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This is al jazeera. Hello im rob matheson this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next sixty minutes more resistance cutlass push them on says catalonia will not accept what he says is an attack on democracy by the Spanish Government. Could say theyve been betrayed by the rest of the world after iraqs military seized control of areas once held by fighters. Back for another try u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is in saudi arabia again in a bid to end the blockade against qatar. And its election time in japan. Become the countrys longest serving leader since the second world war. Catalonia is regional president is denouncing moves by the Spanish Government to take control of the region among says its an attack on democracy and the rule of law to simmons has more from barcelona. An extraordinary day most would say for all the wrong reasons Mariano Rajoy said he had no alternative but to trigger article one five five which some say means repression catalonia. Is one description he said what can he do when people in government here were breaking the law not engaging in any dialogue earlier on and why have dialogue now when there was no real solution it was the people who needed democracy whereas just the opposite was coming from politicians and this is how things played out. The arab street protest again in barcelona on a major scale shock instead of indignation now but defiance in the air. If you expected such severe moves from madrid aimed at removing the Political Leadership of this region and within lections inside six months. Anger was directed up above that Spanish Police helicopters repeatedly over flying the demonstration. Occupation forces go out those shelters. Early money are no real hoeing made history with a Cabinet Meeting of grim faces and the triggering of article one five five its destined to take power away from catalonia in less than a week it will be at benito. The government has had to trigger article one five five of the constitution that was not our wish or intention it never was i think that most of Spain Society knows this article one five five is part of our constitution and it is only invoked in extremely extraordinary circumstances back in barcelona president carlos pushed him all sacked by road joined protesters and then moved on to make a ton. Vision address. The cats and people cannot accept this attack or these measures the Spanish Government is trying to own or life in catalonia and this is outside their own. The cattle and parliaments president was even more damning about the action ability then. Prime minister rouhani has shown political recklessness and exceeded all limits he has announced a coup detat the aim is to put an end to catalan institutions and to our name this is an attack on democracy in the twenty First Century whats happening here by no means represents everyone in the loonier but the numbers here and the sentiments being expressed could indicate there will be problems ahead for monorail no wrong holding and getting what he wants but if the minister was were here because the Spanish Government made a coup without weapons against the catalonian people and their government in the sense of living in the twenty First Century we have other problems we cant hold on to a constitution which is forty years old and thats what they did today we want to speak if we have to change it but students the brinkmanship in this crisis has reached an ultimate phase the stakes couldnt be much higher for either side the referendum asking residents of the region if they wanted to break away from spain took place on october the first whether catalonia will declare independence is still on. It will take less than a week before article one five five reaches the senate once that happens its certain to be approved parliament here will be meeting soon a few people still think there could be a solution but theyre getting thinner on the ground. I dont listen fareed opinions on whether or not the triggering of article one five five could actually be held in its tracks by the governor. Here declaring its own elections now that could prompt a number of extra moves such as then declaring independence in a way the elections could be a sort of built in second referendum but theres no guarantee the result could be no guarantee. A no definite guarantee it could go the way of the existing. Governments and so this is a crisis that is not lessening in its seriousness for the people of catalonia it gets more and more miserable in many ways. That ammonia ciena is a professor of liberian studies at Stanford University hes joining us now from San Francisco thank you very much indeed for your time so catalonia as regional president says this is an attack on democracy spains government says its holding the law which is it. It is both cities upholding spanish law to a certain extent i will say that the president and the president of the Parliament Come up with they are right in saying that you know the whole he has overstepped the law because intriguing article one fifty five in the terms that he has announced hes actually trampling over the organic law of the statue of autonomy of god money which is so integral part of the spanish constitutional law. Politically how much of a danger is this for Prime Minister when hes making this move both within spain but also internationally as well. In spain he has the backing of the socialist party which is the main party of the until now the opposition it also has the backing of the Smaller Party on the on the right side of the governing body double that of. The Citizens Party so hes probably going to have no trouble at all in passing getting these article fifty five passed at the Senate Meeting on friday nevertheless theres enough questions that are going to be raised by experts in constitutional law that dont make these plain sailing for the Central Government of spain internationally clearly. Going these way having denied president any possibility for negotiation and having refused any offers of mediation from from the various parties a median of a whole history book a very dangerous path of escalating. Getting the situation to meet