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Train systems they were shut down and that really kind of crippled this city whats insane through the malls most major miles with closed as you can see small shops also shuttered that because they anticipated there to be violence on saturday but it didnt materialize because protest leaders canceled all the events also on saturday kerry lamb the chief executive of hong kong issued a video statement where she looked at the violence on friday night as justification for this mass then she also said it was a very dark day here in hong kong protest leaders when they said things were going to be canceled on saturday pointed to sunday its going to be a big day they hope theyre planning a rally and a march that they say hopefully will be peaceful but will be have very large numbers compared to what weve seen over the last couple of days but obviously the police with this new law emergency law in place they will be looking to crack down on any illegal activity. Time for a short break here and aljazeera when we come back. Its the 1st time in 150 years that the the appears almost community are allowed to hold a thanksgiving festival in the capital. And creating art from rubbish a highly acclaimed artist shows us his work made from recycled material modern thats going to. Hello dramatic thunderstorms been seen around amman again and even pick up the cloud it was covering parts of southern iran pakistan in fact that cloudy zone runs right up towards afghanistan its still only dissolving but we havent seen the back of those thunderstorms not the next day at least however west of all that is still quite an attempt just a hi there drifting lower were still billows 30 in toronto and now below 40 in much of iraq with a hint of an increasing breeze and rather more cloud around in the mediterranean this is of course where the seas needs change it will eventually get to live and hasnt yet got there so the skies agendas speaking mostly full of sunshine so is the thunderstorm potential around a man tends to be the only place i think unless you count far west of yemen maybe a fossil 1st in saudi otherwise things are still quiet for a couple of days more still temp is lost in the thirtys humidity is quite high by day and night around the coast in qatar bahrain for example otherwise quiet and sunny. Temps are variations of in the story in Southern Africa and still pretty warm in durban and johannesburg around the 30 mark such as for in botswana but cape town still 80. The weather sponsored by cattle. Subzero temperatures extreme altitudes. This is where the hard part because of the extraordinary journey from polish to touch it you start braved ordinary joy to. Do high out theres no oxygen. Just to experience life Simple Pleasures. Risking it all in kurdistan on aljazeera. Welcome back a quick reminder the top stories here on the aljazeera north koreas chief Nuclear Negotiator kim yong guild says hes called off the new prize ation talks with the United States and sweden saying washington was Bored Nothing to the table. In iraq theres been more antigovernment unrest on live fire in the capital baghdad almost a 100 people have died in the last 5 days of protests a number of t. V. Stations have also been attacked. And a Court Hearing is taking place in hong kong over the facemask ban imposed by a leader carrying. A group of prodemocracy legislators undermines the rule of law you know most of the citys metro stations remain shut after several were vandalized by protesters. Now the trade war between the u. S. And china has led fashion brands to shift production areas a hotspot the many of these companies is bangladesh but locals say low wages on the governments lax approach to safety and labor standards are not serving the countrys best interests and their child reports. Bangladeshs Garment Industry is 2nd largest clothing exporter in the world after china it accounts for 80 percent of the countrys total exports and its expected to benefit the most from the fall out of the u. S. China trade war u. S. Retailers are placing more orders with bangladesh to offset increasing tariffs on chinese goods because of the fact that there is no trade war buyers in the u. S. Because of the present age theyre looking at this region and bangladesh is certainly one of the beneficiaries of those orders coming in. To avoid the effects of the trade war chinese factories are relocating to elsewhere in asia bangladesh is low wage gives it a Competitive Edge in this labor intensive industry bangladesh has the most sustainable supply chain currently and we are the most compliant therefore there is no reason for bangladesh not to gain from this from this opportunity but we would need the help because consistently bangladesh has suffered a decline in prices so we seek the corporation and empathy of the rest of the world apart all export has boomed in recent years but workers are not satisfied with the new minimum wage set by the government last year president. Blasting for bangladeshs Garment Industry which has benefited from a rise in demand for its good but on a recent study 91 percent of the workers said their income is not enough to feed themselves and their families. There has been criticism from the Workers Union and n. G. O. S that the rise in export benefit only the factory owners and International Buyers not the workers gloppy part being a garment worker lives with her family in a small one room quarter she struggles with her Monthly Expenses without her husbands income it would be hard for the family to get by. On a lot of this its still very difficult for us i have to spend a considerable amount for my Childrens School fees and other expenses like medicine food rent and so on although the countrys government export to the u. S. Market grew in recent months things may not remain so rosy if president trams goes ahead with his plan and impose additional tariffs on after all imports bangladesh already plays 15. 