Minutes in a few Hours International flights to iraqs kurdish region offset to stop baghdad pushes back against this weeks secession referendum. Catalans prepare their own secession vote but not everyone in the region is happy about it. The worlds atomic watchdog voices alarm at the fos pace of north Koreas Nuclear Weapons Program. I appealed to the leaders of myanmar including military leaders condemning racial its of the violence un says the rangar crisis is the worlds fastest developing refugee emergency but more than half a million fleeing to bangladesh. The kurdish leadership in Northern Iraq is preparing for International Flights to cease landing in the region baghdad as ordered Foreign Airlines to stop flying into the kurdish regions airports from fifteen hundred g. M. T. That is in five hours time it follows mondays vote on succession which passed overwhelmingly domestic flights will still be permitted to fly into a bill and cinema near the move is part of an effort by baghdad to make the Kurdish Regional government cancel the results of the referendum Iraq Central Government is also demanding control of oil revenue and border crossings it says the vote was unconstitutional on a bill he joins us now from and bill International Airport ata how are they preparing for the screen now at fifteen. Well actually the last flight that we can see on the billboard at the moment is leaving fifteen thirty local thats twelve thirty g. M. T. To istanbul after that from what we understand there will be no more International Flights today because they were not scheduled before. The deadline now people here every throughout the morning weve seen people who did decide to leave earlier than scheduled specially those of the kurdish just for us who had come on holidays here to the kurdish region to take part in the referendum many saying that you know they had saved the money for this trip but that it was going to be once in a lifetime celebration and that celebration was cut short obviously because of these repercussions. From. A few foreigners who were living here working here they were told by the companies temporarily until they see how things pan out and where does this leave the leadership. And the referendum in the final stages. When i think a president must have a lot of support and the results of the referendum speak for themselves ninety two percent of the kurds have said yes. Even those. With the timing of the referendum many wondering if it will problems. Time ahead but when you speak to them we did expect that to happen reaction from the regional. Government. Kurdish government did meet a few hours and at the end of the evening. Actually this region. And according to many things that they can handle without. The government in baghdad and when it comes. They have to. Live because. Of the iraqi. Authority everything. With. The airport and she said she didnt understand yet what baghdad wanted exactly she said they were reaching out but at the moment they were getting no answers. From iran turkey and syria and theyve been keeping a close eye on the situation there anyway. Things from them. Well iran was the first one actually to react that was a few days ago it had announced that it was. Closing its airspace rather to. The kurdish region actually if you go and check on the billboard now its. Been canceled for a few days already. Threats that they will close all the border crossings the government in baghdad asking them to do that at the moment happen. Publicly they are. Saying that they considered. Own National Security considering the amount of Kurdish People who live inside for example iran and syria has been a bit more muted at the moment having its own problems but so far nothing has materialized but those threats are taken seriously by the people here especially that baghdad has announced that it was. With. Its next move. From baghdad visiting as we speak now to come up with a plan all right thank you for that. Pro and anti separatist campaign is in spains catalonia region are holding their last rallies before sundays independence but regional leaders insist it will go ahead despite the Spanish Government and courts that carrying it illegal john hendren is following events in boston and i just wonder what the plans awful today john. Well jane theres an extraordinary event going on behind me right now these are dozens of tractors farmers have come out from the countryside and there they have two goals one of them is to protect the polling places so that the police cannot shut them down as the Spanish Government has ordered them to do but the first thing they wanted to do was to block the Governors Mansion just a symbolically and sort of demonstration of power pull in front of the Governors Office well if you look right next to me can see that the police have quite easily blocked them simply by putting about half a dozen vehicles in front of them so they are not able to give people that image that theyre looking for yesterday we went to one of many protests all throughout town and these are happening all the time theyre growing in number and this is what we found. Each day a peaceful show of force growth. Led by young and fiercely proud catalans in the streets. Police say sixteen thousand of them organizers say tens of thousands more. Youre going to shut the schools because you dont want to. Know. By comparison this anti secession rally mustered perhaps three dozen people. At a secret location days after the spanish army arrested catalan leaders and confiscated ten million ballot papers this video tweeted by catalan president carlos preached a month shows the resistance printing new balance he got better miska. No matter how much they intimidate us no matter how many times i say that they will not give us the keys of the classrooms or the schools wont be opened theres a generation it has been growing in our country and they add to this new majority that we have in catalonia that they want to vote. At schools doubling his polling stations a showdown police have orders to close them students plan an occupation to keep them open but we would stay