Channel on the first continues this program, time will tell, we are working live. Positional battles dont stop at the line matchmaker, flair, no less tense situation in the kupinsk region, with the arrival of autumn in the local forests, the situation is only heating up, about what exactly is happening there now and what to expect in the near future, lets find out from our regular expert, vitali viktorovich kiselyov comes to contact us directly. Vitali viktorovich, hello, over to you. Yes, good afternoon, well, in kupyansk there is not much to say about what is there , yes, there are changes, they are small, mostly now the battles are tied around the settlement of senkovka, and of course, autumn is approaching, the time is approaching when lisva will fall all those hidden positions in the mtr that were prepared there in advance; they will certainly be exposed, and it will be convenient for our units to determine the place of their transitions. Such as bridges across the oshol river, which they are trying to practically install there every day and the vks are tearing them apart, are also complicated today by the fact that, in principle, closer to autumn, probably even to winter, uh, the water level in the rivers is sharply reduced, then there is up to the autumn level, then closer to winter it will be up to the winter level, that is, it is according to river seversky donetsk, order. About one and a half meters of water will go down, but of course, all these tributaries that come from the district of svatovo, kupinsk and from kremennaya will certainly become shallower even more, this will also have a positive effect, as well as for the enemy, well at the same time for it is also clear to us that the enemy will be preparing some kind of breakthroughs in the ford areas, where we will be ready if necessary, and so, in principle, in ours the bridge through which the enemy supplied personnel was destroyed in the senkotka area without technology and crossings, on svatorskoye also without significant changes, here we mainly have artillery duels and the enemy is not particularly active in this area, after literally a few months ago leopard tanks, swedishmade, were destroyed here with our lancets, well, what a desire, i so i understand that they dont have anything special there anymore, although the otskol reservoir , it has almost completely dried up, there is only a small river passing through it that divides this reservoir, we know that just in the summer last year they blew up the dam, all the water went away, of course for them, of course, this is the time where you can stretch out a small crossing , so the equipment passed, well, in principle , the situation was the same as in the kherson direction, when they blew up the dam, that is, everything is the same here. The same thing, everything looks like, as they say, the producer of the same actions and the leader of the same thing , in kherson, here in the lugansk direction, in the kremen direction there are more positional battles, over the past few days about ten attacks by the sixtyseventh mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed forces, and three attacks by special forces, the socalled azov , prohibited on the territory of the russian federation. Azov, let me remind you once again for our listeners and viewers that this is a nazi unit that became famous for torture of civilians and abuse of prisoners, they won this fame, and of course, the vks have been working out for the last few days, and how since, in all likelihood, it is in the kremen direction that they are working out the direction to solidari and artyomovka, where these districts are much its hotter, it wont stop today. It is between kremennaya and krasny estuary. It is here today that the connecting link is where the main clashes take place due to the tor ledge, and let me remind you once again that it is the western part of the tor ledge that is a more favorable height for the Ukrainian Armed forces, from which they are trying to counterattack our positions, yes there is positions that are unfavorable for us, we leave them, i see absolutely nothing here , taking into account the fact that our. Divisions, well, be that as it may, grouping from the center of our troops they are now destroying the enemy there, taking into account the fact that the enemy is increasingly using almost 90 rocket ammunition, shooting them from polish artillery installations into crabs, caesars, and of course, today we are talking about the fact that they leave no rest settlements where, unfortunately, there are no even. Like military personnel, and in principle there are no people there anymore, the remnants are leaving, because it is unbearable for civilians to be under heavy fire , unfortunately they are also shelling the luhansk direction, soared viktorich, ill just add that azov is a banned organization on the territory of the russian federation. Thank you very much, vitali viktorovich kiselev was in direct contact with us. Well, the scandal in the Canadian Parliament with a ninetyeightyearold nazi was not enough for zelensky, he continued to honor the memory of. Such people in his homeland, yesterday zelensky named the intelligence of the Ground Forces after the leader of the organization of ukrainian nationalists yevgeny kanavalts, a man who has worked very devotedly for years to the abwehr and so on the nazis valued him so much that even this soldier was honored with a meeting with hitler. It was the members of uun puzhi who formed the basis of the notorious sss glicin division. Thats when zelsky says that in his country, ukraine. Nazism is not noticed, because those who notice it either shut their mouths or simply destroy them. In general, such heroes in ukraine do not bother western friends of kiev, the most important thing is that they are aimed at killing russians, fighting against russia and even the british are ready to send their own to ukraine military, we must definitely support our friends, thats what grandshaps, the new british minister of defense, said. British defense secretary grand chab said he had held talks with Army Commanders about moving the formal britishled Training Program for ukrainian troops to ukraine, rather than relying on bases in britain and other nato members. Today i spoke about eventually moving the training of the Ukrainian Military by British Military instructors to ukraine, especially to the west of the country. I think that now there is an opportunity to bring more innovation to ukraine. Not only training, but also the production of weapons. Well, the words of the newly appointed minister of defense, shabsa tried to smooth over the british Prime Minister rich sunok. He generally stated that britain would send its military to ukraine, but not right now, all he said was, as it were, someday, perhaps, our mental, in general, tried to get him off in every possible way. Collaboration with nazi collaborators does not bother the germans at all, in fact saying something to confuse them. Should have a homeland, and this whole thing, they are even ready to supply the ukranazis with new missiles for attacks deep into russia, this is the proposal made by the chairman of the bundestag Defense Committee. International law allows ukraine to strike military targets on russian territory, regardless of where the weapons were produced and who supplies them; ukraine can use everything it has for weapons to attack the territory of the aggressor. Support the ukrainian people. The head of european diplomacy arrived in kiev bareilles, this gardener, yes, which garden should be built there, immediately announced a meeting of eu Foreign Ministers in kiev, now German Foreign minister anna lena berbuk has already arrived in kiev, at the meeting with zelsky bareilles said that europes support for kiev will not weaken, because the ukrainian conflict, in his opinion, is an existential threat to the European Union. The European Union will provide assistance to ukraine. Regardless of the us, we support ukraine on two fronts, in the war to become a member of the European Union. Its going to be difficult the battle is not terrible, since people are not dying, but it will still be difficult, and you must do everything to make Ukrainian Society work for this, this is a serious promise of the European Union, it cannot be empty. Ukraines accession to the eu will not happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but we want this to happen sooner rather than later, since this is the best guarantee of ukraines security. Well, here are the leaders for now. The eu promises ukraine more and more support, ordinary europeans want to help ukraine less and less, these are the results of the latest survey eu residents, data published by the eurobarmeter agency. The share of those who oppose Financial Support for ukraine has grown over the past year from 16 to 28 . It also turned out that the share of those who fully support sanctions against russia fell from 55 to 46. If earlier 55 of europeans wanted to accept refugees from ukraine, now only 36 . Sergei vladanovich, look how interesting it is, everything is coming together. In lublin there is some kind of mysterious meeting, military representatives of the eu countries, nato countries are gathering there, in kiev, it means that barel is announcing a meeting of the heads of Foreign Affairs of the European Union countries. What do you think this kind of activation means . In fact, there are a lot of events, seemingly in Different Directions, but the common denominator is certainly visible, and first of all, regarding this nazi theme, you know, when the Canadian Parliament first applauded the nazi gunka, and then changed his shoes in the air along with Prime Minister, trudeau, i was following these events, and i asked myself the question, here is zelsky, together with his people like this to say, friends, comrades, he will also Say Something like that, that we are sorry there, nothing like that, it became a litmus test, and then now look, there was already a story with konovalets, who met twice, indeed with hitler after this scandal , already after the fact that even the canadians, despite the fact that everything is already below the plinth , so to speak, in external politics and in goalsetting in general, even they dissociated themselves, still stubbornly promotes this line, why . Because bareilles, and all european the bureaucracy, lets say, has turned off this option, the signaling system, which should have certainly worked despite the fact that this is really how it is, but a rude, cynical, arrogant, open game is being played, playing this one on the neonazi card , of course, zelsky understands that he allows him to do this, but you know, here too a very interesting situation is developing, despite the fact that, of course, we will not Wishful Thinking and assume that somehow they are already in brussels they understood about ukraine, no, of course, it was not by chance that i came here and barel and anna lena berbak, before that we saw the ministers of defense of france and Great Britain here, just the other day, yes, but nevertheless, i think, i am convinced that we will say so, what i define for myself as a hungarian rift is no longer just a hungarian rift, it is already a hungarianslovak rift, this is already because the results of the elections in slovakia. Yes , of course, yes, of course, but no matter how they say that he is a populist, robert fitso is there, so to speak, anyway, so to speak, will follow the canon of the European Union, no, you understand, uh, maybe there is some kind of populism there, but it cannot ignore these changing mentalities, so now, when we see barel Walking Around with flowers, there he declares Something Like that, he is going to go to odessa there, from my point of view, this ostentatious, ostentatious decisiveness, itself. Is intended to hide the growing confusion and lack of understanding of what to do with all this, since in our own european the ranks are already planned a split, and moreover, this crack actually already passes through the oceans and reaches washington, where it will also be easy to glue it together, or everything, or a procession, just expand, yes, now we have hungary, slovakia, the poles, extremely toxic in relation to to russia, but you also see what is happening, that too, yes, that is, there is a lot of this, well, you know, it is impossible to constantly ignore the mood, european voters, european citizens, you perfectly see the dynamics of Public Opinion polls, and if we you lets meet here, i dont know, in a month, in two, of course, yes, of course , lets look at the new polls, then we will see that, of course , there will be fewer and fewer people willing to play, to support this ukrainian culture, yes, of course, this is a trend, so i dont see how it is possible, within the paneuropean politics, to turn this trend around again, to sell this ukrainian geopolitical project of the second freshness, which is becoming more and more like a suitcase without a handle, and which is forcing politicians to inertia to come to kiev and. Make a statement that just like that, we are always with you, the European Union is with you, but not now, but someday, and nato is with you, but not now, but someday, how long will it be possible to play at this and how long in fact will voters, who are still by inertia, too, because public consciousness is certainly inertial, how long will voters be able to support this too, andrei fransovich, barel promises the ukrainians a difficult fight, he is in direct in the sense of the word says, yes, we see that this fuss that is happening now, these meetings, strengthening some positions , attempts to organize the production of any weapons in ukraine, by the way, they are not groundless, the same drones or some systems that do not require Large Production costs, but they need manual strength, they can be organized from disarmament day in any school or in any underground parking lot, and this is not just like that, ukraine is being prepared for the last battle, apparently, the last battle, well , because i understand everything, they dont have many resources , them they will have to remove combatready units from other directions, they have their favorite candies, they will have to do this, they call them dday, this is the crossing of the dnieper, these are possible landings of some kind of Landing Force in the crimea, it is clear that this will be a one way ticket, they will destroyed, well, zelensky needs a media picture, we need to show the potential. To sponsors, that we can do something else. In fact, it should not be underestimated, this is a big risk, this is an operation to attempt an Amphibious Landing on the Zaporozhye Nuclear power plant, i remind you, that is, you believe that they will try to do this, as we see that events are happening, well , seriously, the head of magath, who has now voiced that we want the station to come under the control of ukraine and so on, this is actually the legalization of this operation, not so everything is clear, because the ukrainians stated this, there is no information on the official magate website, but nevertheless, we ourselves saw that the magate delegations that come there are engaged in reconnaissance of defense, defense capabilities, of ours, who guard the zaporozhye station , they reveal where there are minefields, where there are not, i motivate this by the fact that we are worried about the station, these are actually eyes, which means potential saboteurs who will land there, so this is not excluded, taking into account the Serious Energy crisis that ukraine is falling into, it is possible. Stiruga for a Nuclear Power plant, we understand that landing troops there, i apologize for the attack, even by parachute, why not, on the roof of the power units and no one will fire at them, they will already be sitting there, that is, relatively speaking, stock up on dry rations and sit down just control the territory, it is clear that everything will be different, it is clear that we will not allow this, but attempts will be made, so now they are acting in two directions, concentrate forces, collect everything they have, give up the last battle, because they are smeared these. Uh, forces means, they dont need them , they need to give results now, the second thing is to try to survive with the maximum of those funds, money that is allocated in europe and