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Aljazeera headquarters and. Welcome to the news grid two hundred people have been killed in a bombing at a mosque in egypt many more have been injured the attack happened in the northern sinai province during friday prayers groups in the region have stepped up violence since the overthrow of president Mohamed Morsi in july two thousand and thirteen we will have the latest live from cairo. Pumping sharing crowns emmis in the night guard has taken the oath of office in zimbabwe the president was told wolf that Robert Mugabe would rule until the day he died but after thirty seven years his time is done we all know for the people of zimbabwe the man accused of planning the two thousand and eight new biotite has been released from house arrest a few saeed late friday prayers off a Pakistani Court rejected the governments feet to extend his detention its gone down badly in india and the u. This is clearly on is not about to put site in prison well have a live report. Companies telling you not to smoke a u. S. Federal judge is for same top tobacco producers to release an advertisement listing the way smoking is bad for you we take a look at the end packed of cigarette ads and how theyve changed over the years connector thats the hash tag. So that you know with the news grid live on air and streaming online through you tube Facebook Live and at aljazeera dot com at least two hundred people have been killed and more than one hundred twenty more injured in an attack on a mosque in each its not so and i thats according to the state media it happened in the village of west of the town of. Fighters planted explosives and then opened fire worship as well the sermon was underway egypt has declared three days of mourning for the victims well timothy call this is a professor of politics at no University Joins us now via skype from cairo so with yet another attack what do you make of it. Its a horrifying escalation its the worst attack in egyptian. And. I mean two hundred people in a village of nine hundred people. And theres different suspicions as to what might have been the motivation truly its another attack and susies in northern sinai sensuous retaliation over tribes cooperated with the state and the crackdown on this. Those are the two most most possible theories that i ive heard of such horror. But you know just a sad day for for the country absolutely no claim of responsibility at this point in time but but what assumptions you make is. I think it look it definitely fits the pattern of isis attacks we have seen the more willing to target civilians as we saw with a lot of attacks on the Education Committee in the past year. This attack on a place of worship another. Terrorist attack that the country is reeling from. And it is consistent with what. Is consistent with their happiness collation that weve been witnessing and in terms of the governments effort to clamp down on this clearly struggling absolutely i mean its been very its been very difficult to control of the situation in sinai. Theres a lot of criticism of the score for a strategy thats and undertaken and a lot of people feel that the government better off. Building relationships with the local community and trying to deny safe haven and deny them potential recruits. But its also very challenging terrain its a mountainous area its not very developed so even even with the strategy its difficult place to control tell us a little bit about about the area that we are talking about it is thinly populated as you say and how hard it would be to police. Its a village not far from. In northern sinai which is an area that the country has been fighting an insurgency for quite some time. The situation has been pretty intense for the Security Forces there for a long time there are a lot of attacks on bases a lot of attacks more points while the actual number of attacks in northern sinai has declined in the past year we have seen an uptick in the number of casualties so they have been more deadly. But its yet its a very challenging area that the governments been struggling that for quite a few years all right so if they were leaving that timothy kaldis a professor of politics that no University Thanks very much indeed for telling us about this terrible attack has taken place well the sinai region has been one of the worst hit by violence in egypt in two thousand and fifteen ice a linked group in sinai claimed responsibility for downing a russian passenger plane after it took off from the resort city of charlotte shake all two hundred twenty four people on board were killed when that happened in april at least forty five people were killed in twin suicide attacks at a church in the northern egyptian city of tongue and a month later in may at least twenty eight people were killed after a gunman opened fire in a bus carrying Coptic Christians near the city of minya a total of one hundred two egyptian christians have been killed in attacks since last december and then in july at least twenty six egyptian soldiers including a colonel were killed in a suicide bomb attack on an Army Checkpoint in northern sinai so as you can see its been going on for some time and lets speak now to you i got him whos a middle east analyst and joins us now from the studio yet another terrible attack whats your assumption about whats going on here well its as you just put it that its unfortunate. And again happening over and over in egypt and whats bad about it is that most of the people because of such repeated attacks but the nobody practically is trying to do. And i think to change that thats reality that miserable reality because i mean you cannot expect anything except the worst when you take away hope from people when you kill politics which is supposed to be a safety valve for the society cannot. Kill any any political whole risin you mean that there is not a chance for an opposition voices is what youre saying the evidently therefore they look to violent means that definitely i mean this is the natural effect i mean it it happens in egypt it happened elsewhere in the world the fact that egypt the you know happened to be an african country and a country a third world country doesnt make it any different than any other developed country i mean it happened in europe with. The irish it happened it was the basque