3 percent duties to the us amongst the highest of any nation tender child really ill just assure bangladesh. There are warnings of a dire situation in yemen now after weeks of fuel shortages the countrys all ministries blaming the Saudi Led Coalition for imposing restrictions on fuel tankers the Ministry Says one tanker was allowed in 2 weeks ago but only provide enough fuel for 5 days Officials Say the shortage is affecting every day life for talks in saddam over a controversial new dam project in ethiopia have ended in gridlock the grand ethiopian renaissance dam would be the largest hydroelectric one in africa egypt is concerned over the impact the dam will have on the downstream flow of the nile aljazeera see the morgan reports now from cotton talks between sudan if you get on the ground if you can renaissance dam which is being built on the blue nile if youre pierre concluded in the sudanese capital khartoum on saturday with very little progress in fact tensions could be felt between the european and the delegation around that meeting hall if we had described his previous proposal by their egyptian counterparts as unilateral and unacceptable egypt wanted to decide how long it should take for the dam to be filled as well of how much cubic metres that the dam should appoint its completion these are things that if you had previously rejected this time around each and every country presented a proposal which they will be setting in the coming days and if you please think that one thing that they cannot agree upon with egypt is how much cubic meters should be released from the dam because egypts demand goes beyond what the capacity of the dam will be a set of segas the beginning from the very beginning. Not to proceed with this process they are not open mind to look at. This we said said to him believe me. Whatever. Historical minimum flow which is even above the 21. 00 is a green one if it is that road or road we released. And so dont say its 75 pages. 40 but also guarantee. There is a necessity. So we bring exist that into more then see if there is anything to improve ones a scenario. You can see that is where busying power. Their logo on science based. On some decision of somebody who didnt look at the content and superimpose decisions not technical teams from the 3 sides will continue meeting to try to iron out some of the points that the 3 sides could not agree upon in this round of talks but they will also be deciding when the ministerial delegation from the 3 sides will meet and although the 3 sides have described this round of talks as progressive it seems that they can still not figure out how to resolve their differences on the main points of contention before the dam is complete and start operating next year ethiopias arm of the community is celebrating its annual Spring Season festival. But for the 1st time in 150 years the celebration is being held in the capital a city many are moneyed as argue is part of that territory well the move has raised concerns of regarding ethnic tensions from korea has more now from. Some traveled for days through dozens of security checkpoints for this. Festival of thanksgiving marked by if the o. P. s or Roma Community signaling the end of the rainy season coming from australia and it is a long journey 20 hours on the trip on the plane this is really a very special moment but amid the celebrations there are concerns tensions and ethnic rivalries have heightened across the country since Prime Minister abu ahmed came to power in 2018 some hardliners in the orrible community believe the. Region that includes the capital at should full under their jurisdiction while allowing the celebration to be held back here in the attic for the 1st time in more than a century could be seen as and all of branch from the government. International observers worry that it could serve to incite more nationalist sentiments and further divide the o. P. s some regional flags flew by despite calls to avoid politics during the celebrations china. Is about celebrating our countrys peace and prosperity its not about ethnicity or gender its about tolerance recent to reach celebrations held outside the capital have been mobbed by protests after a stampede in 2016 where the government says 50 people were killed but opposition leaders and Human Rights Watch had put that figure in the hundreds the main part of this years event however ended according to its name peacefully it continues into sunday at a popular lake resort nearby Robyn Kriel Al Jazeera at islamabad. In ecuador protesters took to the streets for a 3rd day demonstrating against cuts to fill subsidies protesters blocked roads and put up barricades in the capital quito despite the unrest president levin marino says he has no plans to reverse his decision to scrap the subsidies he said he wont bow to the demands of in his words criminals nearly 370 people have been arrested during the protests for. A 2nd intelligence official is considering filing a whistleblower complaint against u. S. President donald trump thats according to the New York Times this