so on, in order to saturate ukraine, so its not just that they are transferring production on the territory of ukraine, this is an opportunity to save money, and let me remind you that the internal political american crisis, which america is now falling into more and more, it says that there is no money for the twentyfourth year yet, they promise, but so far there is none, so about this crisis overseas now in the spotlight, of course. The upcoming president ial elections in the United States, the health of current president joseph biden raises so many questions that cartoons are already appearing there on the topic of how to protect the american leader from the dangerous ladders and stairs that he periodically falls, for safety, so biden was offered to use a luggage belt, but in fact, the former president , well, yes, it looks funny, it would actually help, spanish street for the american president , well, they had another president , donald trump, he the topic of joe bidens health and how he is lost on stage, right during his speech he showed a short pantamime, very interesting, fascinating, i invite everyone to watch, does anyone really believe that biden will make it to the start of the president ial race . I about the fact that he cant even find his way off the stage. Look, heres the scene, heres the scene, ive never seen this stupid scene before. So i havent seen it before, but if i go left, there will be steps, and if i go right, there will also be steps, and biden is like, where am i, where am i, damn it, where am i, josephines prokrainian policy has led to. Thats what retired Senior Advisor to the United States secretary of defense Douglas Mcgregor said. Weve reached the point where we either have to say thats it, were more we cant do anything because. The risk of a direct war with russia is too great, or we get involved deeper and talk about using our own Ground Forces, we are not ready for this, make peace, fools, what is america ready for anyway . You know, and of course, trump, as a very experienced politician, showman, plays this card of physical illness, biden, but the main problem, of course, is not that biden, well, apparently, they also have some kind of cognitive problems abilities, most importantly from my point of view the point is that biden doesnt quite understand, in fact , what to do with this presidency, that is, he is fighting for it, and if he suddenly wins in this race, well, lets imagine this, yes, he will resemble that one heres the gentleman from the joke who came to see a young girl and forgot why, so hell be elected president , it will be difficult for him to answer the question of why he did it. Why, this is the main problem of america, because america really needs a strong president who is able to understand its national interests, from which it is able to build equal, respectful relations with leading world powers, including russia and china. You are absolutely right, biden is fighting, but he is not fighting himself, he is forced to fight for the president ial election, because it is easy to blame everything on such a person. A short advert and well be back. There is a russian spirit here, it smells like russia. We are used to seeing michael zadorny on stage, at concerts or at some events, when he was in the image of what is called holding his face. He didnt let anyone into the family in a broad sense. It was clear closed area. For the first time, we have the opportunity to see him as only those closest to him saw him his daughter and wife. Lively, there were always gettogethers. Youre sitting in dads place, it happened that way, didnt it . 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I appear at the most necessary moments and immediately take care of business, helping to relieve a sore throat. For a sore throat angidak. Angidak spray is first aid for a sore throat. As part of a project to help children. In russia, our colleague polina tsvetova, together with the peoples front , went to the kherson region village of rykovo and met an amazing large family there, lets see her report. War is terrible, it booms in the morning, then something explodes at night, shells, planes, the girls are still afraid, they wake up at night, when there were explosions, my whole family and i ran away from home, my mother was screaming all the time she was worried about us, and dad saved us, well, he was also afraid, only the music calmed us down, i got too excited, i want to live on, enjoy life and dont remember what happened to us. The village of rykkovo, kherson region, was under monstrous shelling just a few months ago; shells are still flying here almost every day, but music can be heard from the windows of this house, they say it has not ceased all this time. Hello everyone, what kind of orchestra is there, how many do you have . 10, 10 brothers and sisters, five brothers, five sisters, that is, equally, in general, its gorgeous, you chose the instruments yourself, or they told you which one, that is, they themselves said, i want a violin, i want an accordion, yes, but you have no instruments, and where are yours, and i have a piano, and what happened to the piano, it was standing , fell and. Completely, yes, and that there was some kind of explosion, yes, uhhuh , the keys were pasque, what do you mean, children used to organize concerts, because of the hostilities this all stopped, its already inconvenient to play instruments, because they got spoiled, upset, so i see that its cozy in your place, but of course theres a lot of space here, so what . They say, in cramped conditions there is no offense, but how is everyone sleeping, the boys are in this place, and the girls . My husband is sleeping on the floor, lets go and show you our house, lets go, mom and yulia are sleeping here, dad is sleeping here, here, yeah, here i am, sasha, lenya and vanya, bedroom and kitchen, there, here, yes, that is, here they cut, cook, yes, and then sleep, so, and who sleeps here, tell me, the girls sleep here, vika, masha, and here lera, but how they fit here, nothing, no, they dont scold. No, but here, this is the hall, oh, these are your works, right . And where is yours, here it is together, here this is together, this is what they drew, it was very cool, they coordinated, but here, what are you doing . We play here, we write lessons, the piano stood here, it stood here, it was here, yes, a shell landed here, knocked it out, right . It was a piano, during the shelling, it broke, the keys all fell off , it took a very long time, and we dont live richly, i dream of a new piano, but i have to. Now i ll show you the house after the shelling, but keep in mind, that today the ammunition that was scattered throughout the village is being blown up, how dangerous is this, this is dangerous, there have been cases when fragments fly, crouch down, we just hear an explosion, crouch down like that and its advisable to hide for some reason, the guys know yes, yes, but we usually hide in the house, vasilina, lets quickly take a look then , lets not risk it, yes, here in this yard we found fragments flying into the wall, this is down, it was all broken by fragments, about 5, 7, 10 kilograms of them, we have never seen such things, but we have the whole area it was covered in fragments, so we collected them in one pile so that they wouldnt be everywhere we lay around, walked on the roofs, looked, collected them there, well, they dont understand the metal yet, then well hand them over. The lights definitely flew out with this, they fixed it, yes we fixed it, because at the moment there is no glass to at least glaze, when they changed the roof, they found this fuse under the slate, i dont understand, but how did the men say that it was a cheat with rocket, it hit the roof, it was a direct hit, at the moment it is lying in our yard, if you handle it carefully, it will not detonate, now lenya will show you what we discovered, lenya. So you know, where, you know, you cant approach, all the guys know, no one is approaching, yes, yes, our gate also flew in, a shell exploded, we have such a crater, there are still fragments lying around, vasilin, whats wrong wave . She has the disease autism, she does not communicate, now the disease is progressing. Naturally we are worried, we cannot even send her somewhere to study due to her condition. We will definitely take care of your daughter masha, and we will definitely find specialists to help. On june 18, 2023 , a rocket flew into the village and detonation began. It was at 4 am. We heard a strong rumble and whistle, everyone jumped out into the street, something was wrong. Right about 1520 meters away, a rocket was crashing right next to us, fragments began to fly , at that moment i thought thats it, it s finally come, i took the family out into the forest belt, they were running across the field with the children, behind us there were just these the missiles exploded, covered with himself, as if these fragments, as if he had already taken the entire blow as if himself, the explosions lasted 5 hours, half the village was destroyed, many houses. It is impossible to restore, if it was to return everything, we would simply not survive it again, then i ran here in this direction to my mother, its hard to remember, hello, this is my father, im in a well i hid, and my wife was there in the room, she didnt want to hide, she was sick. Well, to cut a long story short, it hit the window here, a flame, then everything fell apart, they were in, there was a mattress lying here, she was sitting on it , the military and i ran in from the street, there was a door, a wave closed it, they started pulling her out through the window, and here it is since these soldiers say, lets leave, leave, but they put the stinkers on the bus. This is our grandmother, she was kind, good, dad cries all the time, we sometimes try to get him to lie down, he misses his own mother, i didnt expect, of course, that i would see my mother there now in the morgue, in the morgue at the cognition, my heart is heavy, where oh, no need. Oh you girls. We live for the children, so that they have a future, try to teach something, give an education, our children help us a lot, this distracts them, the boys help us do the house, its a pity, of course, that the barn is broken now, there are no pigs now, no horses, no cows, its hard to feed the children, calm down, otherwise everything is fine, we will be fine, we will raise everyone, we will feed everyone, we will educate everyone, the main thing is that everything is quiet calm down, vasilin, gennady, well, we tried to help you as best we can, lets go, lets see, lets go, wa, good afternoon, good afternoon, in fact, this is heroism, because i know how difficult it was to find pigs here in the district, in zaporozhye. Region, in principle, it is difficult with the economy, purely by chance we met on the highway and people agreed to sell these animals there, so we brought them, i hope you are happy, even as we didnt even expect that we would now have our own raspberry farm again, this will help the children, they even love it work, look after, and pour porridge, pour some water, they like it, take over, so to speak, housekeeping, thank you very much for that. In addition to the pigs, we brought gifts and humanitarian aid, what would we do without you, well, its cool, beautiful, it will be like an ensemble, family ensemble, and this is a tv, the children, to be honest, dreamed of it, its just a luxury for us, we couldnt afford it. Whoever accepts it, well, heres a violin, victoria is our violinist, also, take it, take a paper clip too, what else is this . And this is our bunk bed, thank you, yes, we couldnt afford it either, phones for everyone, and you said that you and your husband are alone, well , thats how it is, there are tools, theres a camera, so learn the pieces you choose all together and send them to us recordings from the phone, and we will show you later, okay, okay, well done, thank you, please, look at this. The amazing calmness of the children who lived in war conditions, i understand that life itself in these nonstandard conditions taught them to react correctly for certain situations, here is one example for you, a reason to think, in ulyanovsk three schoolchildren jumped out of a window, all because a siren sounded in the building due to a power outage, an alarm went off, one of the students began to panic, shouting that there was a terrorist attack in fact, it wasnt, the children decided to evacuate through the window, as a result the girl. She broke her leg, the second student may have broken heels, the third victim received bruises, all the services were on site, on purpose, but ill tell you a secret, ruslan, but he had experience of working in a school, and as a teacher of life sciences, yes, please tell me, its working out, we squeezed out the children in ulyanovsk in other regions or, on the contrary , we didnt squeeze out the pressure somewhere, you know, we all have children, we all go to school we know how schools treat lessons like this now, more for show, a reason to think, its all told, explained and how the evacuation should take place, where the children should go. How should they, who should they contact, how should they not jump out of the windows, but how to evacuate , lets go back to this , remember, think about it, the news is on the First Channel , this is the news on the First Channel, hello, in valery koravlevs studio, powerful explosions thundered on military facilities in ukrainian. Cities , the media report that one of the targets is in krivoy rog, our komikaza drones worked there, also a series of attacks in kharkov in the area of ​​the industrial zone, where an enterprise for repairing Armored Vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine is located. There is also information about arrivals at the Railway Stations of kharkov and kupinsk, at a time when trains with weapons were being unloaded there. The Russian Ministry of defense published footage of our soldiers destroying ukrainian Armored Vehicles in the urozhainy area. The vehicles were camouflaged in a forest belt, the place was reconnaissance, with the help of drones, artillerymen carried out strikes. In addition, Russian Troops repelled eight attacks by the Ukrainian Armed forces in the artyomovsky and avdeevsky directions. The enemy has suffered heavy losses. Over 300 militants, two bmp howitzer tanks were destroyed. Our aviation liquidated a hangar with military equipment in the donetsk sector. At kupinsky, the rotation of the ukrainian mechanized brigade was disrupted. In various directions, the Ukrainian Armed forces lost a large number of Armored Vehicles, including western ones. Alexey krucheniya collected footage of new attacks on enemy positions. Shot, shot. A powerful burst from an s60 antiaircraft gun breaks the evening silence. In the twilight sky tracer shells are clearly visible. The fighters of the Western District nicknamed their weapon the harpy. Like the creatures of ancient myth, this harpy also attacks with lightning speed while hiding. We work at different times from different positions so that the enemy cannot detect us from where we are working, that is, we periodically change our location. The c60 installed in the back of the ural is used. Rapidfire artillery, indispensable when you need to quickly cover, for example, an enemy stronghold, despite the fact that its first purpose is antiaircraft gun, air targets there are practically no crews, one can say there is no aviation of the Ukrainian Armed forces on the front line, but ours is working properly, the krasnoliman direction, in the sky there is a k52 alligator, a couple of su25 grades , the group center, where to hit, the forward air controller, who is in close proximity to the target, tells serves as eyes. Pilots on the ground, the main principle that guides the gunner is formulated in three words, i hear, i see, i control, the Radio Station works with aviation in a closed channel, so you can safely talk, Radio Exchange must be short, clear, understandable, those who are not yet engaged in combat missions are constantly training, an extreme situation, a plane or helicopter was shot down, but the crew managed to eject, maintaining composure, the pilot must climb down from the tree. To which the parachute is caught, cover your tracks, bypass the mine traps, help a wounded comrade , if necessary, enter into battle using the small arms that the pilots have, and this shooting is no longer on the training ground, some 300400 m from the enemy , you hear that he threw it right into the landing, and whats wrong with yes, what handsome, bald, you are a lion, having promptly received intelligence data, soldiers the fiftyeighth Army Destroys the platoon stronghold of the armed forces in the rabotino verbovoe sector. Those mobilized from the chernigov and sumy regions only entered a new position at night and did not even have time to get their bearings when they found themselves captured. What did they bring you in . For a loaf . 