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Missile strikes but the u. S. And saudi arabia they have been pretty categorical in blaming iran but a senior military adviser to irans Supreme Leader has defended the attack on Saudi Oil Facilities at home i can only. Live them is with a retell atory operation yemenis in fact carried out a legitimate defense of themselves against a priss that killed their children the reality is that america and its allies in aggressors against palestine and yemen have become tired and worn out economically militarily and politically the policies were wrong and failed the repudiation of america and its allies is declining. And within the past hour or so President Trumpet said that the us has now expanded its sanctions on iran to include the in rainy and National Bank right now we can speak to not only his director of the center for middle east studies at the university of denver we are lucky enough to have him here with us here in doha thank you for joining us at this point then we have saudi arabia and the United States pretty much accusing iran of sponsoring this attack why is the claim of responsibility by the who has been dismissed. Well i think theres an attempt to try and squeeze iran the saudis want to blame iran theyre hoping that the United States will launch military strikes against iran and theres a longstanding you know Trump Administration policy to try to bring iran to its knees but i think theres a simple way out of this blaming counter blame sort of narrative that were seeing i think iran if it claims that its completely innocent of any wrongdoing should support a u. N. Led International Commission of inquiry to determine responsibility culpability and then accountability i think all of the countries have an interest in doing that and i think thats the way out of this sort of battle of narratives that were seeing between tehran and washington do you think that there is going to be time and space for this kind of investigation to be approved to be launch of the indeed to report but given that time is of the essence at the moment the saudis are saying that they are prepared to report as to exactly the the launch site of these attacks i mean this would be pretty significant when they come up with us and they say these attacks came from the north where exactly what look saudi arabia does not have a good track record when it comes to the truth i think no one takes them seriously particularly under the the rule of this crown prince given what he did to Jamal Khashoggi which is why we need a u. N. Independent led inquiry to you know get to the bottom of this and then to sort of assign blame and demand accountability so if saudi arabia so sure that iran is responsible they have an interest in supporting the u. N. Lead in korea and same with iran if youre wrong claims its completely innocent then why not have this matter investigated theres no urgency i just disagree with that i think its the interest of the International Community of International Peace and security to have that inquiry and to move forward into International Law once it seems very much is the locked and loaded rhetoric the because rhetoric of washington of a couple of days ago has been down somewhat and President Trump as weve just said is increasing sanctions very much for now thats going to be the u. S. Response but at the same time the iranian rhetoric has heated up his. No must get a lead weve just heard from the former revolutionary guard commander and indeed the foreign minister the language is really getting tough while the terran is worried of a response from the United States but the problem really is in washington d. C. Its pretty clear that trump doesnt know what he wants to do and he really is responsible for getting to this getting us to this point of of a potential war when he began this process of starting a conflict with iran pulling out of the Nuclear Agreement and and getting us to the to the tragedy that were seeing unfolding in front of us nonetheless we do have the u. N. General Assembly Starting in and its next week and it has actually got underway but you know the leaders attend next week and we learned that president rouhani is whether zarif the foreign minister there theyve been given visas to go do you think that there is any scope for there to be. About channel back Channel Communication paths is perhaps the most we could hope for at this point i think there is a unique opportunity because all of the key players will be there trump will be there the iranians will be there the saudis will be there and critically the french president will be there if your list your viewers might remember just a few weeks ago there was talk of a french proposal that might sort of break this logjam allow for some sort of negotiation to take place based on you know partial relief of iranian sanctions i think what happens at the u. N. Next week will really set the course for the next coming months whether were headed toward war and conflict or upon a potential damage diplomatic breakthrough now the hashimi thank you very much thanks. Weve got a lot more to come in the saudi syria news hour including. A political firestorm in the us as a whistle blows complaint against President Trump was reportedly kept quiet plus i didnt want to be part of the dysfunctional socalled United Kingdom or did i want to as declared in the previous referendum premium part of the European Union tensions run high in our land as Free Movement of products across the border after brets it remains in question plus. The surface finding a way to compete even when theyre away from the coastline rubble will be here with us in the rest of the schools. The u. S. Justice department is being accused of playing a key role in apparently withholding a whistle blows complaint against President Trump the u. S. Media has been reporting that the complaint relates to a personal phone call between President Trump and a foreign leader the head of the u. S. House Intelligence Committee says officials were blocked from passing on the complaint to congress the president says is fake news right lets get to the bottom of this is for us we can by speaking to our house correspondent kimberly how kitten kimberly. So there is a phone call between President Trump and a nother leader the speculation seems to be focusing upon. The new