person reportedly has more direct knowledge regarding trumps dealings with ukraine the president s been accused of using his position to get the country to investigate his political rivals an impeachment inquiry is now underway. Frances anti terror Prosecutor Says there are signs that a man who killed 4 Police Workers was radicalized the suspect had worked at the Police Headquarters for several years on thursday he turned on his colleagues with a knife Officials Say he exchanged 33 Text Messages with his wife before the attacks all of which were of a religious nature let you know. The total duration of this murderous journey was estimated at 7 minutes between his arrival at his office at 1253 and his neutralization at 1 oclock the perpetrator of these attacks was quickly identified as mikhail h. This individual suffered deafness following a 1000000 j. A. T. s converted to islam 10 years ago according to the testimonies collected. The dutch Prime Minister has told Boris Johnson that his new brags that plan is unacceptable because concern is reportedly about the creation of a possible Customs Border meanwhile the European Union rejected holding weekend talks on johnstons new proposals stating theres not enough in it that would lead to a deal despite the stall johnson insists britain will leave deal or no deal and he wont seek a delay in you when you hear facials are to resume talks on monday. Scottish independence supporters have been marching in the capital. Organizers say its support for independence from the u. K. Has grown as a possibility of a no deal brags that increases in 2014 a majority of scots voted to remain in the u. K. In a referendum one of the key arguments at the time was e. U. Membership now the Spanish Civil Guard has released footage of a dramatic high speed boat chase in the mediterranean which ended with the arrest of 4 suspected drug smugglers take a look at this the police boat on the left tried several maneuvers to stop the semi inflatable boat on the right but ended up colliding with it. 3 engines were then thrown into the water prompting the pilot of the chasing Police Helicopter to order the suspected smugglers to turn around and help them 80 bundles of marijuana recovered from the city one of africas most acclaimed artist a not so is holding his 1st exhibition in the middle east but an artist has won many awards for his work that is made predominantly from rubbish has been featured in galleries around the world are there was no bird money met him at doha museum of modern art and not many artists want their work to be rubbish but thats what. Constructs his arts from he sources much of his material like bottle tops and cans for alcoholic drinks for recycling stations in african countries you know drinks hard to link the continent of Africa Europe and america. And the. Drinks were brought for us to africa. And then they. Took part in the. Transplant. Intitled triumphant scale the artist says this exhibition in doha reflects his body of on a large scale in both space and time its work that spans his rich 5 decade long career. And thats why his bottle cap series is that the heart of this walk made entirely from bottle tops its difficult to describe the share 5. Inspired by 15th century story about a king who imprisoned the artist migrant ancestors who then destroyed the city walls to escape. He is collecting called bottles you know tips and covers so by saying that this is part of the colonize ation there is a political message and its about building bridges and instead of building walls and how also from africa or from the middle east from different. Places in the world. This produce work that makes sense to the entire world and thats why he says his work doesnt begin with any political motives its only once hes put together theyre open to interpretation Laura Browder manly aljazeera doha. All right time for a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera north koreas chief Nuclear Negotiator kim yong gil has called off denuclearization talks with the United States in sweden he says washington has brought nothing to the table delegations from both countries were in stockholm to discuss pyongyang ending its Nuclear Program in exchange for sanctions being lifted in iraq theres been more antigovernment unrest on live fire in the capital baghdad. Almost a 100 people have died in the last 5 days of protests a number of t. V. Stations have also been attacked a Court Hearing is taking place in hong kong over the facemask ban put in place by the leader kerry hundreds of people demonstrated against the ban on saturday despite the march officially being canceled by its organizers was called off after hong kongs rail network was closed because of what i thought was called malicious vandalism and a group of prodemocracy legislators say theyve applied for an injunction on the ban as it undermines the rule of law. Today is about authoritarianism versus the rule of law i would say this is one of the most important constitutional cases in the history of hong kong are we facing off or terry where the government can say whatever is law is law and that whatever it is applied and we say when they would be repealed then we would be repealed or is it the case that hong kong still have to rule of law that we still governed by the rule of law and the common law principles of the separation of powers and that is why the Legislative Council is here asking the court to make a determination on the legislative roll off the Legislative Council in ecuador protesters