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Important here is if he can if President Trump cannot make a bigger better deal with iran i think he is looking to fundamentally weaken iran and not just iran but other major gas exports or a slight cough there and russia because weakening these gas exports has a Silver Lining for trump to help the United States in its own Gas Exploration its own drilling and fracking which President Trump sees as an important piece of his domestic politics for the United States to be energy dominant not just Energy Independent but energy dominant so he cant get this deal with iran his Silver Lining his consolation prize is not bad for him in his view its to minimize the role of other major Energy Exports particularly look particularly russia but maybe even got there Hillary Mann Leverett we thank you very much for speaking to us from washington. Tensions between the u. S. And iran have pushed oil prices up by almost 10 percent thats just in the last week. Its been driven by fears a for u. S. Military strike on iran which would disrupt supplies from the middle east and the region accounts for more than a 5th of the worlds oil output more than a 3rd of Global Oil Exports pass through the strait of hormuz do you think that if we saw a military engagement between the u. S. And iran that well prices would spike not only because that irina is not the source of a lot of barrels of oil but its also a very important transit way and with military action that could cause a halt to shipping in the region were already seeing an impact on air travel in that area where on the f. A. A. Has issued warnings to u. S. Carriers not to fly airplanes over that area and if we did see a military military activity it would impact shipping which would impact the flow of oil now immediately the areas that would be most impacted by those would be asia because asia is getting is where most of this oil is actually going plenty more ahead on the al jazeera news hour including demands for justice are finally answered in spain as the notorious wolfpack are sentenced for. Why this chechen human rights activist released early from a russian jail wont be returning home. And scored a shock results at the cricket world cup the sri lankan get their campaign back on track. But 1st russia has suspended flights to georgia after violent protests broke out in the georgian capital tbilisi over a visiting russian politician there have been demonstrations outside parliament after russias surrogate gavrilov gave a speech there on thursday in russian parliamentary speaker has resigned but demonstrators also want the interior minister to go and are now calling for an early election tensions remain high between georgia and russia 11 years after they fought a war over the breakaway region of south. Or been forced to walk or has more from tbilisi. The tensions are running high in particular because of those injuries that were sustained yesterday so the protesters have 2 reasons to be out on the streets of tbilisi the capital to noise and one of course is the way in which. Your thirtys allowed these russian m. P. s to come to georgia when they were no diplomatic relations between these countries and for them to come into the parliament and talk and about the kind of language that they use as well. Its something that i wanted to have to a chance to touch on is how georgians particularly european leading liberal minded georgian see the way in which russia uses all the doxy conservative values as a way of going against them so whenever we have these kinds of speeches made by politicians particularly Russian Politicians it riles georgians because they see that as an attack on their own values theyre more freedom loving lets say liberal values and these are concerns that theyve had for a very long time weve seen movements here organize themselves to say what is the government doing to counter this kind of russian information and propaganda where they try to erode or to to take take inroads into their European Values lets say to Louis Navarro he is the eurasia foran a Program Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute hes joining us from washington d. C. Thanks for being with us on the news hour so as a reporter was saying the protests really were triggered by the arrival of that russian delegation but what is the crux of the issue here or what you understand it to be are people angry at rush hour are they angry at their own government. Its a combination in fact what we saw last night was the culmination of public outrage around the oscillation of the georgian government in both turned incompetence and a combination of russian soft power and as your reporter alluded to part of that is around the language of Orthodox Christianity in a country which is overwhelmingly Orthodox Christian the other part of that which is what were seeing today is their belief that economic tourism in particular is a point that georgia has developed with russia and therefore a point that they can apply pressure and so what were seeing on the streets is a popular expression against this sort of you know movement back and forth among a government that claims to want to go to the European Union and nato but because it does not have any real accountability to the public this is the only outlet that the public feels they have what is the georgian government to kind of bring this unrest is some sort of peaceful resolution whatever its next step. Well this is precisely the problem in a parliamentary democracy as we understand it the resignation of the