On the satellite image mostly clear for all of this area here up to the north though malaysia you can receive some rain that really is going to continue from saturday as well as into sunday really not moving too much across much of that area but for the philippines mostly cloudy from manila we do expect to see attempts there of 31 degrees where here cross australia there are some big changes that are going to be happening over the next few days we have a stationary boundary that is laying out right now across much of the southeast but we do have one very active front that is pulling in across the indian ocean and into the southwest now thats what were going to be watching as we go through the next couple of days because that system is going to bring some very gusty winds and dropping the temperatures across much of the area so if a person expect those winds to kick in here on saturday dumping down to about 14 degrees as the temperature not looking too bad for the south in the southeast on saturday but by the time we go towards sunday that front starts to push through and were going to be seeing a big change in temperatures as well so for adelaide 20 degrees dropping down to 1417. 00 degrees here in melbourne ali too bad but it is by the time we get towards monday we see the big change there but up towards brisbane it is going to be a nice day for you with a temperature of 24. 00. Millions of workers a big in slave in the British India one i want to waste explores how Satellite Technology is now helping to set the free 100. I would use iraq where every. Watching out to 0 lets take a look at the top stories right now police in zimbabwe have beaten up antigovernment demonstrators protesting the high cost of living running battle started on the streets of the capital harare after a Court Dismissed the oppositions request to overturn a ban on protests. North koreas rejecting further talks on reunification with the south saying the suggestion is foolish the announcement came just before 2 short range missiles were fired into the sea of japan fridays weapons tests is the 6th in the past month. The Indian Government says it will lift curfew said to restore internet and phone connectivity in the area of kashmir it controls and what it says is a few days governments commitment to ease unprecedented restrictions which have been put in place for 12 days was given to indias Supreme Court. Iran has contradicted her baltar saying it will send its super tanker grace one to syria with a cargo of oil if it wants to vessel was released by the british Territory Supreme Court on an alleged promise from tehran that its cargo was not headed to syria Andrew Symonds reports from gibraltar. The grace warner and co of gibraltar its panamanian registration changed yet the iranian flag still not in place its thursday the start of the 43rd and final day of its detention but a major legal twist on shore in the gibraltar Supreme Court had a judge seeming somewhat baffled and the crew on board wondering if theyd ever get away the attorney generals legal team had a plan to release the supertanker but only hours before that was supposed to happen the u. S. Department of justice asked for the detention to be extended instead the case was adjourned for 5 hours a lawyer for 3 of the crew including the captain couldnt see any reason for the detention to continue weve taken advice from 2 q. Sees in london specialists on sanctions and a criminal specialist for what we could tell them their advice was that was no breach the sanction. As confusion spread from the courtroom grace was reminded on cut just as she has been since july the full 28 crew members on board 4 of them the captain and 3 offices were released on bail that possible handed back ahead of the u. S. Approach to the calls. Made to the court was in session again this time the judge threw out the approach from the u. S. Department of justice and granted the attorney generals request for grace one to leave gibraltars waters the governments chief minister says iran had given a cost on guarantee the grace one would not deliver its 2100000 barrels of Like Crude Oil to syria he hails the actions of gibraltar as a triumph it may be one of the missing sessile sanctions busts in history not just in the context of the serious sanctions set by the European Union because weve deprive the assad regime of 140000000. 00 at todays value of crude oil and what would you say if all of the oil. Did it end up in syria after all well theres a commitment in writing to say that it wont and it will look good on the Islamic Republic of iran that said something in writing and then does the opposite. And so what iran had described as piracy in gibraltar along with the u. K. Calls a major breach of e. U. Sanctions on syria appears to be ending now as grace warm prepares to leave gibraltar is waltzes or eyes are on the u. S. Now to see what if anything can do to stop this iranian voyage hundreds simmons aljazeera gibraltar sudans main Opposition Alliance has nominated an economist to be the and Prime Minister adel work with the African Development bank and the United Nations his nomination is the 1st step towards the creation of a Transitional Government after long time president Omar Al Bashir was overthrown in a military coup in april when lawrence is a professor of Political Science at George Washington universitys Elliott School of International Affairs he says on back is the right person for the job. Impeccable International Credit he says hes well connected at the African Union at the at the world