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A member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council was also detained and on thursday the leader of the band Independence Group and the chair and was arrested before boarding a flight to japan hes been accused of rioting and assaulting a Police Officer in july police have now confirmed 7 arrests over the past 2 days critics call it a case of white terror by Police Intimidation and an attempt to silence protests the demonstrations began more than 3 months ago prompted by a controversial extradition bill but they quickly morphed into a wider discontent what is seen as chinas growing influence in Hong Kong Affairs its all these iconic Young Leaders arrests together could send out to some Chilling Effect around the hong kong to scare people from taking to the street to morrow we arrest a person as soon as we have to get a sufficient evidence to prove his or her office. The elevation that is high in our arrest is totally false a mass prodemocracy rally planned for saturday has been canceled after organizers filed to get the go ahead in the Hong Kong Court of appeal a wednesday night Chinese Military were filmed driving through hong kong what was described as a routine rotation of soldiers from the mainland on friday state owned media warned if the situation in hong kong worsens chinese soldiers would have quote no reason to sit on their hands and it says the Peoples Liberation Army Garrison in hong kong was not merely a symbol of chinese sovereignty over the city despite the arrests and the cancellation of saturdays rally some prodemocracy groups are urging protesters to go ahead and demonstrate over the weekend they described the Police Action as white terror and what residents to maintain pressure on the government to dump this bill the government has suspended the proposed extradition or the critics want to officially train out more than 900 people have been arrested since the protests began in june and these latest arrests are likely to discourage people from continuing to express their anger at the Hong Kong Government sarah clarke aljazeera Hong Kong Well steve sang is director of the China Institute at the school of oriental and African Studies he says they arrested activists will only push more people to protest in hong kong. They are starting the process of escalating the level of repression and and it will not surprise me that they may invoke emergency regulations ordinance which will give the government very wide ranging power in the run up to the 1st of october well the 1st of october will be the 78th anniversary of the founding of the peoples republic of china and event that she chimping leader of china has decided to mark as one of the biggest possible parties. In the world so he would not want to have it being spoiled by demonstrators in home the fact that they were arrested will be seen by people in home home or at least the activists and protesters are deliberate attempts to commit and it is exactly the kind of actions by the government which they wanted to oppose in the 1st 2 days so i suspect that the result will be we will end up with even bigger the ministrations is big and the us Foreign Policy chief says the rest of pull democracy activists in hong kong are worrying whether we come or go in is urging the government to respect peoples right to protest. Definitely developments in Congress Specially over this last hours and extremely worrying. We expect the authorities in alcon to respect the freedom of assembly expression and association as well as obviously the right of people to demonstrate peacefully. We will continue to follow very closely as it appears the union but also included nation with member states. The situation in congo also well when it comes to the impact on e. U. Citizens on e. U. And on the interest in our kong well the Chinese Government has refused to extend the visa to journalists in the us newspaper the wall street journal one month after it published a report about a cousin of president xi jinping the article was written by one to a Singaporean National whos been based in beijing since 2014 he accused g. s cousin of being involved in high stakes gambling and Money Laundering Chinas Foreign Ministry dismissed the allegations in the report and said the government or polls what it called certain foreign journalists evil attention to smear and attack china. Plenty more ahead on the news hour including millions rally for kashmir across pakistan thats Prime Minister iran combos to fight for the liberation of the disputed territory. Possible report on the desperate battle to contain wildfires in bolivia. Its a race to be the fastest said head of the world athletics championships peter will have all those details a little later in sports. A scottish judges says a legal challenge against the suspension of Britains Parliament take place next week opponents of Prime Minister Boris Johnson argue theres not enough time to debate a brick said raising the likelihood of the u. K. Leaving the European Union the end of october without a deal across party group of m. P. s say johnsons decision to suspend parliament for 5 weeks is a constitutional i wager a full hearing will begin at scotlands highest Court Next Week but johnson is warning m. P. s theyre going down the wrong route as long as they think in the e. U. That parliament might try to block brits or might even succeed in blocking breaks it the less likely they are to give us the deal we want so the only thing is the weird thing is the weird thing is that the more the parliamentarians try to block the new deal breaker the more likely it is that well end up in that situation so the best thing now is for us to get on. Make our points to our european friends with clarity and with vigor and thats what were doing weve barker has more from westminster unlovable. Legal cases against the government or either active or pending in scotland in Northern Ireland and in england and scotland across party group of 74. 