ukrainian president. That is the speculation that that is the foreign leader that the u. S. President is talking about when an intelligence official became particularly uncomfortable with parts of that conversation that is why he or she launched a complaint with the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community and in turn when congress tried to investigate 3 Different Committee chairs and that is when the problem arose the democratic controlled house committees alleging that in fact there was an effort by the trumpet ministration not just the Justice Department but the acting director of National Intelligence to block the legitimate oversight responsibilities of congress this has infuriated the house Intelligence Committee chair adam schiff who says congress is simply trying to do its job and investigate the whole point of whistleblower statute is not only to encourage those to report problems abuses violations of laws but also have a Legal Mechanism to do so and not to disclose classified information because theres no other remedy. That whole purpose is being frustrated here because the director of National Intelligence has made the unprecedented decision not to share the complaint with us so kimberly just for claritys sake it seems very much as though there are 2 alleged transgressions here one is President Trump saying something that he shouldnt a said in the phone co and 2nd that the department of justice has quashed that complaint to not paul see them through to the legal channels and the president is responding in tribute to him to be called trump like fashion. Yes in 2 forms in fact the 1st on social media where he has accused the radical left democrats as he calls them in the Fake News Media of allegedly accusing him of having a socalled dicey conversation and in gauging or entertaining what he believes is a highly partisan whistle blowers complaint he went on to speak in the oval office alongside the australian Prime Minister in just the last hour to elaborate on those comments calling this whole story and reporters questions about it ridiculous saying this is a political hack job and that his conversations with foreign leaders are always appropriate then we got a little insight martine into what might be the crux of this conversation and why this alleged official was concerned about the conversation because he pivots the u. S. President to appoint a Vice President joe biden who was the Vice President in the brothel vomit ministration saying it doesnt matter what i discussed someone ought to look into joe biden fake news wall looking to buy them because he is a democrat as sensually there have been stories percolating in the us news media that joe bidens son may have profited by his fathers time in office with the Ukrainian Government potentially getting some lucrative business deals and many are starting to speculate that that is what donald trump may have made a request that many consider inappropriate asking a foreign leader to investigate his potentially political opponent in the upcoming 2020 u. S. President s president ial election if in fact he is joe biden the successful democratic president ial candidate a very intricate story but it has big implications for u. S. Politics and sort of the soul undertones of profit in potentially from power in office all right both sides right and im sure well be speaking to you about this. In the coming days thank you kimberly how kids there are white house correspondent. That recess says it is more than 4 and a half 1000 political spam accounts that will be in use a target in a coordinated campaign they were operating out of the United Arab Emirates and egypt and use fake personas to push content critical of kassa while promoting saudi arabia welters has also suspended the account of the former Saudi Royal Court advisor seld al khatami whos been implicated in the murder of the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi right joining us here is Mark Owen Jones assistant professor of middle eastern digital humanities at hama been holly for university here and thanks for joining us. This is a vost number of fake twitter accounts that have been detected how does twitter know what is a fake account and what isnt to do will have many ways of determining whats fake or whats not fake this usually involves looking at the matter data so does that account tweet a lot is there suspicious activity in terms of the nature of the tweets is the repeating of the tweets repeatedly so theres different algorithms that detect these fake accounts and i want to be clear that twitters algorithm is not foolproof i for one study lots of propaganda accounts or political spam accounts to use the euphemism that remain undetected and still continue to promote various ideologies right and what was what was the specific message then that this particular campaign liz was seeking to get out there was very interesting about this recent batch these 4000 or so accounts that with the suspended there was a very much a unity of the discourse it was mostly about yemen it was mostly critical of the who and it was mostly critical of qatar and the ones that were positive were promoting the had been some one in particular so even twitter themselves noted noted that amongst these accounts from the u. A. E. In egypt there was such a commonality of discourse that they actually singled out these facets of the information war and were talking about algorithms which is a technical term it is. Once or twice if not 3 times removed from the human being. Managed manages these 4000. 