3 00 am, yes, they said to sit in the trench . Yes, sit in akop, watch. Such military successes do not go unnoticed. The guys receive awards on the front line. Medals today receives the Reconnaissance Battalion, the fighters who go first. Inferno in russia, after a short ceremony, the recipients immediately disperse to their combat posts, there is no time to celebrate, service in these conditions requires every minute effort. Alexey kruchinin and ruslan bashko, channel one. In the us, in the house of representatives, they will probably begin to discuss the allocation of new tranches for kiev today, which were not taken into account in the interim budget for the next month and a half. The politics newspaper writes about this, financing the american government. At the last moment in a matter of hours before the deadline, after which its work will be stopped and Government Programs will be disrupted. There is no article on support for ukraine in the draft, and President Biden stated that he is waiting for a separate bill from congress. Brussels has already reacted, they are disappointed with washingtons decision, but they themselves are ready to increase funding, in general, heading for war to the last ukrainian. This is confirmed by the following statements from exminister of defense ben wallis believes that more young people need to be sent into the trenches; now the average age of conscripts in ukraine, according to wallis, is 40 years. Canada became a refuge for nazi criminals, said former minister of Justice Irwin cotler. In an interview with a local tv channel , he commented on the recent scandal in parliament. 22. During the second world war, he served in the sss galicia division, whose soldiers fought on the side of the nazis and participated in massacres of civilians. After the war , gunko settled in canada and here is the exministers comment. An important question that was missed is how he ended up in canada in the first place, and he was not held accountable. Nazi crimes in canada go unpunished. The indifference and inaction of the canadian authorities led to our being a safe haven for nazi war criminals. The speaker of the lower house resigned after the scandal, but the Prime Minister. Who began to apologize to everyone, even the lgb community, found words. The only one i forgot to mention are the soviet soldiers who gave their lives in the fight against fascism. Bulgaria joins the list of European Countries that have banned cars with russian license plates from entering their territory. The restrictions will come into effect this evening. Lithuania, latvia, estonia, poland and finland have already taken similar measures. And from tomorrow. Norway will also join this list today. The bans began to be introduced after the European Commission clarified the sanctions imposed on our country last year. It was clarified everything that is included in the sanctions lists, and this is not only cars, but for example, equipment, even hygiene items, cannot be exported to the eu, even if not for sale, for personal purposes. Well, now the cars are being turned around at the border, in the worst case, they may be confiscated. They ensure the safety of residents who leave the territory of karabakh through the zlochin corridor by car around the clock. New personnel were provided by our ministry of defense. Military personnel also accompany buses with people and food convoys. The observation posts have the necessary supplies of water, medicine and fuel. Everyone who applies is given help. Over the past 24 hours, the intensity of the flow of displaced people has decreased, said the press secretary of the Prime Minister of armenia. More than 100,000 people moved to the country. Process is coming to an end, well, this is what stepananart looks like now, this is footage from the aljazeera tv channel, journalists call the city a ghost. Let me remind you that the unrecognized republic will cease to exist in january next year. A decree on this was recently signed by its head, samvel shahraman, people are ordered to study the conditions of reintegration, which azerbaijan offers to decide for themselves what to do next. 10 billion. Rubles to subsidize preferential loans for farmers, the rate is 5 , the government has allocated additional funds to support the agricultural sector. About mikhail mishostin announced the decision at a meeting with deputy Prime Ministers. Another topic is social guarantees; programs in the Education Sector will be continued. We are talking about renovating schools, providing children with hot meals, but we also discussed healthcare. And the competitions priority is to increase the availability of medical services for residents of all russian regions. Construction and renovation of a polyclinic , outpatient clinic, emergency clinics, assistance to citizens with diabetes mellitus, oncology, and over the next 3 years we will allocate more than 1 trillion rubles for drug provision, including including patients with socially significant diseases and children with serious, rare illnesses, we will pay special attention to families with children, significant funds will go to maternity capital, subsidizing Interest Rates on mortgages, and onetime payments to parents with many children for its partial repayment, as well as to a single allowance for needy pregnant women and parents who are raising children under 17 years of age. Russia showed the highest class at the world field shooting championship among military personnel in riora, brazil. In the medal standings our the athletes took first place together with switzerland. Both teams have nine awards, including two highest standards. The competition was held in six types , teams from 16 countries came to the tournament, russian athletes competed under the national flag, the russian anthem was played at the award ceremony, the International Music festival in the capital opened the twentieth moscow meets friends festival. This is a largescale project of an International Charitable foundation. Vladimir putin congratulated the participants and guests. The president noted that the festival serves a noble purpose, support gifted children from different regions. This is a unique opportunity to discover new talents. Chamber orchestra moscow virtuosi and Young Musicians on the same stage. For 20 years we have actually been holding an annual festival at the house of music. Support from the government and the moscow government and naturally from my foundation, during this time those people who were 9 years old at the beginning, they performed, and even less, they became adults, and many of them today are on the world olympus, this is very important, this wonderful experience, school, and music, in fact, is what lights the path of every persons life. Three sisters in brazilian style, a dance battle from artists from argentina, this and more is available to guests of the chekhov festival. The final chord the final week, the opportunity to enjoy the brightest. Performances of recent seasons from different countries, and its worth seeing, our correspondent daria shvetkaya was convinced. Cultural languages ​​so different from each other, but suddenly something common, even native, chekhovs three sisters, brazilian version, in moscowsest this is also history. To which it is impossible to return to dreams that are not destined to come true. First of all, these are probably readings from a feminist point of view. Of course, from the point of view of chekhovs text, i cannot say that it is focused on revealing feminist ideas, but i can say that these characters are certainly very strong women, for whom such things as motherhood, creating a family and personal love affairs are not the main ones. Relationships, these women fight to achieve their dreams. There was no task to play russian women, they talk about a personal desire to understand ourselves and each other. Russian women are extraordinary, they are independent and beautiful, so i try to match them. The chekhov festival has been gathering the brightest theater groups in the world for more than 30 years. Over the previous 2 weeks, moscow audiences have already seen productions from china, south africa, and cuba; the International Theater program of the chekhov festival was filled. Performances from the brics countries, and from the cis countries, and from the sos countries, most of the world was represented there, and i think that this is to the highest degree, demonstrates the attitude of cultural figures to russian culture, to russia, there is a meeting ahead with a theatrical corpse from uzbekistan in the Central House of the actor, a stage version of the famous story by chingi zatmatov , the maternal field, a piercing story of a woman who. Immense maternal love and unbearable bitterness of loss, but in at the same time, pride in their men who honestly performed their military duty. Moscow spectators will also see the play by the kyrgyz director ainura kachkinbekkryzy, letters from airplanes, this is the story of a little boy, who needs to come up with and live everything in a few days, we need to urgently send it today and we will do it, we will do it together, the chekhov festival is always a kaleidoscope of emotions and colors, its final chord will be the performances of the argentine groups, a real dance battle in which. They are called the south american sensation, ambassadors of the argentine identity, which has already captivated the whole world, and its now russian viewers turn. Daria shvedka, tatyana bodrova, roman khralenko, konstantin zhukovsky, channel one. Thats all for now, we we are monitoring the development of the event. Information channel on the first, time will tell the program will continue. Informational. The channel on the first continues, the program time will tell , in an attempt to take control of the kronazi tick, they continue to throw more and more new assault brigades there, but we are repelling all attacks, but nevertheless the situation there remains very tense. For detailed information about kleshcheevka, about what is happening there, lets find out from marat khairulin, a war correspondent, marat gets in touch with us directly, marat, why kleshcheevka is so important for the ukronazis, and is it worth the attempts that they have been making for a long time in order to. Take it ruslan, good morning, well, we ourselves are at a loss here why they liked this klesheevka so much , because from the point of view of, lets say, a tactical operational operation, klescheevka is a very dangerous, lets say object, because it is located in a lowland, and the approaches to it are several kilometers through open areas under fire from three sides, that they go there climb, this is a big mystery for us, well, we know, at the political level, we know, they are going there because it is. The only , lets say, corridor in this direction, the only direction in this area, yes, where it is possible at least somehow to get there to this road, which is called n026 rakada, so they are trying to cut it, but again, its like the original plan, let me remind you, in this direction the commander is comrade syrsky, whom everyone calls the bloody, even the ukrainians themselves , precisely because of his love for meat assaults, yes, the original plan seemed to make sense, but then in the middle of summer they ran out of energy, so on the one hand they continue to recycle themselves, like this. To attack the tick beetle again, here you know, already again, but the tendency , as they say, they tried two or three times to go to the tick beetle, that is, of the tick beetle they are some kind of group somewhere, they somehow hide like this mice, just on the outskirts, our people are trying to root them out, they cant find them, this whole weekend, they also tried to bring a bull to them, to bring in reinforcements, there are about 30 of them people, yes, three or four groups of five came in like that. 10 people, they were all destroyed on the way, they didnt make it, but then they tried to go to andreevka, again, this happened at night, relatively speaking, on the night of the weekend, they also destroyed all of them, today its like this lets say, as if a weekend walk was already traditional, our paratroopers went out, went to kleshcheevka, carried out another such, you know, scrupulous cleansing and rolled back to the heights that are around. Well , wait for the next batch of ukrainian nazis to dispose of them, marat, according to your feelings, their reserves will last, how long will it be enough to take the tick beetle with such attempts . Its hard to say for sure, because they are in red and trying to accumulate something, but red is it or ivanovskoye village is located nearby, but heres an interesting fact for you, this week ours on the other flank near berkhovka, they almost reached the outskirts, well, besides that ours took orekhova vasilyevka completely, went to the outskirts of minkovka, ours went to the outskirts of bogdanovka, this is another key stronghold for them, where they are accumulating all the time, in addition, during this week ours completely established control over such an important object, the berkhovskoye reservoir, as it were, an important position, they, the ukrainians , clung to it, but ours, just like that, quietly, without noise, without screams, slowly cleared all the banks and now, as it were, this entire reservoir, this entire region is ours, that is, there is such a very, very interesting situation there, i can say, if you have two minutes, there is a berry village there, this berry village is like another one like that bag, fire, yes for ukrainians, who are so protective of ours, hold it, thats how they strengthened it, took the right flank, relatively speaking, of this little bag, yes, narrowed it, and the berkhovskoe reservoir is now ours, ukrainians, we are waiting for a visit, as if in the berry direction, so that further to dispose of them, theyre the same kind of fiery bag, just like under a tick, but they no longer have enough strength to work out directions along the way, thank you, thank you for the information, thank you very much, marat khairulin, a war correspondent, was in direct contact with us, well our strengths are not cut off, including very our colleagues, anatoly kuzichev, ekaterina shugaeva, have a lot of strength, we give the floor to the stream of the popular front, anatoly alexandrovich, we are waiting for what we will talk about today. Yes, well, there is something to discuss, of course, andrei aleksandrovichno just gave us such images, describing, as it were, the selfperception of today s ukrainians, so to speak, slightly on the basis, so to speak , of his own propaganda, which has slightly gone crazy with its ukrainian cuckoo, so to speak, so he talked about the cosmic hopak in star trousers, i would only add it means the stars and stripes, after all, well, this is what we talked about, what well talk about next, look, this is what the new minister of defense was talking about yesterday. In britain, the grandshaps, well, literally, i dont know, went berserk, or got wild , i dont know, declared that britain could send its troops to ukraine, yes, of course, in the form of some instructors there, some missions there, training, but nevertheless, these are troops, this is military, this is actually, well , already a translation, so far in a rhetorical sense, but a translation of the conflict into something completely different, completely to another level, so, earlier, the British Military had already trained ukrainians, we are talking, well, if you believe the official data, so to speak, about thousands and even tens of thousands of people, but all this was on british territory, and here shabs says that supposedly, that means, now we are ready to go to ukraine and do all this there, so