For those who are clued into Korean pop music like the BTS , this news comes as a big surprise and a moment of pride for India, when 18-year-old Sriya Lenka from Odisha’s Rourkela, became the first K-pop star from the country. Sriya was chosen as one of the new group members of the K-pop group- Blackswan, along with Gabriela Dalcin of Brazil after six-month-long global
Sriya Lenka, an 18-year-old from Odisha has become the first-ever K-pop artist from India. Sriya Lenka will be joining the South Korean girl group Blackswan, along with Gabriela Dalcin from Brazil.
Sriya Lenka and Gabriela Dalcin from Brazil were the chosen ones who earned their spot among 4,000 applicants through a YouTube audition. They are the fifth and sixth members of Blackswan, making Sriya the first K-Pop star from India.