00 m. P. s m. P. s had hoped that scotlands highest court would grant an immediate suspension of course johnsons decision to perogue parliament a suspension of a suspension as it were well the court hasnt granted that but it has allowed for a full hearing of the case against the government next week seen as something of a victory by the 74 m. P. s and peers well they want to see is Boris Johnson give a written statement under oath explaining his reasoning behind the probation he doesnt do that they want to see him in court in scotland and sing some very tough questions indeed the other court case here in england is launched whether you prominent political campaigner gina miller has won the backing of the former conservative Prime Minister john major along with other m. P. s as well the argument there is not necessarily about the governments power and authority to issue a poor geisha to suspend parliament but whether or not the government indeed misled the public and indeed the moment the queen when it came to explaining why this procreation was needed the other cases in Northern Ireland laws why complain are there who believes that the good friday agreement to the board about peace after decades of sectarian violence is under threat if indeed we do see a new deal breaks it happen many m. P. s are saying that theyre prepared to work through the weekend something that theyve only done 100 full of occasions since the 2nd world war to make sure that they can fight boys johnson and this poor occasion not to mention a no deal bricks it right to the bitter end from since her seem to china void long trucking as its western border post break said companies will be forced to act as if he has already left the and declare their exports before they arrive at the coast branson also hide around 700. 00 extra customs staff. A manual girl who tested positive for a ball in uganda has died Ugandan Health Officials Say she traveled from to say see from the democratic republic of congo theres been a growing number of confirmed cases of a ball in the region humanitarian Organization World vision says women and children are at greater risk of being infected many of them face rejection from their communities due to misconceptions about the disease and are survivors stepping up efforts to combat that stigma. Well its been a year since the latest outbreak in the democratic republic of congo started then its the 10th time the regions been hit by a ball or the virus has already killed more than 2000 people and it starts is in Eastern Province of north kivu within weeks it had spread to at least one neighboring province by november the outbreak had been declared the worst in the countrys history and the 2nd largest worldwide efforts to contain its spread have been hindered by multiple conflicts and violence against Health Workers dozens of been killed since january the World Health Organization confirm the 1st cross border cases of a boy in uganda earlier this year shortly afterwards the agency declared the outbreak a global emergency un secretary general antonio terrace is due to visit the worst affected areas from saturday all marshall milk of r e is a bolo coordinator of the International Federation of red cross and red crescent societies and he joins us by skype from nairobi hi there marshall thanks very much for being with us can you describe for us the situation on the ground at the moment whats it like trying to contain the spread of a ball. Thank you for having me on this situation on the ground its quite difficult to see tents because we are working in the. And secure environment there is around us and there is access limitations for the stuff us were trying to respond to the people i would go to so theyre working in a complex environment and its quite difficult to reach some of the areas that have affected and as you say the outbreak seems to keep spreading and the number of cases keeps increasing want said by this element of Community Mistrust that is that is that an element of why this is difficult to contain right now. Yes indeed down the you shortlist trust is one of the Biggest Challenges that we are trying to manage. And as the red cross we are trying to emphasize andris communication in community against me so our approach is to sit with the people in that affected communities to discuss with them share with their the same the same problems i took it for treatment encourage them to go for treatment but also do listen to their concerns we listen to the rumors that have Community Level that are limiting their ability with the Treatment Center so we are indeed occluding that is one of the biggest challenge of trust and also fear you can imagine People Living their comfort in their homes living their lives to be a Solution Center for treatment so they are also terrified and prayed and its understandable that theyre afraid at marshall in terms of the survivors who are just talking there about how to survive this are helping to get rid of the stigma that sometimes exists when they return to their community is not something that you see working on the ground does this kind of shame if you like 2nd call it that that follows people who are survivors. Yes it is an element that is affecting this as a president maybe 10 but with the increase in knowledge at the moment weve reached at least 1600000 people in this messaging morning paula this is helping an acceptance in the intent christian into the community so this is something that can be addressed with the increase in the knowledge that its just a disease once they should be not issues of stigma so it is one of the consents indeed but its something that were saying to address in our day to day activities marshall khobar adorning me there by skype from nairobi marshall thank you very much. Indias Economic Growth has slowed for a 5th straight quarter slipping to 5 percent from april to june this is despite Indias Central Bank cutting Interest Rates 4 times this year in an effort to bisset tippity the country lost its status as the worlds Fastest Growing major economy earlier this year with an unemployment at its highest in decades a list of citizens living in indias Northeastern State of us will be released on saturday the National Register him so identify legal immigrants allegedly from bangladesh which borders asked them proof of citizenship is needed in the massive challenge for hundreds of thousands of people its taken a particular toll on women from vulnerable communities Priyanka Gupta reports now from bar pizza in awesome. Audio a big ole hindu in cheer on district of assam is anxious families trying to piece together why she was left out of last years draft list of indian