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How low still no letup in the heat across the middle east if anything temperatures 2 or 3 degrees about the seasonal averages lost a clear skies i saw you last a push over towards the black sea see this line of cloud just pushing up towards the caucasus thats going to sink its way further south which over the next day or so so ankara 26. 00 celsius here on friday quite sharply to 19 degrees as we go on into saturday really setting in this system makes its way through little bit of snow there over the Higher Ground still going up to 43 celsius in baghdad the 39 in kuwait city and that sunshine extends down across the Arabian Peninsula here in doha were getting up to around 38. 00 celsius as well as 100. 00 in fahrenheit a fair bit of cloud across southern parts of the peninsula southern areas of oman into yemen where you see that cloud you might just catch a spot or 2 of light rain or drizzle salada at around 29 degrees some rain some really right pushing its way into the western side of south africa at present its easing its way through getting into the thirtys in cape town recently struggling to reach 19 degrees on friday afternoon still as we go on into saturday the clouds thickening up and we could see some wet weather by the end of the weekend. Whether sponsored by cattle and. This is a dialogue that you decide not to have children to say that its what the stake is really human survival everyone has a voice that must start with our community because of course this is a debate and its a heated one it will be asian literally before digital age and ideally join the global conversation people i think if only they knew what is happening to we were muslims they will be with us and they will be outraged on aljazeera. This is al jazeera a quick reminder of the top stories this hour irans foreign minister says theyll be all out war if the u. S. Response to attacks on Saudi Arabian Oil Facilities by taking military action against his country yemen city rebels claimed responsibility for the strikes but washington and riyadh say teheran is to blame. The u. S. Justice department is being accused of playing a key role in reportedly withholding a whistle blowers complaint against President Donald Trump u. S. Media are reporting that this is related to a phone call between trump and a foreign leader. And canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for a 2nd time after another photograph and video emerged of him wearing blackface make up the deepening scandal is threatening to derail his Reelection Campaign. And the leader of israels opposition blue and White Party Benny Gantz says he should be the nations next Prime Minister he appears to have projects his current prime. Mr Benjamin Netanyahu is offer to form a power sharing Unity Coalition that means voters may head to the polls for a 3rd time this year are a force that has the details from west jerusalem. A symbolic handshake between rival would be Prime Ministers Benjamin Netanyahu and benny gantz choreographed by israels president Reuben Rivlin at a memorial for shimon peres a man who held both positions really doesnt have direct political power but he does have influence and in the current deadlock a lot of freedom of action in who to give the 1st chance of forming a government and the i hear loud and clear the voices calling for broad and Stable National unity government and i can accurately to you mr Prime Minister a drawing that call this morning netanyahu recalled the deal done between peres and his political rival yet section near to share the premiership on a rotating basis in the mid 1980 s. A clear hint that he was seeking something similar after conceding earlier on thursday that he didnt have a way to form a right wing government and appealing directly to gantz binny we must set up a broad unity government as soon as today the nation expects us to both of us to demonstrate responsibility and that we pursue cooperation this is why i call on you binny lets meet today at any time to start this move which is the need of the hour but benny gantz is in no hurry rejecting netanyahu proposition that his likud join a government as part of a bloc including 3 other right wing and religious parties and making it clear that he expects to be Prime Minister. We will listen to all but not surrender to any dictates the negotiations will be led by me responsibly and with reason in order to achieve the best results for all israelis within the shadow of this political situation we will keep to our principles there will be no short cuts senior figures in his blue and White Alliance with more direct selling netanyahu. Presence is what is preventing a unity government and its time for him to step aside is just the start of a bumpy bruising and unpredictable path towards coalition the opposition is already accusing Benjamin Netanyahu of obstructing it some see netanyahu as public approach to gantz as a way of setting him up to take the blame if Coalition Talks fail altogether and looming behind it all the 2 things as in euros Corruption Cases his 1st pre indictment hearing is due in october the 2nd and if all else fails a possible 3rd election in less than a year are a force that aljazeera westerners. The british Prime Minister should find out next week whether his decision to suspend parliaments ahead of the absorber 31st breaks that deadline was legal the Supreme Court has wrapped up its hearing on the case john howard has more from london. Boris johnson on maneuvers visiting soldiers promising more money for the military ahead of an election whenever it comes promising also progress on breaks it i dont want to exaggerate the progress that we are making but we are making progress and what we need to do so people understand we need to find a way whereby the u. K. Can come out of the e. U. And really be able to do things differently not remain under the control of the e. U. In terms of laws and trade policy. Johnsons plans may yet and ravel after a 3 day emergency hearing Supreme Court justices will soon rule on the more fulness of the governments prohibition of parliament on thursday they heard evidence delivered by council from one former conservative Prime Minister john major against the current conservative Prime Minister john says the in a skeptical inference to be drawn is that the progression is for not exercising its right to disagree with a government that legislate as it sees fit its an inference of the