there and. Just to wait. For the moment the crowds are chanting these streets will always belong to us and while there are thousands of police all around barcelona right now they do. At barcelonas port firemen occupy catalonia is History Museum unfurling a Pro Independence banner where they have had a fight this have to go and vote us every citizen can do it as catalans plan their defiant vote the Spanish Governments marshaling its in forces National Police and Civil Defense troops in riot gear ordered to stop the referendum it. Will be better without being backed up speaking. The local muscles police who until now have resisted reining in the protests now role alongside National Police in armored cars a cattle enforce under spanish control. With catalans determined to vote in the Spanish Government in madrid intent on stopping them the long tense standoff unbroken. Chain this is what its all about this is the ballot that spain says is illegal they have confiscated Spanish Police have confiscated ten million copies initially and we recently heard that after the catalonian officials printed more that spain confiscated four million more so on the one hand you have the Pro Independence Movement People like these guys who are driving the tractors here but there are many people here who do not believe that catalonia should be independent that it should be sparked of spain and i have with me irene bucharest and she has she feels that way she does not want catalonia to be independent let me ask you why not well if i have to cut the union should remain in spain then i will need to ask as well why dont i should remain in catalonia and its totally ridiculous and the answer is yes its about relationships in every relationship you have some good things on some bad things what is for sure is that you should then go against the law and preparing. A show. On formally not any. Well organized command and we have a serious proposal on where these various side is to spread hate and confrontation of all younger people in the schools and this is what they are doing out there moment in catalonia and qatar landover man. Is supporting all this and we are very sad that im people like me that we feel that im with spanish we have family in catalonia for a long time and we dont want to have to leave about sedona and. Brings some positive things as you have told me earlier what does spain do for a catalogue well again its like if you ask me what i do for about the lawn or there are questions that. Only politicians can fix you know how many things that i dont yeah gift to spain and how many things spain if took at the union but its very sad that their reaction to the known work of the politicians is just to demonstrate and to spread the hate and confrontation between people from the same part of the world and its very sad to try to to lose all your culture because not me because im cut that im for a long time ago but a lot of people in that only i have family in spain so why he should break up with all your. Brain says this is not a legitimate election they will try to close down the polling places do you view this election is legitimate. I dont see these even a son election its just a group of people that they dont have to work they dont do anything about their life and they think their own only opportunity to do something is in life is to support the son and very quickly will you vote yes i would vote in the general elections but not this one theres no what they show for me. So thats the view from here jane youve got people on both sides but its not clear that people who oppose this independence referendum will vote because they dont view it as legitimate but thank you for that john hendren. At least twenty two people have been killed in a stampede at a Railway Station in the indian city of mumbai thirty eight more were injured on a foot bridge local media say it was triggered by overcrowding after heavy rains. Alshabaab says it has killed seventeen Somali Government troops in an attack on a military base a spokesman for the group says it now controls the town of be there which surrounds the barracks two suicide car bombs were used to launch the attack the Deputy Governor of the region has confirmed there has been fighting in the area the head of the worlds Nuclear Watchdog has raised an alarm at the fast pace of north koreas Weapons Program earlier this month pyongyang said it had tested a Hydrogen Bomb funded a series of Ballistic Missile launches we do not have the capacity to determine if it is our hydro bomb or not but it is oh yes that is much bigger than the previous one it means that. North korea made a very rapid progress. Combined with other elements this is the new thread and this is the global. And more from kathy novak in seoul. The head of the eye has been in seoul for a three day visit meeting with south koreas foreign minister and discussing the north Korean Nuclear issue they have both expressed grave concern about the sixth and most powerful nuclear test which north korea claims was a Hydrogen Bomb now the i. A. E. A. Hasnt had direct access to north Koreas Nuclear facilities since its inspectors were kicked out of the country back in two thousand and nine but you know says that the most recent test shows that north korea is making significant progress with its Nuclear Program we do not have the capacity to determine if it is a hydro bomb on not but it is odious to me that eld is much bigger than the previous one it means that. North korea made very rapid progress. Combined with other elements this is the new threat and this is the global threat north koreas foreign minister recently raised concerns about the possibility of the country conducting an Atmospheric Nuclear test when he hinted that it may be considering detonating a Hydrogen Bomb in the pacific and the south korean government remains on high alert for the possibility of another Missile Launch or nuclear test perhaps to coincide with key dates next month on october the tenth in north korea Marks Foundation day and on october the eighteenth china opens its communist Party Congress and in