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Was a problem youre going to hear of the killing though the law not bundle like but youll go with us really saying youll say so the loudest poster for it like you will but she defends the trial itself to give mr by his by now at least another political weatherley the who to go there said leave it but up a little harder but at the last of the. Form a Supreme Court judge martine piolin has a very different view. They were. Really about is so. Many men look at possible elaynes here. Or there. Or see that other corner of the sort of the next holy cause or. At the rally here or there or move. Very thought i would. Say here. On the 11th of february 29th in the eve of the trial we traveled with noel ogara adil to madrid won a bleak jail outside the spanish capital. All that was meeting her client how many people could take the 64 year old speaker of the cut a lady in parliament with found guilty faces as many as 17 years in jail. Ogier emerged from a final briefing with a client. Do you have a talk to her about. The possibility of unknown sentence and using her freedom we said we still dont talk about that we go step by step im aware people im aware that every as you have my eyes we want to see it right its the last all right were on a case where we keep. The next morning the media gathered outside spain supremum court. Its february the 12th and the 1st day of the historic battle out in trial here at madrid Supremes Court its a trial that will in the next few months but spains judicial system under the spotlight. Inside the poor judicial protocols and traditions with caffie observed. But outside the atmosphere was very different. Right spanish nationalists including frank you support is carrying phalange bonnet as opposed to peace it happened on Independence Support is standing side in peace facing. The house one irony that on the streets at least both sides agreed this trial was all about politics. And that was not the only thing on demining official attempts to portray this trial as free news for you tickled takes. West out of west as you know that but i spread out that. These manna from folks spains new rapidly growing far right populist party. Under non fusion will provision in the spanish rule which in. Well citizens and organizations to act as peoples prosecutors in some trials walks an hour fishery to prosecutors of the cattle and 12 along with the state solicitor and the attorney general its political from the very beginning you know we have a case thats based on. The you know the criminalization of an ideology and then you have a brush a gear which is a Political Party so everything is political here. The very next day inside the Spanish Parliament another political crisis was brewing. To cos its budget the government needed the support of the cattle and. They to get it the cattle on parties sided with the opposition and the government felt. A general election was set for april and with it came yet another blow to the courts attempts to rise above the new tickle fray. From their prison cells outside madrid several of the council on defendants announced they will be standing in the election. And whats revealed that saying to would both members of the Prosecution Team say now these political rivals would face each other across the cost stage of the supremes course. Was not 6 weeks until the spanish general but that and tens of thousands of protesters supporting cuts not independence of must here in the bridge i. One of the organizations behind the march was the assembly. A pro independent Civil Society organization. With 2 of its full of president s on trial he spoke to its current president they are accusing our leaders legit teammates and democratic elected elected leaders of provoking the violence that in fact it was the spineless fortys that did the violence during the referendum of the 1st of october. For these catalogs the accusation of file and spy vote is flies in the face of the evidence its a charge they believe was trumped up to justify jailing that needs. Facing the way people are going to be afraid to continue asking for the referendum on 14 the ban is a couple. So was the physical repression of the referendum and the arrest of that leader is really just an attempt to intimidate the cattle on Independence Movement into silence. The party pooper less Jose Hernandez does little to dispel that idea i think that those independent exacting to face reality well theyre just going to be put into prison so that when i go there i dont know item it but they are going to face reality and perhaps they will have to think it over but the thing applies for the for and different generation because i think that was the end of the whole independence process. But around catalonia we found little sign of the Independence Campaign losing momentum. In exiled president colors pushed him on a sleepy hometown of. His portrait still dominates the square. Even the grand president ial palace in wasilla displayed a banner supporting the prisoners and exiles or it did until spains and the True Authority ordered the removal of was such a contentious panels from public buildings during the election. The catalans replaced it with a quote from the going to become ration of human rights. How ever when the jailed electoral candidate catalan Vice President or elderly parents was permitted a televised press conference from prison the spanish authorities placed the page and spanish nationalist symbols of the spanish flag and a portrait of the king in the background. The 28th of april 