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Latest on all of our top stories including of course our exclusive report on the nigerian migrants whove been flown out of libya and side stories next. Building bridges between china and france and backing the new silk road between continents the french president is on a three day visit with trade talking his chinese agenda what do the potential deals mean for both asia and the world this is inside story. Hello that welcome to the program im Laura Carlisle its being described as a new stage and french diplomacy as well as potential trade deals being signed president Emanuel Mccraw is on his First Official visit to China Economic issues of the focus of a three day trip as well as north Korean Nuclear missiles Climate Change and investments in africa well look at those issues in just a moment mccaughan has been speaking in the ancient city of sea on. You know. It is and its up to europe in asia to france and china to define and come up with the rules of a game we could all win or lose i have come here to tell china that i am determined to move the euro China Partnership into the twenty First Century so that it fits in this new framework that we need to define together europe will embrace this new strategy because it is now aware of its role and its place in the century it will get involved on all of the main topics yes my friends what i have also come here to say is that europe is back some of the issues on mccalls agenda Climate Change with President Donald Trump announcing the u. S. Is pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord its a key topic for cooperation between both countries also was described as the new silk road map kwan is backing president sees trillion dollar projects the one belt one road and they should if aims to extend chinas reach across asia and beyond by using a network of new railways ports and other infrastructure america wants to strengthen the French Partnership with china particularly in africa back on says france has the experience of unilateral imperialism in africa and wants to help china avoid what he calls Frances Africa mistakes finally china and france a both Nuclear Powers and veto wielding permanent members of the Un Security Council so they have much to talk on north korea as well as the war in syria and the Israeli Palestinian conflict so plenty to talk about as well with our panel lets bring them in in beijing china tangan an advisor on Economic Affairs to the Chinese Government in singapore graeme web Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University and in Little France possibly comal director of research at the French Institute for international and Strategic Affairs welcome all of you i know an awful lot is on the agenda ahead to get through in three days but whats the key thing that china is wanting from from its. Well its this a very vocal proponents of the belton Road Initiative this is really something that ping has been looking for with germany right now in trenton not transition but trying to figure out its government having macron step up as a proponent of globalization wedded to the Climate Change agenda this is exactly what theyve been looking for ok so but telhami back on has given the support for the one belt one Road Initiative what is it that france now wants in return for what is interesting is that michael addressed this issue thats thirty had his first speech on the iraqis i think we have to keep in mind that the choice of sarah is still a significant very symbolic for the chinese and this is where desir coup in its historical. Purpose of course used to start so it is a very important to look asian to address the importance of the you see problems and the. We shall we lost france to push on him to do something about it that weve been expecting a lot from what you see issue since he was elected and this is clearly distrust and it does the dress is the desire to cooperate more with china on this issue and trying to define together what is exactly the opposite but also the intentions of china when it comes to the support ok and what the key thing key takeaway that it wants to do that back home wants to take back to paris from this chinese as it. Well not home address also a very important issue for france at the moment which is research of more moved to last for all. Like. Gesture and of World Affairs france has been since michaels election very willing to separate a little bit from what we call the atlanticist posture a posture very linked to the United States notably under the Obama Administration and of course that action of the trump in u. S. So they changed but the star of the game as well as the brits its in the United Kingdom and michael has repeatedly mentioned his intention to adopt the more we call it in france the more go east media and bitter indian posture that refers of course to the late president Charles De Gaulle and also in the office and this posture is based on the more independence research. Implications of great powers not constantly to our i dont think allies and much whole addressed again this particular message during the speech and which is very interesting so he called china for a bigger involvement in World Affairs but also a bigger cotner ship on will the issues such as terrorism such as syria such as north korea such as of course also Global Warming graham weve got two leaders hit with very big ambitions with the u. S. And retrieve it says to me just mention is going to dominance on their minds. Clearly i mean global dominance is. A theme that its const continually discussed in light of the shake up that weve seen in Global Politics over the last twelve months in the least and whoevers going to step up to the fore is. Will want to come up with the arrangement that will benefit not just themselves by the International Community taking taking into account how highly integrated the Global Economy really years and i think this is part of the of the messaging that i will see and for in the discussions over the next few days that china is being reminded not to just look at itself but to look at the rest of the world and how what it does has huge impact across the Pacific Region and the rest of the world and i think this is a very welcome moment. In terms of this of this meeting in having china being invited if you like to to step forward and plea a constructive role as possible that can benefit everyone and one area where we can particularly see this is africa i know weve got france warning china not to make the same mistakes it did on that continent during colonial times is this a message that china hairs and will respond to. Well it i dont know how theyll officially respond to it but having a willing partner on both sides is very very important china obviously has the money they have a vision for the belton Road Initiative and france is very connected to its former colonial empire and it wants to