investigation. david? all right, steve, thank you. when we come back tonight, that deadly jet crash after taking off from las vegas. and there s news coming in tonight on tiger woods. tonight on tiger woods. today s senior living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services.
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there were no survivors. and no americans onboard. tiger woods has been honored tonight at the white house. just moments ago, president trump presenting tiger with the presidential medal of freedom after winning his fifth masters last month. and tonight, the executive producers of game of thrones are saying we re sorry for that starbucks. fans noticing something off about this particular scene, someone left a starbucks cup in plain sight. when we come back, one guess we had not heard about the name of the royal baby.
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plan your financial life with prudential. bring your challenges. let s see, aleve is than tylenol extra strength. and last longer with fewer pills. so why am i still thinking about this? i ll take aleve. aleve. proven better on pain. finally tonight, the big wait continues. the royal baby needs a name. but there was a hint from prince harry today. so, let s get right back to amy
robach at windsor castle tonight. amy? reporter: yes, david. harry did acknowledge today that baby sussex was a little overdue, perhaps giving the royal couple some extra time to pick out baby names. bookmakers here in the uk have three favorites arthur, albert and philip. philip being a nod to prince harry s grandfather, prince philip. and the long shot that some people are talking about, spencer. of course, that was diana s maiden name and that would certainly be a touching tribute. royal watchers believe that perhaps we will get a name at the same time we get those first photos of baby boy sussex, so, it could be in just two days. david? all right, we ll see. they ve been breaking with tradition already, so, you never know. amy robach, our thanks to you for the baby wait. so many days there at windsor castle. thank you at home for watching, starting out the week with us here. i m david muir. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow. go
it s a problem across the bay area, pot holes. they are literally building a better bay area but should they? we are live at a group meeting to tackle one of the bay area s biggest issues, housing. the james beard awards are announced. there were a dozen bay area hopefuls. see who won and who got snubbed. now from abc 7, live breaking news. you are looking live at the breaking news from sky 7. drivers face delays after one person died in a head on crash along highway 4 in brentwood which is closed in both directions. you can see on highway 4. the highway patrol received first reports about 4:30 this afternoon. sky 7 flew above the scene why the chp administered a field sobriety test to one man. officers ultimately arrested

Fire , Passengers , Runway , Cameras , Water , Trps-foixer , Pilot-switch-runways , Wing , Crush , New-york-city , Many , Us-

Transcripts For DW Kick Off 20190507 15:30:00

evidently sea levels rise by at least one meter in this century. we re going to have some climate impact return greater than what we see oh. it s really frightening. why aren t people more concerned. today first on t.w. . there s
no need to panic on match day thirty two we ve got the rundown and our calculators out because at the end of the most exciting title race and nine years every little thing and every point counts. not one but two point separated table leaders byard and second place dortmund before the weekend with three match days left to go. that equaled not possible points up for grabs so what s the probability the current go to become champions exactly. football is not a sport that we will talk about percentage ok but the chances that first place biron would blow away last place hanover were high the ranks no even had a we re going to go all in because they could still save themselves from relegation deals recently. mathematically they only needed six points to reach sixteenth place the relegation play off place which is where stood guard were setting who could still either drop down to. correctly or stay off topic. proliferation of issues
a snuff movie is something that you can take kept their head in the game against portland but whose math will add up in the end to that state thirty two. norman thought they d blown it is the title run over for you now. you know. but then byron blew it and the race was wide open again. everybody thought it was over for us. no one foresaw that byron would only draw in nuremberg and therefore anything is possible again in this movie. that s what saltman fans who made the trip to braman were hoping for to need a win here the heart of the team of marco voice was out on a red card suspension who issues not even top score
a pack of cards that could fill. for the team had to make do to stem put a sick who hadn t been a starter for more than a month showed with this solar run six minutes in the dormans title hopes was still alive. the visitors were quick to show their class was fast attacking football and lots of individual talent this was almost liberating after that disastrous performance in the road valley darby. dormant continue to dominate and just before half time our coffers showed his class with this free kick beauty royce certainly seems unlike. graeme it is the third team this season along with both bergen freiburg to fall victim to the spine is free kick wizardry yes mr barber anything is possible. that some coming but fail to capitalize on some golden opportunities certainly not the first time that s happened despite all the charm. says it was