government says. That is not for the courts to judge we should actually start by recognizing that the program. Was a proceeding in parliament which falls within the ambit of article 9 of the bill of rights and we dont have. The government will hope of course that the Supreme Court upholds the english high courts decision that the progun action of parliament was a purely political not legal matter but the court could just as easily side with scottish judges who ruled that under the circumstances they could get involved because they said of the real motive behind the suspension of parliament the silencing of m. P. s over breaks it was a decision that in effect meant Boris Johnson had lied to the queen. Away from the courts there are sometimes questionable efforts to reach a new bricks a deal the e. U. Had demanded full written proposals from the u. K. By the end of the month and artificial deadline said the u. K. And then over instead a set of notes with a final offer still to come papers for now until we have looked and detail not correct to write beyond papers the British Government has few obvious cards left to play on breaks it and the pressure may grow next week when the Supreme Court delivers its verdict to own a whole aljazeera london well the french president says it wont be europes fault if the u. K. Leaves the e. U. With a to deal emanuel microns said hell put his countrys needs 1st when the. We should look at the situation as it is the british people decided to leave not the european people british people this deadlock is a british deadlock is not europe and the uk is the final curtain will be the british one because they always have. The possibility too with the whole article 50 nobody should forget it i mean at a bunch of time if they dont have a good decision to send they can with the article 50 so no deal will always be at the end of british decision. Dozens of people have been killed in 2 separate attacks in afghanistan at least 18 people were killed in a taliban suicide bombing in sample province and 20 died in a government airstrike in one guard province but mcbride reports from kabul a blast that reduced buildings in the city of color to rubble the taliban says it was targeting the local headquarters of afghanistans Intelligence Agency but the provincial hospital next door took the force of the explosion it soon became clear from the schools of casualties that civilians among them hospital staff were the main victims with no hospital to treat them survivors had to be transported by road to neighboring found most you can imagine i thought yes there are many civilians who were martyred and wounded and you cannot even see one military officer among them but taliban has stepped up its attacks head of the upcoming president ial elections and theres also reportedly been a rise in u. S. Military strikes. But an air attack wednesday night in one province is now the subject of claim and counterclaim 0 in cook County District they have been burying their dead its close to the tora bora mountains a traditional stronghold for different groups of fighters. Local Governors Office has said there was a drone strike on a nice old hideout killing a number of men. But these people say they were villagers. Whod gone into the mountains to collect pine nuts when you were. All of those killed were civilians each of these houses has lost 2 or 3 men. Their grief is mixed with ngo all the Security Services all of the government should listen to us show these men stop this cruel to. Anothers join in with the chant death to america. While most of the bodies have been brought back for burial the villagers say some people are still missing. But the most. My message the government is to stop it you shouldnt kill civilians anymore for gods sake stop killing ordinary people. In a statement to the u. S. Military has said it carried out a drone strike on the Islamic State target and that it was investigating claims that civilians have been killed whats clear is that in another violent 24 hour period there have been attacks by both the taliban and the u. S. Military and that once again civilians being killed and maimed Robert Bright aljazeera kabul the number of u. S. Soldiers in somalia has increased under President Donald Trump one of their joint sons involved training a local group to become an elite force to take on al shabaab fighters and to syrias mohamed el get a firsthand look at the socalled Lightning Force in training. These are the new frontlines in the fight against al shabaab in somalia. And these are the men taking the fight to the armed groups strongholds the United States has at least 500. 00 switches in this country but its trained and paid for somali troops to form the deneb unit or lightning falls. Apart from our operations against al shabaab fighters to retake territories and of you control we also target their assassins bomb builders and those who kidnapped foreigners in our country we also try to raise the spies in those who provide them with arms and other supplies of. Somali government Officials Say this elite force is comprised of soldiers from almost all of somalias colombians deneb units of killed some of those about sin the leaders and in areas that were taken from the Al Qaeda Linked group they are winning the support of local people how they would out front in the money and things are much better than before in terms of security were not living in fear anymore the soldiers eclipse and were forever thankful to the government and the den a brigade was launched as a 150 passengers unit roughly 5 years ago but says grown to become one of somalias most used military forces while u. S. Forces in somalia cut out al strikes and drone attacks against al shabaab fighters its these forces whove been carrying out the bulk of the ground assault against the Group Official say the plan is to develop done up into a full so free fall the soldiers capable of removing al shabaab fighters from towns and villages across the country. The regular Somali National army is involved in the fighting to. Get it we have achieved many victories we spent a lot of time preparing for the current offensive against al shabaab but it was worth the wait we have liberated many towns and villages in the past months. The Somali National army needs more recruits to bowl states wrongs this Training Camp in the small town of greer al in central somalia is just one of a few across the country by next year 22000 African Union peacekeepers expected