speaker of parliament which we saw today would bring a government down but neither the speaker of parliament nor the Prime Minister of georgia are the primary Decision Makers in georgia and thats the all of guards in english really who founded the Georgian Green Party and it is precisely that lack of accountability that has led people to the streets the other challenge you see is that even really conflates public criticism with political opposition and the proof that this is not the case is the fact that tonight we saw opposition politicians attempting to address the crowd and were booed its not that people are coming out on the streets because Political Parties are sending them there it is because it is a popular rebellion against what they see is the governments failure to protect georgian sovereignty and integrity in the face of russian soft power and one of the demands of the protesters of course is to hold early parliamentary elections is that a realistic demand in the context of everything thats going on and how likely is that to happen well i think it would be more likely affair was any sort of Significant International pressure but as we saw earlier this year georgia was able to essentially veto the choice of the United States ambassador to that country and so you know really this is all going to depend upon how Bidzina Ivanishvili responds to the people in the street and whether or not he sees this as something that he has to. Manage in a way different than what he has chosen to do to date all right. We thank you very much for speaking to us from washington. Chechen human rights activist has been freed on parole after a Russian Court granted his Early Release since you have was sentenced to 4 years on drug possession charges in march his supporters say the accusations were exaggerated to have has reported on disappearances and torture in the region before his arrest but says he will not return to work in chechnya as the risks are too high. Real human rights. At least not for some time but we will keep doing it right now i have work to do at home i need to sort things out i need to rebuild my house to finish construction and after that we will see police in hong kong removed some of the barricades placed in front of their headquarters by protesters still angry over an extradition bill the demonstrators wants an apology from the police after it used syria gas and rubber bullets on some of them during a massive protest on the 12th of june a bill that will allow the extradition of criminal suspects to Mainland China was temporarily shelved by the local governments for many many wanted to be scrapped in tiredly earlier on friday one of the busiest roads off hong kong was once again blocked off by protesters rob mcbride has more on that. Protesters back on the streets gathering friday morning around the governments main offices the word spreads on social media to get moving. Again one of the citys main roads is brought to a standstill by the crowds. There destination the Police Headquarters and an angry standoff of this was the best of the demonstrators accuse them of using Excessive Force and breaking got there largely peaceful protests a claim the police to know was i dont think i thought oh ok well fashionable and they are armed and they have here and we have nothing we just the i didnt really learn gone by the walked into the police is still refusing to hold an independent investigation into the way they dealt with the demonstrations. At the back of the building some protesters try to block the security cameras filming that was and to venice trapped by the protest the offices inside not able to make the last few metres to the cable the whole of emotion was against the place was they. Exercise or tomatina on june pro the people of the area was angry about the other officers come to help their colleagues and this chaos i was seeing a chance to get inside the demonstrators search for it was i was absolute chaos at this gate now with protesters jamming themselves inside the gateway not allowing the police to close the gate in the process to sit on hold for when the other girls are gone my theory was nobody said it could once again be using pepper spray. And then out of the room it seems the police faithful the use of force will make the situation worse a calf will to show restraint was but it also shows the anger on the streets of hong kong isnt going away my doc and many thousands of hong kong has already to keep up the struggle with their governments the. Bride aljazeera hong kong. And a tourist criminal case in spain has ended with the jailing a 5 men known as the wolf pack their sentences have been increased to 15 years its following a public outcry barker has the details. Spains highest court in madrid has delivered its verdict 5 men previously convicted of the Sexual Assault of a 19 year old woman were now guilty of the more serious charge of rape the man called themselves the wolf pack and. All the acts took place in an atmosphere of tara of absolute subjection the only thing the victim declared to the court was a close my eyes and waited for everything to end as soon as possible. One to one ahead of the decision some of the man arrived at the courthouse in seville where they must check in 3 times a week. The Supreme Court ruling overturned 2 Previous Court rulings in a case this brought thousands of people onto the streets in protest was. The attack happened here in pump lonna when the city was holding the sound from a bull running festival the woman was dragged into a Residential Home way in the early