the easily. Degrade into violence in the streets why do you think weve seen such a quiet or muted response from other european members. The European Union is very wary of intervening because it fears a potential domino effect in other european nation states the e. U. Is not a federal state its not a Super National federal state but is a club of nation states that protect each other clearly here we have the situation in which they are very. Unwilling to step forward to defend the rights of the people of catalonia which wouldnt tale a confrontation with one of the core Member States secondly there is an economic question that is not being voiced much these days which has to do with the spanish debt which is huge. Two billion euros that is billion in utopian terms two million Million Euros which the e. U. Is eager to have spain repay and they of course fear that the separation of catalonia would make that very unlikely. Given that the Spanish Government appears to be targeting those who the session as leaders of this rather than aiming for i mean tired in caps relation of the autonomy of catalonia are we likely to see in the future that the catalonian government is effectively being dictated by the Spanish Government. If the Spanish Senate passes article one fifty five in the terms of money and are has spilled out then we are going down into a dictatorial situation where the holy to all the things he clears himself when he clears the spanish Central Government to be the president seems president ial powers and catalonia and will stifle any sort of parliamentary politics for the foreseeable time to come. In the event that money on the law is efforts pay off and this this present situation is at least put to rest for the moment what does that mean for the future debate and discussion about catalonia and independence does that simply go away or do we revisit this at some point in the future. I dont know who has not had the courage to or the possibility of entirely shutting down that got the institutions would he is what he has pledged to do is to leave them open but to let them have a shadow existence to be remotely controlled from madrid. By appointing himself some kind of puppet government and this situation has only occurred in the past once or twice if you want to count the franco dictatorships absolute shutdown of the couple institutions but it has occurred in the previous Twentieth Century dictatorship in the one nine hundred twenty s. That in general the more that he did so again the parallels. Are absolutely i mean theres no pressure than for this one fifty five except in dictatorial situations if he has he holds elections in catalonia within six months as he has about to do then either he has rigged elections which he could do by banning Pro Independence parties or if he allows for free elections then he can only expect a more severe. Defeat for the unionist parties and then a much stronger for Independence Parliament and that would simply mean kicking the can down the road and having to start all over again is one that im one that is you know thank you very much for your opinions in this thank you. Very few things holders have died in a suicide bombing in afghanistans capital the taliban the says its targeted a minivan carrying military Academy Cadets in western kabul its been a deadly week for afghanistan at least eighty nine people died in two separate mosque attacks on friday jennifer glass has more from kabul. Extra security guards started work at the mosque last month but they werent enough to stop fridays attack the bomber entered the mosque before guards started their security searches and. Is a regular volunteer who helps clean the mosque he was knocked down by the blast then ran inside he says there was smoke and blood everywhere he helped the wounded and move the dead. They do this to divide as they wont be able mow their foreign hands behind such attacks and they do it for their benefits to their slaves why they come to attack this mosque of course they want to divide us and thats what. I saw fighters in afghanistan said they carried out the attack the shia mosque was about half full with three to four hundred worshippers the bomber waited for prayers to begin before he launched his attack first throwing hand grenades over here a curtain area where women and children were praying he then said himself over here in the middle of worshipers killing him mom and dozens of others workers have already removed the charred carpet and abandon possessions they say it will take a month before their clean up is complete and the mosque reopens among the mourners or relatives of eight year old mustafa husseini. The president is the father of this country and its that if both ability of the father to bring peace in a country or in the family of the president to bring peace and to protect us from the afghan president ashraf ghani says this is attack and others across afghanistan are crimes against humanity and contrary to islamic values terrorist groups will never succeed in their sinister goals for divisiveness he says and will soon be suppressed and destroyed by the legitimate struggle of the Afghan Security and Defense Forces at least two hundred fifty afghans have been killed in attacks nationwide since tuesday the taliban targeted Security Forces in the east South Southwest and north of the taliban on one hand and the Islamic State on the other hand what theyre trying to portray is that they have the ability to inflict damage not just to the Afghan National Security Forces and the Afghan Government but as well as to the to its International Counterparts wherever and whenever they want to on martyrs hill on the outskirts of kabul another victim of the mosque attack an elderly woman is laid to rest dozens have been buried here today as this spiritual and another body arrives and the morning goes on jennifer glass al jazeera on martyrs hill kabul at least eight Police Officers have been killed in an attack on their base in western several others have been wanted near the town of iota close to the border with mali earlier this month for u. S. And four nigerian soldiers were killed in a raid near the niger border. Egypts government says sixteen people have been