in spain when you take away hope you only expect the work where we get is a lot of feedback on this is you can imagine on facebook and online one comment my thoughts are with the egyptian bombing victims and their loved ones today the division of humanity is nonsense and a question about responsibility who is claiming responsibility that coming from from acts. Its not clear at this point nobody has claimed responsibility but can you guide as to why the many angry angry people in egypt because of this political situation that has been that has existed for the last four or five years and i would expect any of them to be to get insane enough to do this to commit such heinous crime again egypt is not an exception from the whole world it can happen anywhere in the world not only in egypt the only way we only way to stop these things from happening is to effect positive changes in egypt a political one im not talking about but it was in the fact that any government any government in the world would struggle. Is struggling the gates the these kind of attacks definitely but i mean when you deal with these kind of incidences these kind of crimes you dont apply this strategy that they apply it in egypt kill them all and let god sort them out i mean by doing that youre actually taken the lives of many as innocent people and making creating more angry people who would be willing to do these horrible things and in those when you say youre recruiting these people theyre all coming from this region tell us a bit more about that region timothy was alluding to tell us a little bit more about that and why they may lean towards based on my experience because ive covered many conflicts owns including afghanistan up seen in afghanistan for many years when i was there many angry people very young people from the age of sixteen legally children who were angry because freedom was taken away from them and there were brainwashed and convinced that if the go to such remote places they would be able to get the feeling back so thats what we end up with tyranny doesnt result in to anything except those horrible crimes or it doesnt justify it just doesnt justify horrible crimes but it is we only reason why we keep you know having all these terrible you know well leave it there thanks very much indeed youre going to tell us about the situation in egypt take you now zimbabwe has sworn in emerson that it is the third president since independence he vowed to create jobs to reimburse farmers whose land was seizing to stamp out corruption and god also called on the people to remember the good that his predecessor Robert Mugabe did for zimbabwe as its founding father and me to miller as this report. A new and unfolding democracy is how amazon when i describes his ascent to power even if it took military intervention to end Robert Mugabes presidency tens of thousands of zimbabweans waited for hours to watch my god was swearing into office and inauguration meant to cement the veneer of a politically driven solution from within the ruling zanu p. F. I will protect and promote the rights of the people of zimbabwe and that i will do for myself. With the way he. And his people. In attendance the heads of state of zimbabwes neighbors not here though the South African and and golden president instead meeting in south africa for heads of state visit the prisons here today of u. K. Representatives may signal a possible into zimbabwes isolation from the west soul. This day is a whole about the people on and off has praised and thanked the baldwins for the role they played in getting rid of Robert Mugabe who was in power for thirty seven years but was the baldwins that is about to move in gratitude its about the promise of a new future one that they hope the new president will make good on today im so happy because my bet is that three new president and so to come assuming its going to be the first prison homologues that was going to and everything is going to be good this change of hope and do our floodgates for us up that i mean the economy its about was going to to be up there were expecting the new change to happen and its like what you used to live in all countries involved is a very beautiful loving country and im happy because over this happened without violence. Was when i got why a formal. Abrasion fighter nicknamed the crocodile for his uncompromising approach to politics begins his presidency under pressure with exorbitant Government Spending crumbling Public Services and facilities and few jobs for its people zimbabwe needs its economy resuscitated and elections are scheduled for next year. But for now zimbabweans hold their new president aloft reveling in the good horia of a Second Chance for me to mina al jazeera. Well her without her has been following ones old day in harare and its been an extraordinary day wonderful scenes really. It has it has been very emotional for many zimbabweans understand for many years as one thousand nine hundred eighty eight was unthinkable to think that Robert Mugabe would no longer be president you hear it almost every day on state television and people still he just began to believe it his wife would say on and off that he would rule from the grave even if he did die his face will still be on the ballot paper so all these things he will keep hearing and they didnt really believe or actually happen and it has they listened to president in a synagogue or speech he was hopeful he was unifying he said hes focused on the economy and people are happy about that but they know its going to be a long long hard road to prosperity right now the main issue on peoples minds is jobs while thousands were in the stadium many more were outside on the streets in the Market Selling whatever they could to make ends meet you talking about people with University Degrees a car and. So in muslim and president emerson and what is under a lot of pressure he really has to deliver fast people say theyll give him some kind of honeymoon period because they know it wont be easy theyll be patient for a while but theyll watch him closely hoping if he hoping it delivers if he doesnt then they say they will feel that he probably is part of the old establishment and nothing much is really changed. The highly educated workforce and that is the theory is that because zimbabwe has a show the potential is just you know how