to begin pulling out of somalia and it will fall to these soldiers to take over the keeping security on fighting al shabab. Goodell in central somalia. Hundreds of people have been for some leave their homes in parts of texas after the region was hit by trench rains and flash floods and hospital was among the buildings evacuated in the early affirms and People Council off by floodwaters were rescued by boats in the city of houston authorities have warned for the rainfall could bring more flooding as Tropical Storm imelda rushes the area. I thousands of protesters are gathering across australia as part of a Global Climate strike the 1st rally is being held in sydney the demonstrators calling on the governments take drastic action on Greenhouse Gas emissions organizers say process had been planned for nearly every country in the worlds. Well new research has found that billions of birds are disappearing from north america the study published in the journal science shows walter avian populations in the u. S. And canada have dropped 29 percent since 1970 just over 10000000000 to 7200000000 grassland birds have been hit particularly hard with more than half the population go on and it appears humans are to blame science factors including widespread habitat loss due to Climate Change and urbanization as well as the use of chemicals for farming that kill insects orphaned panjabi is an avian conservation scientists for the bird conservancy of the rockies he says birds can indicate the health of an eco system. More than half the birds that have been lost are associated with farmland and range land ecosystems these are the places we produce our food so. It goes to show that the trends in which we are producing our food meaning more intensive agriculture with heavier inputs of pesticides and herbicides in order to support large monocultures of single species crops may be one of the factors driving the decline well birds play major roles in the ecosystems both as consumers of prey and insects and as prey for other predators they also are pollinators and disperser of seeds. So their role in the ecosystem is essential to the stability of other populations of animals and plants so there could be far reaching cascading effects from the loss of bird abundance this study uses. Counts surveys of birds performed during the breeding season so this is the period of the year when the bird populations are most stable theyre tied to their breeding grounds at that point and so its the best time of year to count their populations we can have the most confidence in our counts. This is al jazeera and these are the top stories irans foreign minister says theyll be all out war if the u. S. Response to attacks on site you arabian Oil Facilities by taking military action against his country yemens he rebels claimed responsibility for the strikes but washington agree id say to her mom is to blame. The u. S. Justice department has been keys to playing a key role in reportedly withholding a whistle. As complaints against President Donald Trump the u. S. Media is reporting that this relates to a phone call between trump and a foreign leader the head of the u. S. And House Intelligence Committee says intelligence officials were blogs from passing on the complaint to Congress President calls that fake means the whole point of the whistleblower statute is not only to encourage those to report problems abuses violations or was but also to have a Legal Mechanism to do so and not to disclose classified information because theres no other remedy. That whole purpose is being frustrated here because the director of National Intelligence has made the unprecedented decision not to share the complaint with colors canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for a 2nd time after another photograph and video emerged of him wearing blackface makeup is he putting scandal is threatening to de braille his Reelection Campaign russia and china have vetoed a u. N. Security Council Resolution demanding a truce in northwest syria it called for an end to hostilities in the last rebel held province russia is the asset governments main ally. Genesee is former president. Has dollys 3 year old been living in exile in saudi arabia since he was overthrown after the 2011 revolution. Protesters are gathering at rallies across australia as part of a Global Climate strike demonstrators in sydney are calling on the government to take drastic action on Greenhouse Gas emissions stay with us on aljazeera the stream is up next as well as gather in the un secretary general until you get to hold a Climate Action summit to sound. But will countries. And deliver concrete plans to reduce emissions to avoid a climate catastrophe. Get the updates as they come on aljazeera. We are told to recycle up cycle and down cycle were told to ditch the straws and forego plastic cups and we reiterate to our kids the rinse and reuse montra but can any of these efforts really prevent Climate Change of any ok and im really could beat out today our coverage of the covering climate now initiative continues with the debate around the Climate Crisis should we stop pretending we can prevent it but are we really pretending that that is that of the 8 say tweet us your thoughts or leave your comments in a live chat and you can be in the street. About anything you know much i dont know. That it is and you are in the street in. A recent essay in the new yorker by american novelist Jonathan Franzen sparked a viral argument online about Climate Change heres what it said the climate apocalypse is coming to prepare for it we need to admit that we cant prevent it as you might imagine that didnt sit well with a lot of people including climates. Scientists which princeton is not and a twitter storm ensued the debate centered around prevention adaptation and conservation its an important conversation who is ultimately responsible for preventing Climate Change and is it even possible joining us to discuss this in new york Genevieve Gunther shes the founder of Climate Science thats an organization aimed at starting conversations about the impacts of Climate Change in Vail Colorado on main coney hes a peace and Climate Change activist who also ran for the u. S. Senate and congress on the Green New Deal in colorado and in North Carolina sarah peach a Senior Editor at climate connections and author of the ask sarah climate advice column however what its good to see you let us start in fiji with perhaps a little