if you get all your right, you re a completely different animal and you start saying things like no. and if she doesn t listen, i m going to the park. that s why you look familiar. fi ohar, my god. yeah, well, i have. you. you should be that. you should be the one lucky guy and outnumbered. yeah. like, yeah, but i m okay. buah. you cage what you want. on this one that you. what is it that every time s you re on a show you always look and feel likeke you re the most uncomfortable person on earth? oh, good. i m good. you ll be talking about you. all right, i m going to move on because we e got a second topic. unless you want to answer. why do not we cago. gn go? we can go to the next where weo. go. give me first dibs a tt the n class b round. yeah. next topictopic, b. them