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Hello welcome to another look at the international forecast still quiet as usual across much of the middle east a little bit of cloud into the southeast a pakistan thats trying to pull away but elsewhere its pretty much a hazy sunshine or the way there will be one or 2 showers in seats that west weather just not to get a little further east would still watch georgia towards azerbaijan elsewhere across the region or hot sunshine it could touch 42 celsius in baghdad in the fortys for kuwait city this is all the temperature that will see across iraq 41 for riyadh basin places a cloud and see where western parts of saudi arabia might catch a spot or 2 a lot right some drizzly rain to just around the southern end of the peninsula so southern parts of a man could see some wet weather here in doha temperatures struggling there i say to reach. 3738 celsius on monday feeling a little more humid than it has been a recently type which is also on the rise across Southern Africa over the next day or so a bit of cloud there just pushing into the far south of the country the southern cape could see a few spots of frame then as we go on into monday and brightens up it warms up well see temperatures in cape town of around 19 celsius notice for. Getting up to 25 degrees and a high of 27 joe bad. Weather sponsored by countdown anyways. In the heart of the amazon believe in families but landlines imperiled to harvest brazil not. Counting the congo to the capital is an even more dangerous challenge. Risking you to believe. On aljazeera. To take a look at the top stories here it out there u. S. Secretary of state has accused iran of direct involvement in saturdays drone attacks on some of saudi arabias most vital all facilities hes accused terror on of faith to play in the sea and of launching an unprecedented attack on the Global Energy supply yemens whos the rebels of claimed responsibility for the attacks saudi arabia has been forced to cut its Oil Production around haul its usual out before. The polls open in a little under 3 hours from now in tunisia 2nd president ial election since the arab spring despite the success of the 2011 uprising many voters disenchanted theyre concerned about the economy security and corruption. And palestinian israelis are being called on to voting greater numbers in tuesdays National Election that softer just how full of them turned out to vote in previous polls in april a leading palestinian israeli politician says its time for palestinians to engage more fully in the political system. Perhaps even join a Coalition Government its an unprecedented call and one thats prevent strong responses as harry falls it. Big with days left in the Election Campaign a clash over race voting in hidden cameras came to a head in the israeli parliament. You are a liar shouted knesset member im an hors de confronting israels Prime Minister with a camera phone Benjamin Netanyahu had been trying unsuccessfully to force through last minute legislation allowing Party Activists to film inside polling stations palestinian israeli politicians saw that as an attempt to intimidate voters in arab areas. But in this election im an author isnt just taking on what he calls netanyahu is racist campaign hes confronting a long held within palestinian israeli politics saying he would be prepared to be the 1st leader to take his grouping of mainly palestinian parties into an israeli Coalition Government albeit with conditions that make it unlikely in the near future that they know that. We have a great influence on who will form the government if you put aside the arab vote need we are who will be the pm if you include the arab vote then there are other scenarios. Other members of his alliance have distanced themselves from his message but a recent poll suggests nearly 80 percent of palestinian israelis are in favor of either joining a Coalition Government or supporting one within the knesset nobody ever expected an arab politician to say it and the reason is for all sorts of historic internal debates among the arab palestinian citizens and israel theres been a very ambivalent feeling to what extent the parties should legitimize the Israeli Government to what extent being part of the Israeli Government puts them in a position where they would have to give up on very significant principles in aprils elections the turnout among palestinian israelis was down to a new low 50 percent so with this idea of more active Political Engagement lift that number cut to egypt and voting is a very positive step people here dont do it and if you dont vote our vote goes to rival parties but i am against arab parties joining an Israeli Government. Its good if they join a left wing government not a right wing races government that works against arabs the palestinian citizens of israel there is a level of support for the idea of engaging in Coalition Government in the future but the palestinian israeli politicians they say the vital thing is that their electorate comes out and votes in greater numbers than they have before to have any chance of bringing down the administration of Benjamin Netanyahu netanyahu is him so using orders