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Artificial intelligence was flush with money and confidence about what it could achieve. But there were competing ideas about how i would lead the way to this brave new world. From the very 1st day there were 2 big approaches one of them was were going to figure out the rules and were going to teach the rules to the machine right were going to say this is how you do this 1st do this 1st do that 1st of that so the 1st one is the socalled expert systems where you just codified old rules you can and say go for it the 2nd one was were going to show it things were going to feed it data and its going to learn from the data you feed it the data and expected to build what people call a Neural Network which is that it looks at the data and the results and says ha this this this goes together and then does it again and does it again and till it builds almost like a brain like structure. What happened was a book was published actually Marvin Minsky one of his colleagues that basically showed that these Neural Networks could not really learn certain things which typically happened in ai is something comes along that makes us start to doubt a piece of technology and that closes to sort of go underground for a while while the other stuff gets more attention. Development of Neural Networks slipped into the shadows of ai research as expert systems took center stage and all the money. But by the airlie 1970 s. The great advances promise by Artificial Intelligence had failed to materialise. A clumsy robot aptly named shaky and rudimentary processing machines fell way short of what the early ai visionaries had sold to their backers. For the us military ai had lost both its appeal and its purpose. It cost what you call the ai winter which stopped funding for quite a while. The socalled ai winter would freeze state sponsored development of Artificial Intelligence for over 2 decades. Chasse the number of bored possibilities is just astronomical. Theres so many possibilities in chess that by the 20th move a chess board there are more possible ways the board could look than there were molecules of the universe. Chess a measure of human intelligence for centuries had become a benchmark for how far Computer Technology had progressed and a proxy for how Smart Computers could be. With state money frozen private companies such as i. B. M. Funded their own development of ai. And we did do it this far. In 1975 b m engineers built a computer the took on World Champion Garry Kasparov in a series of chess matches. They called this computer deep blue. This is a missing engineering i thought it was so good 64000 processors going it really high speed through chess millions of news a 2nd. Between the 1st game of the 2nd game the computer was trained on lots and lots of casper of games so it wasnt just becoming a good chess player is becoming tuned to playing against that particular person i was there actually at the time here in this building where the game was actually the machine was and where the machine was was invented and i was looking on the systems aspects of it it was search algorithms but search algorithms that were intelligent from the point of view of thinking about one another. Over a series of 3 test matches deep blue beat Gary Kasparov at outmaneuvered outthought and out played the greatest chess grandmaster of his day. Artificial intelligence had burst out of its winter and now looks set to blaze a revolutionary trail. Very. High. That was a really key moment was in that when when i. B. M. s deep blue Garry Kasparov to me that it still gives me goosebumps that its back to war 3 broke through at that point in time it was the pinnacle of intelligence for anybody to be able to play chess at the level that the grand master of the play and beating the grandmaster itself is is i think its importance cannot be overstated. But the capabilities that vent into it brought together algorithms. Infrastructure which is hard and data sort of 3 of these aspects came together at that point and i would say it was the precursor to our latest revolve for ya i. I b m had built deep blue using the established expert systems model of ai the chess victory over kasparov was its greatest achievement to date. But to beat a person at a game involving set patterns and strategy was one thing beating humans at a game of general knowledge was another. The next big mark in the public imagination was i. B. M. Swats that was a machine that could play jeopardy. Jeopardy is a game in the United States we give the answer to a question and then people have to try and work out what the question is. And became clear you couldnt win a game like jeopardy by just building an expert thing in each category theres just too much so they started moving to a different direction and they brought together bunch of people eventually from all parts of the company. By 2011 i. B. M. Engineers were. Working with new tools one key challenge was understanding human language using advancements in the new field of natural language processing they build layer upon layer of algorithms mathematical structures that allow the machine to learn human language through a mass input of data language and communication is the essence of us as being human beings. Its one of the hardest tasks and hardest barriers for it to have crossed after we did. This u. S. President negotiated the treaty of portsmouth ending the russojapanese war watson who is Theodore Roosevelt good for 800. 