lets listen to grant schabs, British Defense grand schab said that he had negotiated with the army command about the transfer of the official Training Program for Ukrainian Military personnel under the leadership britain to ukraine, rather than relying on the uk bases of other nato members. Today i talked about eventually moving the training of the Ukrainian Military by British Military instructors to ukraine, especially to the west of the country. I think there is now an opportunity to bring more innovation to ukraine, not only training, but also weapons production. Stunned, of course, thats another thing, that there, richa sunok himself was a little surprised by such a statement and so tried from him, as they say distance, but it was said, lets listen, by the way, so as not to be unfounded, please, we train ukrainian soldiers, we do it here in the uk, we took the lead in this matter, and many other countries joined our efforts and we we will continue to do this, what the minister of defense spoke about is that in the future we may have the opportunity to conduct some of this training in ukraine, but this is something in the long term, and not here now, that is, i was a little scared, his own, so to speak, his own minister, his own enthusiasm, yes, but listen, but nevertheless, i dont know whether this was the intention that grand chaps accidentally gave away, or whether its just some kind of stupidity, because grand chaps with what marked the post of minister of defense, here is the new one, he has already mixed up the navy and the air force, well, i dont know some letters, but be that as it may, it sounded and sounded, its all the same, friends, lets formalize it like this, thats it the minister of defence, the british minister of defence, who says that he intends to send british troops in ukraine, after all, laughter is laughter, but it sounds quite serious , so it tells me that we have a call, apparently about this, yes, danil lunev got through to us, danil, please, where are you from, yes, good afternoon. City of korolev, well, a lawyer by profession, look, you didnt serve in the navy, no, no, no, i understand, but theres a lot of naval stuff, okay, look, we just saw a sunok, yes, you didnt notice Pay Attention to how he was jumping up there, to be honest, he was somehow resembles a monkey who, well, of course, i apologize, but, indulges in some kind of prohibited substances. So, in connection with this question, with his statement , with the way he said all this shockingly and vividly, the question is the following, if in reality, nato soldiers, not as mercenaries, enter ukraine, will they for us in this case, the legitimate goal, well, in general, what, how. The decision then in this case will come from us, what do you think . It seems to me, you know, whats the matter, it seems to me, will they become a legitimate target or not . Theres not even any intrigue here, here im even, so to speak, ready to answer our experts, with full understanding, so to speak, they ll get it, naturally, theyll come in, they wont come in, thats the intrigue, thats what the main question is, it seems to me, daniil , thank you, can i just ask, daniil, remember vladimirovich spoke to us, as he said. Were going to wet it, i wonder if theyll be able to come in, if theyll remember these words, what do you think , well, listen, i really hope they ll remember and maybe theyre even watching the broadcast now on channel one, live, because if they suddenly come, i think that this will definitely drag us into the third world war, and it will free our hands, respectively, in order to. Launch several hundred, maybe thousands of missiles towards that very britain, this, wait , a second, one second, danil, wait, wait, and then i understand that these sentiments are very strong, and its clear why, because well, its clear that these sycophants are completely mocking us, and so on further, they behave towards us, well directly, i dont know, even the word is dishonest, but its somehow not inappropriate , intelligent, you know, i dont want to talk with oldfashioned politeness about the real meanness there and so on, but yes, its true, youll just feel a feeling of deep satisfaction, if so you say hundreds and thousands of missiles, nuclear ones will fly towards the unpleasant islands there, british ones there and so on, no, of course not, because this will mean, well , exclusively, the end of the whole world, but you understand, this is quite difficult for people to understand, who are constantly on drugs, who have legalized everything that is possible , well, its clear from them that they are inadequate, so, well, well, daniil, you know how inadequate they are, this is not the first time, not the First Century they have been palming us off, Great Britain is quite a coward of itself leads, every time he slips germany into our hands, i think this time there will be no exception, no, well , well, its a good question, in any case, danil, thank you very much, we will now discuss this with our experts, which means ill immediately i want to say, so to speak, despite the fact that emotionally, of course, i want, whatever is better, a terrible ending than endless horror and so on, all rockets. Back and forth, poplar, broads, dagger, and you dont have it, well, but it s scary, in fact, im very much in love with the world that it was not, and i dont want it to fall apart overnight, there are some logical reasons to believe that the entry of nato troops into the territory of ukraine will precisely give rise to, so to speak, a prologue to that very terrible end, which i would absolutely not want, do you think there is such a thing . Probability, well, first of all, lets talk about the statement of politicians and the new minister of defense, Great Britain, well, it was rightly said, they are being pulled out like tadpoles, you dont understand from where, ursula was also the minister of defense, as we remember, and she was before that. But this doesnt matter, that is, this is about the professionalism of such people, this is not, these are politicians, these are pure politicians who have little idea of ​​how the army itself is structured, so its quite, well, im skeptical about these statements , a in general, this is a certain preparation of Public Opinion, that is, for what , to intensify the conflict, that is , here we are again. We laughed together at how lace panties and i want to join the eu, however, this mantra worked, now the whole country has been reprogrammed, it is reprogrammed, you understand, that is, this is a new version of colonialism, and now about military actions , well, as we know, thats all, im sorry, i just need to clarify, you say, as you said, preparing Public Opinion for an intensification, toughening of the conflict escalation, please tell me, what , what, what, where is the level of escalation, so that even before that very terrible end that danil told us about, yes, but above that, the intensity that is now, what is it this is what they are provoking us to do, what it will look like, you know, no one knows where the border from which the end of the world will come, ill just explain, this is the principle of selfrestraint, what it is based on, it is based on the realism of the threat, on the presence of what this threat will be be carried out, on the determination to carry out this threat on political will, which is what we are saying now, someone is writing on twitter, this is not a threat, this is rhetoric, a threat is, for example, the test of a sarmat missile through the Southern City of the twohundredmile zone from san diego base, this is not prohibited by law, no International Law, we can have the right to give nat a zone there in international waters, ban shipping, say, come here and let them fly to deego garcia, let them there, think about how to use their magnificent. Missile defense, this is a threat, weapons, here they are, weapons, and the soldiers in ukraine, Great Britain, when the first soldiers arrive, it will not be a threat, the most important thing is, im just giving an example, you understand, this is a rhetorical example, and the most important thing is the determination to use it, because then there is this determination of the state to incur costs, political, military, financial, at any cost, but in words that there will be a threat. When there was the cuban missile crisis, the americans were really preparing to start a war, it was just deterrence, the threat of deterrence, when our smaller ships of smaller tonnage rammed american ships in the black sea, it was the same thing, that is, ours showed that we are ready to go to the end, we will have to ram, in both cases, as if all this led to the fact that the parties ran away , well, countries scattered in Different Directions and came to some kind of normal parity, now they dont see it. Adequate, lets say, readiness of our state to carry out its threats, thats why they provoke us, thats why they and they move on, thats just how their centuriesold like the logic of military thinking, until we answer, why not tease , why not, dont tease, take a trial step, the answer is possible, its like children do, we do the next trial, the boundaries of what is permitted are checked all the time, they do a little more , more, as long as parents allow, they do it. Until you hit them, they will do it, so listen, no, therefore no, maybe children are not children, but in fact this is in this, as i understand it, in general the military strategy is for the protection of everyone there, not only children, you you take a tentative step, yeah, its passed and you take the next one and so on, and then you go through it all, well, up to some level, andrey alexander, but there is no feeling that Great Britain, for example, will not take the final step, but they will be drawn into this conflict they will force someone from europe to do it, he will answer, i want to let us listen, this is a small. On the same topic, lets listen to what they write, the uk is preparing to play a more active role in ukraine, the statements of the minister of defense will lead to an escalation of the uks participation v conflict and mark changes in the governments approach to publicly intensifying military intervention in ukraine, public intensification of military intervention in ukraine, please no, well, that means the strategy is to cook the frog slowly, draw nato forces into the conflict and generally, as it were , be drawn into the conflict so that formally not to be involved in the war, but actually to fight with russia, in general this is the formula, also mearsheimer, in my opinion, John Mearsheimer said, america will fight with russia, to the last ukrainian, well, sort of, that is, this is there is a war with russia and ukraine, its clear, its clear, that means this statement is from the socalled minister of defense, it kind of formalizes how britain is sending troops into ukraine, that is, britain is entering the war, britain is entering into ukraine. Maybe poland will enter the war, romania, burkino fasso, i dont know, who else doesnt have burkino fasso, for example , well, for example, accordingly, automatically, automatically, russia enters into a military conflict with the military force that is officially located in ukraine, yeah, so sunok played back, he says, then all this, guys, its generally , that is, its more convenient, the most convenient way not to enter into a direct conflict with russia, its more convenient to fight, something stuck out to him there, maybe he just had a meeting where they discussed this base, maybe , and they tell him hes an idiot, he shouldnt have said that, well, you never know, this is the quality of these socalled politicians, i say, the power of the politicians has gone in Different Directions, here, and the politicians are here, the authorities understand, but the politicians dont understand, so in our country, thank god, it is concentrated, which means its here another interesting point is that, well, its clear that they have settled down so well, we pay , we pay money, we throw in equipment, and these smart guys do everything for us, so to speak, these guys there, little guys, so to speak, unfortunate yes, who are thrown there into the trench. Russian outfit and they grind everything perfectly, simply, simply excellent, they dance every time, i dont know, in britain they do nt dance hopak, what are they there, they dont dance kavugila either, what kind of dance they dance, you get confused, now, now everyone is dancing hopak , well, in general, they are something there they dance like this, joyfully, rub their paws, because for them everything is fine , only all sorts of morons make statements that prevent this strategy from being continued, but what should the russian strategy be, the russian strategy should be so that. They do all this , they are having fun, but so that it hurts them, so that they understand that they will continue like this, andsanovi, wait, and if you return such a strictly technical, downtoearth one from the rhetorical category, this is what it looks like, not how to do it, but what it looks like , there were, well, british mercenaries took part, in fact they were some kind of volunteers, half idiots, who went there and were caught, caught, pulled someone by the legs, someone, and then sent with chocolates out of grief, that means , for example, such a situation, by the way, in the dpr then there was the death penalty, then this is why they were released, in general , i dont know about you, you probably know better, which means it would be painful then all this would have been shown in britain, britain, but the british , they are so proud, rule britain, rule the seas, the english will never be slaves, but here they are hanged like some kind of jesters, such jesters are hanging , british Public Opinion would immediately waver a little, but what about our queen, what about our prince, what about our king, charles . This is the attitude, well, it must be painful, it must be painful , for example, there are some tribes that do not like american bases, for example, they are some kind of hussids, they once demolished an american base, and 100 died there americans, russia has nothing to do with it, russia has nothing to do with it, but one way or another, we supplied the houthis with drones, because america can supply military equipment, and we can, and we can also say to the houthis, houthis, youre a good guy, come on, and no matter how we have anything to do with it, we have nothing to do with it, but it hurts there, it immediately starts to hurt, the technique is clear, it should hurt. I agree, why dont we really do this, we are all afraid of hurting, let s hurt someone else, because according to the law you cant find fault with us later, according to the law, well, there is no law, there is simply the logic of this conflict, but lets, listen, look, this is really surprising to me too, but i really attribute this surprise to my ignorance, so to speak, and not about their ignorance and misunderstanding of what needs to be done, so to speak, its still better to proceed from this, look , about their strategy here . That means steps, one more step, normal, and also , good, and this one and this one are about the channel, look, this is what concerns not about the channel, about the channel, not about the channel, but german, well, youve heard this word, taurus, german cruise missiles, and constantly the same definition is given, taurus cruise missiles for strikes deep into the territory of the russian federation, in exactly this formulation, this is exactly how it was spoken not just by some woman with exotic views, so to speak, no, this is actually the chairman of the bundestag Defense Committee, well, just a second, that is, this is a serious statement, Marie Agnes Strack zimmerman, the word, this is her name, lets listen, we Must Immediately transfer taurus missiles to ukraine, because due to the targeted use of cruise missiles, the Ukrainian Army will be able to significantly disrupt the supply of Russian Troops, without the support of the west, russia would have already destroyed ukraine, and a decrease in supplies only delays the achievement of peace. International law allows ukraine to strike military targets on russian territory, regardless of where the weapon was fired. Whoever supplies it, ukraine can use everything it has in its arsenal for attacks on the