Haiti s interim PM confirms request for US troops to country
July 9, 2021
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1of38Haitians wave their passports shouting Help, refugee, as they gather outside the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Friday, July 9, 2021. A large crowd gathered outside the embassy amid rumors on radio and social media that the U.S. will be handing out exile and humanitarian visas, two days after Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated in his home.Fernando Llano/APShow MoreShow Less
2of38Colombian Armed Forces Commander Gen. Luis Fernando Navarro, center, National Police Director Gen. Jorge Luis Vargas, right, and Army Commander Gen. Eduardo Zapateriro give a press conference regarding the alleged participation of former Colombian soldiers in the assassination of Haiti s President Jovenel Moïse, in Bogota, Colombia, Friday, July 9, 2021.Ivan Valencia/APShow MoreShow Less
Haiti s interim PM confirms request for US troops to country Haitians wave their passports shouting Help, refugee, as they gather outside the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Friday, July 9, 2021. A large crowd gathered outside the embassy amid rumors on radio and social media that the U.S. will be handing out exile and humanitarian visas, two days after Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated in his home. Associated Press Colombian Armed Forces Commander Gen. Luis Fernando Navarro, center, National Police Director Gen. Jorge Luis Vargas, right, and Army Commander Gen. Eduardo Zapateriro give a press conference regarding the alleged participation of former Colombian soldiers in the assassination of Haiti s President Jovenel Moïse, in Bogota, Colombia, Friday, July 9, 2021.
Mercenarios colombianos detenidos en Haití.
9 de Julio - Los colombianos implicados en el asesinato del presidente haitiano Jovenel Moïse fueron reclutados por cuatro compañías y viajaron a la nación caribeña en dos grupos a través de la República Dominicana, dijo el director de la policía de Colombia el viernes, mientras que Estados Unidos señaló que enviará a altos funcionarios del FBI y de Seguridad Nacional para que ayuden en la investigación.
El jefe de la Policía Nacional haitiana, Léon Charles, dijo que 17 sospechosos han sido detenidos con relación al homicidio de Moïse, el cual sacudió a un país que ya se duele de la pobreza, la violencia y la inestabilidad política.