the past north korea has upstaged a major events in china with provocative acts. Pedro ahead on the news including syrian exiles rebuild their lives in greece by taking to farming. President eases a law that was making it harder for aid to reach but are weaker but getting supplies in isnt the only problem. Taking united stand the latest action from n. F. L. Teams in a race with the u. S. President. At least twenty three rangar refugees have died and forty are missing when their boat capsized in waters off bangladesh hundreds continue to cross the border from myanmar some told al jazeera theyve been warned of an imminent crackdown in the Rakhine State a diplomatic james bays reports. They dont see men women and children fleeing bloodshed. And the torching of homes in myanmar they made it onto a boat taking them across the water to bangladesh only for the vessel to sink this tragedy the Un Security Council was told a result of a massive flow of people over half a million in about a month the situation is spittles into the worlds fastest developing refugee emergency and the humanitarian and human rights nightmare. The trumpet ministrations policy towards me and ma change sharply jury in this meeting with u. S. Ambassador nikki haley demanding the prosecution of members of the meon mom military and the suspension of all arms sales to the country we cannot be afraid to call the actions of the burmese authorities what they appear to be a brutal sustained campaign to cleanse the country of an ethnic minority having heard those scathing comments as National Security adviser gave his response there is no ethnic cleansing and no genocide in. And nick cleansing and genocide are serious charges and they should not be used lately human Rights Groups have been critical of the Security Council they say slow response has failed dismally to keep up with the scale and speed of this crisis both in terms of the ongoing human rights abuses and the resulting humanitarian emergency this meeting and in particular ambassador haleys comments increase the pressure on me and ma but the council remains divided with some notably china suggesting quiet diplomacy may be the best way forward james pays out zero of the United Nations russia went a step further defying multiple reports from investigators on the ground and blaming groups for many of the attacks on the civilians in recent days we have received illustration of the fact that we are a coward range of Salvation Army was involved with the killing of civilians what was also found were caches of improvised explosive devices there is information that the extremists forced members of the Hindu Community in border villages to leave their homes and to migrate to neighboring bangladesh together with the muslims trying to charges more from coxs bazaar in bangladesh. First of all let me give you in context you can see the boat that was wrecked you know last night around five pm actually in the evening on my right side theres still rescue operation going on we know for sure at least twenty bodies were recovered most of them are women and children now we spoke to some of the survivor of this boat wreckage we asked them that what is going on on the other side we also obtained their mobile for dates through our sources and me on my side showing stranded refugees stuck in an island trying to cross into bangladesh and the me and my refugees that we were interviewing told us that a lot of the people are stranded and trying to come across bangladesh but they didnt say that Border Guards are preventing them we heard this from u. S. Human rights watch and i. O. M. That saying that Border Guards and coast guards by preventing the refugees during daytime to come into bangladesh now one reason could be is a clear danger of you know a boat carrying this passenger going into the intercoastal waterway is in the bay of bengal that which is very stormy during yesterday was very stormy the so the clear danger to people friending by boat into the intercoastal waterway and this danger of boat. Sinking in these waterways that could be one particular reason but what theyre writing to refugees are telling us they were in the Central Region and people from there not this corroborates what antonio good care to say on the u. N. Last night that people from the not that telling in the Central Region that get away from there the army is going to crack down very still and even that but this friendly villagers told them that youre going to the army is going to crack down there and this is the big rush again of range of refugees from central zone coming into bangladesh a suicide bomb has killed at least four people or left seventeen more injured in afghanistan it happened near a shiite mosque in the capital kabul. As aid for refugees dries up in greece a syrian expat has begun his own initiative to help his countrymen and women he set up a farm so they can grow their own food government leaders are thinking of expanding that idea but not everyones happy about that john threw up with reports from Central Greece he goes by the name of castro and wears a cuban style military jacket but his is a silent revolution castro left his native syria in the one nine hundred seventy s. When Syrian Refugees fled to greece two years ago he helped them become squatters in abandoned buildings in central athens as donations to help the refugees began to dry up he set up a charity called syrian Solidarity House it rents land to grow fruit vegetables honey pulses and wheat refugees are being taught how to feed themselves and then next a bit of this problem its not dignified to expect charity racists accusers of burdening Greek Society now we can prove the opposite. Sale and even pay wages to those who come with tractors to plough up the fields we contributing to the Community Using a former high school as headquarters castro distributes organic produce to one thousand two hundred people in his care and but has some of it for fish and milk and the old schools kitchen tomatoes are turned into paste and cans to eat during the winter syrian Solidarity House has further ambitions