you kind of corolla to make it work. Its going to be hard it really is going to be hard i cant even describe the the amount of wasted resources in this country peoples brains not going to waste i have met engineers medical people with medical backgrounds people who have ph ds they that they cannot find work and then some have gone to neighboring countries like south africa where a teacher is working as a housemaid you know because they can because find work here as a teacher or a good paying job here as a teacher its frustrating its sad every every zimbabwean has a Family Member or Family Members who are who are struggling and who really have reached a point where they cant take it anymore economically so this is after many many years of bad news a ray of hope for many zimbabweans a lot riding on amazon and hoping the new president actually delivers on his promise and focuses most of his attention for now at least for now on the ailing economy yeah a lot riding on absolutely and it was interesting in in his address the president said that you cannot change the past and you must let bygones be bygones is possible in zimbabwe. I think a lot of people would like it to be possible but i understand this country has a long history good days been bad a lot of people feel. Perhaps hasnt been the best of Political Parties to deal with the opposition parties say they say that over the years a lot of opposition supporters have disappeared some of the kill they still say its hard for them to operate on the ground and its hard for some people to forgive the past especially what happened in the one nine hundred eighty s. When the people in massive and massacred. By zanu p. F. Officials lot of people feel a lot of these top officials do need to get justice but again there are some who are saying what is that going to achieve i mean really is that going to put food on my table if you go office and individuals just get over it lets try lets try to heal old wounds move on what is the president given my chance lets see when he takes his country. Ok. Thank you very much indeed on this important day in zimbabwe we can take this on the phone speak to it woman whos a political analyst and executive chairman of the think tank the Southern African political economy series or. School he joins us on the newsgroup live from harare and whats what is. He what is actually already talking so much was going to here as well give it a try what is what is your take on whats been happening today. Hes definitely not here yet so we will bring him back a bit later in the sure the meantime lets get the the social media picture youve been following this yes weve been following this for weeks and its kind of the gift that keeps on giving zimbabweans are very active online and some of the top words that are being used in zimbabwe at the moment are these here president of course military emmerson but you also have mugabes name trending still see people still talking about mugabe here in light of the new president one word though thats not on the list that you may have heard before and for me this package you did its emerson being called the crocodile hes been called that since about one thousand nine hundred sixty when he was a member of the crocodile gang they waged war they waged against rather anticolonial resistance against the white minority regime of the time and this was one of the most shared images if you search for his name and crocodile so him being ushered in there some of our using the nickname negatively though saying that hes a creep into the government and is no different than former president Robert Mugabe but others are taking it to the more Positive Side calling him a protector and a defender the editor in chief of the state run zimbabwe and herald newspaper posted a picture of his crocodile themed shoes not sure if theyre actual little crocodiles or not but the caption to this was off to the inauguration to cover it as a journalist now in fact were seeing a lot of people posting pictures that are along the themes of having joy and humor in zimbabwe lots of cartoons and means like this one the caption to this one reads im bob waynes coming back through the border for the holidays like this guy and this one here showing a restaurant menu selling bye bye bye burgers or go with grace burrito if youre following this story be sure to tag us with the hash tag a. J. News good nick. And then thanks very much indeed yes just take your online we have all this be a lot of coverage online here at aljazeera the story about the swearing in of the new president right there and you can see if you follow it down the all manner of stories about the whole process over the last few weeks and various side issues like the story of the land and what farmers who have moved to zambia the land tenure a big story in zimbabwe so thats right there if you just go to aljazeera and click the news time now the man accused of planning the two thousand and eight moon biotite has been released from house arrest fees saeed walked free after a Pakistani Court rejected the governments plea to extend his detention by three months saeed had been under house arrest and a horse since january is a large following in pakistan mostly because of his charitable work but. The allegations have never been proven and thats why the Court Ordered my release despite the fact that pakistans interior foreign and finance ministries tried their best to put me behind bars but the judges were not composed by their fake documents pakistan india and the United States failed to provide enough evidence therefore the Court Ordered my release well as had now from kabul high to whos in the hole. Relief from the court of crowd and of the board have come to. The hall which are known as march for the first time. Nine months ago. Congregational prayer the government of pakistan had poured in a plea that boarding house or day was an international and that because diplomatic and financial implications and because of the u. S. Pressure however daccord was not going to win. Them for the third time today he were given a heros welcome all do it indians are not happy with their needs of. India and been accusing pakistan of involvement in that internal affair but recently the Pakistani Foreign secretary john youre also said that progress on over thirty four are not red come right india