00 say accounts is it a human being is it a company or is it another go with well its an important question one we dont know but what we can hypothesize if we look at the fact that the message the promoting is similar its against the events carter what we can surmise is that whoevers responsible for purchasing this information this propaganda package is either outsourcing this strategy to various Companies Individuals or some individuals have their own bought nets with these this information that works so i think its important. Its to see that whoever is running these accounts might be multiple actors all of whom are probably on some form of payroll from a middleman or middle person who is taking the money from whoever the entity is whether its the state to this or so presumably i mean now theyve been kicked off twitter presumably all they need to do is read the brand themselves and go back on and do it again thats exactly what they have to do and this is what happens people often get suspended they have the twitter account suspended a couple of days later they set up a similar account with a similar name and its back to square one thats why i think its a need to work on their verification process and can i very quickly one last question then about the former associate of mommy been sound man they had his personal twitter account very briefly if you will yes sadakat certainly its surprising that hes had his account suspended now because he was banned from the u. S. Last year he has been accused of endangering peoples lives using twitter for a long time so why is account being suspended now thats the big question the other big question is why have twitter not provided the archive of his tweets but they have provided the archive of all the other accounts that they suspended all right sounds like you know the answers mark thank you very much ali. Now the emir of qatar is in london hes been meeting the british Prime Minister Boris Johnson a statement from downing street says shaikh i mean been hammered out fannie and mr johnson agreed the war in yemen must come to an end they also talked about the recent attacks on the iran code of facilities in saudi arabia a statement mentions that they shared concerns over irans destabilizing behavior thats in quotes. Because before. He said we have. Your personal relationship we met 3 years ago i mean business deal i do and yes the relationship between kirk and there is a very strong relationship forward with this meeting right. You know what areas we can also strengths. More now from our correspondent. Well beyond trade interests which are extensive between the u. K. And qatar with qatar providing up to 30 percent of the u. K. s gas imports the 2 men clearly did discuss events in the region or a statement from the emir of qatar as office says that they discussed several emerging issues in the middle east especially the developments in the gulf to no detail from the qatari side now a statement from Boris Johnsons office says that they discussed as well as the need for the war in yemen to come to an end the recent attacks on iran coke Oil Facilities in saudi arabia it goes on a shared concern over irans destabilizing behavior and agreed the importance of negotiation in deescalating regional tensions while the potteries clearly in their statement did not talk about irans destabilizing behavior its unclear how far they went in using similar language during the meeting but iran has been one of qatars partners especially since the embargo placed on qatar in terms of continuing trade into qatar so an interesting divergence there but clearly both sides want to avoid any kind of military escalation in the gulf region they havent actually come out with any steps but at least we know that they are talking about how to get all sides talking rather than blaming each other thousands of algerians have returned to the streets for the 31st week in a row. They want an end to the current regime Amnesty International has condemned the arrest of dozens of demonstrators over the past 10 days and also concerned about the military chief ordering the army to limit access to the capital. Weve got lots more to come on this aljazeera news hour including well take you to other parts of the world joining in on that led climate protests. And in spalled russell well have details of the new york yankees hitting the 1st big landmark on their way to the playoffs. Hello again welcome back were here across northern turkey we do expect to see some showers in your forecast as we go into the weekend and those storms right now are coming in across the black sea so by saturday we do expect to see some thunderstorms here across the coastal areas and it will bring down the temperatures for ancora to about 19 degrees there the Higher Elevations well expect to see some snow in your forecast as well were talking on as well as possibly into georgia and then down towards the south it is going to be still quite warm were talking into the low thirtys for many areas in syria and to resume at 26 degrees there as we go towards sunday not looking too bad maybe tehran though some clouds and rain in your forecast at 35 and down towards quite city 40 degrees as your expected high here across the gulf though its still going to be quite uncomfortable in the morning high humanity values by the time the afternoon comes though it is going to dry out maybe down to about 20 to 15 percent so thats fairly nice with a temperature of 39 degrees at 37 and here on sunday dont expect much for a change there before sallah clouds in your forecast at 29 degrees and then very quickly across parts of Southern Africa we do expect some clouds along the coastal areas there but for durban expect to see a nice day for you with a temperature of about 27 degrees in johannesburg a warm day for you at 29 to greece and plenty of sun in the forecast. Singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline in the dredge sand some of the islands off the coast of indonesia and literally vanished its a big business smuggling you say and when they go to take the sand there in filling the sand is our parent using this beautiful beach but behind it is something thats not so plentiful the tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sandals at this time on. Aljazeera. I really felt liberated as a journalist was. Getting to the truth as a lawyer thats what this job. On counting the cost billions spent on air defenses but drones take out saudi arabias Oil Production and look at that knock on effect pass the 30000000000. 00 plan to move indonesias sinking capital the importance of the dollar. Comes in the cults on aljazeera. Trying to take a look at the top stories here in the aljazeera news and the largest Climate Change protest in the history is taking place around the world people from more than 150. 