29th teen election day. Inside the socialist policies madrid headquarters there was a mood of optimism. What an air of gloom hung over the party popularize as the fates came in. But across town at a rally organized by for. All right populist hawks the movement was triumphant. Have a otaiba smith that chris matic expression for says secretary general of fox news was a one of the cattle on trial prosecutors appeared to rapturous approves. That night vox went from having new parliamentary seats to 24. To see what data and follow trial prosecutor federal fernandes were and that to. Us by the end of the night it was clear the socialist party of Petra Sanchez had won enough seats to create a coalition called. The next morning in barcelona the cut on an Independence Movement was celebrating the election of its prisoner candidates to both senate and congress over sanchez should listen. To the results in catalonia he should open a dialogue table and he should respect the will of the majority of the catalan people that call for dialogue was repeated at a press conference by the cattle on Independence Party the e. R. C. That i dont know that the analysis of the famous is about the end of it is that one of them does a bit of time to the serious or the other that will go into that i was there at the end there is that is there a suit either that or the only. Problem to sandras even if he wants to reopen the dialogue is whats happening in this building because what you havent wave is trial games the result could only be in further deficient in this country. Some suggest an official pardon might be the way out but that would infuriate the spanish nationalist and boost the fortunes of the populace right. Equally a guilty verdict a known jail sentences wouldnt be vampire. Im going to entrust to noumea and some of the fuel teams for independence but ok look we feel good as they let me know both they had or are still we feel. Suzanne about it as husband sanchez is facing up to 17 years in jail for hundreds of political contests separated from the personal. But it will bush took out all the land everything getting up on the will eat a little bare you know what then they get fair for me one also letting all day out on buying out at last or let in more so that that yes i was able but i always thought a good thing may have been a sad hours and they didnt mean be that i said i feel good and bake you a bit and then we had. The other continents the states reaction to the referendum has had a disturbing resonance. Who had on his is married to come a day facing up to 17 years in jail. Im going to get would have thought of things in the morning. But i. Love matter. And i i mean are you sure. No if i go to get no record of the times we live bangor you know how many of those are women want to listen to us here on save us and demagogue in the head. Of the nomination when i guess that. There were hopes of compromise when the 4 new cattle on m. P. s run out briefly out of jail to take the oath of office until 2 days later when the government made an announcement let miss off their congress a little sleep without us what about the big let out or out over the coming to suspend the those under 6 fill in the cmos and notice only ocean look at us vs the intercept early on the rail then shot of the sonship 2 days after that oriel john kerrys was elected again this time as a euro m. P. So too was con is predictable although hes been told hell be arrested if he goes back to take his seat meanwhile the Supreme Court hearings have finally ended and the accused back in jail awaiting the verdict expected later in the year. The cattle lady and governments ambition meanwhile remains on all to do what we want is a deal with the Spanish Government that allows people to decide those who think yes we can be a catalog republic and those who think no we shouldnt be a cattle republic and that requires a democratic solution people must from. In news year new immigration laws and projects funded by european governments have seen a rapid decline in the migrant transport for people in power travels to agadez to explore the realities faced by the drivers left out of pocket and the migrants who are choosing to return home who would like to go back to the country where theyre from you know the it was more going on were about to walk away not want to go now to. Europe migration on a. Examining the head dying scientists are telling us that we have just 12 years to make unprecedented changes unflinching generalising i have moved toward really toward complete in a certain absolutely sharing personal stories with a global audience weve seen people make the sacrifice this is what i want to see explore in abundance of world class programming the world is watching on aljazeera. Bottles in cameroons rivers. On. Plastic is everywhere. But if bottles can be fishing boats. And bubble gum wellington boots what more can be done with this plague of palmas. Earthrise reimagining plastic. On our just. Aljazeera world need some extraordinary women. Who are making things happen that way. Following their daily struggle to survive. For their families to thrive. Egypts women street silent as on aljazeera. As tension escalates between the u. S. And iran over the shooting down of an american drone the New York Times reports donald trump ordered military strikes but then pulled back. Were worried that hell be administration be bumping into will be more Democratic Senators say the president must seek congressional approval before launching any military action. Hello im the star of the attain