00 what i. B. M. Did was they played the best players in the world they made the t. V. Came of the players who had done the best the 2 very top players and beat the. Life on t. V. I. B. M. s watson computer like deep blue had triumphed in the battle between human and machine but unlike deep blue watson was not strictly an expert system its novelty was Machine Learning a branch of Artificial Intelligence that had been driven underground decades earlier. The Machine Learning side it almost died out but from ninetys on when you started having the internet and all these digital devices in the mountains amount of a data and you started feeding this huge amount of data to these Machine Learning systems they were uncannily effective. Far from being abandoned Machine Learning had continued developing away from the mainstream of Artificial Intelligence. Alongside Technological Advancements personal Computers Laptops mobile phones high speed microchips. And then came the World Wide Web Search Engines tech giants social media smartphones Machine Learning now had the 2 ingredients it always needed massive computer Processing Power and data masses and masses data. Machine learning was now set to take off. The United States government has been seeking to use Machine Learning to isolate targets for drone attacks for many years because im afraid we americans have a bit of a tin ear for irony it calls its program skynet. In which it is going to seek to try and find targets for attack when we talk about ai and warfare the other thing i want to be clear about is this isnt about the terminator right this isnt about killer robots what i want to talk to about is humans and targeting and the way that human intelligence analysts relate to information that comes out of semiautomated processes basically from peoples cell phone metadata and we try to determine their socalled pattern a life where theyre going to they know. Who they talk to heres the problem i think that the United States has the n. S. A. Learned to collect it all well before they were able to understand it all faster is faster absolutely Machine Learning an Artificial Intelligence would permit the Defense Department to accelerate the process of target selection faster and always better. I want to make sure that people understand actually drones have not caused a huge number of civilian casualties for years the drone wars were an open secret in washington but it wasnt until 2012 that president obama officially acknowledged the program for the most part they have been very precise rescission strikes against al qaeda but that was the same year we started to hear about signature strikes where the cia or the Defense Department would target not a name or an identity but essentially a phone this is a targeted focused effort at people who are on a list of active terrorists. They would collect signals data especially telephone data and put it the receipt algorithm they would decide you were a threat based on who you talk to where you went to your friends were but thats not precise at best its an educated guess so i started to wonder what officials brother in law and his nephew were killed because of an algorithm. Mornings and snowden time 29 years old i worked for Booz Allen Hamilton as an infrastructure analyst for n. S. A. In 2013 Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the u. S. National security agencys Mass Surveillance Program he revealed that foreign intelligence gathering tactics were now being deployed at home casting a nation wide net to catch a few bad fish. So while they may be intending to target someone associated with a Foreign Government or someone that they suspect of terrorism theyre collecting your communications to do so. A year later Michael Hayden the former director of the cia and n. S. A. Stopped short of disclosing the skynet programs existence but admitted the targets were being identified for socalled signature strikes using metadata collected from Everyday Communications we kill people based on. A signature strike would be selecting someone who looks like other people that you think are the people youre looking for you know one critique of this is demography is destiny in some sense. So we dont we cant know because of the nature of the beast right exactly what sky and whether skynet was ever used but it seems likely to me that given what weve said about signature strikes that some kind of algorithmic targeting process is being used to isolate targets in places like yemen and pakistan using partly signals intelligence to be clear we have no evidence that that model was ever used in practice i would be shocked if it isnt being used Machine Learning is pretty good at finding elements from a huge pool of non elements when president obama took over the socalled war on terror he favored drones because they meant fewer boots on the ground and as the drone wars expanded the method of selecting targets changed metadata was now a key source of intelligence but there was far too much of it for human analysts to process the Machine Learning would be used to identify targets and sift the good guys from the bad at least that was the idea Machine Learning is good at this problem called binary classification so is someone part of a terrorist network are they not part of a terrorist network Machine Learning is also pretty good it asymmetric problems where there are very very few things youre looking for in a sea of things youre not looking for a few people who are part of terrorist networks in a sea of civilians for example so where do you think the kind of statistical targeting is likely to go wrong humans too binary classification all the time ok we have to decide if were looking at you know a bunch of for example a bunch of dogs at the dog park and which ones are dangerous and which ones arent when we say no that dog is not dangerous but it is thats called a false negative we made a mistake we can go the other way we can have a false positive oh my gosh that dogs really dangerous but its not. So people might take action on those false positives and will get innocent People Killed im also worried about false negatives the thing about Machine Learning is that it assumes that the future is like the past it assumes that the things its looking for in its prediction are like the things that it saw in the Training Ground so if we have a problem where people are actively trying to disguise their activities then a Machine Learning model is likely to make a lot of false negative mistakes its going to miss a lot of people who are likely terrorists that said im not sure that theres any other way to do it but the risks are very substantial and almost certainly mistakes that lead to peoples deaths are going to happen here. We always knew the strike on pfizers family was a mistake. We met congressman we talked to senators we havent spoke to people in the White House National Security Council but while everyone expressed regret for pfizers loss no one could explain why it happened or how it happened. Brazil a bastion of Economic Development and the key player can a shifting global order a country