glimpse into the future have a look at this video. Im going to go in im a lover guardian im with the result. My job is to dig. Even snorkelling. Of food before feed the. Big give no more to ill use a. Lot of gritty relief is starting to. Add to. This is a big brother room if you continue to amazingly. Theres nico there hes talking about the possibilities the future youre climbing activist nico hasnt given up quite yet have you. No not at all as matter of fact tomorrow im at a climate story march and im going to be speaking there are i think set worked were all here for what we all agree on is the fact that a Climate Change is real d the discussion is real and im here to talk about the solutions because what the scientists avoid out for us is that we have 11 years and i would say that weve already reached their point in time it could be 5 years it could be one year but we have to start asking about solutions now and how are we going to get our leaders and our politicians to start putting then implementing those changes of media. Jenny it sounds like audience to sky ok now we have to do stuff we have to be pragmatic scientists may decide whats your response. Well im not sure you can have as i have a summer i need to yes i dont think and besides i think hes saying that in fact as going to thunder it says we need to unite behind the science and band together in order to force the people in power to take the lead and make the public investments that need to be make so we can decarbonise our Global Economy in time to halt warming at a manageable level. Im just wondering sara as. Available to people to ask issues that they have of climate and Climate Change if you will detecting a mood or an attitude where. People who are trying to get some arent says i feeling depressed and feeling that there may not be hope and there may not be an end to Climate Action where we can actively do something. Absolutely i have questions in the past few months will there be famine and how sick will this make me and also i just answered a question of. Person in york city was extremely worried about this she was wondering whether she should even bother thinking about her retirement from her career later in life because she was so afraid of what is going to happen with these issues so how do you answer them how do you answer. For my retirement i am excited that. There is a lot to be worried. That there are also things that you and its not time to get up. And so because there is a lot to be worried about that is what this conversation really seems to be currently and has been for the past couple of days i would say. The question then is what do we prioritize do we prioritize adaptation or do we prioritize prevention and trying to stop Climate Change from moving forward forward this is one answer we got from someone online the bear on twitter who says both should be done but i doubt if it can be done equally it seems as if we have gone too far for some preventative measures so in my considered view adaptation should be prioritized wherever possible and prevention wherever possible arent i want to give this one to you because adaptation of course comes 1st that her answer there whats your take on that should we be trying to adapt to what we know is coming. Well you know the the scientist and the i. P. C. C. The Intergovernmental Panel on climate port to knock over changed my life 4 years ago arent for u. S. d senate and the green dont deal with iran at it again now because of the sun Race Movement because no consensus we have an entirely different kind of perception and its from his son and were seeing 7 hours of president ial climate forums on this topic we have to have a multipronged approach what i think is very important is that we have they have set a goal d that doesnt again it doesnt matter if its 20302050 if you could measure if you can manage it weve got to work inside of their goal and what ive seen as a person who was a county commissioner for 8 years and have worked in and really leaned on a lot of politicians a lot of the new your liberal politicians and democratic establishment politicians those theres no such thing as the time for incrementalism i would say delay or certain ayers and that is the conversation that we should be having late now because what the scientists have laid out for us is the goal what we are looking at knows which way should we do that you can absolutely not prioritize adaptation yet adaptation is 100 percent necessary for these frontline communities and poor people in the global south who are already suffering some nearly from Climate Change and even being killed as we know the bahamian islands were completely destroyed by Hurricane Dorian who was startled and made wetter by the effects of Climate Change so in order for there to be any kind of Climate Justice we have to include adaptation in any kind of Climate Policy but there is no adaptation to a world that has heated up past 33. 00 or 4 degrees celsius 4 degree celsius is the difference. Tween the last ice age and now in the last ice age there was a. Glacier a mile thick over manhattan so imagine the eco system a transformation that would happen if we heated our planet 4 degree celsius on top of what we are now we cannot afford to do that our 1st priority must always be to end the fossil fuel era transition our Energy Industry transportation and agricultural systems to and net and 0 system as absolutely a soon as possible and thats exactly where im going with this is how are we going to end the fossil fuel era when you have people like senator schumer and senator and congresswoman pelosi who wont take on the Green New Deal who continue to take money from the fossil fuel industry and we watch the media ask questions about whether or not were going to lose or embers the time as you know in order to get off to fossil fuel and thats why i would submit that we have to go after the leadership or the lack of leadership that is going on right now and make them make the hard decisions of whether or not theyre going to say theyre willing to ban fracking but theyre willing to step to that it was on social whether or not that only right. And i mean theyre going to put this 60 trillion dollars or 5 trillion dollars genevieve this week and then twitter that in order to bail out the banks of course 16 trillion dollars Ernie Sanders deals out in 16 trillion dollars we have the money we had on im just going to keep this will take opposing a preference by when im not