this is gps , the global public square. welcome to all of you around the world, i m coming to you from davos, switzerland. as titans of industry gather here for the world economic forum, today on the program, my talk with the foreign ministers of two of the most powerful nations in the middle east. saudi arabia and iran. we ll discuss the war in gaza, threat of a broader war and the prospects for peace. then on to the other major war in ukraine. this one has been disrupting the region and the world for almost two years now. i ll talk to two of ukraine s brave soldiers about what it is like to be on the front lines pushing back against putin s invaders. i also have the great pleasure of sitting down with that gift of humanity and animals, jane goodall. she s still going strong at almost 90 and you won t want to miss my conversation with her. but first, here is my take. the conversations swirling around the chilly mountain air of davos this week keep returning to one
[draramatic musisic] - - over the n next ten dada, wewe get to sesee the machinines that arare croo, the ballllots ththat are fraraudulent. anand if we rere wrong, we will l be made fofools of. but ifif we re rigight, a a lot of thehem will go o to. [cheerers and applplause] so letet s have trtrial by com. [c[crowd clamomoring] - whwhen giulianani appeared alongsgside donaldld trump on jananuary 6th,, what c came to my y mind was the riot at city hall.l. [c[crowd yelling] - - [whistlingng] - - they marchched arouound city hahall park in a peaeaceful and d orderly fashion, but ththen, minutetes later, thousandnds of copss stormed ththrough the e barrics and raran on top o of cars as they chcharged the e stais of city hahall. [crowd c cheering anand yelli] - peopople called d it at the e ththe riot of f the oppresess. [crorowd yellingng] a a riot of popolicemen. [crowd y yelling] - you hahave a bunchch of offff-duty copsps. [crowd y yelling] - took ovever the roadadway
This holiday season. Thank you for joining me this season. Im jim acosta. I will see you tomorrow starting at 2 00 p. M. Eastern. Merry christmas almomost. Santnta is watchching. Haveve a good ninight. [draramatic musisic] over the n next ten dada, wewe get to sesee the machinines that arare croo, the Ballllots Ththat are fraraudulent. Anand if werere wrong, we will l be made fofools of. But ifif were rigight, a a lot of thehem will go o to. [cheerers and applplause] so letets have trtrial by com. [c[crowd clamomoring] Whwhen Giulianani appeared alongsgside donaldld trump on jananuary 6th, what c came to my y mind was ththe riot at t city hal. [c[crowd yelliling] [whistlingng] they Marchched Arouound City Hahall Park in a peaeaceful and d orderly fashion, but ththen, minutetes later, thousandnds of copss stormed Ththrough The E Barrics and raran on top o of cars as they chcharged the e stais of city hahall. [crowd c cheering anand yelli] peopople called d it at the e ththe riot of f th
- we re rurunning agaiainst a n who s s potentialllly gonna e the firsrst black mamayor ofof new york.k. - - democrat d david dinkiks has s defeated rerepublican r rudolph giuiul. [tenense music]] - - in city hahall, ththere was a a space inin the bowelels of thahat ancient t building that camee to be known as the lair. that s where the cigars would be smoked. and that s where giuliani s inner r circle would watch thehe godfatherer over a and over... [chuckles]s] and overer again. - godfatheher. - rudydy is famoususly obsessd withth the godfdfather. - rudy giuiuliani is a a littlet of e everybody i in that fil. one e night, he e had a showog ofof the godfdfather. and d he sits bebehind me, and duriring the entntire mov, he e explains why the lilife of polilitics is exaxactly the l life ofof the godfafather. and, of cocourse, inin the one s story wherere sonny cocomplains to the gododfather ththat they shshould be selling g drugs, and yoyou see thisis battle within t the
- did you go too far on some of t this? - nono, that senense has s always beeeen there. - oh.. - ththe first titime, he was mayayor rudy. now he s k king giuliaiani. - gigiuliani wasas just stararto wear on ththe public o of new y. - the cityty was readydy to m move on, was ready to turn the page from the giuliani years. [sofoft acousticic music] [dreamy pipiano music]c] - manhnhattan is l like no place e else in thehe worl. in newew york, whahat you see- first of a all, you sesee a naturaral wondr of buiuildings. you knknow, it s like e the pyramimids. the e buildings s dwarf yo. the buildidings remindnd you of how uninimportant y you ar, bebecause you u re so tinyn. in this s big, increredible cit, whwhen you seeee it, it makeses you wantt to c come and sesee it. it m makes you c curious abob. it makes i it somethining bibigger than n life. i hahave strong g feelings about nenew york, evererything thahat mamakes up newew york. wewe re the crcrossroad