Como se recuerda, Stephanie Cayo y Chad Campbell iniciaron su relación a fines del 2013. Un año después, la actriz anunció públicamente al empresario como su pareja.
La actriz y su esposo, que se dieron el “Sí” en una fastuosa boda en Colombia en 2018, habrían decidido finalizar su relación de más de ocho años hace algunos meses, según revelaron fuentes cercanas a la pareja a la Revista Cosas
However, when a Category 5 hurricane threatens 160-mile-an-hour winds, 15-inches of rainfall, deadly mudslides, flash-flooding and potentially weeks without power and water, Frank is reluctantly called into action. Partnered with peppy rookie Jess Pena (Stephanie Cayo), he’s been tasked with ensuring everyone evacuates the city. Their first call though involves an altercation over meat. Griffin (Will Catlett) initially won’t say why he bought out a shop’s entire beef supply – more than 100 pounds – much to the chagrin of another customer, but the prospect of arrest persuades him to reveal it was for his pet – Janet.
Mel Gibson s self-loathing, pill-popping retired-cop might only feature in the middle-third of Force of Nature, but he’s at pains to be memorable.
Ratings info(May contain spoilers)
There is use of strong language (‘f k’, ‘motherf ker’), Milder terms include ‘bitch’, ‘whore’, ‘puto’, ‘asshole’, ‘shit’ and ‘douche’.
A cop harasses a frightened teenage shoplifter and backs her into a changing room, implying off-screen sexual violence. A male bully verbally threatens a girl with sexual violence, without graphic detail.
A man chases his wife through the house and attacks her.
In a scene of murder-suicide, a woman smothers her child off screen and beats her husband to death with a mallet; the actual blows are kept below frame. A video game character shoots people and slashes a man’s throat, creating blood spurts. There is also infrequent sight of bloodied dead bodies.