hours of the morning the court heard how the man shared jokes and videos of the rape in a Whatsapp Group footage was used as evidence in the trial the defendants lawyer said the sex was consensual a rape charge in spain requires evidence of violence or intimidation the womans lawyer says she didnt fight back because she was afraid and in shock both the 5 men and the victim appealed to the earlier verdict to the Supreme Court joining the appeal process the men were freed from jail because under spanish law or no one could be held for more than 2 years without a definitive sentence. I then release and rage protest as. All of the men of had their sentences. From 9 to 15 years one of them was given an extra 2 years for stealing the victims phone. Is taught by me and if it gets i think the wolfpack case has led us to consider changing the law i Hope Parliament takes his legal reforms seriously society demands it. Is one of the most controversial cases in. The case the complaint is hopeful change the way the country judges rape and future. British m. P. Has been suspended from his role as Foreign Office minister after grabbing a Climate Change activist by the neck mark shields confronted the female protester turns beach at the finance minister in london on thursday fields who has since apologized says. That greenpeace activists janet barker was armed barker says she will not report field to the police but suggested he go to anger management classes. Still ahead on the officer in his hour they repeat election for the mayor of istanbul will turkeys voters this time deliver the result the president wants and. Im weighing heavy reporting from the northeast in thailand where well tell you why the people here are using rockets as a way of saying thank you. Henceforth the ferrari team gets some bad news ahead of the french crown prince. Hello again well cross and states it is going to be stormy here across the Central Plains over the next few days we have one storm thats exiting the eastern seaboard were now going to be watching what is happening right here and you can already see the clouds that are already beginning to form now the next few days we have plenty of heat to fuel these storms you can see here dallas at 33 kansas city at 31. 00 and the moisture is coming in from the gulf so a lot of moisture a lot of heat is going to cause those thunderstorms to form across much of this area on sunday we could be seeing some travel problems anywhere from dallas up towards chicago so you are connecting or making flights through these cities it could be a couple hours of delay out here towards new york though on sunday its going to be a warm day with plenty of sun and the temperature of 28 degrees across the caribbean not looking too bad for much of the islands when we see a no rain in the forecast here on saturday the big problem spots are going to be across much of Central America the rain is going to continue and panama city we do expect to see rain and high for you of 31. 00 degrees there and then down towards what is out its going to be a mix of a clouds and rain over the next few days 70 degrees is your forecast but up towards Rio De Janeiro were looking quite nice and a temperature of about 25. 00 degrees there. Freezing winds and rugged terrain and at times seem impossible. But for afghan traders who brave the work on kauri to that is no choice. Combating the impossible to sell their goods in isolated areas so. We follow that daring journeys as they overcome the extremes. Risking it all afghanistan on aljazeera. As it breaks local communities here employee are very frustrated because the lack of post services with detailed coverage this month none of the people who. Say this struggling to make ends meet and just want a better life from around the world and agnes has been offered to those who rebel against the government. Except those involved in human rights abuses a war crime. Hello again the top stories on the aljazeera news hour donald trump says hes not looking for war with iran the u. S. President s confirmed that a retaliatory attack against iran was called off with just minutes to spare trump says he stopped the strike which was in response to the downing of a u. S. Drone as many people would have been killed. They were through his news agency is reporting the hundreds of u. S. Contractors will be evacuated from an Iraqi Military base over potential security threats the band of military base was hit by a mortar attack last week but no one was injured. Russia has suspended flights to georgia after violent protests in the capital tbilisi over a visiting russian politician or the speaker has resigned and some protesters are calling for an early election. A u. S. Government report has criticized several countries including saudi arabia and china for their record on religious tolerance they Cross Party Commission on International Religious freedom monitors violations around the world mean maher was criticized for its persecution of the rich Muslim Minority more than 100000 fled to name. In bangladesh the government and military deny widespread killings and other atrocities and china was also condemned for what the report called an authorised religious teachings almost 2000000 a week or muslims are being held in socalled reeducation camps they commission called out saudi arabia for discrimination against the shia minority non muslims women and what it describes as prisoners of conscience the report also highlighted attacks on places of worship in the Central African republic where fighting for resources and territory