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It's. In part one of I guess the Christie's nemesis Miss Marple was played by June Whitfield Mr Rafi George a cooper Miss Temple Jill Bolte. 6 Cherry Jane wouldn't show this to broad rip Jeffrey Whitehead Esta and assume Yvonne edgel. This is really Porter boy. Richard Jamieson. Other parts were played by members of the cost. RINGBACK Them a sis's dramatized for radio by Michael Bakewell and directed by and it with. June Whitfield the brilliant as the sleuth with candyfloss head and a mind like a steel trap. I'm mumbling I'm and this is my rule book of crime here on Radio 4 extra Still to come Reitman Chandler p.d. James Henning Mankell and my own little surprise a radio crime jam featuring an actor that starred in the sixty's t.v. Classic Cathy Come Home need any more clues come on I'm making this easy for you. Is b.b.c. Radio 4 x. . Monk billing thems rule book of crime chapter 3. Tastes better. Personally speaking there's nothing wrong with top quality potting cryptic puzzles or a beautifully disguised red herring there's room for cyanide with crumpets and for costly goings on at the vicar Ridge but after falling for show look I always seems to be looking for something a little darker while I go through friends are busy defining but huge crime on the other side of the pond something very different was taking shape Dashiell Hammett cut his teeth in the 1920 s. On pulp magazines such as Black Mask against the bleak background of the Great Depression and prohibition his stories could not have been more different to the u.k. Cozies there were no Vickers there was no poison or inheritances they were hoodlums guns cops and above all there were characters like Sam Spade who appeared in the classic 930 novel The Maltese Falcon. He was said that Hammett gave murder back to the people who committed it for a reason those are the words of Raymond Chandler who picked up the ball from Hamilton ran wild with it Chandler gave hard boiled detective fiction its style in the shape of archetype will gumshoe Philip Marlowe appearing 1st in 139 as The Big Sleep Molly was a knight errant on a quest for the truth John Doe thought he knew the truth about crime writing to in his classic essay the simple art of murder he took Dorothy l. Sayers to task for daring to suggest that the detective story could never have genuine literary merit it is always a matter of who writes the stuff Chandler said and what he has in him to write it with there are no dull subjects only dull minds well said write. In 2011 on Radio 4 Harriet Gilbert inspired by a very personal connection set off down the mean streets to reassess this quintessential Los Angeles mystery writer a man actually raised in Upper Norwood and educated adult college in a coat a hat and a gun. It was about 11 o'clock in the morning the sun not shining in a lot of rain in the clearness of the foothills. I was wearing my powder blue suit with a dark blue shirt tie and display handkerchief. Clean shaven sober and I didn't care . I was ever the well dressed private detective. I was calling out for a $1000000.00. It was about 11 o'clock in the morning a weekend in the late 1950 s. I was wearing a lady t. Shirt shorts and roller skates. The phone rang. I reached for it. Mike there wasn't often my father was called Mike Lincoln's Inn solicitor as well as a respected crime novelist he was more usually known as Michael Gilbert but this client disturbing his weekend rest was obviously American Orsi as I later discovered Raymond Chandler did invent a quintessentially American hero the wisecracking battered Private Eye Philip Marlowe but he himself was actually British most of his life even though his novels a peppered with the u.s. Street slang he collected in his notebooks Chicago lightning gun fire circulation drops drinks squibbed off shot the novels in which Philip Marlowe walks the mean streets of Los Angeles including Farewell My Lovely The Big Sleep and the little sister have become crime classics around the world their influence still potent half a century off the Chandlers death Sarah do not creator of fictional private detective Hanna Wolf he is one of the few writers who actually made me want to write when I 1st read him was so severe resistible to a teenager who wanted to be a popular writer but wanted to say something serious and wanted to be seen as a stylist where else could you go chant creased bent knocked off also stolen kick the joint break in the bestselling American crime novelist Michael Connelly also became a writer because of Chandler I think people who write crime novels almost everyone but certainly people who write crime novels about was and was are all disciples of Raymond Chandler and trying to come up a very unique voice themselves zob or a cane and Spads Guy pin jab or hypodermic use or the charm Lyrian Private Eye novel has been immensely. Influentially current right the way through to even John Grisham people that John Sutherland emeritus professor of English at University College London it depends on a particular view of American life that ultimately you can only be saved by certain that are well intentioned individuals the institutions but save you the cops won't help you out the law won't help you and what will help is. Some of. Those creator was born in 1908 in Chicago to a Protestant Arash mother Florence and a less than satisfactory American father Morris Tom Williams is writing a biography of Chandler when Chandler and Florence lived in Chicago Morris was away a lot he was a railway engineer he said he was actually in the field plotting the position of the tracks and what comes up and so fronts and cooped up together and it was almost like a single parent family so they became very very very close but this closeted Chicago existence didn't last long as Joan Sutherland explains the point is underneath it all. Chanda was an Englishman one of the thing he was proudest of was that you know his family broke up when he was very young mother was Irish came back to Olland after the breakup a marriage with little ray then ended up in England and a kindly uncle sent him to a public school in dollars dollars college from then on he saw him self as incarnating the code of the English public school boy the kind of person who who won the Battle of Waterloo playing fields of Eton the the person in fact who had a very high sense of duty Mahler in fact is named after one of the houses one of the boarding houses in dollars college not after as people sometimes think the Conrad here and Heart of Darkness So even though in fact he took the detective story wrenched it away from the English tradition and plunked it right there in the middle of Southern California at the same time there's a core of Chandler which is as English as cottage pie. Well dull it's college in South East London it's this seriously imposing many wings building an orange brick surrounded by playing fields and a rather unlikely place for the young 12 year old Raymond Chandler to of arrived from his Chicago beginnings but anyway he did come little boy. No doubt rather overshadowed by the ha ha ha a door and high ceilings of this place. Through the doorway along a cloister up a couple of flights of stairs to the dollar college library and its archivist Calista Lucy who believes the school had a powerful effect on Raymond Chandler I think it was a tremendous influence the headmaster who was very strict disciplinarian he was also Christian and full of moral choose and he said that he'd rather see a prefect die than hear him swear and that's something that comes out in Chandler's writing that however bad the situation Philip Marlowe never swears So he obviously had no male role models at home but he had these very strong teacher influences we could hear a group photograph of the boys taken in another in 1904 and one of these kids actually is Raymond Chandler he has rather distant look I think in his eye as if he's thinking of something else and would rather not be here at all actually you say Chandra looks very distance and detached which I think he does he speak he also looks as though he might be quite miserable. Yes I'd agree with that. The writer and film critic David Thompson went to the same school albeit quite a few years later he has firm views about what Chandler would have made of it that feeling which I had Get Me Out Of Here. I don't mean to say I had a bad time at Dodge I had a terrific education but I knew that there were ways in which dollars that don't have a great deal to do with the real world and I wanted to get there it took me longer to get away the litter of him but I mean Shackleton went there is he could to the South Pole. He went to was he an older lady went to Dallas p.g. Wodehouse went to dodge he went to Los Angeles. And c.s. Forester roster went to Sears Horatio or so but he ended up in California as well they well before Chandler made it to California he went at his uncle's insistence to study languages in Europe Tom Williams again used to live in Paris this map of Chinese India grafs above his bed he wanted to be a comparative fairly ologist So he picked up his language skills comes back to London under pressure from his uncle and the advice from a dollars form teacher he goes into the civil service sits the exam comes 3rd and comes top in the of the entire intake goes into the civil service as an accountant in the Admiralty and was responsible I think he described as toting the numbers of potatoes and bullet last 6 months. It stormed out to the disapproval of his uncle and his mother and John had always had this sort of great love of poetry of the classics of writing he decided that he would have a go living by his pen and met Stephen Spender's uncle. He was at the time editor of the Westminster Gazette which is a sort of weekly newspaper the kind of green paper very political and he gave him one of his 1st breaks and he would sit in the library and would translate foreign news and they would go into this this newspaper he would also write poetry he looked at what was selling. What was in these papers already and then you know wrote it very very badly his 1st poem was composed in the bath in Stratham when the evening sun is slanting when the crickets raise their chanting and the dewdrops lie a twinkling on the grass as I climb the pathway slowly with a mean have proud head lonely or the ground your feet have trod I gently pass Unsurprisingly perhaps Raymond Chandler slipped Rieker it did not take off and in 1912 despite by now having become a British citizen he returned to North America eventually settling with his mother in Los Angeles he'd been hoping to resume writing but instead found himself picking fruit stringing tennis rackets and during World War one fighting in France by night $32.00 though in an apparently but well during change of track Chandler had become vice president of an Oil Syndicate Tom Williams he's met sissy Pascal who falls head over heels in love with after a courtship was interrupted by the war and then a courtship that also has to deal with the fact she's already married they get together but Florence his mother by this time who is living in Los Angeles with a rare disapprove massively so right has to look after 2 households so he joins you wouldn't history and very quickly become successful now in the twenty's in he he did have some issues that we might call shellshock And so he was drinking quite heavily throughout that period by 32 he's lost his job probably because of the drinking but. It was the moment where he could focus again on what it was he really loved and that was writing you know he always did love it and he sits down and. Starts From the very beginning what's interesting about Raymond Chandler is that at the age of almost 40 for a. He should have made a huge change in life and decided to become a writer at a particular point of his of his career it must be said John Sutherland again he looked for vacancies a very shrewdly he saw that there was in fact an opening for writers oddly enough in hard boiled detective fiction not this was a show on which was really invented by somebody else by Hemingway with a short story in 1928 called the killers and the whole thing is done and I like Connick wiseguy really hard boiled is the phrase but it is normally used way which in fact is very oblique very artful Hemingway didn't carry on with that he had other fish to fry but charmless all that this could be developed into something very very interesting and he made the decision that he was going to need trained himself he effectively apprenticed themselves into creative writing courses read and then finally got his own tray into a magazine which specialized in this kind of writing it launched the career of Dashiell Hammett and Jane Tim Kane black mask and he became a virtue of this open field as it were at them was to what extent did he learn how it was done and reproduced it and to what extent did he take it somewhere new this whole mask kind of Private Eye writing he realized that there was something wrong as he saw it with American literary writing for a particular novel namely And he used this does turn very very interesting he said it lacked Kadal it's what he meant by that was that you could read the stuff but you couldn't hear it in your inner ear or in all the Philip Marlowe novels what you have is someone talking reminiscing looking back common. He's a bit of a Flannery hangs around streets very often you know things happen to him rather than him making things happen but But what one takes away from those novels particularly the best of them for the big sleep I would say in tone Good boy is the sound of a voice it's very interesting that he adopted very well to film but he had tapped it even better to radio queen b. Show off fluff baby doll sutler Clark punched the time clock voice was certainly more important to him than story he didn't pay attention to one particular constituent in the Take did novel The crime novel The Private Eye novel and that is plot a very famous example of when The Big Sleep was being. Film the director Hawks actually sending a telegram to want to know about a particular someone dies in law what a chauffeur and it's not clear why or why he's been killed you know Sir Charles that he read didn't know and trying to summaries a child love is very very difficult to eat didn't much care about that because in fact his interest was somewhere else among those interests was the detective form itself a subject on which he wrote with passion one much quoted essay called The Simple Art of Murder contains his image of the ideal private eye he wrote down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean John Lewis also very much concerned with the language and wit of his fiction one of the things which makes the Chandler flavor so unique is the fact is sir musing that in fact it is full of wisecracks very funny words current very often. A description of Mahler coming run from he's been beaten up his heroes or hit on the head and he says now do something really really tough put your trousers on if you reach you constantly your smiles cross your face even though he describing things which are often rather rather violent brutal and you know to use his word mean the doors swung back outwards and almost settled to a stop before they had entirely stopped moving they opened again violently outwards something sailed across the sidewalk and landed in the gutter between 2 parked cars it landed on its hands and knees and made a high keening noise like a cornered rat the unforgettable new smoke lawyer from Farewell My Lovely Chandler wasn't only a deft and elegant stylist he also became enormously successful writing scripts for Alfred Hitchcock and Billy Wilder seeing his own novels turned into films. Being admired by literary authors such as w.h. Auden uneven war and perhaps not least making money and money didn't matter to Chandler one letter he wrote My father says I wish he would send me a bill because I read a bloodcurdling article about lawyers fees lately you realize of course that it's only curiosity that makes me want to see the bell I haven't the remotest intention of paying it joking yes but not only joking. If Chandler's dry wit is one reason his work so popular there is another no less important and that is his hero Philip Marlowe here being played by Humphrey Bogart and Howard Hawks is screen version of the Pixley. Beginning to think that she worked in bed like myself. You know how much of a front much more. We can start out again actually I also asked. Well as a bit of a trick he pretends to be tough and hard boiled and cynical and he has great dialogue but he's a softy film writer David Thompson again he's a remand tic He's noble he does it for its own sake and therefore he's a tough guy. Who's orrible. A great American myth. And you know I think that Mahler was crucial in the coming out of Humphrey Bogart for instance and you know bugger out in the 30s was quite a star and he played nasty guys and he snarled and he wind and he cringed and he beat people up and Bogart only became a star. When a series of films multi-focal. High Sierra Casablanca in The Big Sleep allowed him to become this tough nobleman a different kind of person altogether and I think that was charmed his dream I think that's how he saw himself completely and accurately but it's very appealing to readers to it's a little bit like James Bond if you like who acts very cold very cynical but actually if you go through the books behaves like a gent. Well Mahler's like that I think that's why actors have always liked playing games omens create a reinflating in fact admired jaundice work a lot and in 158 the 2 men drink conversation on the b.b.c. a Somewhat tipsy Chandler coming up with this interesting revelation I got myself i met bob Spock while. I was by a fellow has to get married. Here mom I'm going to get married but there's going to be an awful struggle so she's not going to like him sticking to his rather seedy profession Murphy considered how he is not tall going to like the way he wants to live in an expensive house in Palm Springs a lot of freeloaders coming in all the time. So it's going to be a struggle my handle and a voice I don't know. Oh golly indeed Malo getting married I don't think so he isn't that sort of character the another g. Which is often made is with the nightly heroes Courtney here is of an epic like Tennyson as it was of the king Lancelot. Galahad author himself Knights of the Round Table people thought to knight errant who wonder through the world doing good saving people a crusader. Are down the streets a man must be marched one must not go down the main street I don't get on Main Street Cowboy the reporter now you must go for the same reason that you're in search of the Grail sort of a mission. I think you have to start questioning when a realistic portrayal of somebody turns into in this office Sarah do none to again and I think what was so interesting about Philip Marlowe is that he was one level certainly enough to convince most of us a realistic figure but also he was a mythic figure in so far as we've already described how his moral code stands outside anybody else that allows him almost to be the litmus paper by which you can tell what is corrupt and what isn't but he stays outside other people's moral codes by staying outside normal life and there is an image of Marlowe at his most profound which is at the end of a dirty day with everybody else's soiled linen he'll go back to his office and they'll take the bottle of Scotch out of the bottom of the filing cabinet poor himself a drink and put his feet on the table and he'll watch the lights of Los Angeles come up in front of him while drinking alone now that makes him the perfect commentator and the perfect person to solve the crime whether or not it makes him emotionally healthy is another thing if Marlowe always has that edge of ambiguity so to Inchon this fiction does the city has light sea watches Los Angeles for Chandler is very much a place of some on Shadow luxury and poverty David fine author of imagining Los Angeles the way he portrays a city is interesting because. A landscape is a symbolic kind of symbolic geography were and this is what really in fact did happen where the wealthy were the criminal class usually has his criminal seem to be people who have gotten away with crimes in the past bury those crimes and then move up into the hills and barricade themselves in these giant mansions or fortresses away from the crimes that committed the victims those who were preyed upon live in the flat lands the whole thought or of the say Michael Connelly whose crime novels are also set in Los Angeles loves Chandler's evocation of the city is wonderful some of the descriptions are worse and worse are appropriate now 50 years 60 years after they were written in that to me from some being someone who writes about the city is pure art that some of these takes I think of the little sister There's a chapter and there were he just goes for a drive his head is full of the case he's frustrated and so he kind of takes a chapter out of the plot and takes a ride around the city and describes what he sees and most of that chapter and it's 56 pages could describe the city today I read that over and over again through my writing career for inspiration and there's no other writer that does that for me. I drilled past the gaudy neons and the false fronts behind them the sleazy hamburger joints that look like palaces under the colors the circular drives his gaze circus's with the chipper hard eyed the brilliant counters and the sweaty greasy kitchens that would have poisoned the toad great double trucks rumble down over supposed from Wilmington and San Pedro and crossed towards the ridge route starting up in from the traffic lights with a ground of lions in the zoo. From the little sister published in 1949. That's John le grew more and more successful he became physically more distant from Los Angeles David Thompson again 1st of all he did not really live in Los Angeles he lived in La Jolla which is a very attractive outlying area of San Diego on the coast a rich person's place to live his life was not outgoing not social not a Hollywood party man I think he was very close to his wife in the sense that they kept company even if he was not deeply intimate with her but Cissy was 18 years older than her husband and in 1954 she died Chandler was bereft at one point he even tried to claim self Tom Williams he went into the shower with a gun and. Pointed it at him self and it missed and the bullet ricocheted around the shower and it was a cry for help his life was so tied into Sissy's when she wasn't there and he just didn't know what to do what did he do he'd always had this hankering to go back to London he talks about it as early as 130 I think 3334 he goes back in the 55 and finds himself in this circle of literary London but really liked him in a way that his American audience didn't seem to and he connected with the spenders Well Natasha more than Stephen it was a complicated relationship and it was almost as a popular of triangle possibly because he thought since when do we still get and that you know he didn't respect Natasha tall and the railways from self is the knight in shining on to want to go and rescue Natasha from this. Marriage that he didn't think was very good so while he was in London besides showering the Tasha spender with unwanted roses What was he doing getting drunk he had a male nurse looking after him because he needed somebody to control his drinking the spenders Matusz many organizers the whole coterie of women to look after him and they would go on pseudo dates that Ray thought were dates but the women in question didn't talk of course they had no real romantic interest in him they just wanted to look after him it was a really sad in undignified and it wasn't quite the end though having finally become an American citizen again Raymond Chandler staggered back to the states and it was there in La Jolla California that in March 959 he died his funeral attended by 17 people one of them a representative of the American Mystery Writers Association Saad undignified and lonely Chandler left behind him a landscape hero and above all a voice that aren't about to sleep the big sleep anytime soon. Oh what did it matter where you lay once you were dead in a dirty sample in a marble tower on top of a high hill you were dead you were sleeping the big sleep you were not bothered by things like that oil and water with the same as when the near to you you just slept the big sleep not caring about the nastiness of how you died away you fell maybe I was part of the nastiness now. A coat a hat and a gun was presented by Harriet Gilbert and the readings were done by jungle Russia the producer was Rebecca Stratford I'm Mark Bingham and this is my rule book of crime here on Radio 4 extra Still to come p.d. James Hanning man Kellerman nature of good and evil and finally a little radio crime surprise starring an actor the join the cast of Eastenders as Joe Mason in 2005 come on even the dimmest of detectives would have solved this one by now. Billing him as rulebook of crime chapter 4 it's a dirty job but someone's got to do it. And sadly fascinated I think by death and I was fascinated by death from childhood I think that the detective story is really about. The story. Another great day Baroness p.d. James up until this point detection had been down to the brilliant amateur sleuth all the private eye but what about the offices of the law in other words why is there never a policeman around when you want one well in the 1960 s. And seventy's a new generation of crime Queens took the conventions of the Golden Age and twisted them to their own ends p.d. James inspect the dog leash and Ruth Rendall's inspector Wexford were from a very different background to the detectives that had gone before alongside calling Texas opera loving Inspector Morse these were middle class men cultured rather than privileged spectrum dog leashes a published poet for heaven's sake he was a cerebral copper not overly fond of getting is not bruised but still a 1000000 miles away from the top patted toffs and little old ladies of half a century before now readers were given a glimpse into the in a workings of the boys in blue in what became known as police procedurals and I'm talking about something a bit more. Complex and proceeding in a westerly direction the depth of character and invention that p.d. James brought to her crime novels is clear to see no more so than here in part 2 of cover her face 1st heard on Radio 4 in 1993 inspect a dog leash has been called to investigate the murder of Sally jump a beautiful young housemaid at the country pile of Mrs Maxse paying homage to Agatha Christie dog leash brought to life here by Robin Ellis said about a drawing room interrogation of all the suspects in this episode also starring Hugh Grant it's left to Mrs Maxse to recall recent events the window was open and the pillow on the bed was blood with rain over the pillow Sally's hair was spread like a web of gold from the clenched corner of her mouth a thin trickle of blood had dried like a black slash on each side of her neck was a bruise an indelible sign of where the knife had been choked out of her. Cover her face by p.d. James dramatize by novel time with Sean Phillips Hugh Grant. And with Robin arose as Adam don't lose. His billfold Oh well thank you for filming. My police but I'm being too much menus and no they're being most considerate. As I'm taking it I'm afraid he's in new condition to be involved at all a blessing really is in his waking coma most of the time. There's no point in having the grass was a friend. I'm going to ask God to take over the investigation probably send a detective chief inspector what to say thank you very much Bill I really and most grateful. Just out of belief a long time no see I was wondering who would pick the short straw maning have you been know well enough pretty stretch that we 3 fools going inquiries on the gold ones now does this oh that's probably why the old man decided to call you in there to help out and this is Detective Sergeant Martin I'm presuming you say press. Is a nice looking place this Elisabeth's that said they tell me it's been in the family for hundreds of years oh by the way Doug lease they're all together in the drawing room do you want to see them now know the body 1st and the living will keep . Them in on the details. And I've done all I can here we'll take it away No that's alright with you yes yes doctor certainly simple enough medically speaking manual strangulation by right handed person standing in front of the sexual interference no doesn't mean sex wasn't the motive though nothing like finding a dead body on the ends remove the quite so really more off the post-mortem. Going at the stretch of the muddy nasty business for a Sunday morning that door was bolted on the inside you now most of the classic unlocked door Motors this time searching. Entrance to probably was by the window I mean you can see the marks on the stock part of the wall and it looks as if he failed the last 5. Difficult climb for any one reason. And so on the job she was last seen alive at half past 10 last night carrying a late night drink up to bed up she didn't finish it. Could it be only funny you should ask in fact some dope has gone missing the older Mr Max is an invalid bottle of sleeping pills as wondered from his medicine cabinet of course will analyze what's left in this cup and any way the post-mortem will show if she drank any and if it was drug. How about the attack any obvious motive could be there are no details but I've heard gossip are gossip Missler Dale showed up earlier on to take the baby away she was here at dinner last night quite a meal by her account apparently the son and heir Steven Maxie just proposed to this sally job and she blurted it out to everyone you can imagine the reaction the maid and an unmarried mother with a 6 month baby to build a motive for the family as a bonus or be rather interesting to see how the family choose to present last night's events. I have a feeling the person we're after slept under this roof we sat in the drawing room waiting Stephen and Katherine Bowers not too far from me Deborah close to Felix Han Mathare on an upright chair against the wall sat ramrod stiff and apart from the rest of us she seemed to regard the whole thing as a past 9 sobbed I couldn't help thinking about the effect of all this on my 2 men for Simon and Stephen in the midst of the nightmare there was some pamphlet in the thought that Stephen would get over it the young always do and that Simon thank God would never now. So are they giving you waiting as I told you the chief constable has asked Scotland Yard to handle the investigation This is Detective Chief Inspector Dalgleish he is in charge of the case as from now but 1st thought is that him directly stepped into the room was where. I had to before and then I knew an engraving bacteria unique portrait of an ad man can police do you have to how do you do how do you do. Talk dark and handsome but what I expected to talk quite an interesting faith really poor Steve shouted supercilious looking devil take his time coming I suppose the idea is to soften a stop or else he's been snooping around the house. This is the end of privacy and heaven fathers be on the Internet. That'll bring back the past. Well they're gleeful discovered because stopper left me with 3 fingernails and a dissing to nation to answer even nice English Bob his questions I understand of the small room next door has been put at my disposal I'd like to see you in there separately please and in this order Dr Stephen Maxi Miss Katherine bio's Mrs Maxse Mrs Deborah Riscoe Mr Felix Hearn and Mrs Martha bulleted Taft. Until the interview is over I must ask everyone to stay in this room if you need to leave there's a woman police officer and a constable outside in the hall who can go with you could you lead the way please Dr Maxine Yes it's through here. Does anyone get the feeling we're all going to be beaten by the headmaster I'd better start by telling you that Mr up and I were engaged I proposed yesterday evening and there's no secret about it yes I've been told please accept my condolences and then feel of any right to condolences but even feel bereaved. I suppose I shall when the shocks worn off we were engaged yesterday. And sunk in and what were your relations with Mr job before yesterday evening after Maxine if you're asking whether we were lovers the answer is No I was sorry for her. And I was attracted by her. I've no idea of what she told me she accepted your offer of marriage not in so many words but she told my mother and everyone that I proposed so I assume she meant to after you had finished dinner on Saturday night what happened. We had coffee in the drawing room at about 9 my mother suggested they start counting the takings from the fate I decided to go out I asked my mother to leave the south door open for me and I went to see Sam Bowcock he used to be my grandfather's groom he lives alone in the cottage at the far end of the matter. Where we talk and listen to music. I stayed quite late last night I can't remember he may be able to help just after 11 I think. I walked back came into the house through the south door bolted it and went to bed and saw you came straight back here yes means you'll be back in the house. It's only 5 minutes walk but I didn't hurry. I suppose I was in bed by 11 30 in the morning when you were woken up want to do it with Felix her and to get the ladder carried up between us though it's quite light and went up 1st I followed the window was open but the curtains were drawn. As a wide window ledge apparently Sally kept a collection of small glass animals there I noticed they've been scattered and most were broken. And went over to the door and pulled back a lot. I stood looking at Sally. I saw at once she was that take a look at the stock in Access What is it 3 splinters of glass they were found in the outhouse opposite Mr Jobs room where the lab is kept you know what they are could be part of a broken watch glass I suppose or part of one of the smashed glass animals from the straps room perhaps I see you have a small piece of plaster across here right now called what's wrong just a graze last night or I must have brushed it against the back of a tree don't remember doing it I thought I put a bit of plaster on before I went to bed. And he. Looks like a cup to me or it could of course be a scratch from a finger now in which case you'd expect to find blood in the skin under the nail which did the scratching I'm sorry I just can't remember how it happened. That all know I want to be perfectly clear about this law yes it leads directly to the flight of stairs which go up to Mr x. Room that's right so she was almost in a self-contained flat once the kitchen was closed for the night she could let someone in without anyone know I suppose as the sands door was left on bolted for you last night anyone could have gained access to the house through that door while you were out well. Yes Would you be prepared to swear that it was unbolted when you got back from Mr Bouck Ochs cottage of course I couldn't have got in otherwise gotta makes you do realize how important it is to establish the exact time you both had that door yes yes of course now you've just told me you came back to the house just after 11 bolted the door and went to bed and I'll ask you again and please think very carefully before you reply. What time did you both to the south door. Well. Actually it was 33 minutes past 12 by my watch I was in bed by about half past 11 as I said but I couldn't get to sleep 1230 I suddenly remembered that I hadn't locked up so I got out of bed and it's. Very careless of me but if there's a law against forgetting to lock up I should like to hear of it 1233. Yes I can quite see how it happened no one is kind of than Stephen Max The girl just took advantage of him I knew he couldn't have loved her really he'd have told me before anyone if they'd really loved each other he could have relied on me to understand and release him you mean you were engaged. Not exactly an engagement inspector no ring or anything like that but an understanding it was taken for granted Stephen has a long way to go before he can think of marriage and that his father's illness to consider Jimmy about the early hours of this morning as far as I understand you were with Mrs Maxse That's right I couldn't sleep and I had a headache I went to the dressing room where Mrs Maxse was spending the night and I asked for some aspirin did she give you some she told me to find it for myself in Mr Maxie's medicine cupboard it was while I was looking for it that I saw the bottle of sleeping tablets the May is the brand name it was written on the label you're quite sure it was my I'm a state's registered nurse inspector I know a bottle of some a when I see it so it was in the cupboard out at 7 o'clock this morning and when Stephen and I went to look for it about 2 hours later after we'd found Sally's body the bottle had vanished Tell me about finding the body when mother came to tell Mrs Maxse that Sally hadn't got up we thought at 1st she devil slept then Martha came back to say that her door was locked as you know Dr Max and Mr Hearn got in through the window we waited on the land. Feeling. What's happened here. To have an it company. What's safe here is she's been strangled Oh. We've looked at a long enough for her face. And it's best if we don't touch anything call the police get here. You know the something strange about all the strange That's not a way to describe what you mean there's no sign of struggle in my experience people don't usually allow themselves to be strangled to death without putting up something to fight Felix what can all of that matter she's dead isn't she she's dead Mrs Maxa. I wonder you think this coke I suppose it is you think it's drugged I don't know I think it's possible but. That's my cup. It's the one I always use everyone knows it what's it doing up here. Oh my God. I think I'm going to be sick all right and even me. Move on to why new Mrs Maxi and her son found that the sleeping tablets were missing Well I'd picked Jimmy up from his cot he stopped crying and I followed the other 2 into Mr Max's dressing room Stephen went straight to the medicine cabinet he said it's gone I asked what he meant and he told me about the 10 tablets that Sally had found in Mr Max's bed and that Mrs risk put back into the cupboard. Was the 1st I'd heard of it I was able to tell him that the bottle had been there when I went to the cabin aspirin earlier on I see that there isn't much more to tell so I took Jimmy away to change his nappy Stephen was just starting to phone the police no one seemed much concerned with the baby so I took matters into my own hands and . She agreed to take until things are sorted out came around by taxi and by then the police had arrived the rest you know that's very clear and very useful thank you now just a few more questions. Yes yes the earlier part of the night tell me what happened from about 10 o'clock onwards let me see well I helped Mrs Maxse and the others count the days takings from the fate misled Ellen Dr Epps left at about 1030 Mrs Maxse and I went to the kitchen Martha had gone to bed but she'd have to source been a milk on the stove and a trap cups on the kitchen table did you notice that Mrs riscos was missing as a matter of fact I did it's Wedgwood very distinct. She'd gone up to the garden with Felix hearn a little earlier and I thought she must have come in without anyone noticing. It never occurred to me that Sally might have taken her cup though of course it's just the sort of thing she would do she hated Deborah miss is risky. You've heard about the affair of the copy dress Debra pretended to take it calmly but I could see that really she could have killed Sally. I didn't know what cards are. Then well we made our drinks and took them up to the dressing room which was where Mrs Maxse said she'd sleep that night I helped her make up Mr Max's bed and get him comfortable then I went to bed. And what time is this. A quarter past 11. You may find this part rather strange something happened of that scene before dinner it had been a great shock I just couldn't believe Stephen and that girl wearing gauged dinette self was a nightmare everyone behaving as if nothing had happened of course the Maxis never do show their feelings no one said anything to me so in a way I was the one most affected so what did you do well I couldn't sleep and I couldn't bear to lie there all night without knowing the truth the natural thing seemed to ask Sally put on my bedside lamp and looked at my watch and the time was the minutes to midnight. Didn't seem too late to have things out not in the mood I was in so I went to Sally's room. Her door was locked but I could see the light through the keyhole and knocked and called her you must have heard me because the bolt was suddenly shot her she stood in front of the keyhole cutting off the light I knocked again it was obvious she wasn't going to let me in so I went back to my room. Drove back not quite I thought I'd see Stephen I just had to know the true light wasn't on in his room so I knocked him when he felt that if only I could see him everything would be all right wasn't he wasn't there inspect. The bed was turned down for the night but he wasn't there. I'm surprised you bothered to ask inspector deadly She must know that I would disapprove strongly even though Sally jobs affection for your son could have been genuine and paying have a compliment of assuming it was but what difference does that make I'd still have disapproved they had nothing in common he did have to support another man's child he would have hindered his career and they did this like each other within a year after course I disapprove I'm sorry to discuss what must seem no one's business but your own but you must see it's important naturally it provides a motive to several people myself particularly but one does not kill to avoid social inconvenience I admit I intended to do all I could to stop the marrying I've no doubt we should have been able to help Sally short of welcoming her into the family and must be some limit to what one does for these people. This business of the cocoa if as I assume it turns out the missed shot was drugged there are 2 possibilities she could have taken it herself or someone else drugged her well so in the household drinks cocoa I don't know what Martha drinks but none of the family uses it the milk must have been all right here in this buzz used to make your own drinks the other drugs are the crumbled into the dry cocoa or dissolved into the hot drink sometime after Mr Sharp made it not by anyone other than Ms Jap inspector we saw Sadie carrying it up to have a Woman Who do you mean by we dock to eps Mr Dale and myself I was seeing them out it was about 25 past 10 we were in the hole said he came from the kitchen end of the house and went up the main staircase carrying the blue Wedgwood Cup No one said anything was it usual for her to use that staircase and know who the bad staff they directed to her room I think she was trying to make some kind of gesture you say you saw that Miss jump was carrying your daughter's cup that you meant. Listen to your guests or to mistrust what did you pick to be considered to Inspector tear it from her grasp what an exciting road yours must be sometimes it is Mrs Maxi For example we found the empty cocoanut in the dustbin a little while ago we'd have been able to tell of the drug of the input into the dry cocoa if someone hadn't rinsed out the empty tin and destroyed in a paper lining. About $930.00 Mrs Riscoe and I came in here where Mrs Maxse and the others were counting the money taken at the fete we told them we were going out for a little wander in the garden what did you talk about. Mrs Riscoe already told you I'd like to hear your account. I asked Mrs Riscoe to marry and did she accept you to be interested in Spector but inexplicable as it must seem she was not enthusiastic God Felix I can't. I can't not after Edward. You don't know what I went through watching him die nothing him so much. Feeling so helpless that was a tragedy and a chance in a 1000 years don't die in the long run that people get married just the same they gamble on life being kind to them on some years of happiness together I'm not prepared for that. Not yet Felix I'm not ready. Nor is Stephen come to that. It's been enough talk of marriage in this family. Was how I hate to go how long were you in the garden till about 1040 then we came in and then Mrs Riscoe offered me a whisky which I refused she went to the kitchen to get her nighttime drink but came back in a minute or 2 saying she'd changed her mind then I went to bed and slept reasonably well for me do you kill Sally job Mr. That I'm aware of at any rate have you any idea who did know and I doubt if I'd tell you if I had I presume some one came through the girl's window. That built a door must be a great disappointment to inspect but hard to visualize a member of the family pounding up and down a ladder to get in and out of their own house I know the Mexican gauge must excite sure but you don't need to get out of unwelcome engagements all the mortality rate among women would be astronomical don't you think after the discovery of Mr Chops body what would you do I went to see if Mrs Bell to Taft was all right she seemed stunned and kept repeating that Sally must have done herself in I pointed out that it was anatomically impossible to strangle yourself at which point she burst into even louder saw then Miss Bowers arrived with the child. But we're one thing Mr and Mrs riscos has you spent almost the whole night in her bedroom but you slept together how sweet of her but it puts me in a delicate situation doesn't it you'll have to make up your mind which of us is lying thank you I've already done so. Employing an unmarried mother but it had never have been thought of in the old days so it was an experiment what sort of a girl was Mr Were you satisfied with satisfied you know Earth 1st anyway what made you change your mind she began to get j. K. She started acting as if she was the mystery says she was beginning to think that she might be mistress here one day when she was very mellow and that Dr Max he did proposed to her on Saturday and I know nothing about that dad Dr Max He couldn't a married Sally judge though you can't now someone made certain of the. Those tablets found in Mr Max's jail didn't find any tablets she got them at the bottle jack this allegation to get attention Well I do all the heavy nursing if there was anything hidden in bad believe me I divined it one other thing Mrs Walter turfed there was an empty Coke 010 found in the dustbin That's right. I found on the kitchen table this wound and I took out the in a paper and put it in the stove and then I rinsed out the 10 Why do that Madden doesn't like dirty chains in the dustbin they were inside all the used tens of Martindale always have done we won't keep you long mislead No Sergeant Martin and I hear of course about the death of salad jump not dreadful business dreadful she stayed here for the last 5 months of her pregnancy you know and came back to us when she'd have the baby you must have got to know very well and said that if you like or like her. What can I say. If you don't ask me last week I'd have said she was an excellent worker and a most deserving girl but now I can't help wondering if I was wrong about her you mean because of the scene with Dr Maxie was never more shocked in my life and specter of course she had no right to accept him she looked positively triumphant when she stood in that window and told us. I should always blame myself I recommended Sally to Martin Gail you know so you think Sally jumps that is the direct result of her engagement to Stephen Maxie what it looks like that doesn't it I agree that her death was highly convenient for anyone who disliked the proposed marriage elective family for instance. What a terrible thing to say and noble of course who don't know the family as we do but you must take it from me that that suggestion is fantastic mislead Oh we've spoken to the proctors son his next of kin can you tell me why you phoned Mr Proctor on Saturday morning what their daughter said she spoke to you about me phone said I don't know that some steak I haven't been in touch with a proctor since Sally 1st went to Martindale. Earth would i Phone Mr Proctor that's what I've been wondering. Your private papers misled documents about the running of the refuge and things like that where you keep Oh over here inspect industry or actually I think you know the key is in this little compartment anyone who wanted would find that very quickly do you mean that Sally might have pride about among my things. Yes I see it now. That was why she liked to work in here or that to sell it to that poor likeness so much pretense. I think I trusted her she must have been laughing at me all the time I suppose you think I'm a fool to well I may not be very clever with figures and accounts but I've done nothing to be ashamed of and they've told you about that scene in the dining room I suppose but I've done nothing wrong you could ask any member of the committee Sally job could prize much as she liked a lot of good it's done poor. Poor little girl and she was so happy here.