killed in an ambush and Security Forces in the Western Desert the Police Officers or raiding are hired out that the bihari are always says when they came under fire from a group of fighters funerals are being held for some of the officers killed Egyptian Security sources said the number of dead could be as high as fifty five no one has claimed responsibility for the attack was like most of us is the chairman of the british out of network and he says it would have been difficult to launch such a large scale attack in the area and get away. It is and there was a line this flat. I get a culture and i would say reasonably stable id be very difficult to mount an attack and that size and the height and the runaway is a lot of questions can be raised to why this large number of soldiers or conscript was there what intelligence was there where is the military where is helicopters they havent done anything to protect this people i hear it make me worried keep happening but certainly theres no information for us to be able to trace who could be behind it it certainly is too big a job for two three terrorists or criminals to do its a big job and someone must have had inside information. But about ahead on the news hour including we need families who set up home in deescalation zones seeking sanctuary from the war in syria. Im Andrew Thomas in sydney all australians writes just a recent survey suggests as many as one in four people here thats despite this country being played by one of the most multicultural in the world. And in sports closes in on his first title victory since winning the masters in april. Now to iraq where its been another day of angry protests by hundreds of kurds and billed for the second day in a row the demonstrators gathered outside the u. S. Consulate to express their frustration with the International Community the protesters feel betrayed by the u. S. And the United Nations last week iraqi troops seized control of all the disputed areas in Northern Iraq including the city of kirkuk Stephanie Decker has more from. There is a feeling of tension here in erbil people are not sure how this is going to play out certainly the protesters that took to the streets are really rich orating their cools of the feeling that theyve been stabbed in the back theyve been abandoned by the International Community by the United States saying that the pressure of the Kurdish Forces the kurdish soldiers who fought so hard to push eisel back within the last three years or so that was praised by the world and they now feel that everyone has turned their back on them of course the irony of this is that you have two forces now the peshmerga and the iraqi forces that were trained and armed by the United States they fought together just a year ago to push i saw a lot of mosul now theyre pointing the guns at each other so certainly a real feeling here of the fandom and also an element of humiliation the fact that the had to retreat from these areas that the iraqi army moved into and the fact that they had no International Support no one actually came out to say that this is not what would be happening so this is something that people are dealing with right now and again these are Uncertain Times which is why people in erbil are feeling so uncertain and certainly just seeing the movements on the streets far less people out and about as you would expect indias government has asked for the d. N. A. Samples of family members of thirty nine indian workers who are missing in iraq the men were a boy with a baghdad to based company when they were reportedly abducted by i saw about three years ago indian authorities have been seeking information on the mens whereabouts since iraqi forces liberated mosul earlier this year hundreds of thousands of syrians are leaving their war damaged towns and cities for the relative safety of deescalation zones the zones were agreed on by turkey which supports the rebels and iran and russia who backed the government reported saddam course we all know has visited one and it led to problems. Holiday and her to disabled sons arrived at the scamp specifically set up for children two weeks ago the boys were born paralyzed live was tough enough but khalidi and her boys lived in is so in hama they survived eisel and regular a year strikes the camp is their sanctuary. Nobody knows the future but we ask permission life from him will have you. A wobble rama was set up by turkey and qatar to protect Vulnerable Children to provide a safer environment than refugee camps could offer. These children are because of the five year long civil war in syria their fathers are dead and they have lost their homes theyre trying to cling onto my three year waiting for things to change. The conflict has cost the syrians dear according to the u. N. Six point five million syrians have been forced from their homes at this refugee metropole listen at smith on the border with turkey three camps are merged into one almost seven hundred thousand syrians living here most are from the war ravaged cities of hama and homs. Hama better get is one of those displaced syrians sumo to five years ago she lost her leg during a rigi air strike. Out of the city i when i woke up i felt my legs were hot i could only think about my mom at that time ramas mother died in the attack along with other family members her father mohammad cerise as thirteen children also died that day. A deal brokered by russia turkey and iran has led to an end to the airstrikes mohammad also welcomes turkeys humanitarian efforts hes more of a wry of the recent arrival of turkish troops. I dont mind we hold the are here for killing like others. These refugees battered by years of fighting years of struggling to survive still strive to achieve a sense of peace trust will be hard to win however well intentioned the humanitarian efforts here seen em because aljazeera northern syria. I dispute between the u. S. And turkey is showing no signs of easing tell you about it and slam the u. S. For indicting nineteen people including fifteen of his Security Officials for a brawl with protesters during his visit to washington in may. They say the United States is the cradle of democracy this cant be true this cant be democracy if you