to establish a dairy farm and produce cheese and yogurt and a seed bank to set up individuals as farmers and beyond producing and consuming its own goods it also plans to trade them and become financially selfsufficient government leaders have visited castros farm and are thinking of repeating the refugee experiment on a larger scale but the policy risks offending hard pressed greeks trying to survive higher taxes me me. Me just as the government gives free land to war refugees and only to war if you. Hes and should offer free land to our children to castros greek neighbors are supportive but austerity has saps their hope this farmer has invested almost two Million Dollars in his land and sees little return. You know i respect the refugees a lot they never bother anyone theyve never stolen anything i have they managed to settle down but the truth is we can barely support ourselves they wont survive here the refugees bring a different attitude theyre willing to work for food and this land has given them a sense of belonging for the First Time Since they left home here theyre creating their own future jumpstart opal us al jazeera in Central Greece. U. S. President donald trump has wavered shipping restrictions to put a record allow more aid to be sent to the island food and Water Supplies are running low more than a week after Hurricane Maria devastated the u. S. Territory three Million People are still without power as about reports. This Emergency Center in green goes about forty kilometers away from the capital is about to run out of fuel its been without electricity since hurricane marty hit to Port Authority and right now peoples lives here depend on a generator. Brought her grandmother here a few days ago itll be valid they know. The hospital is helping us but they are worried because they have no water and they are running out of diesel they have told us that we may have to go many of the hospitals in the area had to shut down and people were brought to this is have caused as a hospital in home cos my detail betty says that so far they have not received any help and they let us know c. B. I. Has made our but our generator here is on c. P. R. We are trying to keep it alive to keep their emergency area going if i dont have diesel people i have to shut down and i dont know where these people will go there is no water no food no air conditioning no oxygen. What Authority God is struggling to recover from a category four hurricane but for many help is not coming fast enough fuel is cars and so is Drinking Water the hurricane destroyed the islands electrical grid people here are desperate for Drinking Water theyre using this stream to clean themselves all together some water to take back home to wash their clothes but they cannot drink it because theyve been told it contaminated rafael doris served in the u. S. Military for over twenty years he says Puerto Ricans are not being treated as u. S. Citizens at the i dont know about. Although ive served the army and for what to be forced to drink water that has excrement the stream has human waste among other things im not a second class citizen im a third class citizen. Of the recall is part of the us territory but its not a state and many feel theyre being discriminated the government says it has sent ships with aid and few of us President Donald Trump lifted what is known as the jones act that prevents following vessels from bringing goods to the island and a standard coverage in some cases is giving the appearance that were not moving fast enough but what i will tell you is that we are mobilizing and marshalling the resources of the United States of america in a way that is absolutely. A vessel fast and adequate but there are those who cannot wait much longer fuel and water are crucial to save their lives. Who. In a few moments will have the weather with richard has more on their area but still ahead on aljazeera leading with a twitter look at how donald trump is changing the way u. S. President s speak to the world plus. The twenty baltic countries of a star already has one of the internets most recognizable brands but how do you replicate skype success im very talented keep watching to find out how this country is putting tech innovation. And right on the mark an australian engineers an eagle at the president s cup but is it enough against the a bit less. From dusky sunsets over this pruning savannah. To sunrise atop an asian metropolis. Well across north america over the last couple of days weve seen the cold front coming in which is certainly introduced cooler fresher conditions to many eastern areas and the weather system has also given maria. Tropical storm rita a shot at the atlantic along with hurrican lee so whats going to happen to those two systems well they refuse to die and thats for certain looks or theyre going to get swept further out into the atlantic thats what we got two storm systems then they get caught up in the jet stream and get if you like sucked into this or general weather systems which move in across western europe this time of year course getting into heading towards october going to be the thirtieth anniversary of the great storm of one thousand nine hundred seven across the u. K. Is it going to be anything like that well we dont think so but never lesser is potential and ill take the systems off and just show you the pressure pattern and you see these bulls eyes developing over the next few days as run this time sequence in towards northwestern parts of europe and its here were going to see a pretty disturbed spell of weather coming over the coming days and michelle i dont think weather conditions too bad i think were going to see some sort of rain here but certainly it will become stormy a with time and these low pressure systems running against that big High Pressure which is covering much of eastern europe. The weather sponsored by cat time race. Ever since i was a little boy in india my dream was to me. So five years ago i decided i was finally queen to do it one mans quest to realize a lifelong ambition in this studio to choose to lose my one and its danceable