and showing that there were no mood in delhi for a negotiated settlement between the two countries and although india may blame. It on also blame the indians for supporting the day to get taliban pakistan in tired of run it on and also helping them by luton surgeon aga khan and also saying that it has a high level indian. Under custody of the target on the military and it already admitted to india involvement in acts of terrorism in tight budget on it kitty and the more reaction from across the border india expressing outrage over the release his release confirms once again the lack of seriousness on the part of pakistan eagleman in bringing to justice but the tutors of. Them including by individuals and entities designated by the United Nations. Well as i had carries a ten Million Dollars bounty by the United States and washington has expressed concern over his release roslyn jordan joins us live as you can see for more and rose what is washington saying. Well a Statement Released by the state Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert says that the u. S. Is deeply concerned that hoffa side has been released from house arrest the u. S. Has been very interested in seeing him brought to justice because of his alleged leadership in the plotting of the two thousand and eight attacks the u. S. Also did issue a ten Million Dollar reward for information that would lead to his arrest and conviction related to that case its certainly a situation where this is going to perhaps put more strain on the relationship between washington and islam abroad the u. S. Has recently been trying to build up its connections to islamabad as it tries to deal with its counterterrorism efforts but when someone who is wanted by the United States for his role in the two thousand and eight by attacks has been released from house arrest that is a very very worrisome situation according to officials here in washington or a rose thanks very much indeed lets bring in mayor again on this story there what of people so you brought this well its obvious clearly a very divided story theres always two sides to any headline like this but this one is no exception just look at the newspaper here you can look at the headlines from india and pakistan and compare that to the times of india chose to highlight how to say the release that is happening and they highlighted that it happened just days before the anniversary of the bombing the article here says that its rubbing the salt into the wounds of those who lost loved ones and mumbai also we have on pakistans dawn newspaper the wording is very different they mention have fees as the chief of the j u d a Charitable Group and in the body of the article they highlight that quote a large number of j. D. Workers were present on the. Cts promises to welcome quote their leader so same goes for social media you have very different conversations on both sides of the border this user from india says half is sades house house arrest was nothing but a way of giving him protection and all modern amenities pakistani politician a leader of the separatist party the b r p he says he is still considered a terrorist but have fees is protected and facilitated and in fact general analysis of the conversation in india highlights words like mastermind attacks terrorists and release you can see here in this word map but if you compare it to one out of pakistan people are using expressions like fried leader chief and justice many in pakistan are celebrating his release as we were saying like the large here saying that this aids respect love and honor have been multiplied pakistan loves him here he says we want to know what you think if youre in pakistan or in india do let us know your view on the story you can always get in touch with us with the hash tag a. J. Its great living very much very good comprehensive piece from a web correspondent in pakistan if we take a look at that you can see it gives you the full lay down of the story history of the time and just go to the deserts at home and hit the use champ news tab and then asia and youll find it right there ok lets take a look at the multi view where we can see the plane to go but months to importantly is Barber Service standing by in london barbara if you with the latest enough rooms. Make thank you russia says its working with saudi arabia to unify the Syrian Opposition Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov was speaking at a meeting with the Un Special Envoy on syria stephanie restorer who praised the talks as useful saudi backed Syrian Opposition groups have agreed to form a fifteen member delegation to attend next weeks u. N. Sponsored talks during talks in riyadh the renewed their demand for syrias president Bashar Al Assad to step down but assads resignation will not be a precondition for negotiations well some of the engine died has more. After two long days of deliberations between various syrian groups which included the mosque or in the cairo platforms the city in Negotiations Committee that has been formed now as agreed to cold to geneva talks on a united flight from they say theyve agreed that there should be a future syria without president bashar assad and his clique they also say that there should be representation of women the United Nations should put serious efforts into uniting all sides and bringing all sides on to the negotiating table and the violence must come to an end in a late night News Conference of one of the representatives off this new committee announced d. V. D. And see that they are now united and they can go to geneva with one voice if the fuck no. We have agreed with a group of the components who are here in riyadh in addition to cairo and moscow platforms to form one united delegation to participate in the direct geneva talks in a few days at least on the surface they have bridged these divides wish it were the divisions among them that is the question of president Bashar Al Assad in the future of the Transitional Government and in the future syria according to the Syrian Opposition they have now agreed that Bashar Al Assad cannot be part of the transitional stage but that was the dividing factor between them and at least the moscow platform which wants to see them going to the negotiation. Without any preconditions and it considers that asking for Bashar Al Assad not being part