took to the streets for a 3rd day demonstrating against cuts to fuel subsidies protesters blocked roads and put up barricades in the capital quito despite the unrest president lenin merino says he has no plans to reverse his decision to scrap the subsidies and a 2nd intelligence official is considering filing a whistleblower complaint against the u. S. President donald trump thats according to the New York Times this person reportedly has more direct knowledge regarding trumps dealings with ukraine. Those are the headlines the news continues on aljazeera statement got so much about them this is a dialogue that you decide not to have children to say that its what the stake is really human survival everyone has a voice but ill start with our community because of course this is a debate and its a heated one this is a horrible creation literally be able to do a page and ideally join the global conversation with people i think if only they knew what is happening to we were muslims they will be the words out and they will be on rage on aljazeera. On a frozen road traveling through the high plateaus of kyrgyzstan a small truck is on the move. In these extreme conditions the truck is beginning a long journey to deliver mandarin orange juice to remote villages. The fruit is highly prized as a symbol of good fortune in neighboring tajikistan. But to get to the villages the drivers must risk their lives on a dangerous road. Located in the heart of central asia. Is kurdistan 2nd largest city. After nightfall to drivers stock up on supplies. They bought expensive chinese mandarins from a local trader and hope to sell them for a small profit in neighboring turkey just down. The truck is loaded with cases full of the fruit. Of. The drivers wrapped the mandarins in a blanket to protect them from the cold. They chop off their load with a few sheets of plywood. The loading completed they head off into the night. So what. You should you sure do sure. Is the driver and mechanic who won the senior of the 2 accompanies him. They pray for a safe journey ahead but there were no us albert to take up. We shared the other side of the bus their leisure. Was approaching work as well but. The sheriff said that the. Outside its minus 20 degrees and not much warmer inside where the heating its not working. Now where there are the pumps not so much salt tether that. Our difficulties are not that we are mother caught like them. Until the fall off. The top john bull dog gone up. The mother a daybreak on koa arrives in a small town. Oh yeah thats it theyre Good Good Good they have all. But. Theyre. Ok let it fall thought a ha ha ha ha all the furthest. Back on the road again the weather takes a turn for the worse. Icy conditions have stopped the heavy of vehicles in that track. The last sunday luck. Love. Them. Know. How theyve been all talk. And all. In a blizzard 3600 meters vehicles with lighter load stand a better a childs. Death. From paula. Minus 30 degrees the road is an ice rink the truckers must cope as best they can. To spend time with champaign to. Show that they can make a joke. No truck with chocolate. In his little truck takes a chance and manages to push through. Further on they stopped to help a driver whose vehicle has broken down youll. See. Just one of them in charge of the ship were going over the road and program proved what. Gets me going if you look at this up just a little bit. And. All that is is just. As it did those up because of. What was a column of color that gives a good job or that i could get today but. The indestructible soviet 4 wheel drive saves the day. The temperature drops still further at night and their guest is worried. That. In john the apostle the. Boss of mark this think theyre going to put up a. List of. Whats up for. Them because marco you just have to put in a plug disputes there they could fulfill all markets that are more people more skins getting more long its got a lot. Of breakdown in these conditions could mean death. Without heating the interior windscreen is soon covered with ice and to show combat see the road which is edged by a precipice. The temperature is now minus 37. 00 degrees. C. Desperate measures are called for and an old blowtorch serves as a de icing device on almost. 50 feet the list cant be just. One of those for the darker thass off the. Fire against ice. Within a few kilometers the ice is back. Freezing and tired the 3 finally seek shelter. For the family. That theyre kind of like going to cook but. Theres a period of want to do a shot. At a loss do show has little choice but to move all. Areas. Skid. The abyss and with the frequent use of the blowtorch the men finally reach an isolated farmhouse. The wellcome is glacial. Inside its about 10 degrees. Next morning cohen makes do with a little cold water. Runs the blowtorch over the trucks frigid underbelly. But the engine is too cold to stocked. Up on love love love love love love. Love love. Love me all. The radiation needs refilling. The water was removed the night before to stop it from freezing. But your truth will definitely. Hollisters a lot of those with those issues oh yes you must know. That you. Are who. I think the old truck rattles off towards the kizil octopi. 