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Didn't is in place outside All Saints' primary school the a 14 upgrades between Cambridge and Huntingdon a said to be completed over half a year only highways England say the road should be open by the end of the spring well ahead of the original target of December its cost 1500000000 pounds has been Britain's biggest road project Dave runs a business in Ellington and says it's great news source has been nothing short on merit on the. 40 mall and. The process 'd it was very slow and it seemed to take forever to get this situation up . And we'll be speaking to the project director David Bray later in the show the 3rd patient in the u.k. Has tested positive for Corona virus mis understood they were diagnosed in Brighton and are receiving care in London England chief medical officer revealed they caught the virus in Asia but not in China health correspondent James Gallagher has more details there are 4 specialist centers in England that will look after these kinds of cases they have the dedicated facilities to minimise the risk of a patient with a highly contagious disease spreading it to anybody else so that's where they'll be taken and they were going move into the next stage which is basically detective work so health officials will go around looking at all the people that this person came to close contact with to see if there is a risk of those people catching the virus to more than 25000 people living in Peterborough have applied for the right to live in the u.k. Under the Government scheme for e.u. Citizens it's one of the largest number of applications outside local authorities in London Nationally the number is 3000000 more than half of being told they can stay indefinitely people from Hamden water in Peterborough are complaining against plans to build a Roman Catholic primary school the city council approved the proposals last month but some are concerned the school be allowed to slate the majority of its pupils from Catholic backgrounds Tracey lives locally and says it doesn't embrace diversity it's just not something that should be happening children shouldn't be discriminated against education based on the say we have lots of different faith in . Community and I should all be able to go to school together councils in England are being invited to apply for a 50000000 pound fund to create the 1st town with an all electric bus fleet the winning town would be used as a model by the government as it aims to ensure all buses are fully electric by 2025 and Cambridge United have declined to comment on reports strongly linking Brighton coach Simon Rusk with the managerial vacancy at the Abbey the you say their recruitment process is ongoing Rusk was appointed as Brighton's under 23 codes in 2015 He's never managed a senior side where they're staying dry and clear and only some light winds the odd patch of mist could roll in later highs of 9 Celsius that's 48 Fahrenheit there's more from us on Facebook search b.b.c. Radio Cambridge is 3 minutes past 4 and the are just because you're standing in tomorrow you're doing the drive through tomorrow obviously are going to leave you some not all are you can thank you very much are going to leave your high c. . Maybe a little b. a Thank you you can use that whatever you like as lovely All right yeah well i care nice haircut by the way thank you so because you stand in the drive through no not at all the drive through that's what listeners. Wanted to do we said. We don't want to talk too much. We had today were jazz was not there so this moment I'm going to teach you a magical trick Ok with your fingers. Which is going to blow your mind when I have this yeah my uncle used to get me to police finger right and I was happy doing and Jess is warning me no cuz ill thing is you did a description I'm going to try to get the clip he described. As a new feature just because into the lyrics of the song is something Radio 4 going on I don't know I don't know what's going on there I think he saw well I don't know that either and he had to get the smell of so you know drink around them nor most of the people around here do but let's not talk about you and me and they were the only sober ones of this station. Don't get me talking about Luke East how they keep the camera straight up there I'll never know yet today Andi. Douglas this past week 103. 2 things I could do here could do acting dentist east coast his son. Yeah yeah. But I want to do his story epics The Credo storing epics of type because he was an Spartacus Spartak us. Christmas. I thought we could do that I'll get me going on of another I'm going to do something about housework bonds but you with me yeah I'm good. Across Cambridge. Drive down from b.b.c. Radio in Cambridge. Previously trying. To drive through where Fudge is not Bond. To me. Scream. You one. Tumble dryer brackets it still works oh it's all about me tonight that. Struggle got you guess maybe it's the way you talk until you tell them up front me they're going to talk to you that's the problem. Ok. I'd rather. Not like. A finger of just enough to get the kids treat Let's take. This money yeah they do expect the b.b.c. Is not going to get. Through. Your money. When you point. This. Really weird with English struggle with things we struggle with language. Ok just leave it there Rupert right goodnight Robey. C.m. Story movie. Spartacus. 8595 here's Madonna. Madona. Studio tight. Little. Welcome and thank you for your ears to. All the drawing. Up the good ones. Here in a better mood than he was last night. Very well listen to radio program I think you'll find that we just to get gas in the future Sebelius. Is in charge today all of the news. Anything else better to do with. Listening and. Yeah. Yeah Douglas has passed away and yeah and he was he was a wrestler. Yeah it was very he could actually wrestle. Really well 103 Yeah I don't want to get under 3 I get this record being Scottish If I get to 70 you know people applaud me in school and the tone you want to 70 well done and so 103 years left. You ask you what about doing here. Why am I still here I want to get 8 years left before I kick it because I'm 70 I'll be 70 know what Martin Martin How old are you Martin you can ask him that. Night on ask him some of the 546424. And young age well then Martin goes on sale. But it looks after ever as here. I'd like to do 2 things with this the great epic historic epic movies of our time because he was in Spartacus while the other really Masa films I don't mean franchise movies I mean that must've big films everybody had to go and see because they were epic I mean real epics I only remember seeing him in the Vikings I love them oh yeah defy you can see it was in the Tony Curtis was yes him and Tony Curtis fighting and. All of the actress was Tony's come in with a cracker here Clash Of The Titans nice myself oh journey to the center of the earth all that was one I don't have to go there I don't work you know and well as a boss or some leader but they went to the center of the earth in the 1st weird stuff or that's great I'm going to put that that's a crock and start Clash Of The Titans it's not the one with me use the. C.g.i. Before c.d.r. It was. Very early Yeah give me the big epics everybody and I'll take love stories as well as story there was a big one scene. Ryan O'Neal. And. A. Girl Very much yeah and also I want to do acting dynasties as well because Kirk and Michael Douglas and Michael Douglas the folks there see their beginning in the u.k. Who are the other dynasties are acting to the cities as well. Dyson Dyson he makes things dice and yeah him yeah he's a nice and. You know he makes stuff yeah yourselves pretty well yeah vacuum cleaners mostly Yeah but he's come out with Peter headphones I'm not making this up listen you know I do make stuff up for for entertainment purposes but he's not make this he's made headphones to of go on the air filter a tarp so you will the whole thing like a mascot it would do you go to your ear and you'd be able to lose it I don't want to do that the simple one I want to do you've had of host buns could we have host what buns Ok I'll give you Iron Maiden's nice I'll give you just a Springfield nice officer Oh yeah ladies that sort of thing so don't expect big things now you are or this is good mark the trucker big epic film The Magnificent 7 was an epic Oh yeah I was on track as well. Do you. Make the previously Yeah probably you can join Voight anon Julie Julie has joined for you yeah she's done alright yeah yeah I think so yeah I do Julie starts John Voight I think so yeah I don't know that I or this is good I think we're on to something where Pete most of the Week this week um we have a lot of other just underline if you're expecting us to have another big name celebrity guest on the show this afternoon after we had to focus shock yesterday I just thought he could step in or said no we haven't we've got no one no that one to stay tuned for you just want to commission me finger trick I'm going to teach you a magical trick Ok with your fingers. Which is going to blow your mind I'm really uncomfortable and he's trying to show me as well you. Know so I already knew it across Cambridge. Cambridge. Percy Hi I'm Mark Thanks Johnny Good afternoon we got problems in Peterborough today the police have sealed off dogs thought road at the junction with Alexandra Road we're hearing that the ambulance service were also at the scene a little earlier it's left cues on all the approaches we also work here that a bus route to is being diverted elsewhere in Peterborough because a queue on past and parkway southbound to the I round about that's because of the road works closing at the 1139 Peterborough road southbound heading out of Cambridge we're already looking at 20 minute delays on Milton right up to the a 14 and only one there are 10 minute delays northbound to the blackout roundabout if you spot a problem and it's safe and legal call us on our 80859596 m r Percy for b.b.c. Radio Cambridge a travel Thank you Marcus. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge joined Jeremy every week for a midday for lunch time life its 3 hours of live a local entertainment featuring fascinating guests a look at health wealth the great outdoors history and plus your favorite tracks in the All Request hour Trust us this is a lunch break you don't want to scare. Me Jeremy said weekdays from his well the. Cambridge. Were got some good news stories tonight as well the 4 teams going open earlier and we thought. We would talk about openings as well we're talking about literally the big films of our time the coming and thank you Martin the truck the Magnificent 7. When Tony's come in. Acting dentist he joined Voight and Jolie. When Travers come in Guns of Navarone war that was yeah it was. Richard Butler the thing was and again I heard of and never seen in the dumb Busters all yeah but they meant to be remaking that one home I think they were doing recently to go and get their own stuff it's like you know somebody's stealing your homework. Don't to see Vogtle all yeah. Oh what was up with the David Lean classic. Oh. Peter O'Toole was an o. Yes. A lot of these as well have really iconic soundtracks to them as well which obviously does play a ponce in the. Acting dynasty tonight remember them on himself I can't Douglas I mean he was his son became a not to all the founders as well Jane Fonda Henry Fonda and there was the brother as well what and who the brothers had to say yeah. Right so we want some house what Bonds please house what bonds we've got artists we've already got Iron Maiden know how spontaneous What bunch. Want to dust the Springfield Yeah. I'm talking of dice and. The. Glue and I say. Oh that's great films you star tweeted me Ronnie Lawrence of Arabia was the big. The good the bad the ugly and once upon a time in the West I don't remember the Once Upon a Time in the West there Phil but the good the bad and ugly the epic films I'll take what we said in the lovely Duffy ones a love story was my ass if. Morris is give me Don't see if I go as well as must be there for. Film with the most no one ever. Yet incident a certain Russia and they just seem to go from one big policy to another on sledges Julie Christie. Omar Sharif. The great a stash me a proper moustache I'm on the Twitter radio Barbara you can get me there you can email me as well. Yeah Dr Zhivago is a good one but can I have some more housework bonds please Morehouse what runs. All this is George says Ben Harper Oh yeah that's the one with the famous thing that went wrong one of the I don't want Charles Thompson Heston was and wore a watch Jordan a big Gladiator thank you Claudia to. A race I had a watch on just a while there's another fall in for us you know our site sight for one in it see a side phone and what it is it's a side bar yeah what is one of the great film mistakes there are whole Yeah. Right yeah thanks. Good afternoon Ronnie I'm on the other modern diet it's really simple to follow you have to don't you ever don't you ever post Duffy. All rocket Roy high rocket Roy of Arabia Ben-Hur Gandhi. Gandhi. Gandhi's and their. Towing in fat no no there you go that was a film whopper of a queen isn't it yeah just looked on it. He was play you played the mains will find chieftain they trying to save on Robert Redford Robert Redford play the deeply the blue designed to go into trouble touring for an hour having Towering Inferno on putting the percentage in adventure in there as well when not putting a precise does not a big film say it's not the same length just do the same Dr Zhivago my deficit 7 if you haven't Towering Inferno then I'm just I'm just saying the Poseidon the very. I suppose title on it would be that but I want to go by the Titanic Poseidon Adventure I'll put it and as a. I'll let you have it you can tell me to the stars and Gene Hackman. And another one. You. Can. Keep the. Shoes. Yes. From 7 o'clock to Costco came to share with award winning the La Ford. Oh yes you're going to silver in the last like top clock 1st union broadcast. How you clear how are you on calling thank you how you ya good today I don't know why it's by last working day of the week I saw you get your forty's awakes quite nice clear you of you're retired Yeah. Well I'm girly. Why why are you an employed what's the problem health or what you can't get a job. Have a look at a girl and you know who. You touched. Yeah . Shorthand. But it's a shame that you don't get to computers can't do computers clear. You. Go on it well. I'm going to try Sieberg for you. I think I might become an employment agency who but. Now. We're talking I was talking about Ben Hur and the had a problem with the one of the actors name a chariot race wore a watch what if you go as well without one clear well. You know. And. I'm going to. Go as long that's still not yeah yeah even the chariot race is about half a known its own right yeah I think it might be one of the films I was the most the state Senate cleared of I remember rightly. When anything does very well. But it's a big gap I don't know how long it was but it must have Cliff thank you very much Thursday 859596 our travels come an airplane I don't have a can let you have that when traveling Cambridge it's not really. Sinking of the Bismarck myself from here to China to yes definitely right the fall out was from here to Tennessee because they. Take Commandments all you asked Ted combined with Moses Apollo 13 I'll give you like and reach for the sky talk at these big epic movies the films makes like you are trying to make says. Jennifer brush. For my people my high spawns and dustpans people. They would do the gunslinging like you make. Or judge says hope at the right. Thank you very much on my Twitter radio Barbara All right care Douglas says Blondie who has a record for starring in most films for the top off yeah but Blondie used to do that when he was the radio quite often when you want your t.v. Off Phil says Only the Good the Bad know when once upon a time the West were so Giuliani's Westerns after his daughter I once upon a time in the West a child presents and Henry Fonda Claudia Cardinale Oh yes the God far films qualifies as now I'm only going to let you have the one God for the number one fill I'm only going to because the Godfather It was an epic and then the other was kind of just full on this trio I would talk about the big epics I were looking for the house what bonds as well as what Bonds 080859596 I'll play you in a 2nd or played jazz jazz all of time ago on I'll do well to mark out just touch up I know explained jazz did something on his radio program does a lot radio program some of us know very well but but just country. By participating in Sammy our whole family. And. Finding coverage the positivity which my little nephew needs to live his life well does that make sense. Actually it's sort of tough. Which is worrying. Coming the license for you. Coming up. Right now across Cambridge. Cambridge the magnificent Mark Percy Thanks Ronnie let's just update you on the situation in Peterborough dogs thought road stays closed both ways at Alexandra Road because of a police operation also in Peterborough it's a struggle southbound on past and parkway towards the roundabout because of road works heading out of Cambridge the worst of the queue so far on hills road towards the Addenbrooke's roundabout Milton roads really struggling up the 14 with delays of around 15 to 20 minutes or so slow into the city on Trumpington Road and the a $48.00 is crawling westbound to the Tesco roundabout outside St Neots if you spot a problem and it's safe and legal call us on our 808595961 b.b.c. Radio Cambridge the travel. Time for the weather and if you want some weather yes plays who would you like to read bio tonight the Scottish Billy Connolly. Will be a long long spells that. Will mean our star was terrible. With long clear sparrows although a few patches of fog and low cloud may develop for a time. Chilly again with threat strength southerly winds later on their minimum temperature all my goodness 0 to $3.00 degrees Celsius as the attitude at $37.00 degrees finally you have to do is to more like when you're standing. Go to have to say how does on the read the well bore it to morrow after a chilly start any Meston for. Well smallish will have left the spot I thought to give a try and bright he with a good spells of sunshine by the way some of the southeast so 3 see when is trending in the afternoon Mike some temps are 6 and I agree Celsius 43 to 48. Easy way to Cambridge on the headlines. No man has been taken to hospital with serious injuries after a stabbing in Peterborough the emergency services were called to dogs or brode at 2 o'clock the man believed to be in his twenty's is being treated for multiple stab wounds a police cordon remains in place outside all same's primary officers are now searching for 4 men who left the scene in a gray vehicle before police arrived local businesses have hailed an announcement from highways England that the a 14 upgrade to due to be finished more than half a year early officials say the road should open by the end of the spring well ahead of the original target of December he England's chief medical officer has confirmed a 3rd person has tested positive for Corona virus in the u.k. Professor Chris Wade he says robust control measures are being used to prevent any further spread of the virus it's killed more than 560 people in China nearly 3000 people living in Peterborough have applied for the right to live in the u.k. Under the Government scheme for e.u. Citizens it's the 8th highest number of applicants north already in the u.k. Has seemed nationally 3000000 people have applied for the scheme and the Labor leadership contender secure Starmer has been promoting national well being during a visit to Cambridge. Adam Briggs hospital he says it should be just as high a priority as delivering economic growth the ballot for Jeremy Coleman successor opens in 2 weeks time we'll have more on that shortly b.b.c. News for Cambridge chip or a 5 time no for another feature will do for 4 to a 2nd but just the information you can't entertain thing is very important to us here the b.b.c. Rita came ashore and yes let's explain sometimes lyrics Ok. I always thought that song was about knights it's in White Satin and I never really it was a very confusing image for me I thought well that's I mean that's quite a head of its time as a look like a cat or can knights you wouldn't really want to be going into battle dress in in satin and it's not very something to keep you warm on the battlefield or that will afford you wonderful ease of movement and the how you get away with every day. I'm up in the boss's office every time I make some remarks and he's explaining lyrics to songs to fill 24 seconds on radio you know local boy I'm going to go get it yeah yeah yeah everybody loves jazz his figures are up as well. Would you like to play false or force or yes please your price tonight is what you're going to get tonight. All 3 split infinitives from a celebrated linguist. You don't get those 10 a penny more special than some of the university tell a bit of linguist a real rarity that you have to tell me which one is false which ones fault or false or hundreds of Australian you decide been banned from sunbathing cause authorities are not happy with them down under. Ok yes. Or is it number 2 East 17 will never be able to reform because of all moved to the other post court. Is it one. Hundreds of Australian you decide been banned from sunbathing because authorities are not happy with them down under. Or is it number 2 a 78 will never be able to reform because of no birth to another poor score which once force was false or well crumbs I think Down Under is false he 70 last fall said You are correct you have 13 split infinitives from a celebrated linguist you can do what you like with. Split infinitives it's fine. So well done you have a good week this week. Ok. Or you got benched even some wit no so I did make you start again is all we do bend your stomach I'm going to send men's answers yeah that's all he does it keeps time and only here every 6 months that's the only thing Ben Stevenson does yeah yeah you can yeah you know you love him. With the b.b.c. Funded we can afford a young reporter Ted reporter suddenly 6 months later she's been hard times I was Know when he's not singing songs making Christmas. All this a good bargain rum says. And for your household What about the carpenters the car the competence the competence I got yes this from Janet chairman of the board so you want to know again. You were you want in this up because I'm a link so it was John it was it yeah it was John I'm on tenterhooks she's gone but she gave it to what was it. It was the chairman of the army board's very good police well this is all or know it be trying to commit a serious thing hey one of the contenders for the Labor leadership was and came sort of a secure star of his the hostel in Cambridge or a political reporter. Ben Stevenson went on to speak to him well armed. Well. Arrived after unveiling one of his top pledges and you are right to refer to the fact this isn't his 1st visit to the county recently he's taken quite a showing to Cambridge sure he was there and head of the election of course but now he's got a different task at hand he wants to become the next leader of the Labor Party so he's a big one you've been hearing in the news they set off throughout the day here on Radio came and he wants to set a new indicators for national well being so like we have with the economy we have things like g.d. Pay that we can assess how well our economy's performing he wants a similar set of indicators for our wellbeing so he wants them to uncover things like health inequality homelessness and the environment and he wants to ensure that the government policies then prioritize people's quality of life not just economic performance so it's been championed elsewhere in the world New Zealand have their own wellbeing budget and claim that national wellbeing informs the policy in the investments that they make so I started with my very brief chat with him as to why this policy was so important to him this is really important because for decades we've been measuring the success of our economy just by g.d.p. And wellbeing is as important as that we've not measured it you know health and mental health poverty the impact on the environment etc These are things that really matter to people and yet we don't capture it a measure it so what I'm proposing is that that becomes a central measure of the economy but also a broader issue such as investment New Zealand I think is probably the lead example of. This the recent examples I'm Wales they've got a future generations well being act where there's a duty on public authorities in particular to show the impact of what they're doing so it's great that it's gaining traction but it needs to be mainstream in my view I was also talking about today event was quite a few topics came up as he spoke to members of staff at the hospital and to the gathering journalists he mentioned everyone he's spoken to on the campaign trail thinks the n.h.s. Is underfunded so that's not too a shocking statement and he also wants the National Executive Committee that's the governing body of the Labor Party to start Ham picking candidates which is an interesting one for the historical look back at how candidates been selects here only here in Cambridge because that's happened a couple of times and we also spoke about de volution it's a hot topic post breakfast and post the election where a traditional Labor heartlands in the Midlands in the north voted Conservative So we're expecting some sort of devolution whether it be powers or funding for those areas will kill a star has called for more diva Lucian across the country so I asked him how his vision for devolved powers would work if this is what he said. I are both your 2nd. Just too far away they're too remote and people feel like I can't influence what's going on around them so what I want is what I call federalism what I really mean is turning the political model upside down so the positions of my closest people if they can be varied in a town or city or region they should be on the same for Scotland and Wales in the comfort of Scotland of Wales so to devolve more power so it's closer to people and what's interesting Cambridge is we already have quite a few devolve power so we have an elected mayor we've got the county council we've got city and district councils and we've even got specialist bodies an example like the greater Cambridge partnership so do we really need more layers of local government will afterwards he did clarify he didn't necessarily want more layers but he did want these bodies to have more power in how decisions we make locally and of course he's just one of the Qantas just remind us who else is running the event so we're down to 4 now here start being Warney seen as one of the more sensuous candidates so they was part of a korban shadow cabinet we have Rebeca long Bailey who's been dug the sort of continuation of the Corbin agenda she famously rated his efforts in the last election as a 10 out of 10 Lisa Nnamdi has impressed she was written off by some when she will announce she was running but is gathering support and then this Emily phone Bray who is one of the Corbin Corbin's loyal left hand and she looks like she's struggling to gain support and may pull out before the race reaches its climax. Has to go to labor groups across the country. Are they backing yet is a complex process but each of the local labor groups get to house their say and put forward who they would nominate so 4 have already declared so voting for we had South Cambridge and Peterborough the likes of Northwest counties and north east Cambs of actually gone through back a long Bailey and then we have a few left to declare So we'll find out who the people of Cambridge wants on for. They then Huntington on Monday and I think southeast cams is on Sunday and then the winner of the whole contest will be announced at the beginning of April the 4th of April I believe now they're saying off winter that will be a sing off they remain Oh they would take the mask off we found out who it was and they get the job and so I make out the so that he'll get the final 4 it gets accustomed Oh yeah and it obviously decides what song will be released and so yeah . Last time you met here it was spelt rather nice remarkably sound like a stalker. Yeah how do you spell this time I was a hospital so. It was a change of ambience and also a change of regulation last time we were at the science is a farm. So it was very very big whiff of the hand sanitizer was going good I'm well that's good to hear some quarter good I thought that was Ben Stevenson everybody will get you to sign his leaving card. Not a minute across Cambridge. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge is a part per se. Thanks Ronnie in Peterborough dog's thought road stays closed at Alexandra Road because of a police operation the early accuse only approaches seem to be easing off but Bus Route 2 is still being diverted also in Peterborough we go to Q On past and parkway southbound to the roundabout that's because of road works closing Peterborough road southbound outside Cambridge the a 14 is struggling westbound to the m 11 interchange Sali queues out of Cambridge at the seething on Milton Road up the a 14 that's a delay of nearly 20 minutes or so slow outbound on hills road to the roundabout and the 14 a 48 story is crawling westbound to the Tesco roundabout outside St Neots if you spot a problem and it's safe and legal call us on our 808595961 b.b.c. Radio Cambridge a traveller are trying to market. Our tailors and. He's had to go because I fell off my bike today. In the back of the fans don't know what happened to be crashed into a dyke or just into the route I said to crash into a dyke or just not reserve very muddy it caught on and if you stop the dead and threw me over slightly over the handlebars are known to my side where I've previously broken ribs and then I rolled into the ditch but just avoided the water . He says sorry to hear about your bicycle crash I did really hope the address Vegeta Ok. Craig says Happy post peak day thank you very much Classic Movies Casablanca. Acting dentist these don't know Donald and Kiefer Sutherland Yes that's a good one household chore artist's house hold bonds long john loader laundry long john laundry and so long John Bolton Oh yeah yeah that's good folks explain yeah a movie mistakes as well we had to talk about Ben Hur and those loads of make mistakes and there there is a single idea to put a jet plane can be seen or flying over lots from pre-computer thank you very much David Peterborough gave me Casablanca go where the wind housework bond Florence and the washing machine. And James Kopp and dust Dusty Springfield where we've got to dozens of Springfield as well as thinking dynasties Carrie Fisher. Oh yes I know it's we've got another one as well that was Lisa Minelli and Judy Garland Of course yeah I was taught I did dentistry is called by some Douglas and it's passed away and it's called the Sun carries on so far we've got Jon Voight and Julian Julie didn't know you only your only shot in the forces didn't stay in the you know the founders the Redgrave's No you gave me what did you give me there Debbie Reynolds and very fresh Debbie Reynolds a Carrie Fisher So can we have 2 more of those please I think dynasties please say we could get those and Debbie Reynolds great actresses Carly for sure as well right and the host Pons Benz we've got Jennifer Rush Dusty Springfield dustpans people. We've got the Hoover we've got Iron Man it's Thursday I'm not going to do my best stuff on a Thursday. I made it on Dusty Springfield and human other one. You know formed when I was up post peak days now. Yeah or the site says Colton's lane is really heavy with traffic was directions with roadworks Yeah that's right thank you so I remember a lot has been mentioned earlier on this week so can we have some more of those let's open our office well we're talking about the great epic films of our time like I'm We've got some great ones or don't see if I go on the main lesson 7 Gandhi tiring affair no persona than Avenger. Zulu Gone With The Wind take we're taking are the Godfather number one I'm only will and will not one damn justice dumbass those Yeah where are the Graham Bell or war ones or Woody modulus co. It's a monosyllabic tonight now Mr memo. Oh tell us Commission was delivering this with but right now it's yeah it's good but it's not good enough for is not an epic film is assigned an adventure is no. Kill or be furious with projected on Twitter radio Barber some interesting tweets going around today nice one kitten coming 10859596 text. All right Ok that is not going to be happy is. Coming up we'll have the replay of last night with a fresh one tonight. Ok Michelle I'm only brought into 7 times. The big movie so it won travel 3 star measure am talking of dramas here's the key the song. Goes out with this file of suffering well done left does the Lend you don't dig a tunnel with a file you hot How was I to. Come with this. Oh this is stupid I thought that I would have moved on to another scenario the focus group doesn't like it was the same story line for too long fools don't like anyway whatever we do I know what the game of the I Spy Ok I'll go 1st I spy with my little eye something beginning with my. Perry Perry people in the prison often know. Just to keep my. 2 parts you can only play one. Show of your it through I was imaginary. Great. Love to see that nobody likes petty petty if I knew my dad was heat. So are you going to let Perry. As long as your you know cipher and inspect. But we can't. I've got a dentist appointment he needs to weld my fillings Perry let us go and we'll keep still nor do I need to know anything about this from the 3 people who will listen when the look east the lead. Boy oh how do you mean the great escape the lighting the prison cinema. Favor Now you boys have got to stop here or until. Your week or work out. If you can get. A said don't forget Clint Eastwood in the spaghetti Westerns. The Good The Bad and The Ugly. are more taken movie mistakes as well played across Cambridge. Came. In after a high mark Thanks Ronnie just updating you on the situation in Peterborough the place of close dogs thought road at Alexandra Road is also very slow southbound on passed and parkway 2 it's the road works at the roundabout heading out of Cambridge the worst of the queues are on Hills Road which the Addenbrooke's roundabout also a real struggle tonight on Milton Road up to the a 14 with 30 days of around 10 to 15 minutes or so heavy both ways on Trumpington Road and cold and slain the a $48.00 is crawling westbound to the Tesco roundabout outside to Sydney its with delays of 10 minutes and the a one has 10 minute delays northbound to the blackout roundabout on Mark Percy for b.b.c. Radio Cambridge a travel. Scheme which an essay on. The b.b.c. Sounds c s is b.b.c. Radio Cambridge. Had 5 the b.b.c. News for Cambridge Jim I'm and a manhunt is underway in Peterborough after a stabbing on dogs the road the victim a man believed to be in his twenty's has been taken to hospital with serious injuries officers are searching for 4 men who left the scene in a gray vehicle before police arrived.

Radio-program , American-singers , Officers-of-the-order-british-empire , Actors-from-california , American-television-actors , Kennedy-center-honorees , American-male-actors , California-democrats , New-star-of-the-year-actor-golden-globe-winners , American-stage-actors , School-terminology , English-rock-music-groups

WNPR 90.5 FM/WEDW 88.5 FM/WPKT 89.1 FM/WRLI 91.3 FM [Connecticut Public Radio]-20191208-150000