00 countries. Joining a strike has been pretty much led by young people and theyre calling for an end to the use of fossil fuels and it starts a week long Worldwide Campaign demanding greater action from political leaders. Extensive damage is being revealed of both Saudi Arabian Oil Facilities that were attacked last week this is footage from cake the Worlds Largest Oil Processing facility knocked out half of saudi arabias output. U. S. President donald trump says a whistleblower complaint that has roiled washington relates to what he called quote a totally appropriate conversation the u. S. Justice department has been accused of playing a major role in the withholding a complaint against the president is reportedly about a phone call between the u. S. President and a foreign leader. All of this talk about Climate Change of course because the worlds biggest ever process has been taking place across the world including in indonesia which is a country of course has been rocked by multiple natural disasters the share our correspondent mohammed reports from the capital jakarta. Its a festive atmosphere here in the capital to consul where around 400 students some as young as 10 years old a University Students are demonstrating for what theyre calling Climate Action they want the government to enforce the climates emergency to deal with some of the issues thats currently facing the country much of this is around absolution they say they want clean air and blue skies now all of this comes off the back all of major forest fires that have happened in indonesia for the last couple of months on the island of sumatra and on borneo and its causing a very bad haze thats affecting the population here and also is crossing borders into malaysia and singapore many of the people here are saying that they want the government to take more action by imposing better Law Enforcement to deal with preventative measures to contain these fires and there is also investigations taking place around companies and individuals that have been looking that have allegedly been burning out some of this land and so this is what they want they want the government to impose Better Regulation and try and stop these forest fires from closing by the pollution in the capital as well. Right in our correspondent in south africa for me jamila told us about the demonstration in cape town. Thousands of protesters have marched to parliament on a demanding that the South African government do more to deal with Climate Change cape town is a city that was gripped by drop 2 years ago and on the verge of having its taps run dry people here say they dont want to face a catastrophe like that and now is the time to act theyre also demanding that the government declare a National Emergency they want to see the end of coal power stations they also want greater education for south africas use to understand Climate Change more and know the place they have been acting against Climate Change many of the protesters are School Children and people here say that there is only one pallet it cant sustain the Current System and its up to the South African government to play its part will be able to live with myself knowing that im letting love into the people in the high institutions to take live my future and not fight for just say that youre going to live to 11 years and religion really affects us the root cause the elders its like there was the one who caused it so they do one cares which we as the you would have to execute earlier this year Southern Africa experienced one of worst side clones ever countries like muslim became a law we and zimbabwe were affected by almost 1300 people were killed constances in south africa a facing rising sea levels right 2050 people here are saying they want Climate Justice now and they want to ensure theres a future for many of the young people attending this protest today. But from south africa to east africa now Nicholas Hawke is in the kenyan capital nairobi the heart of. These protests are not just taking place here in nairobi its a process africa in johannesburg and cape town and go about and do your thing in senegal and in low may why because out of the. 10 countries that will be most affected by Climate Change 7 of them are all the african continent and its already started with hurricanes sweeping through mozambique flash floods in south africa you see here leone and droughts are dividing people in the sahara here in kenya 200 are at risk of going extinct every day because of the crowds and so many young people here are growing impatient with their leaders. And if you did you need. To plan it may have in the past been a. Purchasers have just taken over the streets of one of the ledger capitals of the opposite headed toward the ministry of energy because the government has put in place policies that then is going ahead with their old with a plan to build. A World Heritage site right here in kenya and these protesters are angry about this Climate Change is possible these lists are. Deceiving because im not a political figure so this is a listen i can do. For one of the National Assembly president s a. Certain element. Of their leaders were ignoring their. Appeal. Is that thats gaining momentum and the to look or be ignored and right now we can see to cat scott his director of leeds ecosystem atmosphere and Forest Center thats at the university of leeds and shes joining us from there in the north of england scott thanks for talking to us so what were seeing is quite an astonishing phenomenon is that were seeing this Record Number of people largely young people it seems turning out on the streets to make their priorities clear they want action weve got a un special session taking place next week to address this particular this issue so women talking about action what specifically needs to be done. Yes its really great to see so many people taking turns and im really making our voices cant im not countries around the world. But the climate and our. Intention to reduce. Emissions but we really need the legislation coming in from country to really reduce our emissions and you can read that weve recently passed the magistrate commit that were reading them back hard and over all greenhouse. And countries around the world need to. Be following these in terms of this legislation but also need to be providing realistic policies to back up their ambitions and cut i mean many of the smaller countries this much less developed countries they complain that under the terms of paris for instance the paris accord for those equivalents given to these small underdeveloped countries with these great big of ferociously amissing industrialized countries they say its not