bank and i. M. F. And at the u. N. And so to get sudan back integrated into the International Financial institutions in you know International Economy he is good he also has revolutionary democratic credentials he was forced out of the ministry of finance in 1991 bashir came to power he famously turned down an offer to be minister of finance in 2017 and is appreciated by the prodemocracy activists so it seems that he has a lot of pieces of the puzzle that will come together you know with the right skills at the right time and economically one of the big problems for him will be the level of corruption in the country and the way in which the economy is built around the former cronies of the former president and all of that still in place in addition its initial military council set things up in a way that it seems theres a certain degree of immunity Going Forward at least for those who participated in the t. M. C. And who are name to those ministries in position to position of power so even though we are supposed to have investigations Going Forward its unclear how much power the Prime Minister will have in order to reign in the you know the excesses of the former regime and a Nations Capital jakarta could be moving from java to borneo after president djoko veto parliament to accept a plan to create a new seat of government the idea of creating a new capital has been debated for decades the Sea Levels Rising jakarta is considered one of the fastest sinking cities on the planet. Americans have been running high among leaders of Pacific Island nations as they debate Climate Change Prime Minister tang was reportedly in tears in one meeting the talks fell far short of what many hoped for its effect ivan leaders met to draft an official statement on Climate Change targets but the negotiations nearly collapsed twice australia was accused of resisting calls for a strong declaration to take action we were exchanging facts for larry language not swearing but its job. But of course you know its pristine the the concerns of leaders and i was really happy with the exchange of it was fred Prime Minister most of them of course stated his positions they did my positions of the leaders we need to save these people the premise of toma truly cried in the retreat you know to. The leader of dont know that surely shed tears in front of the leaders i understand the sensitivity to these issues particularly where were standing and and and i should respect towards that in my judgment its not just about a strike as a company. Its about. Its about have a strategy of action continue to provide the support that we do across the Pacific Region when we have the biggest investment in the pacifics development and protection of any nation on the planet we invest one point 4000000000. 00 in the region every year thats the highest its ever been on the my government many migrants from Central America are risking their lives to try to reach the United States and critics of donald trump are blaming his keep out immigration policies for the deaths of some Asylum Seekers castro reports from analysts wells in new mexico where soaring temperatures are adding to the dangers. Sand rocks and vast emptiness that she while one desert in the u. S. State of new mexico stretches hundreds of kilometers this is where groups of hundreds of migrants mostly families from Central America have chosen to surrender themselves to the u. S. Border patrol the question is why is a growing number of people choosing to cross in this hot and barren place last december a 7 Year Old Girl died after journeying here more than 3000 kilometers with her father from what amala she was in u. S. Border patrol custody her body temperature was more than 41 degrees it was a horrible thing that never should have had. If the people hadnt been forced into the desert it would never michael sims works at the general store in the nearby town of had cheetah he says the u. S. Border wall that guards urban areas and the greater number of Border Agents there lead migrants to cross in more remote places even so he says the migrants cause no trouble here he says trump calling this an invasion is wrong there was no invasion of people a lot of people say they came quietly they came. Honestly as obviously is a good a few blocks away but neither and bob dens lawyers say they are worried about the number of people crossing so close to their home in those large groups you dont know how many of them are criminals or part of the cartel coming through and trying to be part of a group to get into the country the married couple says like most americans who live in this politically conservative town they support trumps border policies so i feel his hes doing the best job he can do with what hes had to work with this is an ongoing problem thats been here for for years as the desert heat soars the number of migrants crossing the u. S. Southern border has dropped. To 72000 in july thats still much higher than previous years and the fear is more people will die in the attempt to castro aljazeera Antelope Wells new mexico. Spoken about recent Mass Shootings in the United States but didnt address criticism that its too easy to get guns White House Correspondent Kimberly Halkett was at President Trumps latest Campaign Rally i rule never ever let you down that i can join. Speaking in New Hampshire his 1st time before supporters since the Mass Shootings in dayton and El Paso Donald trump blamed the people he says are behind us gun violence there is a Mental Illness problem that has to be dealt with. Its not