stance toward voters of this oppose a danger in supporting the main opposition led by benny gantz and yeah i like pete will be me at the head of the likud or will be the period and guns at the head of a leftist government that will include a move to be and i mean as minister of them their government those politicians say no one you know who is trying to diligent him eyes palestinian israelis in gauge meant in National Politics the question is whether this time it might inspire them instead to engage more are a force that aljazeera israel. West African Leaders have pledged a 1000000000 dollars over 5 years to fight armed groups in the region an emergency summit was held in bikini faceted to talk about the growing threat from groups linked to al qaeda and i saw Catherine Sawyer has the latest from the birkenau b. Capital do you. After hours of deliberations the heads of state who were here and dosed what they called a priority action plan 420202024 there were 8 keep pointing commuting. Terrorism coordination of counterterrorism activities they also say theyre going to increase joint patrols especially along the borders that they consider vulnerable they said that they are the United Nations Security Council to give the u. N. Peacekeeping mission in the region a bigger mandate to deal with Counter Terrorist activities and they asked defense ministers to come up with a tangible proposal on how the. Regional bloc stand by force can be deployed to help deal with this security situation they said that theyre going to mobilize within the next 5 years 1000000000 dollars to be able to help in finding that has been a critical problem funding all these activities theyre talking about its going to be interesting to see how the implementation is going to happen weve been talking to security analysts who say that the problem has always been that they so many conflicting interests and. Competition by this countries for visibility and funding as well so its going to be interesting how all this plays out Going Forward but many people saying that without a collaborative without commitment without the countries collaborating walking together then the crisis in the sahara is not going to go away. Theres relief in the bahamas with the news that Tropical Storm im better has now moved away from the islands International Aid is pouring in bought its a grassroots Assistance Campaign thats providing support to those whove been left with nothing on official reports from the capital nothing. There the everyday things that we rebuild ordinary lives ripped apart their t. Shirts and shorts and dresses and toiletries all gathered by the people and now so for those who lost everything in the hurricane literally thousands of people are coming from the island with nothing but the clothes on their back some not even with shoes and so they lost everything and so this set up is just to be there to help people regain some kind of dignity and you know when then humanity and just good feeling about themselves and to be independent again. It started as a call to a few people went vital and suddenly it became a major operation the next step is distribution was no organization no grouping it was just a message sent out and the people responded well locals are playing their part the International Community is doing what it can its assessing the damage caused great bahama and abaco can even begin to repair rebuild and recall behind this story is with a Huge International operation is being coordinated there are so many agencies so much what going on they dont want to let the cameras in this is by far and away the biggest disaster ever to hit the bahamas the rebuilding will take months it will take years and the cost will be millions it will be billions were trying to get information from areas that have compromised Communication Systems so were really working with a coalition of partners to be able to collect that data and analyze that so that Decision Makers feel confident in their next steps as they plan towards midterm and long term recovering. The displaced hundreds will start to collect donations on monday taking what they need giving them something that says things are going to get better giving them hope. Alan fischer aljazeera the bahamas. At least 6 people have died in major flooding in the southeast of space in rainfall in some areas is being described as the worse in more than a century cars a certain way by floodwaters rivers burst their banks and homes were swarmed 3 and a half 1000 people have been evacuated a 1000 military personnel are helping with the cleanup and rescue efforts in valencia in murphy and then duluth here. And indonesias government has vowed to hit businesses with criminal charges if they found to have been involved in lighting the fires that have created a growing haze in the region Plantation Companies are accused of starting the blazes to clear the land the smoke has spread to neighboring singapore where the air quality has deteriorated to unhealthy levels for the 1st time in years. The 82 migrants rescued by the charity ship the ocean viking 6 days ago had begun to set forth on dry land on the italian island of lampedusa the decision to allow them ashore