citizens in assam. She was married at 13 and is literate enough to just be able to write her name her husband never went to school now they are forced to father the complex paperwork the may need to prove that shes indian and i can make they detain me i dont know what i will do my children will not have a mother i wont even be able to see them. I mean a heart a big old a muslim and her 2 sisters were also left out the draft list. The 48 year old says shes tired of being seen as an outsider my father was born here i was born here i was married here my children were born here so why should i be called a foreigner if i mean i dont make it to the final list of a lot be immediately declared foreigners and subsequently detained they can come to tribunals like these with evidence to prove that they are indian legal experts say that there are several challenges that it could be to some serious errors. A mistake over in a cost 60 year old mother while im on dog 3 years of a life at 3 birthdays of a granddaughter she was locked in a Detention Center declared foreigners instead of another woman long dead with a similar name who its been a difficult time im the only breadwinner of this house my daughter is disabled but i was forced to leave the 2 girls behind to fend for themselves we didnt have anyone on our side we have no one no father no brother. Retracking is there prepared to use him by this lorry things its been an uphill battle for women from vulnerable communities to prove their citizenship why dont women the girl bring her im illiterate im. So what document i do you as a female one document i dont know of any document. The government says more than 200. 00 foreign tribunals who soon start operating and all cases will be heard. And language in the city lie at the heart of assads debate on illegal immigration for women like to me and others its been a challenge trying to weed out doubts over what ties them to the country the land they were born in and. The aljazeera. A Suicide Attack in the game in the city of aden has killed 3 separatist finds his recent battles around the city of expose growing rifts in the saudi m. R. R. T. Coalition yemens internationally recognized president has accused the u. A. E. Of bombing government positions in and around aden there edging saudi arabia to intervene the u. A. E. Military says its targeting what it calls terrorists. Still ahead on aljazeera a battle over sacred find out why native american tribe is taking Homeowners Association to court. And a former Major League Baseball pitcher is set free from jail in the Dominican Republic details coming up in sports with peter. And i despite recent rain in pakistan this is still the dry picture of course there are more showers building just in the north of syria more especially in turkey azerbaijan the subgoal casus and maybe if youre lucky catching the Southern Coast of the caspian temperatures there in iraq still reflect pretty high values for late august and Early September that will change much in the next day or so but weve seen this before it was weeks on end to rouse down to 33. 00 in beirut is not much different despite the rather different feet on the coast of the mediterranean for the stuff that humidity is dropping at least the next couple of days are on the eastern side of the bahrain qatar in the u. A. E. And 44 still the temperature inland in oman the potential for thunderstorms in the high ground is still there inland from muscat and the onshore effect of this monsoon wind is still there in salalah overcast and just the other was of course its a dry picture in the middle east there is no surprise in Southern Africa bit more hint of active weather coming through the west and kate you dont see very much in the satellite picture except just over the water but for cost wise durban and cape town could both see and have rain. For the nomadic jacka tribe survival is about reaching their destination if we dont hurry to never be able to get the top up in the storm we follow the mongolian herdsmen on a treacherous migration find countries dangerous to the ices then as they strive to preserve their traditional way of life into the interior sometimes luser cattle there will die of cold water because of the storm risking it all mongolia on aljazeera and yes i want to finally were going ask about that but thats the balls and. When its not as i thought this said so is there not. A lot of the cousin to bunches of which on the bottom. In part one of these 2 part series aljazeera explores the world of performance enhancing drugs. Sports doping the endless changes on aljazeera. Youre watching aljazeera remind of our top stories this hour russian and state unilateral ceasefire in syrias itll probably starting on saturday morning civilians are against the fighting have been demonstrating a border of course into turkey theyre calling for an end to the violence thats killed more than 550. 00 civilians and displaced hundreds of times and since april. 2 prominent prodemocracy activists have been released on bail by a Hong Kong Court shoshu a woman agnes child were amongst a group of campaign is arrested over the past 12 hours theyre being accused of inciting and participating in an illegal protest. A manual girl who tested positive for ebola and uganda has died Ugandan Health Officials Say she traveled from can say from the democratic republic of congo theres been a growing number of confirmed cases of the bowler in the region. Huge crowds in pakistan to back the Prime Ministers call for a nationwide chilled solidarity for people in indian administered kashmir cities across the country of observe what imran khan called kashmir our the Prime Minister of pakistan will stand with kashmiris in testing times indian administered kashmir has been locked down since new delhi revoked its special autonomy status more than 3 weeks ago has more now from islamabad. Dawns Prime Minister emraan congruent. With. Dirt roads leading to. A clogged known all there to go. On all the traffic again through our standstill only the emergency lanes were left open for ambulance and other emergency crews to be a very good function normally governmental fraziers private Business Days banks educational institutions and people from all walks of life are head to make a strong broad case about the plight of the media broader than 6 who they say are on the verge of a grave humanitarian crisis a myopic fish maybe its all solidarity we are here to show solidarity with kashmir theres been a curfew there for the last 4 weeks that people have no food or even transport whatever india is going to do with kashmiris we are against it and we want to tell are kashmir brothers that we are with them thats me rollo going to change their lives are the grace of gaunt we are standing with our kashmiri brothers its not been 26. 