arrest warrants are issued against my body guards in absentia without seeing them or getting to know them in the United States where i went upon invitation excuse me but i would not say this is a civilized country. Rex tillerson survived in saudi arabia and thats part of a new push to end the gulf crisis but the u. S. Secretary of state isnt making optimistic noises saying he doesnt anticipate a breakthrough and its now been four months in saudi arabia and the United Arab Emirates egypt crain suspended ties with qatar has more. Hes back u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has landed in saudi arabia he was here in july then signing a memorandum of understanding with carter would be enough to end the blockade it didnt despite his shuttle diplomacy so now hes coming back trying a new tactic for the four blockading countries saudi arabia egypt and bahrain assigning blame and then in an interview saying qatar is willing to negotiate and the Saudi Led Coalition is simply refusing to talk because he tried before he tried to try to be nice with everyone but him nowhere. So i think thats probably. The time has come. Analysts say there is a renewed hope they might be more willing to engage now has the president for example try to put pressure on the saudis in the u. S. To be willing to to. Some of the sanctions and stop that they put on. The fact that the president house call mout now and basically decertified the iran deal is not going to make the saudis more willing to work with us to deal with the situation with god us president initially put all the blame for the crisis on cutter but after being pushed by his secretaries of state and defense he now says its time for all sides to talk if i can help mediate between cutter and in particular the u. A. E. And saudi arabia i would be willing to do so and i think youd have a deal worked out very quickly his own secretary of state is publicly disagreeing taking the trip while downplaying expectations crisis will end soon what he does during this trip could very well determine if that is true. China is refusing to condemn me and for its mistreatment over which the u. N. Has called textbook ethnic cleansing five hundred eighty nine thousand revenge you have escaped from me a lot of bangladesh in the past eight weeks they accuse me of mars on me over rape torture and murder in russia and state china is a longtime ally of him margaret says it supports its efforts to safeguard peace and their child really has more on the humanitarian crisis thats unfolding in bangladesh and how its affecting children in cali and cox is bizarre. Desperate unhygenic Living Condition waterborne disease malnutrition threatening over three hundred twenty thousand children according to unicef among the nearly arrived refugees sixty percent are children a Staggering Number u. N. Report also cite that at least over fourteen thousand children at risk of dying due to severe malnutrition now mobile clinics like the run by unicef care and shared bangladesh up in sprout up in several of the camps they have to treat people with children suffering from major malnutrition or acute malnutrition so far at least over fifteen hundred children are in this program theyve been given specially nutritional food to take care of their nutritional problems despite all that effort by aid agency led by Bangladesh Government lot of the essential needs of the children are still not been met you can see among the children the sadness and the quietness among them that not only traumatized that deprived of their childhood in the long run by me this government and aid agency needs to address the issue of Education Health and security at daunting challenge indeed by any definition a one point two Million Dollar reward is being offered by multiple government for information on the murder of an investigative journalist. Was killed in a car bombing on monday she said shed uncovered alleged links between multiple Prime Minister scott and offshore accounts for veiled in the Panama Papers leaks catto on a girl if his family was asked to endorse that award but theyve refused saying they would only do so if the Prime Minister resigned. Still ahead on aljazeera by malcolm webb in the town of common jala in the democratic republic of congo where last month thirty nine refugees from rooney was shot by soldiers following a demonstration will be talking to the Security Forces and the surviving refugees about what happened. The biggest carmaker in the u. S. Puts the brakes on one of its largest factories. And its been a stressful day for the chelsea boss and hes going to explain why in sport. Hello there weve got some very heavy downpours working their way through parts of the u. S. At the moment particularly in the northwest thats where were seeing some of the wettest of the weather its also affecting us in the western parts of canada over here quite a lot of that is turning to snow ahead of it theres another weather system galloping its way across us thats giving us some heavy downpours and also dragging down the temperatures too so ahead of it still warm for now its new york there clinging on to the sunshine even as we head through monday and temperatures should make it to around twenty one degrees which is seventy in fahrenheit a bit further towards the south and here theres lots of showers currently particular over cuba and jamaica thats where were seeing most of them but they are easing i think as we head through the next twenty four hours or so so more sunshine in between the clouds towards the west thats where there is more in the way of rain that stretching from the southern parts of mexico all the way down tools colombia and this is going to stick around even as we head through monday so really does it fairly wet for some of us here theres also some heavy rain over parts of south america that stretches down into the southern parts of brazil now to the north of that system is fairly warm rio theyre getting to thirty one degrees but then the system works its way across us theres more rain in rio on monday and the temperatures will drop just to twenty three. A journey both dark because if you know theres a very for everybody and theres a lot of corruption and Beautiful Lake