maintain those ties but it doesnt necessarily have the wherewithal to put in the kind of infrastructure and investment that is needed so forming a partnership seems very very logical its a win win situation its not the zero sum game that you have in trumps view of the world but in terms of what france what china sees france as one is they want to willing partner in africa which we just discussed theyre also looking for some bolstering its not only that macro is talking about doing more with china he wants the e. U. To play a more central role and with china recognizing his. Lets say gravitas at this stage it will help him as he goes back to the e. U. And says listen we either adopt the view protectionist view of the United States and we retreat and give up the values that weve had through globalization or we go forward and we forge something much more clear with china so i would disagree that this is somehow taking china to task or inviting them this is a multipolar world and i think china recognizes that and thats why theres going to be quite a bit of give and take ok a just to the chinese see mark kong as the new lead to of europe with of course breaks it taking the u. K. Out of the picture a little bit send merkel focused on domestic affairs. Well i dont necessarily know that they see here as the sole leader they see it for what it is he cannot do anything without germany so therefore theres going to have to be consensus but hes the first mover as merkel as you said is you know confined to figuring out how her government is going to look if she can put it together hes the one who stepped forward and i think that will be to his advantage and well see that in the number of deals that hes able to bring to the table and take back to france ok but tell me its not all roses and light isnt it because weve also had macron calling for a stronger europe to quote face china and the u. S. So should beijing fail a little bit threatened. I dont think it it with fear and it frightened about that but i think fully agree with what has been say regarding be important in the coffee to china and i think that my core knowledge is that but also sitting in the knowledge is that and for the chinese leaders at the moment is perceived as what we may call the head of the prophecy and if we may put to it michael is in a position that you know you were in the at the moment that i mean hes facing some dont mistake it for the problems and she doesnt have the same attributes of power that you have mentioned earlier see that u. N. Security council Nuclear Power to us and forces of growth but these are all the tributes that france has u. K. Also does but has we know that the u. K. Is a little bit out at the moment so in the eyes of the chinese france is playing a more significant role not only in World Affairs but especially in shaping. Some sort of European Defense and Foreign Policy and michael is incarnating it so therefore is physically its not just about french chinese relations its. Far more important than ambition is that its about dont you see across we have mentioned its also about china relations and its future so thats why this visit is i think far more important than on gas miracle last trip to beijing francis ok. If we are saying a partnership forged between c. And mack on graham how different are they in their views when it comes to Global Governance i mean how are these men going to get on and Work Together what. Well coming back to my point about the invitation this is exactly it i think mark is clearly aware that at this moment in Global Affairs the last thing you want to do is to its to push china away at a time when a lot of middle and major powers are on the retreat or the perception that is an ongoing retreat and to have china come into this conversation and to play its part and presumably also perhaps to be more open to chinas ways of the wings of the of of global conduct as well i think this is going to be a two way conversation and i think the allusion is quite clear even in terms of. Reference to the silk road being a a two way street essentially not just in physical terms but in conversational terms as well for for for china to be more open to to the ways of established Global Governance and regulatory undertakings and vice versa for for for the e. U. And other economic blocs to be open to chinas own way of doing things things as well i think this is the kind of partnership were going to see Going Forward and not just in terms of just china and france and i think all of these point i think this is a much larger conversation about is are and europe as well as both blocs work more closely together in sort of a win win arrangement because each one has the has something the other lacks the you has has a pile of experience. Resources and of course there are markets abound in asia to be to be tapped into on the asian side of the house so i think this is going to be. A win win situation as i mentioned ok just a follow on that similar vein of thoughts are with most western leaders when they go to china pressured to hold china to account for its human rights records will we see macron doing that with china or is that going to be pushed to the sides in favor of this new partnership. Well actually will never know because he is office has already announced that any kind of talk about human rights will be in private and so there will be no report on it in terms of how micron is looking at this i mean hes in a difficult position you know this book fire and fury coming out as this meeting comes about the world is facing very very strong questions about what exactly the u. S. Direction is and what is trumps role in it so you find yourself with very very few partners the e. U. Needs markets china is a massive market hes trying to figure out how to do it look for him to be pressing on issues like opening up finance services for chinese but for french banks in china they already have the first one a license was granted to a french bank to start operating in china i think youll see this being pushed this has been carefully orchestrated and been in the works for a long time but this was the latest revolution from this book even if only fifty percent were true is quite disturbing and will obviously give pause to both sides as they try to figure out what shape the world they want should be ok we have one key issue facing the entire well it is Global Warming we know that mark was positioned himself to be the lead to take forward the paris accords especially off to donald trump announcing that the u. S. Will pull out of that. Tell me how keen is he to get chinas we need commitment to those agreements. Well the problem with china when it comes to facing Global Warming is the gap between the intentions and the reality and we expect some significant moves from china and of course any move will be welcome considering the importance of china on on such issues so much coal is bringing a message