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Late before moving to sick help but that seems to have changed the must have movement of people to the cities ha seen a huge rice in the number of pumps for the displaced in by door in 2016 there were just 70 such comments today there are 401 3rd to fly for them with a population of more than 360000 people. That is more than the original inhabitants of the city aid workers say the world has failed to respond adequately and they need more donations to have a mission id be the numbers of those in need keep growing by day and far outstrip the resources we have the donors are trying their best but weve never seem to be able to catch up with a growing number of displaced. People United Nations emergency aid coordinator husband visiting by door he says people here need much more than food aid haitian development a way solution ideally people would have a chance to go home and rebuild their lives is not always possible say then is a question often of land access to services and support where they come to and that in that means there is a need for a supportive discussion from the local authorities some of the displaced told us that also fled the violence a fight is who also forcing children to join the group this crisis is happening as communities are already struggling to recover from a 2 year long drought and that in 2017 nomadic pastoralism has been a way of life for millions of somalis for centuries but the drought south threatening that many of the displaced say they now have no farms or hearts to go back to and its unlikely many of them will every time how about the well just baidoa in southwest somalia. Now the 10 Us Democratic president ial hopefuls are preparing to go head to head in Houston Texas its a 1st time but front run as Vice President joe biden and senator as Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders which share the same stage immigrations expected to be a key topic the debate comes does a day off to the u. S. Supreme court ruling made it more difficult for migrants to claim asylum and gun laws olds are a major issue of the to Mass Shootings in august in texas and ohio well heidi sure castro befalling the debate in macallan on the u. S. Border with mexico but 1st lets go to rob rannells in Houston Texas robs cent of the joe biden still riding high above the other counted its so far in the polls the how significant is this debate on what a be expecting well i think its significant for mainly the reason that you mentioned in the introduction derren which is that all 10 of the leading candidates will be on stage for the 1st time together and that means that Elizabeth Warren and joe biden will be facing off and we can expect i think for senator Elizabeth Warren to clash with the former Vice President who has been leading in the polls ever since he jumped into the race the 2 have clashed in the past and they are perhaps the furthest apart india logically in the democratic field especially on issues of fundamental demick fundamental Economic Reforms now you can of course over the course of this 3 hour long debate expect detailed discussions on issues involving health care. Gun control immigration. Global warming and issues of extreme inequality in the economy but for the lower ranking outlying candidates ones who are not doing very well in the polls like he would a judge amy close with char castro and several others this is perhaps the last best chance for them to break out and have a have a significant moment with some kind of a memorable moment on stage. Trying to adopt some policy position or have come up with a zinger that gets you noticed and gets a soundbite a clip that gets repeated on a mass media level the next couple of days thats typically what these candidates are looking for some kind of takeaway that will get legs and propel them forward after the debate. For you right now this debate is being held in use in texas and that was far from a random choice for years democrats have hoped that this state will eventually turn blue that is fall into the democratic column and demographic forces are leading them to believe that at least in this election cycle the state of texas will be a battleground state they are counting on the large hispanic population in the state of texas which is by and large upset and fed up with the trumpet administrations harsh harsh immigration policies and the president s sometimes strongly anti latino rhetoric. In Houston Texas rob thank you lets cross over now to hadija castro shes in the border city of macallan in texas people there will be watching the debate whats the atmosphere like and what are they hoping to hear. Well jaron i am actually at what will be a watch party in about an hours time with the debate starts this is an event hosted by the texas civil rights project right along the border in fact mexico is only a few kilometers from this building where i stand and as an organizer for this watch party just said to me it is impossible to ignore the politics of this region especially under the Trump Administration really taking the border and creating it into a Political Tool and frankly most of the residents who live here are democratic leaning this is a very blue part of an otherwise very. Red state as rob was saying and they are tired of being used for the purposes of politics by the Trump Administration and see that those immigration policies in their backyard the the materials for the trumps border wall that are now being delivered to this area. At the ready for construction to begin shortly as well as as you mentioned