the beautiful lady you have to be very patient and lord jesus of the city has ascended he can see how i was introduced to. My father and my most aware of king for the personal story to discover the source of one of the most expensive commodities sent from heaven this time on aljazeera. It really is the International Perspective that sets aljazeera our other news outlets beyond. Our means or wisdom is about Public Service and making a difference in peoples lives im amazed every day by reporting on aljazeera and the places that my colleagues go it inspires me to take a different approach to how i report. Youre watching ill just here a reminder of our top stories this hour catalonia is later has denounced moves by the Spanish Government to take control of the atoll this region has pushed them on says it goes against democracy and the rule of law spain plans to dissolve the Regional Parliament and call elections after catalonia held a secession referendum. The taliban says its behind an attack that killed fifteen soldiers in a suicide bombing in afghanistans capital its been a deadly week for the country at least eighty nine people died in two separate mosque attacks on friday. Your secretary of state Rex Tillerson is sudden a. Arabia most part of a new push to end the gulf crisis but he says he doesnt expect a breakthrough its now four months in saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates egypt and bahrain its suspended ties with qatar. Polling stations have opened for japans snap general election Prime Minister shinzo abi has shocked the country by calling the vote a year earlier than expected hes asking people to stick with them in the face of what hes termed the dual National Crises of an aging population and tension with north korea millions are braving the typhoon to vote in a poll likely to hand out be a new mandate to revive the worlds Third Largest economy sarah clarke has more from tokyo after listen two weeks of campaigning today the japanese voters will go to the polls decide on who will be their next leader now at this stage the polls are indicating the liberal Democratic Party which is the Prime Minister shinzo a party hell be returned to power with a solid majority thats two thirds of the parliamentary majority and if hes returned to power hes gamble to call the snap election early will have paid off enough the polls have just version of polls just opened i should say and voters and just started casting their vote at this stage fifteen percent of people have turned out this is because of whats currently keating japan which is tough in land theyve all been encouraged to make their vote early now despite suggestions in the polls indicating that she will be returned to power with i solid majority the polls also still indicate that hes not the most popular leader its simply a case of an untested inexperienced opposition that encourage voters to stay with the side option and. All right wing billionaire businessman whos been compared to donald trump looks set to become the Czech Republics new Prime Minister about the euro skeptic a and all party one about thirty percent of the vote in saturdays parliamentary election hes been critical of the e. U. In the past and is against the Czech Republic joining the euro zone but it says he wants to take an active role in shaping the e. U. Policies and hes beginning talks to form a coalition government. We have extremely excited and we really want to thank you youve supported is in such numbers almost one and a half million volunteers something we did not expect would you put the confidence in a. Campaign thats been going on for almost two years. When among the parties that will be vying to be in the coalition is the far right s. P. D. Which polled in fourth place. Political program in this key elements on the referendum including the referendum on leaving the European Union it includes. Within this immigration. Law and as promotion. People in argentina are going to vote to replace members of congress and the senate on sunday but the elections been overshadowed by the discovery of a body of an activist whod been missing since august and has more from want to say. These people are expecting to be at rally at the close of campaigning the sundays legislative elections which parties cancelled this week a body was found to be that of missing activist santiago. I believe its all got to change because people cant go on disappearing like this theres a complicity between the repressive state forces which is repugnant. The police had what happened in the Justice System back them up there was a government cover up its all organized so they can do what they want. Disappeared in order for protesting for indigenous rights in the south of argentina his whereabouts dividing the nation where wounds are still war over the kidnapping killing of an estimated thirty thousand people under military rule in the one nine hundred seventy s. And eightys tension with the author still trying to establish the identity of the body a running high dominating debate in the days leading up to the election was he killed by police or did he drown opinion largely determined by which side of the political divide voters are on how much faith they have in state institutions other election issues or where the president government is a good thing i think she has trouble with the track holding inflation and tackling rising crime like all midterm elections this is its has of the government in office argentines will decide the makeup of congress which is important to the government if its a push through important legislation and will test the comeback aspirations of former president cristina fernandez. Still popular but she and many of her former allies fighting allegations of corruption. Whats in play for the opposition is how they regroup and present themselves for the twenty one thousand president ial elections who will lead the National Movement all of argentinas parties are trying to present a Bright Future many voters are still coming to terms with their countrys troubled past. Danish wonder al jazeera what osiris refugees from burundi have told al jazeera their friends were killed by soldiers at a camp in the democratic republic of congo