thats become an increasingly attractive destination for african Migrant Workers you find in latin america follows an angolan migrate who turns to music once his brazilian dream encounters hardship and racism open arms and closed doors on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Where ever you. Are airborne vehicles harvesting every pic you take every click here make click to everything through all the waves. But its time to watch the what. We believe that on the deep sleep was the 1st civilian. Crowds. We are creating. For the engineer. To 0. Hasnt the headlines on that breaking news were getting reports of 2 or oil tankers that have been attacked in the gulf of oman iranian media reports the distress calls have been made from the ships to port authorities in oman and pakistan the maritime trade Operations Center in the u. K. Says its aware of an incident but hasnt given any more details its put the ships position at midway between on mon and iraq. A few protesters remain on the streets of hong kong a day after clashes with police left Dozens Injured the demonstrators are against an extradition law that could see suspects for serious crimes sent to Mainland China sarah clarke has more. Can see behind me this area is still barricaded off so the only access to this particular spot is are those with the governments our staff cards all the lawmakers so the other areas the other protest sites theyve been shut down but we could see some type of debate before next week should they allow the ledge to reopen carol lam has been forced to defend her actions yes and also to the Police Actions shes also been before forced to defend accusations that shes trying to bulldoze this particular piece of legislation through the lives of the Council Building japans Prime Minister has asked irans leaders to abide by the 2015 nuclear deal and play a constructive role in securing peace in the middle east also warned of the risks of an accidental conflict in the region during his 2 day visit to tehran. Malise Prime Minister has declared 3 days of National Mourning for victims of mondays attack on a village which killed dozens of members of the doggone ethnic Group Violence between dog and farmers and nomadic herders has claimed hundreds of lives in recent months the Un Special Envoy for mali has told the Security Council the killings cannot be allowed to continue u. S. Diplomats of joint efforts to find a solution to sudans political crisis the u. S. Special envoy donald booth met protest leaders in heart to him along with senior american diplomats to africas naggy the opposition told them the military council must be held to account countable for last weeks violent crackdown on demonstrators indias Disaster Response teams are evacuating tens of thousands of people from the Western State of gujarat thats before the countrys 2nd major side fishermen have been trying to save their boats from rough seas those are the headlines. My client faisal banally jobbers brother in law and nephew were 2 victims among hundreds caught up in the american drone more in yemen. Protested the loss of civilian lives few knew that these were victims of computerized targeting built on data gleaned from phones and surveillance apparatus fed into algorithms and narrowed down from possible terrorists to probable terrorists to definite terrorist. Neither finals brother in law or nephew was a terrorist. As a human rights lawyer i had been investigating civilian casualties and drone attacks in yemen and pakistan and over time we came to understand that the people we work with who lost loved ones were killed as a result of a semi automated algorithmic targeting process and there was a kind of article that came out about an n. S. A. Slide deck that said well this this is how were going to use Machine Learning to find an isolate targets in pakistan and somebody found you up as a statistician and asked for your take on this and you were like well look this is just this is just totally unsound yeah it was pretty unsound i mean is it just basically kind of racial profiling its cal how do you say it well its more complicated than that because the kind of information that were working with in that case is to lessening that if the problem in that particular example that the n. S. A. Analyst were trying to figure out was ok we identified the cia had identified a small number of people who were couriers for terrorist organizations were carrying around flash drives and messages among groups of terrorist organizations and the question is can you use the. Phones calls that these people make and the places that their phones check in with the cells assuming weve got those people right but anyway you know i think i think that the court im willing to believe that they got these people right the question is how many more are there that they didnt get yet but can we use these peoples information to disambiguate them to tell the difference between these people and all the other people in a city they live in can you tell how different they are so that you can just use that to leslie metadata to predict which of the people who we know are actually are terrorist couriers and how few other people can you include in that list as few false positives can you get in that classification and i was very skeptical about the particular model that was used in that case do you see some resonances here and you know were talking about communities abroad who have basically designated a threat and then targeting them for armed attack does that chime at all with some of the policing and other targeting of communities of color in the states that youve thought it. You know i i i resist the temptation to kind of essential why is these as the same in every part of the world in every context we do know though that. Technologies that predate these kinds of Automated Technologies about classifying and figuring out who might be a threat. Disproportionately or targeting people who might have politics that are say more to the left people who are more interested in civil rights people who are advocates of human rights labor organizers for example so i think the question is again always underneath these projects where the values and the politics of who whos being assessed whos being classified for what purposes and those are