So sions from the government and a Maria Evans was in Hong Kong organizers started the demonstration March early after protesters filled up the lawns at Victoria Park in the retail area of Causeway Bay The March is making its way from there to change to garden in Hong Kong central business district the people behind the March the civil human rights front also organized the 2 massive marches in June at the start of the protest which each involved more than a 1000000 people police have threatened to use tear gas if the protests turned violent they also reported that 11 people had been arrested this morning after a weapons cache was discovered or they March organizers questioned the timing of the find Hong Kong's unrest is into it 6 months for n.p.r. News I'm Anna Marie Evans in Hong Kong and you're listening to n.p.r. News. Migrant advocates in Guatemala are demanding answers in the death of a 16 year old Guatemala Maigret last May recently released a video show he died in a holding cell after being diagnosed with a high fever and needing treatment this conflicts with what the Border Patrol had said as wary of Martin reports one report in the watermelon press a 16 year old going to go to your demand this died in Weslaco Texas not in a hospital as was 1st reported but in a border patrol holding cell Migron advocacy groups in the watermelon press are trying to reconstruct events prior to young and on this is death he's apparently become gravely ill with the flu a nurse recommended that young migrant be checked every 2 hours and taken to an emergency room should he become worse video released by Pro Publica shows him writing in pain than on the floor and responsive for hours u.s. Customs and Border Protection says it can't discuss the case pending an ongoing investigation for n.p.r. News I'm ready I'm Martin to Chicago now where about 100 students from De Paul University spent a cold night out in the center of Chicago to raise awareness about homelessness around Zachariah was Mung that this is a one day event but it's all part of one step into a long term goal of ending homelessness on the other slept outside as part of the world's a big sleep belt and event aimed at raising awareness of homeless students on college campuses there were also events in other cities such as London Paris and New York where hundreds at the night on Times Square on trial Snyder n.p.r. News. Support for n.p.r. Comes from Jamie and Gerald catcher supporting the children's movements in Florida dedicated to helping all children enter school with the social emotional and intellectual skills needed to succeed more information is available at Children's Movement Florida dot org And Americans for the Arts. From One World Trade Center in Manhattan this is the New York or Radio Hour a co-production until you n.y.c. Studios and the New Yorker. Welcome to The New York Radio Hour I'm David Remnick Dexter Filkins has spent a lot of time in conflict zones whether it's the war in Afghanistan the American occupation of Iraq and the uprisings in Syria and Yemen but one conflict older still that all of those wars is the trouble in Kashmir the only Muslim majority state in India Dexter traveled to Kashmir earlier this year to report on a violent crackdown instigated by the Indian government and its prime minister Narendra Modi Modi rose to power on a platform of Hindu nationalism and hostility to India's Muslim population Here's Dexter Filkins. Like so many things in the modern world the current conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir dates to the dissolution of the British Empire in 1807 and what happened was the Muslim majority states became Pakistan the Hindu majority states became India Kashmir nestled high up in the game away as the split in half basically 2 thirds to India one 3rd of Pakistan and it's been that way ever since and in the beginning when the when the Indians wrote the Constitution they gave Kashmir special status and basically what what they did was Grant really broad powers of autonomy and self rule but since the very beginning there were there was always a strain a very powerful strain in Indian politics and there was always a strain of Indian political leaders who resented the fact that what they regarded as special treatment favorable treatment for Muslims and they always about that they would change. Under Modi came prime minister of India in 2014 was just reelected in 2019 he's now the most powerful prime minister that India has had in decades and upon his reelection earlier this year one of the 1st things he did was to centrally suspend the special status of Kashmir. Just did it in a stroke. Mode flooded Kashmir with with Indian troops they've cut off Internet they've cut off vision they've cut off telephone service everything so basically Kashmiris are cut off from the rest of the country they're also cut off from each other. The the vision of Modi is to impose on Kashmir essentially his vision for the rest of India which is 1st and foremost India's for the Hindus and the minorities including the Muslims are 2nd class. I was trying to. Figure out a way to write this India story and to and to write the Kashmir story more important to get into Kashmir from which foreign reporters have been banned so I decided to call this very interesting woman very compelling woman and really one of the most prominent investigative reporters in India Her name is wrong she's 35 years old and a Muslim and utterly fearless and completely bold and so I called her up out of the blue I said Ron My name's Dexter can I come out and can we go to Kashmir together long pause on the phone Sure. We got an airplane together and we flew to Srinagar the capital of Kashmir we landed in the airport there were you know there were soldiers and police everywhere there's a big sign when you walk in saying foreigners register here I had put on local dress and I kind of stared very intently at the ground and we walked out together. How are you. I'm good Dexter good to hear from you so we want to Kashmir together and I did my best to look Kashmiri and put on a kurta the local outfit it wasn't very convincing. I you know you were you were kind of laughing I mean I think at one point and said you know you're about 99 percent sure. But we made it through you know we got on the plane we want to go our and I thought we did pretty well. You know from the time that you were to the time that we boarded the flight until the diamond industry no good I was convinced that this is not going to happen and then it did happen. It was quite a journey it was remarkable. The violence and the scale of the action and. That that intensity was actually being hidden from the world media explain to people you know people in United States they kind of hear about Kashmir and they go God it's really bad over there. What's Modi trying to do. And why are the Kashmiri people so angry because I think we found a lot of anger there. Oh yes we did. Have a special status in the sense that medias cannot you know cannot buy land and in the valley cannot invest in the valley and it is a sensitive place it's on the border of India and Pakistan has been a struggle which has been going on for its own. Independent statehood for decades and this has been insurgency and. The special status that has been granted to me and it was revoked by the Indian government. Consulting the stakeholders in Kashmir without consulting the Democratic leaders who were put behind bars who are still behind bars the human rights activists every single human rights activist is behind in Kashmir so you know I I think we had that one really. When we we you know once again we got in a car and we snuck out of sprint car out into the villages where I think it's fair to say the insurgency has a lot of support and we interviewed those 2 those 2 young guys had been had been arrested or just just grabbed by the Indian army a couple weeks before and remember they they walked us through that kind of what they had been through you know they said well we were beaten we were tortured we were interrogated they beat us with bamboo rods and they even used electricity on us and I remember I think his name was moved so far he rolled up his leg and he showed us those burn marks on his legs and and that you know that was the moment I knew Ok that this is real then of course the further he went talking about it he started crying I mean these these these teenagers that the man. By the military forces and the last year I flew took the brothers away the family that now that the special status in Kashmir has been revoked they cannot either woman one of the woman said she had to hide her daughter in law because. The forces them it's rape that's the kind of story I mean not just documented the story of the boy. And even dead he was playing cricket and I almost thought for a 2nd I said hang on this boy was behind bars for 30 days and why. Why is he playing cricket and his father said This is the veils life and. He was also detained 20 years ago it's like a cycle of injustice and this boy comes to us and you know according his interview . On his back and. It was inhuman it was inhuman to say that he is that they could inflict this. So let's talk about you for a 2nd you know I think what what we saw in Kashmir and what we think it's fair to say what we've been seeing in India since Prime Minister Modi was 1st elected in 2014 it's become a tough place to be a Muslim in India I think it's fair to say and I this sort of Hindu Muslim divide has been in India for you know forever. But you've you've lived your whole life on that divide when when you were just a girl in 1902 there were really horrendous bloody riots that kind of swept by and yet your family was caught right in the middle of that and you had to flee tell us about that moment. So you really have to know in a pretty cost importance to cite the international. The only Muslim in a predominantly Hindu society and we never really felt trapped and never really had a religious identity to ourselves because my father was a part of the progressive writers movement he was also a government school teacher so you'd never be seen with the religious side and the so I didn't know what it was to be like a Muslim and Enda till 6 December 99 to do then suddenly that evening all hell broke loose in the country I neighbor who was a sea guy Mr Bugg he you know he was fighting when he knocked at our door and my father opened the door and he said your daughter's need to be taken from there because the mob is you know rushing towards your house that supports and that happened and the father said what happened he said you're the only Muslim family here we have to save you you will not be spared because they're all coming for you so even their Bischoff and we lived in a sea cause for 3 months and everybody was to come in the house and Ok Who are these people and and and the host say Oh there are few G.'s there in the house for a couple of months are Muslims and that's the 1st time the Would they are Muslims please talk to me because I did not see myself as a Muslim the entire episode that gave me a religious identity perhaps was the most traumatic episode of my life so you know when when those riots happened in Mumbai in 1902 you were I think you were 9 years old. 10 years later there was another really horrific series of of riots in a state of Gujarat and you know right riots in the case of good drop it's a it's not a very good descriptive word because really most of the violence after a kind of an initial attack most of that violence was one way it was it was Hindu or Muslim so it's better really to describe what happened in Greece right as a as a program. I think probably 1500 maybe maybe 150000 people homeless but you were you were 1819 years old you were living in Mumbai and then you told your mom you were going trekking in the Himalayas but you didn't do that tell tell us what you did instead so I told her that I was going to track but the night before I had seen on television the 1st time visuals some of the good draws riots and I saw that and it felt like I was reliving my childhood what I saw at night and it was repeating itself and I was 19 and it was true I think again I didn't want to be helpless so there was a friend whose sister was with the International Red Cross and she was travelling so I thought belong with her we took a train from Mumbai Central Station we landed in and the bad and then vent about a widow and my name is run out so there is a lot of ambiguity it on my name because it can cause i was a Hindu name so I ventured on his run I would have been the on my forehead and so you'd go down relief camps read in the witness woman who were raped and who were left dead to just die there were children the trauma all written all over them I mean. Just traumatized. There were flies all over their bodies and it was a was saying any human being could actually witness Well you know I think the riots were a real turning point in in modern Indian history and I just I want to I want to pause on those for a 2nd the remarkable thing of course looking back is that is that the chief minister of the state of Gujarat at the time was none other than the runner Modi who later became the prime minister and I think it's it's fair to say at the time and for years after there were great suspicions that his government and even Modi himself had aided and abetted the riots and allowed them to happen and allowed them to kind of proceed and and in the aftermath of the riots instead of recognizing and publicly declaring what a catastrophe this had been for the country Modi really capitalized on those riots and on the kind of this upsurge in Hindu feeling and Hindu identity that came out of them and he rode that really I think it's fair to say he rode all the way to to the prime minister's office. 12 years later. Explain that paradox because it is it's still just incredibly puzzling to me. So yes I mean what he was not elected nationwide in 24 despite what he did but also what he did in 2002 he endured himself to the country as somebody who could take on behalf of the Hindu nationalists and revenge mean. The killing of Muslims in the good thoughts why it's looking the other way the extrajudicial Muslims who are labeled as terrorist to keep this entire image off the Hindu nationalist under attack from Islamists and the nation was singing his praises you see what's happening right now in the country is just. Being repeated on a national level. So let's talk for a 2nd about the book that made you famous and in famous. It's about it's about the riots in 2002. You basically decided that the only way you're going to find the truth is to wear a disguise to pretend to be a filmmaker and then just insinuate yourself into a good Roddy society and anyone sitting insinuated yourselves into the whole world of the Hindu nationalists there so convincingly. That. They all ended up telling telling you their own roles and what happened then what they believe happened in 2002 and what really happened in 2002 your book it's published . It becomes a bestseller it makes you famous it's kind of amazing and on the other hand you become the target of a really vicious social media campaign which if you if you kind of look at closely you see that the people who are orchestrating this campaign are many of the people who work for any campaign and supporting it they're Hindu nationalist and specifically b j p supporters and even and even people who are if not sitting next to the prime minister people who would certainly like to be tell us about that social media campaign that really blasted you. Against men each time in the past old save with them and then a big story on a big investigation that has been a social media trend from 6 cd to run are you sleeping at says this. It took a more menacing toll in 2017 when I published the Hindi edition of the book and on the same time and I was also given the huge icon of the Year award by a magazine and I spoke about being wanted to a fool and the next day the these freak tweets waited and waited in my name that one tweet says I support child rapist in the name of Islam and that tweet spreads like wildfire in a couple of the tweet is generated that says I hate India and I hate all engines and that outrage and then a source of mine from the ruling party the b j p sent me a message saying I'm going to send you something but please please don't be upset and I ask them to send it to me it's a video a porn video. 2 minute 30 seconds with my image on it and I can do what should be on like 4 to 5 frames and. It's like. Grumbling Dahlan upon me from like them I avoided in egg toward died the country was watching a video that was everywhere it was on my social media it was on everybody's phone in India it was on whatsapp it was an Instagram it was and Facebook every 2 minutes somebody would send me a message saying hey we saw we'll feel worse and the fact that this video came from a member of the ruling party and it was so creating in their whatsapp coop which means that they had the initial access to the video 2nd the number of people who were threatening me with rape on social media followed by the prime minister by the home minister followed by the civil aviation minister on Twitter so it wasn't just take 2 but it was done by people who just with a b. Chippy spokesperson for the party says if you get out in the green you should be willing to get dinged that was his reaction to the deep fake video that was created of me let me let me ask your question and I hate to ask you this question I really do but. But you're out there you know you won't leave India. Do you fear for your life. Actually you did not as much of my life but my family the life of my family. You know a couple of months ago which I told you about there was a doozy or that I be official gave me about each one of my family member and what they were doing in the walking and what was their daily routine like nearby in the book My Friend. She was a journalist you know she was one of the moment the most was journalist who was critical of the government she was shot dead in 20171 of the reasons being that you know she was fighting these Hindu nationalists she was speaking about the right wing groups operating in in the fall too as she was working. What God Look it also did was 3 weeks before she was killed she translated my book into a regional language and when she was shot dead we had spoken the night before and we would laughing at the kind of harassment that came our way and she said Honesty is strong and the moment she was killed and the news prickled in effect like I think I'm not in my stomach that makes good I could be next. Or anybody else for that matter and sometimes feel that death is too close on time but sometimes when I'm in a traffic jam in the 2 cars next to me one of the if not white on a crammed between them I always keep looking around what if somebody is trying to get into my God what is somebody I don't know is just this is feel I mean I I won't deny it of course I do live in feel. Runa you brights from India for The Washington Post and other publications her book out files anatomy of a cover up came out in 2016 and you can find Dexter Filkins article blood and soil in the renter Modi's India at the Yorker dot com. We've got much more to come so stick around. The New Yorker Radio Hour is supported by Progressive Insurance with a name your price tool providing information on a range of insurance coverage and price options more at progressive dot com or 1800 progressive Now that's progressive and by Indeed with indeed employers can post a job in minutes set up screener questions then 0 in on a shortlist of qualified candidates using an online dashboard learn more and indeed dot com slash higher You're listening to Connecticut Public Radio support for Connecticut Public Radio comes from our members and from dumb caster where active adults create play learn and live on their 94 acre life playing campus located in Bloomfield Connecticut learn more at Doncaster dot org In this week's On the media we consider the media coverage of the impeachment Vander Johnson you'd find it surprisingly familiar was it like every outlet was Fox News spending that narrative to suit its own constituency otherwise and this n.b.c. To Congress people aren't the only ones who can talk to scholars on this week's On the media from the White was in this afternoon at 3. Scientists agree that in order to slow global warming we need to cut carbon emissions but the transportation sector the highest emitter in the u.s. Has not successfully cut back now a regional cap and trade initiative could change that in the northeast all. Over the next from the New England use collaborative We'll talk about the transportation and Climate Initiative and look at a sector that has been much better at cutting corporate emissions Please join us listen tonight at 6 support for health reporting comes from Adam's a night the Jackson Laboratory and Pro Health Physicians part of optimum care listen for stories during Morning Edition and All Things Considered. I'm David Remnick and welcome back to the New Yorker Radio Hour Jamie Lee Curtis descends from Hollywood royalty She's the daughter of Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis but if that sort of Hollywood history isn't your thing exactly you still know Jamie Lee Curtis who shot to fame in the original Holloway coming out only night it's when people play tricks on each other Tomic believe I think Richie was just trying to scare. The Boogeyman I saw marks out on the boogie man can only come out on homie not right right well I'm here tonight I'm not about to have anything happen to me Curtis eventually started playing in comedies like trading places with Eddie Murphy and the weirdly unforgettable a Fish Called Wanda I was setting up a guy who was incredibly important to us is going to tell me where the loot is and if they're going to come and arrest you when you come looking at Lambeau without a jockstrap and you dangle about a 5th floor window was that smart Ok but it sure wasn't good tactics or was it still but you. Don't call me stupid Her new film is also in the oddly comedic game Curtis is one of the leads in Ryan Johnson's knives out which is a whodunit comedy filled with references to Agatha Christie and to the board game Clue Curtis plays the daughter of the film's very very rich and very very dead mystery author Mr Blank I know who you are I read your profile in The New Yorker I found it delightful I just buried my 85 year old father who committed suicide why are you here Jamie Lee Curtis sat down recently with The New Yorker's Rachel Syme. Do you have a history with whodunnit movies no I am the anti mystery girl i'm the end time Mystery Girl I don't like horror films I know you know I don't know about being. Cute there's not a movie that my friends haven't all said oh I'm going to go see this movie and then they look at me and they say but you can't go you know there's this new thing that people do where they read it's like a whole trend of people who read the Wikipedia 1st scary movie before they see it like this is the way we already have an els Well I'm going to tell you a secret Yeah I was making my girl in Florida and the make up man had done Silence Of The Lambs and he wrote me a sheet which I took with me into the theater with a little flashlight I sat in the back row by myself and it it read when Jodi goes to the storage locker close your eyes and ears and wait for the 2nd to scream oh my God And so I would look at my little list and I'd be like oh there she goes to the storage locker and I would cover my ears closed my eyes curl up in a little ball and sing Auclair Della Luna in my head. So. Until I heard the 1st scream and then I heard the 2nd scream and then I could open my eyes. The unexpected is terrifying for me. Let's talk about your beginnings as an actor I did you resisted at any point that you could have gotten into it I mean I know you went to your college started acting never going back that's the story no no no it was the last thing in the world I went to college where my mother was the most famous person to have ever graduated it was the only school that took me with my d. Plus 840 combined S.A.T.'s average I say that only because that was the reality of my life a friend of mine from Beverly Hills had a tennis court behind her house and the man who had been the tennis teacher who would teach people at her house and he said you know they're looking for Nancy Drew I'm managing actresses now and they're looking for Nancy Drew universal you should go up for it and I said Ok I was home from college and I went up and auditioned and didn't get the job but somewhere somebody said it was she was whatever I don't even know what they said but they said something because all of a sudden he said you know you should stick around you could get work and all of a sudden I called my college I said can I do a drama class and get credit for drama if I go to acting class trying to be an act can I break into you know business in a paper from my get school credit for a good school credit for and they said yes and then audition for a program which is no longer in existence which was a contract system they used to put people under contract leisure and say it when I read that I thought God she must of been a laugh I was contracting I was virtually one of the last people I actually told the woman who ran it a woman named Monique James after I finished my audition I said Look I know that you take some time to decide but I'm going back to college in 2 days so I need to know by Tuesday because I'm going back to college and so they called and said yes and so I quit I quit college and became an actor and I I've been an actor since that day never. A 1000000 years thought I'd be an actor and I mean in terms of you say you never thought you'd be an actor never I mean how did it what I want to know is how did you learn like do you have a sense of what the craft is that goes all the way back to the beginning or is it something that's kind of ad hoc that has developed over the years the whole Italy just sort of what I've picked up what works what doesn't work I have learned that whatever it is there is no formula for anyone there is no one way to do it there are a 1000000 ways to approach something and every actor will come in with a different way there have been times where I have felt less than because other people seemed more. Articulate I will tell you I remember I did a wonderful movie with John Bormann called The Tailor of Panama and it stars Geoffrey Rush and Jeffrey and John are both intellectuals and they're both deeply into character and they do a method where they just dig deep and excavate everything and I put on the watch of the character and ready because I cut my teeth in horror movies so you don't have any time you just show up as the person and you do the work and you get a take or 2 and then they have to move on because there's no time but the truth is there is no depth actor's listening to this wherever you are she's about to drop the truth the truth is there is no depth that you have to go to it doesn't matter it's about creating something real and whatever it takes to do that do it but I don't I have found that when I try to be a really good actor I'm not a good actor because I'm all of a sudden very self-conscious I'm thinking about things in a way that's just not the way I do it and I have just found since I started that the best thing I can do is I read it once. I kind of know what it is and I show up I know what I'm supposed to say and it has worked out that way in every area of my life. Going back to starting out in horror I mean I know a little bit of the whole origin story of how how we came about but again as a person who doesn't like scary movies it's funny that that should be it's the weird irony I know yeah I'm I just I will tell you this I've been on a t.v. Series called Operation Petticoat which I like an old west thing well no it was a remake of the Tony Curtis Cary Grant comedy set on a pink submarine in World War 2 Now I would have guessed that was a movie yeah where 5 Army nurses get picked up on an island and are on this submarine to get trapped on it they remade it universal when I was under contract as a t.v. Movie and I was cast in the part that was opposite the part my father had played in the movie that's not twisted Oh it's almost incest but not. By gender it's generational incest and while we were shooting the movie it got picked up as a t.v. Series The show did not do well and I was fired I thought my life was over I thought my career was over I thought I would lose my contract and 2 weeks later the audition for Halloween came up had I not been fired from a show that only lasted 2 episodes before they canceled it I would never have been in Helloween in my life would have never changed do you know why you got the job that you haven't asked I auditioned many many many times I know it you start with Ling it down you start going I like her bring her back bring her back bring her back and then it was between me and one other woman whose name I know but I will never say publicly and I'm sure the fact that I was Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis's daughter that my mother had been and psycho that that wasn't going to not help. The promotion of the movie somehow like if you're going to choose between this one and this one choose the one whose mother was in Psycho because it will get some press for you and so I can't I'm never going to pretend that I just got that all on my own like I'm just a little girl from nowhere getting it where you reticent to do the revisit this current revisit not at all now now because I read it and that theme the theme of trauma speaking trial now was it I've always even h 2 o. For those of you who have seen it and don't hate me for it you know the goal of h 2 o. Was both time that 20 years had gone by and we were still all in like in show off business here we all still were working and trauma because in that movie she's an alcoholic and a drug addict. Trying to hide who she is by changing her name and running was it important to you that they also explore addiction Well it is a byproduct of trauma by the way pain killers alcohol it is the ball mm that heals people when they are so traumatized it's a natural evolution of trauma is to end up with drugs and alcohol has it been 20 years for you in recovery I'm 21 coming up in February congratulations thank you has that been fairly unexpected for you too to be kind of like a public representative for treatment recovery represented for a private Yeah for a private shrive private issue I was so terrified when I got sober from a 10 year run on by Couldn't and alcohol I was terrified about being outed I was terrified of the tabloids I would feel so embarrassed by that exposure of a secret of a flaw of human frailty and then I was actually doing an interview for Redbook magazine about a book that for children that I had written my teenage daughter was sitting with me at that moment we were at the table I believe the author is Amy Wallace and I remember we were sitting there and I was talking about how great my life was and how happy I was and how much better I kept saying the word better I keep saying like Annie and I are getting along better and Chris and I are getting along better and my life is so much better I keep saying the word better and at one point she said well what do you attribute it to and in that moment I remember I looked out the window and I thought do I don't I and then I thought I do and I turned back and said I think because I've been sober for over 2 years. And I think it's interesting how over the years the stories you've been telling about your own past with opiates and addiction has tailed with. Your thoughts on maybe the exacting beauty standards in Hollywood and all that and how you sort of want to push back against them I've I've read in several cases you've talked about how you had a procedure done and that yes there was an eye job because I was on the movie Perfect and Gordon Willis the great camera man in a courtroom scene looked at me one day and said Yeah I'm not shooting her today like that. Every picture of me as a child I had big bags under my eyes dark circles I've always had it and I was puffy that day whatever for whatever reason and I was mortified just so embarrassed so deeply embarrassed that right after that movie I went into my job Wow And that's when I found I couldn't and then you know the cycle of addiction began with that but I have done enough plastic surgery attempts I've pulled some light bow on me at one point. None of it works it just didn't work makes you feel worse there's a phrase it's in recovery but it's I apply it to my life fully which is when I wake up in the morning and I look in the mirror I am looking at the problem I'm also looking at the solution the kids in me and. Plastic surgery and all these external fixes our society they're charlatans it's all advertising and money making not one of these people not one doctor not I'm not talking about plastic surgeons who fix wounded veterans I'm not talking about people who do altruistic help free or I am talking about these charlatans that draw you in with promises of you remove this you remove that you can inject this you can inject that and that ultimately you're going to be beautiful and feel better and I don't know anyone who's had procedures who feels better they look in the mirror and they feel fraudulent because it's not real and I am one of those people I have been I let my hair go gray I have tried it it didn't work it felt like it it it made things worse in a way and that has just been something that I've kind of carried on for a long time are there any roles that you've done that you think are kind of unsung like no one asked you about the only you know what I get so much f. Ing attention it's just obscene I mean really I just can't even from one side 2nd pretend to think that there's some hidden gem No one's asking about gems even if there is it doesn't matter I've been to this for a long long time and I've been. Successful at it since I was 19 I have been told I'm fantastic every day there's not a day I don't walk down the street and somebody goes a long year fent does Dick and I appreciate it I get it it's sort of been my gig so I don't need any more attention I get plenty of people telling me that they appreciate what it is i Pad an extraordinary life. Jamie Lee Curtis talking to the New Yorkers Rachael side Curtis is one of the stars of Ryan Johnson's knives out and you can find even more from their conversation online at New Yorker dot com. Knives out was one of the big movies of the Thanksgiving weekend and looking ahead to Christmas the most anticipated thing on the docket is probably little women Gregor wigs new adaptation of the novel girl we're told me recently that she's got a lot of personal history with little women it was in a community theater production a children's production and I played joke this in Sacramento Yes I remember I was wearing my hair Joe had this line make says you're almost a young lady now you'll turn up your hair soon and Joe says it's turning out my hair makes me a woman that I'm aware in 2 tails until I'm 20 and I remember thinking I'm sort of not saying this right but this is all I have I mean that's I think in some ways maybe you become a director because you're in some way know your own limited capacity as an actor so you get of a curiously little through other people. I'll talk with Gregg or work on The New Yorker Radio Hour next week and there's more to come this hour to stick around. The New Yorker Radio Hour is supported by Progressive Insurance offering its home quote explore designed to provide information about available home insurance options in one place more information at progressive dot com And by Indeed with indeed employers can post a job in minutes set up screener questions then 0 in on a short list of qualified candidates using an online dashboard learn more at Indeed dot com slash higher. Thanks for listening to Connecticut Public Radio just in time for the holidays on rock Connecticut magazine's December issue with Connecticut artisans crafting unique creations and the gift guide stuffed with 50 ideas to shop local on newsstands and online and Connecticut Mag dot com. Some of the panelists are Wait Wait Don't Tell me are ready to get on the mirror Pete but a judge bandwagon he's the person at the high school party who'd be up stairs talking to your parents sooner or later I'm kidding Peter Sagal we're inviting all of you over to our place this weekend you should be a Ranger join us for a wait wait don't tell me the news quiz from n.p.r. Coming up this morning at 11. Hi My name is Mattie I was told by. The way that you were in interviews everyone really play you know their questions that they've never been asked before I'm Jesse thorn this week Tim Blake Nelson star of Watchmen and the ballad of Buster Scruggs plus the brilliant actor Kathryn Hahn that's on the next bull's eye for maximum fun dot org And n p r join us this afternoon at one. Support comes from u. Conn's executive m.b.a. Program an accelerated program designed for highly driven working professionals looking to transition into senior leadership roles more at e.m.b.a. Doubt business you can doubt edu. This is the New Yorker Radio Hour I'm David Remnick Helen Rosser is a food correspondent for The New Yorker and she interprets that beat pretty broadly She says likely to write about the ethics of reviewing where the meat 2 issues plaguing restaurant kitchens as she is the perfect recipe for rhubarb so she had a lot to talk about recently with the Los Angeles chef Nikki Nakayama who's been featured on the Netflix show chefs table and his restaurant has been called one of the very best in America here's Helen not long ago I had one of the best meals that I've ever had and it was at a restaurant called and NACA in Los Angeles and the kind of 5th they serve there is called Case techie case like he is a type of Japanese cuisine that you might not be familiar with it's not that common outside of Japan it's an incredibly formal ritualized elaborate meal that unfolds over the course of hours there are dozens of courses the chef at a knock out in Los Angeles is a woman named Nick you know. I visited her in the kitchen a few days after I'd had my meal at a Naga and when I showed up she gave me a tour and this is our dish pit area of the chest as there are a lot more organized and we have a service that is just a lot going on because we have so many dishes the plate incredible we had to build a shed outside just to house those dishes and that's why we love our dishwasher comedy's Villa That's for 3 years so I feel very fortunate that people want to hang out with us and say even though we want to get there something. Very normal. Was born in l.a. And. She grew up there her parents are Japanese immigrants who owned a seafood distribution company so she spent her time as a kid working in the warehouse or hanging out in the office she figured she was going to have a musician maybe a pop star but she ended up spending 3 years studying traditional Japanese cooking in Japan and in 2011 the culmination of all that training and running a couple of other restaurants in l.a. She opened and Dhaka and this is my work area over here the kitchen at NACA is the 1st one that has been able to build from the ground up she designed it to suit herself she is 5 foot one and so everything is that counter height or lower she has notes pasted up by her workstation and near the pass reminding everyone how to feel what the Hooters what a knock is all about the one of the most important that I had was actually stuck outside the door and I felt that this is a very sacred space for me and I mean we've all been in kitchens where the environment has been no it's been a friendly one or it hasn't been very conducive to you know and so I had a no as I said get things started now so basically when you walk in the ground reminder to tell yourself that leave it leave. Don't bring it don't bring it in but that's since fallen but generally everybody gets the idea so not gamma talks about these unfriendly environments I think part of what she's referring to is high end kitchens in general those spaces tend to be pretty broadly almost all the shops that are running those kitchens are men and within the already pretty sexist high end restaurant world high end Japanese cuisine is an area that remains particularly close to female shops. Response to this is to staff her kitchen almost entirely with women and that includes her right hand in the kitchen and everything else. I am the solution here and not that. Are my partner and. Don't forget that quite. You know just this to said here in Britain in a lot of ways Oh you have the most beautiful Romanesque Oh we don't use a lot of room in romance going but I'm sure we'll figure out a way higher fares and like our go to thing is Ok let's just use that to the standard Japanese method to cook it and see what happens and if all else fails we just temporary everything. Psyche is incredibly complex and very ritualized chefs train for years sometimes decades to become case like even asters the difficulty for someone like Mark Yama who's trying to make a speck in California is that the cuisine developed in Japan it's a meal that reflects Japanese season's Japanese terrain so to try to translate it to California can be complicated I think authentic ICICI can only exist in Japan even for as we try to plant certain plants that are needed in Japan in this environment and doesn't work like we've tried to put mosque in that window behind you and it doesn't survive because the Vironment doesn't allow for it to be it's not humid enough I don't like to call ourselves traditional crisis in any way but I think our heart and our motives in our ideas about it feel very genuine and authentic to who we are because I think we're combining a lot of our knowledge of what Japanese cuisine is and also our personal experience of Japanese food and the things we know about it and combining that with our in America it's hard to pretend that we don't have one or the other so the most authentic representation of who we are is to sort of blend a little bit of both so when you say we're talking about yourself and Carol yes yes . So when you opened and Carol was in the picture did you guys know each other no but. You met and started dating and then you decided to work together yes and it all happened sort of by chance and a little bit crazy because I lost my shaft that I'd been working with for 9 years and then she's like well I know she and I know Japanese cuisine maybe I can come and help you just you know do some of the basic things that are really important and my initial reaction was like no you're going to see what a mess and how crazy it can be behind there. So everything is all together. You Carol have you are $100.00 you've sort of appeared together as a couple and you're often described in the media as you know like a lesbian couple. Do you think that that's an important part of your identity as chefs earned that because they don't there's a restaurant. I originally I didn't want that to be out there because I felt that it's very hard to be a female chef to be judged for so many things and another level of judgment is not what I want people to focus on when they're I want them just to think about the food and what we're creating. But as time has gone by realize and recognize that it's important to sort of put a voice out there of encourage more support and more acceptance I don't necessarily think that it's very important to tie us to that identity but I understand how if we are positive about it it's a good thing how has it been difficult to be a female chef. Sometimes when I can't help but wonder how serious people are taking you there are times in the kitchen was like if I was a man they would never question me about this and but I don't know if that's true or not I really really don't I don't know because I've never been and I don't know what the opposite reaction would be but sometimes it's easy to sort of fall back on that just to make yourself feel better but overall I feel that I've been very fortunate with and that it's not an issue anymore used to be an issue with the other restaurants that I have but for here no you've told the story a couple of times that you're sushi restaurant was it and what was it that a man came in and realized that he was going to be sort of a woman got up and left basically when he walked in with there is a couple of men and they walked in they saw ours and then just turned around and left. And that he probably thought we were in a serious restaurant this is not a restaurant so they just sort of didn't even try she seems to be a uniquely sexist culture even within the already difficult universe of fine dining sushi it's really still the realm of men that is very true I think for men in Japan to have a woman in the kitchen is a distraction for them and there's this constant belief that women have certain roles that we need to play and when we're not doing that we're being rebellious to structure and rebellion to structure is think of number one no no and so all of your diners hear it and I. Know who you are you're pretty well known now you've been on a lot of magazine stories why do you still cook with the screen closed in front of the kitchen. I could get the screen close because well over are a doing joy to be. Completely focused on the work and I feel that it's a lot better for the environment to not have it be open kitchen it's very intimate the industrial feeling of the kitchen is very overwhelming not conducive to a nice relaxing feeling. Most of our I want people to come here and think about the food and not think about his cooking so how has changed since you were on Chef stable so what happened. So Ok so the 1st day chef's table came out we were still taking reservations that were where the phone was being forwarded to my cell phone and I remember that it got really high and we had to turn it off and then we care and I just sat there and stared at it for a bit. Do. This cannot have been done to figure out a plan. Like who's going to be all those messages I'm going to get anymore I mean we're looking at maybe like a week ahead or at least every day we had customers in a good stable amount but after shelf stable came out we like a restaurant that was booking up 3 months in advance. But seriously when that happen Karen. Where we need to have a meeting with their staff because expectation levels they can to be really really high and we need to make sure that people come in don't get disappointed so that was the 1st thing on their mind let's not piss anybody off. The chef and not go speaking with Helen Rosner of the New York. I'm David Remnick and that's our show for today thanks for joining us and next time I'll be talking with Gretta girl wick the director of Lady Bird about her new adaptation of Little Women I did terrific time talking with her and I hope you'll join us. In the New Yorker Radio Hour is a co-production of w. N.y.c. Studios and the New Yorker our theme music was composed and performed by Merrill Garbus of 2 yards with additional music by Alexis quadrata this episode was produced by Alex Barron Emily. Korea Rianna Corby Karen Froman. David Krasnow Caroline Lester Louis Michel Michel Moses and Stephen Valentino with help from Isaac Jones Adam Ty Schultz else and they've got a month each and Emily man of the New Yorker Radio Hour is supported in part by the church down. Support comes from Gaylords specialty health care a rehabilitation focused nonprofit health system headquartered in Wallingford Gaylord cares for people at every point in their journey from illness or injury to recovery Gaylord dot org In New England the weather is always changing listen for weather forecasts for meteorologist Garrett staring Morning Edition and All Things Considered support comes from Mystic Seaport Museum This is Connecticut Public Radio. N.p.r. H.q. One married in at 90.5 peak 80808189 point one w w f.m. Stanford at 88.5 w. Our ally Southampton at 91.3 Yes Well Nancy got 90 point one w 25880 stores at 99.5 and npr dot org It's a live in a clock. From n.p.r. I'm going to be easy Chicago this is wait wait don't tell me the n.p.r. News quiz. And I'm Peter say they always said it is hard to live in interesting times but as we found out this week sometimes interesting times are kind of boring We'll talk about the lectures we got instead of the action we crave plus comic and actor alley one allows us to be heard maybe plus Bill Kurtis remembers the 1st time hosting this show you just watched his teams drug drop to the floor we'll ask you really be on our quiz right after this hour's news. From n.p.r. News in Washington. The House Judiciary Committee is preparing to present evidence tomorrow that lawmakers have collected in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump chairman Jerry Nadler rejects Republican assertions that they've been prevented from participating in the proceedings asked the president. To cross-examine witnesses. If he had any evidence they would have going forward tells c.n.n. State of the Union the committee cannot wait for next year's election to settle the matter because evidence suggests the integrity of the vote could be endangered North Korea says it has carried out what it calls a very important test at a long range rocket launch site the trumpet ministration head earlier said the site had been partially dismantled. Seeking concessions from Washington before year deadline that was set by North Korean leader Kim. President trumps new national security adviser calls China the greatest threat of this generation but in a speech to a defense for California last night Brian says that could change if Washington reach a trade deal N.P.R.'s Frank reports Ambassador Robert O'Brien said the Chinese present an existential threat to the u.s. Way of life but he added reaching a compromise on trade could help change u.s. Views on China as a national security threat. To . The new national security adviser told a small group of reporters at the annual gala.

Radio-program , American-television-actresses , Actors-from-california , Heads-of-government , Npr-programs , Political-terminology , Political-science , Mass-media , Npr-member-networks , Communities-on-us-route-66 , Law , Social-psychology

KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio]-20191204-030000

The league player get. Plenty of player. a budget for that musical interlude We now want to return folks to the in progress push of a radio archives broadcast that will go to 9 o'clock please stay tuned and donate if you can. In 1960 Pacifica was there on the March from Selma to Montgomery Alabama it took a month to strategize and actually get across the bridge and get to Montgomery but the result of that summer was the Voter Rights Act well that I know well you were there you see that's the thing Pacifica was there the entire time not just when the fun stuff was happening for the National t.v. Cameras but I understand how this whole you know on the ground work together that stuff you can't get anywhere and it's moving it's powerful but it's what let me get let me ask you amazing So let me ask you what the voter shenanigans going on today did the Scalia decision majority decision that gutted the Voting Rights Act that allowed. Local municipalities to to obstruct the the possibility of voting access to voting. Did that have anything to do with what we're experiencing today with. You don't get it if you don't understand that what's happening today has been building Ok has been building and there is a path we can take which is in these files we've got to get back to where we started with these movements and I'm looking even just you know feed your brain Margaret Mead. And Sylvia Plath I mean this is gone and nighest Nin when you talk about women writers and Gypsy Rose Lee. Fully clothed. And you've got the Judy Judy Chicago talking about the dinner party I mean you have a you know so if you're talking about a world in which we have the the ultimate feminist grasping short fingered vulgarian ogre in the White House stretching his fingers towards you don't you want to don't you want to hear with Judy Chicago and a nice note have to say about characters like this this is really really important and it's great it's just good fun stuff there is amazing. Amazing I'm just going page after page after page you know just like I'm randomly reading stuff you've got . Galliano you have one of my favorite poems by this is me Alan Watts but these are them this is not people reading their stuff this is there's a there's Jimmy Carter you know we've got you've got stuff Sojourner Truth with Dr Joy the girl I and we've got we've got the original Black Panther Party tapes you've got Maya Angelou here I'm literally going through this to smile read oh my God and of course Dr Martin Luther King lots of Dr Martin Luther King Ameri Baracoa Doris Lessing. Doris Lessing my friends if you haven't read the 4 good city you don't know nothing and so here's Doris Lessing Lessing So Ok so you don't have time to work it's that you stop reading because you've been in the gym but you listen to podcasts so listen to Doris Lessing herself in this it's 250 bucks I'm going to tell you something this is like like 700 theater tickets do you understand that right 807350230807350230 thank you anonymous and Ohio. Here you can be anonymous we love to say your name though let us know $250.00 cheap cheap cheap it is so cheap it is so good am I allowed to do a match myself I'm going to get one if someone else gets one who's going to match Greg Palast I'm putting up my 250 bucks right now even though I've already got one for free I'm going to get one because I want to have a gift for someone is that Ok Mark Ok 807350230 I know what it is Greg Palast the next person who calls in right now at 187350230 Greg Palast is putting his money where his mouth is. Absolutely 187350230 is the number we have a goal of getting 30 people to call right now we're going to get a tab on this because our executive board producer Gary is going to be checking in and he's going to be holding up fingers every time there's a phone call 187350230 be the person that calls in right now from New York Washington d.c. Houston Berkeley San Francisco Oakland or somewhere in southern California that matches that gets their pledge matched by Greg Palast best selling author you will get the Greg Palast match Ok you know it and you then you can listen to Greg Palast on this tape for the. Stuff I've put in that I've donated to the archives join me Greg Palast people say How can I help you work this is it and I have to tell you the archives to me is the heart and the soul of Pacifica and I want people to know like your w. You know in New York w b I which I know has been struggling you know what the archives been a big factor in keeping w.b. Ai on the air let's all say thank you and by the way the take over Alcatraz Radio Free Alcatraz you've got this amazing broadcast from a Radio Free Alcatraz every day John Trudeau with the communications director he would go on to be a wonderful poet and musician a good friend of Jackson Browne for many years he's gone now but he was president at our 50th anniversary party and I have a picture taken with with John and that was an incredible endeavor how dare you date of Americans try and. Land which was guaranteed to you by treaty How dare you but they dared I got you know what I'm going to tell you right now right this minute Ok I would get this for one single thing that 2 $150.00 is worth it for giants of journalism Gary Webb Bob Perry Pete Burton gone but they're still here with the archives of the greatest journalist by the way the 20th century and if you don't know who they are now's the time to get that's the special archives it's just insane in the fall of the next record is after them is George Carlin doing the w.b. I've been if it then John Ritter him and Harry Shear. Them and each a Howard's then you just went past that w b benefit you didn't really and by the way excuse me I've got to stop you right now we've got Sun Ra and the history it oh my God I can never listen I should I'm ashamed of only paying $250.00. Donation for this it should be $1250.00 but at the moment I'm a little bit short but I'm not but you're never so short that you can't do this yeah $250.00 I know it's a reach but this is something that is so important son rar Kister so you get the music you get crazy stuff you know Ok Well listen you pass by George Carlin really quickly you didn't get a lot of George going on you did not mention the fact that one day in 1975 or 6 I can't remember exactly George Carlin hosted the very 1st Saturday Night Live 2 days later for a dead new being I benefit he raised money he gave a free performance he was at the height of his popularity he gave a 100 percent free performance to raise money for w b I's legal fees resulting from the playing of George Carlin's 7 Dirty Words like the one w.b. Ai and somebody complained went to the f.c.c. For indecency and we have our 7 dirty words a restrictions thanks to the Carlin case but George Curry I got to tell you back to visit by doing this wonderful benefit show which we have in the archives and this is yours if you call right now at 807350230 take away our incredible collection of voices that changed the world I think George Carlin changed the world in his own way well you've got all these world changers on this 1400 hours of the archive it's just absolutely nuts I mean I'm just I'm just you know I'm. Let's see who else do you have because you know we're going to play next we're going to take a little bit of a break around we're going to go to our 2019 November Fannie Lou Hamer disc which has 3 Leonard Cohen tracks and we're going to play James Baldwin Angela Davis Bonnie Morris Holly Near it just goes on I mean. You know how could you not want this how could you not want this and George Orwell's 1980 for the reading it's insane Jimi Hendrix the bio the. You got Harriet Tubman series this is stuff that's it's not just like good for you this is like crazy great enjoyable Radio you're listening to 2nd rate pod cast while you're on the Stairmaster I'll tell you what you want to tighten your tush listen listen to myriad Baracoa do his poems man listen to Noam Chomsky tell you like it is Ok Well yeah they call 80735023 here do it right now look I got to tell you there's an hour and a half left of this whole thing and I know you're saying Oh oh god it's fundraised get out and this is a one this is different day a year a vent you can't get it otherwise you're never going to get anything like this I mean never and I don't care you know. You know what other premiums year a year thinking about this is everything in one place I didn't know why they're doing this because there's it's like. Pacifica drive Gwendolyn Brooks with Le Roy Jones before even change his name Quentin Chris Jack Spicer. It's Gerry Allen quite amazing for those who know her agree. Andrea Dworkin Nelson Mandela I mean you realize of people I'm I'm listing $250.00 a minimum donation make it a minimum Hey can someone come up with $500.00 Remember I'm waiting for the person have we got a match for Greg Palast I'm putting up $250.00 is someone going to come up with me will listen together. This is so call 807350230807350230 You think I come into the studio you know how much I get paid for this 0 except I'm putting up $250.00 because I believe in it I want to hear it I have I have one of these already but I need another because of the great gifts this is Christmas and Hanukkah. And everyone whatever even whatever else you want let me tell you this is really truly a mix donnish ing ultra ultra gift you've got to get 880-735-0230 just for just for the gore of a dollar and the Upton Sinclair I heard the Upton Sinclair thing it's insane Ok Well we're going to take a little bit of a break will we go check and make sure that somebody called and did a great Palast match but while we're doing that we're going to play a little something from Leonard Cohen Many people do not realize that Leonard Cohen was an award winning poet and he wrote a couple of songs that he gave and were actually published and he was encouraged to take his guitar and play at a w.p.a. I benefit show in 1988 he writes about it in his biography and he got halfway through his song and stopped because he thought he was failing and the artist brought him back up and said no and they played it together. And and he doesn't talk about that in this interview but Leonard Cohen has always been partial to w b I for launching his music career who knew that a poet could turn into a old legendary artist I guess Bob Dylan did it but Leonard Cohen didn't know that he could do it but he did so thanks to w b a I you're going to have your little some of this by the way while we're listening call 807350230807350230 Greg Palast saying listen to Leonard Cohen make that call well the years go by you change I think. In terms of the actual musical style record. A great deal of it is due to. But it's a success. Or not is of course a matter of taste I think it's quite successful. And that comes from working with a man named John the sound. To be rooted in arranging was playing piano Gagan sit next to my mind the most interesting musical mind I've come across in many years and it was very and. It was very exciting to be retrieved through security it was really quite a change and I think his work is going to be very important and will. Certainly surpass what he's done for me this is a matter of. Structuring way. Oh well acquainted with the music of all ages at all times and is completely fluent in all the baby I'm certainly. Going to want. Them babies to work with and for. That I Want. To move in. In the sunshine and. In the nightstand. That hired you. To come and try. To bring you down there in a month of May feel bad when it is not the case and. I read that is a brief moment from the Leonard Cohen interview in fact it is so valuable that a p.b.s. Subsidiary came to us and they were doing animated shorts to audio that had no visual component and so we suggested Why don't you do this Leonard Cohen interview that would be pretty cool and then really they were really hot on the idea and then Leonard Cohen dies a couple of years ago and the week that he dies the person called us up and says All right we're going to we're going to do that. We're going to do that animation to Leonard Cohen interview and you can actually see it online. If you look at p.b.s. And Leonard Cohen There's an animated short 2 hour w b I interview from 1973 but please this is just one of so many. Incredible artists and I'm going to tell you no let me put it this way let me introduce you yes Greg Palast author of Best Democracy Money Can Buy and it's being there's a lot of money being spent right now so your volume must be getting extra big as well let's put it this way if you go to 2 track p z o 83.07 4th 1400 hours on here you'll hear an incredible dance track called Silence of the media lambs with Greg Palast this was put together by the Archives has this amazing thing where they took people statements like Greg Palast and Fannie Lou Hamer Angela Davis to recall Igor of adult Bob Dylan Rachel Carson and Noam Chomsky him put them to dance tracks it is quite it's absolutely stunning in fact I was going through New Mexico listening to one of the affiliates and. Am and I'm hearing this guy on a dance I said this dancer is cool and then this guy's making complete sets I say boy I agree with that guy turned out it was me from this track that was created you can get these amazing tracks with believe me I'm not Bob Dylan but you will have Bob Dylan on here you'll have George like I say George Carlin Angela Davis the amazing poet William Carlos Williams who is half I don't know is your 1st music track right and a guy named Charles to count if you're in k.p. If you don't get this just for the big Caskey I'm coming to your home and I'm going to play it outside your window real loud when you have to play it through here i Pod call 807-350-2302 extension 50 dollars gets it's like amazing it's like having an entire like circus of political geniuses musical geniuses poets storytellers and just wonderful people to have around you will have electronically and you can stick it in your you know in your back whatever pull out things you want load him up on your pods and you know get to the gym or be cruising down the highway and you get is just amazing stuff I just never run out of things to listen to because of this I don't have to hunt around for junk I'm listening to great stuff all the time everywhere I go on this planet I was in the Caspian Sea listening to Dick Gregory because I have this wonderful disc and there's the and in like I say go for it all by itself is worth it Leonard Cohen you heard Jane Fonda you have Michael Moore and bin Bush that was turned into a song by the archives you also have Muhammad Ali Dennis the Senate. Oh no Dennis Kucinich Well he's here in the archives we put him in this little tiny thumb drive very small but he fits in 1400 hours of the best I mean this is the best stuff you'll ever hear and of course. The. This whole like biography of Beethoven you have the reading of those from underground and of course you have the astonishing. Bloomsday from the readings from Joyce's Ulysses I mean which is stunning That's an era by the way several years of the home I got in fact that's another one that got Pacifica in trouble by the way if you don't know this story Mark I'm going to tell you but Pacifica by reading were neither reading of us I'm not going to read it now that I'm reading of of Joyce's Ulysses but you can get it and if they won't shut you down because you'll have the drive no matter what they do to us and this keeps this precious thing going and by the way it's always a match here because you know if we can get the archives rolling now this stuff is now becoming very valuable and it's going to keep the rest of the network alive the archives is actually the people don't know this the archive is a financial locomotive of the Pacifica Radio Network but right now we're in a dash against national law which is requiring us to digitize all this amazing amazing stuff I'm waiting up there I just saw up there Sly Stone last recording and his hand notes which are in the archives here under Mark Tori says Care course he always kind of slipped it in his pocket and walk out with a pen absolutely 807350230 Now this is Greg Palast I'm telling you right now 80735023087502301 day a year this is the only time I pitched this is the only time Pacifica Radio pitches this this is to me the most important. I think you can keep on the air because if we can keep the archives they can't take this away from us they could take We're signals they could tear down our intent is they've blown up our intent as a cape Gifty twice all I can tell you is this they can't take this away this is our memory please make this call to get your your Dylan your I think you've got William Burroughs in here somewhere if I remember and we've got the Margaret Mead we've got and I is then we've got to recall Levy we've got just you know buzzing through this Gary Snyder the great poets Leonard Cohen you just heard. Edward saïd and of course lots of Martin Luther King Ralph Abernathy. It's just it's stunning and some of these things are just. And the coming death of Carol Chessman which is a if you want to know the history of capital punishment. Rubin Hurricane Carter. And it is just absolutely stunning the material you have your in the music the poetry the drama the. Audio books I don't think there's just nothing like it there's just absolutely nothing like this in in America and that's and by the way if you understand this is the resistance weapon of all times you can go through this and you can this is the amazing stuff here that you can then send off your friends Bit by bit These are real true resistance bullets the good kind the kind that go into your head and change them instead of taking your head off that's what we need yeah the morning of 107350230807350230 You make me come on man we're going to make the call right now the calls are coming in thank you very much we got a match for Greg Palast I'm getting another my 2nd my 2nd thumb drive of 1400 hours of mind blowing Ok forget the acid This is the real thing this is what's going to change you for ever 807350230 Call now Greg Palast saying Call now you know arm yourselves with with an arsenal of knowledge that I think that's what Greg is trying to say in his own way that the more that we are educated the more that we are prepared by by understanding the strategize or that came before us in all of the movements whether it was the civil rights movement the Chicano movement the. The women's movement the l.g.b. T.q. Movement the movement for freedom of speech all of these movements that took place had strategy they had leaders they had community they had community building they were all the union building movement that was huge in America you know we had child labor laws we had children working 20 hour days you know we are still working on livable wages we're still working as a temp employees without benefits they're figuring out ways to weaken the labor force and we need to fight back and the only way that we can arm ourselves is through knowledge what did the people do before us what did Upton Sinclair have to say what Dr Martin Luther King up to say what it say's her child is in dollars worth they have to say about organizing union workers what about the 2nd wave of feminism What about the Women's Building in Los Angeles and San Francisco some of this is just so cool to listen to you got read to me Brown if you're great and it's author Gloria Steinem Kennedy lectures you've got. I'm just looking around here of course I just said Charles do Koski man and if you don't know is over there on the East Coast you better learn you don't there's very very very few recordings of Koski I knew him when I was here as a kid. And people were recording him except for the sefer of the crazies here it k p f k you can get this on his thumb drive 1400 hours whether it's corporate all the wonderful readings of James Joyce by Geraldine Fitzgerald and Lawrence Terrelle. I just it's just the stuff you get here looking Diantha primo I mean I'm going all over Lena Horne. Discusses her career you don't get a trap Brown Stokely Carmichael Francis Copple Harvey Milk I'm just literally breathing through these things Coltrane Coltrane was not a man of many words he put his thoughts through his horn but if you want to hear his words which are really important try this out call 807350230 at $250.00 donation keeps allows us to digitize one more one more of these extraordinary items and we've got more coming we need to preserve this national memory of long resistance it just didn't begin with the 2016 election we have a lot to learn we have a lot to say and it's just fun stuff it's interesting stuff it's just good stuff I'm not going to ask you to get it because it's good for you stuff this ain't you know p.b.s. White guys in front of bookcases telling you their truth these are the these are the resistors themselves telling their own stories when no one else you know that you Martin Luther King can get on the air in most places that's right except for Pacifica you have to understand public enemy number one yeah yeah he was a communist Yeah and so the thing is he couldn't put him on the air you get your station shut down but Pacifica did. Care We're going to put them on here with a trap Brown. You know we've got looking we've got Father Eric steed of Haiti himself on here we're also going to get that they got Father Berrigan we talk about religious leaders you got Alan Watts. You know stunning stunning stuff here fun stuff enjoyable stuff Ok We're going to ask Tyson we're going to we're going to play one of the fun clips as we go and check on our numbers here we have a goal of 30 people calling and we're going to go check and see how many we need to do in this final push while we're going in checking on those numbers we're going to listen to Alice Coltrane It's an interview that I did with k p f k music director Bagul peak in 2006 it was just before she died and she told us some incredible 1st hand stories about her time with John Cantu I met John King to John Coltrane and and we're going to listen to this track called Working with John Coltrane we want to think Jonathan Wachter we want to thank Dennis Miley from to hunger for joining and pledging what a dentist. Ok great. Number so fast nobody can hear it except a chipmunk 807350230 That's 807350230 that's my daughter's middle name 7350230807350230 Make it $250.00 donation make it $500.00 and and get 2 of these wonderful $1400.00 our thumb drives which have just stunning to look at Jane Fonda Tom Hayden . James Baldwin Angela Davis Judy Chicago Holly Near just literally going through these lists don't think Trumbo. Just insane stuff so please make that call 807350230 Glenn Gould Oh my God. Yeah one of the great answers for in crazy how poorly is that guy Mohammad Ali who was he Do you remember him Ok Carlos cast the Neda boy if that doesn't move things and then I got some guy named Bernie Sanders we had Bernie here we had burgers Buddy Yeah and that's this is important great Cuban music music of the night in Chicago Memphis slim live at the gate this stuff is insane Oh yes 200 $50.00 minimum donation make it now 807-3502 we're going to take a there we're going to take a short break keep those phones ringing 187350230 we're going to listen to Alice Coltrane talking about her time working with John Coltrane and we'll be right back but keep those phones ringing. How is John as a band leader. Yes he was very kind to everyone he never went and stood on anything he is very mild mannered his character is of the highest order. I never seen him have an eye young man with Annie one. I heard him explain things when they're needed to be clarity about a certain subject but there was never a anger or. Sort of the phrase reactionary tone in his voice it was just always very kind very even. Tempered very balanced is his manner and I think that he was respected by the musicians for that I respected him also for that because I've seen leaders sort of under the pressure of the leadership and the responsibility and all that I've seen them just not be able to being good control and he was always whether we traveled or something about that to getting. The kinds of contract he was just just very mild and very even minded even tempered Did you ever have an experience out where you're playing with with John where you were able to pause for a moment and almost not believe what you were hearing. Creating I think not which I think is interesting because some people think how could you even play anything seeing slide you only been in our of sit in a position next am playing this music here or here is a creator and aware of a sound that was just so beyond our thinking and to sit in that seat also McCoy Tyner I felt is a great musician and a great innovator Believe me I never and any qualms about. And I feel the reason is the is Sharon's came from him from John and he said you know I really want to invent because he asked me I was surprised the day that he asked me because you have been had gone on their way separate ways it surprised me I didn't know why I would not even take time out of find someone to take the position that McCoy And when you said I want you you know join the van be with us play with us so I said Ok that's fine by me if this is what you want so I didn't have a fear a doubt I knew I had a lot to learn but oh what a great opportunity to learn you know I wouldn't want that for fit for anything so. I gladly accepted and it was beautiful it was a great experience I think it lasted about a year because of his health and everything but and and. Just for us to you know play music together in the house is what we did most of the time . Once the little ones will sleep so we did in the evening you go over music child new music read some of the scores and whatnot like Stravinsky share and where we look at their their friends and it was just it was nice time to be was someone who was at such a level of high respect and high achievement you know it's Ok I feel great to walk along beside someone and you both can relate to each other because you're sort of at that level but it was great respect for someone who was so to leave. In their field and that you don't expect. You know you don't expect that this is someone that's looked upon with such. Great honor and deservedly so I mean we've never heard music that we've never heard even a sound like that and you know we are great people we force Lester Young. All of those great players and they had their unique sound which was a gift. When John came out that we heard him we heard a sound we heard something that hadn't been explored it hadn't been played and I'd like. To. Try and Dale's apa friend and supporter of the Pacifica Radio Archives where you can hear the voices and music of people like Julian Bond Maya Angelou Duke Ellington and my husband Frank Zappa The only way that a person could buy into their argument is if they had gone through 12 years of an American education anybody who comes out of the school system could be just numb enough to think that these guys had some merit in their argument when they're wrong their apartments Duke Ellington was on the same bill and Frank had gone into the office and overheard this conversation where Duke Ellington was asking for a $25.00 at Vance and the promoters said no that's out rageous we are so lucky to have people that give their time and their energy to preserving the tapes made by these really grand masters in the truest sense of a word. I this is Dan Ellsberg encouraging you to support the Pacifica Radio i kinds which contained 60 years of social history of the United States that doesn't exist anywhere else I supporting the Pacifica Radio Archives you can help put these priceless resource materials in campus libraries and classrooms throughout America. You know Dan Ellsberg is I believe Dan Ellsberg says that's a great idea for a $250.00 donation in the 2nd the last hour you can donate one of these incredible jump drives to a school a grammar school a high school a junior college a college or university around your school library and give them 1st hand source materials what a great gift for this holiday season giving these incredible resource materials to schools and colleges in your neighborhood or around the world 187350230 then Gail Zappa a friend of the Pacifica Radio years ago and Frank Zappa her husband was a friend of Pacifica Radio we have a recording of Frank sample from 1983 and he's been a friend of Pacifica radio ever since Please get to the phones now 187350230 We seriously need 20 people to call in the next 10 minutes that's 4 people in each of the 5 listening areas k p f k in Los Angeles keep a in Berkeley California. New York City w p f w in Washington d c k p f t in Houston Texas please get to the phones right now in the next 9 minutes and call 18735020 This is not a time to sit on your hands this is the time to get up get to your phone or go to work secure online website at support a dot or g o r g that is our secure online website where you can get this incredible gift of hand curated materials 1400 recorded programs from the Pacifica Radio Archives I'm here with bestselling author and filmmaker Greg Palast on. They are of the best democracy money can buy we're down to the final 8 minutes in this hour and we need to compel 20 people people in each of our listening areas to get up the New Yorkers are up. You know they don't go to sleep until the sun comes up you know. Listen to this this is Greg Palast we've got 7 minutes you have got to do this $250.00 minimum donation This is reach this is your number one resistance weapon 807350230807350230 just dancing through this over 1000 hours you've got a master class in acting with the credible Rod Steiger you've got Jane Fonda you've got Tony Morrison and Walter Mosley would Julius Lester you've got Bob fast with Bob Dylan you've got Cynthia gooding with Bob Dylan you've got Pete Seeger who was raising funds for. Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers music you don't get anywhere else incredible stuff Judy Chicago Maya Angelou and by the way 2 things that that got me going as a member of Pacifica when I was a kid I was listening to the reports from the Mississippi Freedom Project which you're on here it's stunning it's stunning so you can mix that with the music while you're doing you know while you're driving your car while you're you know on your bicycle I was the to this on my bike while I'm biking around with Mark as you're huffing and puffing 2 guys through Griffith Park and again Charles book out skis on here to a furious specially k.p. If you don't donate just for that alone Shame on you 8073502308073502305 minutes to go 5 minutes to go. And we need 15 people giving us a ring 180-735-0230 we have the great match but we got that one actually Greg and I thank you so much for doing that for us but we'd like to have another person who can maybe afford a $1000.00 match give us a ring $87350230.00 several several people have done that throughout this day and we've matched every single one of them so please if you can afford to please do so some people have given us anonymous donations of a 1000 dollars or more thank you so much you're making this fund drive successful but we have a little ways to go we still need to get 15 people to give us a ring in the next 5 minutes 180-735-0230 Ok 14 people thank you caller for calling up where you're calling from New York San Francisco I want to thank some people let's get some names in here Ok and interview with Bishop Desmond Tutu. Dall Andrea Dworkin Nelson Mandela Alice Walker I mean this goes on and on Gary Snyder's poetry you've got that Mario Mario Savio at the original Free Speech Movement demonstration. People he wanted to give your grandpa something to remember when he was a resistor. Get him the Mario Savio tapes are just absolutely amazing there's a gigantic Angela Davis collection you just got to have it you got Yoko Ono and I surely chiseled and Adrian rich Gloria Steinem Bella Abzug And that's just one gender on this disk of their of which there are many. And. I'm getting knocked out here 180-735-0230 is the number we have 3 minutes left in this hour and we need 10 people calling in thank you all of those who have called in this hour we need 10 more people to reach our goal. I way Betty Davis 180-735-0230 It's very hard to impress Greg Palast is best selling author get when he reads through the 1400 names in this collection each name is a new. Impresses him in a new way oh by the way Laurie Anderson I'm a big Laurie Anderson fanatic you don't get this stuff anywhere else recondition stuff from original stuff at Laurie Anderson call 807350230 Corretja Scott King Fannie Lou Hamer. Margaret Mead I'm just going on leak is a good. Music poetry you're hearing some of the music from by the way right now. So we're going Brooks It sounds like one of those jukeboxes that Charles become the beat would hang out listening to while they were being inspired to write poems please get to the phones now a minute and a half to go we need 5 more phone calls 180-273-5023 extension 0 if you've called in or thank you from the bottom of our hearts if you've yet to call in now is the time to do so only 3 minutes left or 2 minutes left in this hour we got to go thank you so much for calling but we need for more phone calls 180-473-5023 extension 0 I was New Yorkers come on let's go Brooklyn. We Queens Let's go the Bronx New Jersey 180-735-0230 if you're listening w p s w late night listeners I know you're listening underneath your covers because you don't want anybody listening to what you're what you're hearing right now 187350230 k.p. F.t. Or let's hear from you at k.p. If they in Berkeley thank you for calling all. They long in this final minute please 2 more people 180-735-0230 members of the Merry Pranksters say absolutely Rosa Parks Pauline Kael Christopher Isherwood Kenneth Rex wrong Isaac Dortch or does this is not since your main Greer Edward Saeed and Greg Palast design here to tell you their. Tennessee Williams It's just it's completely nuts and Reilly. Anyone in the Bay Area who doesn't give this shaman you're going to tell boots boots Riley with Amy Goodman that now there's a rap duo that you can never forget 187350230 Greg Palast author bestselling author of Best Democracy Money Can Buy thank you for joining us this hour I know you've got something cooking for this election season are you going to let our listeners know what you're going to be reporting for The Guardian USA and of course for the Pacifica Radio Network that I do as a volunteer would you volunteer with me hey I put up my 250 bucks this hour I'm getting my 2nd thumb drive the good stuff this is the best stuff you don't even need a razor blade to break it up you just stick in your machine and you are high on resistance music poetry Rod Steiger telling you how to act man you can't beat this 807350230 this is the absolute best premium that Pacific has ever had this is insane this is what you got to get it's actually a bargain Usually these things you give a few bucks get a little gift is a giant gift 807-350-2304 the Pacifica Archives 1400 hours of resistance music poetry conversation crazy stuff dance tracks. It's all there 875-0230 Thanks Great Balancing I donated tonight join me right now right now I want you to join me. 807350230 Thank you Greg Palast Stay tuned for our final hour of our Pacifica Radio Archives national broadcasts and fun drive time. In town. Selling cars. And bed thank you for listening and keeping our history alive on the radio every donation today helps us more than ever every $250.00 donation helps us preserve and digitise another historic recording that already includes some of the greatest names in history Lorraine Hansberry Langston Hughes Howard Zinn Edward Saeed on indicting Roy Fannie Lou Hamer Maya Angelou's Cesar Chavez Dolores where that and so many more in return for your donation we will give you our voices the change the world u.s.b. Drive with over 1200 hours of the best of Pacifica's historic collection simply call 187350230 thank you and stay tuned for more great programming on this day to preserve the history of Pacifica Radio since 1949 and new. Talent. Puzzling. And the. Bed. You were listening to the Pacifica Radio Archives voices that changed the world national broadcast fun drive heard on all 5 Pacifica stations our flagship station k p s a 94 point one f.m. Berkeley k.p.s. Beat 89.3. Berkeley k 24897.5 f.m. Santa Cruz Cape Point 7 f.m. Los Angeles. 90 point one f.m. Houston Texas w b i 99.5 f.m. New York City and w.p.s. W. 89.3 f.m. Washington d.c. Please call 180-735-0230 extension 2 pledge your support for this endangered American treasure or go online at support p.r.a. Dot org Your donation today helps us more than ever to do our work preserving digitizing and caring for this historic collection since 949.

Radio-program , Alternative-tentacles-artists , Fellows-of-the-american-academy-arts-and-sciences , English-language-singers , American-expatriates-in-the-united-kingdom , American-journalists , American-autobiographers , African-american-women-activists , Writers-from-california , American-political-writers , American-democracy-activists , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees

KRCC 91.5 FM/KECC 89.1 FM/KCCS 91.7 FM [Southern Colorado's NPR Station]-20191201-180000

'd 'd Jesus disclose. You dodged the boat. And READY READY READY READY READY READY. Thad the thank you thank you for finally John thank you in the morning thank you thank you. Hey it's me live from here cast member my yard suddenly Thank you. It's suddenly occurred to me the other day this being radio you can see me. So I thought I would probably introduce myself my name is Mike yard and I'm the 1st African-American cast member on live from here. I'm actually the 1st black personality on all of public radio Perry and. It's not really accurate but it sounds true. I'm really I'm like the Jackie Robinson of sketch comedians Yahoo affirmative action was going to catch up to you at some point. And I see this job is not only good for me to be funny but for me to broaden the audience a public radio a bit because let's be real is we tour the show around I've noticed that you guys are some amazing audiences but you're also very white. But I want you to know that I am here to help and I stand ready for any questions you might have. For instance I know it can be confusing during the holiday season but please remember not every African American celebrates Kwanzaa. Presently I don't know one person who celebrates. That's for myself about Christmas baby with the lights the decorations and getting gifts specially for my fans. Also a lot of my white friends are confused about when to use the term African American and when to use the term black Actually I'm not going to play that one of. This is way too much fun watching you guys stumble around trying to do right. And yes I did vote for Barack Obama twice. Yes. The 1st time because he was black 2nd time because he was African-American. So thank you but it's I'm leaving the job and it's great if you guys I truly love this so I love that your guest says it is possible. The. The oath of. Nightjar there well it's going to have to wait for musicians birthdays starting with Sarah Burrell as Sarah. Our little boy Swan a writer from Head songs for the remind you that you have a heart to hit musical that reminds you that everyone else does too here's one that absolutely destroys me in the sweetest way. You. Services man happy birthday was a. Hot Berry Gordy Berry Gordy founder of Motown Records at the helm of which he changed the course of popular music history extraordinary years on that fellow he discovered endorsed signed the Supreme's Marvin Gaye the temptations the 4 Tops Gladys Knight and The Pips Stevie Wonder the Jackson 5 his name in a couple it all started in $1057.00 when one of his discoveries Smokey Robinson encouraged Mr Gordy to get an $800.00 loan to start a record company that's a good friend is a little too and they released exactly 10 years later. The I asked him to do that like 5 minutes before we went on today thank you for that Joey and thank you for everything Mr Berry Gordy. Imaging he image and. The woman who generates so much beauty and emotion via the marriage of music and computers that one forgets it's a relatively recent coupling this song for instance introduced many of us to the vocoder Here's live from here's merry band of vocoder imitators featuring Miss Maggie Rogers on the image of. Hide and Seek. That'll become necessary later. They. Just have. To. Crowd. Sing again. See. She. So. She. Heat. Just. Like she said. Cause she did what she said. For. She said. She said RINGBACK. That's. If you. Can 2 2. You. Can. Thank you Roger thank. You sir because Mike was done. Thank you thank you thank you but. Then now John's a Bailey So my Santa. This appeal is part of God on lockdown meaning to notation software program after him one of the greatest composers of the early 20th century and perhaps Finland's favorite musical son his picture was on the Finnish 100 mark bell for crying out loud and you won't find this next bit on Wikipedia but around 3 and a half years ago his music helped me truly own my den impending fatherhood you see something about becoming a dad makes it impossible to resist making up stupid lyrics to otherwise delightful melodies. My son is 3 now so my catalog has grown vast and punishing. But this phrase from the 3rd movement of Sebelius is Karelia suite was perhaps my 1st masterpiece song to my little boy Calvin every night for his last 2 weeks in the womb Clara so sorry. Are you coming out today to play with. The night. Thank. You for the great Johnson. And the post office birthday segment with the man the myth the legend Tom Wait. You don't need me to tell you anything about Tom Waits everyone loves Tom Waits No man you love Tom Waits right oh man huge you know as a matter of fact I think Tom Waits song to my son when he was in utero. And. What was what was that song misery is the River of the world. Sounds about right we're going to do something a little more uplifting Today however the 1st time I heard this gem it was being sung by this person missing DROs at the Telluride bluegrass festival many years ago take a song up to the house won't you say. I . 'd I. thank you. So much you know that know him or pickles as we like to call him the county pick of the cowling is a member of my band punch from the 3rd thank you very much you think that's true I haven't checked our website in a few days but I think I'm still in the band you're still in the band but also you've started doing a one man show recently how did that come about you know it it's hard to say whether I started doing these so the shows because you ran off from from Punch Brothers for a while to start a family or if you ran off from Punch Brothers for a while to start a family because I was doing solo shows and you were inspired to seek greater meaning in your life as well as a father well we'll never know well never really know the answer to that question unfortunately because you know when when someone comes to you and says Hey pickles . We're having a baby the proper response is not why. You can't really ask that question so will never really know the answer to it you know . So when you told me that you had a son the way I just I just played it cool I don't ask and ask your motivation. I let it ride I think I said congrats and I hope I said congrats or square ma'am we're good don't worry about it so how's it been going out there with your with your new album Good responses Well I don't want to jinx myself here on national radio but I must admit that people seem to be really enjoying this project and not to toot my own horn but left and right folks keep referring to this album is a universal favorite and that sports fans in Critics like it almost seems like any time this this record comes up in conversation or in press without fail I'm I'm hearing or reading those 2 words universal favorite and you know as an artist it's just so incredibly encouraging hearing words like that to describe my music. Pickle's the the title of your record isn't it isn't universal favorite. And that's literally the title of the record yeah that is the title of the record but I don't see how that changes and you know I really think that people just referring to the album by its title counts as high praise and and critical acclaim and wow. That's a great question. That's a great question I'm not going to answer that. Ok never mind why don't you tell us what you what you've picked out to play tonight so this whole record is focused around showcasing the solo 5 string banjo and kind of this incredible detail and intimate and stark sitting in it was a real opportunity to exploit some of the unexpected sounds and textures the banjo is capable of when it's not competing for sonic real estate from with other instruments. So tonight I'll play a track from this record it's one called More town hop just pure and unadulterated solo banjo featuring Kristy Lee on the mandolin. Thank. Anyone wants to grab a tambourine go ahead. I'm. I am. I am. RINGBACK BUSY thank you thank you thank you thank. You. Ok r.c.c. Would like to thank Phil Long family of dealerships official sponsor of vehicle donation program which helps generate $50000.00 annually to long dealerships recognize the value. To the community and are proud to support Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station serving the community since 1905 Colorado drives for a long. Programming on 91.5. By 91.5 members who continue to fund the news music and other quality programming that 91.5 brings to southern Colorado and beyond. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you out. The more. We go. Christmas. That's right. She. Killed the children it's Christmas. Little babies it's Christmas. It's. Now listen. To sad. To say. Than to say. Ok live from here we wrote this song it's a Christmas song Ok. It's about Christmas in Los Angeles and if there's anyone from the music industry in the house tonight we would like to officially submit the song for the perpetual annual rotation of Christmas songs but we need your help Ok. So we're going to pull the crowd participation from her beauty tonight that all right. Let's put them up to 3 this side repeat after me you're going to like this in. Let me hear you know when I point you here we're going to go 3 for. You repeat that in the middle you're going to Melody you're going to go like this and keep up that love part that we go you to here we go. Very nice we need some Altos over here you're going to like this you're going to go. All the way up to the balcony Ok here we go 3 for. One more time bring those audience spikes up for the folks of all the Curia. Children all the big children it's Christmas where. Little babies they were sitting in the room where. Thank. You. Thank you. Who. The with . Her man you feel I need. You to feel I'm not a Mrs available everywhere Please welcome. Yeah I'm Chris I'm the guy who has to follow that. Nice to see you the euphoric involuntary standing ovation that exploded at the quality of that base. And now here's a guy who's going to tell us some jokes and stories. Pleasure to be here a pleasure to be back I hope everybody's enjoying the show what a cool show to be a part of it's nice always nice you shows here in my home of New York City even though it's 2 called it's officially at that point where New York is bearable going to help everybody planning their vacations my wife and I few years ago my wife and I we went on a vacation to escape to New York City winter we went to Orlando Florida and we went to Disney World because that's what you do right when you go to Orlando you go to Disney World but both. Of us had been to Disney World before so we don't want to spend our whole vacation there and that led to us saying something that doesn't always and well we said let's see what else Orlando has to offer I and that's how we discovered a place called Gator Land I don't know if anybody's for a 1000000 sounds like a few people are if you have not had the pleasure some people have been lucky enough if you have not had the pleasure of going Gator Land is a very strange place it's on the side of a highway near Orlando to get inside have to walk through like a 20 foot tall concrete alligator head then you pay your admission and you go into this weird back yard that is filled with hundreds of alligators and that's it. That's Gator Land it is just a dangerous place that's all and it's not even a very sympathetic one like if you got bit and you tried to sue them I promise you the judge would be like a pro you went to Gator Land. That is the vibe there in a big way but I'm really glad I went I'm really actually very glad I went because Gator Land for all its flaws it's kind of amazing in that it exposes a lot of ways in which Disney World is not perfect like Disney world wants you to believe it's a perfect place but underlines all the ways that it's not like Disney World I paid $15.00 just to park then you got to pay another $100.00 just to get inside and then you're waiting in those lines for hours to get on any of the good rides now at gate early and. I paid $20.00 total and within 5 minutes of entering I was watching a show where they hang chicken carcasses from strings and alligators leap out of a swamping get a. That's bang for your buck right there what they call bang for your buck Disney World all about been to see everything is all fantasy all the time come get lost in the fantasy Gator Land nothing but reality. My wife paid a guy 3 extra dollars he put a 14 foot long albino python over her shoulders you want to talk about real emotion what your wife the person you love most in the world have a snake placed on her by a man you are almost positive is not certified to handle snakes. That's as real as it gets at Disney World I paid $6.00 for a large bottle of water. Now for $5.00 a gator lad I was given a package of turkey hot dogs and told you can use these to feed the gators. And I said cool where do I go to do that and the guy looked at me like I was an idiot he goes anywhere you see a gator. So I was allowed to just wander around just feeling how talks at alligators. And I got the feel good they were turkey hot dogs man gator lands health conscious no red meat for their gators messes with their digestion here's where I think Gator Land wins hands down it's the effortlessness of Gator Land Disney World so many things it's not effortless even if you just look at the creation of both places Disney World Walt Disney himself used to go from California to Florida he would tell no one about these trips he bought a private jet he'd be flown over the entire state of Florida so he personally could scout out the perfect plot of land all of this was done with CIA level secrecy where has far as I can tell it early and came into existence when some lunatic who already owned a swamp just put a fence around it it was like now it's called Gator Land Yes with. That was in February that was unfair and everybody in this room knows to go from Orlando back to New York in February not good and I'm a workaholic I got right back to work and then it one point I was like Man it's like it's like the trip never even happened and my wife goes oh I bought a souvenir I forgot maybe that will help out and she goes in her back she takes out a big postcard she puts it on our fridge with a magnet it's got a picture of this evil looking alligator on it and across the top it says Chester the dog eater. Now Chester the dog eater he's the most famous gator at Gator Land they really kind of try to push him as like the public face of the whole operation he is in many ways their version of Mickey Mouse except you know like where's Mickey Mouse this whole thing is like he spreads mischief in joy you know like Chester's whole thing is he eats dogs that's. His whole thing is he kills our best friend that's what he does so I was looking at this postcard has a pretty amazed by and I leaned in close I saw there was the small print on the bottom and to this day I can't believe what it's a real small print says you can go on youtube and see footage of Chester attacking one of his handlers and I loved that so much I loved it I loved it not just because they were using that as a promotional tool to sell tickets here's what I really love is they didn't even type out the actual youtube link man Gator Land don't care go find it yourself they got better things to do. They gentlemen I hope next time you down there you get a chance to stop by Gator Land that's my time my name's Chris get there thank you so much. Because. Rogers. But. You could see. The fuel it. Was. Too. Much such. Was we. We. Will. See that it. The thing. They have to. The well thank you was thank you as always thanks thanks to check out video clips from tonight's show and learn about what's coming up at a live from here. I'm truly thankful that we get to make a show every week and even more thankful that you've chosen to spend some time with us we hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend thank you so was I was thinking so much thank goodness I've. See American Public Media Ok David quick lightning round Ok dogs or cats dogs who plays you in the David Greene movie. Will Ferrell. Foreign or domestic foreign high school mascot tornado smooth or chunky chunky hot or mild really hot comedy or horror both burgers or talk Scooby Doo or Tom and Jerry's group you do fan all the way favorite news source n.p.r. Really you can ask me that yes it's N.P.R.'s Morning Edition weekdays 5 to 9 am on 91.5 Care n.p.r. On 91.5 k. Or c.c. Is supported locally by Colorado College featuring a block plan course designed through an intensive academic schedule that allows students to plunge into a different subject every 3 naff weeks more information is online at Colorado College dot edu This is southern Colorado is n.p.r. Station or c c k or c c h d Colorado Springs key e.c.c. La hunta Starkville n k w c c f m Woodland Park coming up this week on the Thomas Jefferson our we have a very special guest Joseph Ellis the author of a range of extraordinary books on the founding generation including American Sphinx the character of Thomas Jefferson passionate sage about John Adams and the book that we're talking about this week is American creation triumphs and tragedies in the founding generation and you have a series of 5 questions that you put to Mr Allison was very interesting to hear his answers he spoke of the 5 great contributions of the founding fathers and I wanted to ask him how well those are holding up as we begin the 2nd decades of the 21st century it's always a special occasion when Mr Ellis decides to join us on the Thomas Jefferson his book Americans thinks the character of Thomas Jefferson is maybe the best recently published book on Thomas Jefferson and his book on John Adams passionate Sage is world class please join us for all that and more on this week's Thomas Jefferson our. Good day citizens and welcome to what would Jefferson do our weekly opportunity to discuss current American events with President Thomas Jefferson who is seated across from me now good day to you Mr President good day to use citizen Mr Jefferson we got an inquiry from one of your many listeners a Mr Daniel Tate asking about Alexander Hamilton his influence on George Washington he references 2 biographies one on Washington and one on Hamilton and he is left with the impression that Washington was quote duped by Colonel Hamilton would say sir well that was my view too I wouldn't put it in quite such stark language but I felt that by the time Washington entered his 2nd term certainly and even to a certain extent in his 1st term as president the the rigors of his mind had begun to realign acts somewhat He had wanted to retire permanently and we had called him out of retirement to serve as the 1st president of the United States and I don't think that he was as intellectually acute as he had been at previous moments in his life and just at that time when he was most susceptible needing help in a range of ways including some speech writing along comes Colonel Hamilton the most ambitious man of the founding generation and Hamilton I felt manipulated the great Washington to pursue his Hamilton's agenda for the country and that if Washington had been 10 or 15 years younger I think he would have resisted some of the bad ideas for this country that were being put forward by Mr Hamilton will in a 3rd books are titled Washington and Hamilton by the author Stephen f. Not he writes as early as January 789 long before Hamilton was nominated as treasury secretary Washington made it clear that resolving the nation's ailing credit ranking and building the allegiance of the American people to the national government were his top priorities Washington why.

Radio-program , Washington-administration-cabinet-members , American-lawyers , American-freemasons , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , American-singers , American-multi-instrumentalists , American-political-philosophers , American-deists , College-of-william-mary-alumni , American-inventors , Virginia-lawyers