territory of the aggressor. I repeat, we hear a lot of all kinds of, so to speak, such serious rhetoric about beating, destroying, and so on, well, its usually like public activists or simply crazy or this, let me repeat once again, this is the chairman of the bundestag Defense Committee. Dmitry vitalievich, this is how we should approach these, not even statements, appeals, but maybe intentions . Well, first of all, take it seriously, because it. What seriousness should be expressed in, well, in a counter note, for example, well, as an option, i dont know, no, well , it was a good option to hang eight british somewhere in the dnpr, but not bad, but we return to the political question, the germans will have a question, but what do we have to do with it, thats the question i repeat, political will for some specific actions that can restrain the enemy from further escalation, conflict, i understand that now, that we are afraid to say, well. Specific actions, so to speak, but the general formula is clear, we need to do Something Like this , so that they would be discouraged, okay, they accepted , but specifically, in this case, maria Agnes Strack Zimmerman says we are obliged to supply ukraine with a taurus so that they hit deep into russian territory and in parallel, schlax says that our military will go for in order to fight with russia , which is where we can do, so that, as you said, to show a serious attitude towards these threats, come on, we dont have all the information that our Supreme Commander and command have, how they are going this way, you know, that is, the path has been chosen at the very top, which is to follow the line of escalation like this, yeah, that is, not to strike there, this one, that fifth one, perhaps there are some reasons for this, and we dont know, thats all, this is one , second, regarding options for escalation, i remember the report of the Rend Corporation at the end of december, in my opinion, twentytwo, the simple fact is that , well, they see everything in language, but those reports that they prepare for themselves, they probably have a certain stamp, and not are published in the press, what is published in the press is an action plan , that we will act like this, if you act like this, because if you look at the old reports, everything that is happening in ukraine, everything that is happening now in armenia , they had it all there is planned, there transnistria has already been forgotten, how it was planned, you see everything, despite the fact, despite the stamp, everything that was leaked to the press, everything is now being implemented quite well, the options for russias response are outlined, just up to the level of escalation that we have arrived now, that is, for example, a strike on josheb, a strike on ramstein, the downing of reconnaissance satellites, and the response actions of the United States were outlined, how they should react in the event of this, if this happens, that is, for example, the downing of a satellite, well, we are a satellite we wont shoot down firstly, because this is a losing war , they have many times more satellites there, that is, it is not profitable for them, we will strike a certain blow, but it will be a blow of such force and on such a target that will not lead to global escalation and these are the steps, roughly speaking, were laid out, that is, look, if you strike here, well, yes , we will have some losses on zhoshovaya , the infrastructure will be damaged, all this can be restored, we must strike at a similar airfield, which is not related, lets say to the Nuclear Triad, yeah. Just if they have a written plan, what are they doing, how do we respond, and now we are not acting according to their plan at all, what should we do . Which belongs to the Nuclear Triad in the opinion of the corporation after this, yes, and we look, we say we dont answer how we are disrupting all their plans, that is, we are not acting according to their plan , we have some of our own and this should infuriate them, irritate them at all, they dont know what to expect in accordance with our Nuclear Doctrine , we had to answer this first because this is an attack, this is what they think, this is ours written into law. You understand, hitting someone elses fist with your face, of course, it knocks the boxer down, then an interesting psychological moment arises, does it help you , an interesting psychological moment arises, we dont answer, yes, indeed, it does arise , but in this situation they still continue to move forward , also step by step, small steps, according to the plan, according to their plan, in the end, andrei alexandrovich, maybe this is our strength, that they are completely confused now, they dont understand that we are going, i dont see , you know they are quietly implementing their plan, which means this report from december twentytwo, it was interesting because, firstly, there is no rent corporation, an intellectual headquarters, it is just a mouthpiece through which they throw in certain things, so to speak, and they, this is not an analysis, this is a declaration, this is a declaration of the red lines that they consider, this is a warning to russia, a warning to russia, most importantly, about this polish base there, all of this is of course several. So absurd, but if we talk about warnings, it seems to me the most important thing is, do not shoot down our satellites, otherwise there will be a thermonuclear conflict, this is the most important thing, in principle, why not shoot down a satellite, well, a satellite, a tin can, this one means, maskovskaya this is starink, yes, in fact, it provides war, ukrainian, why not shoot down this starlink, what is it, its some kind of private company, there are tin cans flying around, lets erase them, well, lets get started. What is this satellite, this is a satellite, this is not so to speak, a strike on ships, on bases, this something else, well, for example, and as for, excuse me, if this is a state satellite, and not a starlink one, then in american doctrine this is generally equated to a strike on ships at the base, what is the Old Fashioned way, this is a state satellite, i say a private satellite, i im talking about this, which was transferred to the pentagon, i dont know, transferred, transferred, what does transferred mean, thats the question. So legal, lets now decide, lets set up some kind of constitutional court, yes , well gather, well decide whether theres a third world war or not, yet, here, this moment, its for me is obvious, then by the way, here was the previous one, that means the previous topic, why the americans left afghanistan, because if in this situation they were preparing for this conflict, if in this situation there were american bases in afghanistan, we would have the taliban they would have been supplied with all the weapons, they would have carried a huge number of american units there, they would have turned the gaffs into just a scorched field with a huge number of fried americans, thats why they left there so quickly, that is, that was the idea, that there was preparation to be invulnerable, because now there are no such conflicts where we can inflict any damage on them, so as for this story with rackets, but i believe that there should be, perhaps, no matter how we have no ret corporation. Maybe we have konoshenkov or someone else there, we need to report what the goals of our hypersonic missiles are to germany, i am sure that andrei aleksanovich, that those who could be reported, so to speak, they have already everything, everything is written down, everything very clearly, so to speak, arranged and so on, up to a meter, so to say, every location is calculated, in this sense, this is what to report to the germans, it would be interesting, look, by the way, about the germans , anna just came right here, this is fresh, listen, its amazing, so that they shut up their old people with their crazy heads of midgermany , anna lena berbak, listen carefully, it means that at the retreat of the minister of Foreign Affairs , the bombardier just reported to you about it, stated that i quote, the European Union will soon extend from lisbon to lugansk, end of quote, how do you like it . Friends, well, its a little small, a little small, but from lisbon. To vladivostok, yes, from lisbon to lugansk, well, in general, but nevertheless, since she is like that, i understand that she says a lot of things, sometimes completely wild, but nevertheless, clearly this phrase said was clearly prepared , obviously not by chance, its clearly not just to say it, like grant shabs bsdynk, some kind of sudden , its clearly like a wellthoughtout declaration and completely unambiguous, so to speak, how do you feel about this, what are the most these are some scary ideas for mortgages. Here, indeed, in the mouth of some of her old european aunts, she is not old, not at all old, she is not old at all, secondly, she is still a minister of ministerial affairs, the mouth, but the teacher of kinderten, berlin, or shes right, its not for nothing that they put this in their mouths, you know, the problem is that who chose annolena berbak, who chose scholz, the election system was built there, what difference does it make, but what difference does it make, they occupy their posts, so they chose, they didnt choose, well who is it anyway chose biden, listen, he was elected by direct voting, not direct , and secondly, a lot of people, and secondly, secondly, a lot of people, so to speak, who died long ago, so to speak, him, i understand, they also have rights, so say, but nevertheless, so why talk about it, maybe its okay , let them have this European Union there, let them , by the way, not supply missiles, which they dont have or are running out of, let them really supply their own military there , its easier for us to kill the military than with these missiles, we have no opportunity to influence this, so when we say let it go, we have no influence on their nonPublic Opinion, so i propose to go the other way, try to analyze what she meant, to whom why did she say it. Who did she tell why, who did ben wallis tell why, who did all these people tell why, we need to pursue the opposite policy, say it ourselves, that is , again, as i said, create an adequate threat and personalize it, that these are the points on germany, these are the ones you live in in this city or in this city, our missiles are aimed there, annalena berbak is to blame for this, that is, specific politicians are to blame, that is, the reason to voice why, that is, not the German Government or anyone there, but specific ones, we will separate , once we dont do this, theyll just stop believing us, so in fact , its not very confident here, remember, as in the fable, everyone knows, well, about this about volod failures, well, these are exactly the principles of containment that i was talking about, yes i think, it seems to me that when we are silent, we we scare them more, the silent huge russia is very scary, you understand, it was scary for the first 3 months, and then. When, after the silence, that is , at first you think that this is an ominous silence, then you realize that it is just silence, and then that its generally silence, you understand, thats why silence scares you up to a certain moment, okay, and then they stop being silent, then you just start doing what your corporation wrote to you, you calmly do it, so what . Russia, silent, ominous, yes, excellent and what to do next, barel is holding this meeting for the first time today in kiev, in my opinion this is the first meeting outside the euro. Union, well, its like the European Union is outside the European Union, and our missile cant fly there just in case, well, were not silent, technically it can, but while their missiles fly there or their siren signals turn on to scare these politicians, ours go there rockets dont fly, and we cant just somehow, its time to fly nearby somewhere, no, we can, but we dont, this is the answer to your question, can we, i repeat, technically, of course. What else are we waiting for next until they say so much nonsense that they can no longer get away with it, we cant convince ourselves that this is exactly the case, and i suggest we continue to do this, it s somehow calmer to live, but i dont know, i dont know, here andrei alexandrovich, maybe we really are somehow luring them into this trap more and more, stronger, so that they wont even be able to escape, as well, i understand that this is what ukraine is like such an idea that this is a lost place, that there is a conotop, there are horses, i have sneakers there, in fact, of course, this is a tragedy, since ukraine was made into the field of this battle, a battlefield, and of course, how did they not explain to people that, guys, of course you will be part of europe, but such a special part where there will be war. Where the war will be and, that is, you will be the frontier, you will be, you represent this parapet of europe, and here the main military operations will take place, be proud that you are part of europe, you will lie down, you may even have to give up this territory in the end , but nevertheless for europeanism, for European Values , for panties, for this whole great, great european independence, so to speak, and this is probably work for someone somewhere. To whom, therefore, these statements, this crazy lady, it means that she also seems to be saying, europe from lisbon, to lugansk, lugansk, lugansk, which means this is correct, probably, but from the point of view of this idea again, its like again , so to speak, well, maintaining these kind of motivations, the motivations are over, its all over, so this is a mistake after all, hitler, he i spoke to the urals, to the urals, there was more of a scale, they were crushed. Lower and thinner smoke, we now have to say, germany is in direct contact, and so to speak, a great creative success, no, not berbock, better, vladimir sergienko, Vladimir Vladimirovich, are you with us . Yes, im with you, hello, anatoly, hello, some heavy breath, vladim vladimirov, thank you very much, in short, you ve already heard about this statement, anna lelena berbeck about the eu from lisbon to lugansk, what does this mean in general, who is she telling this to . Why . Well, ill tell you right away, grass comes in different forms, dutch, moroccan, what she uses, alena berbuk, i have no idea, you never know what s in her head, i cant answer for that, she really, it seems to me, is in some kind of altered state, okay, washed, then another question, about taurus missiles, here is a woman named Marie Agnes Strack zimmerman, oh, this is my great love, strack zimmerman, i simply adore her in all aspects, especially in the form of a warmonger, this woman not only heads the Defense Committee of the bundestag, she is also a member composition of npos, which. It is spelled out like this influence on the government , the media and the public in the interests of gunsmiths , that is, early metal is specifically spelled out there, that is, it acts in the interests of early metal, and acts brilliantly, it constantly pushes scholz to do so , lets get tanks, give us tanks, give us missiles now , lets have legal targets on russian territory according to International Law, as i understand correctly, that is, its like industrial lobbying, well, industrial lobbying, but look. Now, then alone a second, wait, now, now, one second, let us now thank our respected viewers of channel one for their attention and patience, thank you, friends, see you soon, olga sutulova, kiril tyaro in the serial film, ask marta for the premiere, watch after the program time. 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On the Socioeconomic Development of the republic, this year it entered the top five leaders in terms of Industrial Production growth rates. 2,500 new jobs created in the region increased production of products within the framework of the state defense order. The most important topic that received special attention was support for the special operation participants and their families. Thanks for us are participating in a special military operation, 58 means we are based in vladekavkaz, we are connected and public. Association and authorities, including local authorities , to help. At the moment we have more than 3,000 social passports, each family is assigned a social worker, and from june 1 we have opened a branch of the Defender Fund fatherland, we are working in full force, 37 agreements have already been drawn up and signed with the bodies of the fund, with authorities and public organizations that deal with this social support, we have received about. 