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Australias Remote Northeast big plans are in the pipe. The largest coal mine in the country and one of the biggest in the world is going to be built here. The Indian Company behind the market says it will create thousands of jobs. But at what cost. Im steve on this episode when he said investigates whether the mine will mean riches or ruin for australia. Youre going to hear your. We gotta get. Right. To simulate carries cattle station is on the edge of an area called the galilee basin in the north east of the strange. Life here isnt for the faint hearted the climate time and the last drought is pretty good for the first by. The waterfront. But in the past few years ive never. Breaking point. The couple is fighting for survival as the coal Mining Industry led by Indian Company adani marches into the region. If that adani more guys it its going to be devastating itll destroy the galilee basin because they die any more and if it starts the rest of the morning will come and be under. The currys biggest concern is having to share their most Precious Resource gram water is on run and they can lose on sex here as it is its nice to sensual meant a lot and if we dont have a. Dog you have to let go of. The two boys on the property the other one i see is in fact at least the worst part of. The curries property spreads across twenty five thousand hc days beneath its dry surface is one of the Worlds Largest and deepest underground Water Systems known as the great basin it underlies more than a fifth of the continent and for many in the countries our santa its the only source of fresh water. For the carries its the lifeblood of a pastoral business and they believe its under threat from the coal miners its. The only certainty we get is whatever ground water they destroy in the morning operations is lost for cape cod and probably will still if they impact on the quality. Thats thats a real concern because theres no way of cleaning up. The carries fee they could ultimately lose their livelihood and the stress of that is taking its toll i just want to get on and got back to the way we were before all of that started a just want to run my business and its very frustrating so physically its been its been driving but for me. And mostly its its hot its being. Nice support from government and actually trying to my crazy for the companies to get in and i will call either the top of my nine is so id impact on Something Like the great out asian bison to have that destroyed this doesnt bear thinking its just about callous uncaring i challenge anyone to climb that this morning has not been subjected to my stringent in far mental assessments of controls and what governments responsibility is is to get the balance right environmentally socially and economically and on call for that that will happen with a developer gelling australian conservative senator met canavan has been a driving force behind the governments backing of Indian Energy giant ajani what does adani mean to queensland the first day the Company Proposes to build a steroid use biggest and one of the wools largest coal mines the catch cry is jobs for a region where unemployment is high and the delivery of electricity to millions of indias poor hes done hes proud to build along ten peaches with queensland call is second biggest export in the country thirty five billion dollars a year helps fund our schools our hospitals at Public Services so i bring up the galley bison could at around ten billion dollars to export revenue huge benefit to. The call rich galilee basin covers an area greater than the United Kingdom adanis mine is in the heart of it was surrounded by wildlife and cattle stations. The company says it will start work on the sixteen billion dollars price. So we know and weve done i like this as you can see this little here at the moment. So the proposed mine will span sound thirty kilometers and including massive open cot and underground mines at its peak capacity it will produce sixty million tons of coal a year. From the galilee basin the call will be transported almost four hundred kilometers by rail to the companys pool at point the Great Barrier reef then ships to india. Adani is banking on a seven hundred Million Dollar low cost loans from the strike in government to help fund the construction of the railway no major strain in bank is prepared to back the company believing Global Climate change policies undermine the financial viability of new coal projects and it seems finances are the only challenge adanis facing. Just a kilometers from the planned mine site of the duma bullets springs. The water comes from the great basin and feeds into the comical river that runs through the mine site. A scene of tranquility today but a fierce battle is raging to protect them for the future. Were fairly emotional about this thing the thing is i would be basically writing a mother. Myself and thats why i was saying no means. And hes nice johnson from the local Indigenous Community the one going and jangling good people. The springs are integral to their culture and traditional ceremony and they believe theyre in danger of drawing up with the mine proceed. At. About the water. And the water is lost for us. Government has attacked their dreaming. And the land for morning cup now some indian person that has never spent for our custom come into our country and destroy a second dream. Weve been given to to keep the springs going to have a flowering to protect the water and if the threat to the want to raise the mine then have to stop the mine and its just that simple. The one going in jangling group people twice refused to sign an indigenous land use agreement with the dani but the Aboriginal Community is divided and last year an agreement was signed. I thought attorney three to one in five or ten or three to one is a pretty. Extatic and enthusiastic support for the law it was a scam meeting adani bustin like two hundred people who people accusing the company of corrupting the voting process adrian and maher was families are now challenging the agreement in the poorhouse. They manufactured an outcome by getting random Aboriginal People from all over the countryside to come in they paid them to