was a reversal of the close port policy implemented by the previous Coalition Government that was spearheaded by the former interior minister. The news brought tangible relief to ocean viking after nearly a week in limbo. Place say he was. Here i. Was. It sparked a spontaneous celebration among the rescued migrants in what it is were very happy about the news is amazing were going to arrive in a place where people understand and listen to us theyre happy to learn that we have to some backing and. Its a new Prime Minister just set the context has been in power just a week qantas center left Coalition Government supports a more humane approach than the hardline closed ports policy of the previous interior minister Matteo Salvini but ministers insist that does not mean its only now has an open door policy. I believe is a big misunderstanding about the safe port given to ocean viking it was assigned to ports simply because the e. U. Stuck to our request to take the majority of the microbes it must be clear that already is to ensure that those who arrive in italy or redistributed to other European Countries. That hasnt stopped salvini from criticizing. Redistributions in europe are just words because i am still waiting for the other European Countries to take a few 1000 of those that they have already promised to take so this is a surrender obviously one of contest promises to europe was we would return to being a refugee camp. Back onboard the the migrants are already planning where they might be sent germany has promise to take 25 percent of any refugees rescued in the mediterranean but the rest of the distribution is less clear the subject will certainly come up went e. U. Interior ministers meet in malta on september the 2030 pull brennan aljazeera the start of the frank moser show has been disrupted by environmental protests this right this years event showcasing electric power vehicles climate protests as a still demanding change in the way we transport ourselves and goods the leader of the german green policy is criticizing electric cars specifically for not being powered by a sustainable power source. The United States is Holding Immigration hearings on the border with mexico inside tents and away from the public eye as part of the trumpet ministrations tough new policy to deal with a record surge in Central American Asylum Seekers i did a report from the models on the us mexico border. When Orlando Michael young wakes up he is steps from the United States he does his washing in the Rio Grande River which separates matamoros mexico where he stands now and the u. S. On the other side he cant cross a scar marks the place where he says a loan shark in panama stole his kidney thats why he fled i dont want to. Really an area i come here because i want to save my life about 45000 Asylum Seekers are currently waiting in mexico for their turn to see an American Immigration judge these border cams in mexico are the result of the trumpet ministrations policy to deal with the backlog of 330000 asylum cases awaiting hearings but proof. Of this is a worry when finally mother huge turn comes up to present himself in a u. S. Court it wont be in a court at all the Trump Administration began hosting the deal Conference Point sessions in the white tent just on the u. S. Side of the border and immigration judge calls in from hundreds of kilometers away in the Asylum Seeker is quickly back here to mexico once the hearing is completed. And unlike a Traditional Court session that is open to the public these are done in secrecy migrant advocates say the lack of transparency is a problem but theyre still more worried about the likely outcome of the hearings the Supreme Court ruled this month the government can automatically deny asylum to a person who crossed another country before reaching the u. S. That covers everybody in this camp it up in decades of asylum and its almost youre a little shell shocked individuals coming from across the world fleeing the strike may not be able to seek the protections they desperately need under the new policy mug a yawn has no chance of winning asylum in the United States europe in the bilo and i dont have words to describe the horror of the situation is doing to all the people in the camps most people here have not grasped the new reality that their asylum cases are now doomed to from the start but theyre already here they say so theyll try castro aljazeera matamoros mexico. Ok its time for us to take a look at the top stories here about his era the secretary of states mike pompei or has accused iran of direct him vald lynton saturdays drone strikes or some of saudi arabias most volatile Oil Facilities hes accused her on of fake diplomacy and of launching the number precedented attack on the Global Energy supply some a handy is the editor in chief of the International Interest and hes a q he says it is in the u. S. Interest to steer attention away from the failure of the Patriot Missile defense system. I think whats interesting is there actually room is coming about that it was the u. S. Who informed the saudis that there was an attack taking place in the Oil Facilities and that iran is responsible for it implying that the