has deepened religious and ethnic divides for all those that run roughshod over religious freedom ill say this the United States is watching and you will be held to account in iran the regimes crackdown on the Bahais Christians and others continues to shock the conscience in russia jehovahs witnesses were absurdly importantly branded as terrorists as authorities confiscated their property and then threatened their families in burma burma Rohingya Muslims continue to face violence at the hands of the military hundreds of thousands have fled or been forced to live in overcrowded refugee camps and in china the governments intense persecution of many face phone gone for tyshan years christian and tibetan buddhists among them is the norm the Chinese Communist parties exhibit extreme hostility to all religious faiths since its founding the Party Demands that it alone be called god daniel phil part is a professor of Political Science of the universe or not an author of the book religious freedom in islam he says the report reflects a wider view west rata ji on the issue of religious freedom. We have a u. S. Ambassador for International Religious freedom who. You know travels widely and brings attention to religious Freedom Violations and many countries and also brings attention. Brings out the information so that activists and voices of many kinds can shine the spotlight on countries so even if the United States is not likely to put military or economic sanctions or some kind of hard power there is the kind of soft power of bringing attention and exposure to terrible violations its inevitable that you know concerns for religious freedom another human rights are going to come into conflict with Strategic Interests then interest in fighting the war on terrorism and economic interest and that just cant be avoided but nevertheless we can give more attention to this violation than we have we can bring it up in diplomatic meetings with other governments and a wide variety of activists can shine the spotlight i might also point out that there are many some 16 or so European Countries and the United States and used to be canada who have now adopted religious freedom into their foreign policies as well as the European Union so it is increasingly a Multi Lateral and international cause an estimated 4000. 00 refugees have fled democratic republic of congo for neighboring uganda there among hundreds of thousands of people forced from their homes by intercommunal fighting parents also reports from where many have sought refuge. Its been 2 days since of noir almost family at the chung wiley refugee settlement 2 of her 5 children aged 4. 00 and 7. 00 didnt survive the journey from the north east of the sea to western uganda. When the fighting started we ran to the boat in the panic one child fell into the water and drowned another child died because we had no food or medicine thats when i said if i stay in congo the whole family will die. Conditions in uganda are basic but the refugees are grateful hungarys forces have been deployed to fight militias in the area around the town of juco its an eternity the province at the center of the current into ethnic conflict one challenge the Congolese Army is facing is that some militiamen are armed not just with machetes but with more sophisticated weapons to Army Commanders appealing to help to restore calm. Do you cant survive without the presence of soldiers this is why weve been deployed here we call on all communities to support us armies so that we can restore peace and security. The conflict between the him and linda groups is about access to farmland as well as gold oil and gas resources. The problem today is that number of people whove been displaced is between 3000024000 extension 00 military is around because of attacks currently the army is heavily deployed as now trying to secure those areas. Back in uganda some of the 4000 congolese who fled fighting this month alone trying to settle into a new country piece by piece a temporary home takes about a day to build the shelter is basic and meant to be temporary they get the canvas from the United Nations but Everything Else is sourced locally in some cases and entire family sleeps in here. The shelters near the road are meant for older people so they have easy access. Thousands survived the long journey across the border to get here where at least for now they are. Refugee settlement uganda. And more than 20 are being treated in hospital after a day out of the iraqi Capital Police say a suicide belt may have been used in the attack which happened the baghdad many of the injured are in serious condition theres been no immediate claim of responsibility. The opposition in syria is accusing the government of using socalled sea starved tactics to force war refugees from a camp in the desert about 14000 people have left. In the past 3 months but as i heard the reports its unclear how many of the remaining 27000 are ready to return to the governments controlled territory. Camp was home to 40000 syrians for more than 4 years and the past 3 months it started to empty more than 14000 have left this remote desert region along a corridor opened by Syrian Government forces its the only way out. But assault on it its because of the tight seizure by russian and Syrian Government forces the people had no choice because they were hungry they decided to leave to areas under regime control but at least 60 percent of the camps population remain and many prefer to stay instead of being killed by the Regime Security men were for months now Syrian Government forces have besieged the camp closing smuggling routes that used to be lifelines some goods still reach for a ban but the trade is controlled by businessmen who seem to be profiting from the situation. Back of 8 loaves of bread cost 500. 