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And in a way yeah fluctuates but sort of the high end will be $1.00 something a week for the whole channel and then so that just slowly adds up weirdly. And how is it changed if you rewind back 5 years when you 1st started not into the name of people listening but in how the program the show is same isn't it yeah the thing is we spent a lot of time before we put the 1st episode out doing the formatting so we did a pilot after pilot after pi and it was you know stuff like send in your questions or the elves and all that sort of stuff and gradually it came down to this very simple idea of what if we just bring in a fact and we just talk about it and then move on don't even have an ending just put a sting of music at the you know when there's a good laugh so it's like those great songs that fade out where you like when they just jamming in the studio another 7 hours it's that kind of feel. Hello and welcome to another episode of no such thing as a fish a weekly podcast Coming to you from the Q I offices and government garden My name is Dan Schreiber I am sitting here with an itch is in skeet and you Hunter Mary and James Harkin and once again we have gathered around the microphones of our poor favorite facts from the last 7 days and in no particular order here we go starting with you James. I thought it was well you guys for. My fact this week is that the u.s. Navy's doomsday aircraft which was designed to survive a nuclear attack was recently taken out by a single bird. Ok this was in the news people might have seen it the u.s. Navy called it a class a mishap. Something that would be an appeaser Woodhouse No no I tell you what Jeeves this is a class a missile. And for me personally I would probably think differently but I think we cracked the perfect format there's no reason to touch it there's no reason to evolve it just that's it. Exactly yeah it's one of the few things I do agree with you on I think the simplicity of it the fact that there's a very basic structure is that you know it's for facts show so I think sometimes you listen to podcasts go on and on and on you're not quite sure what the structure is or how far 3 you are but you've cracked the form so you don't need to change anything. Well we'd like to crack China now and India and you know get a few 1000000000 listeners but in terms of format Yeah I hope it won't get old this is the thing that we work on so we hope it's the case that there are infinite amazing weird insane facts to be pillaged and so we'll just do that for as long as we can do you guys have different kind of research methods so that you don't end up coming with the same facts and I think we do have really different methods so we'll end up with some of the same material a bit of crossover I actually think that there are 3 of us Amy James and Andy who we research for here as well unlike suspect that we have more overlap than you done because you just have a crazy research process that none of us would understand I don't know what it entails we're going to because I have a love for that sort of weird stuff as well the crypted sort of world you know Yeti isn't all that sort of stuff and there's amazing amounts of websites out there that's full of proper science and then it just gets away at the end of the article to say and U.F.O.'s are visiting us you know but the rest of it is solid gold fact and so I have a lot of websites they would even dream of this is. And what do you think of a weird angle Yeah an angle is always about your approach to a fact that's the most wonderful thing any fact is not just the fact it's the keywords as an 8 different angles and approaches to most facts if you look at sentence you know if you see Pope John Paul took over 160 vacations while he was the Pope and other than secretly Yeah so you going Ok what do I know about Pope John Paul what do I know about people in high power going on sneaky vacations what I know about skiing are there any other famous skiers I don't know you just look at it and it becomes a sort of war of possibilities and that's the most fun thing that's why we can all come up with different things to say it shocked me when I read in this article that he went skiing because you kind of imagine the pope's grew up as religious people straight from the get go have a life that we have Pope Francis one of his early jobs was he was a nightclub bouncer actually when you think about it isn't his role of actively is my. What about this man so that you know what you can play where you don't talk about your life you want to have God and this is God the manager of the club because the only the owner of the club thought God was a d.j. According to that popular song because life is a does for the pope is the best. So you've got popes and yet he's covered what's your area of interest speciality so. I mean any kind of weird historical characters like you know Albert Santos Dumont to was actually the 1st person to fly even though we think it was the Wright Brothers and so he had a member getting really into him and he used to invite people round to have lunch with him and he had extra high tables and chairs so people could experience the joy of flight and then I think I just love getting really involved the character you've never heard of like the 1st woman to cycle around the world in the 19th century or you know just yeah I read a lot of stuff or read a great one of them is today actually from the archive so we have an archive of all the facts that we've said on the show that Andy does so he listens to the show once it goes out and catalogues it the idea is so we don't do any overlap we've been going 5 years we don't want to just repeat facts so if you see a fact for a new show and you think we might have done this we go to the archive and say can't do it this time there and is one it's about Mozart's so not unknown character but great little fact that you might not know about him he was so. Prestigious or so amazing when he was 14 and obviously all the years leading up to it but people didn't believe that he was doing it for real they thought it must be magic and he was at one concert where he was forced to take a ring off his finger because I thought it was a magic ring that allowed him to play the piano as well as he did and he had to take that off before they would believe that he was doing it for real Sokol magic when I did I actually really love particularly sort of classical musicians I think I do listen to a decent amount of classic f.m. And they're very good for Absolutely but I find classical musicians lives were always crazy like lists of if you are right about lists but I mean he was the fur. 1st person he was it was List mania it was cold and in the mid 19th century people through their underwear on stage to him wow and you know. Any topics that are off limits Yeah yeah there are we it's interesting though there's difficult reasons sort of not obvious reasons One is is it too soon to be laughing we were just actually discussing this about we're planning to do in an upcoming show about Saddam Hussein. Do we want to talk about Saddam Hussein you know he killed a lot of people it's a recent thing we know we all agree on what we think about him but yeah don't offend No it's very hard because I'm always torn with things like that like you know dictators a lot of whom have crazy habits they will do Hitler he's long enough ago crazy guy but like do we is ridiculing them making light in any way of what happened or is it kind of reducing them in a way that's positive for people it's often I think it's really hard to do and I'm interested in this is it this is me pitching for a job but how do you know how did you get into doing this because both of you if I'm wrong came through being question right is this is how it was born so where you found for that what were you doing so we both quite distance in time as well I joined in 2003 I think it was I had just moved over from Australia just finished high school but went to a weird hippy school that left me with no qualifications so university wasn't even an option if I wanted it to be a spell University exactly genuinely so I moved over here because my auntie was living here and she said Won't you come and visit and while I was here she worked for local b.b.c. Radio as an assistant producer and the boss was out one day in walks a guy called John Lloyd who's a producer saying I want to do radio show no one else was there to show him around so she showed him around and just before he left she said By the way my nephew's just ride in town wants to do comedy any advice and he thought. No not. Wanting their nephew to get into comedy but he gave his number over and we met up and we just had an incredible conversation it's conversation where you sort of felt like we were meant to meet because everything we've just said we're connected to mention what I wanted to do in life he'd just come from a meeting about doing that thing I brought my favorite book of his which he wrote with Douglas Adams called The Deeper Meaning of Liff he had written that right next to where I lived in Sydney like just all these little connection so at the end he was I where your job is too much emphasis for people who don't know John Lloyd creative Q Why not one of those I think I got it all of that's missing him is getting it and he says that Donny remarks of comedy nerd John to your skin was a big deal it was it was insane for a lot of kids they would have been like Who is this middle aged man. As I was I was like he was a god to me even even as a 19 year old I knew he was in your. Minds a very uninteresting entry story but I never intended ready to get into anything like this I worked in the Scottish Parliament so I went out and be any Scottish Parliament was it was a lot of fun and sort of imagine I go into politics or maybe journalism and then sort of apply for jobs that I didn't get and then this internship came up and you know I love researching stuff so I just applied and figured that would be a filler and I was about 10 almost 10 years ago I think but the podcast was interesting because I'd left you why after a number of years and then I was with John Lloyd having a drink and I said I was working freelance and John and I had worked on various things over the years so he and I along with our friend Rich came up with a Radio 4 panel show called the Museum of curiosity which he hosts and I produced for the 1st 7 series and I was off other places coming up with show ideas and he says ridiculous you're doing it for other people want to come back to Q Why and don't do the research but come up with show ideas and the 1st major idea really was the idea for this podcast because I was sitting in the office and I'd listen to Anna talking to James and end. And Alex knew sinking quite frankly that this was on you know if we recording this conversation is incredible and so we all got together and this is a reluctant career she really doesn't want to be here right now she's grown to love it I think I hope but I'm constantly sort of trying to reverse out of there Oh yeah yeah yeah She sat down just for a trial where we could just see if it would work at all and immediately you were like as the star of the saying we need to have her on but she didn't want to do it so we really had to talk her into it and then we wanted to do live shows which I don't do live accomplis do like you would. Really bus a writer to go Yeah so how you know then when when you end up on radio to Bret 1st or talk sport you're saying or in front of hundreds of people in a in a theater and you'll jump out the window thousands might. Come on. To find I never got nervous really I think because so I think Don and Andy were in comedy charisma and so they made maybe would have felt more the pressure of going on stage because actual they're curious about it because I didn't really ever care about that kind of thing and I never really felt nervous I don't mind it at all I'm just I'm absolutely fine with it but you know it's not super thrilling but I mean it is amazing to meet those people and to see suddenly that the people that you see the numbers of listeners going out when you know we're going to poke us but you don't quite believe they exist until you walk into a room and you see this big crowd and it's incredible and it's Chrononauts and what they like they're not the best and I just think everyone is kind of curious loves weird facts especially now there's quick quite overloaded with you all know what's in the news and I think it's a lovely escape and we do signings after most of our shows so fun to me people and you get such a huge range like an ages Well we you know we get sort of 10 year olds coming which are just on the cusp of our content being a pro. Yes sometimes you like is that good parenting this list story. And then you know get 70 year olds love it because the show that you do is so conversation as you say it's like just hearing you all chatting around the office to people when you meet them all around the world do they think they know you yes they do actually in fact just before coming in to this show today I was down outside broadcasting house and I was in the queue at. The café just downstairs and someone's like oh I was at your live show the other day we just started chatting and she sat down next to me and we continue chatting just like there's no barrier at all and I love her yeah are they good source of facts yes yeah yeah the facts you know why we keep them. We do so often our live shows we do an audience fax section where we'll put a sign up at the start saying Send us your best fax and we'll give our prize to the best one at the end and yeah you get amazing stuff we actually hired someone off the back of it years ago we did a show which was an all audience fax show actually so very lazy from us on today's sheep is nice. And she she's good Lauren and she said in a bunch of facts My favorite was always that Clark Gable and so when else who has the same initials Cary Grant Harry Harry grow aren't very early. Come on in they used to me every new year to exchange monogrammed Christmas presents that they receive to see how good it is so I don't want this this belt buckle what have you got oh I've got a flask Ok. So find someone with your initials and do the same thing. Do you guys ever use other pod casts feel sort of think. Why it's me favorites or you particularly use Radiolab. 9 times that invisible so good you know and. Best voice book us to yes go to task. Yeah nice times that invisible got again one of my favorite things about how if you see money in any old films is almost always Mexican pesos and that's because you're not allowed to use counterfeit money in films because in case it gets into the black market and it has to be so different to the u.s. Dollar so if you watch any old films up to about $960.00 s. It's going to money because of the Mexican revolution in sort of 1917 to 1900 kind of time there was a massive influx of cash and not to do with their economy broke down so that all the spare places going around they sell them to Hollywood and that's what you're saying anyway Romans told me that it's brilliant. We did it in Weirdly we did one for this week's podcast that's coming out for us it's a fact from The Economist Tim Harford The Undercover Economist So he's got a new podcast coming out and because we're buddies with him we were e-mailing and he sent over a fact to us and he sent the transcript of his 1st episode so and he has read his New York podcast and not heard it yet and got a factor of it yeah yeah he's amazing actually his 50 things that change the modern economy or that made the modern economy isn't it so he's moving I think he learned from him that if all the money kept offshore was a country it would be the 3rd biggest economy in the world I believe. So pesos the pope and list Sun What is if you have been asked about what your favorite all time Fact is and can you try it out for us now yeah there's a ton in fact Ok so I've got a few I'll tell you one which I don't know the details of as in so this is a good example of how facts that you fall in love with can quickly escape you and you launch into it at the dinner party and you realize that the details here I'll just do that publicly now. It's that Ronald. Again was shot out he was there was an attempt to assassinate him and when he was shot his bodyguard who I believe was with the Secret Service immediately grabbed him put him into the car and drove him to the hospital and got him there in time and saved his life that was down to this guy saving his life the only reason that he was in the Secret Service was because when he was younger he was watching a movie about the Secret Service in which Ronald Reagan played the lead character and that inspired him to do what he did so in a weird way Ronald Reagan saved himself that's quite spooky Yeah it's like I love that just yeah that was an incredible yeah yeah and I was you know I was going to as the president facts but we can do to President fax I think one of the 1st facts I ever found here I research was actually and I love weird connections and connections that sort of no one's quite spotted yet and it's that Long John Silver is the father of Wendy from Peter Pan because the character that long John the person who Long John Silver was based on is a poet who wrote Invictus and he had one leg and the character wanted was based on him and then his daughter is happens to be the girl who j.m. Barrie based Wendy on and I really like that. Do you have a favorite fact all of the above. Mine is but I don't know you guys might tell me this is wrong but that fantasy was invented by the Nazis I think it was yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. The Coca-Cola Company would like we're not giving the ingredients to Nazi Germany anymore because they're Nazis but the factory still existed and they were like right well we need to start making something and basically they invented found and then after the war the Coca-Cola Company was like yeah that's pretty good can we have it but you know so. There's a thing in Germany called Met So mix which is a mix of coke and fountain which is what I do every time I get in and. I didn't know that sounds wrong but it sort of. Try it you've got. Your book coming out with lots more facts in fact from the book can I grab my book quick yes or no Remember the whole thing you're following the Tim Harford trend this is a paperback podcast sort of writing and reading and yeah tell him we did the opposite way to him 1st and then the but but yeah this is based on other overflow we need so many kind of overflow trenches fill the fact that we find but this is all the news the weird facts that we find really you know scratching around you just got too many notes so annoying there's no way to put them yeah yeah well this is we decided that if we were going to do a book we weren't going to reuse any of the material we're we don't know why we do the store sells for that's the decision we made so this is complete none of this a few things have seeped in but nothing really has appeared on the podcast it's all new material Wow So while making the podcast we were writing this book and trying not to overlap with the with the stuff that we heard just off the top of my head one of my favorite facts is that there was a concert in New Zealand this year Phil Collins was playing there and one of the audience members who was watching it had a cardiac arrest and died during the concert but fortunately someone else watching the concert was a doctor in nearby and resuscitated and brought back to life my favorite bit is that he was attending Phil Collins is not dead yet Torre. Wonderful Maisie Yeah effects I like so the story of not done just the not just on fire lot of good facts in there but the hero not to Don was a guy called Father fornia he was the chaplain of the Paris fiber gaze and he rest life and limb to save the only life that was actually in danger during that fire which was the life of Jesus Christ himself and so he said in his account of it afterwards as he knew the little body and blood of Christ was in that cathedral of course there Catholics and so he ran in to save all the communion wafer and all the communion wine and even as he was coming out of the cathedral he said Burn. Beings were for walling around him as fire around him he paused unused communion one wafer to bless the church and he said afterwards I think it was a combination of this and the hard work of the firefighters. Saved not should. Like to say. So this is the book The Book of the year 2019 the world's weirdest news from the pod cast no such thing as a fish and it's a great resource for no such thing as the fish 20133 you know when they are researching what facts they need they can just come back to what happened 2019 yes he was kind of our Samuel peeps Oh yeah but that's that's exact we do talk about this sometimes where you sort of think isn't that wonderful particularly after we've done a recording we think this obscure character in history who was a footnote in some newspaper and has managed to dig up it's now become a 20 minute chat on our show when they have ever thought that one day for the tiny thing that they hope was probably forgotten that they would be smoking about 2019 it's such a fun notion that that and that's again yeah exactly what we're doing with the book it's sort of remember these people documented come to this place and find all those people who did weird and wonderful things and talk about it in a 100 years time. And I just don't try that probably no such thing as. This is out every week and their book is out now I thought Well and also do big tours of the well which is not I think it's such a nice book us to listen to you know if you like in a long car journey or whatever just because it's so full of interesting tidbits and you always find something that you take away from it and you'll be like oh my gosh did you have to know that about frogs. Because it's every week and I'm not as disciplined as you so why very few pockets which I have as like my regular. Weekly listens to no such thing as a fish are all sort of leave for a month and a half 2 months and then what you know you think of like a 9 hour car drive somewhere and you just sort of intravenously just back to back to back to back to where and it's not topical so it doesn't run out with a list of things and they're talking about something that happened months ago and if you are on a plane by yourself that you can put on your friends. Well the same is kind of true of the next focus that we're going to listen to feel like friends in your ears that you hear every week and come back to spend an hour with your old pals Yes So this is John Robbins and Alice James and they they're doing a great show on 5 Live which available as a podcast which has a huge fan base you have to follow on Twitter going on the show so many people are only listening but are a bit obsessed with them it's so popular I've been meaning to get them on the show for so long Yeah but they're very hard to track down so that is part of my regular list I listen to every week religiously Well I haven't listened to it until recently actually when we were discussing getting them on and I love it it is so funny and just silly there was this bit the other week I'm going to play a bit now I've just explained how it's just hilarious. Where the news is this some are just puddling Gloucestershire Well Dr Foster would know. What are you talking about come on mate Dr Foster went to Gloucester in a shower of rain fell in a puddle right up to his middle and never went. You gotta remember. Welsh my parents so I never knew any of these things all day amended coitus could know without Troy What does that mean 2 little dogs went to the woods a brand new shoe on every 5. To 2 dogs are turning back from the word one of the dogs has lost his forward to a little lost issue to. Dog wearing shoes here well it's just about him and about. The. G.o.p. Little horsey carrying us both over the river on the way to the mountain all the girl horse lipped What a trick. This is yes so I never know any of those ones I never like even the most basic things like London Bridge is Falling Down I was I wasn't sung those songs as well as like I said to him other bridges find out it's having an assessment next year yeah not suitable for large lorries to pass on what I'm trying to think of other ones of his son when I was in peacetime the street piece and done to at least one finger 2 finger 3 fingers dancing 4 fingers 5 finger sticks didn't dancing 7 fingers 8 figures 9 fingers dancing 10 fingers are all dancing very happily I mean if you had 10 fingers you need to go and see a doctor yeah yeah I'm fingers into opposable thumb misinformations I just love that dynamic between the 2 of them they're obviously very good friends and they have been for a long time and it is pure going nowhere around the house as chit chat so then they have great features as well yes they do they are very good features but I just I scary I was and it was a moment about that life on national radio it's not like they were calling a poke I think we could spend 20 minutes talk about nursery rhymes or our favorite motorway service stations it's like that you can do it on our clock thinking we're going to get a half past for the news although I'm very jealous of life broadcasting because when it's done it's done. Where is this we're talking right now I've got to go way up it together $1530.00. This fake laughs that we do pretend that we like each other. We're going to hear from our chat with Allison John in just a moment but 1st they have got a new podcast out at the minute called How do you cope with Allison John where they speak to famous names about challenges that they faced which is going to hear a clip now this one is from their conversation with a performance artist Briony killing and in this bit she's talking about how she made a theater show with her then fiance Tim Oh I found his. Depression medication in the back part I was going to borrow a combo box. So I put my stuff Jim stuff in his backpack and then found some satanic from so I know the name and so I just googled it and I was like oh to know that Tim had depression didn't did never mention it but 6 months in the relationship so I just called him I said oh I found your medication. Was it for and he and he sort of just hung up or something you know he was like ah and then I sent him an email saying it's Ok oh my mum's had depression in my life my auntie too so it's not big deal but he never told anybody and he had mental health problems for about a decade here and he tried suicide too you know plots and all those kinds of things and he just had never mentioned it to any girlfriend any member of his family anything and I was just like wow I know I think before there was a big that big explosion in men's mental health. And I said always you make sure about this because I don't understand that shame myself so I don't even told his friends nobody knew them told me anything moved into my house they had chronic depression and acute anxiety like he's got very poor mental health I mean you've managed is it really well now but at the time he was just pretending it didn't exist and did that did that discovery of that medication did suddenly it make sense of his behavior on the road his behavior was absolutely like Clark Kent you know like it was like he was presenting himself as a very together extremely mentally well person he'd learnt how to hide it like that and then when I gave him the opportunity to talk about it it was like for him a huge relief oh so. Very close together so stressful I know so stress was felt so so from Susan admin as well so it was like just the environment for like football like just like really cut it lad with a really powerful patriarch who was a builder you know so it's like just wasn't space there for him to be Matt and now they're totally is like it's just I think he thought it would be a lot more difficult than actually was for him to come out and that show was kind of His coming out and that show was called Fake it till you make Yeah which is actually advice that some people give for people who are lacking confidence and they say when you go into a room pretend to be confident and eventually all sort of body will learn the the behaviors of a confident person but if you're pretending you're not mentally unwell or have suffered a mental health problems that can be quite a toll on you or for so how did you then go from that situation to going Why no you haven't told anyone there's no arts taught the world of the show about well he'd met him when I was making credible so he totally got why I did and I said to him let's do one let's just tell one person and so he told his best friend he was like completely lovely and fine about it then as a collection of my tablets so he came off his top. And then became very very unwell very quickly and then because he was quite unwell I think he was a bit more well versed in saying I need to tell more people and then he was like I think it's my job making me really ill he was like a it was so stressful for him he's not the sort of person to do a $9.00 to $5.00 actually like if we were still together he'd be at home with Frank and I'd be working in the think we've got those temperament and he just said Look why don't we give your job up on our Make a show we can be in it together we can spend a couple of years tour around the world with it like you don't have to work and he was like Ok have you done any before midnight Wow Ok And it was like you just specify you specify the rows I'll be the expert in the art and you but the expert and you and this is a show about you it's nothing to do with me you know I mean you know the best way to collaborate with with non-performers I found is to just say you tell me what you want and he said Oh I don't want to look the audience in the I was one of the rules not for God sake. But it was actually quite good because for the whole show the making of the whole show his face is covered with various masks and I mean not mask work but they're pretty cool masks a paper bag and a big mine a torch kind of headed big scramble of rope and at the end it gives when he got really into it and performing when we finally made the end of the show he takes off and he says Hello my name's Tim and I've got depression and hear anxiety and that's the end and he sings a song as well did a speech for an author the pre-show nerves did that not affect his anxiety Yeah but then by that point we were so we were so well versed in talking about things and I think I've got a good way of putting performers into like number form is into those situations because we did like a sharing for like 3 of our friends and then we do a sharing for like 6 people and then you know just and discuss each time in the attic safeword and you could go offstage and you just put all of those things in and if any point you've gone that's enough for me I don't want to do any more there was like loads of year stuff in there that meant I could just perform without him or that he could be backstage talking so. I think when you give people the permission just like I don't feel like today all of that stress and anxiety he actually really liked performing so many actually got really good so it was an Ok 1st night is the Gatos theater stuff heard of no no I you're the 1st time we ever walked on stage I remember he we sat down and we started talking and then he just went blank and I was like you Ok And he was like a car member anything and then just forget what we did and we just make it up and I was like Oh Ok because it's that's what you like yeah forget that you're on stage you can do whatever you want no one knows what it's meant to be happening and also that's whenever anyone asked me you know that if they're afraid of public speaking or they go do something in their office or whatever presentation and they say do you have any tips because people tend to ask stand ups like hollow I always say Will your. Your worst case scenario is something going wrong and everyone sort of pointing or laughing and saying Jeff's idea was actually if you imagine yourself in the audience and someone forgot a stat or the slide didn't work you wouldn't even think you're just a right so it's fine to go I'll just get the right thing back up because there's a sense then that you can't go wrong Yeah exactly that's what I think and he and he literally blossomed like it was lovely because then everyone afterwards came up to him and shared their stories and you know big rugby blokes would come and cuddle him and cry and he was like This is amazing that this isn't the opposite of what I thought would happen if I started to talk about mental health Yeah so I think that gave him confidence and then he really sort of found his step so the time was around the time when there was becoming much more debate about measures mental health yeah try my best to like pick a subject that no one's talking about yet and then I hope that by doing a little bit and then calmness doing a little bit and then ever since I do a little you know that you get part of that way I like it when that happens same thing happened with credible really so was it tempting in a way to want to do that show with him forever because that show would always be I mean that show would have relevance and now you Jim parent we broke up you know what we were getting to that yeah well our son got very ill and we had to cancel a massive top so we would have probably kept going for a good couple of years it was still life left in the show we hadn't done everywhere we just on the British Council showcase we've got our international gigs and stuff you know and but for Frank was born here what impact did that show have on your relationship because to work on days or mental right. Yeah it was intense and that's silly. It was beautiful but also it was a story book version of a relationship and naturally when you're in the dressing rooms and then go and say to me like I love Ted Tam loves me and it's like I'd hate him right now. Especially because for that show I was you know I was pregnant quite a lot of it really and on the road and just tired in a voice like sucking your energy from you and you know I think actually when I speak to him about it now should we have done it I think both of us feel that politically we're really glad we did but like emotionally we're really sad that we did because I mean to be people would be so sad I just said that so I'm sorry if I don't the reader that. But I mean the toll on any relationship when you are when you don't have that space away from each other those little moments of just recharging but to have the time when you're together on stage as well is quite I mean I know I need my staring time you know Alice needs some people need different things before a gig as well yes oh yeah we would be in separate dressing rooms so then it's pretty common human because you can you have to. Go. To a wifi to finish and. We were mad all. Right after all polka wasn't. Any more performing sense and I thought about what about called Boys Don't Cry it was we got the big deal together and then we broke up we decided I would take the rights to the show and I was going to put a celebrity couple in in like some actors some celebrity actors and keep touring that that was an asset of our relationship and then he kept the but never a lovely book called Boys Don't Cry which is just an account of his life it's lovely so I did that and then he. Went back to work in the advertising industry he's certainly much more able to articulate things and things still struggles with blossoming through performance store doesn't but that's a story that any g.c.s.e. Drama teacher would be able to tell because. Yes that is why the lack of funding for the Arts specially for young teenagers is so is it's such an important issue because it brings previously very shiny children into this show which is you know a fantastic thing to see yeah performance is the best I think so that brings us up to the Phoenix but since the best performances the best was the day and we were in a row we would change over bodies Yeah and I really annoyed you every day for about 2 weeks you didn't annoy me Brian in the eastern city have got the optimism of the venue in being able to logistically manage your show annoyed me it points. Up a point I made to the venue manager said You give the show enough time given the show enough people because when you have a change of a buddy in Edinburgh I remember all my change of buddies and I was it came clear after just a couple days that your show was something quite special it was it was definitely different where I was I was used to sort of change or with stand up and talk shows and there was I was in the dressing room and the sound boomed out and there's this enormous stage set and I thought well I need to see this show on the Asli but but that show like was saying about sort of increasingly your sort of life started writing your shows as opposed to a sermon that's very true that was probably more than any show I've seen it kind of felt that you had no choice but to do that show and also want to maybe think because we spoke about him in the show you did with him yeah maybe if you tell us about Frank and then about yeah where I'm a Phoenix bitch came from yeah so then say I'm pregnant on to or on the road with fake it to make here I think I had terrible prenatal anxiety Tim's also got mental health problems we have Frank and I definitely get into depression. We stopped touring for a bear I'm sort of you know you have a baby haven't gone mad anyway just sort of going back and saw him feeling a bit more in love and not being all of that was a bit of a wobble Frankl super super it with a neurological condition called West syndrome or infantile spasms as they call it more now because it and I think it's named after paper so basically it went from like being on to or being happy to you kids go of so and very very wrong with them and they might not walk and talk all the you know they might become extremist they wouldn't have to be just like whoa what do you mean and it was just a big whirlwind so we can sort out all just went into hospital life and that lasted for about 6 months. Front group sustained a lot of brain damage Tim and I broke up about a month into it you know just like we couldn't live in the same house we just had to move out from one of the we still communicate it was just awful that happens a lot I think kids get sick and parents either put together or they pull apart when all of that kind of was like Frank was in his therapies like wasn't having seizures anymore had learning difficulties but they were being my nation it was a slower pace of it was not emergency pace I was like I need to make sure to do something and I saw as I could I don't want to make sure about this by kind of have to because it was always all consuming you know like it was like if I don't talk about this trauma and how I wasn't expecting and how privileged it was to not have had a life where I wasn't expecting that and you know everything that happened I just sort of just going to write it and to be a c happened to be doing a Phoenix season and I already knew I wanted to call it something like I'm a phoenix. Written in my diary when I was in the hospital I'm a Phoenix bitch I'd written because I was like so close to you know all the time I'd had a massive breakdown I couldn't cope all the time I was just on the edge of being able to just function and then when I felt like I was functioning and as a need to make sure about that. While we don't talk about postnatal mental health we don't talk about kids becoming disabled you don't talk about all that there was that thing again of like well if we don't talk about it I have to and even though I don't want to if I made one of those shows up to this point and I didn't then I would be honest and. That was from how do you cope with Alison John that featured Briony Kamens and you can find the rest of that episode and a good few more right now on p.c. Sounds you're listening to podcast radio hour with me and mandolin and my guest this week Luke Jones and we sat down with Alice James and John Robbins to chat about their new series it's called How do you cope with Alison John is not meant to be a joke. A little bit I think I mean. You need ellipses I suppose . But yeah it's called How to cope with Alice and John and it's conversations with people some of whom we already knew and some of whom we didn't about the challenges they've faced in their lives and it came from I think on our previous show John and I would talk quite openly about what was going on. But we'd always try and inject a little bit of humor and so we're trying to take that approach really so it's serious conversations with a little bit of levity and John when Ellis says he talks about what was going on what was going on. Well everything that goes on for anyone really and I think that's something else behind this new show is that just because you are sort of in the public eye or sort of very visible doesn't mean that you know your relatives don't die your partners don't leave you your children born with disabilities you know all these things happening for everyone and I think it's it helps people to hear someone they may see on t.v. Or listen to on the radio or admire in sport it makes them feel less alone to know that those people they look up to are actually going through exactly the same sort of things that they are and you know just because you might be very visible or earn a lot of money doesn't mean you're not you're not experiencing those sorts of trauma and. So we decided to speak to some of those people. Well kind of people well so far we've spoken to Adam Kay who was a junior doctor for many years before moving into comedy we spoke to Emily Dane who works in radio about the loss of her family and David Cotterell the footballer about his struggles with alcoholism and depression we're also going to speak to a point to Belle who wrote an incredible account of her. Marriage and how that very sadly ended with her husband suicide so you know it's it's big stuff it's big big topics but but we've also found there's an awful lot of sort of lightness and humor as well in these discussions yet the sort of Emily when I listen to that back I was surprised at how much laughter there was and Emily's a very very naturally funny person and even though we discussed some really big topics it doesn't mean that you can't inject a little bit of humor into things yeah I was listening to that one and she's saying about how it actually is sometimes at the darkest times you've got to find the comedy in it at funerals and things like that yeah and on our 5 Live show on a Friday we we once did a text where we got people to text in moments of feeling real levity and it was incredibly popular and it's amazing also the little funny things that happen in the darkest times the things you often tend to remember. So yeah there's this there's nothing wrong with I don't think so how is it different ciphering all of that kind of thing off into its own podcast what way you're free to do that kind of thing did you find yourself able to dig a little deeper with people always if you want 5 life had a precious thing will keep it like guys yeah and also is the fact that pot cust is the conversation feels more organic I think obviously there's an abridged edited version for broadcast but the podcast self you know we we just saw where the church . Took us and I think that's a very very. It's a very useful way of digging a little deeper and getting slightly more of 2 guests I think. Tell us about the 5 live show and the move from radio x. Because I was just saying earlier Monday I never listen to radio show but you know 5 live shows and I thought Oh I'll give this a try and I've been mainlining ever since has it been different in a good way or bad way well I think with radio x. Or any music show you have these little islands where you can sort of regroup when the songs are playing and also as comics you learn how to sort of punctuate those sort of 3 to 6 minute links with a with an out you know like a punchline so you can tell a little story and you can sort of see what you're going to say appear in your head and then you're going to hit that button or while someone else could hit that button in place on whereas when you're doing sort of 25 minutes in a row. You can sort of feel a bit just like your fall there. Was the worst it's got with the pressure of the ticking clock evolution you thought Minnesota news well I mean in one of the 1st few shows it was 117 we're talking until the news at 130 and I asked if we could play a Kasabian track. But that's all we've got so your phone outlet is saying it was one place and because. And because you guys it's been so much harder to get there on the radio and now doing this purpose where you know your conversations a bit more open Have you dug a bit deeper into each other. There's not a great deal of depth to go through that lets. Me have a half an hour and that's pretty much if you meet me half an hour you can then predict every decision. Next 16 years. As a surprise to me since 2006. But then on the flip side there was that when you guys start on 5 live there are some b.b.c. News online piece which you did an interview and they're quoting now Alice said of John he's not a character act this is all completely true. But it was so devastating but the interesting thing with when we started doing the radio on radio acts together that was in 2014 we'd already known each other 9 years. And we still have these long conversations at gigs or after gigs and yet when we were on radio next it never failed to surprise me that the depths that John could play I mean the with the weirdness that such as what what he would just surprise me with odd bits or memories I mean buying buying a girl 8 Valentine's Day gifts was spent 16. Thinking how do I not already know this so yeah we've you know we know each other very well but I was John put it I meant the predictable he's the complex one so John v. You're just relieved to get some fresh deeper meat into the wood for the microphone Yeah sort of like the Strutter of. Sort of an archaeological dig various things there but. It's nice to sort of throw a spanner into Alice's works every so often it's quite nice to surprise him. And also get in a cell for better that's right here is a mirror you hold up to your own right. And you guys are equal hosting it how much of yourselves in these conversations do you go into at the end just part of you wish that you could turn the tables around and you would you be a guest on your own how do you cope. I don't know I think the thing with how do you cook Sally Phillips At this she said Oh I I thought this was . I didn't realize you talked in such depths about everything and because John is the son of a come he's he's 31 and I said I was just about this think his mother was a counselor as another kind of slows you come to people he's always been very able to have deep conversations and to switch from humor to the more. Serious stuff and I you know I just I'm very chatty and I like to talk about stuff so I think that's where. That's why we found how to cope with that isn't John quite a natural fit I think for us as comedians not all comedians would do it but it seems to me a perfect sense for us who are you after who said no maybe although maybe her last year I would really like to talk to Gordon Brown and David Cameron about losing a child during the you know salute highest office the most visible someone can be the most scrutiny I thought I would be fascinated to know how they coped with that and how it impacted their their their job as prime ministers at the time because the awful thing is you can't really take time off from being prime minister knows you're the boss of the country or in charge because David Cameron his book came out recently he was saying that he went back far too quickly I think I remember saying and say he was unlike a fortnight or something yes he took out only a straight back on it but the bigger prime minister pressure he'd been under to do that would have been immense so you can understand it but it's just it's so difficult from a human aspect to have to cope with that kind of thing what kind of pod casts or interviews or interviews or things do you like that does this kind of thing you know you're in the back of your mind you think or Kirsty Young would ask this yeah I think I think Desert Island Discs actually they really are. I've heard some really moving episodes of Desert Island Discs Fox going to talk about his parents is one that yes brings to mind and again it's a side of Frank Skinner you don't usually see I'm for Fred his autobiography in this is autobiographies a fantastic read and he talks a lot about his parents his Catholicism and his alcoholism but you know very rarely in interviews because he's a comic but yet as I and disks is has has done this kind of thing in the past when like you John. I really like her the grief cast with Kara Lloyd I think that's exceptional. And. That's a real resource for people because we're checking to Emily about you know the one life. Moment that is absolutely guaranteed is death and grief but there's so little sort of advice really about what to do in where you get so much advice about you know what mortgage to get or you know pensions and stuff and marriage and kids but nothing about how to grieve and I think Harry had some fantastic work with that comics are quite good for this kind of thing you mentioned Frank Skinner there and John and a lot of your stuff on stage you kind of mix that. Deeper kind of emotional stuff and you think that all comics actually that they're perfect for kind of plunging the depths sometimes Did you have to stop yourself from just entirely booking it with comics because you got a good mix that yeah I do think sometimes when someone launches a podcast if they are a comic you can look at the sort of lineup and think that's all that makes Yeah and I think the podcast world is a quite incestuous world. But. I think it's nice to talk to people we've not met before so you know I never met Emily Dana I've never met David cultural because you you're speaking to people whose stresses and strains of their career are ones you know not to necessarily understand. So I think that's really good to get a decent cross-section of different sorts of careers and different sorts of people and you mention when you've done this live on the radio before and things are 5 Live you've had a great response from people of things that they've you know things have chimed with them or some experiences that they've had have you had people get in touch already since this is get absolutely. Tweets and Instagram messages and emails to 5 Live show yet the response has been quite overwhelming Actually I feel like you guys have got quite Bret of kind of fan base deep would you say that's true is there anything that sort of unites everybody they're all nice yeah. They're never mean search John and I've done 2 tours. 2016 and then in 2018 and we've always met people after the show's. There I think it's because we're quite nice to each other on the show in a truck certain kind of listeners not the kind of. Combative comedy that used to go on Mock the Week years ago or so so we're not this is not we're not roasting each other it's just. Sort of trucks a certain kind of person things for some and slightly gentler maybe I did I'm doing on tour at the moment and I did a gig in Salford last night and someone post a message on Facebook saying that they'd never seen such a polite queue for the bar and. Although I can see a show we did at the Apollo we learned it was very good but there are so many plaid shirts. That was the overwhelming. You with a better plan nothing wrong with it thank you both so much. Pleasure thank you in full length that's it that's all we got time for today 2 great massive podcasts and massive podcast so glad we got to speak to them they Yeah I mean and I think also they both of these have got such a mass appeal sometimes the theme park as radio can get quite nice the yes but it's the nature of God Oh we did one few weeks ago about actual play book us which is pockets where people plate and Dragons in real time which is going to be for everyone but it's very interesting that that actually exists yeah obviously Yeah I think these 2 everybody can love this and you know you can kind of play it play it to your ground in the car. Maybe you could sell the time but yeah I think it's. Time for today on pockets Radio Hour this week with live Jones and Amanda live and thank you so much for listening I'll be back next week when I'll be joined by c Chandra Chakrabarty to chat about the cast live show and we will hear from amongst others then Partridge from the beef and dairy network we'll be talking about how a show has to change when you put New Orleans right there. At the same time next week. Podcast radio presentism produced by a Monday level and. What's lurking in this weekend's 7 by mention a now abandoned house reveals its tragic history he's go. Quickly how did you help you personally get to somewhere. You saw it wasn't you so always you never forget the time how quick you give it to me how do you tell me we have time. And half time for these because we have little further to the left but how. The mysterious man show plus in $94.00 a journalist investigates foul play of the 3 deaths at the Willoughby mansion join me done Mershon the radio for extras home of scifi I fantasy and mansions this Saturday and Sunday at 6 pm and midnight. Extra that. It's 12 midday and this is Jonathan it with you on Radio 4 extra for Friday lunchtime and classic comedy next in a moment we can look forward to family planning for rabbits and live 30. For the birth. And join Sims and for another fielding stall in 1961 sick con based in the world of advertising which means there'll be something to shout about in half an hour. Let's begin back in 1978 and it may sound like the book is Why but apparently it's not the book. Well now it's high time for Radio 4 to close down as we present program especially for listeners who strongly dislike wacky forms of humor so we present not the book is way. Good evening and welcome to tonight introduced by me the obscure Scottish one. Who only does it for the suit allowance. Later on in our special holiday spot John big quote will be showing you some interesting things to do around the middle of April. And they probably showing you some interesting things to. Pick up but 1st here with me on this enormous circular podium in the studio I have the celebrated Explorer and the roughage from the leader of the recent British. If you're already familiar with these differences then it's time for you to move on to the 1st stage of courtship which is really getting down to it and here we see a young rabbit really getting down to it like there's no tomorrow. And here we see the mold really getting down to it 2. Naturally there are other important facts of life for the adolescent rabbit to learn for instance the business of meals is extremely important to a rabbit because if a rabbit goes without it to eat it becomes a rabbit with. Makes it very difficult to keep really getting down to it all the while with the bow the hats off. And all I can change. That's why I stick to rate your art.