earlier the policies that have that now been in a sense endorsed by the u. S. Supreme court while the bigger legal questions play out to begin taking effect today that will impact Asylum Seekers which really up and for decades of u. S. Asylum law and what im talking about is this new policy taking effect today that will automatically deny Asylum Seekers protection in the United States if they traverse through another country and had not already applied for asylum there 1st basically that covers all of the Central Americans who have been making their way to the u. S. To seek protection from Gang Violence or due to Economic Hardship and because this watch party where im at now is hosted by the texas civil rights project they represent some of these Asylum Seekers they represent the private landowners who is properties are taken to build this wall they are very much invested in seeing what sorts of solutions these Democratic Candidates may be proposing. A lot more still ahead here on the news hour including its the government versus his family as a rap how erupts of a former zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe his final resting place. Lets come back. One of the all time greats of womens tennis is coming out of retirement for. His new Prime Minister is in south sudan for his 1st official state visit since taking power hes wanting to improve relations between the neighbors but hes also the talks with armed groups have been fighting the government in khartoum for years even more but reports from juba. In a nod to the relations between the 2 countries that were once one sudans newly appointed Prime Minister abdullah have dohc to south sudans capital juba as his 1st foreign visit accompanied by 4 ministers from his cabinet he met his host south sudans president salva kiir to mark the start of a scheduled 2 day visit. As i promised. Early after i have been sworn in that my friends visit will be to do one on one here today. Looking for a very strategic. Very distinguished relationship between the 2 nations. While him took health talks with his host his ministers met their south sudanese counterparts topping the talks were economic and trade ties to south sudan seceded in 2011 with most of sudans Oil Facilities they once brought in more than 60 percent of the countrys revenues but sudans pipelines and ports are needed to export south sudans oil the 2 also share the longest land border in africa and parts are yet to be formally demarcated more than 80 years after south sudans independence thats caused tensions in the past and was discussed in the talks we have discussed many bilateral issues concerning outstanding issues in the Peace Agreement not the reason one but the comprehensive Peace Agreement where the issues of borders issues of corporations issues of economic and political issues seem to be discussed and those werent the only things brought up over the discussion table the Prime Minister has repeatedly stated he aims to achieve peace in conflict areas within the 1st 6 months of the transitional period on wednesday a coalition of Sudanese Armed group signed an agreement to start talks with the Sudanese Government mediated by south sudan on thursday how much with those groups to see how he can achieve what he terms as his top priority. The armed groups had expressed reservations too and some outright projections of the agreement signed last month that led to the creation of a Transitional Government in sudan and while they have agreed to talks to end conflicts they say achieving that will not come easy one of those telling us. Whether the current government in khartoum. The ability to overcome that the the constitution the difficult. The current political setup has been designed by the the constitutional text in a way that will put a lot of difficulties for the Peace Process the voice mostly. Is only starting his job as Prime Minister but the country has been marred by conflicts and a troubled economy and it seems that his looking to sudan southern neighbor to help find some solutions for the challenges he faces he will morgan on to 0 juba. The body of former zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe was lying in state at a stadium in harare a Memorial Service will be held on sunday but a rout has broken out between the garbage family and the government of a where and when he buried reports now from harare. Saying goodbye was too painful for some the body of Robert Mugabe is about his former leader lies in state at a forest stadium in the capital harare this is where he was sworn in as Prime Minister at independence in 1980000. 00 came to pay their respects. The result. Of this. Whole sordid. Event concert with both found. There was a stampede when some of the mourners tried to jump the queue to view his body but most people waited patiently this is the only time theyll be allowed to get this close and stake a bite is about his founding leader but there is still confusion of a way mugabe will be buried some family members have made it clear they are still bitter at the way he was ousted from power by the army in 2017 that means the governments plan to bury him on sunday might not happen the family says his body will be in his rural village that day no we are not weakness and periods and what is supposed to happen is that were supposed to. Have growth points for people. To. Pay their last respects until the disputed resolved supporters say theyve come to say thank you to the man who liberated the country from white minority rule educated them and gave blacks a land Robert Mugabe was a polarizing figure in