Miami’s local artists grapple with environmental, economic, and political issues year-round, all while facing access barriers to fairs like Art Basel in their own city.
A Miami Beach real estate agent is spearheading an online effort to name a new Alton Road park after Israel "Reefa" Hernandez. Miami Beach police fatally Tasered the teen in 2013 after catching him tagging an abandoned McDonald's.
Reefa Review: A Trite Retelling of a Real-Life Miami Tragedy Reefa Review: A Trite Retelling of a Real-Life Miami Tragedy
An immigrant graffiti artist paints big and dreams bigger in a true story that means well but won t let reality intrude on movie convention.
Jessica Kiang, provided by
Director: Jessica Kavan Dornbusch
With: Tyler Dean Flores, Clara McGregor, José Zúñiga, Margarita Rosa de Francisco, Cinthya Carmona, Ricardo Chavira, George Sear, Ezana Alem, Karlos Sanchez.
Running time: Running time: 96 MIN.
Courtesy of Gato Suaya
It’s the summer of 2013 and spray cans rattle as Reefa (Tyler Dean Flores), an ambitious, 18-year-old graffiti artist, paints his signature symbol an eye surrounded by flower petals illegally on a wall in his suburban Miami neighborhood. Later his father (José Zúñiga) a Colombian immigrant nervously awaiting the arrival of the family’s green cards, discovers it, and forces Reefa to whitewash over it befor
Published 2 hours ago •
Updated 2 hours ago
A film about the life of a young graffiti artist who died after a Miami Beach officer shot him with a Taser is coming to a Miami theater with special screenings this weekend. Reefa is about Israel Reefa Hernandez, the 18-year-old who died in August 2013 after the fatal police encounter.
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Police had spotted Hernandez spraying graffiti on an abandoned building and an officer shot him with the Taser during a foot chase. He died a short time later at the hospital.