SWANZEY — Two weeks before voters take to the polls for the annual town meeting, Swanzey selectboard hopefuls engaged in a roundtable discussion Tuesday to talk about key issues before
SWANZEY — In addition to a seven-way race for a selectboard seat, voters at the polls in a few weeks will be faced with a familiar question: whether to green
The awards recognize individuals, organizations, or businesses in the categories of restoration and stewardship, rehabilitation and adaptive use, compatible new construction, public policy, and educational and planning initiatives.
As U.S. consumers spend a record $14.2 billion — or just under $186 per person — this Valentine’s Day, mostly on candy, cards and flowers, according to the National Retail
SWANZEY — Voters amended two warrant articles, one to fund repairing the town’s grange hall restoration and the second to reduce funds for a fire station capital reserve fund, sending