life and in. The mood is only a. Completely different. The stadium isnt by a township one of the oldest and poorest neighborhoods in harare. Like several other places in the country many people dont have access to clean Running Water Electricity Supply is erratic and theres high unemployment. Behind a legacy of disputed elections and trends corruption allegations of human rights abuses adoptions and disappearances of many opposition supporters in the early 1980 s. Thousands were murdered in the province for allegedly trying to remove him from power he called that period a moment of madness right now for millions struggling economically just seemed uncertain just like the location of mugabes final resting place if you dont insist on a private funeral its expected he will be buried at the here in the capital next his 1st wife sally who died in 1980 had. Dozens of people have died in democratic republic of congo when a train derailed in the Eastern Province of. A congolese government minister said at least 50 people were killed and several others injured the Freight Train was carrying illegal passengers at the time of the crash the government says rescue workers are being sent to the same. Time for a short break here not just iraq when we come back to work a Russian Security forces opposition figures. More than 100000 fans are set to witness one of the biggest events in womens golf stay with us. Hello again or welcome back were here cross into the party United States it is going to be very wet over the next few days you can see the clouds here on a satellite image making its way towards the east with these clouds a lot of Severe Weather a lot of heavy rain and the flood risk is on the rise across much of the Northern Plains over the next few days even though the storm is going to be pushing through by the time we get towards friday behind it a lot of standing water is going to be in place down towards the south though this front going to extend towards texas with the thunderstorms as well saturday doesnt look too bad in terms of Severe Weather but the heat is going to be on here for dallas at about 35. 00 degrees over towards atlanta it is going to be about 30 degrees for you there well across the bahamas were looking at another tropical threat developing right now just to the north of havana were looking at a circulation and that is where all this rain is coming from across the region affecting miami affecting now suffixed in freeport now we do need the rain across the region to desalinate the soil but of course we dont want any trouble systems at this time when relief and Recovery Efforts are going on but unfortunately the heavy rain is still going to be a big problem as we go toward saturday to the south though it is going to be rain across much of Central America up towards up parts of cozumel though not looking too bad with mostly cloudy conditions with a tempter of 30 and eventa at 31. Award winning programming from International Film a tense quit driving around looking for drug addicts on the streets of kabul just the arrest sets the stage men are demanding just because no one not. Giving voice to the voiceless have you failed your mission to protect the civilian population to open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. On aljazeera. Welcome back to come out of our top stories here on aljazeera the u. S. Will release the name of the Saudi Arabian official believed to have been involved in coordinating the september 11th attacks the name going to be revealed to a limited circle of people including the lawyers and victims families. And u. N. Says more than 2000000 people face starvation in somalia and its calling on the world to before its too late countrys experiencing its driest rainy season in more than 3 decades. And 10 u. S. Democratic president ial hopefuls will soon go head to head in texas for a 3rd primer debate the frontrunners joe biden as both warren and Bernie Sanders share the same stage for the 1st time immigration and gun laws are expected to be a major focus. Once of heavy rains and flooding in the destroyed thousands of homes and killed nearly 60 people tens of thousands of nigerians have been displaced in a country that still recovering from damage caused by floods last year. As more. Entire streets in egypts capital niamey are submerged heavy rain and floods proved too much for retaining walls along the nisa river across the country more than 12000 homes have been destroyed those who refused to leave save what they can. Sandbags are filled to stop more water from flooding homes. And Neighborhood Watch keeps track of the river levels 24 hours a day but it will give 100. 00 or 4 a season to people who lived along the river to prepare for the floods but many of us didnt know where we could go. More than 130000 people have been affected by the floods since june many displaced families are now living in schools but its unclear how long theyll be allowed to stay they worry they wont have a home to go back to. Be some homes were flooded but havent crumbled yet and one day about 250 houses are totally demolished if the rain keeps coming it will continue to destroy. Crops have been destroyed and infrastructure damaged but the government says it can only offer limited support volunteers are putting up tents for the displaced its not meant as a long Term Solution for those whove lost everything its a lifeline. To some love. Were here to help build the tents and shelters for the victims of the flood these are people who had to flee the banks of the new river so we just want to help our community. The country was already facing a crisis extreme weather has caused a food shortage in recent years violence linked to boko haram has forced many from their homes more than 2000000 people are in need of humanitarian aid. The government says the worst of the rain is over but the threat to his population remains both from flooding and the ever present risk of a cholera outbreak katia little piece of the young aljazeera forecasters are warning a Tropical Cyclone could hit parts of the bahamas already reeling from Hurricane Dorian 1300 people are still missing the number dropped off the government checks at Evacuation Centers 50 people have been confirmed dead but Authorities Say they expect that number to rise United States has announced 400000000. 