this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up thousands of people begin another day of protest in hong kong youre watching live pictures from there after a deadline passes for the government to scrap a controversial extradition. And tear gas was fired of protesters as they tried to storm georgias parliament over the visit of a russian politician. Now the New York Times is reporting that u. S. President donald trump approved airstrikes against a number of targets in iran in response to the downing of an american surveillance drone aljazeera cannot independently verify the New York Times report that says planes were in the air and ships were in position until the order was given for them to stand down according to the newspaper targets of the dorner a raid was said to be radar and missile batteries the times says it is not clear if the planned attacks might still happen while the New York Times report comes as Senate Leaders the president trying to act with caution Democratic Leaders are insisting on congressional approval before the launch of any military Operation Mike hanna has more from washington d. C. Grainy footage released by the u. S. Department of defense shows the moment when the drone was shot down. Earlier released these pictures of a similar class drone argue for global hawk which costs over 100000000000. 00. Rainy and chris t. V. Released the sportage of the attack saying it had been obtained from the Iran Revolutionary guard corps tehran contended the drone penetrated the ring in a space not so and so as the u. S. Military iranian reports that this aircraft was shot down over iran are categorically false the aircraft was over the strait of hormuz and fell into International Waters senior members of the u. S. Congress have been briefed on the situation the high kanchan wires are up in the region for a lot of Different Reasons some by lateral region some multilateral some religious tension one. 3rd we must act in a way that does not that does deescalate and does not escalate the tensions and the situation here the president may not intend to go to war here but were worried that he and the Administration May bumbled into a war were told the iranians before they shot the drone down that if you engage against american personnel or assets you do search your own peril the president does not want a war with iran or anybody else and but he is the commander in chief National Security figures gathered at the white house and the president sent out what appeared to be an ominous tweet iran made a very big mistake he said. But then during a meeting with the canadian Prime Minister the president indicated that the tweet was not a warning but a literal observation i think probably iran. I made a mistake i would imagine it was a general or somebody that made a mistake in shooting that drone down i find it hard to believe it was intentional if you want to know the truth i think that it could have been somebody who was loose and stupid at the same time the president did not rule out a u. S. Response this is how i think youll find out and. Youll find out youll find me i believe you are obviously obviously you know were not going to be talking too much about it President Trump has made clear in the past he favors some form of negotiation to resolve the crisis rather than action this despite the urging to forceful action from some in cabinet in particular the National Security adviser john bolton the question is whether this latest incident will tip the balance in the favor of the administrations hawks at the expense of those who advocate dialogue mike hanna aljazeera washington lets speak to trita parsi whos a professor of middle east politics at Georgetown University and the former president of the National Iranian American Council he joins us now via skype from reston in the genea trey said the president reportedly approved these attacks on targets like radar and missile batteries initially and to take place at a time to minimize casualties if it had gone ahead with this meant to be a proportional response. Well you know that doesnt exactly what kind of response would be and even if it was intended to be proportionate if it would end up leading to casualties in iran than that would that nevertheless be more so than what the iranians that by shooting down an armed man drawn regardless we are in territory that is extremely dangerous to present that the right thing are taking a step back i think its quite clear that hes been misled by his advisors who just like in venezuela have advised him to pursue a very aggressive policy that has actually cornered him and now he has less and less good options that is the supposal you say traitor that he made a good decision and calling off the strikes but the New York Times is reporting that planes were in the air and ships were in position but no missiles had been fired when word came to stand down does this suggest indecision or just unpredictability on the part of President Trump on the one hand it could very well be but it could also be that just this measure is something that is sufficient to signal to the iranians that the u. S. Is really ready and willing and capable of hitting them very very hard and and donald trump may believe that that suffices for him to be able to say that he has restored deterrence bottom line is that both sides needs to back off and i think find a way to the negotiating table the problem on the u. S. Side is theyre not going to be able to get negotiations with iran if the u. S. At the same time is waging Economic Warfare against that country