of the Transitional Government is a precondition theres a lot at stake when they go to geneva Syrian Opposition members have been telling us that they want the United Nations talks to succeed they want the United Nations to be an impartial arbiter of these talks that are taking place on the twenty eighth of november in geneva because they dont want to russia to be the main player and there has been talk by russia that it wants to hold hold another meeting of not just russia iran and turkey but also Syrian Opposition groups in sochi and opposition members fear that this might be a way of diminishing the influence of the United Nations where russia would take a lead role and many people in the opposition see russia as a partner with bashar assad and will do all it can to try and keep him in power. The u. N. Says the Saudi Led Coalition is still blocking the flow of much needed food medicines and the quick meant in the yemen aid workers are being allowed back into the country but riyadh has so far not delivered on a promise to reopen humanitarian aid corridors into Northern Areas it cause the elements for two weeks ago in response to who the rebels firing a missile at the saudi capital. A south African Court has more than doubled Oscar Pistorius is jail term after finding the original ruling a shockingly lenient the South African gold medal winning paralympian will serve thirteen years and five months thats up from six years but stories was convicted of the two thousand and thirteen shooting of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp he claimed he mistook her for an intruder Steenkamp Family says justice has now been served. Police in china are investigating reports that toddlers at a Child Care Center in beijing were sexually abused drugged and the molested a series of child abuse cases at Daycare Centers of calls outrage and panic across the country steadfast and reports now from the aging. Theyre in shock and demanding an explanation these are parents of toddlers who attend the prestigious red yellow blue kindergarten in beijing children as young as three years old have said they were molested drugged and stripped naked by care workers red yellow blue is the largest Early Childhood Service Provider in china and its listed on the New York Stock Exchange order not from you in the glass of my chair oh some parents have ak their children their date eight of them pews the truth is that lisa was the secret between dan and the teachers chinas child care system has come under scrutiny since cases of abuse have appeared online this case currently under investigation in shanghai appears to show a work of pushing children to the ground and forcing them to eat spicy wasabi. If you dont use yellow blue you slap to an outpouring of anger online with tens of millions responding now dont you outrage over child abuse and they care centers around the country this crisis is seen as a strong message to the government to take action to improve the safety of topless and im sure theyre helping development in a country that is increasingly depending on professional child care since china has adopted its second child policy last year the man for child care has grown the country has limited parents to have only one son or daughter for forty years. But Research Shows that more than half of chinese parents choose not to have a second child because of the lack of proper childcare so youre seeing how youre going to resolve not just incidence. Is quite nerve wrecking it reflects the problem or serious lack of child care this is a serious social issue. Now im and only and have put china second child policy into practice but the young parents are struggling after care worker forced their daughter to eat in the toilet at the Childcare Center now says she quit her job to take care of her children so that the supervision on this private kindergartens is very loose the kindergartens past that year inspections by using their connections and providing fake certificates they just want to gain profit instead of providing real education lack of sufficiently trained staff is a not a problem sadistic show that for forty four million talk loss will need daycare two point four million more teachers need to be hired and trained by the ministry of education says it will prosecute any teachers and employees who have harmed and abused children the government has started an inspection of the management of Child Care Centers nationwide red yellow blue has apologized for the anxiety it has caused to the parents and to society step for us and aljazeera beijing. And i have more of the days news from london starting from sixteen g. M. T. But now lets go back to making the about right thanks very much well see you later do you get in touch with us here on the newsgroup all the platforms are available tweeters that a. J. English or you can find us it on facebook at facebook dot com slash a. J. Newsgroup or just send a Whatsapp Message at plus one seven four five or one triple one four nine and as always of course you can use a hash tag a. J. News grid as i say always keen to hear from you coming up on the program a mandate to talk Tobacco Companies must run anti smoking ads well tell you why this campaign took about a decade to enforce. Welcome back now i dont normally show the satellite imagery for this parts of western asia and levant but weve had a cold front push the region and its been quite an active feature gave some rain here in qatar to some of the side of the gulf but you see vast amounts of rain rain being reported in oil and just off the run so that system is clear through but its looking fairly unsettled weve got some rain some snow across eastern areas into afghanistan weve got some rain on the Southern Side of the caspian sea with some snow up over the mountains and also looking pretty wet there for back you and i suppose i shall run the eastern side of the mediterranean weather conditions not too bad the flows generally from the south of beirut there seen temperatures remaining into the low twentys but the threat is some rain developing across the region in the latter part of sunday but intended to be in play in church where we have a little bit of rain clearing through and certainly cooler conditions quite chilly in fact in riyadh nineteen degrees certainly with low humidity will feel pretty chilly meca still