the gun that polls the trigger its the Person Holding the gun. Were going to have to give major consideration to building new facilities for those in need we have to deal absent from trucks message the suggestion of universal background checks something polls show a majority of us voters support truck narrowly lost the state of New Hampshire in the 2016 u. S. Election but hes fighting for it in 2020 boasting of creating jobs and boosting wages claiming any one of the Democratic Candidates running for president would change that a vote for any democrat in 2020 years a vote for the rise of radical socialism and destruction the destruction of the American Dream so whether you love me or hate big you got to vote for me. No no no i dont have no idea but democratic protesters outside terms rally say he hasnt kept his promises and 2016 he pledged to hold opioid overdoses ravaging the state since taking office theres been just a modest reduction in deaths he promised New Hampshire specifically is going to take care of the Opioid Crisis im sorry can you point to one thing came to us. In New Hampshire trump boasts of adding 20000 jobs and dropping the states Unemployment Rate to just 2. 5 percent supporters say its those numbers that will help trump win reelection in this politically divided state on his great employments down low as to the ground and the people are hampshire recognized but trumps democratic rivals are challenging his record on the economy and making a big push for votes in New Hampshire polls show a majority of americans are tired of Donald Trumps rhetoric and constant tweeting yet some still support him because of a strong u. S. Economy but reports of a looming recession could spell trouble for trump can really help that aljazeera manchester New Hampshire. The tango comes. Every august the best dancers from around the world gather for the tango world cup everyone else a series of events celebrates whats considered one of the most expressive and difficult dances to master and thats honest dancing shows on imports from kind of. They say that tango is more than just a dance. But if you let the spirit of tango take you it will help you to better mill yourself and do your part not only in time or in the close embrace in this music we can really explain without words what their feelings are there and sometimes really really deep what we can describe with the words. It was developed in one of cyrus by 19th century immigrants mostly men dancing with men developing their fight moves in the slums of the emerging city. They grew throughout the 20th century in popularity and respect to billets to become the swirling sequin dolls form it is today now dogs to around the world and every year the worlds best dancers return to reacquaint themselves with the hope of tango. Tango soul lives around the world because tango ease universal which is one of the most important things it has achieved in its history the possibility that the whole world can dance it. The world cup has 2 categories traditional tango which is improvise with the dancers not knowing what music will have to work with. And choreograph stage tango. Among the thousands of anjan times both young and old the essence of tango is still alive and thriving. Her father a tango singer. In 3 minutes theres a connection between a man and a woman that takes him from the moment to the tango was danced with the feet but its felt in the hot. Provided the soundtrack to life. I believe its in our d. N. A. Its the way we live the way we live and what we feel its not to do with whether youre a good dancer or can sing or play an instrument its to do with being born here and living here they say that everybody has a. House with some exceptions. Every year. Protesters and the capitol are demonstrating the high cost of living the violence after the high Court Dismissed an attempt by the opposition to overturn a ban on. Bad beats in a woman who had the gas to is able to libya from her mouth and has had a good war. Because. That. Trying. To destroy the property and this is an either or. The Indian Government says it will lift curfews and restore internet and phone connectivity in the area of kashmir it controls and but it says a few days in ousmane comes as the United Nations Security Council prepares to meet on the crisis in kashmir or korea as rejecting further talks on reunification with the south saying the suggestion is foolish in ounce meant came just before 2 short range missiles were fired into the sea of japan israels interior minister says a Us Democratic congresswoman relist sheeted to leave will be allowed to visit her family in the west bank on humanitarian grounds as long as she doesnt promote a boycott of israel earlier her entry was denied along with another congresswoman hahn omar for following lobbying efforts rather by President Trump keep it here when i went east fighting slavery from space is next. After 25 years of informing the worlds waste china through the global cycling industry into chaos. The growing pressure of agreement skies it is resulting in changed we bring you the stories to the shaping the economic world we live in. Counting the cost on aljazeera. They are the voiceless and vulnerable forced to work against they will millions of people are condemned to lives of slavery he didnt in remote areas behind factory walls and in brick kilns where abuse is common its on advantage of jogging on ventura wanting to come like needed and youve got a village now the fight against slavery is going into space were able to say to the local n. G. O. S here is a brick kiln that we believe has all the earmarks of slave labor 101. 