fair and that it is the big industrialised countries that need to take a greater share of the action to remedial action to replenish the environment. Yes and i think i would agree with that the new identity of the countries who have contributed the most to Climate Change to be making the biggest changes right now and the countries around the world economies are still developing and theyre relying on the use of some fuels in order to kind of develop that Energy Infrastructure obviously they need to be needing to take cleaner energy but other countries should be supporting them to do that and i would agree its really a country to have an image of the most also fuel and aneesh and today that should be bearing the brunt. So listen this is a problem isnt that theres not a great deal of consensus now after all the celebrations off to paris that consensus seems to fall in the way that the americans pull out of the under donald trump weve got the brazilians the new brazil brazilian government who are skeptical to say the least with regard to Environmental Concerns so this is this is holding back any kind of Global Program of action. Well thats right and i think thats why its important that members of the public School Children around the world are making their voices heard in the way that they have been through the right to say it is important to us we do care about it and even in pensacola current medical leaders and some countries dont seem to be taking the issue seriously people people on the ground our citizens are and important that in countries where were in a position to kind of make important legislation to reduce our emissions that were doing that and that where were keeping and keeping kind of a leading position on that. Can scott thank you very much in david talking to us live from leeds in the living im thanking you. Now britains rexs secretary has expressed optimism following a meeting with a europe European Unions chief negotiator in brussels Stephen Barclay said there was common purpose between the u. K. And the e. U. The talks apparently focus on the contentious issue of the backstop thats the border between our land and Northern Ireland negotiations are set to continue on monday as Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets the e. U. Council president donald tusk in new york so while the e. U. And the u. K. A still in pretty much deadlock over that irish border question the patience of arlens farmers is really wearing thin london says itll allow the Free Movement of food over the border from ireland after brets it but its not willing to allow anything else to freely cross into the u. K. Lawrence lee reports. Now. Its called the Irish National planning championships but in reality its more a celebration of farming showing just how seriously they take it on the island of the men driving the tractors have rock star status here. Sports heroes minus the job all these people are Irish National heroes over 3 days a 3rd of a 1000000 visitors inspect the machinery in the livestock its all in the blood. And given that in the exports 90 percent of all the food it produces much of it to the u. K. The idea of the new border cutting the island into is a nightmare theres a real possibility of the coming from would not survive for her. And the potential maybe just to offer some of our surveillance critically be from above given the level of indebtedness out. Was very very high however what the British Government wants to achieve at this point is vague the best but it seems to accept the huge importance of irish food to the u. K. Politicians use phrases like the all ireland food economy which most people dont understand in practical terms its much simpler so it appears bracks it has come down to this the British Government says its happy for meats from that how to pass on checks through the irish border but its not a parent that piece of Farm Equipment over there and if thats appears ridiculously picky its also the case of the British Government doesnt seem to realise that that would be completely unacceptable about the irish governments and the European Union the agriculture minister turned up to take questions there wasnt a single british journalist there theres almost no attempt to understand the irish position in terms of the volume of trade from the republican ordinarily in the region 700000000 and something slightly less coming from north south and the granular detail of that is you know. 10 percent of the pool is processed from Northern Ireland in the republic 400000 sheep consoled for his daughter a give you a myriad of statistics so the continuation of the economy is really important to us and those politicians who represent voters around the border insist that if the u. K. Cant figure out what it wants it should let irish people decide for themselves this is what people say the failure to agree on brics it could lead to a United Ireland so the choices are. Mark the British Government can either accept the backstop and the minimal protections that it provides in order to ensure that we dont have a hardening of the border or that can give the people in the north of ireland a choice as to which union they want to be part of they dont want to be part of the dysfunctional so called United Kingdom or didnt want to as declared in the previous referendum remain part of the European Union the essential contradiction of brecks it remains that the u. K. Wants to shut itself off from the European Union while keeping its border with the e. U. Any ideas proposed by the irish to square that circle have been ruled out is unacceptable in london and yet here they are still waiting for the british Prime Minister to come up with Something Else instead. Carlo. Right lets go back to the us now in the state of nevada where police are preparing for what they call an act of mass civil disobedience thousands of alien enthusiastic it banded together through social media of planning to trespass on to a secretive u. S. Military base. Reports from rachel nevada. It all started as a joke University Student Matty Roberts had been bored at work so to entertain himself he turned on his computer in created a meme about a pretend event he imagined on the spot the title of the event is star mary 51. 00 that cant stop all of us area 51. 