fundamental questions that are going to be with even with the next version of the technology stuff l. A. P. D. Spying coalition did research on drones being deployed in l. A. In 2015 they produced a report and they actually drew very explicit lines between the use of Drone Technology in the middle east and the proliferation of Drone Technology in Police Forces across the United States through the urban Area Security initiative and they have been making these connections right the military is ation of the police. The increase in 3rd party private services that are bought by Public Institutions so what how do you see it you know the Defense Community affecting the development of these technologies is that the kind of original sin of the thing i think that particularly in academic contexts. The big chunks of funding have been for decades and continue to be from from defense i dont think that most of the funding that comes out of the fence establishment thats for Pure Research looks like its going to be used to kill people the larger problem is that it creates a kind of. Philosophical or even ideological framework that its ok to produce things for the defense establishment and that it makes sense to produce things for Law Enforcement because theyre here to help us that failure of having a critical understanding of what military and Police Institutions do to the communities that are on the receiving end of their business i think thats the larger problem the residents i kind of see it and the reason i guess i asked the question is somebody who did work with those communities in yemen in pakistan is that they talk about feeling scrutinised and over police in a way that i hear when i hear you guys talk about these other communities you know the sharp end of the policing so its almost as if the language that comes out of them that says we feel our whole community are suspect its never point it is that White Collar Crime the containment the prediction the assessment always seems to be at a community who we fear in some way in that we want to contain well and who the we is in that is very important because we also dont profile and track for example White Supremacists nazis neo nazis in the same way we dont talk about them as domestic terrorists for example in the u. S. Or in other countries so the framing of who is the threat is ultimately always the value question i think thats on the table that we have to be thinking about and of course the more you ought to me the profile of who the threat is who the threatening other is the more you flatten these conversations about values the harder it is to actually talk about what people are struggling for what struggles for justice around the world look like i mean and then some of the very companies who develop these technologies expand into other areas dont you see youve got talent here the security and Intelligence Firm who developed tools for counterinsurgency in iraq then sold some of their kit to the l. A. P. D. Recently inking a deal with the u. N. World food program seeking to help them spot fraud i mean. Where then it makes you think mass knows no context we can sell our product anywhere as long as were finding us to testicle relationship. People can take 500 pictures to get that perfect shot. Which is something when i was 20 could not have done because of what happened on film and it was and you got what you got. One of his. Vast swathes of the world with cameras on smartphones billions hooked up to social media sharing images online gave Machine Learning engineers access to a massive data billions of images these images could now be used to train algorithms to teach themselves to detect particular features recognize particular forms. This new breakthrough was called deep learning very soon ai would use deep learning to teach itself to recognize the form of a cat just by looking at millions of cat images on the internet from there that made the leap to recognizing people. Artificial intelligence now claimed the ability to pick out a specific face in a busy crowd to find the needle in the haystack. So what you have in france fear is a very typical surveillance saints as a camera looking at a public street and people clearly want us to come on face recognition go to work out that its seen a person and then its got to work out with a persons face and its got to take a biometric caution about face in essence something that it can pat can compare against watch list if there is a match that that will say youll see thoughts come up on the screen stop person is known to the system has been identified clearly you can set your system up to alert the right people when that happens right so if you wanted to kind of test it out on my face for example how would we make that happen so very simply we would have a surveillance photograph or it could be something taken from social media or just from the internet that would be loaded into the watch list as you can say here such that if you walk past a camera that is linked to that watch list then you should be attacked if you have been seen and then send it to the appropriate place so we give it a try and stand on our. Great crowded streets saying lots of people coming towards the camera. Each time the camera attacks that same person but they will actually hush that person and say if theyre on the watch list so he can say here for example guys cliff faces on the person against the watch less than on that back consequent it up as it were also says if the camera doesnt say no its ok. The facial recognition engine is working hard right now checking all of these people when clearly. You know coming out score screen of the you know just a cultural view of your face an image really just for you or it will continue to identify the level of confidence will change depending on your angle to come up but the minute in one single for a player on the list. These facial Recognition Technology should not exist for what purpose are they being brought into existence again who are they being pointed at and what kinds of protections should we have against the common critique of it is while it doesnt seem black faces very well but is that is that the whole problem with facial recognition i think for the people away joy. Their position would be these technologies exist and black people will