00 east explores how technology is giving slavery no way to hide. The fact that the war the leak was on. The fight against slavery has a new weapon. She said shes going to leverage that. Push od is a lawyer working for volunteers for a social justice or vs j a local n. G. O. S fighting to free families from slavery and set another one if it be that according to cover. Over 30 years. The s. J. Has freed thousands of people in northern india from slavery. Today they going to a raid at taco bricks. For the kilns distinctive footprints can be seen clearly from space using station Satellite Technology. What we can think of a fiction naif not in typical of 50 to kill a cow dr doreen boyd is an associate professor of of ations at the university of nottingham and she points out the telltale signs of slave labor. What were looking at full. Building typically you know a family will be living in order to the degree. You can feed the smoke from the chimney that shows the food and if youve been active kale and both of labor being use all of you think give us an idea of the perhaps the prevalence of flavor wheat activity bonded labor for example happening in the killing. Of the nuts in the food there are no longer length im going to go into the big conference is to me 1st because. Its. From a covered congress backgrounder human condition that were going to. Let it go to a good idea not a diplomatic yeah above were down. On the ground here in honor of this new the fact that hamas and his wife led to dead beat a bone to work is that the kill. About me and i didnt fit the mother the mother and its a mother never mind about oh are. You going to thank going to this is. Very sobering talk about modern slavery kevin bales is one of the worlds leading experts on modern slavery whole families are in slave to do this work to. Cut the mud make it into bricks and the very dangerous work of firing the bricks as well. I had spent several months in brick kilns and i had worked out very precisely the exact economics of the brick business and particularly the slave based brick business and that was important to understand where were these bricks going when they were being produced how did slave holders make a profit we still however even after all that were going to was done had no idea of how many recounts there were where they all were and so forth. He decided to fight slavery by joining forces with fellow academics like dr stuart mom im an observation specialist so using imagery from all bits around the planet a social scientists came to see us and this. Is great that weve got this interest you focused on this observation. Would you be able to see slavery. And so we said we dont know what the slavery looked like and for us at the stage it was completely new and i showed some satellite images that i had found of slavery spaces i showed them pictures that i had taken on the ground of people in slavery in those same spaces and begin to say why dont we do at least a pilot test which we did on the sugar bones unesco World Heritage site in bangladesh looking at. Fish processing camps that use child slaves and in that short pilot we discovered 5 unknown process in camps and heres the latitude and longitude you really ought to do something about it. Following the success of the pilot study they tend their attention to one of the biggest uses of slave labor in india according to andy slavery international. The reason we thought it with the book its surely choose to the number of. Them. And the number of people that work in the film they tend to be working under forced labor so if we can actually map where these are how more people than we could face if we focus on another type of flavor of activity. The slavery from space projects brings together earth observation scientists geographies social scientists engineers and Computer Specialists they watching 4000 miles from the raid unfolding at the brick kiln. Its estimated that up to 23000000 people are held in debt bondage in india and a 3rd of the children working for up to 9 hours a day come under. The school. Chandra gotay has 4 children aged between 9. 20 they all work at the brick kiln with her to try and make their minimum quota of bricks. The younger 2 often work at night so they can sometimes go to school during the day to get a better job. In the treasury. The s. J. Suspects 14 adults and 10 children are being forced to work as slaves here including palmer and his family as i want to live that david and its not what i had done i got there but. My god im already going a man. Takes a hard blow. But have you got any america are going to talk a little. Bit this autobahn to get on. Their mothers. Straker better go back up but ill find. That some of the guys are going to write the man in red is chandran sing a jemhadar contract he brings the libraries from their villages in pradesh to the kilns turn im going to i mean could. That ever were going to put anybody but the. Taliban and we can learn again youre going to be going to you know its much harder to be able to go about them going to target to know and you gave me william meaning accommodating. And. Got to be big so theres a legacy about it were told by some of the perfect im going to. Go to the living place today and you solve all our problems questions im lost now im not there im. Out of principle with. The them im not one of those im not. At present. From the part of the company if it was not my shop its not a new baby. By the minute but im