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Whether to raise the city sales tax and there are tax increases on the ballot in Claremont Irwindale Linwood Monrovia San Marino Sierra Madre in Stanton other seats are up for grabs in Long Beach Santa Ana Pico Rivera San Marino and San Clemente the polls close at 8 tonight stay with 790 k. A.b.c. And k b c dot com for your election coverage and results Mexico's top security admission official says at least 3 women and 6 children were slaughtered by Mexican cartel gunmen and one child is still missing in northern Mexico Relatives say the victims are all u.s. Citizens Here's Phil Hewlett with more the dead were part of a caravan of members of a Mormon settlement called Le Mora about 70 miles south of Douglas Arizona in sin or a state more than a dozen members of the decades old settlement are missing and feared dead early reports indicated the shooting was a case of mistaken identity but the Klan has had run ins with the cartel in the past after openly opposing local drug trafficking groups South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham says there should be a federal response to the ambush by Mexican criminal groups and have amassed a check whether or not Mexican cartels are our terrorist organizations when the confines of the u.s. Law if they're not have light to make them. L.a. Chargers owner Dean Spann host shot today angrily shot down a report that the team might consider leaving the Southland for London in an expletive laden response to a report published by the athletic Spannaus told a group of reporters the team has no plans to leave the l.a. Area the story in the athletics suggested that the n.f.l. Has been considering the possibility of locating a team in London and that the Chargers while committed to the l.a. Area would be willing to at least consider the idea a grandmother is fighting for her life after being attacked Susan Wagner went for a nighttime stroll Monday at a popular park in Riverside when she says a man she didn't know started beating or 60 year old went into cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital and remains in serious condition doctors say she suffered a fractured skull of neck ribs as well as bleeding in her brain police say they are investigating the attack as an attempted murder it's unclear if the attacker is homeless living in the park Jason Camperdown Iraq a.b.c. News jury selection in the Roger Stone trial has been disrupted due to a medical emergency the courtroom was cleared after a man reportedly suffered a seizure stone is the longtime President Trump associate who is being tried for obstructing justice witness tampering and lying to Congress the flamboyant and outspoken Stone has aggressively denied any wrongdoing the alleged crimes are linked to the release of stolen Democratic Party e-mails during the 2016 presidential election Talk Radio 7 I didn't pay a.b.c. Sports Talboys beat the Giants u.s.c. Plays Florida a and m. In men's college basketball starting at 7 45 pm tonight right here on $790.00 k. A.b.c. Lakers visit the Bulls Kings was the Maple Leafs and the ducks host the wild that sports on the new home of the u.s.c. Trojans k b c news time one of 3. P.v.c. Dependable traffic right now north went to one right in Valley circle at a car fire everything out on the right shoulder but still a lot of activity expected to TEGA Cantonese phantom Parkway Calabasas southbound what a lot of Hollywood freeway. Busy now on Hollywood Boulevard down toward the 4 level in South 710 and around Washington a working out an accident left lane blocked that's jam from the 60 and 15 South connector road of eastbound 60 this is Midway road work in lanes that bumper to bumper leaving the 10 next report at 124 I'm Roger Kramer am 70 cave game here's your Am 7 I need weather sunny and warm highs in the mid seventy's the beaches mid eighty's downtown in the valleys it's 82 when Sherman Oaks 71 in Torrance 84 in downtown l.a. Your 790 k. A.b.c. In h.d. Now 95.5 f.m. H.d. 2 and download the tune an app seemed to take a p.c. With you wherever you go and was born or a d.c. News newly Refresh Data brothers markets are popping up all over find more again excluding free indian items plus for sushi and fresh cut fruit for more info visit state or Pros dot com slash fresh and new a.b.c. News is sponsored by state of others to enjoy using and taking your calls at 80225222 Page John to move with the leader and you can get it right. It is the day lively and free Dr Drew numbers 80222522 do it 97 names of 90 k.b. C. So excited to welcome Scott Adams creator of Dilbert essayist author of a new book which is going to be his best selling yet it's called Loser think how untrained brains are ruining America you can follow Scott at Scott Adams says dot com or at scat Scott Adam says on Twitter or sign up for his morning at Periscope Liane I suggest you just tell me every morning at 7 am Scott Adams welcome welcome . So this could be your biggest writing user logout I know the people that he knew would be anything but. The 1st way he's already graduating in the process of course so so Leon is the leader as a sort of skeptic. About hypnosis and persuasion because she's a strict drink gin objective rationalist. But I want to talk a little bit about 1st of all President Trump and his history with persuasion I know this is an old story for you but I don't my audience has heard that in his whole who has who his mentors were in this area go ahead. Here is certainly be familiar with Norman Vincent Peale So he was a. I guess the most sort of Pastor I think it which word is the right one but he was Trump's actual religious leader the Trump family when they were in New York and Peele was famous for being so influential and so persuasive that he was actually accused of being a hypnotist and he taught the power of positive thinking and you see that in Trump really clearly I mean he has this nonstop positivity and hyperbole that that just defines his personality and clearly works for him so he had that sort of a natural experience and then of course he wrote the book. Negotiation book Art of the deal which is about also persuasion essentially in the context of making deals so he's very well this whole deal making situation and then he added to his skills that you know the television experience and it's just got a powerful package right now so you think President knows exactly what he's doing because some people think oh he's so Dami so stupid but he's really brilliant he knows exactly what he's doing. Yeah part of it is that for sure I don't think he has the ability to be interesting if you notice there's almost no moment where you can hold your attention so that's probably just a gift but he also has weaponized that I've read reports that it was intentional in the sense of monopolizing the news and just sucking the oxygen out of everybody else and making the most boring of this thing it's interesting we just we just spoke to Donald Trump thank you not half hour ago and he was very similar in that I don't like us very soon in that and that ability then I just and Scott you'll be very proud to know that we also interviewed Robert Cialdini death and an area interesting his whole purse priest weighs on thing do you think he is consulting with people in various camps to see evidence of his hair fingerprints. If you're talking about Shelby I have not seen his fingerprints yet. In this election obviously you'd be backing a Democrat it could be that it makes more sense to wait to find out who is the nominee is and then get serious but I think it one point lead us I thought he said he was not going to participate in politics they were that he may have changed. The other thing I was explained away as your history with hypnosis and the relationship between hypnosis and persuasion would you explain that to us. Well persuasion is a big category and with everything from marketing to negotiating to hypnosis and hypnosis I took a course to become in test and I don't use it much for actually putting anybody in the so-called trance state which is really just a deep relaxation. But you use you end up using the worldview that comes out of that all the time and the most important element of that is that you really couldn't be a hypnotist if you understood humans as rational creatures who perform rationally most of the time so it flips my flip my view of the world upside down from you know well 90 percent of people are rational but every once in awhile we get a little crazy you know temporarily but it just learns as the opposite that 90 percent of the time we're making emotional decisions at least on the big stuff not the small important stuff is it worth the big stuff is worse than ever right now because I want to know when I think back and really think the most when I go back to the link Gary the Lincoln Douglas debates say you know the audience with him for 5 hours and listen these guys talk to be the lottery Margaret Yeah and they would either agree or disagree with a lot more logical discourse is being presented now there's no no arguments and nothing they're just rhetorical You make me feel Ackley worse than ever now. It's worse than ever because the business model of the media changed radically from the point that they had the technology to measure with precision what got a lot of clicks and no surprise that the stuff aside your hair on fire gets more clicks so people's emotional state is cranked up more than ever because the the the algorithms and the people running them know exactly how to do it and it's really profitable to do that let's talk about some examples of loser think again you get this all in the book was a thing how untrained brains are running America things like the loser bubble. Well the idea is that people are trapped in their bubble for variety of reasons. I get a lot of techniques for getting them out. The biggest technique the easiest one that you could do is make sure you're paying attention to the news of the side that you don't agree with because if the news reports the saved facts the last the right is probably a fact but it's always the last or only the right it doesn't matter which way it is report something is true and the other says no that didn't happen or that's not a fact it probably isn't I'm sure there are exceptions but they would be rare so that's a good place to start and then. I also warn people that especially with this political stuff that the fog of war is really strong for almost all of the stories it doesn't matter what it is whatever you think you learned in the 1st 24 hours is likely to be completely different you know in a day or so and then there's something called the gale man amnesia Yeah I talk about that. Guy learn that from Dr Drew. So you see your listeners probably know what that is but basically if you're a famous person as as I have Dr Drew. I've seen people write articles about you that are just wildly inaccurate in fact I saw one this morning just wildly inaccurate Now other people don't know it but since I see the things about myself that are I doze 60 percent wrong routinely Once you have that phrase you can say to yourself but that's true of other stories as well and sure enough it often is you know where the term Domenici comes from. I believe it was says well then yeah who would notice that when people rose stories about physics he could tell they were wrong all the time they wrote about yeah all the time that was the magic of it was pretty much all the time but if he saw a topic he didn't know he thought well that's probably true. Nature is the only one and is now in the story besides I don't know what is the case where I don't see right where you really vividly experience when they're writing about you and your Jesus that's not now we're thinking. It's really stunning when you see it yeah you know and I just. You know the case a look at the headline when Al Baghdadi was killed it's just your religious leader you know. Yeah that's just a good example of this. The other thing is talent Stax want to talk about that and how people can develop that yes so the old days because of them who are your parents or your mentors to say become really good at one thing you know take your things and then be the best you can and actually work for some people if you're Tiger Woods that's that's a pretty good idea for most of us we're not going to be the best in the world than anyone even if we try but what we can do that's accessible to everybody is develop talents that stack well together they work well together so for example you know you're a perfect example actors you could take your medical background yeah that with your media training and suddenly you you have twice as many opportunities because you can combine things in my case I got to write loser thing which is about gaps in people's thinking because my experience includes everything from economics to business to entrepreneurship I studied hypnosis and psychology and of course art so I've got a broad. Would you say humor time as you say that also so I guess for a balance now it's. I consider what the book is loser think how untrained brains are ruining America Scott Adams says dot com And can you just explain what loser think what you mean by that Ok good question so was I think believes that you have an unproductive thinking style and it's probably not because you've done enough because you're uninformed so it's not about the person it's about the thinking style and it's probably because of the gaffes I talked about so if you had never been exposed to just the simple high level concepts of economics you wouldn't necessarily know you didn't have that and you would say well my common sense tells me what to do and the common sense is sort of an illusion so I try to sell in the gaps of people's lives or think in the easiest way tossed it's stuff you and I talk about it's in effect the Dunning Kruger phenomenon where people think they know more than they do and that all the cognitive distortions that follow. I 1st noticed this was start looking at Tom and. Twitter and I see good ones even though I disagree with that that's pretty good equal to look profile in the column is there a lawyer let's see colors or just just crazy just illogical click on the profile and the musician artist writer and I think I don't think this is a cool so that's. That's where the book came from and it's it really is. A compendium of Scott's best thoughts. Because I'm you know I guess I'm an acolyte I've studied carefully at the foot of the master here trying because I had 0 understanding about persuasion and I found Scott long before Donald Trump used to you were starting to do pod casting I guess was your 1st book it was before thinking big think when Bigley was before that I think I started sort of got fascinated your stuff I don't know how I found it even but I was like oh my God I don't know anything about this I was the. Argumentation was about logical discourse and I will always wonder why I couldn't persuade. So much more to it not these days people don't have patience for any Frank. Does a privilege example of that tell them stack level because you could pick up the important 80 percent of persuasion maybe one book. And you're 80 percent there and this is this is that book again it is loser thank check it out it's a great book talk a little bit about people that come at you with lists I was only on about. Their arguments and. So I literally was just dealing with this there's a very famous person that I will mention because I'm having a private argument with him I lied but he came at me with a list and I write about that when people give you a list of all the reasons the right this case Donald Trump should be impeached for these 10 reasons. Usually the list is a tell that they don't have one good reason and then everything on the list this word doesn't add up to anything but they're trying to make it by multiplying 10 times Iraq and imagining that it is something you know people who see less might be persuaded by it because you think well if you said one thing it might be wrong but what are the odds all 10 things are wrong so the way you test the list to find then if it's loser 3 loser think or one of those rare cases where the list actually is real is the ask what is the best thing on your argument what is your one best thing and would you agree if I can debunk your strongest point you rethink the others because otherwise you end up playing whack a mole and what happens is you'll be bunking 9 or 10 things in a row and instead of your opponent saying Well good job I guess I change my opinion every time we'll start with number one again as if you had just talked about it and it's there's no way to deal with the list except identify the one that you can attack and then go after the confidence after that which is an example kind of example something called the backfire effect which is complicated and kind of controversial but you can sometimes convince people of one thing like you should get the measles vaccine but they'll double down there not that things are bad everywhere else that makes sense and. I can see that yeah and so and then. So this is all cognitive distortions and so you know I try to keep the list of cognitive distortions in my mind as I talk to have conversations with people but once they get into them they're they're kind of locked and so I guess my question would be what other than what you just talked to us about dealing with list what's your best advice for dealing with loser think. Well one of the things I recommend is to make predictions based on your worldview and then write them down or put them in the world so now tell us and tell the spouse somebody is going to remind you what you're all so that you can see oh I was positive that somebody else was going to become president so put that on my list of things that I was sure about but I was wrong because developing some humility about how right you are and how well you can. Use the world is really important because if you don't get a good dose of humility you're not going to question any of your thoughts here you're not going to check the other channel to find out if the news is different under the channel so you know the is the key to everything else and you're you've got a pretty good track record with predictions save Kemal Harris what what would you predict that all this is prediction on commodity I mean it's still party still sticking with the Democratic presidential nominee right you never know it changes the literally the worst campaigner in the history I did I did see is that something not a should turn around my mistress or maybe she'll have a child painted everything Downing enhanced by now but but let's let's What are your predictions going forward what kind give us some eyes of people again if they're not persuaded by your loser think ethos maybe when they think back on this moment your predictions and they if they come true they might pick up what are some of your predictions Well I my favorite time and that is a good prediction for who is going to win a few other presidential protection this is something that like sort of it's that this late made me laugh for weeks but she says when he talks to people about the election they act as though the person running against Trump is sort of some kind of ideal candidate you know the one in their mind but it reminds people that he's going to be running against a real person and was a real person is in the cross the. Cross-hairs. We're going to have a completely different idea who that person is by Election Day So I think Trump is sort of the monster in the room is going to squash anybody who gets in the race. Amazed if he didn't win reelection anything about the end of the elections today so the gubernatorial elections are either you saying anything out there that catches your interest. Catches your interest is the key I've never been interested in any governor ever. Not even knew some I know my California oh you know governors like school superintendents you know who doesn't excite me yeah of course if you have a disastrous governor as we do apparently then learn that catches your attention that's pretty bad situation in California the utopia of California Scott this is not a very I just had a 30 year head in the Rings we're starting to get a break in robberies in my neighborhood that's going to start them every day now the ability to contain what's happening is starting to break down and good times Scott as always thank you people get the periscope just go to periscope app and look then search your name again just search for coffee with Scott Adams or just search my name and you'll find or you can see me on the Twitter feed because the periscope pops up and one of the thing about persuasion images stories doing things together like drinking coffee those kinds of comparison things right you that it gets you in the persuasive zone and stuff b. Is that again like making the typos is that because it makes people feel like they're connected to you because you're doing things like them. Makes them feel connected but these simultaneous steps that I do in my periscopes sort of pacing because when people match you in any way they become more more open to suggestion because they feel like it's coming from absolves you of they are or now one. Interesting and I don't like reading that there yeah yeah. Yeahs it is kind of a term is really in charge of Asian rights gun charges or thank. You That's got out of critic s. Is a loser think is a new book go get it now or do a whole show on that talking to him and all that Oh I know Brian I know that stuff 802-225-2200 Dr it's been a lot of times of night a k b c. B a b c dependable traffic right now sponsored by state or brothers northbound side of the one on one valley circle working with a car fire everything's on the right shoulder but delays are made from Desoto from Parkway Calabasas westbound not he wanted valley view as a crash to right lanes block that's backed up to the 5 he's been 91 before Brooker's another accident in the fast lane delays from Beach south 710 around Washington fighting another x. And with a left lane blocked that's got you back up to the 60 and southbound side of the 15 connector to the east 60 that's some road work you're on that connector road that's backing up the south 15 toward the tam you love fresh golden fried chicken stop by state or brothers markets for the most delicious fried chicken in town it's always fresh never frozen 8 pieces are on sale now for just 499 Stater Brothers markets comfort food at its best next report at 134 I'm Roger Craver am 7. 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Distillery dot com shark but it's with Clark the shark it's Randy and I'm sitting here with my buddy Clark fielding a failing law and look at this clock the holiday season is already upon us and we know what that means traffic is about to get even crazier out there the sad truth is during the holiday season there's an increase in accidents you have distracted drivers on their cell phones you have drivers who are driving under the influence you know drivers doing the last minute shopping on am a. You do and so what you should do is you should put my phone number in your cell phone I should be the 1st person you call after an accident that number is put in your phone now 8338 shark that's 83388 shark 833874275 put it under the contact Clark the shark that well you know who to call you also want to bookmark the website on your phone Clark the shark Law dot com If anything happens this holiday season you'll be prepared that's Clark the shark Law dot com. Right. 70 a p.c. . Is Mr Ladley in pre-market remembers 80225222 the winning is even easier to observe medically if you see your chance one of those 4 times a day it's free money and a halves of 90 k.v. See it listening for details get ready to win free money on a observe Medicaid see weekday morning to you know 5 level 5 after that to a 5 and 405 proving that it pays to listen to 790 k. A.b.c. . So we're not a lot of time I believe for calls after the break I've been very caught up in these interviews I think those are interesting folks you've been talking to and I would love to get your opinion your agreement disagreement if you've been listening both to Donald Trump Jr and to Scott Adams of your thoughts 802225222 is a phone number to be part of the conversation and man has a lot of other stuff going on today. To think a lot of business people don't read books on people like that per person Asian just how to like work in fire or no it's just it takes a particular person I believe there are probably technical books of value goes ahead and if that's right yeah Ok in sales right and negotiation of sales is really kind of range right yeah it's just I think Scott steps back and thinks of it abstractly. Rockstar context of trying to get somebody to buy something right but that's all it all is I mean you know the sales techniques the foot in the door in the giving the gifts and the prelude pro quo kinds of phenomenon that go on and getting people to like you and kind of yes all that and then to pacing your view and in tune with you all that stuff is all these techniques that we've evolved from spew forth literally you know like I just opened up my pocketbook to that person but I feel Ok with it yeah yeah you almost are like I want to I want to give them my honey yeah in fact interesting persuasion 802225222 love to hear your thoughts that's the entry and I have Dr Drew this in their lives have a 90 k.b. St. 7000000 day. A b c News Live and Local it's 130 unless Warner voters are headed today to the polls a number of So Cal cities are holding municipal municipal elections the polls close at 8 o'clock tonight stay with 790 k b c and k b c dot com for your election coverage and results federal law enforcement officials are investigating a mysterious package containing white powder sent to formerly Southern California congresswoman Katie Hill the package contained a mysterious white powder that while found to be non hazardous one employee of the building where the office was located did complain of your attention he'll resign from Congress last week amid allegations of an affair with a staffer as well as other ethics violations including nude photos of her online She blames her husband who took the pictures she says without her knowledge or consent saying she's a victim of revenge porn House investigators released more transcripts today in the impeachment inquiry of the president correspondent Caitlin Collins now reads a White House statement on the updated testimony of u.s. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon sambal and several groups in the press secretary says quote both transcripts released today show there is even less evidence for this illegitimate impeachment sham than previously thought she says ambassadors a list. He did not know and still does not know when why or by whom the aid was suspended she said that he presumed there was a link to the aid but cannot identify any solid source for that assumption the city of San Diego is opening a new bridge shelter for homeless people the shelter on the corner of 17th and Imperial is the 4th of its kind to open since 2017 the bridge shelters are intended to help homeless residents transition to finding permanent housing and a daycare operator is being charged for alleged child abuse and authorities think there could be more victims detectives were notified of injuries to a 5 month old girl at a one year old boy after they attended Drinkard Betty East family childcare in Highland during an investigation Rosalind Drinkard Battiste was arrested and booked on suspicion of willful cruelty to a child and false imprisonment her bail a 7 $100000.00 if anyone believes their child is a victim their urge to contact law enforcement Talk Radio $7900.00 k. A.b.c. Sports Cowboys beat the Giants on Monday Night Football u.s.c. Plays Florida a and m. In men's college basketball starting at 7 45 pm tonight right here on $790.00 k. A.b.c. Lakers visit the bowls Kings visit the Maple Leafs on but ducks host the wild that's sports on the new home of the u.s.c. Trojans and 790 you're traffic market check weather and more Dr Drew midday live with Leeann Tweeden next a.b.c. News time 132 retirement should be one of the best times of your life and it can be as long as you're not worried about money join us at a complimentary retirement planners of America seminar and we'll show you how to protect and maximize your retirement savings so your money lasts as long as you do next seminar a Saturday Nov 16th at the Courtyard by Marriott Sherman Oaks at retirement planners of America we want your money to last as long as you do learn more at our p.l. a Dot com Are you nearing age 65 and concerned about how you'll manage your health care benefits in retirement signing up for Medicare and knowing which plans to choose can be very complicate. Retirement planners of America we're here to help we're hosting a free medicare seminar near you where you can learn how to navigate the complex world of Medicare our seminars are completely free and educational in nature join us on Tuesday November 12th at the Courtyard l.a. Pasadena old town and Wednesday Nov 13th at the home with suites by Hilton or by John Wayne Airport for more dates and to register go to our. A.t.c. Dependable traffic right now northbound want to one valley circle to car fire everything out and on the right shoulder but remaining delays to Peggy recovering from Parkway Calabasas also on the $91.00 freeway the city west valley view you just cleared an earlier accident from Lane That's still busy from the 5 an eastbound Brook Hurst on the $91.00 and other accident carpool and left lanes are the lanes that are blocked and that's backing up now to about not southbound $710.00 right row Washington the left lane walk with a crash delays here from the 60 and he's found 60 at grow another accidently be only the carpool and left lane open for you and that's no heavy coming away from Ramona next report at 1 44 am 7. Am 70 market check the Dow closed up 30 points today vs and p. Closed down 3 points and the Nasdaq closed up one point. Am 700 whether highs in the mid seventies or the beaches mid eighty's inland in the valleys it's 84 in Walnut 79 in Anaheim 85 in downtown l.a. Here 790 k. A.b.c. In h.d. 90 $5.00 f.m. H.d. 2 booming in on 790 8 am plus get the live streaming the podcast caves he dot com analyst Warner Cable news fantastic all savings now a Jiffy Lube gets $12.00 off your signature service or $15.00 off your car if your car uses synthetic or blend no one in necessary for locations and even more discount busy visit Jiffy Lube So-Cal dot com today a b c news is sponsored by Jiffy Lube. From the Hollywood Bowl. This is. James Brown. 887. See. If they live our number 8625 says You Tube corsets as a football Saturday as as he takes on Arizona State Park by James Riske in your local tailgate game day starts at 10 30 am on Am 790 k. V.c.u. To trojans vs the Sun Devils football Saturday all here in the home of trojans and 70 a.b.c. Mike you want to comment on what we've been discussing Yeah. The gentleman talking about losers thank you so here we really I mean it's fairly reminiscent of what we experienced last 30 years the media has been telling us that crime is on the rise that stranger danger is terrible and you know the facts when you start digging into the you know when you start that you know into the data the data doesn't support any of the stuff that's being thrown at us to write and you see intelligent people having really ridiculous opinions about stuff because of bad data yeah and it is sort of I don't know image making or something that the media does I saw but it's like going to our feeling it's almost like your daughter right when you're president like a member and she was right and I'm like gay friends what's going to happen they're all going to go to jail shipped off and like I was like well I'm like wait where did that come down and you know I don't think she felt that life as we all felt that way and somebody made her feel that way not us right and I'm. I saw Dennis Prager on Bill Maher the other day and he was talking he said like you know America is really not racist compared to other races countries and he was like shouted Dallas Oh come on and I was like Well have you heard of Japan where he they don't know they wouldn't let anybody else anybody that had one white person this year allowed to migrate in because they were he was in Japanese no Vietnamese ever and certain parts of the Middle East and parts and there are all kinds of countries that are. This is really racist and I and I started thinking we need a more intelligent conversation about these things. Like when it comes say to racism really we're talking about is our history and coming to terms with our history and I wish we would just get on with deeper conversations about things rather than sticking to these shibboleths these empty slogans you know I mean Mike does it make sense oh yeah I mean 111 recent one that's become a real fire firebug no pun intended these people talking about how the world has changed with fires in California and you know I've been years since 1970 and I can tell you when I moved here 970 was holy here for fire California the higher city was surrounded and the amount of Christian homes burned matched anything that we've experienced in the last 3 days and 3 years and it's not global warming it's bad management it's bad it's building into encroached areas there's a whole list of things that are really causing it that. We're we're trying to trick you know put it into some political process you know exactly more than us them sort of setting I get my daughter this a conversation rather she keeps saying why am I trying the world's coming to an end there's you know we are have a what you call existential threat I'm like eccentrics right is when I was in the 3rd grade I used to have to go down into the basement of my grammar school and dock while the air raid sirens went off we had a we had nuclear attack drills every right to 4 weeks because that was a real threat and I didn't want any human missile crisis happened and it was like well you know that was even an existential threat and not just what's in there this is a brain you know thinking this is it has a logical hurt and see we've got to deal with and we will just the way we dealt with acid rain and and by the way you know the other thing this and seventies Mike is I was part of this chorus we were predicting by the 1980 s. Guaranteed we were going to have to deal with a new ice age. What are we going to do with no I'm not kidding it was on the front page of Time magazine and Newsweek even it ice age coming our way what are we going to do and so again it's like the sweep of history has forgotten maybe it's the special mystery who needs history also special now everything so special that is not going to this is ever happened it's just like those that millennial influence or kid that's like oh don't teach us about World War 2 No that's too it's too much for our sensibilities don't teach us that we're going to have to intensify as you intend to control war to break Santiago and Winston Churchill those who do not study the history are doomed to repeat it by your comments. Just say you keep doing what you do because you guys are the thing this boy says you and Craig are about the same well I hear regularly. I hope I'm more moderate than does bribery even though I have great deep deep deep respect for Dennis because he's an interesting man he's a thoughtful man is a very. I hope I'm car more moderate more you know but yeah I mean I but I am definitely in the irrational group I'm sort of libertarian in that they need to get accused of being right because of the Terrence Ok whatever although Leo trail keeps pointing out how I want to solve problems with the government therefore I'm not actually. Which is right he's right I want to go have a problem yeah you're not I mean I like your not absolute just well you're completely brain is like that we spend some money helping people how mentally ill that need conic Coastal Carolina 180222522 to as a phone number that's they had freedom doctorates but their lives have 90 k. Be safe. A b. C. Dependable traffic right now in the north one on one belly circle that car player everything's on the right shoulder and delays here coming way thank you canyon he's been not the one before Brooker's not the crash here that's where the car pulling left lanes are blocked backing up out of the alley view south $710.00 Washington is a crash in the left lane jam from the 60 he's found $68.00 Grove lighting another accident leaving only the carpool lane help and that's got traffic jam coming away from Ramona Thanks reported to 04 I'm Roger Kramer am 7 I think shark bites with Clark the shark it's ready and I'm set with my buddy Clark fielding a fielding law now Clark if people call you an 83388 shark is just some Associate Attorney going to handle the case I personally work on each and every case Randi I'm aware of all our clients all our cases so you not just a settlement mill absolutely not we are there to optimize our client's recovery and do everything it takes Clark how important is liability insurance. It is critical in the state of California if the other driver runs the red light and injures you if you don't have car insurance coverage you will be paralyzed and you will be excluded from compensation for your pain and suffering now if you're hurt in any kind of an accident you need to call my friend Clark fielding now for free advice the phone number is 83388 shark that's 83388 shark or go to Clark the shark Law dot com Clark the shark Law dot com. Hi welcome to the subway ad for 299 subs I would like it I'll take drill sargeant please you got it all right now listen up no money to everyone who did something give me a 6 inch meatball they were never told come combo thank you just like for like for stand on your choice of bread with anything that you long for just to 99 each. By good luck too long at participating restaurants additional charge for extra plus legal tax known as the discounts of 2 pounds maybe a black eye it's Jamie progress is employee of the month 2 months in a row leave a message at that hi Jamie get me to me I just had a new idea for our song about the name your price tool so when it's like tell us what you want Ok Hey hey hey trombone goes Pop I was on you say well the funk garbage option to fit your budget then we did all the finger snaps Well choir goes people come in actually favors coming back out yes no maybe Anyways here practice a night I got new lyrics with a rapper a progressive casualty insurance company and affiliates pricing coverage limited by state law Hey Dr Drew here have you been putting off fixing your broken teeth because you were scared or thought you couldn't afford it I have good news with the new patent itself crafting implement of a system you can replace all the infected broken teeth in the same day without having to wait for the bone graft to heal while you sleep dentist from all over the country come to doctors a day to learn this new permanent teeth in a day system you would consider a medical procedure using 60 year old tools and technology well why then would you . Settle for old dental implant systems offered by many of the large chains I know doctors today and I understand why the employed over system is the answer to your dental implant needs get your mouth fixed with him pulling over it's easy it's affordable a single implant can be as low as $29.00 a month and if you could afford a car payment you could get a full set of new permanent teeth culture was Euro 273-2020 that is 310-273-2020 call doctors a day today at 310-273-2020 tell them Dr Drew such a listen to t.c. Weekdays at 80511052 if I mean 4 or 5 thank you could win a $1000.00 just like Sherry. Sherry you just one of thousands of dollars. In sharing your just one of 2000 bucks a day great news. Sherry and it is Ok it's Ok to be shy about winning just don't be shy about playing space freedom let me. See. From the get me. To like jello. Write a 7 minute j. C. It's been there lively and paid Dr Drew the question is. Should the whistleblower be disclosed in the end you've been reading some stuff to suggest you already know who it is well the name has been circulating for a few days so I'm and he's a Ukrainian maybe operative No no no no he's a CIA person but it's more for a different administration a Ukrainian expert or something yes yes that was his interest that was his strength he speaks Ukrainian and Russian and part I think worked under Obama administration CIA analyst National Security Council staffer and so there's that both Obama and then worked in Trump I just everybody knew that he didn't like Trump and so there's . It's that this is the whistle blower so the question is should this be so should a light be shined on this could be your opinion 802225222 should we know who the whistleblower is in other words if somebody were to accuse you of something that say you know you were in a parking lot all of a sudden this person said I saw you you know not even I heard somebody who said they saw like you in the parking lot latch a key key Yeah girlfriend's car yeah and you're not allowed to talk to that person or you know allowed to find you know you interview or find one says are other people who are going to see is that fair for that person to remain anonymous should this well you're going to lose your job right in this camp Yes cancel world yeah should the whistleblower be shined a light on should there be scrutiny should be scrutinized in the in the light of day at 800 to 2 to 5 to 2 to give me your thoughts while we are taking your calls welcoming Chicago to the Bank of America Performing Arts Center in 1000 Oaks March 3rd furnace we have to take it furnished by I need a ladder for color night at 8887 I have 052228 pair of tickets I think is do go on sale this Friday at 10 am if you're not lucky enough to be car number 9 who will win a pair of tickets to see Chicago at the Bank of America Performing Arts Center in 1000 Oaks on March 3rd just dial the number 888-790-5222 you could win. Oh my goodness a lot of stuff going on today yes so so having spoken to Scott out of about persuasion do you get a little more of a sense of how that all works that you little more open to these and yes and you know it's funny because I didn't I think I realize people are more persuasive than others but I didn't realize that there were techniques and that people were actually deliberate in how they do it I just thought that there were people that were persuasive like wow that person is really likable they know how to really work the people that may. Your little bit more weak and they see that person like that person on give me their checkbook that person will buy my they'll buy my encyclopedia see it out right oh yeah of course your. It sounds Corps when exploitation or but if that is the law if you're in sales yes to say you got to be a little bit like you know this right you know you can refine it further with specific technique sort but I also liked when we spoke to the other guys in the pre priest ways you got any yes tell Daney when you know the little things that caught my eye like you know how you know a waiter at a nice restaurant might come over and give you the bill and they'll give you a little candy a little chocolate right but then they'll turn around for a 2nd and then they'll pause in the come back and go you know what you guys are so great here take a few more talk let's and you feel so special you're like oh thank you by God even though they're like 2 cent chocolates right that you're going all that's so sweet and the bill actually your tip goes up like 49 percent or something and they say they've actually like studied the research on how it is you know I don't think it oh my God if I if I was a server I would totally like read this book and just do all those little tricks you know I mean you know just to get at what you know humans even if you don't know you're being had You're being had in this like all those little hacks to get all that little bit you know extra money when you're working on tips you know there I was asking Scott about Chaldea his fingerprints from yes and he said he didn't see it yeah right but I remember during the Hillary Clinton Donald Trump you know care of campaigns with Hillary started calling him dark that there are 2 things it is dark right it's got to be helping that child because it's so it has so such persuasive it's image of a just right it suggests the problem was that he was he was already on that he was already doing that kind of landscape and he was doing it so well with all the name calling and it came so naturally to trump that her trying to play that game she looks so amateur that's what happens all that you know with Trump on the stage with all of you know when he was up against everybody and they all. We were trying to call him a name when he had he had nicknames for everybody even though it seemed childish or what have you when somebody tried to come back and call him a name it just seemed so well that's the craziness and all that well yes it does seem childish and yet it works you know why and he seemed so above everybody else because he was like quick on the names of our bed and then everything yeah we you know your you know orange Cheetos face or whatever and it just seems like Oh that was that's all you got you know and he's like calling everybody these names and it's like God It just rolls off the tongue for him you know which is that it kind of like bad comedy hours if you're going to. Get into difficult territory you better but you gotta have a body he better bring it right that's what I'm saying it seems like it comes more natural for him versus like it look like somebody is going like holding Ok Paul in dark Hillary so when you come out on sets make sure you say dark 5 times Ok you know and it just it didn't come naturally to her like to try that stuff is like it rolls off the tongue which I don't know what to say about that with his personality but either he's been doing it a long time or like well I even think Scott said part of that is natural to him you know so I think that you either have or you don't I mean it's like the actor in Hollywood right some people have that you walk into a room and you have it or you don't go in there and I was watching I've been I'm just watching what's happening in our country and in our government and I've noticed when he negotiates is a very specific technique which is he takes away a bunch of stuff right and then or you come to the table right and then you don't get what he wants and he takes it all the way. And then he lets you negotiate a price so you only get back what you want you only have what do you are left right it's not like you got more but you felt like oh God Ok I got something you know like no you just got what he took away the 1st time half of it you know exactly so it's a very weird of extreme but I can't leave out of a falls for it like Scott said you can't take your eyes off it he has 800 trays or 25222 that's they had 3 of them Dr Drew it's been a lot of absentee k.p.c. Hi I'm Jay foreigner c.e.o. Of Quicken Loans 30 percent of Americans who are planning home improvements of $5000.00 or more will pay for those renovations with a high interest credit card that may not be a great idea a better idea may be to take cash out of your home with Quicken Loans 30 year fixed rate mortgage the rate today on our 30 year fixed rate mortgage is 3.99 percent a.p.r. 4.08 percent call us today at $800.00 Quicken or go to rocket mortgage dot com rates of exchange 1.25 percent b. To receive the discounted rate off the cost of commission and commissions equalising under license and states and 130. Wow I can't believe that's all of them already. Switch out my summer swimming trunks with my swimming trunks your top reasons to visit the room to just turn 500 points Mondays this month and get in on them till date pretty good score again Date killer Monday the 23rd number to me the demo live October poor and the number one reason to go to the run go to see the Resort and Spa this week will have been getting ready for roadster this Sunday Morongo good times shark bites with Clark the shark chance ready an upset with my buddy Clark fielding a fielding lot now Clark what if somebody has already called a personal injury attorney but they're not happy with the progress on their case if you're not getting the attention that you deserve you absolutely have the right to call another attorney to see if they can help you and you could substitute out your current attorney Clark is there any way to recover lost wages of I'm so injured I can't work absolutely if your experience in lost wages or lost in come that is one of the elements of your damages that you can recoup you want to make sure that you get a doctor's note to validate the time that you're missing from work if you're hurt in any kind of an accident you need to call my friend Clark fielding now for free advice you can call him today at 83388 shark that's 83388 shark 83388 shark or go to Clark the shark log dot com That's Clark the shark Law dot com there's a chance your local Geico agent owns the same designer dog breed as you will kill over and over while walk to Apple dog after a while 100 percent lovable Oh yes so many wrinkles such a tiny face but there's a better chance your local Geico agent could help you out with auto homeowners renters or condo insurance motorcycle boat or r.v. Insurance to work hard to provide sound advice and significant savings you don't need a chic break will face pop to do that local Geico agents call or visit your Sid a. I'm so out of the loop it's been a so. Long since I've done drugs or have had sex so I mean outside of cancer drugs I'm not a drug drug person. Unless you count Xanax and what not but what you guys are telling me is just beyond shocking to me. That means that that person put her right no no I'm just trying to make she had described it oh oh Ok he really I mean all right all right it's a 104 names I'm I'm too down all right here's the blind item this comes from crazy days and nights dot net none of us know for sure who they're talking about. We're just taking their best guess yeah here's the blind item. I doubt the coroner will ever make public is how the drugs were administered to this deceased news anchor it was not orally or intravenously or via nasal passage that you got your guess written down let's take a couple of guess how come James in Irvine Good morning James I see Peter Jennings then only. Excellent has changed Yes Number one I don't think the us has to be where the drugs work and yeah you know that are saying to James because I was completely clueless no idea we don't need any details we I know you're good thank you Ok I'll be in Torrance What's your guess Walter Cronkite. One of Walter do you know what the whole story. Randi was your guess Jerry Dunphy. Oh my God I'm going down this road I'm going to say how fish. I said how to see bedroom still with us otherwise see the top of this isn't that the name of the zombies survived when he did it. The morning drive with John Phillips in Jillian Barberie morning 6 to 10 and 7 on the b.b.c. . Warning this. If you listen to k.b. C. Weekdays it you'll find the little $5.00 to 5 am 4 o 5 for your shot of $1000.04 times a day the day Corey. Listened to it and when I said I'm free to leave am 790 j c. It is middle of entry Dr Drew I just never been speaking to former special agent brother forced me to see Derek malts on the murder of a family of Americans 3 women 6 children. In Mexico and I get the feeling that we're about to do something about in response to this I was just watching on how do you not you know one of the cable networks some of the Armed Services Committee talking about how the Fed The Mexican government has had abject failure in their ability to control what's going on and it is now affecting not just the border but also Americans ability to travel and safely remain near him in Mexico but never They couldn't even get El Chapo son they had to release him because it was you know like Ok who's running what down there yeah. Speaking of who's running what really Apple has committed $2500000000.00 to deal with the housing issue while you're still you're giggling but I've been asking for this for a long time where I know you did you see the breakdown now of what they're going to do yeah it's a well I mean you know the article right yeah I crank it down what they're going to do commit 1000000000 for fordable housing 1000000000 for 1st time home buyer mortgage a system by 300000000 in Apple own in available land for affordable housing that means yeah I don't know how the power of the people that live around there that that's expensive land how they got like that 150000000 for Bay Area housing 5 to 50000000 to support vulnerable populations So yes so when you write that down you go into office and exactly what they're going to do with efforts may I would like to know so it sounds great in a headline but. Yeah Ok and the sorry. Who decided what they're going to do with this of what is there yes it's not going to be even a drop in the bucket right I mean it that the headline sounded great I was excited when I heard it I did because I think Facebook and Google also earlier in the summer had pledged some money to bet. What they claim they're going to do they go just the housing market well Ms I mean you hear stories right that people that work for Google or that work for Apple up there literally live in like their cars because they can't afford it I mean people that work for these mega 1000000 dollar companies can't even afford an apartment but I don't have don't see how this is going to really do much I guess the 300000000 for I know it's own it's great to give a fund for people to help you know 1st time buyer but I mean your 1st home can you afford a 15000000 dollar home or 10000000 dollar apartment in that area of what I do 1st time buyer mortgage assistance whatever distance Yeah it was it doesn't seem don't pay but assistant was really the big problem right and then you know exactly 3000000000 Appel own available lair right because they've been buying up land but that portable housing so that is going to be they're going to maintain the ownership and it'll be they'll be the landlord over again and look at all the problems we're having here right people are trying to put affordable housing in the middle of all of these expensive you know cities that people have worked their whole lives to pay their money for and that they worked all that you know and put all of their money into and then they're like hey we're going to just put up you know can put some homeless right here next to an apartment and they're going to be just great and shocking news California Prop $47.00 leads to a rise and shot that oh oh oh oh oh oh because it was $47.00 have a $57.00 everyone I'm going to be of much much more fuel for those guys in our numbers 80222522 children talk about the assault on a family in Mexico after the break that's they have to remember Truth with a lot of Arabs have an idea to be seated. Listen take a.b.c. Weekdays if they don't find little $5.00 to $5.00 and $4.00 of George Bush out of the $1000.04 times a day your next shot of the brain is coming up in minutes so if you want some free her. P.c. Los Angeles Boys County n.j. Lois h d 2 Los Angeles. Just a. Great. K b c news live in local It's 2 o'clock am was born are 9 members of a Mormon family were killed on the Mexican side of the Us Mexico border and authorities are investigating whether the attack was the result of mistaken identity correspondent Matt Rivers says there's also the possibility that the family was targeted I've also talked today to family members of the people who have been killed and one of them specifically told me look it wouldn't surprise me if we were specifically targeted because this community where hundreds of people live in sin or I've bought people who are both American and Mexican citizens they don't always told the cartel a lie and they kind of make the cartels have set from time to time he said maybe it was targeted Chargers owner Dean Spannaus today angrily shot down a report that the team might consider leaving the Southland for London in an expletive laced response to a report published by the athletic spaniels told a group of reporters the team has no plans to leave the l.a. Area the original story suggested that the n.f.l. Has been considering the possibility of locating a team in London and that the.