be ensnared in there especially black women the failure rate is greatest on black women are going to be misread by these technologies and therefore potentially harmed because they will not be able to kind of fight back against these technologies that are pointed out that. Joy while im waiting of the Massachusetts Institute of technology showed how facial recognition programs were unable to recognize black faces particularly the faces of black women. The problem was data and bias. Engineers who were mostly white males trained algorithms with a data set of images that were themselves overwhelmingly of white males. The resulting algorithm struggled to recognize non white non male faces. The algorithm simply couldnt compute what they saw with what theyd been trained on the same racial and gender bias that existed in the wider world was trained into the system itself. One of the other key parts of the debate has to do with the extent to which the Technology Works on different faces so whether its as effective on people of color or women is that changing does a kind of depend on the technology. Obsoleted is only them how its tried so its also knowledge for example we have have trained it on different emma conflicts in different parts of the world but certainly in terms of if you step right kind of strip thought about debates away the on the underlying all its official intelligence is kind of an illiterate company trying to in any which way they can clearly be trying to you know and have it in her bosses with and. One of the sharpest growth areas of Artificial Intelligence that is being acquired by government authorities all over the world at the moment is of course facial recognition right have you got some concerns about this technology do you think its a good idea to be able to pick faces out of crowds or could it end badly the question is how much more is gained i think a by using facial recognition in terms of whos it deployed toward and in service of what you know one of the things we find is that often facial Recognition Technology zur argued for around Law Enforcement or terrorism do we have the data yet that says this is radically impacting their reducing terrorism is it working as a deterrent and effective deterrent for people to engage in crime the assumption underneath is very strong which is that we know who were looking for and i think thats a very difficult to prove assumption from the point of view of Law Enforcement. Theres a lot of other mechanisms like this where massive data gathering helps Law Enforcement only in the aftermath not so much of the prevention you know if you capture every piece of information about all the video in a city after crimes been committed that may help you solve the crime it gives you very little ability to prevent the crime and i suspect this will be quite similar so the Predictive Power of it is in no way certain right we just dont know and meanwhile though these concerns about who it can see who it cant see bias so there are some researchers joy one way and he and others who basically have shown that it cant really see at least at the moment it cant see black face is that a problem or one of several actually sees black womens faces the least effectively and so of course we want to make sure that there is accuracy especially if these things are used again to go make an arrest of someone and being used as the so called science that legitimate that arrest and i think this is one of the reasons why those researchers are trying to pursue better accuracy higher accuracy i think there are others who would say. Why are we legitimating facial Recognition Technology as we should actually be resisting them at every level i probably follow a little bit more along those lines and say why do we need these technologies who are they being pointed toward them why are they being trained on vulnerable communities in particular theres a big question why would we want to be included in these facial Recognition Technology is when the systems when theyre doing harm to specific communities and what it makes me think of is you know are we in an era where errors are one of the ways in which we protest these systems over which we have no control because right now it doesnt seem like we have that many mechanisms in place theres no court needed system by which we can. Protest or abolish certain kinds of systems. Or prevent them from being developed right so errors noise that sort of saying that seems increasingly like an area for fruitful discovery for civil disobedience is the larger question of what were trying to accomplish as a society is the issue here and the Technology Makes it somewhat explicit if one of the things we think we want is Law Enforcement seeing everything that happens in our society with video covering every square or every inch of the Public Square and facial recognition identifying every person wandering through that is that the society we want to live in its not the society i want to live in i think thats a terrible world and theres something intimate about the face in particular isnt there i feel like were only just starting to clock the ways that the data is gathered about all of us but i feel that people instinctively understand and have a lot of unease about their face being collected thinking about detroit earlier this year the city announced that it would be upping the number of surveillance cameras that its putting into the downtown area so that number will reach 500. 