going to. Have. Brick kiln on is have a legal responsibility to make sure the children go to school instead of working in the kill we dont need it i mean i never thought being a got the. Money that i got even if our welfare got me got it any and i thought of any of these a serious accusations against the killed punjab. He finally arrives at the kiln with a politician friend the 1st. Woman to come to her. Because never once thought i was a. Recruiter there remain a brain go to do it and then both of them are not listening bring them back on a 3 minute. Round of them. Tell them about this ive been through with their home sunday morning argue that. There are never determined and better under all and sadly despair much the. Indian national law requires that kiln owners have contracts with their work is that they paid fairly and it records it kept of their payments. They hated b. S. J. Jai seeing wants to make sure the owner of the kiln has hes paperwork in order. There are no longer required. Of us in the. Midlands and. These day brings legal cases against employers who use slave labor and reports them to authorities they try to get certificates from the employers that prove that bonded work is that i dont owe any money. You. Are. Not going to have not only the unicorn just leave. Your home is not. Without vs js intervention chandra bodies family could be enslaved for life when she or her husband dies the children can be compelled to continue the bondage yet if i had a. Basic i get paid as a day painting it. As it will and that it. Will be up by saying a bit painting out about it by house on the net about it i got what do i need to drag and need to get home but i did get a wise one. Ensuring their freedom is not that simple the matter still has to be hurting course like. The adults in 10 children ascent to pack their belongings into 2 trucks. With their future uncertain their families are taken to the District Courthouse. 2 satellites have long been used to map environmental change but using them to track slavery is new. So id say you could split them into 2 groups weve got the traditional soft light stuff have been put up by space agencies for many many years going back to the early end of the sixtys 970 s. When nothing to the 2 began. And thats the sort of the the modest resolution satellites. Then you have a 2nd group of sensors coming more from the private sector. A big trend there is to go to microsoft life so. Much much smaller Faster Development times and you can have many on one moon. Between libby wanted to pinpoint alpha kill and know a little bit more about them then we need to look at Something Like that if this is High Resolution they. Couldnt they may she is absolutely amazing the detail you can feed is incredible each one of the pitfalls and the symmetry and the meta white so we need to choose the right technology and i fly in which way for our particular purpose. Equally important is the number of times a satellite passes over the same location the more often it does the more the sites can be monitored it lights going around the earth and the earth spins beneath it and you would cover the entire earth typically in Something Like a month or so to go back to an image the same spot again itll be a month later and so you can have monthly snapshots of the suspected site if you put a 2nd satellite 180 degrees apart and they orbit like that and you can go twice as often essential with a radar satellite weve got to revisit round about 6 days a moment so its a real improvement if you put a constellation of satellites in place it massively increases the revisit time so you get to revisit time down to a day or or so. Yeah. A museum or to leave there was a little girl in. The work its a waiting at the District Court house theyre tired and hungry. You can see. Things suddenly lose face smugglers or. The courts will decide the fate of. His wife and daughter along with the other families tomorrow. If the owner of the kiln can provide records if they payments and a license will be taken back to the field. And. Specially in the brickell. Know what is good for my then there wifeless here near here and on the other there. The bacon on us that ephesians are very hour of full of course we should tape if you use real ephemeral neutered children has been found. In them but is not being a minimum age. He should be charged. For digging the life and liberty but. The north and the people are tired of. Their dinner and when you try to. Get a cut. Off the next day outside the courthouse the families awaiting for the verdict sitting in the same spot under the tree their faces being decided inside without any input from them on the beach the good news but still it says this is a lot of folks out there that dont at least not have a downy im not going. To be done heres our lovely in there weve been on the bed about it well you know. These are often Migrant Workers are often of a different ethnicity or even religious group theyre not voters theyre not really of interest to people in power above police the lead on this is almost always with nongovernmental organizations in geos human rights groups. In future its hope satellite images can be used as evidence to help workers prove a case theyre often fighting against local corruption and apathy i think this could be very powerful in legal procedure proceedings and in court cases not least because its not just about being able to prove specific cases of enslavement but also by demonstrating patterns of exploitation and enslavement and this does that. The brick belt covers