thirty nine people died and dozens have been injured during a protest last month the Congolese Army and refugees blame each other for what happened lock on web reports from the town of common youre no esperance im sure eman i says bullets broke the bones in her arms when soldiers shot dozens around her died and buried in this graveyard she says she was among a crowd of other refugees from burundi protesting peacefully here last month who said she was lucky to survive a perch at russias plant there was i cant remember everything because i feel conscious when i was shot but i remember people throwing stones at the house and painting us and then soldiers started shooting. The Community Refugees belongs to a unique catholic sect from the really they fled conflict at home to come to the neighboring democratic republic of congo a religion doesnt allow them to process un food or to biometrically register in the u. N. System so they temporarily camp here outside a base of u. N. Peacekeepers in the town of kemah yola to say that day they wanted the release of four men from their community has been arrested by congolese soldiers this camera phone video was taken as the crowd gathered and sank. When the shooting began not only when the refugees came down the road from this direction they say they met soldiers about where the blue truck is they say the soldiers opened fire without any provocation you can see bullet holes in the wall here say the machine gun fire went on for several minutes but the Security Forces tell a different story. Captain informed a kill him it was there he says the refugees overpowered him and other policeman stole a gun he used it to shoot him in the leg and attack the soldiers who then fired back in selfdefense one soldier was killed and they have never seen such people were not afraid of bullets one carried a bible and they all kept an advancing. Refugees deny they took a gun or attacked the u. N. Says in any case the army should not have used lethal force the army told us they acted as any army would solve the new. Game threatening and throwing store north in the host country what country can tolerate that there were. Them but they didnt know what happened in nearly one hundred refugees were injured many are still recovering the government says an inquiry is underway. In p. D. S. Meet twice a day to pray in the camp they say they were attacked after officials stirred up hatred against them because of their own usual religious beliefs congolese authorities deny it the refugees say they were persecuted at home then persecuted here theres nowhere they can be safe now come where aljazeera. In the democratic republic of congo Security Forces in cameroon have stopped a solidarity march in support of English Speaking regions police end of the demonstration in the port city of the wall which was planned by the main political Opposition Group cameroon is mainly french speaking but English Speakers in the northwest of the southwest want greater autonomy. Security forces have killed dozens of independence demonstrators in the past few weeks. Head of the World Health Organization is rethinking his appointment of Zimbabwes President Robert Mugabe as a goodwill ambassador to the u. K. And the u. S. Have criticized the decision along with human rights activists and Health Groups they point to alleged rights abuses in zimbabwe the w. H. O. As chief said mugabe deserved the owner because of his Public Health policies but now says hes listening to peoples concerns. I joined forces being set up in a region aimed at tackling the threat from fighters the un has one is descending into violence. The reports. Of a United Nations delegation arrives in france in the un a backing Regional Security force members are here to get an update on the ratio. Is you know this is presides over the Un Security Council in october so i have the honor to lead this delegation for a very important visit to support the efforts of the members who have established this essential force against terrorist movements in the region. And. The multinational made up of soldiers from mali mauritania bikini fast and chad all women french colonies soldiers are teaming up to fight groups linked to al qaeda. Let me say this was. The right place to evaluate the security situation and develop plans for military collaboration i mean. You know the mahdi by the twenty people five years ago thought to create a new state called as allied with the uprising was hijacked by Al Qaeda Linked fighters who seized major towns in northern mali and established islamic law and. French troops drove them out to year later and they continue to do much attacks from desert hideouts and have spread into areas once considered safe five hundred schools in the north and Central Region are closed because of security threats out of the fifty thousand children are out of school so thats. The conflict. The u. N. Says so far the Multinational Force is only received a quarter of its annual five hundred Million Dollars budget analysts say even with the right amount of funding it may not succeed. The French Defense secretary says the regional food could fail if it doesnt receive more funding particularly from the United States but with president Trumps Administration under scrutiny after four u. S. Soldiers were killed in ambush and its elsewhere. Emergency teams are still searching for eleven workers trapped after a landslide at a building site in malaysia at least three people died when a hillside gave way on saturday firefighters say it happened during the construction of two tower blocks in georgetown the capital of penang state. Still ahead an aljazeera in sports were going to look at whether the under seventeen world cup is going to be a game changer for football in india. As we embrace new technologies rarely do we stop to ask what is the price of this progress what happened was he was started getting sick but there was a small group of people that began to think that maybe this was related to the kind of exposure and a job and investigation reveals how even the smallest devices deadly environmental and health we think ok will center you waste to china but we have to remember that air pollution traveling around the globe death by