00 days since the curfew started they cant even pay for prayers every pakistani is with them and will be with them by our last breath the most Important Message that pakistan wants to send to the outside world and that theyre much taking notice of a huge humanitarian crisis unfolding inside indian administered kashmir. Rights activists say at least 8 if i was and people have disappeared after being arrested by Security Forces in indian administered kashmir that they took of us the period since the beginning of the conflict in 1990 but its disputed by the Indian Government activists say indias Public Safety act allows Security Forces to detain individuals with insufficient evidence for trial where for the past 29 years provision under our has been waiting for her missing son to return. My name is providing a hanger im from kashmir im 65 years old my son was taken away by Security Forces and the army in 1990 since then ive been looking for him at 3 oclock in the morning the Security Forces raided he used to go for studies at his cousins house he used to either stay there for the night or come back home that night he was staying there when they raided they thought it was the house of the local rebel he was dragged out into the road where they had their vehicles he was only wearing his undergarments they removed his cousins clothes and made him with those his cousin was released but he was taken away you see these piles of files and court orders but nothing has been achieved the case is still pending sometimes if anyone knocks at the door i feel like he has come home and someone may have told him that his mother is waiting i couldnt bear it. But i decided that i have to carry on with my life as i have to look after my other kids as well. He used to take care of me like a daughter does my own daughter was very young then. He used to buy dates for me on the night of les lat. But on the 10th of every month we mark it is a day of grief mothers crying for their sons half widows crying for their husbands waiting for their loved ones to return we assemble here because we get some kind of solace we share our pain and grief we feel like we remember asked us if we dont do this we remain very anxious im a victim and i know how other victims feel when you are correct the only difference is that those who have been killed in this conflict their parents have a grave to visit but we dont have any you know solace we are restless were waiting for our sons to return what if the line number back ive grown old now since 1900 ive seen people getting killed and even today people are getting killed until they solve the kashmir issue this bloodshed will continue. It wants under pressure to reveal whats happened i was ins of men who disappeared after the army declared victory over i still Human Rights Watch says its documented dozens of unforced disappearances and arrests in one province alone on International Day of the disappeared osama bin just a report from the Northern City of mosul closer to home are you well mohammed hasnt seen her 2 sons for 5 years both were policemen and National Fighters to come away when morsi was seized in 2014 and she told her story more mothers gathered. Most of the men in the bloody 100 neighborhood of mosul worked for iraqs Security Forces before i sent to control they killed some men and imprisoned others when the iraqi army regained control of mosul 2 years ago the prisoners in ice and jails were taken away along with their captors or mom and only found out about her missing sons when a policeman posted a photo of them with ice and prisoners. Had to be. The last news i heard about them is that they might be in a prison somewhere and backed out my son served for the security of this country why are they still being detained whenever we go to the authorities they tell us that our sons dont exist in the system. Behind me is a neighborhood where the last battles against to please many families when they try to return to this area and adjoining parts many men went missing or they were arrested. Since the fall of iceland thousands of men from that of a province have been imprisoned by iraqi Security Forces carrying out counterterrorism screening Human Rights Watch says its documented dozens of other create rests and in force disappearances family members of people perceived to have ties with isis are also rounded up routinely they say what we need to see is the government that starts taking seriously its obligation to investigate abuse to give answers to families about where their loved ones are what happened to them and where abuses are found to to give them compensation Human Rights Watch is calling on iraqi authorities to launch these investigations and to give people the answers that they deserve both the ministry of defense and ministry of justice in baghdad didnt respond to our requests for comment shia militias called Popular Mobilization forces played a crucial role in driving isis from iraqi towns although they keep a low profile the militias are the most dominant force in mosul many sunni muslim residents who are scared to speak on camera accuse them of abuse and forcing demographic change commanders of the militias have repeatedly denied the allegations human Rights Groups see the fate of the men. Be revealed so far we have not received positive answers from the federal government its a violation of the Constitutional Rights because every person should be able to live freely in the country thats not the case with the missing people whose families keep asking about them the mothers of the missing are desperate for news they say the government should either let their missing sons come home or hand over their bodies but some of the job we dont do they are muscle fires in the brazilian amazon have captured much of the worlds attention but bolivias been finding blazes that destroyed large parts of