though at thirty three degrees heading on through into sunday temperatures begin to recover a little bit funny conditions chair across the region of abu dhabi looking at my sort of twenty eight degrees in southern portions of south africa weve got a lot of cloud and rain developing across eastern parts of the country some heavy rain is likely here should ease off later. Transport measures employed to tackle pollution in one of chinas showcase cities the thing that my twenty two minds on attacks seem to occur to me only on lecturing. On how environmental grassroots campaigns are joining forces in the us there is a global connection that is happening and we want to utilize that power to make change not only for today but for future generations as well. This time on aljazeera. With over forty thousand People Killed under his rule it took twenty five years to bring him to a court of law. But why for so long with such a brutal dictator considered an ally of the west who reported to the coercive to the press they were engaged to a clip just look over aljazeera unravels the history of chads notorious former president the same habit a dictator on trial at this time on aljazeera. The boy. Up in mosul the come on the news because going to nudge in the direction of our top trending stories and you can see that the one the attack and age. Hundred ninety four killed in the mosque attack also of course the swearing in of its embattled ways and the president as in bad ways crooked an understatement and and more on stories that we were referring to yesterday a story right about in there about the russian the far right which is well worth taking a look at a reminder to take us ten thousand refugees from israel could take down three hundred. Missing submarine in argentina is turning into a rescue mission for the vessel now believed to be at the bottom of the ocean the submarine with forty four crew members on board was reported missing on november the fifteenth earlier there were emotional scenes at the. Naval base after it was revealed that a possible explosion was detected near the last known location of the artisan upon the crews relatives have accused the government of deliberately keeping them in the dark. You know the submarine wasnt found but they say its three thousand mages below the sea so noid they dont tell you anything thats why i say they are swines they are wicked and have been if they knew about it. Was going to show you the roots of the submarine it left the ports of in southern argentina it was a routine mission taking part in a military drill previously and was just heading back to its home base in the port of the plot which is in the north contacts with the submarine was lost on november the fifteenth that was only announced two days later lets hear now from our correspondent daniel swimmer who joins us live from the model plotter naval base and has anything more been revealed yet. You know very little i mean this is a case where there are far more questions than answers and if there is some doubt over whether those questions will ever be answered the argentine authorities now believe that the submarine the ira sound kuan is at the bottom of the sea could be anything from two thousand meters so up to three thousand meters below the bottom of the sea if thats the case if it isnt three thousand meters they may never recover it the rescue operation is continuing their aircraft there are ships that are under underwater rescue vessels from at least ten Different Countries out in the south atlantic often in very difficult weather conditions looking for any sign still of the submarine although as you mentioned the families who are at this naval base throughout the duration of this most of them have now gone home to mourn accepting believing that their loved ones are lost some of still clinging on hoping that maybe against all the odds there will be some kind of miraculous rescue that the author it is a pretty much of anything now that as you mentioned it is a case of searching for the lost submarine and those forty four crew members have been lost and those Family Members of course just distraught beyond measure they would have so many questions and its they have questions the government has questions to answer of course the navy to have questions to. Well i think certainly the whole country are asking questions now president. I said that hes ordered a full investigation hes asking the they will come to answer some of those questions whether theyre in the position to know is still not clear and one of the major questions will be why was such an old submarine a diesel electric powered vessel built in one thousand nine hundred three commission did nine hundred eighty five and everything in the last two years to so for another thirty years still operating what it obsolete or what was the Maintenance Conditions like another major question being asked was the Communication System failed on the november the fifteenth why was there no kind of backup Communication System operational why was nothing else heard from the vessel so we had information coming out of austria from the u. N. Body that monitors Nuclear Explosions these were the ones that said they had some indication of a nonnuclear explosion more or less in the area where the sun the one with the last heard from that information was only revealed on thursday Something Like eight days after the vessel disappeared the family are asking why that information took so long to come out why it came about in that particular way so as i say far more questions than answers some of may that many of which may well never be answered or i dont even have the time thanks very much they will as a rescue mission turns into a ready Recovery Mission for the submarine we should just say its the latest in a series of disasters involving submarines around the world of course the nine hundred eighty nine a fire broke out on a board a soviet Nuclear Submarine forty two people were killed and twenty seven survived in two thousand year two thousand russia was hit by its worst sea disaster all one hundred eighteen crew members on board the Nuclear Submarine kursk died after it to court and exploded on the water during war exercises and three years later. Seventy crew members of a Chinese Submarine died in an accident the government said they suffocated after