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But said that a Senior Member of trumps Transition Team would ask him to reach out to russias ambassador to the u. S. Hes now cooperating with the f. B. I. Investigation into alleged russian meddling in last years u. S. Election a White House Correspondent kimberly how could reports. A ride to that federal court in Washington Michael Flynn ignored shouted questions by reporters. Inside moments later the former National Security advisor to President Donald Trump pled guilty to lying to the f. B. I. Court documents show the charges against flynn stem from his lying about efforts to obtain advance knowledge of how foreign governments might vote on a u. N. Security Council Resolution about israel as well as phone conversations flynn had before trump was even sworn in as president with the former Russian Ambassador to the United States surrogate kiss lee ak flynn is said to have suggested to kiss liane sanctions put in place against russia by the Obama White House maybe dropped once trump was sworn in but they did not discuss anything having to do with the United States decision to expel diplomats or or impose a censure against russia flints lies to the Vice President about that phone call led to his dismissal after just three weeks in office in a statement trumps lawyer said flynt false claims mirror the false statements to white house officials which resulted in his resignation in february of this year nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than mr flynn but his plea in fact may directly tie the oval office to the investigation by special counsel Robert Muller and whether or not the trunk campaign worked with russia this suggests that mr flynt has more information to provide about other things the white house has lied about other things the president himself may have lied about and whether or not the white house including the president himself colluded with russia according to the former f. B. I. Director james comey trump once asked him to drop the case against flynn and despite claims by the. President s lawyer claims cooperation with the f. B. I. Probe shows that most investigation is as collating could lead to charges against an even bigger target clipping the president of the United States kimberly how aljazeera washington the un has launched a record appeal for more than twenty two billion dollars to help victims of conflict and natural disasters yemen is the worlds worst humanitarian crisis war there has left more than twenty Million People in need with a severe food shortage and the worlds worst outbreak of cholera pope francis has asked a group of revenge refugees in bangladesh for forgiveness for the worlds indifference to their plight it was the first time the pontiff that used the term ranger on his trip to asia had been advised not to use the word wanted me in earlier in the week to avoid inflaming tension diplomatic sources have told aljazeera that saudi officials have no objection to tend to attending the annual Gulf Cooperation Council summit in kuwait there have been doubts about whether the summit would go ahead due to strained relations between g. C. C. Members saudi arabia the u. A. E. Bahrain and egypt cut ties and impose an economic blockade on qatar in june as a mere shake to mean been hammered out danny has received an invitation to next weeks meeting of the Electoral Court in honduras says that ninety five percent of ballots have now been counted but the still no result five days after the president ial election the army is calling for calm after twelve people were wounded in clashes with opposition protesters official say that irregularities were found in more than one thousand ballot boxes their contents will now be recounted by hand at the moment incumbent president one orlando one unders has a narrow lead over salvador nasrallah theres the headlines the news continues on aljazeera after the coming war on china. With the be. With the. With with the with urine with women with with. With. With i pity a country that would come up against us. The synergy with air land and sea forces and in our ability to control the battle space and seize the high ground is devastating all countries respect the power of the United States in the respect how dominant we are in this region and we get better and better better and. Tonight attend a reg limps of chinas on vicious expansion in one of the worlds most contested regions we report from the South China Sea where the chinese are warning off anyone who comes too close to that Building Program we continue our look this morning and what china does not want you to see the United States as the superpower is reclaiming land in the South China Sea the fact that were dealing with a situation right now where we the u. S. Has to be much more aggressive in dealing with the Chinese Government c. N. N. Has learned the u. S. Navy is about to send a destroyer there lets go to our c. N. N. C. N. N. Got exclusive access to classified u. S. Surveillance flights over the islands and. The threat to china is becoming big news the media is beating the drums of war as the world is being primed to regard china as a new enemy chinas alarming creation of entirely New Territory in the South China Sea is one part of a broader military push that some fear is to challenge us dominance in the region. China is building in strips in the South China Sea on disputed islands condemned by an International Tribunals this is now a flashpoint for war between china and america. What is not news is that china itself is under threat. These american bases form a