paycheck to paycheck. some are using credit cardse crt just to make ends meet for the bare necessities. now, the number one killer americ offentan young americans in this country is now fentanyl that is pouringh across the wide open. open so the border of joe biden now deaths are caused from drugdeats overdoses. now they re higher than ever before. oh, and don t forget, according to biden, we are now before. the closest we ve ever been toel a world wide nuclear armageddon. clost toe since the cuban missie crisis. but the economy is strongest,dwd heavily, he said, and there s no crisis at the border this fateful two year experimentg as with democrats in charge of hell an joeit has been unmitigated disaster. but according to joe , everything evejust just swell.hi great.take a and we should all be thanking wr him. take a looe stk. ws we re starting to seen th some of the good newseconomy. the price of gas at th on the economy. the price of gas apump it the p. is coming down. l
anti trump, you re deluding youe diluting yourself. the radicals yourself. the radicals on the leftn th demand total obedience or sorrya ,alicia. and if not, they ll try to. drive you from public life. these tactics go along with the left s overriding goal, of course, which is thee dest destruction of the nuclear family and america s judeo-christian tradition. take what the left has just done. the never trump senator ben sasse. ed to co now, despitnve the fact thatt sasse vote td to convict formerd president trump in his second impeachment trial, the left mobilized to oppose hisf florid. becoming the new president of st the university of florida. he s still in contention now. he spoke a t a student forum on campus where about 300yhe protesters showed and theyst ine called the senator homophobic and racist i n between yellingt ab from the audience, of course,ou remember, this is not aboutnk al trump. republi they think allca republicans aro evil. when ben sasse is consid
monday, this coming monday, we ll be doing a town hall in the great state of arizona,, carrie lake blake masters, ll special guest. you have to tune in usn and fino out who they are. we hope you llthat s all join ug but unfortunately, that s all the time we have left thishe met evening. thank you for makingime, will t. possible. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. have a great weekend. or is next. nday we ll see you from arizonahave on monday. have a good weekend. a i m laura ingraham.: thii s is ingram angle from if you re washington tonight. if you re a republicaa repubn and you re a candidate for office or you re already in y elected officeou have tw, you h, choices in the world. no joi one , you can join the hd left or number two, you can be attacked by the hard left. that s it.ptions those are the only options. get now, anyone who thinks thatnn they re going to be protect it because they get invited on cnn a lot or they re known