im not seeking to ease my osc sahra why do we need International Community is what i have in im not shell. Well we need to complete it we didnt bother getting rid of all fossil fuels are out and also taking care of it were basing it on the u. S. Kind of proposal thats been put out it would also mean taking care of people who have been harmed in the process of getting rid of his philosophy ewells and of course that was cheap and normal collaboration across the whole world but. Weve seen from some resistance for example in france that it really seems very important very Democratic Leaders and other leaders around the world to think about how Little People are going to be affected by this enormous transition that the Scientists Say must equinix well some of those who have been stray chanson fran its interesting to hear that pulse just one moment if you would because i want to bring in our community here this is such a fascinating debate i want to make sure their voice is included as while im picking up on the point that you all are making and it is if there is collaboration global car collaboration and if there is Government Accountability call our audience skeptics and me included that they dont think thats going to happen so this is mercy on twitter and says as long as our governments refuse to hold major corporations damaging the environment accountable and they start putting major resources towards trying to reverse the damage were doing there is no hope with the amazon still burning our decade has gone up so she mentions mercy mentions the amazon ill bring this here attention the amazon is burning what you need to know this was the headlines not too long ago another fire that many people may not have heard as much about was the indonesian fires for inspires toking Southeast Asia we got a video comment from someone who this directly a factious in indonesia and she talks about what life has been like for her have a listen. Lamb and speaking live. As the bunny for the past 2 months and displaced violence case the killing people as happens today to hit us so now im calling for justice for clearly and guess youll have to get that so our hope thats that thats the thing that came up in that 1st tweet you see anyone talking to us from indonesia where its affecting her life where is the hope to have hope well i think i dont have to Say Something before this woman from indonesia and in may i please finish my comment i actually didnt way and i brought her in and it is there it is a conversation and so i would love to hear you think but i also want to hear arne viewpoint on hope so lets let let arne finish his thought and then you can jump in but i think i want to be a realist karen so you know i dont have hope i have kids and ive been fighting for this for many years ive been up to standing mark what i would say in terms of the person who weighed in hearers you should understand that there are millions of americans several lies that our political system is an oligarchy that we have oil and Gas Companies that are running our comfort right now and that there are people who are willing to get out in the streets who are willing to speak truth to power and we need more and more more of those voices and its starting to happen tomorrow that people have to stop start saying that we have to stop subsidizing the oil d and gas industry that we have to stop playing footsie with there are democrats who are in power who think that theyre going to change or help us with the beijing Climate Change but in reality theyre not because theyre working with the oil and gas industry and one more willing to speak truth to power were more willing to expose their records then were going to get to the next level of composer implementing change just if. Yes i want to go back to what you said before which was holding our government accountable and forcing them to hold corporations accountable is not going to happen i dont know why anyone would say that. In that sort of casual offhand way if we dont do this transition if we dont band together and use our collective labor power and our collective talents our collective political power in a democracy to force our governments to get carbonized our economies hundreds of millions of people or maybe billions of people are going to die so to shrug it off and say oh yeah thats not going to happen is not only a claim that is not based on any empirical evidence because youre making predictions about the future youre actually just treating the genocide of people who had nothing to do with creating the Climate Crisis as something you can just shrug off and thats morally. Toxic its an abomination we have a moral obligation to use our power as citizens in a democratic nation and in democratic countries across the world to hold our leaders accountable because we cannot recitals our way out of this crisis we cannot reduce our own personal carbon footprints and nothing to stop Climate Change the number one producer of Greenhouse Gases is Industrial Production of electricity and that is something that has to be transformed through Public Private partnerships and investments by governments that will make new technologies new grids and new markets then of the let me just bring in sara i hear what you say so you have been reporting on this area for a decade or so tell our International Audience in terms of actual Climate Action that you are seeing that is having an impact what would you pick to show. I would point to greater timber now and the center ice movement thats got a tremendous amount of attention. Within the United States there are some organizations that are working to organize people in every Congressional District and you know i get this kind of question a lot from readers and from friends and family whats the most important thing that i can be doing you know should i eat less meat should i change my light bulbs and at this point my answer is it gets engaged in government and is the number one thing that people can do as an as individuals to address this issue so political will on. Well i want to just speak to the side to give why were having this conversation why its front and center because didnt set a nancy pelosi softness and now the center of president cortez got involved and because brianna going right architected a green new media oh i knew i had it in all made as in the United States and youll find them in d. C. Not far from the right and you know that im sorry so what were what im so stoked on is