joint news in circling china with missiles bombers warships all the way from a straight through the pacific to asia and beyond. I mean if you were in beijing looking out stood on the tallest building in beijing and looked out of the Pacific Ocean youd see American Warships youd see guam is about to sink because theres so many missiles pointed at china you look up the korean see american armaments pointing at china youd see japan which is basically. Japans a glove over the american fist i think if i was chinese id have a little to worry about about american aggressiveness and we have china surrounded and were doing more all the time to try and keep it surrounded and deepen that containment of china. But china presents a fascinating case of a country that is independent doesnt have foreign bases on its territory. Growing very rapidly not as rapidly now as it did for thirty years but still the second ranking economy in the world we have an adversary and that adversary is china and that adversary unless there is dramatic reform inside china will be our enemy someday when miss. I think really the needs to be dispelled somehow chinas aiming to replace america and going to run the world. Well first of all the chinese are not that stupid the west with this christian. Roots are about converting other people into their beliefs the chinese are not about that its just the again im not degrading the western culture im just pointing out being hara nature of the d. N. A. Is a two different cultures the chinese two thousand years ago built the great wall to keep the barbarians out and nothing made them. As the worlds economic power moves rapidly to asia the response of the United States is to deploy the majority of its naval forces to asia and the pacific this massive military buildup is known in washington as the pivot to asia the target is china. The great power game in the twenty First Century its called potential war. For americas unchallenged doms industry the annual prize is huge profits from almost six hundred billion dollars of military spending. Once an imaginary weapon on star wars the electromagnetic gun is now reality youre sitting there thinking about these next generation and futuristic ideas and weve got scientists who have designed these and its coming to life. And the smartest weapons made enemies as a pacific nation and the United States will play a larger and long term role in shaping this region and its future i have directed my National Security team to make our presence and mission in the asia pacific a top priority in one sentence is the u. S. Already a ball with china yes on the ground and in the air the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize president barack obama has committed to trillions of dollars of to our Nuclear Arsenal hes committing trillions of future dollars to war in space and we need an enemy for all this money and china is the perfect enemy. The aim of this film is to break a silence the United States and china may well be on a path toward a nuclear war is no longer unthinkable in a few years china has become the worlds second biggest economic power the United States is the worlds biggest military power with bases and missiles and ships covering every continent and every ocean china is a threat to this dominance says washington who is the threat this film is about shifting and great danger but its also a film about the human spirit and the rise of an extraordinary resistance among people on the frontline of a coming war where the words never again have an urgent meaning for all of us. Why. This is bikini the rim of an agent underwater volcano in the Marshall Islands with its necklace of twenty Three Islands bikini is a place of beauty and silence and menace one. Look closely where the emerald. Suddenly falls into a vast black hole this is the crater of one of the greatest manmade explosions the Hydrogen Bomb they call bravo. If a prize an entire island and poisoned almost everything and everyone. Has a plane flew low we seem to touch its deathly void. One. The Marshall Islands lie in the Pacific Ocean between the United States and asia captured from the japanese and while war two they have long been americas strategic secret its stepping stone to asia and china. Take possession. Of warships. In order to blow them to bits. The decks of the seventy three test thank god indicating that gone are steamed up the bridge activity and scientists products Paramedic Program designed to furnish data blast the banks of the mighty atom by animals up many animals were strapped to their decks like above. The experiment to see how they done right how they. Determine their protect. Our part of. The day bikini is unfit for human life radiation poisons the food and water. Shoes registered unsafe. The abandoned cemetery looks out to where the sun rose one morning then rose again as apocalypse. The equivalent to one here is she my bomb was exploded in these islands every day for twelve years. A scarred beauty has returned to the island but the people have been. Exiled to Barren Islands many of them spoke of in one nine hundred sixty eight president Lyndon Johnson told them people safe to go home. But it wasnt safe and the u. S. Authorities knew it wasnt safe. I mean no man i guess at sea then. The wedding. You know anyone. In india would nave done on and on. And im not a colleague of mine and get a lot of play you need in other that you were given what happened as a result of the bravo test was that a cover up was launched very shortly after march one mean theres such a history of wrong information outright lies deception and