00 in new humanitarian aid for the country. But if by mr baez johnson has been forced to deny lying to the queen about his reasons for the 5 week suspension of parliament with exactly 7 weeks until the scheduled. Date years chief negotiator says theres no sign of any workable deal journal reports. M. P. s have been forced into recess but for Boris Johnson the battle has shifted to the courts judges in Northern Ireland have joined those in england in declining to rule the prioritization of Parliament Illegal but scottish judges on wednesday said johnsons advice to the queen to suspend parliament had been unlawful and motivated by a desire to Muzzle Parliament did you lie to the queen when you advised her to provoke to suspend parliament absolutely not. And indeed as i say that the high court in england plainly agrees with us but the supremes have to opposition m. P. s meanwhile a clamoring to return to work after succeeding in forcing the government to release its internal operation Yellow Hammer report it contains worst Case Scenario predictions for a no deal breaks it clogged up ports fresh food and medicine shortages price rises and civil unrest but of course no house of commons to scrutinise its findings thats why you know thats why i was so angry. Because i should be in parliament at the moment with the ability to interrogate the Prime Minister and ministers. Now approach we can do that and the Prime Minister again this is a worst Case Scenario which Civil Servants obviously have to prepare for but in the last few months particularly in the 50 days since ive been Prime Minister wed be massively accelerating our preparations Boris Johnson says a no deal breaks it is not his desired outcome he says hes doing everything he can to reach a new deal with the European Union at an october Leaders Summit just a few days after parliament is due to return. No mention of the new law requiring johnson to seek a break city extension if no new deal emerges nor any detail on water new deal may look like and again no parliament to ask any questions its all pretty be well drink when viewed from brussels i think that is all planning to take the u. K. Out of the European Union without any deal but busy at the same time being in a position to blame the European Union for inflexibility all eyes on the Supreme Court next week then with the government in the meantime giving its very best impression of being entirely unmoved jonah how aljazeera london. Lawmakers in the us are voted to move forward with investigative procedures that could lead to the impeachment of President Trump the committee voted along party lines it was approved despite unanimous Republican Opposition and allows you know hans questioning of witnesses this could be any gauge to gauge that will allow us to determine whether to recommend articles of impeachment with respect to president trapped that is what we are doing so because of this crisis. So. Theres the geishas theres no legal difference between these 2. Good care to argue about the. Fine as well as president Nicolas Maduro says he will not travel to new york for next weeks United Nations General Assembly hes warning his country is prepared to defend itself in the event of an invasion alexander unpaired he has more now from bogata in neighboring colombia. A show of military might for the rest of the continent to see. Again the ploy to its army along the border with colombia this week for war games increasing tensions between the 2 troubled nations but those studying many military say this is mostly posturing for political effect from an increasingly unprofessional force well the Venezuelan Military a squad of politicized force right you are promoted because of loyalty to the government and its military professionalism a softer grass that goes the pedram out element is visible and the fact that they have 2000 generals that is more than all the countries of nato combined. Meet has been researching been in armed forces and their relationships with their ally russia he says that when Commodity Prices were high the oil rich country bought some impressive pieces of equipment such as 2 dozen state of the art jets but received little training on how to use them if we look at the us will navy on the 1990 s. It used to be a reasonably sized force with somewhat advanced equipment and now we know that if 6 frigates 3 have sunk out the pier and the other 3 might be moralists immobilized as well. As roughly 120000 troops less than half of the Colombian Army with the reasonable number of armed vehicles but no aircraft carriers or destroyers the government says 2000000 citizens militias have been armed and trained to protect the country a number nobody can confirm. And while high level officials remain loyal to president a number of soldiers as deserted this year and an actual war scenario what you would see is probably