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KHNC 1360 AM [The Lion]-20191031-050000

223-3831. This is James Morgan with Grisham and associates l.l.c. Buying or selling real estate call me at 720-203-0731 or visit my website at Colorado properties dot online or office has more than 3 decades of real estate experience and we will treat you like family call us today for all your real estate needs at 720-203-0731 keep listening to Cajun see 1360. Did you hear that that's the sound of money blowing out your walls an attic no matter how new or well built your houses everyone pays for utilities car best way insulation at 303-469-0808 or online at best way insulation dot com In keep your cash in your wallet where it belongs. Crack a. Big. Thing Easy. The big. Good morning welcome to today's open forum Rick Rodriguez be with you for the next 2 hours and I know that it's hard difficult to stay tune for the 2 full hours many people don't have that luxury so if you don't you can go to 1360 k.p.h. And see dot com for podcasts go up to the podcast section and drop down to the programs on open forum you'd like to listen to one of the other programs that are also. Archived on that site also this program and the programs throughout the day are streamed live daily sold 1360 k. H. And c dot com. Today I am going to discuss mysteries. Mystery is an unexplained matter that has to be revealed there are things happening presently with this impeachment of Donald Trump things hidden things that are being intentionally lied about and hidden the powers that be the men and women in the Democrat Party in these hearings they are trying to keep everything secret but. Like Christ said every thing that is done in secret is going to be shouted and brought out so everybody knows what's going on nothing can be hidden everything has to be revealed the truth about Russia gate has been exposed as a lie the matter of the conversation that the president had with the president of the Ukraine that has come out everything is going to be brought out into the open for everyone to see the problem is people will always believe what they want to believe that fits their thinking their agenda their purpose whatever. Political. Direction they want to go this is this is really a a something within within every human being people don't want to know the truth they don't want to believe the truth they want to believe what they want to believe mystery and unexplained matter that is to be revealed and these things that are taking place in the capital are being brought out into the open they're not going to be hidden everyone is going to know because like I say continuously on these programs there is a cosmic law and the cosmic law is that everyone has to be presented the truth the truth has to be made available to every human being because human beings have free will so the cosmic forces and the the powers. That. Come from the world of darkness have to tell the truth it is a law the devil himself has to tell the truth he's the master of deception but before he can deceive you he has to let you know the truth he does not want you to know that He exists but he's forced to use his own children and by their actions it is evident that he does exist mysteries and unexplained matter that is to be explained to be revealed. I have talked in the past about Donald Trump he is in the Bible. Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan George Bush Sr Bill Clinton. George Bush Jr Barack Obama and Donald Trump all being talked about in the Bible in Revelation Chapter 10 I'm sorry Revelation Chapter 17 verse 10 there's a mystery there and this mystery goes this way there are 7 kings 5 are fallen one is one is yet to come when he comes he continues a short space the 8th is of the 7 and goes into preditions So there are 8 administrations but only 7 kings and I call him president. But there are 8 administrations but only 7 presidents one of the presidents gets a double dip not 8 years but more like 1617 years well that is coming in the future. That is a mystery. That is now being explained. Are there nations like Russia is rushing in the Bible yes Israel absolutely We know Israel is very clear that Israel is in the Bible how about Turkey. What about Germany. Syria. It is known as Syria is in the Bible and right now we have this situation taking place in Syria with Turkey. Attacking the Kurds and the Russians are in Syria assisting Syria and they should. Well continue on the night after we get back from this break. They are with us on. The phone from our own son way up high I mean this is Joe Chait with owner of the Patriot trading I'm sure you're probably aware of the reputations of many of the precious metals dealers here in the front right I talk to customers all the time that know gold and silver are strong investments but they are right hedge against the volatile economy but these customers don't know where to buy gold and silver and are very justifiably concerned that they'll get ripped off so I want to make you this promise a patriot trading group there are no commission salespeople we don't make outbound phone calls we don't try to up sell you into some scam or packets that we created we don't disclose your information to anyone ever the majority of all business comes for free for alls and long time repeat customers if you're looking to learn about or invest in precious metals give us a call at 809510592 or go to all American Gold dot com That's 89510592 or go to all American Gold dot com The Patriot trading group no salespeople no calls just old fashioned service. 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All right Rick Rodriguez continuing with You are these nations that I mentioned before the break are they in the Bible we know Syria is we know that Israel is. And we know that Jordan is. And I as I had mentioned. That I do believe that the president Donald Trump is the 7th king or the 7th president of Revelation Chapter 17 verse 10 and as I go into the countries of the world in the Bible. I have laid this foundation that America is also in the Bible because of the 7 kings. And Donald Trump is the 7th 5 or fall in one is one is yet to come and when he comes he must continue a short space Donald Trump must continue a short space I don't know what that short space means I don't know if it means one term plus part of another I don't know but you can see the forces of hell coming against him it's evident this is not just men and women this is a spiritual battle it's a spiritual a fight that's taking place in the White House presently Well the 7th King I say is Donald Trump there's one coming after him and the 1st 5 are mentioned by name Jimmy Carter being number one Ronald Reagan George Bush Sr and then Bill Clinton will Bill Clinton and George Bush or very interesting study because these 2 administrations work together to fulfill a Rockefeller agenda but Bill Clinton being the 4th of these presidents. His wife Hillary Clinton is she in the Bible and as I have mentioned in previous programs I believe in a type Isaiah Chapter 47 is talking about. Hillary Clinton in a type though Isaiah $47.00 is actually talking about this and time super power and super super nation empire at the end of the world and I believe that is the United States and you're seeing right now the true spirit behind the United States of America developed and it is developing into what it really is due to Donald Trump being in the office office of president once he came into his position as a president of this country now what has been hidden from the people of this country the true spirit the true attitude behind the people of this country that are in power is now evident it is coming into focus you cannot deny it you're seeing the split personality of the United States of America develop daily as you watch the news you're watching the mainstream media or the what I call according to the of articles I have been presenting the CIA a Mockingbird agenda in all aspects of media written television radio Internet the mockingbird program put in. That was put in place into the communications of. The all the communications in America back in 19472. It really is a propaganda machine to get the American people to believe what the powers that really direct his country want the people to believe through the media you're watching the CIA a program Mockingbird in American media today you're watching it it's not something coming in the future it has always been in a sense. It has been progress moving along it has been dead the stations have been affected by this CIA program but now it is in it has come to fruition it's in full bloom and the target of all of the media is a person a Administration Donald Trump and the people that are loyal to him you're seeing it happen right now daily it's front page news but people don't have the ability a lot of times to understand and to see what is really taking place now Hillary Clinton she is the wife of the 4th president or the 4th King is she in the Bible as I have stated I do believe that she is and the evidence I have been bringing out little by little to these programs is that she is according to what is written about her she's involved in the occult she is a witch she. Was traveling from Arkansas during the time that Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas she would travel to California to meet with witches covens in California it's documented this is I'm not saying anything I'm not alluding or alleging anything I'm telling you this is what. New York Times has talked about other. Media has talked about back from the ninety's to the present she would meet with the witches in California and have. Whatever they do rituals it was not alleged that she and Bill Clinton would go to Haiti and there was a a High Priest witch doctor there that would. Do the witchcraft for Bill when he was involved in the monologue Monica Lewinsky impeachment. Debacle and they were praying they go to Haiti this is it you can find us on the internet look it up that he would go and they would have the witch doctor practice voodoo to protect him so that he would not be. Kicked out of office and he would be impeached like. Dick Nixon who was impeached and he resigned they would pray for Bill they would do these rituals for Bill Clinton so that he would remain in power. Then I have found some articles there were 3 men one his name is. Allister Crowley he was a witch out of practicing say tannic which out of Europe I think it was England and he and another gentleman by the name of l. Ron Hubbard who founded Scientology and another person and these were all adepts in witchcraft Jack l. a Jack Parsons Jack Parsons laboratory Jack Parsons was a brilliant chemist and he put together fuels for the space program so Jack Parsons l. Ron Hubbard Alister Crowley they had what they called a. Ritual called Babylon rising and in that ritual they were asking the forces of darkness to bring into the world a witch a powerful witch and so in 1046 and I have documentation I didn't bring it with me today I have been reading about it for a couple of years on the Internet it's still available for those that really want to research it. And. They had a ritual and in that ritual they called for the forces of darkness to bring forth a powerful which child and it just so happen. That a year later Hillary Clinton. Was born I don't I forgot to bring the article so I don't remember what her birth name was but it just so happened that through the years little by little Hillary Clinton her early life was really kind of a mystery but then later on eventually when she's in Chicago and she meets Bill Clinton she and Bill decide to marry and she decided that she could go further by marrying Bill Clinton because she knew his. Ties into the political world which I believe were Rockefeller ties I have talked about the possibility of Bill Clinton being a Rockefeller child Winthrop Rockefeller possibly being his real father I have also talked about Hillary possibly being also a Rockefeller offspring possibly her grandfather or her father could have been Nelson Rockefeller I not sure about that. I'm still looking some of the information that they did have I can't find now on the Internet Google has scrubbed it but it is known that Hillary and Bill are both the Illuminati members Hillary is a more powerful illuminati a member than Bill she has more a coal power than Bill does well if she is this. Child of this occult ritual through Jack Parsons l. Ron Hubbard and Allister Crowley if she could be this type of person that would make her the most powerful which to ever exist in the United States of America it could be even she could be the greatest which in the occult powers in the world I'm just presenting this to you I'm not asking you to believe it I'm just giving you some of the things that I have researched I have found there are mysteries that God said are going to be revealed at the end of the world things that are hidden a mystery is an unexplained matter to be revealed and I believe right now we're at the end of the world I believe there are mysteries that are being now brought out made evident for me to mankind to see as specially in the United States of America because if I'm correct of all the nations of the world at the end of the world the United States would be the nation that would be the most powerful nation involved in witchcraft in the history of mankind greater the nation Babel on the Egypt then the Greeks then the Romans even then that the witchcraft involved with the nation of Israel. If I am correct at the end of the world there would be a nation that would be. Taken over by the dark side and what is happening now in this country what is happening in the Washington d.c. Are we watching a spiritual war between the children of the devil and now the children of God beginning to develop because the Lord said a Johnny apostle who wrote the book of Revelation said there would be a time coming when there would be a war between the children of the devil and the children of God and you would know the difference between them those who would practice on righteousness would be of the children of the Devil and those who would be righteous would be the children of God are we watching what kind of an righteousness is taking place in Washington d.c. Presently what type of unrighteousness. Yesterday the Republicans pulled a Democrat trick they stormed into the hearings I'm glad finally they're getting the alpha the alpha males spirit about him I think they're picking that up from Donald Trump. Donald Trump has been going it alone I got a feeling he's going to start to get some help from this point forward now going back to. Hillary Clinton could it be could it possibly be. That. She is the greatest with. Greatest Power ever in America's history and I'm presenting it to you it's a mystery we will continue as we get back from the break Rick Rodriguez stay with. The Patriot traitor group is a different kind of gold and silver company cleaning up the industry for 21 years are you tired of the high pressured sales tactics the constant phone calls are you done with the bait and switch you just want to be treated fairly with honesty and respect that's exactly what you get when you call 809510592 you have my word on it I'm Joe Jake when c.e.o. 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When the commercial starts playing because they don't want to miss what our host have to say next advertisement 1360 k.p.h. N.c. And have your message be heard call us at 970-587-5003 we also have the best rates in Colorado 970-587-5003 or 30 to 60 k.p.h. N.c. Dot com I'm Joe Jake with c.e.o. Of the Patriot trading and I would like to encourage everyone to make sure they are prepared financial as the Federal Reserve continues to destroy the bell you of the dollar since the closing of the gold window in 1971 the Federal Reserve has led the way in the explosion of debt and the devaluation of your money they openly say that they need 2 percent inflation which simply means they hope to devalue your money and they want to do this every single year year after year I know it's hard to understand but the Federal Reserve believes in prosperity through dead end road by of the evaluation of your future so learn more about how to protect yourself visit us at all American Gold dot com or call us at 809510592 you can protect yourself against the bell you we of your money. Rick Rodrigues will continue Hillary Clinton is she the greatest which. To ever live in America the most powerful which she's greater in power in the Illuminati than Bill Clinton it says in Isaiah $4647.00 if this is true that her and will be that she will eventually be be pulled off of her throne up the position of power and she will be seated on the ground not on a chair not on the throne but she'll sit on the ground like a common man like common people and she will sit in the dust meaning that all that she was has now come to naught she is no different then then. You know me you know I'm just a common man I'm just a I'm just a person going about life trying to make it like everybody else she would become a commoner and it says later on in the chapter that all through her life in her career she has used witchcraft all through the time that she had power and authority she had and she was using that through the powers of witchcraft will when she and Bill went to Haiti to get this witch doctor to perform voodoo for them that's that type of witchcraft then she has seances where she. Is in touch with Eleanor Roosevelt calls Eleanor Roosevelt from back from the dead and Mahatma Gandhi This is witchcraft but it does say that eventually that all of her counselors all those who are involved in witchcraft that council her they will not be able to help her all of the things that she used the the forces of darkness that were available to her are going to. Be ineffective when at the day of her judgment when God decides she's going to he's going to remove her from her throne put her in the dust jacket says that she's going to bear the leg back then for a woman to bear the leg was the ultimate shame in other words everything about her is going to be revealed all of what she really is as a person will be made known to the whole world I think this is what's been happening in the last couple of years. So. I believe you know she's there is the thought that she's going to run again for president she I believe is behind the scenes trying to get the powers of darkness to once again give her the stamina physically the way to make another stab I don't think so I think that her witchcraft now is going to be powerless everything that she loves is is going to. You might say like a vapor is going to evaporate away she's going to be like like. The common man who goes into retirement. All right now I'm going to go to the nations or the nations in the Bible is Russia the main one is because of Russia gate because of Putin and I think Russia we need to discuss Russia we're going to discuss Turkey Germany Syria Jordan we're going to talk about China I have I have been talking about China so let me go will go into Russia right now. There's so much focus on Russia because of what's been happening with the Russia gate and Trump colluding with Russia to win the election it's a math it is a lie and it's being found out in the power that lies being broken it's exposed but I want to be fair to Russia to give Russia equal time I've been talking so much about China in these previous previous programs I talked about Jinping he's the supermodel this man is more corrupt more vicious than mouse a tongue could ever be you watch is that as the months go on you watch Gee I believe is the man is going to take China to Armageddon I've discussed the one road one built plan to take over Asia eventual the all the way to the Atlanta this is China's plan they don't go just for you know they go for the whole enchilada so to speak the old Silk Road from ancient times is what I'm talking about it it went from. China in the east all the way into Europe Marco Polo took that old Silk Road then they had the Arctic Silk Road China has been planted to go over the top east of China up north into through the sea into the Pacific over the top through the Arctic down into. To Greenland they call that the Arctic Silk Road and the communist objective is to invest billions of dollars into Greenland build airports as if everybody's going to travel to Greenland like it's one of the you know like Hawaii. And these everything that China does is military of course and they're there to mine rare earth metals and then I'm going to mention that also in close proximity to these air bases there are going to be nuclear missile sites and they're going to be aimed at Russia probably right now I don't think so they're going to be aimed at China's big enemy now America and we have really become a big enemy because of Donald Trump Donald Trump has cocked the powers that have made China great and he has interfered with their plans so. And then also China would have ports for her ships there and Greenland so she had access to Europe earlier Europe is just to the east and Canada is right next door and the United States just a little bit south to the west. One of the plans of China by these powers that really made China great and made China what it is it was to relocate American wealth of from the United States onto the Pacific net shores of the nations of the of Asia. The plan was back in 19181980 s. With the Reagan administration and it did take place was to ship American manufacturing offshore to Asia to China specifically and they did it it was a plan it was a Rockefeller plan and they did bring it to pass they have cheap labor and at the same time they could destroy the United States quietly our economic power there would be a shift in global power from America to China that was the plan and look it's just almost come to fruition. Eventually China would be the new superpower world superpower global power be the center of the New World Order. It would be the center of the world a she would be the new dissenter everything. You can in the military manufacture. But Donald Trump. Like. To. Rush. Back right after this break to say with regard to. 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The plan in the 80s the 70 s. Was to take all manufacturing and wealth off of the shores of the United States and transfer the power to Asia China specifically this was a again a Rockefeller plan. Also it was a plan of the what they called the 5 Eyes countries and what this means is and in this order England Canada Australia New Zealand and then the United States the United States has continued to be the tale of these 5 actually the United States is the head. As you'll see. But this was at the order of these wealthy ruthless families and this what they had planned again. It was firstly in England and then we were to be the tail now I want to mention briefly that Trudeau just won his election again up in Canada I presented our previous programs and I've documented as much as possible of document everything that I can so that I know that I'm not trying to mislead you and so I give the evidence like before the Jimmy Carter I believe it was placed into the presidency by the Rockefeller powers Trudeau I believe was also put in power because he's the man that the. England and the Canadians and these 5 guys he is their man because he is an anti Trump man they are these 5 guys countries the 4 of the 5 well even the United States to they do not like Donald Trump he's interfering with their plan. I believe they put Reagan in Reagan did get in by the vote but he immediately. The Rockefeller's in these powers the United States CIA They made sure that George Bush Senior would be the vice president and Junior was or senior was a Rockefeller slash Kissinger man owned and loyal he was loyal to these people he was given the freedom Bush was given the freedom to run extremely corrupt programs which I was getting into last week I wanted to continue on where I left off last week but I can't because I needed to get to Russia where I'm getting to I'm getting there hang on but. The corrupt administrations Bush in the Reagan administration could not have done what he had done if he had not had Bill Clinton as governor of Arkansas law in the governorship in Arkansas because at that time there were drugs coming in by the us military CIA. A programs bringing drugs into United States they were coming in through America to California coming in south of the border coming into Houston coming into New York coming in all over the place but with Bill Clinton being the governor now they could centralize all the drugs coming in and that would be in Mena Arkansas and I'm going to get to that also I just want to lay that out so you'd understand that now you could bring the drugs into the United States to a center location on land on shore at an international airport and from there they could be distributed mainly to Chicago and then New York and they'd go oh these drugs could go everywhere that the same time. Arm shipments could go from Mena they could go out via the military to. Iran and then eventually down into South America this was the Iran Contra Iran Contra could not have been successful and it was without Reagan Bush and Bill Clinton as governor of Arkansas they have now have their land base Ok I just laid that nominee go forward continue so Reagan was controlled by George Bush Sr George Bush Sr though he did leave his CIA post he didn't really he was still very much involved with the CIA during the next 16 years or 12 years 8 with Reagan and then 4 more when he was president. So. Now with this plan to make China great. What this did was and Bush Sr was able to help not only the Rockefeller Foundation the Rockefeller interests the corporations but also all of the other 4 I's governments Anglin Australia New Zealand Canada and he could also help the old monarchs the oligarchs the kings and the ruling families of Europe then he could help all these kings in the nations of the Middle East. Oh yeah and he could help. This plan with the with George Bush Sr It helped also the Red Cross the Vatican the International Monetary Fund the World Bank there the old Britain woods kind of came to an end that group it did help them early on I don't know. I don't think they have I don't even think there's. Still a. Lot of what you call I don't think there are there anymore Also it would help to try that old mission objectives international drug trade drug revenue for all the open hands that would be loyal operatives. So Bush kill a lot of. Will finish out with George Bush and in minutes back Rodriguez. A lot of radio stations post about having Q 34500000 listeners but what they don't tell you is the average listener only listens for 4 minutes a song plays they don't like same old boring commentary or worse yet as soon as the commercial starts playing they change the station here at 1360 k.p.h. And see our listeners listen longer a lot longer we have one of the longest time spent listening in the industry that means our listeners don't change the dial when the commercial starts playing because they don't want to miss what our host have to say next advertisement 1360 k.p.h. N.c. And have your message be heard call us at 970-587-5003 we also have the best rates in Colorado 970-587-5003 or 30 to 60 k.p.h. And c dot com society today is completely dependent on technology almost all services we count on including food water and transportation computers or operating our power grids and yes even the cars we drive in the event of a massive power surge or an electromagnetic pulse in the atmosphere this could render the country completely helpless the president has just signed the 1st executive order to identify problems with critical infrastructure in the USA and prepare the United States in the event of an e.m.p. Attack the power and water may. Come back on but your home and all your computer managed devices may be ruined forever e.m.p. Shield dot com has a solution they offer the world's 1st whole home e.m.p. Protection device made in America they can protect your home office auto solar R.V.'s campers generators and the list goes on and on as a listener to the American Freedom Network you can enter our call letters k h and c into the order code box and receive additional listener discounts it pays to listen to k.h. And c Go to e.m.p. Shield dot com and find out. Why. George Bush Sr was helping all of the agencies and everything that I had just mentioned before the break then I didn't get to he was also assisting the black budget operations through the CIA that supplied you know the drugs are what supplied the funds for this black budget operation. And all and their investments once they and the CIA operations when they got this money they didn't just spend a lot of that money went into investments and not just drug related investments but but. Well could I say that. Is it possible maybe. I'm alleging it is alleged that even CIA money has been going into black budget money has been going into poor c.n.n. Because it's losing so much viewer audience and they're internationally they're not internationally they are very strong they're putting out there they're. Mocking Bird propaganda internationally but in this country c.n.n. Is losing viewership and so that means are losing revenue so where are they getting their revenue could it be from black budget money I have been reading some articles that are saying that they've invested in too many businesses that are legit. So. I like that old song by Marvin Gaye I heard it on the grapevine you know how much longer would you be mine or how much longer will we be in business without black budget money oh sorry and then going back to true don't know so I think that Trudeau was put in power by the choice of the men who run England. London and those that really true that are loyal to the crew to the Queen to the crown in Canada. So anybody that's opposed Donald Trump is going to do well in these other countries. Unless they don't understand their cosmic rules and play and they will they will get what goes around does come around so. Donald Trump is stopped and I feel he's actually destroyed the plans of the rock pillars in the bush slash Clinton Carter Bush Jr Obama administration plans to elevate China to the global power I think that that now is ended I believe Donald Trump has ended that plan they're going to have to go to a new strategy and China is basically going to be out of it the person the administration comes in after Trump I believe will be very hostile to China and I think. China is going to have to do everything on land that's why she'll go to the Middle East on land she won't send ships and she won't stand planes she's going to March on the old built road I think that America's Cami still going to a little bit stronger for a while we're still the world's leading military because of our terror sanctions on China and. Iran and now the other nations are taking seriously Trump's strategies. On his trade policies they're listening. They're listening and they don't know what to do they don't know how to handle Donald Trump the old. Man on the block with a new plan with a new panel. And they don't like it because with a plan for decades and centuries my kid they're having a hard time bringing in wishing Rick Broderick is will be back he has the top of the hour to continue with Russia. On the back as. They would in the agency raise it to own gold brought to you by the Patriot training group at all American Gold dot com. Reason number 647 most people don't even know that the courts have already ruled once money is deposited into the bank the bank owns the money and that a positive is merely an unsecured creditor of the bank which means if the bank goes under you get paid laughs after the financial crisis and stead of breaking up too big to fail the government in the Federal Reserve created Dodd Frank and made too big to fail banks even bigger while putting your deposits more at risk I'm Joe Jake went c.e.o. Of the Patriot trading group to learn more visit us at all American Gold dot com or call us at 809510592 The Alex Jones show right here on Cajun she the heart of Northern Colorado Stay tuned the Alex Jones show right here on. C . Today Usenet where 90 percent in the wildfire in northern Colorado is mostly contained in some of those evacuated the order being allowed to go home as of last night that fire was about 80 percent contained with evacuation orders for most of the glacier view subdivision and Lamar County lifted the old fire started as a controlled prescribed burn by the Nature Conservancy earlier in the week but it got out of control and winds day it's about 38 miles northwest of Fort Collins so far it's Pern more than $600.00 acres $150.00 of those were not planned to be included in the borough a new state study has found Colorado Oil and natural gas operations can cause some short term health effects for those living near drill sites the state public health department and c.s.u. Studied 5000 air samples taken before 2016 that resulted in nearly 400 pages of data and an overall determination that Colorado's oil and gas comes with a low health risk for most people that department says it confirms prior research that there is no enhanced risk of cancer but for those living close to a drilling operation there is a slightly increased chance of an occasional nosebleed headache or disease fell the state regulatory agency the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission says those new findings will only make it a little more strict when issuing new drilling permits Denver and boulders regional transportation district says it's considering what they call significant service cuts soon since they've been unable to hire enough bus drivers and light rail train operators so I'm going to. Be a desperation move after the systems we're going to hire and keep good employees for several years or to be admits their problems now Hooty it's reliability of the public use lose the governance of the system the District Board of Directors will take a look at the stance proposed cuts next month the board reportedly doesn't specify yet just what significance Europe has collapse would need or d.d. Has already been forced to drop so doesn't drip drip when it doesn't have the able .

Radio-program , Conspiracy-theorists , American-protestants , Budgets , American-military-personnel-of-world-war-ii , Presidential-medal-of-freedom-recipients , Rockefeller-family , Member-states-of-the-united-nations , Witchcraft , American-presbyterians , International-relations , Us-presidents-surviving-assassination-attempts

KFNX 1100 AM [News-Talk Radio]-20191022-010000

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I made the only major talk show host actually grew up on radio would you believe that I grew up around you I sat in my father's lap listening to I don't the green horn and the Lone Ranger to this day I could smell a delicious smell of the secondhand smoke of Philip Maher cigarettes killed my father all right we didn't know in those days of secondhand smoke really affected people as badly as they say I would be dead but Ok it doesn't I can smell a nicotine in the hands to this day who knew when a father's day would come around my mother would say get him a carton a cigarette that was killing up. That would be given a carton of cigarettes and I know I was digging a grave I didn't know I thought I was doing something good for I bought him a carton of Philip Morris. The folks that know that much they were simple people they were not college educated they had their brains they were smart people but they were very simple people they didn't know that cigarettes were bad for them the doctors tell them the cigarettes were good for them the old back in the thirty's I saw ads from like the National Look magazine it showed doctor smoking cigarettes saying I smoke a camel because it's good for me if you know that cigarettes were originally pushed as a health substance along the lines of things that today are the same garbage like gluten every More on our gluten for all we don't give our children go we don't even give our dogs food with gluten and they're all gluten is asking Gloria gluten what gluten a she doesn't know what she does is bad for you from the beginning of recorded history grains have been used to sustain mankind whether it be a tamale in in Mexico or Central America wheat they didn't know they were dying from a tamale they were starving and that's at a time Ali you know as much as Gloria gluten they wanted to Molly out of the wheat in the Middle East bread is the staff a life but one of them 0 one of the ancients know about food they don't even know what the hippies know today well they know is that if they didn't eat they would started that the best they could they grow wheat and they made it into a pita bread the whole world lived on a grain of some sort the 5 grasses whether it be soybean that's not really a grasp of the 5 grasses you know what they are and wheat rice sorghum millet and one other which I can't recall right now. And sustain life so I put that up last night while I was there cooking show some moron says to the Plains Indians live on a grain I said where are they today I'm sorry you want to come up with a wife that will give you a wiser one back to the Plains Indians live on a grain I'm sorry they're not around today so what I'm saying is it's not what you're hearing it's like the same ignorance the same stupidity in other ways global warming the world is coming to an end because the part of the said so and the Celts a man told of the global warming is the way to scare people to death to get them to socialize the whole country the old man from New York it was up to me thank God I don't have any power I thank God I never went into politics not so I let it hang in the air let's just put it thank God I never went into politics and became a major politician that's all I could say because the party scene is wouldn't be where he is today he would not gotten to the heart attack he would not have gotten to the heart attack he would have been deported a long time ago I would've sent them to the Kremlin. But that's too left wing from the Kremlin tonight compared to what he's become this fascist and he brainwashed the bartender a loser like I was stole tips from our coworkers now she was the national eyes American the story and the same rubbish day and night the same leftwing rubbish that's all you hear from the other side that's why Trump is going to win in a landslide you think people are that stupid they're not that stupid they know what stupid is stupid is listening to a bartender like occasional cortex in clip number 9 this is stupid listen for the. United States that read it through and it is. Going to sound was working and. That is that after. Having what it means. To be. Candor and multi-generational teaching your crap. What does that mean we already that stupid moron child idiot you know thank God we have free speech laws in America that's all I can say so even idiot like car could get up there in a rally with the communists out some and it's unbelievable to me so now she wants bombs now to run America I think that was tried in Stalinist Russia. It was tried in Nazi Germany when they had the yacht the prisoners released from prison and put them in charge of the concentration camps Let's listen to clip 11 from the the stupidest woman in the history of American politics number 11. Said I'm not. In America the term on the working class the Cold War and the middle one was. Really. Really shocked the hell out of the room shut up your racist real racist thing you you criminal you criminal storing up the masses of illegal aliens in the streets in the New York you piece of garbage you. Piece of garbage you you go and take the illegal aliens you rile them up against the working American people and you say that this is a racist society if it's so racist girl one of the all coming here for and leaving at 3rd world hellholes What are they running out of the 3rd world hellholes to come to this racist horrible society for. One that is rooted in principles of cooperation or let me see if I can take one more shot of this thing. Through principles. That is participatory that. Was really fun to meet. We're going to. Be to those principles to track that a lot of work out there on your back to sell Go go back to. Yes she is a mutt you know she has a much with that face of hers never mind that she's ugly I don't care that she's ugly that's just a product of genetics I don't care that the teeth look like that of a jackass that is not a problem so they didn't pay for orthodonture I don't have any problem with that the parents were too cheap to buy or the correct Bridget braces or whatever to bring in those teeth all right she looks like a cross between a donkey and no human being I don't hold that against her but the stupid statement about that she's living in the most advanced society on the planet if we got more advanced we disappear would eat ourselves unbelievable to me and here she is this racist girl getting a big crowd in New York of illegal aliens and of course the usual suspects of idiots the drug addicts of the streets and who is little brainwashed of Bernie Sanders the communist he knows better he completely brainwashed All right let's that's neither here what's really here as I did a cooking video last night which you can still download for free on Twitter and you'll see me making my famous braze scallops with rice their fish my famous famous now but it wasn't famous when I did it and also if you're interested I think you will be in my event for next Tuesday night which you cannot attend there's only 80 lucky people got into that one but I had such a demand from people who wanted to be there that I listed it again today 1st we took it down now it's back up in half the price so it's only $95.00 so that those of you whether it's a few 100 or a few 1000 I don't know who want to be with us after the event and download it on demand whatever you want I can do so by going to Michael Savage dot com or Twitter or Facebook and link it up that way and then you can watch the video of the show because it's going to be a great show next week and I wish all of you could be there but the question today I think primarily the primary question is your burned out from politics you burned out for impeachment and I'm asking you if you are somewhat of a conservative. What is it like living around liberals a working around them that's what I want to know let's go to Mary in Sonoma California Mary what's it like to be a conservative in your area of Sonoma Well I broke down 33 examples 1st of all it's been here 21 years and we're working for everything next July 1st and my husband I will where are you moving to tell me where you're going with this conservative people where human beings where we're moving to trump country in Lancashire or County Pennsylvania where Oh that's beautiful out there what I mean like a buggy and it would be going to come out like a Mennonite No no but it's in a little place called Gretna which is a just talk what's a spiritual community I'm so you're a hippie at heart I'm a full even conservative Yes Yeah you see that you heard me do a show on that once everyone thinks conservatives are these like rigid right wing people most of us are reformed from the otherworld of the sixty's we know what liberalism really is most of us are actually said that they said that from totally freedom loving people asked well what is this town again I don't want to hear about that maybe I'll move there what's it called It's it's called Gretna. Like Minot Mt Etna Mt Gretna Mt Grat. With the seas like I know like Gretna like Gretna not at yes what does it have them and you got a creek something a river What do you have it with there you have a little mill and you have homes that were built out of the beautiful local mines own wonderful and what do you do with yourself there at night what t.v. Are you is there a meeting hall here you are if he's from home from Benghazi so you're 2 hours from d.c. You're 40 minutes from fellow that's just another day and I got to drive to d.c. To have a drink oh no no no they have what I'll give you know what's a local bar like a duck town red that he I mean people often you come in you order a shot and then you get beaten up and thrown out No no not quite far far more like simple Wisconsin bars where I grew up where you're hunters come in and good people blue collar hardworking people like a Bud Light kind of thing yeah with simple values and like a bud light you might catch a Pabst in the east coast yes for talking 7 about that so what is it is it flat country there are no forces are no i love Pennsylvania you know when Penn's land now where you live in what talents and almost this liberalism that you hate where you live the town and almost all of the town of Saddam with the beautiful Saddam a square that's been taken over by you by Southern Mexico Yeah that and that and cockroaches from moving out of San Francisco. All the Worst refuse of San Francisco moves up to Sedona and then they can and then they ruin Sonoma It's like what Bernie Sanders that's every month that's what they're doing to Sonoma correct and they're driving up the housing prices because they're there and complaining about everything right and nothing's good enough for them. Right exactly and wow they want to tell us how to live and but but I do I'll tell you I work in the construction industry and I'm a construction manager and I know the trucks and on my pickup truck one of them I have a personalized license plate my license California license plates and our race fan oh that must go well in the liberal Sonoma if you let me tell you. And on top of that I have a magnetic sign that says a woman for trial. And that you park it you park it leave it around these these kind liberals they don't they don't damage your truck where I park even wherever I am I don't care but here is a saying it's a beautiful truck and liberals have heated my truck off one side and you know that they're scum they're the scum of the earth I know who they are they're the meanest most horrible people on Earth well look let me ask you something when are you leaving town why 1st next year since our last child out of town right so I want to give you a free ticket to my party you want to take it the video part of my thoughts I see some wandering and that's that no I want you to have it I want you to be there you watch it and download it your own those of you want to be there with us and can't be there because a sold out next Tuesday. Please go to Michael Savage dot com and you could just simply access it through that and I want to have as many people attend this can it's that simple well here we are my friends we're moving into the 20th minute after the hour it's only a Monday and it's a beautiful day out here in the same disco area it's the beautiful weather that we call our in the in some we call it because it's actual summer the wind is low no rain the bay takes on a certain I call it a china blue collar the air is good life is good this time of year just before the rains in this Mediterranean climate something Bernie Sanders didn't learn in communist school back in a minute joy in those savage nation call No 855400 savage 85407282 sabotage the Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com Can the Democrats beat Trump find out by watching Newsmax as presidential town hall with top Democratic candidates like Bernie Sanders Tulsi Goddard Beto and more see the Newsmax town hall live Thursday night starting at 7 pm Eastern Newsmax asks the tough questions about impeachment guns health care and more fine News Max t.v. On Directv 349 dish 216 x. Finity 1115 Optima 102500615 spectrum Suddenlink u. Verse or check your channel guide Newsmax t.v. 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It is the Savage Nation the lone savage fighting for the American way every day here still going strong going to watch my video last enemy cooking scallops and rice it was a nice job I did a good job and Teddy was back from the hospital I was the press I wouldn't drink as I told you if you watched my video and about 30000 people chose to watch me cook last night and I don't announce in advance it was a last minute thing my friend Lorenzo told me many years ago he said never drink when you're the press and I was the press from the animal hospital you never drink when you're depressed because you know it's a central nervous system depressant it'll only make you will worse and you'll you'll come back from it so I didn't need it I don't need to cook with wine or is what are you pairing the scallops with like how about a glass of water without work for you how to Pellegrino us and soda water I don't know and I watched narcos I'm like obsessive Lee watching it again the murder of the killing what they did in that country what he did killing thousands of police officers wasting lives blowing up in airplanes that narco terrorist I couldn't believe what they did to Colombia this guy what drugs did to that country that I wake up today and I see that the opioid manufacturers were allowed to work out a settlement with the government instead of being imprisoned and I want to tell you something if you were a quite if you actually ended up the damage done through a society between let's say illegal drugs put them in one column and legal drugs like opioids I can even a few more but let's stick to opioids when they knowingly knew that these drugs were addictive knowingly did it anyway I you telling me that the devastation that has been wrought upon our society by the opioid manufacturers is not as bad as that of the cartel manufacturers it may be worse. So why are the drug companies permitted to work out a settlement while the cartel guys were not allowed to work out a settlement the same thing where you could argue that you work out a subtle note then the people want the drugs anyway so don't put them in jail let them have the drugs that's what you did with the opioids So tell me what the differences tell me what that their food is why are they not in jail the opioid people why it's simple ended up how do you think they're not in jail why do you think these lowlifes like Schiff go into politics little men like him why would a big man like Nadler go into politics a little bum like him a night school lawyer figured out these are small people. They're not the best people at the congressional level they're not the best people what do you think none of that money flows into their campaign through 3rd or 4th parties are you joking. When I come back I'm a special guest. On the issue of well I will tell you in advance as it will sound good. Join those savage nation call No 554-785-5407 extension 282. 7. 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I must. Wake up out there before it's too late so we've been talking about what it's like to be a conservative living in a liberal area whether it's San Francisco or wherever you're living you know there's a description of hidden Jews called Morocco's the Marano those are on the surface they had to convert to Catholicism in Spain or they would have been crucified but they practice their religion of Judaism in secret they would call Moran I was and many conservatives today have been driven into the on the ground will like Marranos with me exceptional because I don't take it from anybody I've got a big mouth on me and I hope you do too I don't understand why you're afraid of them who are they actually have you ever looked at the Liberals by themselves with just a big mouth that's all they are I'll give them a bigger mouth I don't know why you're frightened they don't run the world so they intimidating you but you know it goes back to something much deeper than that and that is the etiology of these so-called liberals and that would be and etiology to goes all the way back in history to communism there's no question about it we can see the thread and joining us right now to talk about this is the Anna west with her book The Red Thread a search for radiological drivers inside the antitrust conspiracy Diana welcome to The Savage Nation thank you very much a great president with you Dr Savage thank you thank you now this hatred for Donald Trump when is it originate who is behind this. It's nothing normal and I think that's where we have to begin to understand how to even figure out how on earth that and you reference that you reference it to communist ideology because when we see Donald Trump emerge we see him as the rebuilder they re store or of the nation state and the nation state is the greatest weapon against communism globalism international socialism and so on and so he's a he's a moderate nationalist and in a in a some in some way because the border is still porous Absolutely but he does represent a moderate nationalism there's no question about it and this moderate nationalism flies in the face of communism liberalism socialism in essence everything every every But the entire direction of this country has been going since World War 2 percent are key is that this raptor and interrupt or this move left toward I keep asking myself one question why are so many billionaires whether they be Hollywood let's say they're worth tens of millions of dollars why would they want a communist system. You probably have to talk to their shrinks I mean this this does become kind of a mental I would have Barbra Streisand want to communist system when they would seize our assets and make you look at occasional cortex would turn Barbra Streisand's Beverly Hills mansion into a probably a social center for illegal aliens that would be a good start I mean I think that would be might bring her but I'm saying don't think I understand what they're saying or they that naive or foolish or that an educated espousing certainly Ali I make it communism like this. I'm sorry but your main book is The Red Thread What is that about well it's actually about what's going on inside the Beltway in Washington d.c. Where Donald Trump this moderate nationalist as you call him arrived in the middle of the swamp and attempted to reverse this global direction of the world and this I would argue in this book is why you see so many senior officials at the top of the government behaving lawlessly inside this anti Trump conspiracy what can we do about it I mean that is a lot of people throw their hands up if there's so many of them and they run everything behind the scenes what hope do we have to save this nation look what they're doing to him Well you know they driven the guy they've driven the guy almost not from what they're doing clearly but I think we have to understand the i.d.l. The idea the ideology behind it be to understand how deep this enemy really is this is what I try to do in explaining why it was that so many of these people were behaving it's a dish Asli But how do we stop not what are we doing and what would you say we do I do this every day my radio show you write your books what else can we do. Well we haven't even gotten to the point where people understand the Marxism behind this conspiracy when you know that it James Comey was a communist in college and continues to be influenced and promulgated the beliefs of his mentors when he was a communist you have a problem they call me a commie was a commie I'm sorry commie was a commie absolutely by his own words make that would make for a nice bumper sticker commie was a commie Well he may still be one in the sense that he the influence when he was in school in the 1980 s. Was the. Marxist theologians Reinhold Niebuhr he still is claiming Reinhold need for as his greatest influence right up to 20 in reams so he never grew up in other words you're still stuck in the college textbook he's stuck in a college text but it's worse than that because this is the ideology of redistribution of wealth and justice coercive power this man should not be close to the f.b.i. Or the Justice Department which is actually where he made his career so are you arguing that all of these agencies have been in essence penetrated and taken over by the Communist Party absolutely I mean this is something that we used to understand in a in a in a very granular sense when we were able to expose these people going right to the forty's but now you would be marked if you were to say to call me as a communist and you would show I'm wearing a red for a carrying on a picture of Karl Marx in college they would say Now that's not true you made it up it's fake news. Well I can prove it in the red thread not so much as the red or a in the pictures of Marx but when you go through the ideological statements he's made and you can lift by you see this metastasizing similarly about the other players who are out to get Trump what about the other ones there's a few others that are look to me like a good 8 members of the Communist Party USA. Some of his most vocal critics of the intelligence agency look like John Brennan John Brennan tell us about Brennan who is a. Brennan voted for Gus Hall the Communist Party leader in 1976 deep freeze cold war period when he entered the CIA having told the the the lie detector administrator that he did this and he was still brought right into the CIA why why would they take and they could tell me since the CIA Well either the lie detector administrator was I was a comrade himself or they just are so completely devoid of any kind of survival instinct that they would all by what I hear from you and what I've seen in my own life and what I see and in San Francisco what I see going on every day against Trump for better or for worse for right and for wrong it looks to me like there's a kind of a shadow government that's running this country that is communist Well I think that that is an apt description which is exactly why Donald Trump was so such a huge threat to them because he comes in I believe as the most innately anti-communist president we've ever had more so than Ronald Reagan I do think so because Ronald Reagan was somebody who was very interested in in free trade now after. This kind of internationalist efforts that can be very easily subverted by communism Trump has a completely different set of instincts which is when we get back to the whole America 1st concept. So his his moderate nationalism is a threat to the internationalism of the lettuce a shadow government that's running America and the media how do you explain these fools in the media who make 6101215000000 dollars a year do they actually want to give up their salaries to a government what do they understand what they're preaching Well perhaps I mean under communist regimes you don't see people at the top giving up their wealth and perks and power I mean this becomes just a way of holding down the people and and exercising power and justify the means I mean this communist system basically is as my mother taught me a 2 tiered system the rich and the poor there's almost no middle class so that more or less explains exactly what's going on in the country today and the anomaly here is that Trump is a very wealthy man who identifies more so with the poor people than the rich people I think that's very true which is again why he poses such a massive threat to this powerful power hungry type cup all that's been running things because he's actually awake and the normal people in this country to try to reassure reassert their own right what the government is actually supposed to be doing which is serving them not the bureaucrats in Washington. Diana West the book is The Red Thread Now you've been on on major or you write for the Scripps Howard News Service United Media It says you're a former c.n.n. Contributor How did that happen. That was some years ago when Lou Dobbs had his show he was great you graduated Yale in what was your study at Yale than. Attracting wish from the history department you studied English God that's almost subversive in this country today Well yes absolutely you know if you speak English to well and use more than a minimal of vocabulary a probably considered a racist Well there's that especially because if you add verbs. And what if you use tenses correctly could you imagine what a threat that is to the rap world well this is a problem. Diana West a pleasure to have a literate intelligent insightful wonderful guest on The Savage Nation The book is The red thread will be back in a minute joined those savage nation called No 85400 savage 85407282 summer judge Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com You know there's a common assumption about identity theft a lot of people believe it's just credit card fraud but credit card fraud is not the only form of identity theft if you're just helping protect your identity by monitoring your credit and checking your bank statements or you could miss some forms of identity theft such as your information being sold on the dark web someone getting an online payday loan in your name or even someone changing your address without your authorization that's why it's a good thing there's Life Lock and life like using proprietary technology to detect an alert you to a wide range of like that the threats and by the way if you have a problem one of their Us based restoration specialists will work to fix it no one can prevent all identity theft or monitor all transactions and all businesses but with Life Lock they can help you see threats. 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Welcome back I want to talk about how and when for a minute I'll tell you why I don't like the holiday a couple of reasons it's a pagan holiday I know I had kids they all love that I get it and add that it's innocence really not that innocent And it's interesting to me that the less religious a community is the more you see the spider webs and like the plastic skeletons coming out of the the lawns just think about the less charge going the more they have these the spider webs and stupid you go to West Hollywood where there's no church is allowed at all they burn into the ground you can't believe the displays of paganism down there but the same in most white liberal communities across America with the dog skeletons in that big deal you know what they're doing with this you know that there's a report right now that the us. But spider webs are killing birds or you good liberals or you good liberals who a poison your children every morning with Candy and you give them a donut in the morning and send him to school with a with an injection of some kind of drug if you understand it you would you do good in essence killing your children with the food Number one I don't give them candy I close my house up and leave town I shut the lights off it's like I'm screwed because the house you know here's what I do I've left in front of my ass I've left boxes of raisins for them they're not cheap they cost more than candy but I'm against candy for children candy is a rocket fuel of poison for a child's brain it destroys their minds so I don't leave Can they leave they leave the candy over the brats come by with the bags looking like like Bohemian bums the kids I don't blame the kids the parents are the ones I blame why you suddenly shall around like a beggar teach them to be a bag of gold and I don't get that that I do it I don't know I guess I did or all kids at one time put on a mask a stupid mask I meant to this day I wore. I don't remember now I had a rubber devils mask and various of them was my mother thinking she got me a rubber devils mask and a rubber like cloak Actually I think about a cell I'm down here in these districts and several just I wouldn't go near a rubber devils of masking probably worth a fortune today in certain sex stores I didn't know it but I am I sweat like crazy I couldn't breathe in it because it was the poorest rubber in those days probably toxic everything was toxic and that was they no one died for I want this rubber mask so I my mother let me put on a Halloween party in my house little house so that all the kids came to this day and I've told a story once in a while. This girl I don't remember her name she's probably a leader of the feminist brigade somewhere in San Francisco to this day Maxine was a name she was a large girl she gave me I remember I was wearing the devil mask I was always a devilish kind of kid and I think I grabbed her a little tightly and try to kiss her in the closet I swear it happened I don't know why I'm a kid what did I know I was young she hauled off and hit me so hard on the side of the head it was like a martial arts fight because it hit my ear and my cheek to this day I think I'm hearing loss from Maxine and they was Maxine I hope to god she's not living in San Francisco get sued yet what a monster. I know your parents are screaming you got you just sexist but I was a kid you idiot you know but I was wearing a devil's mask I remember and it couldn't breathe and I lucky I didn't die altogether from the mask and then you try to pull him off as you start the sweat in the middle of the party and it gets stuck on you know trying to come off and you get like a little panic attack like it's not going to come off you get tangled up in the mask and he went oh I don't recommend that I don't look if you're a kid and you have kids you let them do the stuff but I don't let them have Candy I'll give them I'm going to give them raisins as I said and you with that with the Would you please look at those stupid spider webs you putting on your lawn birds are dying in them these animal rescue centers are having to come out and release birds from the stupid spider webs of the white suburbs I don't see poor people putting fake skeletons on their in their houses the you all it's a middle class thing this paganism I made my point that's all it is some headlines on Michael Savage's dot com defense secretary Marc. Trump called a master until the other day you know Esperanto is a language but it's easy to make that mistake you can jump cut that one if you have a defense secretary Yardley know because you got appointed a day before and he's 101st Airborne is the real McCoy is a good guy and he called him Marcus more until his name is Mark esper says a small u.s. Force. Main in Syria to curb ISIS activity. That's kind of flies in the face of were moving the to the 2 truths you had 1st there were 80 trucks there were 50 now there's 28 you actually believe a government lie like this that there were 50 troops holding off the whole target show me how stupid can you be 50 troops are holding up the Turkish army. People believe everything now so we were going to keep troops there now they're coming home now they're going there we're going to relieve them and we're putting them in they're not going they're going to be there if you're going to be here a couple again to be they're going to move a few over there and if the come in we're going to send in the Air Force but we're not going to send in the Air Force but if we do send in the Air Force we'll show minimal who can keep up with us. Mitt Romney admits he ran a secret I think from Twitter account I'm not surprised by him I had a lunch with him many years before Trump ran for office I like Mitt Romney to be honest with he was very polite man he was too liberal on immigration I remember that but actually a fine gentleman to be frank with you I'm nothing negative to say again against why I should hate him I still to hate him now because that's the thing that I'm hating for I don't hate Romney Romney is a good man his politics too liberal for me let's leave it at that I have to hate him now because he's a hate figure he's the new print out of the Trump supporters hate Romney I'm not I'm not joining that crowd. And with Michael Savage last week to sign up you know the event is a week from tomorrow I can't believe it and for a few dollars you can watch the event of the decade because I'm not doing another one I haven't done one in 20 years it's that simple I know you're going to love it and that's it thanks for being here. You're listening to independent truck 1100 k. a Fed Ex Cave Creek Phoenix division a premier radio stations the whole of The Savage Nation It's 7 o'clock like it's been programmed leaving Syria I mean Kate's House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has outlined what she describes as the most compelling evidence in the impeachment inquiry of President Trump correspondent Linda Kenyon it's broken down into 3 categories the shakedown the pressure campaign and the cover up it quotes from the rough transcript of the president's phone call with the Ukrainian president that seems to show Trump pressuring a foreign government to interfere in the u.s. Elections the document contends that the president quoting here has betrayed his oath of office betrayed our national security and betrayed the integrity of our elections for his own personal political game a resolution by House Republicans to censure Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff for his role in the impeachment probe failed on the floor vote President truck continues to defend his decision to withdraw u.s. Troops from northern Syria feeling abandoned by the United States Kurds in at least one Syrian town where Turkey wants control through potatoes and American armored personnel carriers pulling u.s. Forces out President Trump holding a cabinet meeting we never gave the courage to commit them each day for the next 100 years and protected as many as $11000.00 Kurdish fighters died in a battle to contain ISIS the president maintains u.s. And NATO support led to thousands of ISIS fighters being taken prisoner up costing Teenie the White House some parents in the college admission scam had a change of heart as Desperate Housewives actress Felicity Huffman begins her 2nd and final week in prison correspondent Jim Roope Huffman was seen in a green jumpsuit and white hat walking the grounds around a low security federal president doubling California over the weekend she was visited by her husband William h. Macy and reportedly her eldest daughter meanwhile for parents in California who 1st pled not guilty have reversed their pleas they can get now 15 parents who pled guilty and 15 who are still fighting the charges on Wall Street the Dow Jones. Industrial Average closed up 57 points the s. And p. Gained 21 The Nasdaq up 73 I mean Cate's. Hey I mean Andy if you don't know me it's probably because I'm not famous but I did start a men's grooming company called Harry's The idea for Harry's came out of a frustrating experience I had buying razor blades most brands were overpriced overdesigned and out of touch at Harry's our approach is simple here's our secret we make sharp.