a vast one and a half 1000000 kilometers stretching across India Pakistan nepal china and bangladesh it encompasses hundreds of thousands of kills and keeps millions in debt bondage. The area covered by what we call a brick bell if you theres no way from the ground you can count the brick kiln. Mapping the bridge will give the 1st hard data about the numbers and location of. But even with modern Satellite Technology its a massive task. Speeding up the mapping process is. To cover the entire area. During boyd has never been to the bridge and hadnt heard of modern slavery until a few years ago now her focus is the United Nations goal of eliminating slavery by 2030. Machine learning is the digital key that will unlock the data to help reach that target and she learning. About intelligence and what were doing with training the computer. In the computer to under found what to fly can an image so we gave them. A different type of different picture and different location by each iteration. With them. Fly. Trying them. Let it leak all over the images that we havent seen before and it will. Be. 95 percent with hair in the location and maybe some identifying. Slavery is happening here. And the owners of the brick have been in and out of the court room. In the. System. The Court Decides in their favor theyll be granted a city if it could have release a key documents proving that they bonded labor is and did not owe the owner or contract to any money. They have been made and thats why they never run it by name or that. In their home state of the top predicts the s. J. Holds village meetings to help workers understand their rides and prevent future in slave meant but for some its too late. To get out of the lot. Of the love of. Bubba shah and his wife xan a big grin slaved with a family of 12 even though theyve escaped and returned home to pradesh they are not free on the been theyve been together made me god im out of my book talking about going. To any of 100 a year going to. All go to meeting going to. Im going to madiba there or do things. Without the official release a difficult given by of course bonded labor is a never free from a desk and have little hope of ever being paid any money. And his family will paid nothing in the 3 years they worked at the kiln. Back home they still being pursued for their alleged debts. But. Until they are ventura loving unicom like me that got a bill or. Order book from the owner. My going to go down the road but through the golly but. As they dont have to release it if it hit the owner has filed a legal case against them claiming they owe him the equivalent of 2000. 00. Then. I mean. Finally back at the courts 2 of the b. S. J. Workers have news. For. Us. Its good news and do we need for these were kids. Theyre all officially free from slavery and dont owe the kiln any money. Was snapped. With c. M. Up by the gun equipment up at about who theyre estimating. Theres more good news to come the release a typical granted by the court entitle them to state benefits which could change their whole future. Theres a provision in that bonded labor law that says if you have just been liberated from slavery you can have an immediate cash payment not a very large but enough to make sure that you have food clothing and shelter so that if you tried to run away from all your possessions run away from the place where you were working say a brick youll at least be able to feed yourself house your family and so forth. Its 9 pm official photos and needed for the paperwork after that the families will be on their way home with some money in their pockets. This 2nd part of the grant is a much larger payment and the wonderful thing about that is that its geared to being and to get you on your feet economically and ive been happily surprised and very pleased when ive seen how many of these ex slave families have built very solid businesses of all sorts. So as far as satellite dates are concerned theres an open skies policy so the soft lights see everything no nation can turn them off and so does nothing any nation can do about it if it does a. Fighting slavery from space is becoming more and more effective as satellites multiplied and costs decrease. Now i think our dream is it would be able to put up our own satellite to have our own antislavery satellite in space that we can use 24 sevenths to look for people in slavery and to help get them free that would be a very powerful and very beautiful thing. Its midnight at the train station in her shy people and the families are in boxing on their long journey. Back to their villages which have pradesh and 2 relatives they havent seen for over 3 years Space Age Technology and slavery dont often go hand in hand but this use that satellite imagery is a real breakthrough in tackling one of the worlds dirty keeping secrets freeing many more people from the curse of modern slavery. Millions of people are missing out on medical. Hospital train. And home to those most in need one i want to. Business updates brought to you by Qatar Airways going places together. The. Odd. Odd. Business updates brought to you by Qatar Airways going places together. To. Cut. The law because this is aljazeera odd. Hello and welcome watching the headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes violence in zimbabwes capital is pretty. Government demonstration. To ease restrictions in kashmir as the area goes into its 12th day of an unprecedented. Iranian oil. More than 6 weeks ago is clear. Despite a u. S. Push to block. Plus. Shes in her ninetys this could be my last