Worcester s Adrien Mompoint does quarterback sneak into Downy Defy commercial with Patriots’ Cam Newton
Despite the New England Patriots having a losing season this year, 32-year-old Worcester native Adrien M. Mompoint is on a winning streak playing a fictional member of the NFL team s locker room staff.
Mompoint plays Frankie Thompson, “the best-dressed assistant locker room manager in the (National Football) League,” in a commercial for Downy Defy laundry detergent, which Patriots quarterback Cam Newton has a cameo at the very end.
The Downy spot was Mompoint’s first speaking role in a commercial and he envisions it as his crowning achievement in acting so far.
Worcester actor Adrian Mompoint stars in new Downy commercial with Patriots QB Cam Newton
Updated Dec 11, 2020;
If you watched Thursday Night Football’s matchup between the New England Patriots and Los Angeles Rams you might have caught a Downy commercial that featured an incredibly well-dressed “assistant locker room manager” named “Frankie Thompson.”
No, the New England Patriots don’t have a real Cam Newton-styled assistant locker room manager. However, the “Frankie Thompson” actor is a lifelong Patriots fan that grew up in Worcester and still calls the city home.
His name is Adrian Mompoint.
Worcester Actor Adrian Mompoint stars as Frankie Thompson in new Downy commercial with Cam Newton.