its tropical rain forest and savanna president evo morales has been criticized for not responding adequately to the crisis a latin america this early see anyone reports from the Eastern Region of laci catania. Where theres smoke theres fire. Policemen in volunteers armed only with shovels and bottles of water trying to save one village is most precious eco systems from fires that have already destroyed more than 1300000 hectares of forest land. And were huge trying to suffocate the fires with noise quitman or special training its car breaking to see all the dead animals lost flora. These unprecedented forest fires began a month ago before those in neighboring brazil this is the Worlds Largest dried Tropical Forest what that means is that there is a very very thick and highly inflammable mattress of dry twigs and leaves and for example these seeds from a coconut tree the have oil inside them so when theres a fire this becomes explosive and the fire spreads from underneath the ground which is why you dont see so many flames but these are all burning cinders. These men and women have no Training Uniforms proper masks or other equipment they say they desperately need support from milk to counter the effects of smoke inhalation to shoes. Our shoes last 2 hours down there. We need proper boots for fires. After 3 weeks of refusing International Help president abel what alice has agreed to allow aid and firefighting experts into the country but theyre only just beginning to arrive. Like his brazilian counterpart the president is under criticism for having promoted the economic expansion of this area last month he issued a decree allowing newcomers to slash and burn parts of the forest for agriculture what alice is also being accused of not heeding warnings. Resounded the yellow alarm in july according to International Protocols the 1st days of august we established the red alarm and appealed to the National Government to halt all permits to slash and burn but they did nothing. To the north bolivias amazon rain forest bordering brazil is also up in flames while local Authorities Say they dont have the means or expertise to control fires here that have already spread south to neighboring paragraph and work heres a very fierce fire and if the wind intensifies were going to lose control of it drawn images show the fires are continuing to spread. While those struggling to contain them pray for help that cant come fast enough through sea and human aljazeera that she gave any bolivia. And these 250. 00 migrants event of the spanish andre love crew from morocco with some scaling it 6 metre high border fence and almost breaking through wire spains government says several Police Officers and migrants were injured the enclaves quests and near by malaria are the only land borders between africa and the e. U. The us has set up a Space Command to address what it believes are threats to its infrastructure there President Donald Trump has described space as the next war fighting domain john hendren reports from washington d. C. It might be one small step for President Trump but creating the u. S. Space command marks a giant leap for the pentagon the dangers to our country constantly evolve and so must we now those who wish to harm the United States to seek to challenge us and the ultimate high ground of space its going to be a whole different ball game the u. S. On thursday joined russia china and france in the race for a military expansion into space its an epic goal is demolition 11th u. S. Combat and command one that comes with its own flag and a 5th branch of the u. S. Military joining the Army Navy Air force and marines trump and visions a new space force though that would require an act of congress. Space scum will ensure that americas dominance in space is never questioned and never threatened for the president who likes things big the allure might be in the sheer in bishan of the project what could be bigger or more forward looking than space bringing to life the stuff of Science Fiction and decades of pop culture the final front it is perhaps the boldest aspiration by a u. S. President since j. F. K. s moon shot we choose to go to the mall and just again and do the other things not because they are easy but because they are critics have called the president s plans the space farce but many analysts say the new command isnt just ambitious protecting u. S. Interests in space they say is necessary chinese could disrupt our g. P. S. System that we rely on space for now because even a site for military problems that would cause problems in all of our lives and in our economy back at the back and im this Space Command also gives trump the chance to one up some billionaire rivals for the public spotlight as the u. S. Has cut nasa as a budget for civilian Space Exploration Jeff Bezos Richard Branson and a lawn musk all have launched private ventures into the solar system john hendren aljazeera washington. And native american tribe in the u. S. State of new jersey has filed a federal lawsuit against its neighbors the rama poland a nation accuses a Homeowners Association of violating its right to gather and pray on its own land christensen who reports from new jersey. What weve been using for thousands of the years those holding this native american ceremony believe a puff of tobacco smoke will cleanse guests taking part in the local mountains take their name from the rampolla nation but this field barely an hours drive from manhattan is all thats been left to them for them this land is sacred what about this land i mean how important is that to the worlds very important its the last drop away and we have that we can openly and freely do ceremony. Despite having a permit to use the land for religious and cultural purposes the tribe started receiving fines in tickets in 2016 i was surprised at the level of the animosity and the desire to remove us because if you look at the houses around here i mean theres nothing for them to fear we were asking them to move from day one it was a desire on their part to briefly get rid of the tribe is officially recognized by the state of new jersey and its ties to the land which now sits in the midst of this private gated community go back generations the very name of the township comes from the line op a word for Meeting Place nevertheless their neighbors continued to complain about the gatherings and the fines began to add up after a few years totaling more than 4000000. 