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Clinton for agreeing to meet last summer with a russian lawyer a russian lawyer in question has been actions with the from. When Donald Trump Jr responded enthusiastically to the idea of receiving information that would be harmful to Hillary Clinton i think that was a gift to russia it represented an attempt by. Russia to have a base of influence if you will. The news comes at a time when trump was in hamburg for an International Summit where he had a meeting with Vladimir Putin and. What we look forward to are a lot of very positive things that we are seeing for the United States and for everybody. Would want to be with you if you. Immediately after this handshake the trunk camp has to do damage control over the New York Times story. They put out a statement saying the story was wrong and you know from air force one they were very very alarmed by it on the plane ride back to the United States is when the president and his team come cox this story about how the trump tower meeting was about adoptions. Flying back with his father trump jr sends an explanation to the press. At the meeting he says was merely about the adoption of russian children in the United States. So the 1000000. 00 question with the trump tower meeting is what did the president know about it and when did his son tell him about the meeting at a time if junior called his father and said hey we have this meeting coming up with some russian people that are offering us information and the president said great go for it let me know hes part of a conspiracy that is a not to bring someone into a conspiracy trump fights back. I came up with the term fake news its a lot of fake news this is fake news put out by the media is called fake news people back there you know those very dishonest people back there but these guys are crooked press. The. Words have meaning and power and a lot of people myself included good republicans were going on for petes dont do that stunt do they call this the enemy of the people is just going too far the press is trying to report the facts as they see them and the president has decided that he would like to shoot the messenger. Conflict that is now considered to be the worlds worst humanitarian crisis hollywood model how to divert this horror. Is ours is really for sale and investigation into how billions of euros are made from supplying arms to saudi arabia a leader of the Coalition Fighting a war in the south the case is interesting to watch as the amount of money involved yemen war profiteers on aljazeera. With new rules spanning 6 continents across the. Aisle just here is correspondents living brains the stories they tell. His. Letters. Were at the mercy of the russian camp for Palestinian Leader syria food in world news through a shared passion for Elephant Conservation colleagues have become friends. With civil war descending they must now protect themselves from escaping the deep into the rain forest or back to the western world. For the elephants surviving the poachers is a lifelong challenge now too they must count lost a rebel militia and a from a witness documentary on al jazeera. Hello im daryn jordan with a quick reminder of the top stories here on aljazeera pakistan says it will use maximum pressure on india after new delhi his decision to strip indian administered kashmir of its autonomy Prime Minister imran khan as one the situation could lead to a regional war. India went against the 17 resolutions of the United Nations Security Council they went against the United Nations General Assembly resolution and they went against the agreement they have taken a decision in which they want to change the demographics of kashmir the u. S. Says new sanctions against venezuela will cut off financing for president Nicolas Maduro america has frozen all venezuelan government assets blocking u. S. Companies and individuals from doing business with the duros administration the f. B. I. Says it will investigate a mass shooting in the u. S. State of ohio saying the gunman had an interest in violent ideology 24 year old khan abets killed 9 people including his sister at a popular nightlife area in dayton on sunday we have uncovered evidence throughout the course of our investigation that the shooter was exploring violent ideologies and based upon this evidence were initiated initiating an f. B. I. Investigation side by side with the Dayton Police Homicide Investigation to make sure we get to the bottom and we explore everything and we are trying to understand the best we can why this horrific attack happened a police chief in the u. S. State of texas has apologized after 2 white officers on horseback that a hunk of black man down a street by a rope photos of the arrest of sparked widespread outrage galvestons police chief says his officers showed poor judgment and should have waited for a transport unit u. S. President donald trump shrugged off fears of a protracted trade war with china washington accused beijing of being a currency manipulator after the yuan filled with lowest value in more than a decade Health Ministers in iran and democratic republic of congo have reached an agreement on how to fight the bone the outbreak have agreed to tighten the Health Screening at the border and improve the sharing of information 700 people have died from the bowl in the past year in the sea. On the world paying tribute to american or 30 morrison who died on monday aged 88. 