mechanical fault and then in two thousand and eight russia was hit by yet another disaster when three officers and seventeen civilians died on board a Nuclear Submarine it was called nupur it was during a test fire extinguishing system was accidently activated releasing a poisonous gas and four years ago a russian built indian submarine exploded in the mumbai harbor mumbai harbor all eighteen people on board were killed lets take this on we can speak now to a lets go topless news editor here with us at aljazeera specializing in defense issues are not hearing that litany of previsions asters and seeing whats happened with apparently has happened with his argentinean submarine and just reveals the dangers of operating these vessels underwater they are i mean obviously theyve been designed to work on the combat conditions to be survivable but i would say the hopes of finding anyone alive at this stage of the actually nail. Form with reports from two sources now that there was a a loud kind of a bang we dont know if its an explosion or indeed an implosion where the submarine would have been crushed and in that case it would have been diving in and out of control way deeper and deeper and deeper and as the pressure mounted the whole submarine would have just collapsed almost in instantaneously and what youre calling it was old right and what might have caused an explosion like that or an explosion. Again there are several theories in most cases in previous submarine accidents youve had a buildup of say hydrogen gas from the batteries because these are the side of the batteries that allow the submarine to run silently again in compact conditions theres been a build up of hydrogen that would have been a massive explosion but either way implosion or explosion it looks like the hole was compromised in a catastrophic way as i say we are moving from a rescue operation now to recovery operation and what chance of the submarine being found if if what has happened heard him say its up and something you will be found but to give you an example you mentioned earlier the kursk the acoustic sank in about just over one hundred meters of water and it took them quite a while to find it is certainly took them a long time to raise it if the submarine was crushed in this case the sub on it would have be at a depth of several hundred meters and hes going to be far far more challenging to be able to raise it and its only when they raise it they will find out exactly what happens you talked about this noise the noise of the explosion that was picked up but this seems to be in a bit of a gap between when it was heard which was presumably just after the submarine disappeared and that news being revealed to the families into the world with there were two reports there was an american report. Quite some time before her nde where they heard this kind of acoustic anomaly and they wont quite sure what it was but it was backed up by a Monitoring Agency that was actually listening out for a nuclear test that been set up in the sixtys and seventys to monitor the oceans in case any country decided to detonate a Nuclear Weapon as a test and it was these acoustic reports that were sent to the Argentinean Navy so they could actually see one report could corroborate the other and it was then they realized it was probably had been a catastrophic failure on the sub or alex well leave it there its always a fascinating story but very grim news indeed thanks very much indeed. Well our web desk is following developments in this story all the news the latest news will be right there. As it comes through to us here at aljazeera. Tobacco companies in the United States are being forced together to advertise all of the ways smoking is bad for you the court ruling comes after the eleven year legal battle thats weve crossed the barrier weve been watching some of the old the cigarette butts and how theyve changed over the us theyve changed quite a bit its probably a good thing that they have and a big reason of that is because a u. S. Federal judge is forcing the top five global Tobacco Companies to air a Television Ad warning of the dangers of smoking these are some of the same companies known for iconic advertising encouraging smoking cigarette t. V. Ads have been around since the beginning of t. V. Making you want to smoke it making you think it looks cool or sexy take a look at this as this one its one of the last cigarette commercials to air on t. V. In the United States back in nineteen seventy one. And weve come a long way since then and i hope the federal judge is ordering the Tobacco Companies to air warning advertisements because she said the companies have lied to the public about the effects of smoking and that they had been doing so for decades so on sunday this ad will start running on t. V. A federal court has ordered r. J. Reynolds tobacco lorillard and Philip Morris usa to make this statement about the Health Effects of smoking. Smoking kills on average twelve hundred americans every day i think you get the point its boring mainly because the companies were forced to do it this ad is a result of eleven years of Court Appeals since they lost the appeals big tobacco will have to run that ad for an entire year now as much as smoking ads encouraged to back to use and tied to back ads are responsible for just the opposite and i do bacco industries and foundations spend millions every year on advertising making you want to stop or never start using tobacco youve may have seen some of their rather clever ads on t. V. And online like this one from nicotine l. The caption to this advertisement says smoking causes premature aging this lady turning forty two or this one from Cancer Patients eight association they designed a roof in a smoking room to make it look like youre inside a coffin looking up out of your grave with all your friends standing there or this one its out of chile its showing the impacts of smoking on children especially Secondhand Smoke the quote here is smoking isnt just suicide its murder now if you do smoke or if you started smoking because of a t. V. Ad we want to hear from you to let us know how you did star and if you plan on quitting or if t. V. Has been a part of that journey for you you can get in touch with me where the hash tag a jane is great leah thank you very much for the thought about all this of