really difficult to finish off the home side. and that could mean danger and raymond and royce knew it. but then only in the second half it looked like the top had done it with his second goal but no spine it was ruled offside. a really tough game today i mean we had a great first half but we just didn t come out with that same intensity that same energy in the second half i m not sure what it was and we just let them play their game their good team and yeah me and yeah we have to win that after the first time but. the game was like goldman season in a nutshell they start strong but ease off even stronger woman bookies how to remind everyone that this side may not be quite worthy of the title just yet. goldman let raymond slip back into the game. defend them out of the country made the next big mistake and all of a sudden it was to expire alleging cloudy put sorrow back in braman play well it
ended goldman s title chances with this strong. frame and thought why not go for a win qualifying for europe was still their goal. and goldman s book had to work hard to prevent. just before the final whistle pits are a didn t quite get the full rights and of a goal by him would have changed everything. don t match the fights in the final seconds to be able to even retain the single points. as prima controlled the game squad looks shaky but still nothing has been cited yet regarding the title why has it. well mathematically it s still possible that s why i was staying optimistic but of course it will be very very difficult this is it says a. rather cautiously formulated statement i have to hope to buy and lose the next two match. is when
there is the one so dominant dorman we saw earlier this season i don t know more now it s up to the others to buy. a big win would help bring in an early sense of security in the title race. buyer know it because they do their homework so let s first look at the game from their point of view. it took a little while for their superiority to show its face but then it glowed. one bill thanks to all that levon tossing. fire and kept pace knowing that dortmund are breathing down their necks. and after their slip up last week against norm barrett biron where now why did what he. did which was of these ones we have to concentrate on ourselves we still have to win two games and
there will be champions and those of us not in the end spurted the season biron have been playing consistently well it looks like they re heading for their thirty first bundesliga championship two nil for biron this time courtesy of lay on the raft and there was no sign of farm buckling under like they did against norm back. before just what sets us apart is that we re all confident we know that it won t be easy but we re here to prove that we can do it. because. the da are almost spoiled their match when the ball hits the arm up our defenders are homeboy taking and the penalty kick was awarded have overs brazilian ya know just converted to cut the fire lead to one. but that was all hand over could come up with their goal scorer then collected his second yellow card making it even easier for biron. and when perennial champions frankly i believe and i. robin came off the
bench byron got even bolder as a classic liberally goal to boot. three one final score maybe not a big win but an important one the road ahead to winning the double looks unobstructed for hanover however it s full of potholes let s see it from their side . however know they only have a slim mathematical chance of surviving in the big league the team hadn t won their last twenty eight games on the road and they were expected to break that streak in munich. their hope center primarily on goal keeper. in fact he holds the record for a number of saves in the league this season. but that alone still hasn t helped much. and when you come up against a powerhouse like byron munich you feel
a little helpless like with this first byron goal one nil and yet mathematically they re still alive. and that s what s kept us going the last few weeks but we ll try our best in the last two games and then we ll see what happens in the end. a little bit. but they ve been relegation bound for a long time just like in this game against byron with gorecki making it to know. is there is still hope do they still believe. are they still doing the math. about five minutes after that goal hope springs eternal for them that s when you re the top scorer and. suddenly everything seemed possible again at least for a good five minutes until the goal scorer was sent off for a tough call against tom over. good for being lost
gets you no favors and that s a shame if i were a referee i wouldn t let myself be influenced by the fans because i would get a penalty earlier on that we ve. had over last ten probably only have less than two weeks left in the first division or does someone really believe in far fetched mathematical chances are most of the holes off we ll have to do our homework and hope the ball spoke women stood up then we really would have a truly deciding end game and that would be great. on. just a class of two ways to look at a game for t. teams with vastly different fortunes while biron have almost surely won their next league title hanover have almost surely security allegation. ecovillage was a successful youth coach but has no experience with the pros now he s supposed to ensure that shook up avoid the truck. his foray needs
mounting block up didn t stop badly maybe to cover really starting on the right foot and just maybe their third coach of the season would be the right after all theoretically chicago could go either way remain in the top flight will drop to the second division practically though the remaining games really are fight for survival. of course first division teams are higher quality than opponents they might face and i was relegation play off in the second division. struggle of the lack of confidence after so many defeats could coach village and his squad overcome that a lot of factors were against them just look at this handball by heads as karen recock but no penalty was called even the video a sister referee cologne kept quiet that s life in the bottom of the tape. village supposedly knows his stuff he s well prepared positive thankfully it comes but is he ready for the pros. his tactics certainly didn t one this time.