00 is a top secret u. S. Military base in the nevada desert its where the cia developed spy planes at the height of the cold war and where classified military testing continues today but some believe this is also where the u. S. Government studies aliens you can imagine that if indeed there is an alien race with the technology to be able to arrive here on our planet their knowledge would be very useful to us so its very possible the rumors have always been that we might be in collaboration with some off World Intelligence conspiracies are enjoying a resurgence in american pop culture then enter roberts me about to be something funny for the 62. 00 followers that i had on my page and apparently i was completely correct and it was funny to the entire world so funny that more than 2000000 people or is it online for the september 20th a vent of course not all of those millions of people will show up but hotel rooms and campsites have sold out in this very remote area and nearby desert towns used to supporting populations of no more than 100 are bracing for a potential onslaught of as many as 10000 alien hunters who will bring with them their very human needs theres nowhere to find food water or gas for tens of kilometers 2 counties have issued emergency declarations ahead of the event and the u. S. Military says it will of rest anyone who trespasses on to area 51. 00 as the signs warn lethal force is authorized again. Those who disobeyed so what does roberts think of storming the base now and i think its terrible. Yes the creator of storm area 51 is telling people not to storm area 51 but it may be too late because one some things launched into the great unknown of cyberspace it may return with alien life. Id and again the very latest from rachel in this i have these holds of people said they were going to turn out for this event have they manifested themselves. But there have been some that have manifested themselves as you can see behind me im actually at a base camp thats a belt some 50 kilometers from the front gate area 51 and its turned into sort of a party camp and id say give or take theyre about a 1000 people who have come so far now today is supposed to be the big day that as advertised on that viral medium so people are still expected to continue to trickle in as to whether or not theyre all accomplished the other part of the meanness us to storm area 51. 00 thats probably not going to be the case there was a loosely coordinated effort to descend upon the front gate of area 51 last night in the middle of the night at 3 am there was some rumbling of that people did show up but i designed the spaces in a very remote area where the access is controlled by a 2 lane highway and so there was just like a long trickle of cars people getting there to look around there was obviously a lot of military and Police Presence guarding the gate itself in a Police Officer told me one person was arrested but the crowd really held the self back the atmosphere here is more about fun and enjoying everyones shared passion for extraterrestrial life and to have fun together and not risk arrest or getting killed on a base like all right ok thank you for that question. History. Rivals here now with us will see is nothing thank you very much host japan have made a winning start of the Rugby World Cup the home team a curving other coming even some early nerves running 4 tries against russia or entire character parents care in the victory bar 30 points to tennis at the richardson now reports. Japan in the wider world of rugby has never seen anything like hits the games showpiece event is in asia for the 1st time 50000. 00 fans gathered at the tokyo stadium for the host nations opening match against russia. Half a 1000000 International Supporters set a visit japan during this world cup the occasion got the better of the home players in the opening minutes nervy defending allowing russias carol goal is in its ski to school the opening try for the tournament the lowest ranked side up is world cup had an unlikely lead was japan did then begins to grow into that task but sorry much shima finishing off a fluid move to score his countrys 1st try and i am just before half time she she meant run in for his 2nd in japan finally had the points had fancied she had been. In the 2nd half russia tired and japans players and fans could begins her enjoy themselves have been. And when mansi shima broke free for his hat trick it was japans 4th try and that it is team a bonus points and their weights were 30 points to 10 victory i believe and the rich. Its an algae 0. 0 is an absolute blockbuster game coming up on saturday in yokohama defending champion play south africa poll bay all blacks skipper kieren raid looking to join david kirk and richie mccaw become the 3rd new zealand captain to lift the webb ellis trophy the all blacks going for an unprecedented 4th well cup hartle office of africans while theyre looking for their 3rd if not of course a repeat of the 19 already for a while cup final which the springboks well i think is a good way to start the world gov to play them at the beginning and i mean you want to play them in new in your pool stage and i think its a perfect. Pleaded now i think they would also think the same thing. Still of waiting you know eating you know and you know some causal rather we to be hitting the big one is coming but its probable that we can prepare from the beginning now and reply to the vision of their ability and it doesnt matter who we apply its going to be you know theyre going to have to play really well to vegas and and if they do show them you know well done to them and we have to accept that. In that they may have to accept the consequences of our game one of 3 on saturday france by argentina in a poll for the clash in taipei before that in sapporo the 2 time when its all straight here take on cd of course the olympic champions of rugby sevens in a pool day game australia have 3 of the gym ball players in their starting line up including vice captain samak already i think is an excitement all around the bars of work in the bars of our nation i think its just the emotion more than anything you know its not about trying to get one up on anyone just trying to progress with food for our team for our nation in sochi for sure if you do. You know you want to want to get that win and obviously to want to do the same. Formula one world hard to leave the Lewis Hamilton was quickest