chance to see. One of us congresswomen to visit the occupied west bank to banning them from entering israel. And. Cars nascar legend Dale Earnhardt jr plane crash well have more on that coming up and. Police in zimbabwe have beaten demonstrators protesting against the high cost of living running battle started in the streets of the capital city harare the high Court Dismissed an attempt by the opposition to overturn. The movement for Democratic Change says it will go ahead with protests in other cities next week live. Correspondent in for us here on the news just get us up to speed is it quiet or not on the streets. Well it depends it changes every few minutes what happens when people try to gather certain points main events here where the protest was meant to happen in the riot police moved in and just but them what happened in the day was that when the court threw out the matter some of the opposition supporters did they werent going home they came here. Right police moved in and told them to leave been refused some of them within badly beaten i saw a woman with a nasty cut to a head another man just collapsed from the tear gas and ive been running battles back and forth what happens when the police move and people run into the various alleys in the cities regroup and then come back were talking to a man and he was stowing as the bruises on his back when the Riot Police Beat him and he was showing us the cuts on his hands a really nasty cut and the police came in and threw tear gas into the crowd immediately dispersed the police are saying the reason why they dont want or didnt want this protest to go ahead is because they say that that information that some of the supporters opposition supporters. They say that they have mentioned that rocks were stashed in certain parts of the city and they allege that these rocks are going to be used to break windows and loot shops and destroy property but people in the opposition have denied this allegation saying they were going to make sure theyre going to have a peaceful protest and they blame the police for not allowing them to go ahead with it whats the backstory to what were seeing today. It essentially about the economy president im assuming and i want to go over in 20202017 Robert Mccarthy and when he took over he promised he said look things are going to be different im going to fix the economy im going to make sure that jobs are created things are going to improve and since. This nation the poor is being miserable you have the rising cost of food fuel keeps going up theres lots of unemployment theres soaring inflation constant electricity blackouts people dont get Running Water to their homes and theyre tired and frustrated so this protest was essentially about the economy either that or leave prison it wasnt that was always so it is about that look i took over from i could of been the economy was in shambles its going to take a year maybe even decades to fix things people might be patient but the people we saw and if you do seem to find are saying enough is enough something has to be done about the economy and right now it seems people are trying to come back to this place where im starting to get to the point were going to start and the right. Thing in and you start smiling to get in the air once again. Do keep us up to the close in the meantime well come back to if there are any further developments lets talk now to david moore live from the university of johannesburg there with more mr came into office more than a year ago now with so many big promises why is it going wrong. Well theres a number of different explanations i think these events happening this morning are also very political because if you listen to nelson chemises speech last night is about 9 minutes it starts with lots of talk about peace lots of talk about people not the m. D. C. If you look at the videos the m. D. C. People that are there are not wearing m. D. C. T. Shirts because in the past actually the center p. F. Would give out t. Shirts to sort seize on the streets and themselves and confusing so we dont see whos m. D. C. And who is the people today. But you get to the end of Nelson Chamisa speech last night to which he invited the police to join which is actually interesting because historically the police and the army were on different sides of the coup or the soft coup whatever you want to call it. So this morning the police the high court refused permission for the demonstrations to go ahead but apparently there were already 3000 people in the city who came in much earlier than 9 oclock. And so at the end of jimmys a speech yesterday he says look this is political the regime is illegitimate we need new elections basically i mean he was hinting very broadly at that on the other side we have the army as probably there with the police as well the army was training the police into crowd control i heard a couple of minutes ago that one person is dead thats not been confirmed and you can see the videos with the police with batons smashing people and throwing them into massive big personnel carriers and so on so it looks pretty rough but. Another back story is back in june we expected a conflagration like this but it didnt happen because the embassy was basically cautious they backed away from doing this because the regime is putting up this discourse this narrative that all of this is controlled by the foreign. N. G. O. S is regime change in the way they target this this group called canvas which has this serbian leader and who they say isnt but a whale but he says hes