you say that hes being misled the President Trump is being misled by some of his advisors and that at one point he even suggested that the shooting down of the drone could have been an accident presumably especially now given the change of heart about these strikes there are divisions within the Trump Administration on how to deal with iran. Absolutely and there has been from the very outset you know what they were actually agreed upon was the tactic maximum pressure and massive economic sanctions but the end goal of trump and the end goal of someone like john bolton and Bibi Netanyahu m. B. s the Saudi Crown Prince that have been advising them have been dramatically different from the very beginning john bolton wants a war with iran hes been advocating a war with iran for more than 20 years he thought the maximum pressure would lead to exactly the situation were seeing right now one in which we are on the brink of war whereas trump was led to believe that actually maximum pressure is the best way of getting back to negotiations and then getting a better deal than the one that obama has secured. Other analysts and yourself to an extent of calling this a way station and this cycle of escalation but its a pretty dramatic escalation especially as were still not clear whether the attacks might go forward and trump is still saying lets see what happens yes and i think if anything is needed right now if you take a look at what happened with north korea it was that other countries that had the capacity of talking to both sides step forward and help diffuse the situation deescalate in facilitates and communication i think does exactly what is needed at this point to get all sides to walk back from the brink of war but after that in order for that to lead to an actually a sustainable positive situation there needs to be diplomacy and for diplomacy to take place trump has to walk away from this maximum pressure strategy cheating have suggested that this could have all been a kind of attempt to deterrence what can we now expect from iran in response to these new revelations are we one step closer toward them. Hopefully nothing i think it would be wise for the iranians to do nothing at all at this point they should not blow this should not say anything they should just be happy that there seems to be some desire on trumps and to deescalate than the fuse and what they have been saying is that theyre not looking for war but they will defend themselves if attacked well as long as were not moving in that direction the iranians themselves should do nothing to escalate things further trita parsi a professor of middle east politics at Georgetown University and former president of the last i ran an American Council always good to speak to you on out of there thank you. Meanwhile irans ambassador to the United Nations has called for the International Community to demand that the u. S. End what he calls its unlawful and destabilizing actions in the gulf how diplomatic editor james bay is has more from the u. N. Ok if either fine gate on the iranians are determined to persuade the International Community that theyre the ones telling the truth in addition to the broadcast of this video which the Iranian Press t. V. Says was filmed by the Islamic Republics revolutionary guards the foreign minister mohammed job and zarif has been busy on twitter he said we retrieve sections of the u. S. Military drone in our territorial waters where it was shot down he posted this hand drawn map which he says shows the exact flight path as well as marking iranian territorial waters he says it proves iran acted in selfdefense its a point that irans ambassador to the u. N. Magid tucker of and she makes in a letter to secretary general antonio good terrorists and to the current president of the Un Security Council in the letter he says the drone was in full stealth mode as it turned off its identification equipment and engaged in a clear spying operation despite repeated radio warnings it entered into the iranian airspace where the air Defense System of the Islamic Republic of iran acting under article 51 of the United Nations charter targeted the intruding aircraft at 4 o 5 hours in the letter iran says the drone was in the air for almost 4 hours it says it doesnt want to war but it reserves the right take any necessary measures against hostile acts it wants the International Community to respond so far though no meeting of the u. N. Security council has been scheduled james out 0 of the United Nations. Now thousands of demonstrators in hong kong occupying roads around police and government buildings its part of protests to push for the complete withdrawal of a controversial extradition the government headquarters have been closed with crowds gathered there calling for the resignation of hong kongs leader youre watching live pictures now from there many are dressed in black to honor a protester who died after falling from a scaffold on saturday mass demonstrations have been held over the past fortnight against the bill which would allow criminal suspects to be sent to Mainland China for a trial how correspondent Robin Mcbride is on the street with protesters and brings us the very latest is now several 1000 people are out protesting and theyve taken over once again one of the major high river highways in hong kong until a few minutes ago highways called hard road was busy with traffic its now busy as you can see with protesters theyve been gathering around the main Government Legislative Council cars

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