that were watching activists actually doing sit ins actually getting into the streets were seen that type of action in france and were seeing that in london the type of protests that are going on in hong kong thats what its going to take those are the individual types of things ive been arrested in washington d. C. Trying to fight for change and its hard its difficult it means amazing sacrifice what im trying to say is the type of sacrifice that heats to be done by 4 percent 5 percent of the worlds population that is a 1000015 percent of its Carbon Emissions is we have to admit their capital is them is not going to get us to the solution that we are going to have to use a hybrid version in order to make this change in the king and to to to my friends in the Science Community that i embrace and try to advocate so are for every single day as they have given us a very short time frame that when i was running for u. S. Senate 4 years ago and if were going to implement this its not going to happen under donald trump but ministration its not going to happen 134. 00 states in the United States earn republican control and our federal judicial branches and the control of corporatists unless we get out there and we didnt speak towards the type of solutions and demand the solutions are implemented in terms of legislation that our corporations are changing now in immediately and then they stop funding oil and gas or persians than they ever cultural system. There are no employees that are literally cutting off my dog or money so its future from the one that i have my own ancestry so so im. Medically right now im trying to think very realistic d right now in states that near it appears to be sharper towards the solution. d to. The streets and. I think its that type of thinking that im seeing online and so earlier genevieve youve mentioned a morally toxic viewpoint which for our audience i i think that they would take issue with thought because im speaking on behalf of them i will take issue with it on their behalf i want to share with you a few comments from people so this is lie this is on you tube michael says the greedy corporations and governments dont care about the climate period grow up we are going to be on our own other people want us to bring in the idea that the people affected the most are not the people who are at the table so this is soliloquy on twitter who says this is a mass made by 1st world but the most affected are the developing countries most of who depend on nature for irrigation etc and one more that ill bring in on twitter this is someone who says i like that youre putting in context location specifics while adaptation will be considered a priority the african continent for them 0 net it measures europe may have to focus more on mitigation should they be what will you say to those people i agree with all of that i take no issue with that whatsoever that countries in africa and in the global south who have had no hand in creating this crisis will need to focus on adaptation and the 1st world polluters have to. Pay to take responsibility for creating this crisis and donate money through the Green Climate fund to assist in that taishan but thats not in contrast to focusing on Global Mitigation and i dont see how thats morally toxic what to me is a moral abomination is the idea that we shouldnt bother fighting we shouldnt bother trying to stop corporations and governments from collaborating in propping up the fossil fuel economy because we dont have any power and theyre not going to listen to us anyway then it would be unfair in a let us very way in here with a comment from the united secretary rice nations 2nd general antonio contests he was talking about where are we right now with Climate Action when we need to be here this week have a look have a listen business cannot success succeeds on a planet that fails and jobs cannot be sustained on a dying planet and there are many more initiatives to come they will all be presented at the summit and that designed to be expended so they can have the Global Effect the Climate Crisis the memes leave governments businesses and people everywhere to join these efforts so we can put graham affections into higher gear. So unless feels like theres something about human nature the way that we approach other questions that maybe we cannot see. That it is indicative of where we might be with the action of the next couple of years what have you come to conclude from all the questions that youre being asked and how far along we are in terms of taking action. You know i think. I want to address a really common misconception this is something that came up in france and article which is a lot of people think that theres some kind of on our switch with our climate system and that if we cant go too far then its often we all die and thats absolutely not true as we just heard there are are going to be huge impacts Economic Growth that we keep going the way were going but every 10 degree matters and every everything that we do to limit warming a little bit will reduce suffering and so i think. In Public Service the American Public concern about this issue is skyrocketing and so i think thats something that a lot of people are trying to recruit. We are almost wrapping up of our time now making whats the kind of feeling that youre getting online right now i like this from sleepless in v. A. Who says as andrew yang is quoting a president ial candidate in us here as he says it is not about doing less of the bad but doing more of the good and based on some new data i think we probably need to do a whole lot of good to really catch up im just thinking in a sentence and i really mean a sentence if you could advise our population. Around the well to do something with that something. Urge to get out into the streets fright or governments dont call the global court. That is doesnt matter how many people are killed in this climate to see our story that will free stores but nothing we never talk enough about is a mirror of the american empire military system and body story of the sentences a little bit more generous than my sentence but i appreciate it genevieve thank you so much for being with us i thank you for being with us sarah as well thank you so much for discussing this issue that is so prominent right now about what do we do about action and how much time do we have so that wraps up our conversation for today but on monday i am submitting this report as my testimony because i dont want you to listen to me i want you to listen to the scientists and i want to unite behind the science and then i want you to take real action and i say yall swedish Climate Action activist getting bug young activists around the world are raising their voices both on the streets and in the corridors of well powell part of a battle to avert a Global Climate catastrophe that is the final show of our special series tied to the covering climate now initiative with the event using. The. A team of chinese scientists embark on a daring deep sea machine searching for rare results the same one who reveals chinas underwater 0. Culture of downs thrives here every day generations of tibetans continue to embrace and maintain their Cultural Heritage its a reminder of who they are aware that. This is a suburb of the capital new delhi so be refugees here since 964. 