Mission Going behind the lens thats gone from singing brings his personal story to life. Al jazeera correspondent my own private bollywood this time. When the news breaks more than a Million People have already lost and not number will grow its going to work and the story builds fast furious and sometimes. When people need to be heard in my dream about gambling in numbers i dont feel comfortable with that. Aljazeera has teams on the ground to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and live news on air and online. And again the top stories of the kurdish leadership in Northern Iraq is preparing for International Flights to cease landing in the region baghdad has ordered Foreign Airlines to stop flying into the regions airports in less than five hours time as follows mondays vote on to session which passed overwhelmingly pro ninety separatist campaigners and spains catalonia region are holding their last rallies before sundays independence vote regional leaders insist it will go ahead despite the Spanish Government and courts declaring it illegal. The u. N. Says the ring of crisis is the worlds fastest developing refugee emergency more than half a million rangar fled to bangladesh since fighting began in minimize Rakhine State last month. About our top story fallout from the kurdish referendum alex much of this is an aviation analyst and joins me now live from london good to see you so in under five hours time International Flights must stop flying into the kurdish region how does this work. Exactly were going to see as well and this is is this. A difficult situation now that iraq and baghdad have put the northern kurdish region in and thats partly because of what airport specifically is used for this airport is a vital link for the United Nations who are using the airport in an out to bring aid to nearby syria is also used as a point for humanitarian missions and also for cargo and access to food and imports so with the closure and the ceasefire of all International Flights to this airport in around four and a half hours time comes the uncertainty as to what lies ahead next how will these imports go and how will the United Nations continue to used to separate the official notam which is the notice to airmen and thats issued by the Civil Aviation authority states that if there is a humanitarian or United Nation flight wishing to continue to fly to an airport in northern kurdish iraq then they can do so pending the approval of the Iraqi Government but other than that theres not much more mentioned ok so there could be an exception for humanitarian flights clearly that that would be important otherwise how would it work youd have to go via baghdad. Exactly and that would make things much more difficult partly because these on small airports you know is home to lots of International Flights some of the last ones to leave today is what was mentioned in the earlier report Qatar Airways have announced that they are having to comply with the Iraqi Government along with other airlines who operate to outbuild and ceremony as well and they say that they are suspending flights until further notice so its not known when the airlines will be able to return and also its not known quite yet if this is legal. All right so what would determine whether its legal or not who determines that. Will aviation noise regulated by i. K. O. Who are the United Nations body for aviation headquartered in canada now i k a recognize iraq as one and they do not recognize northern kurdish iraq or kurdistan as a separate state even after the referendum is not typical is completely typical rather and for example taiwan that is still not recognized as a separate state to china by i. K. O. I. K. O. Look at china as one and they implemented our aviation law to china and expect taiwan to follow suit so with this in mind its incredibly unlikely that kurdistan will have their own aviation law or their own kind of position to be able to up hold their own aviation law because they are not recognized by kayo with this in mind this means that iraq has now closed and stopped all International Flights to the northern kurdish regions which they are allowed to do because the iraqi Civil Aviation authorities for iraq control the whole regions including northern kurdish iraq now with that in mind the only way they can close air space is as per the contracts they say if there is a safety issue or a military issue that deems it necessary to do so with this situation right now following the Northern Iraq referendum is this a justifiable reason for closing airspace for closing access to the airports to the International Flights to the money probably not and but that really happened later if there is a legal case all right lots of questions clearly that still need to be answered alex much at a thank you. And i still has released and audio recording it says is from the leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi in june russias military said baghdadi was killed in an airstrike on the outskirts of the syrian city of raka a message urged. I saw members to increase their attacks and to include the targeting of the media its the first time baghdadi has been heard since the armed group lost control of the iraqi city of mosul in july. Russia and turkey have agreed to work more closely in an effort to end the conflict in syria president very near putin has been in ankara for talks with the turkish the that reject tired after one they have backed opposing sides in the syrian conflict now the two leaders have agreed to push for deescalation zones in syrias province during the joint News Conference turkeys president has again condemned the referendum in the kurdish region of Northern Iraq which has voted for secession if. The region is becoming more and more fragile the referendum has no legitimacy in terms of International Law unfortunately the Regional Government despite all the friendly warnings has made a huge mistake by holding this referendum as we have always mentioned they have no right to increase tensions in the region for their personal and regional interests Andrew Symonds