4288. Old john told one of the following you told if this was the older kids. In the ravine below lie the remains of a truck that attempted the same crossing. One and 2 shot into the wind swept pommy a mountain. Thats got a. Lot. Of profit in it. With. The. Slowest. Feet. Just jump jump jump jump. Jump jump 6. Just. Like the mother heads. Back church to dinner. Looks if i can get it does get child why didnt i just visit those market a while there was a visit. That. At this altitude with limited oxygen the motor cant function but the men are prepared for the last began to go bust ok. Him well just have to as not j. C. S. And slaughter discrete. Sure isnt correct russia. And i just. Because of the. Change just. After me. And i. Couldnt. Be. The carburetor is changed the tactic worked. That. Was. The door is stuck. The men dont want to risk stalling so cool one continued on foot. Was never going to. Exist. Joining. Us is enough to go bust or plan well there must just. Now ok. After an hour theyve reached their objective the kizil are to pass one of only 2 crossing points between kyrgyzstan and tragic a stone. Most drivers would avoid risking this passage. Says i hear you got it it could have shared us there will. Be Strong Enough but there are no tough. Love from us i cant walk left alone like. A lot. Talk clock. Its minus 30 degrees and the customs officers are too cold to leave their offices. And finally make it to g. G. Stop. At this point their lives are at the mercy of the trucks old brakes. On this and the. Watch metropolis. Hoardings it was up to cover the. Void or there should be a few samples to see that was done by the judge in the lead to another woman poet warming. Fish. After 2 days cohen. Finally make it to the desert that leads to monaco the city. In tajikistan lenin still holds a place of honor earnings in this former soviet republic average less than 75. 00 u. S. Dollars a month. From. Home or put it over the. Old series did you. Snuff out all the fun did you know funded enough to shift sure. Ill go and buy. The edition up front i did get this in only. Traditionally come acing koga stand is a Family Affair each member has a part to play cohens mother will sell the mandarins. Package 0 dollars a piece. Might im kind of that were going to start. In Construction Materials are too expensive so trade is set up shop in contains. The mandarins have finally made it but with meager earnings people are in no rush to buy. In truffle oil spill but they. Can do their own. Land are nohow. Just feel good and determined that i would challenge you. On how much i enjoy. The tone. In. Telling you that you have to remember that a book commune. Or natural it does mom like you can download a substitute. To the 5050 people. Care youre a kid. I would i be a child. Pick a gift if it. Wasnt for him. To. Come back. In our coverage of. All. This through. Time i doubt that i have. One kilo of man during the school will adorn this traditional touch it feeds. The celebration of a birth. Families and inlaws will dip into their savings for these enormous feasts. The fact. Of the not. For my games not being deployed to. Cause us. Harm. You know about how theyre going. To cater to was the movie called. Next comes the moment the children have all been waiting for the blessing with sweets to bring prosperity for the baby and her parents. Are. Just not. Always loved her or not or how. Finally its time for the mandarin which are meant to bring the child a happy life. After the meal as an offering family and friends share the food. But. Does not. Move the ball for the love of it. Sought to show you. You will never be here. But. After a long journey one feast with his family. He and do show risked their lives to transport mandarins for festivities like the. You know maybe a little warmer with a few Simple Pleasures will give cohen strength for his next journey. As governments tale to cut emissions scientists are proposing drastic measures to save the planet. People in power away use technological endeavors to counter humanitys pollutants against the risks of further meddling with the environment 2 women feel like this is playing god its actually quite unsettling on the part frankly makes me quite anxious. Klein attackers on aljazeera. I remember the 1st time i walked into the newsroom and it felt like being in the General Assembly of the United Nations because it was so many nationalities. It is just that we all come from different places but its one that gives us that gives us the ability to identify the people in a way live the other side of the world but we can understand what its like to have a different perspective and i think that is a strength for aljazeera. Rewind returns with a new series. And brand new updates on the best of aljazeera is documentaries. Its not just the to rewind continues with uncomfortably you know this is gaza central jail and this is the section where theyre holding prisoners on drug charges down both users and dealers here theres 120. 00 of them in 3 different cells on al jazeera. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to you aljazeera. Today is about authoritarianism 1st rule of law. Hong kong braces for more protests as lawmakers go to court over a ban on the wearing face masks during demonstrations. Jordan this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up communication breakdown north korea pulls out of Nuclear Talks with the United States. And 100. 