The annual Ludington Area Convention and Visitors Bureau report was delivered by Executive Director Brandy Miller at the evening meeting of Ludington City Council on Feb. 26. She detailed the
The Connecticut General Assembly passed Public Act 20-09 in the fall of 2020 with the promise that the Connecticut Transfer Act would be abolished in favor of a released-based, rather.
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On Dec. 29, Governor Whitmer signed two Drain Code amendments into law House Bills 5126 and 5504, now Public Acts 281 and 291, respectively. Public Act 281 does not go into effect until March 29, 2021, however Public Act 291 is effective immediately. Below are summaries of the more significant revisions to the Drain Code:
Public Act 281 (House Bill 5126, Effective March 29, 2021)
Public Act 281 amends Section 135 to allow a county drainage district or intercounty drain drainage district be extended into a new county by a petition signed by five freeholders or a municipality (previously a petition under Section 135 could only be brought by 50% or more of the landowners affected by the drain or the proposed drain). A petition under Section 135 can now be combined with a petition under Section 192 (maintenance and improvement of an intercounty drain).