The Archdiocese of Los Angeles is closing a pair of Catholic schools next year due to plummeting enrollment numbers. The closures were confirmed in an email released by the Archdiocese on Tuesday. “While we have been blessed to have had continued increases in overall school enrollment at our Catholic schools since the pandemic, some Catholic […]
PK O’Neill filed late Friday afternoon with the Secretary of State’s Office as a Republican candidate for State Assembly District 40. The District includes all of Carson City, the east side of Washoe Valley and parts of southeast Washoe County.
Capitol FFA traveled to North Valleys High School Feb. 1 in order to compete in the Northern FFA Zone Competition. CHS Agriculture Mechanics, Welding, and FFA Adviser and teacher Rebecca Glocknitzer said, "I know all of our students worked hard to prepare for Zone, and Mr. Mann and I are so proud of their efforts."
In a decree signed Dec. 14, Pope Francis authorized the beatification of Ana de Lobera y Torres, better known by her religious name Sister Ana de Jesús.