April 30, 2021 / 2:58 PM
Officers laugh at arrest video
Three police officers involved in the rough arrest of a 73-year-old Colorado woman with dementia have resigned, officials said Friday. Loveland Officers Austin Hopp and Daria Jalali and Community Services Officer Tyler Blackett were all on administrative leave before Chief Robert Ticer announced their departures from the police department during a press conference.
During the press conference, Ticer didn't specify whether the officers resigned or were fired. Department spokesman Tom Hacker later confirmed they had resigned.
Hopp arrested Karen Garner in June 2020 after she allegedly left a store without paying for about $14 worth of items. Garner filed a federal lawsuit this month saying Hopp dislocated her shoulder when she was arrested and that she did not receive medical care for about six hours after being taken to the county jail.