design at this time on aljazeera discover a wealth of wood winning programming from around the world powerful documentaries we were running away for our life from a brutal regime that kills its opponents have made some discussion were getting comments on what the International Community should do how worried should we therefore me that this guy has the Nuclear Codes on a scale of one to ten can challenge your perception. Aljazeera. Theres been an anti vs a march in support of migrants and Asylum Seekers in italys capital about two thousand people joined the rally in rome by trade unions and humanitarian organizations cut the number of refugees arriving there by sending naval units to libyas coast but aid workers say humanitarian catastrophe is developing in libya as migrants are mistreated at Detention Centers italy is also split on a plan to allow italian born children of migrants to become citizens. Eyestrain as one of the most multicultural countries in the world and yet latest figures show a quarter of the population is intolerant it says towards other cultures and ethnicities and you campaign is hoping to change this thomas reports from seventy. In one commercial a white man holds open the lift door for a white woman but lets the door close on a black one a white woman steps out disgusted in another a taxi driver tries to pick up a white passenger before an aboriginals one has been waiting longer the white passenger refuses to jump the queue but does a strange one of the worlds most multicultural countries really need like these more than other places organizers call this the believe in bendigo picnic an annual day of inclusive in a country town when my kids were growing up. To the big market to say people of any other ethnic origin you know because they just went. And so now thats changing and more people are coming to live here but the main idea is to hold an event which contrasts with another held in bendigo in like twenty fifty hundreds protesting against plans to build a mosque the ugly images tapped into a perception that australia is and australians are racist australia certainly has a racist he story with a colonial past and an explicit white australia policy on immigration until the early one nine hundred seventy s. Today in videos like the easy to find online. Research is recently surveyed more than ten thousand people in australia they concluded that about a quarter also questions in a way that showed them to be intolerant of other cultures and ethnicities the same survey asked people if theyd experienced discrimination in the last year thirty nine percent of people originally from china and india said they had sixty nine percent of people from c. Done and fifty nine percent of indigenous australians in australia at the moment we dont even really want to acknowledge that. Institutionally. Implicitly and explicitly. But Australian Society is diverse and is getting more so net migration adds one percent to the population each year one of the highest rates in the world twenty eight percent of australians were born in other countries with the biggest numbers recently coming from india and china surveys suggest about eighty five percent of australians think multiculturalism has been good for the country and the Prime Minister regularly calls australia the most Successful Multicultural Society in the world some say that is a claim too far if you kind of crow about being the most successful it can kind of paper over the fact that there are problems as well bendigo small scale is going ahead its difficult start to potentially the positive opened up a conversation and thats something that was probably missing bendigo before then nationally to an increasing conversation about racism could have a beneficial effect Andrew Thomas aljazeera sit. Protesters in australia have held rallies in support of legalizing same sex marriage a week before a Postal Service on the issue closes the largest crowd was in sydney where thousands marched through the city to call for equal rights eleven million votes have been returned thats nearly seventy percent of the total sent out results are expected next month its time for the sport and heres andy thank you very much for Manchester United unbeaten start of the premier League Season is over jerrys a marine has been losing see want to huddersfield their first win over united since nineteen fifty two but after conceding just two goals in the legal season huddersfield scored twice in the first half to set up this famous win at his failed back in the english top flight for the first time in forty five years united and now five points behind leaders at man city they beat burnley three nil. Oh she really disappointed and defy was. A Manchester Uniteds supporter not the manager but but the traditional supporter i would be really disappointed because i think you can play and lose football matches because the opponents heads more quality than you you cannot lose football matches because opponent had a better attitude than you are defending champions chelsea came from two one down so eventually the watford for two it ended a run of three games without a win for chelsea the victory moving them to fourth in the table and maybe for the commitment to vote. For both of them appears about if. If we us could mean about the last the result that im not there would be god love to do the one drop i think know what gods going to be a confirmation here of citys three no win over burnley they remain unbeaten for the season leicester theyre out of the relegation zone thanks to a two one win at swansea city apostle and have maintained their four point lead at the top of the Spanish League or they beat bottom club malaga to nail gerrard telephone open the scoring just a couple of minutes in under arrest and yes they got number two in the second half catalans not increasing their lead in the table by with second place of violence repeating severe four nil. Mali and england have made it through to the semifinals of the under seventeen world cup mali beating african rivals going to sue one will have tripped from liverpools Ryan Brewster Health England a four one win there over the United States is the first time indias hosted a fee for events and while