saudis themselves are not quite sure what exactly happened they dont know whether drones came from they dont know whos involved in it they dont know whats going on moreover the saudis will be very disappointed this is what probably the 2nd or 3rd time that the u. S. Patriot missiles have failed to defend vital key Oil Facilities the polls open in about 2 and a half hours time now in tunis is 2nd president ial election since the arab spring despite the success of the 2011 uprising many voters are disenchanted theyre concerned about the economy security and corruption a Grassroots Assistance Program is sweeping the bahamas with locals helping those it had everything destroyed by Hurricane Dorian Tropical Storm umberto which had been threatening the islands is now moving away the 82 migrants rescued by the charity ship the ocean viking 6 days ago begun to set foot on dry land on the italian island of lampedusa the decision to allow them to show was a reversal of the close ports policy implemented by the previous Coalition Government. At least 6 people have died in major flooding in spain southeast rainfall in some areas has been described by local authorities as the worst in more than a century and in these years government is valid to hit businesses with criminal charges if theyve been involved in lighting the fires that have created a growing haze in the region Plantation Companies are accused of starting the blazes in order to clear land the smoke has spread to neighboring singapore with the air quality has worsened to unhealthy levels right up today there is the latest headlines coming up next hear about it there is risking it all. Talk to aljazeera we are going to give them to the people will be attending the minimal workshop we listen im supposed to explain apologize for someone who is also terrorizing we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories that matter on the soldiers 0. I told you. The same. In the humid undergrowth the bolivian jungle a family collects the shells from giant brazil. Ill go along the trail going to my mother get back. To. The place is infested with insects and snape. Jen code the eldest of the to billings had a terrible experience a no longer youssif hes and muzzle boo itd ethical call old one of the a lot imo but a but any there a lot crown there and there i dont yeah i miss him which end to the whole 100 when me what a fair going numb mark siegel a may have been modded other been to mental home be may add the whole mass thing come on a polygamy have he plainly flight the than in the air in love youve got them in for the jen codes wife claudia has never been bitten and still collects the shelves with the bath man but heard great fear is to wrench of that that i think abyss it much are very that on fire i was the whole family works to nia exhaustion collecting the shelled around the giant know if you have one im going off what end the think one of the med the flag i dont quote what i meet obviously on of quarter the ive got it no the bow but that i blame what we are on your bill im in an author ever phone mind full of everybody oprah graph and handle the shells the to had the to be carried they have to be opens to extract the know the to wreck supported world wide chopping the shows at require skill the blade of the machete is shop and can be dangerous if thief yeah if threats you know a quote it better then for of about on the of that if ive undergone i will be a month or loubert of around them as a god government when it dumb i wanted one for the equity i move in with you feeling all more like im going to fly. By the end of the day they filled 2 bags of brazil nuts but then much too heavy at this hour and theyre going to haul it and as a little credit about what he but nature often provides solutions he fled he. Keeps up he offered he flees. To tropical rain threatens to raise old traces of the dry. The family decides to leave the deep forests the seasons they cant. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Fly on the way home the young couple who have known each other since childhood already knows that the bag of nuts will not provide enough money for the whole fun fun its no longer possible to collect any mole because the torrential rains will turn the forest into a quagmire the weeks. Since the death of his parents 20. 0 janko is the head of the family and has 15 mouths to feed and. He had to give up his medical studies and claudia her dream. Genco younger brother roma whos 18 will go to university in his place but theres just been some bad needs them on there from the public they say. Ok i think if they ask. You. If each of us a clone they also become to. Fly. Looking for a solution janko tries to negotiate with the Village Cooperative for more than the usual prize. Lets figure drama thanking everyone for. 50. 00 or 0. 