If you’re lucky enough to have received a new e-scooter during the gifting or sales season, we have two things to tell you. If you haven’t received an e-scooter, then much of what we are going to say applies to many more road users, cyclists for example, so read on anyway, and you might learn
LG Electronics (LG) is accelerating the advancement of traffic safety solutions that utilize vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications. V2X enables vehicles to communicate with one another and surrounding infrastructure and will play a major role in the upcoming era of autonomous driving. In conjunction with the Seoul Metropolitan Government, LG recently completed the deployment of an advanced accident prevention system and verified its service effectiveness and usefulness in school zone.
• Require Collision Avoidance and Connected Vehicle Technologies on All Vehicles
• Eliminate Distracted Driving
• Install Crash Resistant Recorders and Establish Flight Data Monitoring Programs
• Protect Vulnerable Road Users through a Safe System Approach
• Improve Pipeline Leak Detection and Mitigation
• Improve Rail Worker Safety
• Improve Passenger and Fishing Vessel Safety
The list was developed from more than 1,200 items gathered and proposed by the various offices within the NTSB. The last item was originally two separate items in the draft list that came up for debate, one relating to fire-detection and extinguishing equipment aboard passenger vessels, and the other relating to safety aboard fishing vessels. But after discussion, the two items were combined to make room for the item about improving rail worker safety. One board member pointed out that commercial fishing is the most dangerous occupation in the country.