in practice ahead of sundays Singapore Grand Prix not such a good day for his beside his teammate both terry potus he crashed down during the 1st practice session but he still managed to set the 4th fastest lap time hamilton is more than 60 points clear of contrasts in the overall drive the standings he targets a 6 world cup. The new yankees clinched their 100th win of the season on route to securing the American League east beat the visiting l. A. Engines on thursday massa here at america pitched 7 year perfect ending striking out 6 batters and allowing just one rung for yankees hit hard once the yankees crushing the angles 9 to one in there and securing their 1st Division Title since 220 their policies and gets under way in october 4th. Now the worlds top surfers are proving that being 160 kilometers away from the nearest beach is no barrier to catching a wave 11 time World Champion kelly slater helped develop the technology that turned a ranch in california Central Valley into an International Competition venue launched 4 years ago with the only poll thats become part of the world surfing will make its olympic debut in tokyo next as always but for now more later thank you very much indeed rattle but thats all for this hour his ear and news hour dont go anywhere because ill be back in just a moment with much more of the days news cities stay with us. Peace between ethiopia and eritrea has meant to park areas future for the iraqi people get a shot at it and we have to create farmland for ourselves for iraq its a matter of survival. A movement trying shows us how the iraq a coping with life on the edge of the border. My ethiopia on al jazeera. New leaders place children in this refugee camp the latest victims of the unending sectarian violence in Central African republic among them are survivors of unspeakable violence 10 year olds to the book his mother is dead her father is gone killed because they were christian by their own muslim neighbors this is the least you home an overcrowded refugee camp of 23000 people surrounded by armed militia groups celine wants answers she says she wants to be asking the questions and so we traded places inch took the microphone will we find peace how can we make the violence stop when will i be able to return home. From the family home the friends navigating dangerous rapids from the time we depart through the time we finished are scared to the fish and im dicing with death. Im afraid of falling im afraid of dying but if i dont go by coughing my family meet the man who go to the extreme just to make a living god but you have to be a stronger swimmer otherwise the surf and risking it all vietnam on aljazeera. A global use protest against Climate Change in the biggest ever demonstration of its kind. Hello im not sure without is there life and also coming up saudi arabia shows the extent of the damage of one of the office illit is from last weeks attacks. A political firestorm reports that ukraine is at the center of a whistle close complaint against President Trump that was kept quiet. Im heidi castro on my way to meet with thousands of people planning to storm a secretive military base where they believe a u. S. Government studies aliens. Is being called the largest Climate Change protest in history and its currently under way more than 54000. 00 events taking place around the world protesters from more than 150. 00 countries are joining a strike pretty much led by young people that are calling for an end to the use of fossil fuels and is beginning a weeklong Global Campaign demanding greater action from political leaders reports. This is a movement led by children by College Students backed by many parents millions of people coming together to protest when they would normally be at school instead theyre calling on governments around the world to take action on Climate Change i think that its bad to miss one school day and have a chance you know that many chinese at school. People need to realize that the climate is something we need so. Many people are protesting here. But want to be part of this growing movement chordal governments to do more to tackle Climate Change. And this truly is a phenomenon across the Pacific Islands many of which are already experiencing the impact of rising sea levels a pledge to fight Climate Change there were big protests in australia where several 100000 people skipped School College or work to take part while in thailand hundreds of young people Death Outside the Environment Ministry demanding action. We. Were missing. In indonesia the police took time while protesters rallied along the main roads. Dont let up. And in india the message was no less passionate it would be personally getting below to head the climate is close to the change in mindset of a government of the people. This protest in south africa was no less noisy. This groundswell of global thanks tim passion for action and change from young people has surprise some in governments many have been inspired by the teenager gretta thornburg who last year started skipping school on fridays to protest outside the swedish parliament. In just a few days World Leaders will meet in new york at the United Nations conference on Climate Change the decisions they make will affect the future of these young people far more than themselves i mean he would aljazeera and nandan. And weve got a new show here at aljazeera which will look at the issue of Climate Emergency and the impact on all of our lives our planet is feeling the heat of the climate an ecological emergency the worlds leading scientists are warning of an existential crisis in the face of irreversible changes to the earths climate aljazeera prince to a new weekly so planet s. O. S. Were set up the facts and the Science Behind the issues affecting our planets planet s. O. S. At this time on al jazeera. Now yemens if you rebels have accused the saudi amorality coalition of a dangerous escalation after the coalition launch strikes in the countrys main port city of the data against what it called legitimate military targets a spokesman for the new this says the action threatens a u. N. Brokered cease fire in the red sea port the Coalition Says it destroyed 4 sites used to assemble Remote Control boats and see mines the extensive damage has been revealed of both Saudi Arabian Oil Facilities which are attacked last week and