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This country so well and our country is very proud of you and we are very proud of you Jessica Meir from a long road home a female funnel for the forest and to the mountain off your phone in Norfolk to get a full results on NASA had hoped to conduct a space walk last spring but they only had one space suit that fit Mr Trump says he's spoken with Turkey's president and told him there's been minor sniper fighting along Syria's northern border since a u.s. Brokered cease fire took effect but he says it's over now Yan's lair guy is with the u.n. Office of Humanitarian Affairs shelling an intermittent clashes continue to be reported around Russia as of this morning although the situation is reportedly common elsewhere resident Trump says the u.s. Has secured oil fields and he says some e.u. Nations have agreed to take captured ISIS fighters c.b.s. News media ologist David Parkinson has an update on a tropical storm forming in the Gulf of Mexico best case scenario what this is it helps a piece of extreme drought in parts of Florida Georgia and the Carolinas and those are the exact same places that Nestor would be giving rain to from Saturday into your Monday tropical storm warnings are up from the Florida panhandle to Louisiana Mexican officials admit drug lords are still in charge in the state of Sinaloa c.b.s. Is Adrian barred Mexico's security chief said they underestimated the power of the scene Aloa drug cartel during yesterday's failed operation aimed at capturing the son of El Chapo Guzman he also cited a bureaucratic glitch saying troops when to capture Ovid IAU Guzman Lopez before and arrest warrant had been obtained He also says 8 people were killed in fiery gun battles in the capital of Khan This is day 2 of a teacher strike in Chicago parent Michelle McEntee is standing with the high I'm willing to stand beside teachers as long as it takes until they get a fair contract classes are canceled for more than 300000 students I. A year after 11 worshippers were killed in a mass shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh Tree of Life leaders say they're planning to rebuild and reopen a collaboration plan to include a Holocaust center in the same building the Dow is down 178 points this is c.b.s. 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There's a new count of believers and not on the number of Americans claiming no religious affiliation is on the increase a Pew Research Center survey finds those describing their religious identity as easiest agnostic or nothing at all is up 9 percent over the past 10 years 65 percent of u.s. Adults say they are Christian That's down 12 percent from 2009 there's a wide age gap when it comes to religious affiliation 3 quarters of baby boomers say they're Christian 49 percent of millennialism and researchers noticed studied decline in the ranks of people attending religious services going on c.b.s. News to sports stars will help the family of a black woman from Fort Worth Texas who was shot to death by a white police officer in her own home anytime someone has to go through that the last thing that will have to worry about is turning up the money for funeral Sacramento Kings Harrison Barnes who played for 2 seasons in Dallas says he and Philadelphia Eagles defensive tackle the late Johnson will share the expenses Deborah Rodriguez c.b.s. News. Listen to this special announcement for anyone who owes back taxes to the i.r.s. Or state pay attention the iris is now using private collections to track you down and take your money the experts at Timberline tax group are standing by to tell you how to stop the collection calls i.r.s. Letters bank lobbyists and wage garnishments I was in deep trouble with the i.r.s. 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Intro here alongst waiter to fix this problem sunny south Florida. Gets terrible wind Friday 802822882 if you want to join the book when Pelosi cancels the focus and are going to be a vote what does that mean. She doesn't want this to end. If they have a vote. And let's assume that they've got enough votes to impeach Ok the net that eventually. And the turtle Mitch McConnell is out there saying if they do this he wants this done by Thanksgiving. They're not going to turn control of this over to the Senate folks they're just not going to like dormant I cannot see it that's not the game but the game plan here has always been to force Trump to resign. I mean they were not they were going to impeach during the Moller years this is all been about trying to get Trump to resign the next elections not till 2020 let's let's put this in person perspective. Wins on election night 2016 they immediately began this this coup they start the silent Co Trump Russia collusion mentioned they get. What are they going to do they can't redo the election there will not be a do over so they're faced with trying for 4 years on the last what they've always wanted to force a resignation. They they weren't in any position to do a formal impeachment during the Moeller 2 years or any time prior to it. And impeachment is you know short of illness or death the only way to remove somebody from the presidency and it was not even an option so the game but has always been to create massive public opinion anti Trump it's always been to try to get Trump voters to abandon him it's always been trying to give Republicans ammo elected Republicans ammo to abandon trump that has been the objective of all of this that's why I have been blowing a gasket every day during these 2 years when I see certain Republicans forming for it it's been the trick it's been the object in from the get go and i even if Republicans hate Trump why give the Democrats anything any semblance of a victory here the election happened Republican voters chose Trump you understand the Democrats wanting to sell out voters but Republicans why in the world would they want to sell out their own voters they're going to be many Alexion is long after Trump has served his term so what. It's been extremely frustrating it's so obvious what this is always been. Being forced out of office cannot happen unless eat elected Republicans join the Democrats and demand it that's the only way and that has been the objective Ok so it failed the coup and everything failed forcing Trump to resign failed they even tried the 25th Amendment then they you know they they they they were going to wear a wire rose in summer is going to wear a wire trying to get the goods on Trump being unfit they wanted the cabinet to come in they were doing everything they could to try to force Republicans elected Republicans to abandon trump that was the only way ever they were going to get rid of Trump before 2020. Well we're now one year out from 2020 and they have failed they've tried everything and now they're continuing now they're up to impeachment and they've got everybody believing that we're on the verge of actually having articles of impeachment and then a trial and then a conviction Oh wait a minute they're not they're not going to go there it's never been about a trial in the Senate it's never been unless as I said. There is something that the whole country agrees is unacceptable but there isn't anything like that there isn't an impeachable offense here I think look where we've come from a come from Russian collusion now we got a phone call a phone call to the president Ukraine we're going to impeach for that come on folks this is always been a grand illusion that Trump is unfit that Trump is incompetent the Trump is a danger what have you So number one year out and now all of that forcing Trump to resign that's now in the rearview mirror now it's about 2020 they know they're not going to force Trump out they know there's not enough time for the Republicans to abandon Trump to force him to resign before 2020 they may dream of it but there isn't time for that it isn't going to happen they're going to have to have an election a going to have to win the next election now you've heard some Democrats say like Al Green hey if we don't impeach the Guard is going to be reelected what does that tell you they know full well what they're facing here so they're not going to low Shion Schiff and the rest of that gaggle are not going to lose control they're not going to give up control of the political issue the Democrats are running for the White House on 20 in 2020 on impeachment on Trump's unfitness on Trump should be impeached but they're not going to pull the trigger on that. That is their 2020 campaign issue this is why so many Democrats are all what are we doing here they have they've stopped talking about issues that actual people voted on and they're their whole all in move here is Trump's unfit Trump unqualified Trump is a mistake Trump Well that's been what they've been trying for the last 3 years a What has it got him well I guess I'm a news narrative every day but it hasn't gotten rid of Trump Trump still out there having a ball Trump still out there doing his rallies people show up at the rallies they love the rallies have a great time they have not turned Trump into a way whimpering mental case hiding in the corners of dark rooms in the White House residence none of that's going on but I'm just telling you the minute they have a vote when they're not going to Pelosi said they're not going to vote that's all you need to know that they're not serious about it it is nothing more than. When you have the media on your side or when the media is your leader why that changes everything and you can do whatever you want and call it whatever you want so they're running their 2020 campaign to defeat Trump and they're calling it impeachment they've named their campaign impeachment but there isn't an actual impeachment going on we didn't rush wait a minute they're calling witnesses Yeah they're calling witnesses in the basement behind closed doors and not letting anybody read the transcripts they're not Folks this is all I keep trying to use the I'm over using the word illusion but having the media helps they can whatever they do they can call it we are impeaching the president we have an impeachment inquiry weird we are issuing subpoenas and letters but no not really. And I cannot emphasize enough. That actually having a vote and presenting articles of impeachment that drawing up the cases and then the House managers assigned to go conduct the trial in the Senate guess what that puts the entire Democrat reelection or election campaign in the hands of the Senate they are not going to do that if I am right 6 months from now the Democrat campaign will still be focused on impeaching Trump but wait a minute rush to everybody almost 6 months out they're going to impeach Trump then the going to call it that that given that's it no matter what they do that that's what they going to call it that word that they think holds magic that word impeachment is they're hoping it will scare Republicans at some point into abandoning Trump now if that happens if there's if they're successful in forcing Republicans to abandon Trump then they think that will give them the 2020 Alexion but that's where the focus is now 2 years ago the focus was on Trump resigning and if they could make that happen now they still will don't don't misunderstand but time is running out on them and by the way all of this every bit of this is going to change when they have a nominee and we don't know when that's going to be but it's probably going to be before their convention is whenever one of those loony tunes wins enough delegates in the primaries to be the defacto nominee that's when everything changed because that person then becomes the de facto head of the party not Palosi And so that person's going to have a decision Ok do we want to continue to go after Trump on the basis that he's unfit we should be impeaching him this and that you know or are they going to go back to issues like health care for all tax increases for all whatever they're going to do . But this is my what we're looking at here and I know it doesn't look like this at all but what when I look out over the landscape last 3 years I see one Democrat failure after another I literally see them as a bunch a while each ots either blowing themselves up or running off the cliff and I say that because there are objective has been forcing Donald Trump to resign to getting him out of the White House in Washington and they have failed and they may have succeeded in slowing down the implementation of his presidential agenda but they haven't stopped it we've got an economic set of circumstances they can't argue against unemployment wages up unemployment down they don't have any issues to run on now they're even cutting that now if you didn't know better the Democrats are for war they want troops deployed all over the world when did that happen Trump got them taking positions simply because they hate him that are positions they've never taken before it's got to have some of their serious supporters scratching their heads under Do we really want to vote for somebody who wants and troops all over the world here this is not what we thought we were about. So all I am saying is that I don't think I think this impeachment thing is actually a gigantic failure and I was going to say here is a live thing for even the show opened what I'm going out on a limb. I really think despite the language and despite the news narratives in coverage I think they've given up on actual impeachment meaning a vote and the trial they've. For the very simple reason they're not going to give up control of the quote unquote story. The last thing they want is impeachment in the Senate in the hands of the turtle in the hands of Mitch McConnell. And the last thing they want is an acquittal in the Senate and they need to find if they're going to do this and get a conviction in the Senate they need 20 Republicans to vote with the Democrats to get rid of a Republican president which they have are whom they have failed to be able to get rid of for 3 years now there may be a couple of Mitt Romney is over there but there aren't 20 of them. Let me take a brief timeout will come out continue in a moment I'll rush both the e.i.b. Network Open Line Friday what ever you want to talk about 80282288 Test Rush is always at work and the e.i.b. Never closes 15 hours a week here what is there not to say it turns out a lot yeah the Limbaugh Letter is a repository for when 3 hours is just not enough to get the Limbaugh Letter Subscribe now at Rush Limbaugh dot com That's Rush Limbaugh dot com You're listening to the e.i.b. Network for some radio. News I'm Eric Ray co-founder and c.e.o. 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Then oh man funks James O'Keefe Project Veritas we have been keeping you up to speed on their daily release something inside her videos they've got a c.n.n. Whistleblower who wore a wire in a fact or do you want video wire has been collecting data in meeting c.n.n. Executives the c.e.o. Jeff Zucker and it has been bombshell stuff you know when when when O'Keefe 1st released this stuff today or Monday this week you know I have people were right I don't think this is any big deal you know anything it's nothing we don't already know is c.n.n. Still b.c. And biased so what this is going to be met with a lead balloon I said no. This is proof and fact versus just what we all so called No We now have Zucker on tape or you know one video in the i.a.f. Be talking to anchor is interviewing Kellyanne Conway telling them to go f. Ing destroy her we have c.n.n. Employees Ignalina that it's a tough place to work because there's no no's anymore it's just get Trump we've got c.n.n. Employees and knowledge they're not going to stop going after Trump until he is dead so the trunk campaign is threatening to sue c.n.n. This is the big new rulers of the moment from campaign threatening to sue c.n.n. Demanding substantial damages because of now the documented bias. And the false representation Whose what they do in your actions are in violation of the Lanham Act Among other a political laws reads this suit by constituting misrepresentations to the public to your advertisers and others your own employee is appear to state that c.n.n. Is focused on trying to take down President Trump driven by a personal vendetta that Mr Zucker purportedly has against President Trump rather than reporting the new in an objective manner. Rustin that rhetoric can't sue anybody isn't the media 1st amendment freedom of speech well this goes beyond that now because this cnn's indicate that they're not not doing the news here this is a search and destroy mission and there's evidence produced by c.n.n. And the employees now so we'll play this out but the point is that for all of you what are we going to google oh no were lost to the reader here you go somebody has to in the media stand up and applaud Trump is not sitting back and take a suing the media threatening to sue c.n.n. It's just more of the fight and push back. That you love from Trump we have a couple bites Trump in the White House today. Let's see yeah it's in one of these press gaggles met the press in the Oval Office with some other stuff going on to soundbites Here's number one they have to watch in great interest as I see people talking about what we should be doing and these are the same people that have been failing for the last 20 years didn't know what they were doing especially when they went in and did what they did they should have been there we'll see if it works it's very fragile it's been fragile for years they've been fighting each other for centuries literally for centuries they've been fighting each other and years ago we injected ourselves right into the middle of it and we will go into whether or not that was a good thing or a bad thing you know how I feel about it but we've had tremendous success I think over the last couple of days a little bit unconventional talking there about Syria and now I haven't gotten to the and I promised to do this so I will I haven't yet parsed Mulvaney from the press conference yesterday but he the problem of any has. Is that he assumes that people in the media know what he knows so he uses that as a starting point they don't know what he knows and they're not interested in knowing what he knows they're in there to try to misconstrue anything he might say . So they can savage Trump he's trying to give them the honest lay of the land on things and how foreign policy works how the presidency work they're not interested in any of it here's Trump talking about I'll clarify moment any here before the program ends don't worry but here's Trump talking about I think he clarified it but what just happened is embassador Cantu I have never had the privilege I don't believe of meeting I don't know him and they brought him in as a witness against me even though I don't know him and he excoriated from what they report on the news and of course maybe in this case it won't be fake news but he excoriated the Obama administration and Joe Biden Joe Biden son saying that has tremendous problems tremendous problems with Joe Biden son and the Ukraine so he's got tremendous problems with Biden's son in Ukraine and it's inappropriate all of the horrible things this visit the ambassador can't he's making the point that he doesn't know him. But apparently in testimony you know that the Democrats are seeking test make it look like they are conducting impeachment and they are deposing witnesses and there is doing subpoenas and they're gathering the evidence and of course they're not releasing any of the transcripts of what any of these people are saying they're just lying they tell the media yeah this guy said Trump's unfit that one would Ambassador throws Trump of a bus that's what just happened and you're of course an. So this guy apparently told the summer pitcher committee that Ukraine and by that it was a bad bad deal here and trumpet just heard about it anyway quick time out we'll get back to the phones shortly. 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If anybody knows plugs it would be the one and it's quite telling but it's also it's also true that Obama's not going to endorse anybody because his wife may yet decide she wants to run you know I mean it's a long shot Yeah but. And he's not going to endorse anybody during the primaries here I don't I don't think that what. I was really not that unusual but I like people trying to make hay out of it nevertheless here's Brian in Tampa as we head back to the phones great to have you sir hello Well good afternoon Mr Limbaugh I wanted on our least defend Ronald Prescott Reagan but 1st I got to tell you I've been cruising down the turnpike of truth your turnpike of truth ever since September 1988 and that's why it's so exhilarating to make air on the inside the network but no candidate you have been on the turnpike to truth since 9 when I mean that makes you a lifer you've been here since you and your but I tell you rush it wasn't as moving as when I stood over your grandfather's and your parents graves there and paid for out of following the total eclipse of the sun that was an experience Ok Now all is fine and one of the cemeteries but I worked I got I got lost for a couple hours out and when it says appear that you're an atheist what are you doing in cemeteries. Open to hey I said I believe in eternity and I don't want my 30 things to say is God bless Rush Limbaugh because even if the Almighty doesn't exist at least we know Limbaugh does so why Ronald Prescott Reagan often a woman easily referred to as Ronald Reagan Jr He was it was as you know they're been in the middle of the debate sticking up for the I believe it's the Freedom From Religion Foundation I just want you to know that there's all kinds of people like myself I'm not an atheist like he is I'm an agnostic and to me the difference between agnosticism and atheism which some people lump together it's is different that as as Alijah Cummings the late Eliza Cummings from the very much alive Rush Limbaugh the 3rd so I'm an agnostic not an atheist but I'm tellin ye how go way way way way way and not just so people can understand what's the difference to you between an atheist and an agnostic or an atheist declares that he knows there is no God I don't know that and I don't know anybody does lots of people think think they know but they all they're all guessing laws maybe if there's an afterlife after we die and if we die without an afterlife we won't even have the pleasure of finding out. Well there is that you know it's an agnostic you are you just you don't believe but you can't say for sure the atheist is committed that there is no God no no no that that's a misrepresentation of agnosticism at least as Robert Ingersoll the critic Gnostic of the 19th century who's hanging on my wall here by the way along with Rush Limbaugh on a lot of issues. As as Ingersoll described it or not gnostic believes that the universe is structured in such a way such that it is impossible to determine whether or not there is a god. I'm a I'm a believer and I agree with that that's why we're all faith that's why there's faith you don't have any faith but I do because faith is the opposite in my book at least faith and I bet in your book to rush faith is the opposite of reason and reason is what the civilization and Reason number one doesn't cancel the other out there is just because you have faith does not mean you are not able to reason it does not doesn't mean you're abandoning reason just because you have made well I've been leaning theology for about 65 years now whether you desperately want to believe then what you desperately want to believe or because we want to believe but we also don't want to die I think that's what fuels the belief in God That's my hunch but I can't prove that and and that's a shame but I'm telling you again God bless Rush Limbaugh thank God But and by the way if not for Rush Limbaugh the 1st rush Hudson Limbaugh the 1st there would be no Obviously Rush Limbaugh the 2nd or Rush Limbaugh the 3rd and there are far there would be no president Limbaugh I'm not generated on the 20th of January right 21 which is going to be a Monday by the way just as August 1st 988 was Ryan thank you very much for the call that's classic Fox That's that's quite what his point is and he kind of. He kind of raced over but his point is that Hey Rush I am an agnostic I don't believe in God I didn't find anything particularly wrong with Ron Reagan's little commercial in the Democrat debate but I listen to you there's a lot of people listen to Rush that are agnostic some are atheist you don't know Rush or you've got all kinds of people in your audience so you better be careful who you are critical of that was. Friendly friendly friendly point look up I'm the 1st one to tell you that this audience has no boundaries. We have all ages we have all races we have all religions we have all. 10 genders 3 sexes no boundaries whatsoever but since you brought it up I still think this is classic folks regardless of your belief and you know we don't proselytize here I have said from the beginning that I am not a this is not church and I'm not I don't do sermons and I do not get into personal religious beliefs here because I don't want to ever go down the road of criticizing somebody else's precisely because it is faith. And I frankly believe faith is a crimen and a sleeve valuable thing characteristic I think faith. Creates so many positives in people has the potential to it's much better than having none but some people don't it's their business and we do radio here not church that's why I don't I don't delve into it and never have but we do do politics here and I just want to set the table again for those of you who missed I think and think of no better advertisement product placement than I saw Wednesday night in a Democrat debate. Who are the modern day Democrats well they they really publicly despise. Evangelicals they despise the so-called religious right they despise people like Jerry Falwell Jerry Falwell Jr Pat Robertson they despise the pro-life movement they hated Phyllis Schlafly they make no bones about the fact that they think people who believe in God are a buncha hazy seed Hicks who have gun racks in the back of pickup trucks and they show up in a church parking lot on Thursday night to get a good parking spot for the sermon on Sunday they think you've got no front teeth just sit around chewing tobacco and play in a banjo on a front porch even if it rains they have the most condescending arrogant view it toward religious b. And they're scared to death of religious people because America leftists and socialists do not like the competition that god. Provides in their world the state is where everyone must turn for everything not church not God not the Bible and they go as far as they can to mock and impugn and laugh at those people however every 4 years they have to dial that back because they know that even though the number of people in recent polling data who admitting to being Christian or religious is declining there's still a sizable number on that they don't want to offend when you get near the election the Democrats dial the stuff back other than on abortion. But when they talk about abortion or Alexion time they don't talk about a religious van they talk about women's rights rituals they talk about the health care issue a pregnancy is an you. Pregnancy can kill you yes and the Democrats are in charge of the baby. So given that we have now something called the Freedom From Religion Foundation and they wanted to run an ad to raise money so they're asking themselves where would be the best place to run our ad and they obviously said not on Fox News we defend too many people there so they decided the best place to run their ad ripping and criticizing written legend and Christianity would be in the middle of the Democrat presidential debate so I want you to picture it here are all by the way did you hear the ratings for this debate Wednesday night were in that tank they dropped almost half their audience from the last Democrat debate when a.b.c. Did a debate p.m.s. And b.c. Debate is in $1415000000.00 people c.n.n. Barely scrape together $8000000.00 people for 3 hours in prime time it was a dud. In that regard to product placement specialists for the Freedom From Religion Foundation kind of made a mistake but they're thinking you can't blame them Ok we hate religion we want to raise money from other people too where are we likely to find people hate religion they said the Democrat debate. They were right so here you are you're watching a Democrat debate you're watching these people with their inane unease and their impeachment scenarios and all of this and then Anderson Cooper Well we must take a brief break here brief time out give the candidate a chance to catch up we'll come back in 30 seconds or a minute they go to split screen on the right side of the screen is the upcoming commercial the left side of the screen the candidate standing at their podium. All of them chatting amongst themselves all point is they are on the screen as this air is on the right side of this hi I'm Ron Reagan an unabashed atheist and I'm alarmed by the intrusions of religion into our secular government that's why I'm asking you to support the Freedom From Religion Foundation the nation's largest and most effective Association of atheists and agnostics working to keep state and church separate just like our founding fathers intended please support the Freedom From Religion Foundation Ron Reagan lifelong atheist not afraid of burning in hell ha ha ha right smack dab in the middle of Democrat debate. It was flawless it was perfect it was the highlight of the whole debate for me and I have to praise the Freedom From Religion Foundation for perfect perfect product placement decision making will be right back with Rush Limbaugh 2020 on the. Network 6 point one k. And a. 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With spring. Very. Strong support. That we are back it's great to have you with us is over the line Friday Rush Limbaugh here as always on the cutting edge. Of societal and broadcast evolution Here's Joanne in Fort Worth Texas Hi Joanne I'm really glad you waited I appreciate your patience. I am doing well then a long week looking forward to the weekend getting out on the golf course getting outside but it's been I'm doing well thank you I've got you where you're doing. You don't really excited because when rarely I remember covering the coldest it right to the point where. I thought when I just got here strapped to her but couldn't resist came out not quite and got everything good and upgraded because he's like order to get pictures we go. Back and I remember when. We could correct places right for the family and I were all Minister to the camera and record everything good out now let me 1st let the short answer is yes I believe you should upgrade every year I think the improvements and i Phones are significant every year and I wouldn't believe if I were any of you it's your decision but I wouldn't pay any attention to these bloggers and reviewers who try to tell you there's not enough new here go the cheap version go that you hold on to your phone there's no there's always reason to upgrade the upgrades particularly on i Phones maybe not so much Max or i Pads but on i Phones the the. Significance of upgrades every year is significant it's profound they may not look different they may not change the industrial design the outside the you know the shape of the phone and all that but the stuff inside it changes immensely so what exact kind of phone do you have. Are. That I had that Herman. And her friends were iron aren't. Great wait wait hold on Hold it hold of a 2nd this is really frustrating folks because they try to talk to them and they can't hear me does it have a fingerprint i.d. Or not I can't quite understand I don't know on your site in the community right here on your side and yeah I think we've got a bad cell phone connection so let me just look thank thanks for the call I would just tell you yes I think it's always worth upgrading like which let's assume that she's got an i Phone 10 if she has an i Phone 10 it's 2 years old . The upgrade from 2 years ago are stunning and profound the i Phone actually i Phone 10 is now 2 minute 3 phones ago the i Phone 10 when it was released was the 1st phone with fingerprint with with face old facial i.d. Got rid of a fingerprint i.d. It was the 1st phone with what they call them old display which means it's much better contrast color brightness and all that it was one size 5.8 inches and it was the 1st phone that was almost all screen except for the notch at the top of that phone cost a $1000.00 Now this year's i Phone even Levon which is it's 2 phones later this year is i Phone 11 is a better phone and the i Phone 10 it cost a $1000.00 minimum that was the starting price today's i Phone $11.00 is $650.00 and it's much better phone than the i Phone 10 it's got a much better processor it has much better cameras it's got much better software and processing in the camera app. The computer processing of things they're able to do with photographs now and the i Phone 10 was state of the art when it was released and a 1000 bucks but people buying it at a 1000 bucks the early adopters created enough profit for Apple to continue to improve the phone and now so better Phone the i form a weapon last year's version was the i Phone 10 our had had a one camera it had cheap l.t.e. Meaning antennas it was not the fastest l.t.e. The i Phone 11 has the same l.t.e. Ability as the i Phone 10 s. Last year meaning the fast as it's gigabit l.t.e. It's got 2 cameras it's 300 dollars cheaper there is no reason not to upgrade other than if you've got other financial priorities but if you're going to get a phone this year don't believe these people tell you not to upgrade if you get to the 11 Pro models the ick that the pro Macs 5 hours additional battery life in 3 cameras I mean there's if you wanted to you could upgrade every year and massively improve the phone that you have somebody has to have but let's just say it Rush I beam it work and I phone card and Dale 94.3. 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I am craving a delicious breakfast any ideas the newly remodeled Hickory House ribs and steaks in Aspen love me and all my the newly remodeled Hickory House or it's in steaks in Aspen or eggs benedict the newly remodeled Hickory House ribs in steaks in Aspen oh maybe French toast pancakes a Belgian waffle the new lira model of the Hickory House or it's an ad for bacon and eggs and some biscuits and gravy the newly remodeled Hickory House or ribs and steaks in the ass bed in a cold freshly Pres last of orange juice the newly remodeled Hickory House or ribs and steaks in Aspin a Hickory House has breakfast why didn't you tell me geez the Hickory House lives on Main Street is an aspect. 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And. Douglas Quintet is back. In the rotation to be that of some sexy We're going to parse the Mick Mulvaney press conference and then blown up on everyone's door we get back here from our Top of the hour obscene profit ranks Oh hang on. Men do you want to know the dirty little secret the prostate pill industry hope you never find out will now you can thanks to the men's guide to prostate secrets featuring the latest news and research from one of America's leading urologist Dr Dudley dental off of tower urology group at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in this guide you will learn the truth about the p.s.a. 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Brokered cease fire in northern Syria the UN's yens shelling and intermittent clashes continue to be reported around Rush officials say more than 165000 people have been displaced I'm Bill right copy in Washington back to the full pause President Trump says that a 5 day ceasefire along the Syrian Turkish border had resumed there was some sniper fire this morning there was mortar fire this morning that was eliminated quickly the president continues to praise his withdrawal of u.s. Troops from the region saying that the military in his words has not lost a drop of blood as for the Kurds many of whom have fled their homes because of Turkey's incursion Mr Trump says. They are very happy about the way things are going I must say Republicans are trying to walk back acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said mission that the White House did link military aid to Ukraine to an investigation of the 2016 election House minority leader Kevin McCarthy I think Nick was very clear in cleaning up a statement that there was no quid pro quo everybody has been investigated on this States but more importantly you have the transcript to prove that c.b.s. Is Major Garrett says it's not working he can backtrack it or attempt to backtrack it as much as he once but what he said can't be can text realized differently no one misconstrued it a direct quote is not misconstruing which is exactly what happened about 250 miles above the earth or medical profession more than 15 are a couple different from normal form over over for.

Radio-program , American-talk-radio-hosts , American-television-talk-show-hosts , Critics-of-feminism , American-anti-communists , American-political-pundits , American-political-writers , White-house , Apocalypticists , Political-science , American-activists , Parking