00. Have been defined as migrants are not refugees because india hasnt signed up to the 1951 Un Convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the Indian Welfare system so they become selfsufficient setting up over a business says and looking for work independently but for some its not enough. To still navigating dangerous rapids from the time we depart to the time we finish our scares to the fisherman dicing with death. Im afraid of falling im afraid of dying but if i dont go i can feel my family meet the men who go to the extreme just to make a living. But you have to be a strong swimmer otherwise its certainly risking it all vietnam on aljazeera. We know the culture we know the problems that affect this part of the world very very well and that is something that were trying to take to the rest of the world we have gone to places and with point on a story that it might take an International Network for months to be able to do it United Nations peacekeepers have to follow it antiriot know. Challenging the voices were challenging companies who are going to places where nobody else is going. Iran warns the us of an all white war if washington attacks in response to strikes on size your own facilities. And how my head into how this is to syria also coming up. A possible political showdown in the us as a whistle blowers complaints reportedly involving donald trump is books from congress. The buck stops with me and i take responsibility. Canadas Prime Minister scrambles to limit the damage to his Reelection Campaign as the scandal deepens over black face photographs. And one on the front lines in somalia with a new elite force thats ready to take on the armed group alshabaab. Tehran is ready for an all out war thats the warning from Irans Foreign Ministry if the u. S. Takes military action following the bombing of 2 majors Saudi Arabian Oil Facilities serif says iran wont blink to defend its territory if its attacked hes denied styron had any involvement in the drone strikes irans oil minister says the u. S. Is using oil as a weapon to stir up a conflict with the u. S. Secretary of states however says iran was behind the attacks which he called an act of war mike from peo arrived in the u. A. E. For talks after visiting saudi arabias crime prince on weapons stay in the last few hours cited the state t. V. Reported that its coalition forces. In yemen have launched an operation against military targets in the rebel he stronghold of the data the Coalition Said it destroyed 4 sites used to assemble Remote Control boats and see mines same the seraphim reports from teheran. Drone and missile attacks on saudi Oil Facilities last week iranian leaders say the only reason the u. S. And saudi arabia are blaming them is because the alternative is too embarrassing that yemens hoopy fighters were capable of carrying out such a destructive military operation. But the saudis say the drones and missiles direction of travel recover debris the capacity of the Technology Used in these attacks all draw a Straight Line back to tehran Foreign Ministers of odds are it has said of the iran coincident is used as an excuse to attack his country iran wont think twice about defending itself he also warned u. S. President donald trump not to listen to his saudi allies who would march to war with iran for their own sake they should pray that they wont get what they seek theyre still paying for a much smaller a human wall that they were too arrogant in 4 years ago for those hoping for cooler heads to prevail the rhetoric coming from to iran of widespread and destructive retaliation is worrying and an indication of how far the u. S. And iran have come from the negotiating table. But the reality is irans position is nothing new the promise of a kind of mutually assured destruction of American Assets and allies in the region has been standing policy for years and iranian experts say is keeping irans enemies at bay what is new is how frequent and assertive the message from iranian leaders has become a signal perhaps that there is real concern into iran that some kind of u. S. Aggression may now be closer than ever on a visit to saudi arabia the u. S. Secretary of state described the oil facility attacks as an act of war and promised more economic sanctions on iran and there will be more sanctions. We we have set about a course of action to deny iran the capacity and the wealth so that they can conduct their tears and to prove to prevent that from conducting their terror campaigns and you can see from the events of last week theres still more work to do were going to continue to drive towards that end. If you cannot fail to see the failed policy of giving money to this regime but what happened inside the arabia those opposed to the saudi led war in yemen now in its 4th year see the incident very differently the who has dismissed the saudi version of events describing the attack as an example of how their own newly developed weapons can now reach targets far beyond yemens borders and they warned if the Saudi Led Coalition wont stop dropping bombs on yemen then Coalition Countries should be prepared for more of the same leaders here in iran have been quick to remind the world that it was yemens who the fighters that claimed responsibility for the attacks last week on Saudi Oil Infrastructure the who these no doubt consider these attacks not as an act of war by iran as the americans would see it but as retaliation for an ongoing saudi war that was sparked by a saudi led invasion and thats the line being pushed by irans leaders as well zain. The u. S. Just. This department has been accused of playing