there was no no attempt to take the most conservative approach and make sure that everybody was ok they knew what the right like to follow was going to go. And they took that risk and when they then made known full well equipped. They still had enough territory to evacuate you know they were shocked that these people were not evacuated we were not evacuated. So. It only leads one one up one believe that number one you know states need this again paste they thought. The effects of radiation was good and pretty strong indication if you know the station you it seems extraordinary here we are this far into the twenty First Century talking to people still frightened of all that Nuclear Fallout all those tests all those years ago the impression i get is that this little trust among people the us is trying to provide as much information as much good information as we can and so i wouldnt accept the characterization that that there have been lies and cover ups that would guinea pigs comes up a lot from these survivors i would i would refer you to our Embassy Website on that ive read it and that question was looked at during the Clinton Administration and that was not the conclusion they came to. The secret of the Marshall Islands this project four point one declassified documents reveal a Scientific Program began the study of mice and became a study of human beings exposed to radiation. Chicago is where it all began im for the agency are gone lab in chicago last week came seven men natives of the Marshall Islands lead them is from here on the ranch were radiated by our march nineteenth for Hydrogen Bomb. John is mayor of wrangler which is one hundred miles from the. John as we said this having a happy amenable to either his grandfather ran almost naked on his car after. The white man brought money and religion and a market for it. John reed knows about god and is a pretty good mayor. In rome is a Radiation Detector for a human being. Inside john. Whose first visit to the white mans country meant San Francisco cable ties and chicago skyscrapers and streamlined train. First visit to the white mans country and the iron rule. These people are getting paid they are part of the experiment project four point one they are being returned to wrong and island one hundred miles from bikini by the u. S. Navy they were told repeatedly it was safe to go. They are being returned to an island described by a u. S. Atomic Energy Official has by far the most contaminated place on earth he added it will be interesting to get a measure of human uptake when people live in a contaminated environment. When the people of wrong road may poison island for twenty eight years as guinea pigs. The objects of regular scientific examination. This is the largest of the islands. Occupied by one of americas most him. And secretive faces. Known as the Ronald Reagan test site its a missile. The Pacific Ocean all the way to asia and china. Were. Here the people of the Marshall Islands of once again being subjected to the testing of weapons of mass destruction designed for a coming war on. The basis part of a remarkable. Knownas vision twenty twenty devised in the nine hundred ninety s. Its aim as described officially as full spectrum dominance. This means control and see. Cyber space and space five four three two one. From california almost five miles away the usa forced to sit Intercontinental Missile by firing them at the marshall. Imagine a missile coming screaming out of the sky its absolutely terrifying there i think that there is theres really nothing. That i can imagine that that would be more terrifying than this and were talking about. Devices that any one of them could go off course. None of this disturbs life on the base where small town america has been recreated a wonderland of the suburban go to. My villa but theres Nothing Better than living on a Tropical Island im very much of each property you know its ok i live here. Just across the bay busybody island known as the slum of the pacific more than Twelve Thousand people live here on the strip of land less than a mile long. Many of them refugees from what is now the missile base and from islands poisoned by nuclear testing. Every day people from me by approach to work on the missile base to water the gardens and the golf course. Then they all ferry back so they puff and. This is apartheid in the pacific. You find me a. Man. Any medicine. And. For. Page people and for yes here we are its a tropical live and you need vegetable and for. Fish vegetables and fruit but once abundant only by. Today fish is contaminated by toxic pollutants so the Environmental Protection agency. Now the only food most people can afford is process and imported they have the highest rate of diabetes in the world. When someone gets really you. Do they go to the hospital live from the base because. Theyve got a pretty modern clinic or. They dont train three of them with whom it isnt. There for taking the blood and then. What happens when somebody is seriously thinking not to he may be. The most consistent example given is the example of the Ronald Reagan missile site and if by next to it on the Ronald Reagan missile site. Theres a vivid example of the United States golf courses and. Swimming pools and all kinds of manatees. Right next to it is what was called the slum of the pacific and said its a challenge by. Is in great need right now we talked about infrastructure one of the projects the u. S. Is working with our australian colleagues and with the Asian Development bank is a sewer and Water Project desperately needed for the by he buys overcrowded schools