we weren t bold enough and aggressive enough like we were against i mean we played away as a sergeant at home we want to make our fans happy this time we want to play patiently and control the game. it s still quite amazing but without a win in seven games dominated stick up. my one meal in the forty eight minutes by thanks to fate if these if it should be used to play. i. with three games left ahead of the relegation play off belief knows he needs a stable defense. i just punched a guy having a man advantage it was but i was on jury duty i had doubled the heads above. my stick that were cool ball watching and no one s ever have the west offense and believe the but especially first off we have to be very
disappointing because we didn t really get into the game we didn t have enough good situations we didn t create any saying stick got needed to win to qualify for the relegation play off they needed to hossa the but instead they stumble through email thanks a solemn salute by the bye it was their hope for coach village got. that was in the form of mario gomez. this was the thirty three year old s first goal since the mid season break. good coaches he s positive moments like this thing for. us been nothing but it was important that even when we were trailing three nil we didn t give up and give a bad impression and instead we gave a good impression and kept coming forward i ve got to praise might seem to trying everything right till the end to get on the scoreboard and that makes me hopeful.
village and his team still have a lot of work to do after last week s win the loss in berlin broke their stride the danger of relegation is still there just as it s been for quite some time. in full sports nuremberg were fighting off for allegations should they drop to the second division it would be their ninth time in fifty years the club doesn t exactly make things easy for itself last week it even blew a golden opportunity to beach mighty byron munich. from their last five games norbury were able to collect six points actually not bad for them but when even knowing back fans admit the club is foolish well the newly promoted club stand in its own way. still visitors threw everything they had against all sport after all they almost defeated league leaders by or last week. that s why they thought they could get the three points and goal scored and so the pressure was on
. they certainly were able to create chances but again not quite good enough. coach for his sharma side were good on the attack however it felt like as players mainly where their own worst enemies. unfortunately you could save i believe that we defeated ourselves today from my point of view we should have been leading one nil up to twenty minutes with three huge opportunities in all three of the last simply no face but also not clearly play it was sebastian carrick s back past a goalkeeper because gemma t.d.o. which félix klaus took advantage of to take an undeserved lead both scored them only had to let no one dare come at them and then hit them on the counter-attack. until that point sporks attacking attempts were flocking in creativity and norberg were helping them along. just. the setback norbeck still looked motivated
to game got more and more physical because both sport too wanted the three points to qualify for the champions league. no unfair kept playing boldly but each time came up empty handed that they still have a shot at surviving in the big league is considered a partial success. just before the end of the match ball sports marcel to start all decided the game with his nose back lost for the thirteenth time away the worst away record in the league. as they converted their chances better outcome in both sports could have gone their way but as usual in the end their opponents were the ones celebrating. well we ve been told that the club is foolish. the bottom line is that we ve lost the match we didn t score we didn t use our chances affectively we ll try again next week. is
it too late to save the season the team has to win its next two games and hope the church going to lose their otherwise their fate is sealed. next week s an end game we have to get the three points otherwise it s over we ll do everything we can to ensure the club stay in the top flight and we ll give it our all till the last second so that s because the pressure is indeed on fernandes who fought so hard to get here and may now lose their first division status again. will normed their trip themselves up again they ll need to win their next two games just to avoid direct relegation. shall go down there massa knew what they needed in their match against ours but one point to avoid relegation. the sad highlights of the match was the choreography before the match. as shaka fans pay tribute to their legs iconic manager someone.