a key role in reportedly withholding whistleblowers complaint against President Donald Trump the us media is reporting that this relates to a phone call between trump and a foreign leader the heads of the u. S. House of Intelligence Committee says intelligence officials were blogs from passing on the complaints of congress the whole point of the whistleblower statute is not only to encourage those to report problems abuses violations or was but also to have a Legal Mechanism to do so and not to disclose classified information because theres no other remedy. That the whole purpose is being frustrated here because the director of National Intelligence has made the unprecedented decision not to share the complaint with congress or the president calls the claims fake news mike hanna has more from washington d. C. The man who received the original complaint as Inspector General of the Intelligence Community he has now sent a series of letters to the House Intelligence Committee outlining the procedures he followed at the procedures that have not been followed he says he took 2 weeks to investigate the complaints and found them to be credible and importantly of an urgent nature he sent his report to the acting director of National Intelligence who legally has a week to consider the report before forwarding it to the Relevant Congressional Committee in this case the House Intelligence Committee but to director the acting director of National Intelligence went to the Justice Department who told him that legally he did not have to pass the information on now this of the intelligence oversight of the Intelligence Community making very clear he does not agree with this decision and in fact finds that the incorrect decision hes made this opinion public in that letter to the Congressional Committee this is given ammunition to that committee to take further action against the Justice Department in particular which it accuses of blocking information that legally the Congregational Committee should receive in the interests of protecting the president the Congressional Committee has now subpoenaed the acting director of intelligence to appear before it next week to explain why he did not follow constitutional and legal procedure and forward vetted complaint to the Relevant Committee in congress canadas Prime Minister has apologized again after another photograph and video emerged of him wearing blackface makeup just introduce says he will continue with his Reelection Campaign even though his opponents say hes not fit to govern them like his move from toronto. These are the images that have Justin Trudeau saying hes sorry there from an event in 2001 when as a High School Teacher he was part of a gala within a rabia nights the other images including a grainy video have also emerged of trudeau in similar makeup reportedly in high school in the 1990 s. Heres his 2nd apology in less than 24 hours. I want to begin by saying a few words directly to racialize canadians who face discrimination every single day in their lives even in a country like canada. What i did. Hurt them hurt people who shouldnt have to face intolerance and discrimination because of their identity what previously appeared to be a dull Election Campaign has been energized and thrown into uncertainty one of trudeaus opponents canadas only nonwhite federal political leader spoke of his own experiences with discrimination when i was growing up i thought rhesus i dealt with them myself and i fought back but i got a message from a friend who reminded me that theres a lot of people out there they couldnt do that they couldnt fight back they didnt have the ability to do that and i think that thats going to hurt to see this is going to hurt them also during this campaign mr trudeau and the liberal party of often linked andrew shear the conservative Opposition Leader to right wing media and white supremacist websites mr scherer was quick to condemn the Prime Minister wearing brown face is an act of open mockery and racism it was just as racist in 2001 as it is in 2019 but what comedian saw this evening is someone with a complete lack of judgment and integrity trudeau has been the face of his government in front of the cameras much of the time welcoming Syrian Refugees apologizing for the ill treatment of Indigenous People in canada he was deadlocked in the opinion polls with his conservative opponent before the images appeared. How this affects his standing with the voters will certainly determine his political future through the more the more damaging possibility for him the more severe one is that this causes people to kind of reflect on who he is as a leader to look back not only at this incident but other incidents where hes is charge what seems to have been poor and then to make judgments about his character kind of globally its hard to know why trudeau and his liberal party appear to have been blindsided by the release of these pictures which have been on the internet for all to see for quite some time the question now is can trudeau recover or will his party be looking for a new leader without such images linked to his or her name daniel lak aljazeera toronto. City he is the Editorial Page Editor emirates has sent the star he says the scandal shouldnt tarts treatise reelection prospects i suspect it will not do as much damage as the conservatives are hoping it will not do as much damage as the media are playing and making it out to be the 1st cut that you see on twitter and as social media and the 1st letters to the editor that are beginning to point in the Main National newspapers in this country now clearly show that Morris County and sam i read writing this thing up why dont we assess what he has done and why dont recess what he or the opposition proposes to do or discipline now you see it has issues in this country you know ongoings racism ongoing Discrimination Bill a lot of the issues that need to be dealing with as opposed to how are you going to have it like this of course you know we should not have done it but it was not deemed to be as he says as we deem it today have a values change the mall has evil or not thats the only issue and i think yes. Still to come on aljazeera. And im just waits for britains Prime Minister and the Supreme Courts will give its judgment next week over his decision to suspend parliaments. Research. And its kurdistan tries to revive lost traditions and its based its image

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