course cigs and vaporing is all the rage among us because these days all does is really a piece by a cross but it gave it its own do about the issue but also theres this which is from now. Which happened a while back about the booming industry and the potential the misinformation behind it just go to aljazeera dot com and go to the shows time and then select. All right here in the great world is of course keen to hear from you tweet us at a. J. English will just find us at facebook on facebook at facebook dot com slash a. J. Great or send us a Whatsapp Message at plus nine seven four five zero one triple one four nine and its always you can use the hash tag a. J. Use great sports coming up on the great of the bright traditional thanksgiving of all days in the United States bangor and a motion for you to hear that story. Its possible it is for nick thank you so much theres a good chance that your social media feeds like mine filled up on thursday with posts about thanksgiving the annual u. S. Holiday this heat out shows some half a million tweets using the hashtag thanksgiving across the United States and the world and to a lot of people football is a big part of their traditions and f l games have been played on the holiday since one thousand nine hundred twenty but for the first time this year washington hosted a game and that has angered a lot of people whove been campaigning against the teams name alan fischer reports. Well many have been preparing the feast Simon Moya Smith has been preparing the protest he says he will highlight the forgotten story of thanksgiving so we call this the justice for natives rally because of the omission of the murdered and mutilated natives and the thanksgiving narrative people dont know about it dont talk about it you know its a very white washed myth made comfortable narrative for people. That has been simmering anger to over the name of the team in washington the redskins theres been a concerted effort to have it changed opponents claiming it is blatantly racist the American Psychological society said such names and mascots are harmful but you know says the name is here to stay of you backed up by the majority of fans in several polls when youve got a mascot major n. F. L. Football team that are boiling us down to this one representation one very represent racist representation on a holiday thats also supposed to honor the relationship that colonial governments have with native americans for us its just all off the teams name was the big controversy in the sport in recent years but the focus this season and last has been more on players taking in the joining the National Anthem to protest racism were going to talk about Police Brutality and we need to include natives in the discussion there right now that dialogue is very much black and white but its not natives are more likely to die at the hands of police those who are protesting say this is about more than just the name this is about celebrating and imagery and a behavior that was cruel and grotesque when people native to this land men women and children were literally skinned for money changing the name they insist would be a first step that would be something they could celebrate alan fischer aljazeera at the home of the Washington Redskins. And Washington Redskins name change debate has been a hot topic for years and the conversation is all over social media change in mascot dog dot org is an entire website dedicated to the campaign to get the name changed it has all the latest Development News you can even sign a petition here. U. S. Congresswoman Eleanor Norton also supports a name change campaign saying teams racist name mocks native americans and doesnt deserve to be associated with the Nations Capital theres also been a lot of criticism directed towards the n. F. L. Itself this thanksgiving we will all witness the truth a league that celebrates racial slurs can never be an engine for racial justice. Now we cant talk about racism in sport without mentioning colin capper nick the former San Francisco forty nine ers player showed his support for the movement by attending the Indigenous Peoples sunrise gathering on alcatraz yesterday heres what he had to say. Earlier. Going. To. Rely on. Now the Washington Redskins arent the only north American Team with a name thats considered offensive there been protests since the one nine hundred seventy s. Against Major League Baseballs Cleveland Indians for using indians as part of their name and the logo chief wahoo is seen by many as a racist character the Chicago Blackhawks logo is also considered insulting but much of that has been softened by the work of the franchise has done with the American Indian center to help educate fans on the culture and political figures including canadas Prime Minister urging the Edmonton Eskimos to change their name out of respect for the anyone people the word eskimo is considered a slur. Now if there is any other example you can think of please send them our way on line twitter at underscore as small or you can use the hash tag aging is great ill be back with more at eight hundred g. M. T. But for now back to neck for us thanks very much and they will see you later thanks about the new grid do you remember to keep in touch with us on social media has taken over is aging news group all the other ways to connect. And facebook must but its up a lot. Indulge your five senses. Setting the stage for a serious debate up front i think is time on aljazeera. A new era in television news. Because its a its a tough to do since in secret that we had actual victims who had survived torture detention and saying this was the cause of my arrest if you would. Just stay with us. I got this conviction that everyone. Lets take you straight now to cairo egypt and listen to president. Commenting on those attacks in the Sinai Peninsula risk of more than two hundred people at risk power is all cannot be dented if we will remain more united following this tragic event. All Egyptian Armed forces will take revenge and they will restore order and security with an iron fist and the following days so this is our response we were despondent to show this act with with pleasure and with force and we will fight those handful that fear the terrorism. I would like to tell the egyptian people that

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