sad low lights of the game house once said are squandered shot his best goal scoring chance just before half time. the game ended goalless and lost his runners up got the much needed points failed to show some much needed classes. no math needed for the match freiburg dusseldorf both teams are sure to remain in the top flight next year so with no big pressure for either side it made for a match low in energy posts were awarded a contestable penalty kick but because the v.a.r. didn t intervene the fouled player himself and so could be told converted to shot after eleven minutes played. five works fortune lasted about a good twenty minutes before dusseldorf polish striker david called nazi even things up. and after the break from work went one man down after yanick habit that
was sent off the field for this but that didn t change the score any it ended one all which didn t exactly and chant freiburg coach tristan s tries. to. mention glover had little reason to be happy of late and that was supposed to change in their home game against hope and with both was vine s qualified for your . hoffenheim to charge of the match going in the lead in the thirty third minute through pavel caught a job. and then this goal in the seventy second minute looked like it came from nowhere once twice and then on that third try glove box with target. but then caught. and i m sure the bay two can still ping pong goals with this one
seven minutes later that unit miri make it to one. up close detecting for the game was lost but his team turned it up and played really good football rounding off this attack with us in germany making it too will just before the final whistle. minds are clear of the draw for lunch that are headed to the champions league both scored season goals achieved. but line six still need to keep up the heat for the cup finale team obama and lucas fluster man were already getting warmed up in the twentieth minute. and because it worked so well the first time they did it again twelve minutes later to nail. but mine tipped back just before half time with kareem only see while connecting after two of his own assists.
in the second half lights again got off to the better start after two assists this time verno got on the scoreboard in the forty ninth minute for his fiftieth league goal three one for life sake. but the hosts weren t going to let that lie it s all about pride to first most sunnier cause it scored his first for the sligo goal to produce line six leave. months where then in shooting range. seven minutes from time zone to leave much i found his thirteenth goal this season. it was a heated three all match given that nothing was even at stake except provide. europa league semifinal as frankfurt went to labor coups and confidence and knowing that they had a much better goal difference in the bundesliga rivals jefferies abortion his home side have a good tactical. planned in the hopes of securing the point that we re getting
close to qualifying for the champions league and two minutes into the game prior harvard s made it one nil. just ten minutes later a union can t double that live because he put their stamp on the game which lay down the goal difference between the two squads. frank but did pull one back with this shot from phillip kasich but that didn t throw live couzin off as they continued to overwhelm frankfurt s defense. lucas l.r.u. made it three one in the twenty third minutes yulian brandt on live with whose goal spree this time charles that i need to be honest for once and not even a hard foul play. in the thirty fourth minute a new club record for eleven who isn t five goals in a single half you can still are you scoring again. and the final score in the thirty sixth minute when frank was marking him ziggo scored this spectacular goal
six one the final score of franklin s goal difference goes from fifteen to five with both teams on the same number of points. did you know kickoff is now on you tube with the world of football. a lot of mexico. to read we travel the world and really figure out how high tensions are running i m going to say no this does make sense and never people of course and discuss football i am chris here it is. for you this. is a football kick off on you tube. i think you. handball or not. awarded a penalty or let it slide once again the v.a.r. caused more confusion and frustration in the bundesliga last weekend. i heard it
wasn t even a penalty. the penalty called umpire in such a home would take was the thirtieth penalty for handball so far this season that s a record no one is happy about. and if the ref blew the whistle for one but not the other i just saw the scenes in berlin if that s not a penalty then what is is this meeting berlin the v.a.r. didn t interfere such a decision can be decisive in the relegation battle stand behind me to see what i think the penalty situation is obviously i didn t see it and i think for the referee it was hard to see us but if we have a video assistant he needs to be ready but unfortunately he wasn t going to talk about it i don t need to. watch easy once. braitman took a big bite out of dormice title dreams and spat them back out was find they couldn t care less they took their eighth win in ten matches other than that there were five draws the best of which came in mind some friday leverkusen demolished
frankfurt six one making a big state. one more win next week for biron will be enough to secure their seventh title in a row leverkusen are keeping the fight for the last champions league spot suspenseful for brave and one point against stuart meant was too little to keep their european trains alive. down the bottom nuremberg in hanover only have a very slim chance of saving sixteenth place from stuttgart speaking of stealing a moment someone stole the title from goldman. sachs. five star just to check the facts in a song. like sci fi and. it did.
fulfilled braman season goal of qualifying for the europa league but claudio pizarro sequel wants or against dortmund likely decided the championship. and for what it s worth said nother new record breaking his own previous record as the oldest goal scoring a goal of this league in history that s all for now until next time on kick off. to see if some plan to increase our ranks he s going to let you teach her.
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Football , Points , Champions , Grabs , Weekend , Probability , Three , Place , Sport , Chances , Barrett-biron , Ranks