this is video from abqaiq the Worlds Largest Oil Processing facility the attack knocked out half of saudi arabias output the authorities earlier had allowed media into the smaller coronas site saudi aramco has announced it will bring Oil Production back up to full capacity by the end of the month the hoofy rebels say they were behind the strikes but the u. S. And saudi acclaimed iran. The senior military advisor to irans Supreme Leader has defended the attack on Saudi Oil Facilities. With a retell atory operation yemenis in fact carried out a legitimate defense of them selves against a priss that killed their children the reality is that america and its allies and aggressors against palestine and yemen have become tired and worn out economically militarily and politically the policies were wrong and failed the repudiation of america and its allies is declining. In the world was between tehran and washington continued with the Iranian Foreign minister zarif tweeting in response to accusations of war mongering by the u. S. Secretary of state rice bombero he said pompei or has it the other way around its not iran that wishes to fight to the last american rather its his between hosts who seem to wish to fight iran to the last american bt referring to the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman he reiterated iran has no desire for war but we will and always have defend people and nation. That the u. S. Justice department is being accused of playing a key role in withholding a whistle blowers complaint against the president us media is reporting the complaint relates to a personal phone call between mr tran and the foreign leader that the head of the u. S. House Intelligence Committee says officials were blocked from passing on the complaint to congress. The whole point of the whistle blower statute is not only to purge those to report problems abuse is violations of laws but also to have a Legal Mechanism to do so and not to disclose classified information because theres no other remedy. That the whole purpose is being frustrated here because the director of National Intelligence has made the unprecedented decision not to share the complaint with congress well president thomas denied all wrongdoing. Its a partisan whistleblower. Should even have information ive had conversations with many leaders are always appropriate next i can tell you always appropriate at the highest level always appropriate and anything i do a fight for this country i fight so strongly for this country its just another political hack job. Twitter says its removed more than 4 and a half 1000 political spam accounts being used to target catherine a coordinated campaign they were operating out of the United Arab Emirates and egypt and use fake personas to push content critical of cata while promoting saudi arabia. For traces also suspended the account of the former Saudi Royal Court advise a solid alka tommy is being implicated in the murder of the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The amir of qatar is in london hes met the british Prime Minister baraks johnson a statement from downing street said shaikh to mean bin Hamad Al Fanny and mr johnson agree the war in yemen must come to an end they also discussed the recent attacks on the around all of the cities in saudi arabia the statement also mentions that they shared concerns over whats described as the romans destabilizing behavior. Because before going to said we really ship personal relationship we met 3 years ago i mean business i do and yes the relationship between kirk and there is a very strong relationship forward with this meeting and. You know book areas you can also from. Well now from our correspondent. Well beyond trade interests which are extensive between the u. K. And qatar with qatar providing up to 30 percent of the u. K. s gas imports the 2 men clearly did discuss events in the region a statement from the emir of qatar as office says that they discussed several emerging issues in the middle east especially the developments in the gulf to no detail from the qatari side now a statement from Boris Johnsons office says that they discussed as well as the need for the war in yemen to come to an end the recent attacks on around coke Oil Facilities in saudi arabia it goes on a shared concern over irans destabilizing behavior and agreed the importance of negotiation in deescalating regional tensions while the potteries clearly in their statement did not talk about irans destabilizing behavior its unclear how far they went in using similar language during the meeting but iran has been one of qatars partners especially since the embargo placed on qatar in terms of continuing trade into qatar so an interesting divergence there but clearly both sides want to avoid any kind of military escalation in the gulf region they havent actually come out with any steps but at least we know that they are talking about how to get all sides talking rather than blaming each other since you come here and. The buck stops with me and i take responsibility the canadian Prime Minister apologizes again for more black face fed a graph that have emerged during his reelection campaign. And we need somalias new elite force ready to take on al shabaab. Hello again its good to be back were here across china things looking quite nice as we end the week and go into the weekend but we are watching some storms pushing here in the pacific now that storm is Tropical Storm tapa it is to the east of taiwan right now and it is strengthening we do expect it become a typhoon as we go towards sunday we could be seeing some storm surge across the eastern coast of china maybe some rip currents as well but for the most part most of china here is going to be under a fair skies plenty of sun in the forecast even for hong kong down here we are looking at a nice day for you on sunday with a temperature of 31 degrees well here across india the monsoon is withdrawing and we are seeing a lot of dry conditions up here towards the north so new delhi you are going to be in that area but as we go down towards the south were going to see some scattered showers here across mumbai up towards in a purse well kokoda youll be in and out of the rain here as we go towards we can probably more rain by the time we get towards sunday new delhi though

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