1,100 requests, all requests, in principle, have been implemented today, complaints there seem to be no such people, but if there is some kind of need, then online, well, there are connections , i was there when i was there, promptly, promptly, yes , yes, right away, right away, that means these issues have been resolved, i ask you, very attentive , to save this, to this topic, the most important topic for us, for countries, and even more so for the guys who are on the front line, so please keep your attention, personal attention, and to the families of the guys. Now about how the special operation is going, tonight the russian Army Launched a massive attack on the facilities that use in the interests of Ukrainian Armed forces. Eyewitnesses report powerful explosions that thundered in krivoy rog; according to preliminary data, geran2 drones operated. In addition, a missile strike was carried out on strategic targets in kharkov region, according to some sources , a hangar where enemy military equipment was stored and repaired was destroyed. In addition, there is information that the Railway Station was under attack; at that moment the train carrying western weapons was being unloaded there. And news from the front line in the kupinsky direction, our operationaltactical aviation destroyed temporary deployment points for personnel of two ukrainian brigades at once. In the artyomovsky and avdeevsky directions , eight enemy attacks were repelled per day, the enemy retreated to its original position, losing a total of more than 300 militants. And such footage appeared today in telegram channels, a russian. Fighter alone against five opponents, and he emerged victorious from this fight. Ukrainian militants tried to capture our trench during the battle for novomaiskoye. A marine from the 40th brigade of the Pacific Fleet stood in their way. As a result, the militants, well, those who were able, of course, fled. And more footage from the front line, the kamikat drone flew straight into the enemy dugout. Successful defeat of the target is confirmed by video from another drone, with the help of which it was reported the fsb today announced the detention in the lugansk peoples republic of a local resident who worked for the Ukrainian Special services, he transmitted data about the locations of his deployment to the enemy. And the movement of our army units, he now faces up to 20 years in prison under the article espionage. Our special services are constantly working to identify saboteurs. The kiev regime, promising mountains of gold and bright prospects, is trying to recruit traitors, but in fact it is consumable material for the ukrainian terror, report by oleg shishkin. The operational footage shows the finale of the special operation, which was developed and carried out by department employees. Fsb of the polugany peoples republic. The arrest took place with lightning speed. The suspect of spying for ukrainian militants did not have time to come to his senses when handcuffs snapped onto his wrists. Directorate of the fsb of russia for the lugansk peoples republic , you have been detained. Ukrainian militants carried out a missile attack on a hospital in the village of novo aidar at the end of january. Hit with rockets from multiple launch rocket systems hamers, the building in which russian doctors provided assistance to local residents, received serious damage. 14 people died, 24. Deaths to a security officer, he told me the number of deaths and the fact that i was involved in this strike, it brought me joy, also for the task i completed, employees of the Security Service of ukraine sent me money, each transfer was 2,500 in terms of rubles, only 6,500, during the investigation it turned out that the suspect was responsible for another bloody crime, i passed on information about agricultural enterprise in novoidar, where there was an arrival, which resulted in the death of 36 people, the suspect communicated with ukrainian militants via the internet, promises were flown from kiev to take him into the sbu, and in case of failure, to organize an evacuation on the territory of ukraine, of course, all of this was. just words, just so the agent doesnt get off the hook. Employees of the Ukrainian Special services promised me that if i was detained by the Russian Special services, they would ransom me from captivity for 10,000. And this is footage of the arrest of another local resident accused of espionage. Attention, attention, the subject got out of the taxi. In a matter of seconds, the suspect is in handcuffs by the federal Security Service of the polugansk peoples republic, you have been detained. During interrogation, he admitted that he had directed the blows. On columns of equipment and locations of our troops. He faces 10 to 20 years in prison, and now says that he greatly regrets that he ruined his own life. I understand, i realize, i repent, as they say, but as they say, it is human nature to make mistakes, he must be held accountable for his actions reply. He became an accomplice of the kiev regime, he says, under the influence of propaganda, but over time, everything that was shown on ukrainian channels reached him and should be taken exactly the opposite. Take, for example, the release of the milestone in may. Last year , kiev propagandists accused the peoples militia of the lpr of almost genocide of the local population. They attack, take away, beat, beat, threaten, well, while i was in the city, i absolutely did not notice this. The only thing i noticed was that when, on the contrary, ukrainian troops did not allow us to leave, they blocked the road, they said there was no road there, when i wanted to leave for the territory of ukraine. Provided. Russian troops, as they say, took the road to refuge; we were taken to another city away from hostilities. Recently, fsb officers in the lugansk republic have initiated and investigated more than a dozen criminal cases against gunners of the Ukrainian Armed forces and other accomplices of the kiev regime. Operatives emphasize that no matter what type of data is transmitted to the Ukrainian Special services, in most cases the militants strike civilian targets and civilians. Olek shishkin, dmitry kachurin. Lugansk peoples republic. The European Union will ask the United States to continue funding ukraine. This was stated by the head of european diplomacy, josep borel. He met with zelsky for the second day in kiev the day before, and today he is convening an informal meeting of the council of eu Foreign Ministers there. The event is billed as the first in the history of meetings of this level outside the European Union. But not everyone will participate. The head of the Foreign Ministry in hungary, peter szijarta, said that he would not come because he had a business. Ukraines support is everything this is against the background of the decision of the American Congress not to sponsor kiev in the next month and a half. In brussels, as barel put it, they are surprised and regretful. I have hope that this decision is not final and that ukraine will continue to enjoy the support of the United States. For our part, we are not only. We continue to provide assistance to ukraine, but we are increasing it. Our support is not opportunistic, it does not depend on progress on the battlefield, it is constant, because we face an existential threat to it. The decision taken by congress was dictated by washingtons own problems. The state needed the temporary budget to avoid a government shutdown. The document will allow for the extension of funding for government agencies. It was approved at the last moment , just hours before the deadline, and this was preceded by heated debates, in which the absence of an article on assistance to kiev was fundamental. As a result, in the next 45 days ukraine will not receive any cents from the states. Regarding the main budget, and here in the house of representatives they make it clear that priority interests of their country, including the protection of borders by mexico to cope with the migration crisis. The priority for me is america, our borders. I support providing ukraine with the necessary weapons, but first of all i support the issue of strengthening our borders. That is, you directly link the issue of voting on aid to ukraine. I am telling you that the american border is important and that our priority is to secure it, i will ensure the supply of weapons to ukraine, but there will be no major supply if the security of our borders is not will be provided. Biden, having signed the interim budget law, nevertheless promised not to abandon ukraine. He said that support should continue, and as president , he expects a separate vote from congress on allocating funds for the needs of kiev. By the way. House admitted that they have already spent almost 111 billion dollars on this, zelskys appetites are ridiculed on the internet, this is the collage posted on his page by the american entrepreneur elon musk, a suffering man, a face that was replaced in the photo of the head of the kiev regime and the signature when 5 minutes have already passed, and you have not yet asked for a billion dollars of help, the publication instantly spread across the internet, it was seen by tens of millions of users. The authorities of the czech capital have taken another step towards abandoning the historical truth; today in prague there is no longer a street for the liberator of the city from the fascist invaders , soviet marshal ivan konev. Now it bears the name of karl hartig, the municipal employee of the century. Workers are already changing the signs, and local residents have been given six months to reissue their documents free of charge. In april in the twentieth year, let me remind you, the authorities of the prague 6 region dismantled the monument to konev. This happened during the coronavirus pandemic, despite the fact that before it, people had repeatedly held rallies against such a decision by the district authorities. Valentina matvienko called on her foreign colleagues to join forces in the fight against unilateral sanctions. Together with state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin, the chairman of the Federation Council took part in the russialatin America International parliamentary conference. Our relations with the countries of the continent, according to her, have strong roots, have always been distinguished by trust and goodwill, unlike western countries, we have never made friends against anyone and were not faced with a choice with whom to maintain contacts and with whom not. This approach, we are categorically against sanctions, against any unilateral restrictions that are biased, illegitimate, violate International Law and the rules of international trade, and of course, generally have a negative impact on the international economy, lets combine our efforts at International Parliamentary ones. In the fight against this lawlessness, is it really acceptable that in the 21st century the island of freedom, cuba , has been under blockade for more than 60 years . We live in a situation where we face challenges every day; latin american countries have been facing these challenges for decades and are fighting for their independence. For the right to plan your own life. Our country has been facing sanctions and trade wars for 10 years now; during this period of time, 17,500 of them were imposed on our country. The government is allocating another 10 billion rubles for preferential loans for farmers. About this at a meeting with his deputies. Mikhail mishustin said. Let me remind you earlier that 45 billion has already been allocated for these purposes. The rate will be only 5 , and this measure will help , among other things, increase the volume of production of quality products. We also talked about the draft federal budget for the twenty fourth and two subsequent years, last week it submitted to the state duma. The Main Financial document, according to the Prime Minister , is balanced and guarantees the fulfillment of all social obligations. Necessary for Economic Development and support of regions have been laid down facilities. The priority is to increase the availability of medical services for residents of all russian regions, the construction and renovation of clinics, outpatient clinics, medical centers, assistance to citizens with diabetes mellitus, and oncology. Over the next 3 years, we will allocate more than one trillion rubles to provide medicines, including for patients with socially significant diseases and children with serious, rare illnesses. We will pay special attention to families with children; significant funds will go to maternity capital, subsidizing Interest Rates on mortgages payments to parents with many children, for its partial repayment, as well as for a single benefit for bulgaria has added to the list of countries that have banned cars with russian license plates from entering their territory; cars will no longer be allowed in this evening; the same restrictions were previously introduced by lithuania, latvia, estonia, and poland and finland, from tomorrow russians will not be able to travel by personal transport to norway. The reason for the bans was the explanation of the European Commission on the application of antirussian sanctions. It followed from the document that in addition to cars, our compatriots cannot carry practically anything on a trip, including personal belongings, for example, phones and even hygiene items; all this can now be confiscated at the border. And thats all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue with the big game program. Good afternoon, live broadcast, big game, im vyacheslav nikonov. Today is the president of russia, vladimir. Held a meeting with the head of North Ossetia sergei minyaela, discussed the problems of the development of the republic, but not only, it is clear that the fighters who represent North Ossetia make a significant contribution to our success on the fronts of a special military operation and North Ossetia helps the restoration of new russian regions, this was also discussed at the meeting, and the president of ukraine. Vladimir zelensky signed a decree naming the 131st Reconnaissance Battalion after colonel yevgeny kanavalets, this is on against the backdrop of this scandal with the nazis in the Canadian Parliament , demonstratively. Kanavalets, let me remind you, was one of the organizers, and maybe even the organizer and leader of the organization of ukrainian nationalists, he twice personally hosted by adolf hitler, really. His fate was unenviable, since in the thirtyeighth year Pavel Sudoplatov killed him in rotterdam, and a monument to sudaplatov was recently opened in his hometown of melitopol, so i think the fate of kanavalets will await the renamed in honor of the fascist, the reconnaissance bat of the Ukrainian Armed forces. And you know, today is an amazing event for the first time in history, the Foreign Ministers of the European Union countries have gathered somewhere, in kiev, kiev, well, i think, first of all, to provide moral support ukraine at that unpleasant moment for kiev , when the United States decided to stop funding this whole story related to the ukrainian war, maybe temporarily, but in any case, a sediment remained, so you can imagine, for this all the Foreign Ministers had to do. To kiev for a pr campaign, the result of which was, of course, well, again another phrase, baerbock, the minister of Foreign Affairs of the federal republic of germany, who said that now the main German National idea, as hitler actually had, is europe from lisbon to lugansk, well, now we know what we are fighting for, what they are fighting for, yuri ivanovich, podalyaka is in direct contact with us. He monitors what is happening on the svo fronts. Yuri ivanovich, well , is the counterattack completely exhausted . Good afternoon, yes, you know, the weekend showed that even those places where the enemy attacked in the last week are two small areas, one southern artyomovskaya one, orekhovsky area, there are also less than ten kilometers where he was advancing, now they are coming here oncoming battles, moreover, im