need repair actually the us military did a survey back in the seventys and found that the service didnt work and the water didnt run the electricity wasnt there it only happened nor all that long ago they found almost exactly the same thing why why hasnt that been fix weve theres complete agreement that by should be a priority and not only because of the current activities of the Ronald Reagan space and Missile Defense side but theres also now an additional component that is providing for Global Security and thats the space fence project by the air force. Every missile fired on the Marshall Islands by the us military cost one hundred Million Dollars each. This school bus is the only one only by they cant afford to replace it. For us the people on Marshall Islands we have no need for. Its being used to test missiles the Foreign Countries like china. And anywhere else if they want. What would you like to see happen. I want our land. When the power goes out. Theres only one humanity trying to. Local heroes to many he still needs electricity. But keeping the lights on is dangerous work. As your forces cracked army spock speaking to flight. Powerless a witness documentary at this time on aljazeera. The nature is news as it breaks the last time senegal qualified for the world cup was in two thousand to fifteen years on and hope to do even better in russia next year with detailed coverage tried to imagine it only seven years ago people were living right here farming frame now defeat has taken over their land from around the world donald trump is promising a major policy announcement on trade a potential challenge to khorat a missed opportunity of rot. In syria citizens are collecting evidence that up a little bit bill has a lot of crimes committed against civilians whove moved out of syria and there are both six hundred thousand pages of material so that one day they can bring the outside regime to justice it puts a human face on the charges its a dead human face but its a human face syria witnesses for the prosecution at this time on aljazeera. Hello again adrian for the getting here in doha the headlines on aljazeera u. S. President Donald Trumps former National Security adviser has pleaded guilty to lying to the f. B. I. About his contacts with russia Michael Flynn admitted that his actions were wrong but said that he was asked to do so by a Senior Member of trumps Transition Team will now cooperate with the f. B. I. Investigation into alleged russian meddling in last years u. S. Election the u. S. Has launched a record appeal for more than twenty two billion dollars to help victims of conflict and natural disasters yemen is the worlds worst humanitarian crisis with more than twenty Million People in need the situation in yemen is atrocious the number of people in need and population in twenty of twenty eight million is approaching twenty million seven or eight million of these people are right on the verge of famine and starvation we need to get the whole fully opened the fuel to run the Water Systems can get the fuel to get food around the country can get in more commercial food as well as the aid food can get in. Pope francis is the group of ranger refugees in bangladesh for forgiveness for the worlds indifference to their plight it was the first time that the pontiff it used to injure on his trip to asia people not to use the word while in myanmar earlier in the week to avoid inflaming tensions diplomatic sources have told aljazeera that saudi officials have no objection to ending the annual tending rather the annual Gulf Cooperation Council some is in kuwait they have been doubts about whether the summit would go ahead due to strained relations between g. C. C. Members saudi arabia the u. A. E. Bahrain at egypt cut ties and impose an economic blockade on cattle in june qatars amir shaikh to mean bin Hamad Al Fanny has received an invitation to next weeks meeting. The Electoral Court in honduras says that ninety five percent of the ballots have not been counted but the still the result five days after the president ial election the army is calling for calm after twelve people were wounded in clashes with opposition protesters irregularities were found in more than one thousand ballot boxes the contents will now be recounted by hand. Ill be back with it a little over twenty five minutes here on aljazeera but now lets get you back to the coming war on china. This is shanghai the Historic Hotel on the Yangtze River chinas greatest city. Id arranged to meet you american author James Bradley whose latest bestselling book the china mirage reveals an extraordinary Hidden History of American Power and martin china. It was almost illegal for someone like me to know a chinese for almost all of American History the chinese came to america to mine gold and build the railroads and americans decided we didnt like the competition so in one thousand nine hundred two we had the chinese exclusion act which kept the chinese out of the United States for about one hundred years so you have the largest population in the world that cant come to the United States so at just the point were putting up the statue of liberty saying we welcome everybody we were wrecked you know wall saying we welcome everybody except those chinese. Fear of a rising china today is the latest chapter in the history of propaganda but present to the chinese as uncouth and infant teil. To western popular and political culture the chinese became the yellow peril. And racial stereotypes fall the constant theme of fear and threat. As the t. V. Show is actually. Twisting his. Eyes in reverence and