$40 by inputting eBidDoc #7816262
on the website’s Project Search
page. Please contact QuestCDN.
questcdn.com for assistance in free
membership registration, download-
ject information. Project bidding do-
cuments are also available at the Is-
suing Office – City of Minot En-
gineering Department 1025 31st St
SE and are available for purchase
for $75. Potential bidders may con-
tact the Assistant City Engineer at
701-857-4100 with any questions.
separate envelope containing the
percent of the full amount of the bid
and must be in the form of a bidder’s
bond. A bidder’s bond must be exe-
cuted by the bidder as principal and
Name Change of Jacqueline Diaz.
tion in the above-entitled matter will
be filed with the Clerk of District
Court for Ward County, North Dako-
ta, requesting an Order changing the
name of Jacqueline Diaz (current
full, legal name) to Jacqueline
Kunze (requested full, legal name).
Pursuant to N.D.C.C. 32-28-02, thir-
ty days previous notice of the in-
tended application must be given in
the official newspaper printed in this
county. You are hereby notified that
thirty days after publication, peti-
tioner intends to file a petition re-
questing entry of the Court’s Order
Posted February 4th, 2021 for Getty
Getty Conservation Institute Releases Free Online Publication:
“The Twentieth-Century Historic Thematic Framework: A Tool for Assessing Heritage Places”
With contributions from Leo Schmidt, Sheridan Burke, Gail Ostergren, Jeff Cody, and Chandler McCoy
Getty Conservation Institute Publications, Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES – Getty Conservation Institute released today “The Twentieth-Century Historic Thematic Framework,” a free online tool for architecture and heritage conservation professionals around the world. The 20
th century was a time of rapid growth, technological advancement and political upheaval, resulting in a proliferation of new buildings, cities, and landscapes. However, the existence of so many potential heritage places from the 20