as more from ankara. It wasnt a long briefing but judging from what the two president s had to say there were no major fallouts but no major breakthroughs either they discussed syria they discussed the a start a process for deescalation zones primarily because this involves turkey more than any other country to try to get access to the opposition groups and corp there will be military observers put on the ground there but no real date was given of any progress on this lot of mir putin said what a difficult situation it was but he believed in the deescalation and said that that was the political process that was essential now of the also this is for the United Nations but no indication of progress but as far as the syria Peace Process no breakthrough no major disagreement it would seem the russian Opposition Leader alexei in a valley says hes been detained in moscow irani is one of the most prominent critics of russian president Vladimir Putin hes organized mass demonstrations against corruption and called for more democracy. Teaches in a jail threatening to strike in support of thousands of colleagues who were sacked for being incompetent government inspectors found many teachers in Public Schools used fake certificates to get their jobs reports. Teachers in the capital in the army need to plan their next move to support their colleagues who are sacked for being incompetent tension in classrooms increased when government inspectors evaluated the competency of more than sixty thousand teachers across the country the inspectors found sixty percent of primary and secondary School Teachers in Public Schools use fake certificates to get jobs the Teachers Union is warning Public Schools will close unless the Government Employees the sacked teachers. Opposition regarding the evaluation lies in not giving up our demands they will be no opening for schools before the new government changes its stance on this evaluation the governments minister for primary and secondary education ses the teachers are incompetent because they scored three out of twenty in their evaluation tests. We did not sack them they were not even better than their students do you accept the level of teachers to be less than the level of your children the union wants us to appoint all of them its impossible because there are fifty six thousand freelance teachers but the government has a specific program for full time teachers only parents concerned about the quality of their childrens education are switching to privates including qatari and turkish schools and me but many in africa spurious country cannot afford it especially when the recent floods have forced thousands from their homes. Aljazeera. They are commission chief john crow junkers says it would take america for brakes it talks to make enough progress to begin training goshi asians he made the comments as european leaders arrived in the stonier for a digital summit irelands Prime Minister agreed with younger. I think im afraid of this definitely better than a better mood coming out of the negotiations between each other and yeah they did say this but i think its still very evidence that. Theres more work to be done were not yet stage so we can see that picture progress is being made to talk about a new relationship to treat. It with little to make that call until much later in the month. More on how it became one of the worlds most networked nations making it the venue for the digital summit. Kids these are stony and children havent started high school yet already theyre programming robots you can really like. Teach people. Its really cool love to learn. But. The aim is to create a generation with a smarter relationship with Technology Digital skills for everyone and if all goes well someday one of those kids might be able to build another skype this is easily estonias biggest tech Success Story the company allows you to make video and voice calls over the internet and was bought by microsoft in two thousand and eleven for eight point five billion dollars startup entrepreneurship is a natural fit for a country that spent the past two decades turning itself into one of the most advanced digital societies in the world going to say that thats a really big influence there because when they start their function for the boot camp then it just great that a bunch of wealthy people could invest finally i think its because its the newest ball and people know each other so people went like oh i went to high school with these guys if they can do it so can i. Jaan is now an investor in new estonian startups here and im trying to learn spanish like a language learning at linguist i asked its chief operating officer whether being a stone in makes Young Companies here think differently. Market doesnt exist so it means from the. Start up culture and overcoming the countrys diminutive size also inspired the estonian governments the Residency Program costing one hundred or so dollars and a residency invites Business People from anywhere in the world to remotely create a company here and gain access to the countrys streamlined Digital Infrastructure it doesnt bring in much money but it does foster the networks estonia values you need to have a texas birth on they go explosion to have a virtual ohthis and if you need those kind of services who put you in touch with. Companies. A Snowball Effect and a lot of is some Companies Benefit from the services they provide. Estonia believes countries will one day compete for a residence based on the quality of their Digital Services and business environments if that prediction is correct stonier already has a significant lead. Capital talent tell us more about the sun and what its all about. Were doing is basically about keeping europe in the digital game for the next ten years or so facing off stiff competition from china and the United States so the leaders meeting here today are going to be talking about things like Cyber Security ego of a moment digitizing europes Economy Industries theyre not of course always going to be seeing eye to eye germany france italy and spain want to bends the agenda