25 a kilo wont be enough to pay for Romance University registration. Lower rates ensure the bolivian harvest has continued to live hand to mouth. Theres a consignment of nuts that my rots due to the moisture. To avoid losses i get must deliver them as quickly as possible to a processing plant. But hes just found out his tank is empty and he has to buy fuel from a colleague. In the month of may. Despite his troubles agrees happy because for once he wont make the trip alone. If. A taxi has just dropped off the son we havent seen in months. To young alan his fathers blue truck is amazing the. Moment these women one of the men i was coming up. On the middle of the metal thing. This week amaze me out again as he says there will be another nickname last. Year when the gift of the motor me i made it because we came here. With the feeling you. Get the. Precious cargo of notes begins a perilous journey through the bolivian amazon to the capital la paz. Edgar was divorced a year ago he lives alone and this trip during the School Holidays is the only opportunity to see his son. To make him. Feel that way but yeah when i started off but that wasnt going to what i wanted to feel like. In 3 days time its back to school for alan 1370 kilometers away. If hes late as afraid hes exwife will no longer allow him to have his son. But its the rainy season and the route through the forest has already flooded slowing the traffic. Must cross a tributary of the amazon the rio benny. This year exceptional rains have caused massive flooding. Is done. By inclusion i phone 4. Going to us and. The dog has disappeared underwater. There are no boats to cross the river. The long wait is frustrating. A ferry struggling against the current finally arrives. Edgar is one of the 1st to pull but theres not enough room for every one. Moment that people from boca raton are some of them but not. In the bus on. The bus is too long. So the sailors let the real wheels rest on the rusty fragile ramp. They usually try and get as many customers as possible on board ignoring safety. With an old engine and a very strong current piloting the ferry is tricky. Thank. God but im a gun. Control going to showboat looking for in the bill thank. The ferries no longer being pulled. And begins to drift. Its dangerously close to the banks of the river. The steering cable is finally repaired and. At the last moment the pilot manages to safely guide the ferry across. And get you know the owner of the truck and once hes paid off the hire the fuel and the food this trip will hardly make enough to live on. The ferry the most of them going to the middle. Doing a film that just is very tense whats going on down there should. Be after 3 days and 445 kilometers edg it completes the 1st stage of his journey a river around town. Isolated and near the brazilian border the small town grew as a result of the rubber gold and timber industry. Today 100000 people live in these muddy streets and depend on the not processing plants for their livelihood. In this warehouse tons of the precious nuts arrive every day. Because of the dam many rot even before theyre open. To be dried they have to be ventilated but since theres no breeze the employees are continually moving the mountain from notes around. The operation is repeated at the other end of the warehouse. I think. That ive been able. To. In this polluted atmosphere bacteria often contaminate the no. I miriam the director of the factory enforces measures to deal with this that some other london sounds a lot of money is that it was only for a minute if. You look at yes i. Get a lot. And inside a 1000 workers mostly women are manually dissecting the not. A good idea because i mean doesnt that make you mean that particular item on the missing. Kid was on the basis that was it was there was such a thing or you got it you know was a labs that said i was young was. In fact several members of the same family you know taking turns on a single machine. This family averages less than 360. 00 a month. Whos on the 18th has worked here for 2 years. Such. Was such an example was. A was. Gutting. The work because repeat the same the kind of. Old a long. Time but it was such. Now. Paid per kilo of shelled nuts the workers hardly ever rest and quickly develop illnesses. A leg up if you will without fail because. The brazil nuts will continue their journey to shops around the world where theyll be sold for around 30. 00 a kilo. Lego has just learned that the road to le pears is flooded and impassable. He doesnt know how will get alan back in time for the new school year. The unseasonable rains continue and the river beni has now flooded. The main road to the capital is submerged. The country is split into. This year the flooding has been extensive with entire cities being affected. The bridge on the main road has collapsed. The force of the waters makes matters worse. Ramiro is transporting timber to the bolivian capital of pandas. Looking at the damaged bridge he weighs up his options. This time im going to do but im broke on the last number so you want to hold them off but at the knee i was. Told that its going to be in the front then. But its what they see is special treatment because those whove been waiting for a day. But you know i get it but i dont get it but. Fed up with weighty ramiro risked everything. To bet its utmost be endless he went back to the. Us how to buy a bus how. He could easily be swept away by the current. How. He must now get across a Mountain Area eroded by deforestation youre no good what about on amadeo he may go to go family