Credit: Apple
The short animated film is debuting as the first piece of content in a multi-year partnership between Skydance and Apple. Blush follows the journey of a stranded horticulturist-astronaut s chances for survival after he crash lands on a desolate dwarf planet. When an ethereal visitor arrives, the once-lone traveler discovers the joy in building a new life and realizes the universe has delivered astonishing salvation.
The short is written and directed by Emmy-winning filmmaker Joe Mateo. According to Apple, the story shares Mateo s deeply personal journey of healing, hope and the undeniably human moments of being rescued by love.
Apple TV+ has announced Blush, its first animated short film produced in partnership with Skydance Animation.
The short animated film is debuting as the first piece of content in a multi-year partnership between Skydance and Apple. Blush follows the journey of a stranded horticulturist-astronaut s chances for survival after he crash lands on a desolate dwarf planet. When an ethereal visitor arrives, the once-lone traveler discovers the joy in building a new life and realizes the universe has delivered astonishing salvation.
The short is written and directed by Emmy-winning filmmaker Joe Mateo. According to Apple, the story shares Mateo s deeply personal journey of healing, hope and the undeniably human moments of being rescued by love.