the hard stuff. Says. I. Sell food. This caricature of an entire people concealed another agenda. For the american to lead to in the Nineteenth Century china was a goldmine of drugs. War and delano the grandfather of Franklin Delano roosevelt was the american opium king of china he was the biggest american opium dealer second to the british he welcomed the First American ship into china to help with the opium wars much of the east coast of america colombia harvard yale princeton were born from opium money the American Industrial revolution was funded by huge pools of money where did this come from a came from Illegal Drugs in the biggest market in the world china and we get this right the grandfather of. The most liberal president Franklin Delano roosevelt was a drug runner yes or Franklin Delano roosevelt never made much money in his life he had Public Service jobs that were very lowly paid but he had yahtzee at summer homes he had mansions in new york city the kids went to private schools he inherited a fortune from war and then. And know his father who is the american opium king of china if you scratch anyone with the name forbes in their name John Forbes Kerry secretary of state John Forbes Kerry youll find opium money his great grandfather was an opium dealer how big was opium money opium money built the First Industrial city in the United States lowell massachusetts it built the first five railroads in the United States opium money all over the east coast but it wasnt talked about it was called the china trade and if you go to various museums you can see teas and silks. Exhibited and they keep quiet about all that big opium money. In the scramble to get opium money china was invaded and colonized by britain and the other imperial power as. Far a nominee has grabbed hold sway in sort of china. This is the American Army in Tiananmen Square peaking in one thousand nine hundred. Great cities like shanghai what taken over and declared concessions and foreigners lived a life of privilege and luxury amidst terrible poverty imposed on the chinese. Resistance known as the boxer rebellion was put down with the savagery. This rape of china set the tone for how china was perceived in the west well into the twentieth century. This is the distinguished historian we should know theodore h. White and the five to the white house of it speaking in the one nine hundred sixty s. Perhaps china is too vast to be governed by mercy yet of chinese mind craves order they must be brought to recognize they are the biggest factor in the world is distorted. And we must untangle the madness of their mind the most difficult task in the world is to reach the minds of men who. What why i was really complaining about was the loss of a china but the imperial west could dominate and go to feet of general Chiang Kai Shek who were these famously powerful christian wife mailing some guarded americas interests in china. That is until they were thrown out in one thousand nine hundred forty nine by a communist revolution led by mouth. Ma it beaten Chiang Kai Shek three times in huge battles involving millions of combatants mao was a winner in this contest from the early one nine hundred thirty s. On but we know very little about it and people dont understand that even today. Shanghai here is the message clearly as foreign businessmen bought up their shops go now quickly communism archers take what you can but. In elemental haste the western powers evacuate the city they have built for good and bad alike mostly the businessmen come for profit as well as missionaries come to feel must say good bye south b. N. C. Steams the last of western influence farewell to a century. People and today its difficult to understand the paranoia ignited by mouse revolution. As we look at china on the map we can see that china is the basic cause of all of our troubles in asia i believe that for the state or. If you met the. So be prepared for the puppy beneath. A shiny new at that on the united. One of the myths about mao is that he was an implacable enemy of the capitalist west. Shanghai today is a prosperous International City still run by the communists at least. When i was last in china more than a generation ago the loudest noise was the tinkling of bicycle bells now or just the streets were dark the universities were closed the chaos of the cultural revolution had given way to a great silence where exhausted was the freest comment i heard coming back the change was barely comprehensible. Here in shanghai the freedom bears no comparison yes there are issues with human rights especially the right to speak against the state and challenge its power since i was last here millions of people of been lifted out of poverty many of them into an entirely new middle class this is still barely understood in the west or should there be wilfully misunderstood the truth is that china has matched america crn great game of capitalism and that is one forgivable. One measure of chinas new capitalism is the run ritualised this league table of chinas mega rich is published by rupert hogan wore an old attorney and his chinese name as her run hes received many awards including chinas man of the year this year two thousand and fifteen its probably been the most extraordinary year of Wealth Creation in the history of china again you know ive been doing this little fifteen sixteen years ive never seen a year like two thousand and fifteen you know normally for two hundred Million Pounds or three hundred Million Dollars we find say by eight hundred thousand people this year two thousand and fifteen is its doubled theyll be