00 the Neighborhood Association in the town neither of whom would speak to aljazeera sued the tribe but then a turning point for their legal team the u. S. Justice department came to their defense when you have the department of justice coming in and saying well what we see appears to be happening here is a violation of the rights religious freedom thats something a federal court judge is going to take very seriously. In a settlement the township agreed to drop all fives and allow the ceremonies to continue while the Neighborhood Associations lawsuit was thrown out of court now the tribe is suing the neighbors for violating its right to gather and pray hopeful for birth moral and although it is called the parent. Or neighbors respond as just barely right up until this moment but for now it seems the tribes prayers have been answered kristen salumi aljazeera meaghan new jersey. Swedish activists great to thunderbird has joined all the teenagers in the climate protest in new york the 16 year old along with dozens of others held bad news and gave speeches calling for greater actions a combat Climate Change from burg arrived in new york on thursday after a 2 week transatlantic journey onboard a carbon free salable shes in new york to speak at the United Nations Climate Action summit next month. Still ahead here on. This bad news for you in the head of the 4th test with the strictly a pizza will. Well its time to get all the sports news here is peter hi parry hi to you as well and thank you very much show after losing in the 1st round of the u. S. Open for the past 2 years simona halep pool run at the tournament has continued the wimbledon champion was knocked out in the 2nd round on thursday by american qualifier Taina Townsend proven to work for points. Flushing meadows is left simona halep frustrated in recent is and thursday was no different. Despite winning the 1st 6 in just half an hour the 4th seed then had no answer for american qualifier tyler townsend. The world number 116 going to the net over 100 times and the 2 hour manche. How it was able to save 2 match points but it was 3rd time lucky for the 23 year old townsend the 3 say when the biggest of her korea i mean i think when i played there before i was just trying to make balls i think i played. Knoxs and today i just played to win and i said f. It. You know sometimes happens and i have just to look forward. Im in champion so i will not remain. 2 time wimbledon champion pitchfork event of was another of the womans big names to crash out the 6th seed beat and then straight sit 6464 by germanys andrea pick a bit. Things were much smoother for world number one and defending u. S. Open champion naomi osaka she needed just over an hour to beat her polish opponent in straight sets. That one sets up a 3rd round match against american teen sensation corey goff she prevailed in a back and forth 3 sitting counter with hungry is to me about will be the 15 year old is the youngest player to advance to the 3rd round in new york in over 20 years. I was still i think we were both just testing each other and maybe if i didnt win that last point maybe she wouldnt want them in the mens drawn curiosus used to getting in trouble for being hot under the collar but this time it was for the words for us an underachiever he refused to play when the empire told him to put his collar down until he was shown the role when play did begin the australian led his bracket do the talking hitting 24 aces on this way to a straight says went over frenchman and 11 no such drama for rafael nidal a throw to the 3rd round without having a ball after his opponent withdrew with injury before the match and with aljazeera. A Dominican Court released form a Major League Baseball pitcher october to tell on bail on thursday he spent 9 days in detention of allegations of money known that charge has now been dropped he still faces charges for illegally possessing several firearms when he was arrested in a major sting operation. In the origin of a tape used to tells money can be comfortably justified i believe it is a reckless adventure on the part of the Public Ministry that should not have fallen on a citizen. England fast bowler James Anderson has been ruled out of the rest of the ashes series against australia because of a cough injury the 37 year old only bowled 4 overs in the 1st test before he was taken off its a blow to england with the series level at 11. 00 with 2 matches to play he is their top test wicket taker former spain and barcelona manager luis enrique has paid tribute to his 9 year old daughter who has died of bone cancer and the leftys job with Spains National team in june because of his daughters illness teams managers and players have been sending their condolences to the in the b. K. Family or would you try to find a reason why existence of the reason why this kind of thing would happen is not argument for 9 years old lovely daughter. Who lost her life so hopefully he can feel as american can firmly from mentor said to myself especially my family myself that we are hearing from fairly soon they can see human telling her i love. Manchester united have been handed a tough travel show jewel in the draw for the 2nd tier Europa League they were born in group and face the prospect of a 12000 kilometer round trip to kazakhstan to play as stana last years beaten finalists also have been drawn alongside semifinalist Eintracht Frankfurt in group f. Well scottish side rangers arguably have the hardest draw against porters fire nerd and the young boys. This years world athletics championships in doha are shaping up to be a thriller the 1st time in a league final in syracuse on thursday provided a taste of whats to come next month no way its cost involved home ran the 2nd fastest 400 metres hurdles of all time World Champion beat the competition in a time of 46. 92 which was also a new european record. American sprinter no alliances targeting the same boat 200 metres record in cutter firth he was just as impressive in the one of the meters final on thursday beating World Champion Justin Gatlin who came 4th. Top ranked golfer jinyan co was known for perfection until today the south korean just ended her run of 114. 