00 after a 5 year mark. And this is an area of detroit thats meant to be redeveloped and you know all sorts of changes are taking place and there are a number of Community Community members that are really upset about this because they feel these cameras wont be only used for socalled security purposes theyll be used for other kind of this Mission Creep idea that it will start to affect how people socialize with one another and its not just the Public Square is that right we see big kind of box Stores Walmart and others starting to test these these facial Recognition Software they say oh well we looked at it for shoplifters but were not going to use that we just want to improve the Customer Experience how comforted are you by that im not i mean i think that again even if the if its not Law Enforcement thats using these technologies but you know what does it mean that were getting and were trading off our privacy were trading off a certain quality of life that. We have come to rely upon to be ensnared in these systems so that these interoperable systems between companies can track my moves and of course they do this with our engagements on the internet and with our you know Smart Technologies in our in our pockets and in our bags im really concerned about that i mean thats much less as a technologist or as a scientist that worries me about and as a civil libertarian and in particular i think about. Restriction on our freedom to to associate if i associate with someone in the Public Square do i then take on some of that persons implicit guilt the point of these systems is to be modeling the level to which any of us should be subjected to additional Law Enforcement attention thats explicitly the point these techniques these tools are to highlight who Law Enforcement is to Pay Attention to there are plenty of people who will be watching this program who will say well we want to catch criminals in this does make me feel safer but i think these these technologies also get deployed in other ways like using facial Recognition Software when youre in a Job Interview and answering questions and profiling your face and your emotions and deciding whether or not you are reliable or trustworthy and having a machine in fact make a prediction about what whether youll be a great employee based on the kinds of facial gestures that you make i mean these kinds of things are being deployed right now theyre being tested in industry and. That says a lot of mean the what the kind of statistical model of great employee facial gestures looks like i think is incredibly subjective its cultural its not universal it cannot be standardized and yet we will see these things increasingly rolling out. Technology that can pick my face out of a crowd of people may seem innocuous and even kind of impressive. But when you think about the consequences for millions of ordinary people including really serious consequences then the conversation looks a little different romford here in east london is one of the places where metropolitan police have been testing their live facial Recognition Technology and the way that it works is pretty similar. A camera on this van here. Checks everybody who walks by against a database of known suspects if the camera on the software find a match that a person is stopped and searched and potentially arrested. To Londons Metropolitan Police has been trialing facial Recognition Technology since 2016. The u. K. Capital already has the 2nd highest concentration of c. C. T. V. Cameras in the world only beijing has more its why theres a reluctance among civil liberty groups like liberty and big brother watch to accept another layer of surveillance. We are supposed to just expect every time its been used and we found that 98 percent of that much is have an accurate he identified innocent members of the public as potentially once its criminals 98 percent yes. A lot of this inaccuracy is down to bad data for Quality Images loaded into the algorithms images often taken from low grade c. C. T. V. Footage. The technology is far from proven and its use mired in controversy thats why even a city like San Francisco the home of tech has banned facial recognition from being used by civic authorities including the police but in london right now there is no bam this isnt just catching images of people its an identity check it subjects members of the public to perpetual Police Lineup so what do you say when theres this comment made well actually if we could get this technology right then maybe it will reduce some of the cup. Clients of bias policing and so forth whether were talking about humans eliminating discrimination or technology eliminating discrimination the hostile medians hand i want we can see already with this Experimental Technology being used its never been tested potential racial biases there is no ins had to test the technology and see how its working and see how its affecting the oh so unfortunate i dont think this is going to solve any of those problems. Over the next few hours we would see a number of arrests but not we were told because of matches through facial Recognition Technology these arrests were the result of Old Fashioned police work. More officers on the be leading to more arrests. Just as the trial in romford was about to end for the day plain clothed officers moved in to apprehend a man from a nearby Fast Food Restaurant his image had been flagged by the facial Recognition Technology after police carried out identity checks he was arrested. Artificial intelligence has come a long way since its early days of unfulfilled promise and shaky robots. But were still far from Building Computers that can do all the things humans can do. And were finding that Machine Learning can reflect some of our biases right back at us. In the next episode of the world according to a i will explore the choice we all face a lot of official intelligence figures to improve the lives of everyone. Or to keep power and privilege where they already are. After decades of being programmed with instructions data hungry computers can now know on their own identifying patterns and predicting human behavior. Artificial intelligence can monitor our movement. And decide on our future the big picture decode the world according to ai and exposes the bias inside the machine to on aljazeera we are making millions per month off the Ground Campaign taxes i was losing. More than 10 years after the Global Financial crisis millions of dollars of its like the greatest job that you could ever imagine getting without putting any of your own capital would risk who was in because of the storm and drove millions of workers into unemployment i said. Relieved immediately i mean truth is the man who stole the world coming soon. Hello again welcome back what we have seen the off and on showers here across parts of turkey over the last few days mostly in the afternoon with the heating of the day and you can see that on the satellite image as those white clouds really pop up in the afternoon and as we go forward though it is going to be much of the same temperatures into the mid to high twentys in many locations and that is going to continue as we go towards friday as well down here across much of the event though it is going to be very very dry but very very hot in many locations with baghdad seeing a high of 44 degrees and points sitting at about 43. 