Auto insurance choices make all the difference if you are in an accident. In the aftermath of an auto accident, people can find themselves in an overwhelming situation. This traumatic experience can leave you upset and confused. Making sure that you are safe, contacting the authorities and taking the crucial
WILLIAMSPORT – Penn State University has denied Title IX claims brought against it and a former women’s fencing coach, saying the plaintiff’s allegations of physical, psychological and verbal abuse were either time-barred or improperly pled.
WILLIAMSPORT – A former All-American member of Penn State University’s women’s fencing team has filed Title IX litigation against her former head coach, alleging she was subjected to physical, psychological and verbal abuse which derailed her hopes to become a nationally renowned Olympic fencer.
/PRNewswire/ The Pittsburgh-based personal injury practice Robert Peirce & Associates, P.C. is celebrating the selection of four of its qualified attorneys.
Scott M. Simon | Peirce & Associates
HARRISBURG – Walmart is seeking to dismiss litigation between itself, a woman who alleged it committed a pharmaceutical packaging error which allegedly led her husband to take the wrong medicine and pass away in 2017 and the medicine’s manufacturer.
Cindy M. Orner first filed suit on behalf of the Estate of Raymond J. Orner Jr. in the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas on Feb. 26, 2020 and Walmart removed the case to the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania on March 16.
Cindy claimed that a misprint on Walmart medicine resulted in Raymond’s death. After having stents installed in his right coronary artery, left internal carotid artery, and his right internal iliac artery over the prior four years, Raymond was taking platelet inhibitor medication Clopidogrel (a.k.a. Plavix) starting in April 2017.