probably go yes go go to stalin look see at the 1st dump where they keep out the stuff that know. That youre not the man of it all say about. This thing. There which you didnt bother coming up. Im going to home as you like it but im going to without them because you know my heart going without what i want one of. The rain doesnt stop and bolivias slowly sinks into a major Natural Disaster i remember oh hes making slow progress towards the pines i. Know its a whole hill thats went down over the road. To a. Civil hospital he thought he was impulsive at about how to begin to get that high but it does not. Stop to look at any of the i have. These but get there but i believe that. A landslide has swept away the roads are 100 meters below. Together that of theres another number up at an average of 380 so this. Does not affect the much at least theres. The travelers are angry they say the road was poorly constructed. Maintenance teams are overwhelmed in the trying to open an alternative route to believe they can if the moment you walk in a moment 1st a quick one you know at c. S. U. One move i meant to lead you via the move to live with them ben i was to get close to him before. But i thought my. Seat was you must refuse you. Again see me and we can go home with you this evening is through the sea gives him time to say see you my hand. So if youre not in the official quest looking to be a misstep. The troublous have no choice but to brave the danger. Stuck on the other side the truckers are fed up and now want to try them. You know your driver board but what if it all said that that is a lot of court case yes but not to go if there is none of them going to get a bus i must. Went to oxford or by for a little. Bit yes i guess its. Going to my mother who doesnt have a good lead to a little bit of fun you know. When are you going you know about what is going green ok for me and she could hear you john. Of the company jumping on and off with the noise youre going there if youre missing much of that because theres no noise big day or you see the only one up there with the by the way i mean thats. The nest at the ample most of the one nobody thats the best in. Ramiro will have to wait it out another 4 days before being able to continue. Through 2. Or 3800. 00 metres above sea level paths the capital of the andes also suffers from flooding. To new to young alan made it back to class but was one week late. He and his father both flew home with help from the government. Not to pour your money in can only pull world. Shattered other workers that are yes 3030 and youre not in a house where they stand with his truck stuck in the embers and edgar has no vehicle and has to earn a living doing odd jobs. For the money and is openly called researcher what open or must story asking him to volunteer years for this kind of this make up going to wish for me for stand of a bunny for me despite its Natural Beauty year after year the rains in bolivia continue to have an impact on peoples lives. Ringback from the harvest is navigating dangerous rapids from the time we depart 2000 we finish are scared to the fish and im dicing with death. Im afraid of falling im afraid of dying breed if i dont go by coughing my family i meet the man who go to the extreme just to make a living. But you have to be a strong swimmer otherwise and surf and risking it all vietnam on aljazeera. Award winning programming from International Filmmakers driving around looking for drug addicts on the streets of kabul just the arrest sets the stage this man are demanding. Because no one hard. Giving voice to the voiceless have you felt your mission to protect the civilian population but open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. On aljazeera. Odd 3 months of protests on an unprecedented scale that would virtually paralyzed hong kong what began as opposition to an extradition law escalated into a broader prodemocracy movement so how and why did this crisis develop and what would follow in the 2nd of 2 special reports people in power examines the cool susan possible consequences of hong kong summer of defiance on aljazeera. Makes storms generate thousands of headlines it seems that much the media is still struggling with how to deal with it with different angles from different perspectives and you hold to separate the spin from the facts. The misinformation from the journalism how careful must be your words but some tough stuff has to be said for some critics have to be made the listening post on aljazeera. Saudi arabia cuts all oil output by almost a ha following drone attacks on key facilities. U. S. Secretary of state blames iran for the attacks on saudi aramco despite claims of responsibility by yemens who think rebels. Hello im martin danish are with aljazeera live from doha also coming out to new zealand head to the polls later on sunday in the countrys 2nd president ial election since a 2011 arab spring. And im nicholas hark in the now forests where century old trees are going down and cut down find out next what the government in kenya are doing to prevent the destruction in east africas largest indigenous forest. The u. S. Secretary of state might pompei has accused iran of direct