00 degrees for you well here across the gulf temperatures here in doha are expected to go up as well over the next few days 44. 00 is going to be your expected high winds will be of the problem as we go towards friday as well temps are coming up to about 46. 00 in those winds expected to go into saturday here across much of oman though it is going to be cloudy that is because we do have a cycle in the arabian sea but for muscat expect to see winds a little bit lighter at 36 degrees and a mostly cloudy day for you and then here across much of the southeastern coast we are going to see rain for durban that rain could be heavy at times but by the time we get to friday the rain starts to make its way out here across the indian ocean up towards harare though it is going to be a mostly cloudy to partly cloudy day with a temperature a bank team. That. Can be a challenge on it. But for some peruvian villages traversing one of the worlds most dangerous. Is a risk that comes with. Relief only the journey of these people as they get to survive. Risking it all. On aljazeera. The big breaking news story can be chaotic and frantic behind the scenes. People shouting instructions if youre trying to provide the best most accurate up to date information as quickly as you can. Its when you come off on being stupid to realize you witnessed history in the making. A day after violent clashes with Police Protesters in hong kong val theyll keep up the pressure to stop a new extradition rule. Hasnt think of this is as you see it our live from doha also coming up day 2 of the japanese Prime Ministers visit to iran as he tries to bring down tensions with iraq. Troops patrol the scene of an attack in mali after reports of more violence. And Syrian Refugees in lebanon are being told to dismantle their makeshift homes or risk having them destroyed. Alone we begin with some breaking news to all tankers have been attacked in the gulf of oman iranian media is reporting that distress calls have been made from the ships to port authorities in oman and pakistan the maritime trade Operations Center in the u. K. Said is it is aware of an incident but hasnt given any more details its put the ships position midway between oman and iran and this is a month after 4 tankers were attacked in the gulf not far from the u. A. E. Port of jaida 2 were saudi tanker the others from the u. A. E. And norway. Well joining us on set now is martin a couple and head of policy analysis at the arab center for research and policy studies good to good to have you with us again so obviously details are pretty sketchy right now but what do you thinks going on here will we still dont know the identity of the of the tankers which have been attacked but most probably this is part of the escalation which has started between the United States and iran after the u. S. Canceled the weavers on the export of iranian oil. I think they. Have been trying to make a point over the past actually a few weeks that if you are not allowed to export our oil were going to make. Its very difficult for others to do saul and also i think such incidents although we dont know whos behind them but mostly do with irans interests because they might actually lead to the rise of oil prices in the International Market this is something that president from the zone one because thats probably affect his popular peers inside the United States and i think this is one way that the iranians could put some pressure on the american. Strategy has been saw far to strangle iran but make sure on the other hand that they are means will not take any action towards these aggressive measures by the United States i think thats not going to happen the iranians are considering this part of the war against them because i was ready for irans foreign minister yesterday he said its got to make sanctions means war against iran and iran is suffering because this land of sanctions which have been imposed by. That. Is been hypes more damaging to the iranian economy and any previous sanctions imposed by the Previous Administration since 979 so i think the iranians with some buoyant and we have seen the escalation. In many fronts actually in the region we have seen the whole thiis in yemen attacking in more personally than they used to do in the past saudi arabia. We have seen attacks against the tanks in fiji that are and to be actually be in the in the gulf of oman we have seen a minor incidents actually in iraq so probably were going to see some sort of because the iranians would want actually to put some pressure was on the americans in order to make them feel that. Not the iran is going to be affected only by these sanctions iran will somehow what to do to this us. Also other parties in the region so it emits and also us and the cell phone and who im sure will get much more reaction to this day goes on before the man model and thanks so much for me i want to give you some more details on this just coming into us now were getting reports that the 2 tankers were evacuated in the gulf of oman after this incident and the crew are safe. For shipping and trade is trade sources say this is a report on the one of the Wire Services there more information on this story as and when we get it our crowds are gathering again in hong kong to protest against plans for a new extradition law so far fewer people are turning out compared to wednesday when Police Used Tear Gas pepper spray and rubber bullets to Disperse Protesters surrounding the Legislative Council the change in law would allow for people to be extradited to china which protesters fear could lead to the targeting of chinas critics hong kong leaders said the protests wont change the governments mind i can only say that im very upset. Given this label that im betraying hong kong i will not do anything that its not in the interest of hong kong i will not shy away from my responsibility in introducing a piece of legislation we are very convinced of the justifications that causing this. Public outcry and all these 30 theres a difference in society but sometimes its a political