the home team went south in the group stages its been a huge hit with fans already more than a million supporters of attending games in the event is set to break the tournament record of one point two million fans set by china back in one thousand nine hundred five theyre all signs of improvement at indias Senior National team earlier this month they qualified for the twenty nine hundred eighty cup it will be just their fourth appearance at asian footballs biggest competition theyre ranked one hundred five in the world thats their highest spot though in more than two decades in twenty fourteen they hit a low of one hundred and seventy one well earlier we spoke to a Sports Writer at the new Indian Express he says theres a lot speedo and if india is to become a footballing power. I dont mean beneath negative headlines about the tournament unlike the last time we hosted a Major International event which was the Commonwealth Games in two thousand and eleven and the minute a few minor glitches but thats about it today at the press conference the brazil coach ordered a perfect woman so it can happen that that this event has definitely generated a lot of hype and a lot of people have been paying attention before but what matters is what happens after this event is over that this type can be maintained but at this moment im there has been generated but there can be maintained over the next one you know maybe the decorum and all the media all the spectators so a League Football in india starts. One month after the tournament and so we have to see of all these people who are coming in now coming and coming from that of india participated in the event and they came up pretty much at the bottom so its showing us that that is a long way to go that we have to do a lot of things the most important of which is getting kids to play football six or seven getting kids watching kids at that age dont think its been there were thirteen but weve been doing now if you look at how this indian team is been kind to they were given some of the best fortune in the world when they were thirteen or fourteen they were taken all around the world to play expulsion games but this world cup has shown us that that is not enough to be able to start a lot on the up as one prominent but also sports once said its like getting a kid who does not have a grounding in basic mathematics at once mathematics or its you cant build on that because theres been a little bit off weve got a lot of people here in india so football really does not need to compete against cricket its a competition the football is not going to win for a long long time but. Football can develop without you know competing directly. You know theres one for that matter if you look at those. Which ive never really competed against cricket but weve still got two olympic medals and. Its definitely going strong. How important both chances of development in india are aside months to pull off a tense win of a wrestling ninety two or france in rugby champions cup months to winning fourteen seven to say second in their poll in european rugby is top club competition. This game scoreless to sixty minutes and so to put tries for the hunting but when someone has to be a match and. Mass to a garcia is closing in on a first title win since that picture dont guster in april garcia has a one shot lead going into the final round of the sea of alderaan a masters thats one of the spaniard himself organizes the thirty seven year old is second on the overall european money list for the year with Englands Tommy Fleetwood leading the way. Ok that is always sport finance. One of the worlds biggest car makers is cutting production and jobs at a plants in the u. S. City of detroit General Motors blames a change in buying trends and increasing automation john hendren reports. A slowdown in motown has General Motors cutting back. Auto sales in the u. S. It dropped nearly ten percent so far this year but it g. M. The fall is nearly double that this plant makes cars buicks cadillacs and chevy volt hybrid but its s. U. V. S that are selling now so the Detroit Hamtramck Assembly plant has gone from two shifts to one this month its slowing down production. Very quickly dont use of facilities and do what they want downtime to to deal with excess amatory so theyre quicker to riyadh just. Dont play with them one on nov twentieth this plant will shut down entirely until january while demand catches up with production when production restarts it will do so with two hundred fewer of its eighteen hundred workers alternative fuels may be the way of the future volvo is going all electric or hybrid by twenty nine teams and america is slowly working its way in that direction but americans love their big cars and they have cheap gas and as america goes so goes detroit. This was once one of the busiest plants in the u. S. But automakers have moved their plants from the detroit area across the u. S. And the world is cars have morphed into what are effectively rolling Computers Manufacturing is required fewer but more tech savvy workers with the demands that theyre going to have for the. Technical expertise i think the manufacturing is going to be more concentrated in the u. S. Simply because thats where the talent is i mean you need to produce the kinds of technology that theyre working on now you have to have a very highly educated workforce. That workforce is set to bear the brunt of the cutbacks as g. M. And other automakers deal with an ever changing market that will see thousands of jobs being lost john hendren aljazeera detroit. Thats it for me rob matheson for this news ill be back in a moment with more by the. Aljazeera. Every us. In the most heavily drugged country in the world if theres any country that would be experiencing p. T. S. D. It would be a nation thats been at war for four generations aljazeera explores the reason those drones are there is to assist the innocent civilians they exist in off of drawing even theyre not firing its them frightening because any moment they can bomb living beneath the drunk this time of aljazeera. That will that theyll scuttle on the cats and i am a people cannot accept this attack

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