00 consecutive holes without dropping a single shot she finally made a bogey in the opening round of the portland classic run eclipse tiger woods is p. G. A. To a record of 110. 00 bogey freeholds set back in 2000 its also the longest known bogey free run in l p. G. A. Tour history thats a reliever ill be back again a little later with most sports really thanks peter. Absent from injury madonna will be back in just a sec. To strengthen the good you have to shoulder good all the more with your gum still fight against corruption. Destroy news hero heroes like know who are about to refuse to 15000000. 00 brian the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the International Ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight a darker use to shine a light lets make the road to a better place nominate your Anti Corruption era. And new perspectives can change oh well its. The one chin is in what began as a hobby has grown into a passion a way of life. Teaching the next generation to strive for a higher level. And ensoul instilling in his country a sense of freedom and strength. New heights my chin is yet on aljazeera. In afghanistan and the taliban is renowned for its violent repression of women now a new deal with the u. S. Could see the group return to power one o one a sting desta gates of afghan women who paid the price for pace on aljazeera. Really felt liberated as a journalist was all about getting to the truth doesnt lie with us thats what this job. Russia announces a unilateral ceasefire in syria as if the provinces displace civilians try to push through a Border Crossing to. Allow them to do what all of this is sound as the line from doha also coming we will call you i will fight no matter how the all rest and because it was released on bail hong kong activists joshua won by was to continue fighting to the democracy. More than 2000 people are confirmed dead from the able i wake in the democratic republic of congo just ahead of a visit by the un secretary general. Of course in scotland delays a legal challenge against Boris Johnsons decision to suspend the british. Russia has announced a unilateral cease fire in syrias if the province starting on so they morning Government Forces backed by russian air power up and waging an offensive on the last rebel held territory for weeks civilians wanting a stop to the fighting have been demonstrating in the northwestern countryside a border force and to turkey some have been trying to push through a Border Crossing to into the country theyve been calling on russia and turkey to end the violence thats killed more than 550. 00 civilians since hundreds of thousands of people have also been displaced well turkeys president says its military is prepared to handle the situation in its lead in the event that it should be a law if you see the developments in libya at the point where you want in fact 600000 people have been killed and once or twice that number. Gratings they are of course coming towards us and we need to be vigilant we need to be cautious and we have taken all the necessary precautions you see it on Television Channels anyway that all our armored personnel carriers tanks artillery our tough observation towers a stuffed at all times and they are vigilant when a smith has the latest from book or miss on the turkey syria border. Over there in the syrian refugee camp home to some 600000 internally displaced syrians and it was there and at other points along with turkey syria border early on friday that a few 1000 syrians tried to rush the border and here they managed to get through one of the gates before they were pushed back by the turkish Security Forces but an indication really of the desperate circumstances the syrians fleeing the fighting in find themselves in forced to pay rent to sleep on the trees to sleep in the open with no access to sanitation or food they really desperately want to escape the fighting and that is why the turkish authorities especially will hope that this unilateral cease fire announced by the russians that begins on saturday morning will for the time being put a stop to that flow of refugees turkey sees it as a National Security crisis and a humanitarian emergency a National Security crisis and threat because amongst those fighters those people coming from it are suspected hardened fighters and that is why turkey doesnt want them coming this close to the border israel has revealed what it says is de classified intelligence i wining and Iranian Program to assemble position guided missiles inside lebanon israeli troops remain on high alert near the lebanese border after hezbollah warned of an imminent strike arafats it reports now from west jerusalem. On high alert but in protective posture Israeli Forces near lebanon have been pulled back from the border positions in recent days as they wait for a promised strike by hezbollah in response to recent israeli attacks and now israel is upping the pressure on both lebanon and hezbollah its released what it says the details of an iranian that program to convert hezbollah missiles into precision guided weapons using components brought in by land sea and air its warning lebanons government to take action will be held responsible for the suffering we are determined to toward this dangerous program the aim of the publication today is to clarify that we will not stand aside and allow our enemies to arm themselves with fatal weaponry i told them this week be careful and i repeated a narrow pick. Hezbollahs leader Hassan Nasrallah has denied precision missiles are being manufactured inside lebanon he says israel has in recent days breached the rules of engagement in place since the last war between israel and lebanon in 2006 and. I said to the israeli army on the border from tonight stand guard and wait for us he was speaking shortly after 2 drones came down in a hezbollah stronghold in beirut one of them exploding there have been reports that an important component of hezbollahs Missile System was damaged the israeli army has remained silent on the issue israel has for years been targeting iranian interests in syria last weekend it said it prevented a multiple drone attack from inside the country by launching an as strike that killed 2 hezbollah fighters there the United States recently confirmed that israel was also carrying out air strikes inside iraq targeting irans missile supply route