involvement in saturdays drone attacks on some a saudi arabias most important of facilities this is a tweet that he posted it said tehran is behind almost 100 attacks on saudi arabia while rouhani and zarif pretend to engage in diplomacy amid all the calls for deescalation iran has now launched an unprecedented attack on the worlds Energy Supply there is no evidence the attacks came from yemen but who the rebels say they are behind the attacks on the Worlds Largest Petroleum Processing facility in abqaiq as well as on an oil field in could ice and that is full syria to temporarily cut off production by around 50 percent the u. S. President donald trump has called it an attack on the Global Economy he spoke to the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin bill been sound man and he said that he would guarantee Saudi Security a solid binge of aid begins our coverage. Of the Worlds Largest Oil Processing facility went up in flames after a drone attack amateur videos captured the fire and smoke at saudi aramco is uptake unit that was targeted by drones belonging to yemens hooty rebels with the capacity to process nearly 7000000 barrels a day of great plays a pivotal role in iraq because operations and other oil fields in her race which produces a 1000000 barrels a day also came under attack. State media carried a statement from the interior ministry and said the fires were brought under control saudi arabia has been leading a coalition against the who is in the war in yemen since 2015. The rebels say they want the world to see that they have a list of targets which they can hit in the kingdom look at some. Attacks are our right and we warn the saudis that our targets will keep expanding we have the right to strike back in retaliation to the air strikes and the targeting of our civilians for the last 5 years saudi arabia accuses iran of backing the hoodies a charge denied by the rebels some believe the saudi response to the drone attacks is going to be more of whats been happening during the war in yemen this would probably help them project their what theyve been doing in yemen as something legitimate especially given the International Report about the violations and about the at truscott is committed in yemen i think the saudis would continue or the thing that theyve been doing over the last 4 years is bomb bomb bomb would be fighters tactics have evolved in the last few years and theyre drone attacks have become more frequent accurate and long range as conventional air defenses struggle against multiple small drones some see aerial attacks on Oil Facilities as a possible game changer in the conflict a drone like this can be assembled from 10. 00 to 15000. 00 or explosives this provides a unique opportunity to target the military and in this case its also more concerning because you will want to target facilities that have a huge impact besides the physical damage the hoodies also seem to have time the attacks just a saudi aramco announced it is moving forward to sending a part of the state oil company the stock listing has been on again off again but attacks like these will not help Investor Confidence to bring in billions of dollars to diversify in the south the economy the primary mistake is that its not really working out also. Maybe someone. Since saudi aramco is no ordinary company its the engine of saudi arabias economy and a source of power for its rulers its also the crown jewel of the Saudi Crown Princes embellishes plan to diversify the economy but with seemingly expanding strike capability as from the war in yemen this would give investors a moment to pause some of it job it out is there more now on the view from washington from our correspondent gabriel elizondo. The reaction from washington to this attack really took on 2 forms we never heard publicly from President Donald Trump on this on saturday but the white house confirming that he did speak to the crown prince of saudi arabia and really just trump was offering his full support to saudi arabia and the crown prince of saudi arabia self defense trump saying that the u. S. Would support saudi arabia and also saying that this is attack was a threat to the Global Economy but then you saw a very strong statement again from mike pompei oh the secretary of state later on saturday if there be a twitter in this statement just really pointing the finger at iran directly so a different tack from the president who just so support for saudi Arabia Pompei o basically coming out and saying this was an attack by iran and iran will be held accountable for it just shows the 2 different messages that are really coming out of washington on saturday on this support for saudi arabia but also pointing the finger directly at iran important to point out the pump a 0 did not give any or provide any evidence at all on. Where he comes up with the idea that iran was behind this well be watching that closely in the coming hours and days to see if the state department or Defense Department anyone else can give any is any evidence on this but clearly 2 big strong messages coming out of washington on saturday support for saudi arabia and also baled threats to iran threats that they are behind this according to the u. S. In a couple of hours from now the polls will open in june easy a 2nd president ial election since the arab spring this what the success of the 2011 revolution many voters seen this in chanting to the countrys new democracy the stephanie death of ripples from the capital tunis. For 20 years feisal has been sitting in this exact same spot in tunis is ancient medina creating souvenirs engraved with tunisias pots but this. Future is far harder to hammer out militant ideas with been going downhill since 2011 and everything politicians are arguing and we pay the price what used to cost 1. 