put their hand up so its not a true decision of the one going to tackling it people. We know who we are we know where we come from and we know what our responsibilities are. What detrimental impact the proposed adani mine will have is obviously a matter of speculation but many believe the companys history in india should set alarm bells ringing as the countrys biggest producer of energy its been accused of environmental destruction exploitation of workers corruption and fraud. The man behind the indian Corporate Power house is fortune. Hes a regs to riches story in less than three decades the adani family has risen to become one of the richest in india with more than eight billion dollars and along the way it sees they have cultivated powerful political allies Everybody Knows that i use of the millennium there are learning is simultaneously that i use of our Prime Minister. And i think is a prominent human rights and environmental lawyer in indias Western State of gujarat where danny has its headquarters and when you render a modi service chief minister from two thousand and one to twenty four chain or Prime Minister before you got elected as a Prime Minister in the Election Campaign as a chief minister. In the dunny been not in Indian Airlines not in india and india and then york knicks been spearheading cases against it done since the made nine hundred ninety four on the day one they have been after me. But they had a very warm ready loving. Me that i should stop the year being against them i should accept their regain and i have resisted all efforts. So. My mother left. To investigate some of the claims being made against adani were heading to the coastal town of mundra. Here the Company Holds more than seven thousand hc days of Government Land most leased to it in the me to thousands for as little as one st a square meter. On it its built to the countrys biggest private fortune and the second largest power plant as well as a special Economic Zone here its a blend blend at up to one thousand times the amount of play its been a massive windfall for john but for local cattle herders like checa it room its been anything but. His village and many others have lost all their common grazing land to the company i know what. We had a thousand four Hundred Acres of land. But all the grazing lands are always has been taken. Big bungalows and. Im scared if i cant run my business what will my kids do. Companies going to give them jobs i cant even educate them because its all so expensive. Every day shaq abraham has to herd his cattle through an open sewer then several kilometers before he finds a patch of grazing land. And i going to ask but i dont the cows need to see. It or that but we now have to take in the hiring. There is so much traffic there. All of this years to be grazing land about there are no boundaries no those no fences behind these high walls is it danny special Economic Zone or. In twenty fourteen the high court found the zone was illegally developed without environmental clearance and shut it down but it wasnt long before it was back in business after that in the more he became Prime Minister. The ministry of environment and forest granted the first set off and about a month. And i want to get a friend mr goble madani and ask a question have you complied with the conditions of any yes the answer is no according to four independent reports commissioned by Government Departments and the judiciary they all found adani bypassed and flout environmental laws. He was like an earthquake for all of us when he first came here. With the environmental violations by brought about tremendous suffering for local eggs and the government has done little about. One. Of the heads up a local ngo he says adanis make a power plant operation has devastated local quotes by failing to properly seal lissie water intake canal and storage pond. You can see how green and lush this area is. Because of increasing salinity levels in the ground water our farming is being invaded by farmers have really gone down. Whats happening. Home theyve said. That these are photos of fly ash from adanis power plant you can see if you have dumped all the fly ash on the roadside and. Fly ash is a dangerous toxic dust created when burning coal theyre not supposed to just dump it anyway as it could have an impact on peoples health. This is an order for more than ten years get busy ngo has gathered evidence of violations for legal cases against the company. To show us what he claims to be the impact of adanis developments on the coastal environment were heading out along the river with some local fisherman according to environmental clearance conditions sand dunes and mangoes must be preserved and creeks mustnt be blocked or reclaimed but its not long before god hes pointing out breaches. Were seeing adani has gotten destroyed the mangroves here and this creek has been completely. The drinking pipes pumps and to reclaim land and not far from the shore dredging machines continue working with after god adani is one person who can create the land and once they create the land this sell it off to other companies. At a huge profit. On another creek nearby we hit a wall of sand and on in this we can see adani has dumped dredging material here and has blocked a creek thats why we wont be able to seal any further. This mangrove forest was all around. But today you can see donnie has completely destroyed the mangroves in this region and im going. Round to his family have fished in the area for more than a century he says they were once able to throw nets down in the local quakes but now they have the added cost of boats. Who could walk to the water before. But now is. Because we have to go further to find places where we can fish. Were still he says they catch is now quarter of what it was. You know the cat used to be really good. There were plenty of fish and be such. A big fish would lay their eggs in these neighborhoods. Are short of fish. Forced to take out a high interest loan to survive his life has become desperate. They have taken our livelihood of us. So we pray that god sends us and i mean. We want relief from the situation. What do we feed our children. The view across the Waterfront Development reveals a carpet of