00 people are killed in violent protests across iraq with no sign of a political solution to end the crisis plus. In australia where recent fires combined with the worst drought on record having devastating consequences for farmers and its not even summer yet. Welcome to the program a Court Hearing is taking place in hong kong over the facemask ban put in place by leader kerry hundreds of people demonstrated against the ban on saturday despite the march officially being canceled by organizers was called off after hong kongs rail network was closed because of what authorities called malicious vandalism on friday crowds set fire to metro stations during rallies against the. Well a group of prodemocracy legislators heading into the hearing say theyve applied for an injunction on the mosque ban as it undermines the rule of law. Today is about authoritarianism versus the rule of law i would say this is one of the most important constitutional cases in the history of hong kong are we facing off or tarion is where the government can say whatever is law is law and that whatever it is up lie will apply and we say when they would be repealed then they will be repealed or is it the case that hong kong still have the rule of law that we are still governed by the rule of law and the common law principles of the separations of power and that is why the Legislative Council is here asking the court to make a determination on the legislative role of the Legislative Council or lets get more now from sarah clarke who joins us live now from Hong Kong Sara so lets start 1st and with these prodemocracy legislators of this legal challenge to the ban on the mosques what are the chances of success and we think. Well at this particular case was filed in the high court yesterday and that Court Hearing is today its being led by a 24 prodemocracy lawmakers but its being led by dennis quote because actually a lawyer himself so clearly he thinks theres enough evidence on this side to challenge this anti mosque build another i believe that theyre also taking it kerry now i should say and the Police Commissioner and the justice secretary to course now die but also believe that this particular case this is anti Mosque Police on both you and unconstitutional and it is no position to the hong kong constitution which is bicycle and while they follow this to die they carried out yesterday on saturday acknowledged that this case was being heard but she says that their arguments are groundless but well think the Court Hearing us about to start on sunday but we dont have any idea when that particular hearing will end but you have the products that will make it before Denis Crockett clearly thinks by having ties and sara the running is still going ahead despite the ban by the police so what to expect to happen today that. There are a number of rallies. Planned for sunday were at the start of one which will go from course my bike into central that was a similar march on saturday with thousands defied the police ban and much to anyway is also another rally in course by by just further up the writing victoria thats in support of the intonation journalist who had the last one i ought to place a rubber bullet on her last week and theres another much over and color inside of this is all in opposition to the anti mosque built to die on sunday 40 in 2 hours i caught it closed and this is what i did yesterday yes that sounds like all empty gas stations in hong kong were closed thats the 1st time anyone can recall this ever happening but its a very clever tactic of the the police because they didnt mobilizing the groups they simply cant get to these like patients but today on sunday we do expect thousands together again at the point where we out to schools like by which we expect to be probably one of the largest marches in hong kong against this spill all right there in hong kong for the time being sara thank you. Now north korea has broken off denuclearization talks with the United States chief Nuclear Negotiator kim yong gil said there are expectations or not fulfilled delegations from both countries when swedens capital stockholm to discuss the north abandoning its Nuclear Weapons technology and its Nuclear Program in exchange for sanctions being lifted isnt fishing for in the chill of an evening in sweden a freeze returned to negotiations between the u. S. And north korea to say to been meeting in stockholm for the 1st time since previous Nuclear Talks broke down at a field summit in vietnam in february but it quickly became clear the 2 are dramatically far apart the us raise expectations by offering suggestions like a flexible approach new method and creative solution is but they have disappointed us greatly and dampen are enthusiastic for negotiation by bringing nothing to the negotiation table both sides agreed to restart the talks after Donald Trumps remarkable visit to north korea in june. At the end of the g. 7 in japan he met the north korean president kim junkman at the Demilitarized Zone in the area marking the border between north and south korea and then took the dramatic step over the border the 1st u. S. President to do so there was hope fresh talks might make progress after president Trumps National security advisor john bolton was fired he was seen by the north as an obstacle to a deal he admitted he was deeply skeptical they would ever give up their Nuclear Weapons and the day after the new talks were the ones pyongyang confirmed it had test fired a Ballistic Missile designed for a submarine launch a step forward in technology and a clear message to the americans even a few hours before the talks broke down u. S. Secretary of state mike pompeo was confident of a breakthrough there were 4 pillars that the 2 leaders agreed to and were very hopeful that we will make some progress were mindful this will be the 1st time weve had a chance to have a discussion in quite some time in a statement