there but the more widespread and more admitted israels actions become the more risk that its adversaries feel compelled to retaliate risking in turn a broader escalation thats in line israels Prime Minister fighting an election and once again promoting his ability to keep israelis safe has long tried not to cross this week he told by name to calm down i think they said now absolutely does not want. Military confrontation i think the call to calm down was reflected that on the other hand i think the feeling and its beyond that and you know i think the feeling in israel is that you cannot have iran which is declare it really interested in the demise of israel to deepen its military capabilities just across israels northern border. For now on that border the wait continues for hezbollah to make its next move perry force it out west jerusalem. Several of hong kongs most prominent prodemocracy activists have been arrested 2 of them joshua one and agnes since been released on bail and wave of arrest comes after a mass rally planned for saturday was banned sailor caucus this report now from hong kong. Joshua one and agnes child left Police Headquarters on their way to court the founders of the prodemocracy party. Have been charged with inciting and taking part in an unlawful protest outside Police Headquarters in june the Court Appearance was brief both were released on bail we shall not surrender and i urge the International Community is send a clear message to a president sending troops or using emergency ordinance is not the way out we will continue our fight opposition politician change member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council was also detained and on thursday the leader of the banned Independence Group and the chair and was arrested before boarding a flight to japan hes been accused of rioting and assaulting a Police Officer in july police have now confirmed 7 a wrists over the past 2 days critics call it a case of white terror by Police Intimidation and an attempt to silence protests the demonstrations began more than 3 months ago prompted by a controversial extradition bill but they quickly morphed into a wider discontent what is seen as chinas growing influence in Hong Kong Affairs its all these iconic Young Leaders arrests together could send out some Chilling Effect around the hong kong to scare people from taking to the street to morrow we arrest a person as soon as we have to get a sufficient pathogens to prove his or her own fans. The elevation that we tie in our rest is totally false a mass prodemocracy rally planned for saturday has been cancelled after organizers filed to get the go ahead in the Hong Kong Court of appeal on wednesday night Chinese Military were filmed driving through hong kong what was described as a routine rotation of soldiers from the mainland on friday state owned media warned if the situation in hong kong worsens chinese soldiers would have quote no reason to sit on their hands and it says the Peoples Liberation Army Garrison in hong kong was not merely a symbol of chinese sovereignty over the city despite the arrests and the cancellation of saturdays rally some prodemocracy groups are urging protesters to go ahead and demonstrate over the weekend they described the Police Action as white terror and want residents to maintain pressure on the government to dump this bill the government has suspended the proposed extradition or the critics want to officially train out more than 900 people have been arrested since the protests began in june and these latest arrests are likely to discourage people from continuing to express their anger at the Hong Kong Government sarah clarke aljazeera hong kong. A scottish judge says a legal challenge against the suspension of Britains Parliament take place next week opponents of Prime Minister Boris Johnson argued theres not some of the time to debate bricks it raising the likelihood of the u. K. Leaving the European Union at the end of october without a deal across party a group of m. P. s say johnsons decision to suspend parliament for 5 weeks is a constitutional i rage full hearing will begin at scotlands highest Court Next Week but johnson is warning m. P. s there are going down the wrong with barker has more from westminster nandan. Legal challenges are either pending or under way across the country in Northern Ireland and england and scotland and scotland across party group of 74 m. P. s and hes not our scotlands highest quarter into. Vien to get the courts to suspend Boris Johnsons suspension to halt the purgation the court refused but allow for a full hearing next week which has been seen as something of a victory for the 74 m. P. s and peers they want Boris Johnson to sign a document under oath explaining exactly what his intentions are for parliament if he doesnt sign the affidavit they want him to appear in person in court in scotland next week to answer some very tough questions if we do not ultimately win this case what does it say about the british constitution that a Prime Minister with a majority of one and with nor majority for a notable break say can simply suspend parliament to get what he wants thats what happens into teacher sex the other case thats pending here in the u. K. Will Begin Next Week is in england launched by gina miller she want to landmark victory against the previous government of to resume a allowing parliament to have a final vote on when article 50 that kick started the process should be started rather than relying solely on government to make that decision the other court cases happening in Northern Ireland launched by campaign of their who argues the heart breaks of the new deal breaks it will have a damaging effect on the good friday agreement the all important peace deal signed just over 20 years ago the board and then to decades of sectarian violence there well m. P. s when they return to Parliament Next Week they say that they will legislate quickly to try and block. The time of course is running out with a probation set to begin as early as the 9th of september and no later than the 12th of september Boris Johnson is saying that if the government of the country doesnt deliver on brags that they will destroy the publics faith in politics the more the parliamentarians try to block the news

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