reclaimed land this is a land we have created by throwing the sand on the mangrove forest they say man going to what it was never there im sorry your biggest be made and you will be able to come to know the satellite image shows how the coastline looked twelve years ago. This is today. We have been burying them in the sphere of involvement in one of the bunch of hard core us. What all that i mean is that you want to see that there. In the name of industrialization be the mutilation. The problem we face is that we are fighting people who have a lot of money and the government to support the rich and the powerful. Company the company goes to any extent to silence any form of opposition and to cover up the matter. First and they try to bias over but we didnt give it up so the implicated us in a false case. They did that to me in two thousand and fourteen and i was stuck in a jail for five or six days. Now and gaddafi says these photographs were taken after he and his brothers were beaten by security guards when they tried to enter a local forest near the special Economic Zone. But according to adani the activist has attacked its offices and trespassed on company land. Gadsby says last year adani tried a different approach. Danny himself called me asking me to stop helping these farmers he said he would give me what ever i want to get it. I mean what i said i dont want from you but i just want justice to im whose name you know. The fear of johnny provokes in the local community taints but this film a power plant worker agrees to talk with us providing his identity is hidden he says environmental regulations are consistently breached at the debt ridden plant to save money the company is required to continuously operate a system to reduce dangerous so for a missions but he says that doesnt happen. And only installed this system. But they dont run it for order or. If there is an audit a visit by the government only then do they use that system a device it is not used he also says the Company Releases fly ash through the chimney stacks at night. And the evening emissions cant be seen as there is hardly any light visibility or they do it because they want to save money because electricity bill be saved they only are bothered about money they dont think about people. The former workers says theyre also serious safety issues at the power plant. In april last year when a boiler was restarted a block steam vent caused boiling water to escape. Tragically men with hunting the boiler at the time or go beyond the robber all those working there got burned and died. It was a danis fold them grave for your board this was a very wrong thing that happened at me. Because when start up happens no one is allowed to work there because there is no way to escape and an accident could happen at any times. Its needed. Eight workers died and thirteen was seriously injured police have charged three power plant managers with criminal negligence and accusations against adani practices dont stop p. A in twenty eleven are retired Supreme Court judge found adani employees bribed Customs Officials police and local politicians to allow the illegal export of iron ore through one of its ports. He recommended the company be blacklisted today no action has been taken and adani denies any wrongdoing. Back in a strenuous adanis plans for its mine are going full steam ahead but here on the Great Barrier reef theres grave fears the mine could wreak havoc on a global scale and help destroy one of the natural wonders of the world. The. Decision to go ahead with a guided by whos just about the most. Unbelievably negligent decision you could possibly imagine its the worst thing you could possibly do to the great. Charlie veron hes one of the worlds leading marine biologist he spent most of the past fifty years surveying coral reefs earning him the nickname the godfather of coral. He says the bleached in dead coral here on the Great Barrier reef is a sign the worlds reefs are in crisis as a result of Climate Change. Its hitting the oceans above their towers. And corys will live a dying. These last two years we saw. Because of the great player. It is that it is entirely the Climate Change and Climate Change is driven by Greenhouse Gases which is by far the most important. And coal is the worst contributor the paradox right now. Charlie veron believes the Carbon Emissions from the extraction and burning of coal from a danis mine will be catastrophic that would provide much Carbon Dioxide as all of us trade it can produce in five to seven years. But found much of it doesnt matter where it comes so it doesnt matter words but it winds up in the atmosphere and if it goes ahead whats your prediction for the rain you know every day. Theres no doubt about that it will it will be dead. That would be great very which is something we have. Unimaginable. And if the Great Barrier reef goes so too will the Tourism Industry around it estimated to be worth more than fifty billion dollars to the countrys economy what do you say to scientists who are saying that this whole mining is going to escalate the death of the quite valuable i think its absurd its absolutely absurd to fit anything it will likely reduce Carbon Emissions because alcohol is a high quality and called typically used in india if we dont provide the best call here and i just. Call it a call only harm missions only high temperatures and only worse we got very. Destroyed in government is banking on jobs in royalties flowing from the adani mine but given the companys controversial track record in india and with so much at stake many wonder if the coal mine could be a disastrous mistake. It was an audacious bid to capture a city in the southern philippines and into a province of leisel. With rai left the smoking room is asia the new battlefront when hes the best to get at this time on aljazeera aljazeera is a very important force of information for many people around the world when all the cameras are gone im still here go into areas that nobody else is going to talk to people that nobody else is talking to and bringing that story to the forefront. Kurdish fighters so they feel betrayed as a rocky forces claim the whole of kids

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