American born actress, Sreeleela may have rejected to appear in an item song with Thalapathy Vijay in his upcoming film GOAT. Scroll down to find more details. - GOAT: Did Sreeleela Make a Bold Move Rejecting an Item Song Featuring Thalapathy Vijay?
On December 25th evening in Hyderabad, the makers of Ravi Teja's "Dhamaka" hosted a special event to celebrate the one-year celebrations of the film which
Are they real collections? It is hard to believe that Dhamaka collected Rs 49 cr. Probably, the film would have collected close to Rs 10 cr but it is highly impossible for the film to collect Rs 49 cr. Ravi Teja's Dhamaka is an unbearable film and it is one of the biggest flop of this year.