more dollar billionaires know about in china than in the u. S. So the u. S. Up until now has been the leader in terms of business. You know the most successful business tycoons in the world. China two thousand and fifteen where theyve taken the us said amazing. Modern china is full of telling irony is not released this museum that was once the house where mounties com raids secretly founder of the communist party of china in one nine hundred twenty one. Today it stands in the heart of an exclusive very capitalist shopping district. When you leave the shrine to chinas great revolution you are confronted by a surreal spectacle a right outside where the Chinese Communist party it was bone of the very symbols of capitalism stocks apple. And down there perhaps the free markets greatest triumph bottled water but in shoals you live young costing six pounds for a small bottle in my hotel. Spin and his tune if he was here im not so sure Hidden History is always a key to the truth five years before his great communist revolution in one hundred forty nine mts sent this secret message to washington and china must industrialize right now this can only be done by Free Enterprise chinese and american interests fit together economically and politically america need not fear that we will not be cooperative we cannot risk crossing america we cannot risk any conflict. Received no reply. Nothing has changed. Mouse a tongue was looking to be a friend with the United States from the beginning ma says i will go meet Franklin Roosevelt in the white house moll reaches out nine hundred fifty to harry truman he reaches out to Dwight Eisenhower his hand was tossed away. This song. Paternity that might have changed history prevented wars save countless lives was lost because the truth of miles over true as was denied in the washington of the one nine hundred fifty s. State Department Officials who had carried maos messages were condemned down justly as communist traitors. Everybody who knew who spoke cheneys was gone in the one nine hundred fifty s. The state department had no employees who spoke cheney its resulted in us not having relations with the number one most populous country in the world in one thousand nine hundred seventy nine this man. Became chinas paramount leader he said socialism does not mean shared poverty. This was code for the most radical reforms since miles revolution. The return of capitalism to china but this time controlled by the communist party. To be riches glorious dane was reported as saying. America was now threatened by the emergence of a vast image of itself. This is one of the many very exclusive gated communities in shanghai where an apartment is one of the prizes of the new communism. I had a range to see professor zion way way a close aide to the late things are paying the man who changed china. Really extremely. Long visionary the leader will exceed the long term Strategic Vision for his country for his people that chinese do you follow that path you know theyre true this is really a tradition from chinas along history you look at even like mao he said we should you know suppose you could. Hear which was supplied by which so they didnt used to this day. Of actually or many chinese have problems with the western media is this theory about china if you. Contend with fear it hypes you missed so many things you know if the b. B. C. Broadcast something they are happy to always mention this comment is to dictatorship this autocracy not actually with this one label you know you cannot understand this china as it is but if you watch b. B. C. C. N. N. Or read economist and try to understand china it will be a failure its impossible. Multiple parties fight for political power and everyone voting on them is the only path to salvation for the long suffering thats. A shanghai entrepreneur educated in america and typical of a new confident outspoken Political Class in china there are a lot of problems but at the moment the chinese the party state has proven an extraordinary ability to change me i make the joke. In america you can change Political Parties but you cant change policies. In china you cannot change the party but you can change policies. So in a sixty five or sixty six years china is being run by one single party yet. The political changes that have taken place in china in the past sixty six years have been wider and broader and greater than probably any other major country in modern memory so in that time china seems to be communist patrol so well china is a market economy and survivor a market economy but it is not a capitalist country heres why there is no way a group of billionaires could control the politburo. The owners control american policymaking so in china you have a vibrant market economy but capital does not rise above Political Authority capital is not does not have in trying rights in America Capital the interest of capital and capital itself has risen above the name of the american nation the Political Authority cannot check the power of capital and thats why america is a catalyst country but china is not this is the ironic title of a bestselling book by zhang leisure a journalist and critic who lives in beijing. Many americans imagine that the Chinese People live miserable repressed her life these no freedom western ever thats not quite sure if you toss speak to many ordinary Chinese People they will tell you that they feel that their life i quite free some five hundred Million People being lifted off the poverty in some would say probably six hundred Million People thats a great achievement. For Many Americans the yellow