00 morrison was the 1st black woman to receive the nobel prize for literature. But those were the headlines and news continues on aljazeera after battlefield Washington State thanks so much and thats enough. This is the story set in one of the most powerful capitals in the world a political and judicial conflict. A battle that has pitted donald trump against those who believe he was an accomplice and russias interference. Could soon yellowing. Cooperate with a hostile foreign power to take over the leadership of the state. This is the 1st time that a major covert action major planned action against the United States its very heart of our democratic process at the text of. An october 2017 special counsel Robert Muller issues his 1st indictments against people close to the president. Meant for Trumps Campaign director and gates Deputy Director of the campaign are both charged for breaking a series of laws papadopoulos Foreign Affairs advisor to the campaign is charged for having lied to the f. B. I. For promotion Festive Season and 0 d. And on his 1st targets to the. Right here by the f. B. I. For each. Field. About his contacts with foreign nationals hes had a series of people in d. C. Suddenly in deep deep trouble but those charged by muller become fair game for the press even if theyre not directly linked to the russian. Ference and in 2016 election. When the initial indictments were issued by miller people rightfully said wait a minute this is supposed to be about russia so whats going on and a lot of people have said none of this is collusion who cares why is moller charging these crimes if its not collusion no collusion theres no collusion it seems to be the focus dont delude you know of russia no nothing no police no proof whatsoever present trumps reactions or that any time one of his colleagues or friends has been indicted or even pled guilty for him the litmus test of the bottom line is did they stab us that there was collusion between President Trump and his inner circle and the russians and thus far that has not been charged publicly so thats what he is. Claiming as a victory one thing that people i think really misunderstand about the american federal criminal Justice System is just how much we rely on cooperating witnesses the defendants the people of being charged the people who have done something wrong have the option of cooperating why then would incriminate characters cooperate with the investigation its all about leverage you have to charge someone with a crime that you have the evidence on and then hope that that person is unwilling to take the risk of going to jail for a long time and instead decides to come in and cooperate in this drama between miller and the white house theres theres a lot of behind the scenes negotiation and strategy play its very much a game as muller builds up his case his investigation suddenly faces a setback. We start with new explosive information p. P. C. Here in the investigation moves on his job one of my trusted aides is discredited nifty efficiently shows name is peter stroking to the f. B. I. Agent peter struck and strikes alleged mistress an f. B. I. Weird new piece of page. The press publishes the Text Messages of peter strong and lisa page. Was a trusted adviser of bob muller transcripts of his messages show that he was family anti trump. Oh my god hes an idiot says struck. Hes awful says page. I have no idea how destabilizing his presidency would be. Struck was dismissed but the damage was done and Congress President s cant can now use trucks opinion to claim that the f. B. I. And the special counsel are politically tainted now the investigations into donald trump have been infected. With the virus of severe bias the pro truck media escalates the attack it denounces it as a Conspiracy Theory vesting it was weaponized to destroy it. Is underway right here some sort of subversion campaign and the intelligence agencies are running a classic dissin from ation psychological warfare operation against a sitting president of the United States to topple his government for trump diehards the investigations that are closing in on the president since are weapons in the hands of an anti transitions deep state there is colucci in the cia the n. S. A. The f. B. I. The Justice Department the news Media Politicians in both parties there colluding working together with strategies talking points fake evidence to weaken embarrass and bring down President Trump. The idea of a deep state is one of the dumbest ideas i have ever heard. There is no such thing as a deep state i have not seen that deep state this is another made up Conspiracy Theory that there is a deep state out to get trump hes always looking for ways to blame his own problems on other people and this is another one totally false. But the deep state notion thrives. Some have suggested that the deep state is going to rise up and stage a coup why because everybodys talking about it and thats the point. It comes out of the white house the Cable News Networks pick it up they talk about it put it into circulation guess what Congress Hears it so its all very very circular is say it enough you say it enough it becomes its own sort of bizarre reality and its ridiculous. Weve been hijacked by a deep state it is so addition. Father we pray for President Trump yes lord give him extra calcium it has backbone yes god is a his enemies confound his enemies alou not fall into their traps this we pray in the name of jesus hey man and you mistake you for watching. 5 feet floor 3. 00 to 1. 00. In congress well the consensus over investigating the russian meddling withstand the pressure. There was a hope an expectation that congress as a bipartisan institution could get to the bottom of all this and wed be through it well no it didnt happen. The leader of the democrats in the House Intelligence Committee has to admit that there will be no consensus on the issue. Last night the majority on the Intelligence Committee made the decision to prematurely shut down the russian best occasion the only authorized investigation in the house of representatives that was a terrible disservice to the country and the American People this is no way to run investigation it is only a way to go through the motions to give the pretense of trying to find the truth was that the congress failure to uncover the whole truth leads this task to only one man robert mueller. To sit on the 9th of april 2018 a new York Attorney becomes the latest

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