the state Department Said the United States and the d. P. R. K. To north korea will not overcome a legacy of 70 years of war and hostility on the Korean Peninsula through the course of a single saturday these are witty issues and they require a strong commitment by both countries the United States has that commitment the u. S. Says it is accepted an invitation from the swedes to return for more talks in 2 weeks time for their part the North Koreans say the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is still possible but only when obstacles that threaten their safety and check their development are removed completely without a shadow of doubt that suggests that until the u. S. Starts to ease sanctions on north korea they wont be going back to the negotiating table alan fischer aljazeera washington. Thats one more antigovernment unrest on live fire in iraqs capital baghdad Officials Say at least 5 protesters have been killed after a 2 day curfew ended in takes the number killed in the last 5 days to almost 100 with thousands more injured a number of t. V. Stations have also been a tent and one com has more now from baghdad. Despite the internet being cut off across most of the country iraqi protestors have found a way to upload videos on to social media sites that appear to show live fire and take us clouds these are pictures iraqs government doesnt want you to see they paint a picture of whats happening on the ground and help explain why there have been many deaths and injuries over the past few days. Michael beyond the protests is not Holding Anything in their hands except for rocky flags they calling for the most basic of rights employment and services we need safety and an amnesty law that takes people out of the secret and public prisons iraq has become full of secret prisons the authorities are building prisons are only theyre not building hospitals or schools being. Trinity bettin they have a curfew has been removed that decisions made by the head of parliament and the Prime Minister applied on the ground because iraqi people have become bored of all the promises that these decisions are applied. The protesters are angry over what they say is government corruption and lack of access to basic needs a curfew thats been in place in baghdad has now ended but the situation is still tense despite the lifting of the ban here in baghdad where the focal point for the protesters is nowhere near as busy as it should be as you can say theres a big heavy security presence now while the protesters are doing is theyre gathering in streets around various square which is what theyve done in the last few days what theyre trying to do is get a Critical Mass together ag. Into this square the protests are not just in the capital but across the south and central parts of iraq and now theres also a political Crisis Brewing on such as a parliament wants to convene for an emergency session to discuss the protests it never met 3 Major Political blocs refused to let their members of parliament sit iraqi law requires a minimum number of m. P. s to be present before a session can begin instead the speaker of the parliament mohamed el b. C. Held a meeting with people who claim to represent the protestors late on saturday he held a News Conference surrounded by his Party Loyalists it more like a Campaign Rally than a press conference and with coals for an election from protesters and other parties hold boosie set out a range of Economic Reforms and social reforms he says his party will introduce. My loans will be given in the form of credits bank credits be initiated for the purposes of establishing factories and providing equipment this will enable us to stay that way from any corruption so facilities will not be given in cash loans yet will be credit for the establishment of factories the speaker is not alone in trying to appeal to the protesters iraqi politicians of all stripes and religious leaders appear to be throwing their support behind the protest movement but its not clear if the protesters will accept them given the fact that they blame the same politicians for the di Economic Situation that sparked their protests in the 1st place and the government for violent scenes like these and run hard baghdad. Polls have just opened in kosovo parliamentary election it was called when the Prime Minister from a share of the nash resigned in july after being summoned by cost of those war crimes prosecutor he wants to question the pm of the his role in the fight against serb forces 20 years ago opinion polls suggest no party will have enough support to form a government on its own. For a short break here now to 0 when we come back tragedy in thailand 6 elephants are killed trying to save each other at a waterfall. Unschooled the history of the track in doha will have only action in the world athletics championships more. Hello dramatic thunderstorms been seen around oman again and even pick up the cloud it was covering parts of southern iran and southern pakistan in fact that cloud zone runs right up towards afghanistan its still only dissolving but we havent seen the back of those thunderstorms not the next day at least however west of all that is still quiet and temper still high there drifting lower were still billows 30 in toronto and now below 40 in much of iraq with a hint of an increasing breeze and rather more cloud around in the mediterranean this is of course where the season is change it will eventually get to the levant

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