leader you cannot shy away from difficult decisions. Scott is live for us now in hong kong so scott what are you seeing now. Where the violence occurred the day before. Thousands you can see behind me a very different scene for certain and were talking maybe just 1213 hours ago much much different we saw those clashes a lot of tear gas pepper spray well whats interesting today this morning is that when you go around and there are some small pockets of these protesters and what the interchange with the police is its very different its very interesting weve seen a couple of positions where police are actually taking pictures of protesters we saw just off camera to the right from where i am now we saw a group of protesters gathering some of this material they were using in those protests yesterday i was sailing water to get the pepper spray out of their eyes they were kind of staging that and trying to collect that and load it into a Vehicle Police came in and stopped that and then there was a little bit of tension there but that quickly dissipated also in front of the legislative Council Building in whats called lets go park there was also another group of maybe about 3 or 4 dozen protesters they were there everything was pretty calm but you know right now we obviously very different from what we saw yesterday but the tension is there it hasnt boiled over just yet the tension is there the numbers though obviously are much fewer than we saw yesterday house them and so scott as far as what what happens next what are the organizers and protesters planning and were looking at live pictures right now of a number of protests protesters holding up signs. What were going to see over the next couple of days quite honestly i spoke with one of the the members of the Legislative Council shes prodemocracy Legislative Council member and she said that she doesnt expect there to be a huge outpouring on the weekend thats what a lot of people suspected because you know people are off School People are off work so they have the opportunity to come out like we saw that massive 1000000 person march last sunday theres thought that that might kick up again over the weekend today. We know that the Legislative Council is definitely not meeting we dont know whats going to happen on friday theres been no indication of that obviously if they announce that theyll have the 2nd tabling of this controversy or extradition law that obviously will prompt more of the protesters to try to come out here if theyre successful thats not a question to try to come out or we dont know if thats going to happen on friday but right now the best way to characterize it is that theyre out of the waiting theyre waiting to see what happens next with the Legislative Council and obviously over the weekend we have to see keep a very keen eye on whats going to happen now the 1000000 person march we saw last sunday that was organized they petitioned they filed a petition to have that march so that was all kind of calculated if theres something more spontaneous obviously there wont be much of a lead time for that but right now we know theres still a lot of tension still a lot of attention to this issue to see just how things unfold over the next couple of days wasnt all right for the moment scott had a live for us there in hong kong thanks scott. Brown has more on this now on the response from Mainland China. State media here in china is finally acknowledging what the rest of the world already knew on thursday morning state t. V. Began showing pictures of the protests in hong kong and of the methods used by police to suppress those protests the tear gas and the rubber bullets this is the global Times Newspaper a very popular tabloid read by a lot of Chinese People and the story of hong kong dominates the back page the guard who warns that the protests are hammering hong kongs economy and once more accuses the United States of interfering in hong kongs internal affairs and thats the refrain you also hear from chinese officials who believe that the United States is actively involved in trying to stir up these protests we havent heard from president xi jinping so far hes currently in kurdistan attending a summit but the timing of these protests will be embarrassing because of course they come just a few months before celebrations to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the peoples republic of china and of course the picture of Chinese Students on the street clashing with police in a city where there were protests just a few years ago is not the sort of look the president xi jinping wants right now. Japans Prime Minister is iran urging is iran urging leaders to play what he calls a constructive role in Regional Security on his 2 day visit shinzo army is urging iran to abide by the 2015 nuclear deal the u. S. We drew from that deal last year irans president has sent a highly says americans need to stop economic pressure through sanctions but also just body joins us live now from the iranian capital so adore so whats been said by the leaders so far. Well the japanese Prime Minister was greeted by the iranian president Hassan Rouhani on wednesday evening at the palace in north he received the state welcome and then the 2 went in for a meeting that lasted for over 2 and a half hours they had a press briefing out afterwards in which the iranian president said that he was very happy to have the Prime Minister visit iran and he was hopeful that japan could play a role in trying to ease the tension thats escalated in the region the japanese Prime Minister said that his main goal in coming to iran is to try and help as much as he can to calm the tense situation that is taking place in this region between the United States and iran the japanese Prime Minister said that iranians must abide by the Nuclear Agreement they signed in 2015 and that he will do everything he can to try and mediate between iran and the United States to try and bridge the differences that they have and do so what whats next on the agenda then for the japanese Prime Minister there well hasnt hes already met with irans highest authorities the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei this morning we received word that the meeting has ended that to discuss

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