In 1943, when the musical "Oklahoma!" opened on Broadway, our state had only been a state for 36 years.
"Oklahoma!" not only gave us the best state song in the entire country, this play, named for our state, spawned innovation at every turn.
Before "Oklahoma!", Broadway musicals were a series of big production numbers and novelty acts built around the talent of the stars. "Oklahoma!" introduced an entirely new form. For the first time, every aspect of the play from the lyrics to the dancing, to the staging and costumes worked together to move the story along.
Like lots of innovations, "Oklahoma!" was a pivot. The concept came from an unsuccessful play that only ran 62 performances.
Innovation Hubs OK Catalyst Programs Honored by U.S. Small Business Administration
January 14, 2021
The U.S. Small Business Administration is recognizing the Oklahoma Catalyst Programs (OK Catalyst), based at the University of Oklahoma’s Tom Love Innovation Hub (I-Hub), and Executive Director Tom Wavering with two prestigious 2020 Tibbetts Awards. OU is the first university in the nation to receive two Tibbetts Awards in the same year.
The Tibbetts Awards are presented annually to small businesses, organizations and individuals who exemplify the spirit and intent of the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs (SBIR/STTR), which encourage domestic small businesses to engage in federal research and research and development with the potential for commercialization.