here towards a new tax regime for global tech giants like google and amazon which they say dont pay enough into the coffers of the countries where actually selling their goods and services only paying tax where theyre registered of course the countries where they are registered in europe thats places like ireland and luxembourg they like the system as it stands at the moment and then of course theres always the thorny problem of how to square civil. Rights. Might be connected there but. We. All right we lost my policies for a new director has officially taken over the f. B. I. In the United States chris ray replaces james komi he was fired by President Trump in may ray was formally a high Ranking Justice Department official during the george w. Bush Administration Neither trump nor komi attended rays swearing in. Twitter has emerged as u. S. President on trans preferred method of communication you may have noticed despite many calling for him to stop uses it to promote and defend himself and bypass traditional media to speak directly to americans and the world. Looks at the history of how us president s chose to communicate. Ladies and gentlemen the president of the United States when president Franklin Roosevelt wanted to urgently speak to the American People. He took to the radio. But we welcome and open in one thousand nine hundred seven president Ronald Reagan harness the power of television to give a historic speech at the berlin wall mr gorbachev tear down this wall. And when president barack obama wanted to talk to the American People about Climate Change and everybody he chose to do it on his first ever facebook video post my backyard for the last seven years over the years the ways president s communicate to people has evolved when the history books are written about Donald Trumps presidency it will certainly be a chapter dedicated to little bluebird specifically his book the pick use of twitter the most Important Role for a president of communication is not necessarily in swaying opinion but in setting the agenda and dictating what it is that americans in the media are talking about but trumps tweets are a window into his thoughts and were the subject of a recent satirical donald trump president ial Twitter Library exhibit in new york. The most famous tweets were framed in a jab at the president s love of bling even this puzzling tweet where he typed a word nobody knew how to pronounce let alone what it meant they are being read by so many people across the world their fluency in policy affected how we see him in other countries years trumps advisors have urged him to slow down with the tweets warning he could be held legally accountable for any that prove to be misleading or false but trumps love of twitter not going away unable to tame trumps twitter finger a Top White House official recently said anything trump tweets should now be considered an official statement from the leader of the free world gabriels and oh ill just washington. This week a straight here and now instead of join the ranks of nations with their own space agency tapping into a multibillion dollar Global Industry the state of South Australia has the highest number of space startups in the country is also playing host to the International Astronautical congress. Took a turn of one of the start. Where in a trendy neighborhood of suburban adelaide in South Australia and just through this garage door is a start up working on something that you might not expect and thats Rocket Science this is newman space it has these vacuum chambers that replicates space conditions and its working on ways to convert space junk and other metals into rocket fuels and he hopes to one day help missions to mars. Getting people back from us getting samples back from us is difficult and challenging because you need a lot of fuel to get to mars and about the same amount of fuel to get back from oz so if you need to take the fuel with you to come back the first vehicle has to be huge its really really really expensive if you can make the fuel that then you can take a much smaller vehicle refuel on mars and then come on human space plans to test the technology on a mission to the International Space station in two years time if its successful it stands to benefit from an Industry Worth three hundred thirty billion dollars globally still ahead on aljazeera. The price of the ben stein plane and the net russia. Battles between two of the best top borgen macular helped inspire another tennis great. Here with the sporting news day all donald trump has accused owners of n. F. L. Franchises of being afraid of their players during a race for the u. S. President making the comments ahead of the latest matches a week after he urged owners to fire plays he says disrespected the American Flag day and night game at the lineups of for the Green Bay Packers and the Chicago Bears stood and locked arms during the National Anthem fans at the Lambeau Field heeding a cola to join the players and a moment of unity before the anthem some of the best stars and knelt in whats become a symbol of protest against discrimination of African Americans i think theyre afraid of their players you want to know the truth and i think its disgraceful and theyve got to be tough and theyve got to be smart because you look at the ratings the ratings go way down the stadiums are ive seen a couple of stadiums over the last few weeks they are losing their a lot of empty seats i couldnt believe it but when it comes to the respect of our nation when it comes to the respect of our anthem and our flag they have no choice. You have to have people stand with respect. Manchester city and argentina strike as a has been injured in a Road Accident in the netherlands the twenty nine year old was reported to be in a taxi on his way to the airport after attending a concert and im sure them city have yet to disclose the nature of his injuries but they said that he will be returning to manchester and will be assessed by club doctors ahead of the premier league match again. Chelsea saturday. Arsenal have secured a four two victory over a battle