All right t. Okay. Yes. Yes s. Happy. Happy monday. L of y good to see all of you. Ou good to see all of you. Except foro seof. So at a Campaign Stop in pittsburgh, joe biden toldo d supporters to send me to congress. I know. Aides clarified that he actually meant to say block shadow. Also in pittsburgh, the police is reducingty the number of cops on duty from three m to 7 a. M. And calls it not considered progress. Emergencies will nowes w be assigned to a telephoneil unit. Pr police stations will also be placing this sign on Theirec Precinct Doors as spring break begins in florida. Theyre alreadyasin up for wt the wet tshirt contest. Herest a photo of one of thett top contestants. Wel l, just gratuitous. Res no reason for that, really. At the oscars last nighton. , i people won in most major categories, including best actories incr, best actress, beo and best director. Well, at Leasrst The Host was black. I thank. Ill take it. Oh, i feel so good. G tha and asnk usual. The In Memoriam
we wanted to know, now is yourrp security detail going to stop ro with their high powered rifles to protect you ? office a response from his office. quote, we don t comment on matters related to th e primeto kee minister s security. so in other words, the people in power get to keepguns the gu the people lose theirs in this country, unlike canada, we have a second amendment. you d like to think that and would be protected with your second amendment from your guns and be able to have a gun politician who wantyour cl to suspend your civil liberties. well, you have a second amendment that wouldn t be ablht to do it. bil but as justice scalia famouslytw said , the bill of rights is just words on a papert protei without the government that really kills it but cares about ng ghtsprotecting your rights, you lose your rights. and that s what s happening right now. j ay ithis week, jay inslee, the governor of washington, still signed a law banningg semiautomatic rifles, which he calle
90% of contribute ptripoli. one of his three captured sons has escaped. let s he get the late frst from libya and sara sidner. first tell me what s going on there in zawiya. reporter: we were hearing a lot of loud booms, a lot of what sounded like mortar fire. there was definitely small arms fire. it sounded like this was a firefight and we went and checked it out. and we think that we have confirmed, we ve only talked to one of the rebels who has not been down at the square, but we think that it is again celebratory fire. but what they re using are things like anti-aircraft missiles. so it is very loud. it s hard to tell what exactly is going on. then we started hearing ambulances. we know zawiya has been under the control of rebels for about three days and we know that this has been a place that has been relatively rid of gadhafi forces for that period of time. and they ve pushed all the way into tripoli from here. but it is disconcerting when you start seeing tracer fire