00 do you know is now 10 or more used to cost team day now now its 30. 00 we ask him if he will vote in sundays election and maybe know. He voted many times before he tells us and thats been more than enough for him he doesnt trust the politicians 36 year old abdul harder feels the same disappointment he will go to the polling booth on sunday but in protest the commercial police just i will cast a blank vote so no one else can use it many of us are not satisfied the president ial elections were brought forward by 2 months after the death of the late president 92 year old. Its the 2nd major elections to be held here 8 years after mass protests forced the ouster of strongman saying that aberdeen ben ali there are 26. 00 candidates among the Prime Minister and defense minister a former president a couple of lawyers and even a media tycoon who is currently in prison they represent a crosssection of political social and religious ideals illusions have a lot of toys and thats a real difference from before the protests broke out here in 2011 which is in decades of Single Party Rule tunisia is often cited as the only Success Story of the uprisings which swept across north africa in the middle east for 2011 but its not that simple 1st of all i mean having. Democratization process succeeding and this is happening because in the middle of the middle east and north africa this is unique this is an exception we cannot deny that at the same time what can democracy provide in terms of economic demands thats the major challenge so its a mixed story if we meet a group of ladies in the medina they too arent happy with whats been achieved in the last 8 years economy security corruption. The main issues everyone highlights was after the revolution everything had to change but nothing has changed everything is actually worse infrastructure for instance we just had terrible floods here the economy before everything was covered up but after the revolution its now out there for all to see tunisians go to the polls on sunday if no candidate gets over 50 percent of the vote there will be a runoff in november many will tell you that is an almost certain scenario parliamentary elections will take place in october the next 2 months could reshape the entire Political Landscape and determine what tunisia will look like moving forward Stephanie Decker aljazeera tunis. The 83. 00 migrants rescued by the charity ship the ocean viking 6 days ago and now on the italian island of lampedusa the decision to allow them ashore was a reversal of the closed ports policy implemented by the previous Coalition Government spearheaded by the former interior minister. Who brennen reports. The news brought tangible relief to ocean viking after nearly a week in limbo just heard. This side play some say he was. Was. It sparked a spontaneous celebration among the rescued migrants in what it is were very happy about the news it is amazing were going to arrive in a place where people understand and listen to us very happy to learn that we have to some backing in lampedusa its lees new Prime Minister. Has been in power just a week center left Coalition Government supports a more humane approach than the hardline closed ports policy of the previous interior minister Matteo Salvini but ministers in. This does not mean its only now has an open door policy you all. I believe is a big misunderstanding about the safe ports given to ocean viking it was assigned to ports simply because the e. U. Stuck to our request to take the majority of the microbes it must be clear that already is to ensure that those who arrive in italy or redistributed to other European Countries that hasnt stopped salvini from criticizing we have only part of the redistributions in europe are just words because i am still waiting for the other European Countries to take a few 1000 of those that they have already promised to take so this is a surrender obviously one of contest promises to europe was that it really would return to being a refugee camp. Back on board the grounds are already planning where they might be sent germany has promised to take 25 percent of any refugees rescued in the mediterranean but the rest of the distribution is less clear the subject will certainly come up when e. U. Interior ministers meet in malta on september 23rd paul brennan aljazeera. Theyve got a lot more to come here at aljazeera including bahamians mount their own relief effort people left homeless by american doria. Last plugin frankfurters measures show goes green with high end electric

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