peril has never left and i think of the theres the fear about china of course theres a fear for chinas rapid rise but its also has not to do. With china or the label as communists and states china subject of some modest compare with their weight theyre not trying to run the world then i mean trying to run asia pacific i think they want to keep america from dominating the asia pacific so they have what they believe is their rightful place in asia pacific because alonso was asian long history in their size so their objectives are really modest compared with their capacity to the world for new wealth in china and i often say this is this is the product of sofa mode Entrepreneur School but its not also the product of the exploitation of people at the bottom what are known in china as migrants but theyre not really migrants so. If you really. Go to port to this my women workers you will find quite surprisingly. Over the past five to seventy years they have experienced. A greater increase their. Social groups china not a car society. But china is a class society. These are the homes of Migrant Workers people who build and service the new china. Here its not uncommon for three families to share one tiny flat. You know you would so see it its a socialist country it was a call it was equality but im fortunately since the reform has started china has become one of the most unequal societies in the word the income gap is widening governments i feel have retreated some of the responsibilities left the markets to take over by the market does not always treat women kindly. Private companies they would just refuse to high and childs bearing age women and sometimes when women become pregnant they want second because they dont want to pay the matelote leave and in fact a the income gap has grown much bigger between men one and your old boss. Presided over the bloodshed and tear them square what would you say to the survivors of Tiananmen Square because so many of those did fight for what very saw as Democratic Change in china. In ninety eight hundred nine there were two Political Force one was those reprise only by the Chinese Students their hero was me how you go back to off who happen to be. Their slogan was soviet unions today charles to more so the idea was a political reform first or. Reforms second otherwise china will be hopeless and those mess you which opposite he saw. It he saw you know china must have you cannot reform first as a reform second this priority must be set clear. Is the front line of a beckoning war with china we cant continue to allow china to rape our country and thats what theyre doing there never have been two countries more into dependent on each other than china us in history theres like a total disconnect with the changing world you have a giant rising power in this case china. Why would you expect the giant rising power to not want to have more control over its orders and. What is that whats the purpose i mean where are we going to stop this process before it starts to war. And then if the war starts where does that end. Welcome back as we look at weather conditions across the americas many areas are actually drawing quite bright a bit of cloud around but you know what theyre looking at drawing day in the highs of ten percent northwest weve still got more weather fronts pushing into the snow over the rockies the rain at lower levels Desert Southwest not looking too bad los angeles there at twenty one degrees so as you move the forecast into sunday still plenty of snow around seattle will see rain with a temperature of six and further towards the south and dry and fine actually quite pleasant miami there sunshine and highs of twenty seven so lets head down into the caribbean for the islands again a lot of fine weather is expected here showers passing through very quickly on the winds kingston jamaica theyre looking at highs of thirty through the isthmus the really heavy showers as seen from panama costa rica and up through guatemala tending to ease away at the moment so there will be a few showers around but jerry not looking too bad the yucatan is dry makes a go city very pleasant twenty one degrees. Heading down into south america weve got showers affecting parts of peru and through him to bolivia those could be heavy in places were also see some heavy rain across southern and eastern parts of brazil was we come further draw across paraquat may see some rain affecting parts of argentina later on. The Antarctic Ice sheet is melting a process that is affecting the entire globe. In a special episode prize joins fifty five scientists on a brant psyching journey of discovery around the continent for a look into the past and the future of the planet. But its quite amazing just to see that thats the dust but when you rise up this time on aljazeera. I sometimes feel that were really looking into the hearts and the soul of those directly involved in advance taking place were very good at telling all sides of the story from the political elite to those people who are affected you really get to know whats happening on the ground thats very important for me as a generation past that can often feel that my continent is misrepresented and weve changed that your story is important to us it doesnt matter where you come from. Scaping a war. Finding a new identity. Confronting the reality of racism religion and the struggle to be accepted. Aljazeera tells the story of what its like to be lebanese and call australia home. Once upon a time in punchbowl at this time on aljazeera. This is aljazeera

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