the Colombian Navy blockading when a swale on port. With ready probably great effectiveness then the question is when will be United States. They are ready to defend their homeland from an invasion even if were not the victim of a free and venezuela has people who defend it with ideas with words with politics with diplomacy and with weapons. Colombia told its citizens to remain calm carries out the military drills along the border while the United States and other countries ways they called for the activation of a regional mutual defense pact in case of an attack on colombia something few believe possible alison i dont get. That cubas president says his country will soon be acutely short of fuel unless emergency measures are taken miguel diaz says cuba is feeling the effects of the United States block on its Oil Shipments cuba has imposed austerity measures since 2015 when all supply finance i live in israel started declining in the 1990 s. Cuba experienced blackouts and Food Shortages because oil supplies were disrupted. The problem is short term and not the result of bad management talk pesah t. Of the cuban government as the United States has tried to say we have many problems to solve but this in particular is not the result of our insufficiencies rather it has to do with the aggressive measures that the United States government is extraterritorial imposing to economically suffocate our people now when israelis head to the polls on tuesday many will do so unsure of who to trust theres been an increase in leaks to the media about looming corruption charges against the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but hes pushing back Stephanie Decker reports from western sort of. A World Champion in fake news israeli Prime Minister takes to facebook to discredit an israeli journalist in the channel he works for for broadcasting leaks to do with the Corruption Cases against the Prime Minister israeli media now reporting that the journalist has hired a bodyguard because of the anonymous threats hes received in that then you know. These are very important and gives a lot of importance to the media and he wants to shape the Public Opinion he wants to influence that sassed in. Panic this terrified you can never see that because it would act he never shows his fear but this week you always saw some signs of it because there was a recording that was leaked that he was screaming. In a secret recording netanyahu can be heard screaming at his then Communications Minister telling him to intervene in order to allow a sympathetic channel to broadcast news something it had not been allowed to do before netanyahu had been banned by the attorney general from interfering in the affairs of the media. And this and official Campaign Video from likud the Prime Ministers party once again singling out journalists whove reports it on leaks related to the Corruption Cases this video tells the audience they will not decide this is the 2nd election in 6 months in the big question is can Benjamin Netanyahu when again and if you does canny form a government but its really the day of ofter thats going to determine what happens to israels longest serving Prime Minister just a couple of weeks off to the vote he faces a herring on corruption charges and the worse case in our of a Benjamin Netanyahu is Jeff Netanyahu is facing 3 criminal cases of corruption and fraud 2 of them are link to allegations of giving the Prime Minister favorable coverage in the media for an its and yell the medias both the strength of his success the secret to a success and the possible way that its going to get a failure i like to say that ford in its and you know the media is like kryptonite to superman because it can disable him and hes afraid of it did almost every problem that hes had legal problem and bribery scale had to do with protecting is image in the media boaters go to the polls on the 17th of september but in the end the fate of israels Prime Minister lies in the hands of this countrys legal system Stephanie Decker aljazeera west jerusalem im facebook has suspended a messenger bought used by a netanyahu was in the could party for violating hate speech rules the chuck boat told people of the visited them the prude face book page but arab politicians want to quote a non late us all thats a yahoo denied knowledge of the techs and said it was a result a mistake by a staff member the booked was suspended for 24 avs Russian Security forces have carried out mass raids on the homes and offices of opposition figures searches were carried out in more than 40 cities and towns targeting associates of the prominent kremlin critic alexina valmy Authorities Say the crackdown as part of a Money Laundering investigation has stopped the last of the scale of the raids is unprecedented in more than 40 cities across russia offices selling to the countrys main opposition figure. Was searched and employees detained like here in St Petersburg and youve got to remember documents and a u. S. B. Drive for confiscated this was when it was proposed that my daughter called me and said the police came to search the apartment and actually they cheated their way into the apartment because she opened the door for a neighbor to not only it is clear the razor president putins revenge for the loss of the ruling party in sundays elections but. This time he got really upset because of the tactical voting as hes offspring hes sweet child i would say the United Russia Party has been busted in moscow and seriously beaten in the regions after opposition

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