which is privately we need you we need china on this particular topic and we are therefore somehow following what are your intentions and we are looking at how you transform it into some sort of reality so thats thats very important but on top of that i would like to come back to what matters a little bit when it comes to the perceptions between the two countries and more broadly europeans on one side and the chinese on the other there are some fields in europe know where they say regarding that china has intentions chinas power and of course the nature of chinese region and therefore mcconnell must address issues in general of course thought clearly about human rights because we know that he was a sort of critics and we know that and for that yes when you come to. Us it already did that its in these patients here on the mention the five that still the new silk Road Initiative sciences is subject to a lot of attention but also a lot of questions in the world and especially in europe and therefore china isnt fighting to clarify its intentions that i think this is extremely important clarification of china on Global Warming on the new silk road but also more generally on its involvement in World Affairs this is really what no one expects from these exchanges with the transceivers over the next few days and graham i can see you nodding your head then you agree then that china does need to be more transparent. Yes very much saw and it takes a highly respected major power like france to tell china that and for china to listen deliberate on there on that point and to make a response and i think we this is very welcome in the asia pacific because its not just france or the rest of the e. U. Or the rest of the world really thats concerned about about the future of china but very much much much so here in our backyard in the asia pacific in Southeast Asia we have very similar questions as a lot of hope about what china can do in terms of raising lifting all boats in the region if you like but theres also a lot of questions about chinas strategic intentions especially with the protracted issue of the South China Sea dispute which is still still ongoing even though its a slow burn issue and with with france in the picture its actually a very welcome despite because france is lifting the conversation up you know Holding China to account if you like in a sense saying that there are certain rules of the game that one ought to abide by and you would be more respected for it and this is part of an ongoing approach which i think is extremely constructive about socializing and in gauging china at a time when we have you know the current u. S. Administration of the previous u. S. Administration containing china which is extremely unhelpful you know we havent heard from presidency as of monday evening when recording this program during this visit from macron but i know do you think were going to see him giving some indications that china will be open and transparent and show its intentions that its going to react well to any french pressure on this matter. Well quite frankly the days when colonial powers can lecture china i think are over and i would respectfully disagree with my colleagues on that particular issue china is the one who is spending the most on Environmental Protection theyre the ones who have said to their provincial and city leaders your environmental record will follow you for the rest of your life theyve criminalized it i dont know how much more you could do to show that youre very serious about tackling pollution it was one of the. Going to about other issues like this. And its intentions in africa what about those issues those are very important issues and yet to be decided how the partnership could work in africa its going to center around this this issue of fighting terrorism in terms of the silk road china cannot do this alone the one trillion dollar number is far short of what is needed china has taken a very bold step and said we will be the first but they need other countries and to that extent yes theyre looking for partners theyre not looking to dictate theyre trying to set an example of the new world order which is not about one country dominating other countries but simply working together for the collective good in other words globalization two point zero ok so but tell me how far then can this relationship go if china is not willing to play by and evils that macro might want. I think its in chinas interest to play the world i havent seen in the city things phosphorus and he became the leader of china any sign of protectionism more will to be more. Seeking some sort of isolation china is more and more engaged in a lot of futures and i do agree with chinas a force of the Global Warming issues i mean china is indeed doing a lot of that force but we also know that china must do a lot of it for so thats why we are of course paying a lot of attention to the results but anyway yes china i believe is carefully listening to the advices but also to the possibilities for ships with partners like france and i have i believe that for the chinese it is it is extremely important he was shapes somehow the relation between the e. U. And china that unfortunately has been a little bit. Shaking in the past they said to the kates so this is something very important to be grilled is stationary considering the International Context that we have all of us described the details and in in this purpose i believe that my close visit and the timing of these visits is consider in china has some sort of supporting it to show what i think or a new face for the International Community a face of a country more willing to cooperate in the disobey to the age itself also ok just lastly not my call has pledged to visit china every year of his presidency and thats a pretty big day and if and that is the relationship that were going to want to keep an eye on. Certainly and i think micron has clearly understands the importance of saying that and following through with that Going Forward the issue of feasts is a very important principle of concept in culture and you know the more face to face meetings the better and on a regular basis of that and i think china is going be is very welcoming of that of that overture and its only going to cement relations between these pop two powers Going Forward and its going to really consolidate a new bridge at a time when the so much fluidity going on in terms of the power politics of the global system ok well keep an eye on it we certainly will many thanks to all our guests for joining us here today i know tangan there in beijing graeme on webb in singapore and a bottle of equal in. And thank you two very much for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website thats aljazeera dot com and for further discussion do go and visit our Facebook Page that facebook dot com for slash a. J. 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