for a solver in the Europa League to put arsenal two goals up at the bar silva arena with rob holdings adding a third all a visual scored his hundred a goal up for the club from the penalty spot to help the gunners take control of group h. Its a remarkable achievement. When you play for good she would do most everything is to school gold sent the school to be trust and. Just congratulate your team for the remarkable achievement. Football chiefs to have been reassured that whats expected to be an eye catching venue for next years world cup will be built on the time they have been construction delays at the stadium and some are one of eleven host cities for the tournament in russia the design has a space theme inspired by the regions ira space industry as a result of the complex Design Construction is a month behind schedule the regional leaders told visiting fifty officials will be ready for action for the future of one of crickets biggest stars that remains in doubt england have suspended ben stokes from International Matters until further notice after his arrest on suspicion of causing bodily harm or the video emerged showing him apparently fighting outside a nightclub in bristol he was released on the Investigation Team mate to alex hale who was with him that night was also suspended wallace post correspondent leigh welling says this is a damaging incident for stokes the england team and cricket. Well the indefinite ban extends to alex but undoubtedly in the spotlight here is ben stokes because this is not just an ordinary england cricketer has become a big global sport star largely for being the most expensive player in the Indian Premier League ocean this year but also his achievements with but with as a filter hes the best field also in the england team is being talked about as one of the all time best in the round isnt exactly twenty six but theres always been an issue with his temperament and now you see how damning this looks the investigation into it continues its not just damage to his hand its not just the fact that hes going to be banned from the england saying for an indefinite period but when willies reputation recover after this and he leads the england squad in a complete mess it was already considered a weak squad going into those ashes in australia in november now its without its best player really looking at and thinking how can we cope without in stoke but what choice did the england cricket bosses have and think of the strain as well on the sport of cricket just as cricket brings in new rules the first new rules for a long time about behavior on the field where a player can be sent from the field for bad behavior right at the top of that list is violence is a sending off and a player will not return to the march but how can cricket control the behavior of its players off the field. To an all the reigning champions the chicago cubs have eliminated the st Louis Cardinals from any chance of a playoff berth well card and also drew level one one in the bottom of the sixth inning at the top of the eleventh entail a davis picked great time to record his First Major League run that he did when he doubled down at the Third Base Line for two one when the cubs have now won thirteen of their last sixteen games. Shop shots from short range or have helped the u. S. The advantage on the opening day. All of the gulfs president s cup. Pumped up by the presence of three former president s ricky fall is chippin up for birdie helped an early surge against the International Line up another the size of a shot from the home team in jersey city doesnt johnson bagging a birdie from the bunker u. S. Have a two point lead after the foursomes and in the event a held a once every two years but they didnt hold all the limelight australias mark lippman engineering an eagle in a similar spectacular fashion. Roger federers one a record of nineteen grand slam tennis titles now hes acknowledging the part the two greats played in his career a movie on the rivalry between beyond borg and john mcenroe has a premiered at this york Film Festival father says a both players were an influence on him and showed rivals can still be friends in the same way he has a Good Relationship with spaniard rafael nadal. Been unbelievable for tennis you know they paved the way for us so im forever grateful to what organ marco did for sports mcenroe as a player singles doubles and commentator and boy just as an absolute legend and mystery to some extent because he wasnt around very much especially after he retired and when he played he was extremely quiet. And thats it for me dana thanks very much whether thats it for me is over four days here and a couple of minutes there with. The latest news as it breaks many of the people here came to this camp with injuries and illnesses already with detailed coverage the border between china and north korea stretches of more than fourteen hundred kilometers long like the Demilitarized Zone the atmosphere here is very relaxed from around the world the water that comes in the trucks williston water from the shallow holes its dirty is full of sediment and of course the high risk of disease. On aljazeera. As the state clamps down on cattle lands will the struggle pay off in the referendum. For the stories beyond the headlines faultlines examines the u. S. Its role in the world liberians are preparing for their third election since a bitter civil war observers are calling it a crucial test for democracy an investigation into the Electronics Industry revealing out even the smallest devices have deadly environmental and health costs. Chinas communist party is holding its annual congress what will it mean for the country and its people. On aljazeera. In the hashtag era when News Coverage of looking for an easy solution we delved deeper from on says and challenge the status quo join me man the hot sun for a new season of love from at this time of his era. And a few Hours International flights to iraqs kurdish region is set to stop as baghdad pushes back against this weeks secession referendum

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