with the guys contacted at the orekhovsky site, literally now there are battles on our troops went on the attack on rabotina and there are battles for the socalled sapo position, which is a key position , located to the east, rabotina, and an attack is underway, artillery and aviation are working, very powerful clashes are now , also our troops are attacking near verbovoy, that is, well, well see how it ends in the morning, but at least now there are oncoming battles there, and today our troops launched a powerful offensive in this very sector, and literally a few days earlier, too we discussed your programs that the eastern velikonovosyolovsky sector, here, too, the initiative is tightly under our troops over the weekend, this continued, and the guys took several more strong points from those positions that were previously lost and a counterattack, already our counteroffensive, already ours here is also developing successfully, we are also attacking near donetsk, unfortunately, without progress, and there is a counter battle south of artyomovsk, while the enemy has also been unable to achieve anything, although there are still attacks here in this direction there is everything to the north, these are seversky and svatovo and kupinsk, here everywhere. The initiative is completely on our side, the enemy doesnt even try, well, there were light counterattacks in the svatovo direction, well, they seemed to be rather poorly organized there, quite were easily repulsed, that is, in general , the Strategic Initiative is gradually passing into our army, and i would also like to note several powerful night strikes by our aerospace forces, primarily drones, which clearly work on ammunition depots, on airfields, and work on the Port Infrastructure and achieved significant successes, while the enemy clearly cannot keep up with all these attacks due to the fact that the number of gyraniums has increased significantly, accordingly, air defense cannot cover all directions and from here there are one puncture after another, and i think that further problems for the enemy will only increase, thank you very much ivanovich podalyaka for his accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts of the russian federation. Well, indeed, attacks on the Ukrainian Armed forces from all sides, on the ground from the air, are increasing. And it is also obvious that the current the visit of the heads of european diplomacy to kiev is also a signal that not everything is going as planned, well, lets listen to what josep barel said, who arrived earlier than other ministers to organize them in kiev. Our military support for ukraine has reached the figure of 25 billion euros, in general , military, civilian, humanitarian support. Has reached the figure of 85 billion euros, which is the highest amount in the world, and we are proud of it. I understand the interest that everyone has in the recent decision of the us congress, and frankly, we were we are surprised that a lastminute decision was made that we deeply and profoundly regret. Eu support for ukraine not only continues, but increases, or at least for now our plan shows that we want to continue to increase it, and we hope that Member States will take a decision on this. Issue along with the financial perspective before end of the year in terms of ammunition, i think that we are now reaching almost 300,000 units already sent to ukraine, im talking about 155mm missiles plus about 2,800 missiles, this its not all we can provide yet, but i think were moving in that direction. Our support is not opportunistic, does not depend on the achievement of one day, it is constant and structured, because we are faced with an existential threat to europe. An existential threat to europe, well, you know, in general by the way, you just made a very good point about the battalion of the nobleman, but in general now the situation of symbols, it is more and more symbols matter, and here in melitopol it is sudoplatova who is fighting a battle which is early or late this battalion will be destroyed, these symbols are, of course, extremely important, and as for mr. Barel, he said that 300,000 shells have already been delivered, just shells. 155 mm, but there are no results, and this means that these shells themselves have already been used up, which means how much more needs to be supplied, this is the same amount and plus some more, so that the result is accordingly, this is impossible, it was a very interesting moment, when before we arrived, that means the Foreign Ministers , two defense ministers arrived Great Britain and france, the french set it clearly, they were tired of giving it away for free, they clearly posed the question, lets now pay, we are, therefore , cesars, these are selfpropelled guns, but they gave it away for free, and now please, a new batch of six pieces, already buy it, or you wont get it, that is, the french are transferring this situation to specific making money , where ukraine will get the money is not clear to me, and since its from the french, from the french, but the french are not the same people, but it could be from the germans, maybe from the americans, but not from the french, not from the british, these are their own. The benefits will not be missed , as i understand it, they will be witnesses in the near future when the squabbling begins, what is this money worth, only 2 billion, and also, Pay Attention, symbols, this money is going through the European Peace Fund for the war in ukraine, and they have already spent a billion, there is still a billion left, that they are threatening a huge fight for this billion, who will still get contracts for this billion . Yes, the french have other problems, here is the latest liberation magazine, on the cover brought out the main threat to security in paris, these are bedbugs, and now a big task has been set, solving the problem for the paris olympics, god help them, war correspondent Georgy Medvedev is following the events at the front, he is a correspondent, newsfront, georgy anatolyevich, good afternoon, what new with you, and what news from the artyomovsky front, colleagues, it really remains one of the most active at the moment, a lot of attention has been focused on it, and its clear why, because recently ukraine has concentrated a lot of forces, a lot of resources in order to try to break through the front line here, a lot of stuffing from the kiev propaganda regarding klishcheevka, kurdyumovka, andreevka, we decided to go directly there to the arrtemovsky direction, we saw the fighters who are fighting and of course they asked them questions, what about these settlements . This is what the fighters say andreevka, in principle, does not exist at the moment, because this settlement has been destroyed, to gain a foothold there, to hold some kind of it is impossible to use the line of defense, let alone use it as a springboard for further advance, so naturally the enemy himself is not there, they ran there with the ukrainian flag, took a staged photo and fled from there, those who were able to escape. As for klischeevka, as for kurdyumovka, our military Personnel Say very firmly these settlements are under the complete control of the armed forces of the russian federation. Everything that the enemy says regarding this is an outright lie. The enemy is suffering very heavy losses, and in the last period only kiev lost about three hundred people in the avdeevsky and artyomovsky directions. And in principle it is clear why. Our military personnel regularly take prisoners from among ukrainian militants, and the prisoners say that assault groups are often formed from people who have nothing to do with assault operations, these are artillerymen, signalmen, intelligence officers, and someone else, but not those who should storm, so its clear that they cant give any results other than dead, wounded and an important point we also asked our guys, but the western. Allies somehow help kiev, and the guys say that western equipment just burns great, and it cannot give any advantage in favor of kiev and has not given to this day. And also an important point, information has appeared that a ukrainian plane was shot down on the artyomovsky front, if this information is confirmed, then it will be another proof that without the support of artillery, including western artillery, equipment and even aviation, nothing can be achieved from the nazi regime it turns out. Yes, thank you very much, georgiy medvedev, war correspondent for newsfrante, it must be said that the assessments that have now been made are shared by western analysts, including such authoritative ones as, for example, larry johnson, a retired cia analyst, but there are no retirees there, lets listen, ukraine either capitulates or ceases to exist as a state , without polutnov, there will be no transgender ukraine, of course, it will either surrender on russian terms, or it will be destroyed, i think that russia is deadly serious here, if underestimated and do not believe russias statements, then you will be bitterly disappointed. The conflict will end like the second world war. Ukraine will either capitulate or be destroyed. I think the russians are absolutely right. By the time the us leadership comes to the conclusion we need negotiations to end this, it will be too late. The russians will not negotiate; they do not trust the west. The west has already proven that it is a bully, because they used the minsk agreements simply as a distraction and to stall for time. And russia said no, we are not idiots, we play such games we dont play. And its only a matter of time. You know the expression the walking dead, or in this case ukraine, is like a chicken whose head has been cut off, it runs around in a circle without a head for some time, but then falls down and dies. This is the assessment. And here in slovakia, the Party Winning the elections declared that there was no need to provide any assistance to ukraine at all. And in the United States, funding for ukraine was excluded from the budget. Maybe for a while, but in any case, yes, monday, their mother gave birth, after advertising, here is the russian spirit, here russia, we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or some events, when he was in the image of what is called holding his face, he was no one. 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In all the european elections that took place after the start of our special operation , the ruling parties, as a rule, suffered defeat due to the deterioration of the socioeconomic situation, due to the fact that people do not want to sacrifice something for the sake of ukraine. But again, as a rule, they were replaced by others who, well, may be less ready to support. But are much more ready to solidify with brussels or washington. And then theres the glitch. Slovakia. Elections were held in slovakia, in which robert fitzs party took first place, which means it will form the government. From the outside, the western media, western politicians, did absolutely everything to prevent this from happening, thats just everything. Nevertheless. Voters voted for this party, now, of course, there will be terrible pressure on fitz, on his party , he will have very big problems with the formation of a ruling coalition, through the younger members of the coalition they will try to influence the general situation, but this is an extremely unpleasant thing for the west, and the washington post, and the New York Times writes about this, absolutely not hiding its negative emotions, lets see, the victory in. The parliamentary elections in slovakia of robert fitz, who took a prorussian election position, is another sign of weakening support for ukraine in west. Coming changes in slovakia are obvious; it was the first country to supply fighter jets to ukraine. Fitz received about 23 of the vote with a program that included stopping all arms supplies to ukraine and blaming the war equally on the west. And keyev, he brought together social conservativism, nationalism, antilgbtq rhetoric, promise. Generous social benefits, put forward an antiliberal program. With slovakia, hungary and serbia demonstrating significant sympathy for putin, a turning point has occurred in this part of europe. Even poland is Ardent Supporter ukraine recently decided to close its border to the import of ukrainian grain. Although the actual leader of the polish law and justice party, jaroslaw kaczynski, remains harsh towards russia. His nationalism and conservative values ​​align with those of hungarys Prime Minister, viktor orban. And fitz. The fact that a country on the border with ukraine voted for a man who said he would not send a single bullet across that border can only increase the pressure on kiev. Considering that slovakia was one of the main suppliers of non ammunition, shells for the kiev regime, then this is a serious change. And they correctly noted the change in the position of poland, which is no longer ready to automatically support ukraine, because it is not popular in poland, and elections there are also coming soon. And kaczynski , in order to gain votes and oppose something to the wave of rallies that are now being waged against him, tusks party, prowestern, one hundred percent probrussels and prowashington, makes a statement that is not antirussian, antigerman, lets listen, we want reparations from germany, this is not only a question concerning finances and what we are entitled to, but also a question of our dignity, it cannot be that others are paid, but. Look how quickly time really begins to flow, literally six months ago, no one could believe it, we are not saying that these are prorussian countries, in no case , slovakia, it is about its own country, first of all, but the population is starting to make the right, reasonable choice, finally the voice of the population worth something, look how good it is there was a turnout in slovakia, more than 68 percent of people came to the elections, excuse the word, where there is electoral indifference, this is normal in europe, someone will decide everything for us, you are shouting that Elections Come first, and what are the trends go further, you started the program with simple problems that bedbugs come there, and this is not only a problem in france, a trifle, but this is the current state of europe, when rats, bedbugs, cockroaches are the norm, you say, what does politics have to do with it, yes moreover, because this concerns every citizen who lives in this country, weapons, weapons that are supplied, they do not materialize out of thin air, this is a lot of money, almost everyone asks a simple question, what if this money is spent on social services, on pensioners, on children, within our country, why does brussels limit us, why brussels has brought us to our knees, so if you look at polands statement on reparations, kochinsky is monstrously unpopular now, well , monstrously, but his task now is to whip tusks party, tusk today. Is also unpopular, so we see that now from unpopular two politicians will be chosen by the lesser evil, but the lesser evil is the one who will offer to at least slightly protect national. Sovereignty, does this mean that kiev will be very sad from this . Kiev is already sad, the situation there is bad, and there is no one in particular to fight , so mykola azarov, the former Prime Minister of ukraine , today named the figure for the population of ukraine, it is 23 million people, 23 million. Let me remind you, when the union fell apart, this there were 52 million, scary, and. The west, however, continues to drive ukrainians to slaughter. Uh, ben wallis, now also a former british minister of defense, advised to intensify mobilization in ukraine at the expense of young people , what is it, why is everyone over 40 fighting, and where, where is a twentyyearold here we go, forward, all as one, and this requires serious arguments and incentives , and the most powerful arguments sounded from the lips of a person whom we have not quoted for a long time, but let me now quote , as an exception, from alexei aristovich, what did he propose, why should ukrainians die . The russians have three tasks partially restore the former ussr, to break off the west, it is desirable to greatly weaken the supranational structures of the west, the eu, nato and so on, within the framework of which they can pursue a consolidated general strategy and work with each country