00 syrian liras or 1. 01 pupil of fries cost 1. 00 and a half is this possible people dont have money if you shop owners here are controlling the prices in the do not fear god we have no one to help us back on. The evacuations are organized by the Syrian Government which is giving the refugees bad one choice return to government rule or stay in what aid agencies have described as extremely challenging conditions. People are leaving because of poverty but then the regime sends them to the front lines to fight they dont come back theyre either killed by the opposition or the assad regime and iranian militias we hope they open a road to the north to rebel areas or to any other country we dont want to go back to living under the regime. This erie and government is refusing to open an internationally guaranteed safe passage to opposition controlled territories it has also been preventing the United Nations from delivering much needed aid to rock band for the past 4 months the United Nations says these people are in need of food medicine and water but it cant do anything without consent from government leaders in damascus. The u. N. And the Syrian Arab Red Crescent working on a plan of further departures from. Human terms distance. Whats being discussed at the moment and hope hans need to. Deliver assistance. To our the opposition accuses the government of using a tactic employed throughout the 8 years of war siege and starve people into submission and rock band it appears to be succeeding and yet again the International Community is failing to act. Beirut voters in turkeys most populous city istanbul head to the polls again on sunday for a controversial rerun of the Mayoral Election the opposition candidate was declared the winner in march but the results was an old after a legal challenge by the ruling party a president. Which has controlled the city for the last 25 years since the reports. Was declared the winner of a stumbles may or elections 3 months ago. Hes from turkeys Main Opposition Party c. H. P. Got him almost mandated lasted only days. The governing of parties said there were irregularities and corruption in the vote and appealed to the Supreme Council which can see the results this is that if you look at the comedy the estimable lection has been an old your 4 vote cast and one of them which counts for istanbul mayorship people will respond to this on june 23rd the council said a number of polling station officials were not Civil Servants as. That forced them home or the office and ordered a room only fully stumbled. Turkey has a very secure election system but in the march 31st elections the opposition was much more poll savvy than the ruling party thats why they couldnt present any solid evidence for what they claimed was corruption on the other hand the supreme election board needed to address the irregularities only that would have eased the public conscious. The partys been a former Prime Minister. To his rival by 14000 votes it was a shock defeat and of the parties and thats pretty sad when a fight you control of the city where turkey is present. And once served as a. Reality hes met on the ballot box the voted out has only one vote for him for him at least its obvious thats why we say they stole the votes. President adams loyalists believed their victory was stolen but other wings of the Party Accepted their loss. The Opposition Alliance and supporters protested. The station calling it. Turkeys western allies urged the government. To respect peoples choice and democracy. Council has launched an investigation into some from inside. Hudson istanbul because if they were responsible for choosing polling station officers the council recently sat down i think the same laws and regulations in place in those selfishness is not possible for the. 20th straight thats for most of the opposition to say the consuls the station was politically motivated to aljazeera. At least 30 people have died in a fire at a house being used as a matchstick factory in indonesia it happened in the north of. Witnesses reported hearing an explosion several children are dead and police are investigating the cause of fire to un delegates will remain in venezuela to monitor the countrys deepening humanitarian crisis un human rights chief. On an official visit to the country she held talks with the Opposition Leader on friday is also due to meet president Nicolas Maduro 3 day visit comes ahead of a Un Human Rights Council session where government is expected to be criticized for mismanagement thats led to chronic shortages of food and medicine meanwhile hundreds of mostly venezuelan migrants are stranded on the. Border they were refused entry earlier this week many have traveled by land for at least 8 days to reach the border a makeshift camp has been set up to provide basic medical services. U. S. Immigration agents are trying to work out why theres been a surge in the number of Asylum Seekers from africa crossing the border from mexico from the southern u. S. Some have been some of sent thousands of kilometers to a new Arrival Center in the north east state of maine gabriel is on doe has been meeting some of them. It was not a choice but rather a matter of survival to flee his native democratic republic of congo he tells me Police Officers back

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