nick valencia, live there, and what are the states doing to help the people? many of the people look like they have lost everything. well, the shelters have opened and the red cross is doing their fair share as they do in traj dirks and three state, tennessee, georgia and mississippi hit hard from this unseasonable weather which is the type of damage that you expect to see in the springtime, and of course, we have to remember the victims and really what has happened to the loss of life. a 7-year-old in mississippi had his life taken, and he is the youngest victim in the string. and the storm prediction is saying that the threat of violent weather has dropped dramatically, but texas seems like they might be hit as well with severe weathers and more flash flooding and the plain old flooding is the concern across the south here. alison. it is difficult to have the storms any time of the year, but
together how this unfolded. i want to bring in ed lavandara who is in the parking lot and talking to a lot of people who were in the room and saw the gunman, and who heard the explosions, and what have you learned? well, suzanne, we are right now waiting to give you an update, and we are waiting on a briefing from the law enforcement officials here in aurora, colorado, and we are several hundred yards away from the movie theater, and we anticipate it will happen here shortly. we were talking earlier with one of the witnesses, this gentleman here, chris raw moes wmos, who inside of the movie theater and we were cut short, but chris account of what transpired last night is so poignant and we wanted to bring him back, because we were cut short. for viewers who were not watching a little while ago, you are in the middle of the theater basically and with your sister. and two best friends, yes. and we are a short ways into the movie and what do you see? on the front right