somewhere in in belgrade or something so david can i just interrupt you for a 2nd and invent just give up just to listen to some sense yes that you mentioned talking about the provenance of the people on the streets thats thats intriguing or not self identifying as being supporters of one side or the other is that lack of clarity reflected in terms of who is driving the government reaction to the fact of the protest i mean Amnesty International on record in the past 24 hours saying this is a really dangerous dodgy situation but theyre not naming names i mean is this being driven is that the decisions being taken at the highest level in the government. I would think so yes because the january events where 17 people were killed it was never really clear what the soldiers were up to who they were taking orders from what unit they were they were from august 1 after the elections last year it was never clear was that the president ial guard all of this uncertainty about whether theres a conflict between constantino chal winger who is one of the Vice President s and magog and they have different support bases in the army many many people in the army are extremely poor and extremely does enchanted with whats going on if they you know some of them say if we could vote freely wed vote for the m. D. C. So theres a lot of uncertainty there within the military and and more than gaga i think made a speech the day before yesterday where he made it very clear that the soldiers must be loyal and also very careful because when we got a real chess game going on here the regime lost its legitimacy on august 1st last year after the election when they killed 6 people and probably many more and then the most lanty the former president of south africa came in and had this commission some of the members on the commission were clearly zanu p. F. Hacks or plants whatever you want to call them the commission is is very weak and this is actually the 1st anniversary of the release of that commissions report and ironically enough its a for senators its an anniversary of americana here in south africa where 3540. 00 miners were killed we dont want that to happen so the chess game here is the regime is wanting to clear the opposition out to make it clear that they dont have support or that if they do you know they will be repressed but the regimes legitimacy has declined internationally tremendously since august 1st last year if they kill a bunch of people again. Theyll never get international in the sea remember the british were very much behind when it got when he came in after the coup thats disappeared ok right david we must stop it there because i think were just about to lose its not like the great to talk to you from johannesburg a bit more there from the university of georgia. The Indian Government says it will lift curfews and restore internet and phone connections in the area of kashmir it controls quotes in a few days the government gave that commitment to easing restrictions to the indian Supreme Court the announcement comes as the u. N. Security Council Prepares to meet on the crisis in kashmir lets talk to your mail who has more for us live from the indian capital new delhi so as far as we know theyre sending out signals of lifting internet restrictions the complete block on Internet Access Telephone Network etc but thats kind of it odds with with the reality we think of whats going on on the ground. Thats exactly it peter weve been hearing from the Indian Government for a while now since these restrictions began last week that they would be temporary and they would be lifted or at least some of them or partially or in some areas but thats still been very here in there now we got a briefing for the 1st time from the chief secretary of the region and hes saying that the restrictions were put in place actually as a precautionary measure because of threats they have received of armed fighters coming from pakistan administered kashmir and this is the 1st time that theyve been saying best as a reason one of the reasons at least for the restrictions theyre also claiming that during this whole time theres been no loss of life and the instructions that have been there will start to ease as you said in a few days now this is part of the message that the government has been trying to push these are temporary these are for peoples benefit and the government has been saying that these things really havent affected peoples ready day to day lives its been inconvenience but things are mostly good and as you said this is a big contrast to what al jazeera and other International Media outlets have been reporting the issue of people being restricted people many streets empty as well we saw on friday prayers last week as well as on eat people werent allowed to pray at the main mosque to go to smaller neighborhood mosques as well but the government is saying also the same chief secretary that government offices have now opened today and theres some staffing they hope to get full staff by monday schools will open next week and internet and more restrictions will be in place in some areas but they may open up land lines in the near valleys again though they were not 100 percent they have said they will take a wait and see approach on this but throughout this press conference and throughout this entire thing they havent said if restrictions will be lifted or rather the house arrest will be lifted on political leaders particularly the 2 former chief ministers of the region and a civil

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