separately, because russia is endless for each individual country. Stronger, it is weaker only than the blocs, now their task is to reelect Vladimir Vladimirovich , to reelect someone right here in ukraine, and if they reelect, then ukraine becomes neutral, does not fight with russia, which means all efforts are possible, or vice versa begins to be friends with her, all efforts can be concentrated and thrown on other fronts of the cold war, primarily in europe, and already having a neutral ukraine or a friendly ukraine, imagine, ukraine plus russia this will be some kind of argument in the balance. All these poland and other small ones, and even germany itself , will sit again on this very thing in front of this bear, which has become of necessity a joint ukrainianrussian one, and long live the ussr again, we are heading into the world again. This did not happen, ukrainians must go to die. Amazing yes, the worst thing is that this is precisely the same plan for genocide and complete destruction of the ukrainian people, but can there be genocide if only men are destroyed, they thought back. Therefore, from yesterday, the military registration of women began , this is only the beginning, and today we already hear when, in fact , the defense ministers of nato countries declare that younger people should also go to fight, propaganda videos are already appearing on ukrainian social networks, on whose children are offered to serve in the army while using a computer to drop bombs from drones, but this all began, once upon a time. Hitler s nazi germany went through this entire path of destruction, when in 1945 teenagers of 1112 years old finished fighting in berlin, this is exactly the story of the west today cooks directly for ukrainians. Here it would be very important to differentiate, when they say that ukraine is a chicken with its head cut off, then no one has cut off the head yet, because the head is this criminal regime. Zelsky, who actually organized this whole bloody massacre in which people are being destroyed, the worst thing is that i listen to various politicians so much, but not a single one in all this time has started talking about peace, everyone is talking about how to continue the war, how tighten it, how to make it worse, how much money should be given for bombs, none of the western politicians said how much money should be given in order to achieve peace, this is what is really happening, so we understand perfectly well, and i want to tell you, many people in ukraine already realize this, that their fate, it ends in the ground, but today they are shackled by the laws, the regime, the terror that has unfolded throughout ukraine, but you see this aggressive gravelization, mobilization, which , if only yesterday. It concerned only the male population, now this will affect women, and tomorrow also children, the genocide of the ukrainian people, which we would have to stop, and the fact that as a result of our unification we will really become that force, it was also written by god, yes, we are that slavic people, belarusians, ukrainians, russians, who are in unity, we will be a force, a force that can resist evil, the devil, everything that threatens us, and so it was, and so i am sure it will be, but this is really a horror for the west, and that means for the ukrainian elite, since it has its own national ones. There are no interests for a long time, but the British Armed forces seem to be going to ukraine or not, lets listen, first to the british minister of defense, grant shabs, i think that now the moment has come when we can actually postpone training of ukrainian soldiers on the territory of ukraine, especially in the west of the country, and not only training, we are already seeing how some of our Defense Companies are starting. Their production in ukraine. I really want other uk companies to follow suit, so i think steps will be taken to expand training and manufacturing in ukraine. As europes largest defense supplier, natos largest contributor, we are obviously in a very good position to work with our ukrainian friends, helping them prepare for membership in the alliance. Our navy could also play a certain role in deterring russian attacks on commercial ships that transport grain from russia. It is important for us to prevent a situation in which International Transport in these waters was prohibited, that is, to send troops to ukraine, well, Dmitry Anatolyevich medvedev, deputy chairman of the security council, said what will happen to these troops, it seems they heard in london, lets listen to Prime Minister sunak now. Question about ukraine. Dmitry medvedev said that any British Military personnel who will train. A soldier on ukrainian territory would become a legitimate target for the russians. Can you say when the British Military will begin training ukrainian soldiers in ukraine, as your defense secretary has proposed. I think there has been some misunderstanding and i welcome the opportunity to clear things up. Everyone has known for a long time that we are training ukrainian soldiers here in the uk. In this matter, we play a leading role along with many other countries. This produces significant results, and we will continue to do so. Bearing in mind that one day in the future it will be possible for us to carry out similar training in the ukraine, in the long term, and not here now, not a single british soldier will go to fight in the current conflict zone, it will not happen, but he will the first got confused in the testimony, crouches all the time, its quite difficult to listen to this character, firstly, the british, like the americans, like other nato members, were present on the territory of ukraine before recently, were present, are present now, just in the official status of military specialists and instructors, they were there before, say, when events acquired an active phase, but they were in the lviv region, everyone knows this very well, at the training ground, they were present there , by the way, at one time a missile flew at them, there were very serious losses, just among them, so the british are still hiding that both British Military personnel, and official military personnel who have the status of specialists or instructors, are there are present, and moreover, having been wounded. Or killed, they return to the uk, this is hidden, please note, in germany, a hospital has opened that accepts wounded military personnel from ukraine, there, but it is american, the americans are already there, the americans began to admit this, i think the next turn is for them, well, they really must understand that they are a legitimate military target, and if they really get involved, they are unlikely to return from there, just like those american. Who many are already lying on our soil, in the ground, and the United States of america seems to have avoided the shutdown, but at the expense of ukraine after advertising. German foreign minister annalena berbak, the world knows berbak as frau 360, south africas path to freedom was a bacon of hope. She says one thing at this time. She has bats flying in her head, she didnt really study anywhere, she regularly went to the local pub, for which western puppeteers value her and for which she does not like her own people, she considers herself part of such a global liberal elite, she is in front of accountable to her, and not to german society, she is, of course, an actor in the war, she came to support zelsky, we lost a lot of people , there will be no happy ending, and we must admit this, immediately after kiev, onaliana verbak is heading to the United States, a matter that is very clearly advises what weapons should be sent, this will be the most advanced missile weapons that have so far been supplied to the kiev regime. Annalena berbak, bismarcks nightmare, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first and always on 1tv. Ru. 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I dont think weve been to the city of washington, but today there is, there is, this Railway Connection between reagan airport, which is located, well, in the nearest suburb of washington and, in fact, the city of washington, well, there was a traffic stop on this highway, well , this is actually a connection with the airport due to the fact that something fell from the previous train , what caused such a crash. Well , our second metrolink is on the florence section, its in california, they received a call to the Police Station that an animal was stuck at a railroad crossing, well, i must say, when the police arrived, they found there instead of an animal, a person, well, either an animal, managed to get away somewhere, or it wasnt an animal, but in any case , Railway Traffic there has also now been stopped, there are a lot of bad Economic Indicators in the United States, continue to be here every day, a new one, as it turned out , recently, in 18 months, 870 billion dollars have left banks, bank deposits, people are simply withdrawing money from bank deposits, is this really why . Well first of all, because they need to eat something, and lets see what Consumer Spending looks like in the United States of america, which has been revived. Due to the fact that during covid everyone received parachute money, now everything is just going down, considering that approximately 70 of american gdp is what a household consumes, that is , exactly what the americans consumed there, thats 70 of gdp, this is a very serious indicator, but the worst shutdown was still avoided, the republicans led by Kevin Mccarthy from what, lets listen president of the United States. I hope that this experience was a revelation for the speaker, damn it. Me, anyway. The shutdown was avoided. 45 days of respite, by and large, but this is a very good indicator, an indicator of the ability to negotiate, and the republicans did not cave so much, they concluded a very good deal, because there is money left over from last year. I have a simple legal question there is money left from the budget that needs to be transferred to ukraine. How can we formalize the transfer of this money today if a new one has begun . Already. We must understand that these 45 days of delay are a very important indicator , on the one hand, a lot or a little, it doesnt matter, but in order to resume the previous routes for the transfer of money, equipment, and humanitarian aid, Kevin Mccarthy requested one simple element, reporting , in these 45 days we must receive full reporting, annual for that money, i am not against transferring money to ukraine, he never said that he was completely ready to cut off funding to ukraine, but first the report, chairs and money, first the money, then chairs, we need a report and no one today, from the big financial five, wants to take responsibility, conduct an audit in ukraine, because so many media have asked, there is a large, big five, conduct an audit, prove it. No one, you know, in general an interesting political knot has tied up now, because realistically, macarthy made a deal with the white house, to the detriment of the conservative republicans who made him speaker, and because of this there is now a very serious political scandal there, in the center of which it turned out again that who is ukraine, ukraine, because conservative republicans flatly refused to support a budget that included ukraine. Mccarthy took ukraine out of the equation, they voted without ukraine, but ukraine was included in a separate bill, which has every chance of being adopted if mccarthy comes to an agreement with the democrats, but lets listen to what happened in the end, this is what President Biden said, there is nothing in the agreement about financing by ukraine, however, i believe that there is no need to expose millions americans to a painful government shutdown. Lets be clear, i hope my republican friends will keep their word about supporting ukraine. They said they would support ukraine in a separate vote. Under no circumstances can we interrupt american assistance to ukraine. I count on Speaker Mccarthy to live up to his commitment to ensure passage of this bill and the support ukraine needs. Well, that is, they hope that macarthy will merge again, but conservative republicans are not going to forgive this macarthy. Listen to matt getz, who actually leads them now. I just found out that Kevin Mccarthy had a secret deal with the democrats on ukraine, while he was convincing republicans to vote for a deal that did not include funds for ukraine and threatened to block the senates decision on ukraine, suddenly it turns out that he made a secret deal on ukraine , you and i may have different views on how the us is involved in the conflict, but still, think about this question for a second should be subject to open discussion and analysis and not be the subject of a backdoor deal, you intend to file a motion to remove, yes, i intend to file a motion to remove Kevin Macarthy from office this week, i think its time for us to reset. Already a poisoned pie that no one wants, but for a long time now it has really been negative for the administration, primarily for biden, who is preparing for the election campaign, but i wouldnt delude myself here, i think that it doesnt matter, the americans will continue to the end they will use the ukraine case, the ukrainian people, in order to cause significant damage or loss, but in any case, to wage war, a very convenient design, to actually implement their assigned tasks with someone elses hands, they openly talk about this, it is very beneficial for us, and most importantly, because lets be objective, this money is 90 loans, these are loans, these are not gift certificates, for this money they will return it back only with an interest rate, and the bulk of the allocated resources goes to the internal militaryindustrial complex, goes to the production of weapons, so this lemon, which my country has been turned into, will be squeezed in the hands of the nato countries for a long time to come, i am sure of this, unfortunately, for now, as long as they have control over this territory, and they have control over this territory until the russian soldier passes, unfortunately, all this way. And will not demolish the criminal regime of zelsky, as long as the funding that has already been allocated by the United States and congress is sufficient to support ukraine, well, it all depends on what they intend to supply, because, apparently, we are talking about some large ones, too, look, by the way, mark mealy has left his post, and charles brown, now the head of the joint chiefs of staff, and this is a pilot, apparently they are solving a problem. Regarding the transfer of aircraft, fighters, which ukraine so covets, this is a very huge amount of money , this money that is pledged there, you cant really do anything with it, if we are talking about ammunition, well, in principle, some kind of minimum they are ready to provide for this, but they have neither factories nor commercial networks in order to increase production further , so they will be in that, lets say, financial cocoon, which they are not able to overcome, even if they include Printing Press and adding money, but what good will that not add to the iron . Yes, in the United States of america , decisions are made not even by congress or the white house, but there is a good cartoon that appeared here the other day about what is the Fourth Branch of the american government, this is the fbi, nsa, the cia and other intelligence agencies, which permeate all branches of government without exception, and who , in general, care least of all about the american people, who are. Simply watched, a very good illustration that really shows how everything works in the United States states of america, there uh biden, macarthy act as extras, yeah, and so yes, funding will continue in smaller amounts, europe will be forced to pay more, but america will give money, will stand behind all this, so our cause is just and we need to bring the matter to the end, victory will be ours, we pass the floor to the news and see you again at 17 00, this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. Industry and social sphere, Vladimir Putin spoke with the head of the region about the development of North Ossetia. Sergei minyaila reported that for 7 months the index of Industrial Production. Built

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