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A strong link between top russian officials and separatists in Eastern Ukraine. And were in the democratic republic of congo where a new era bowl of vaccine is being rolled out but not everybody is lining up to get the shot and in sports as much cricket is set to return to pakistan for the 1st time since 2009 pakistan will host sri lanka 10 years after the Sri Lankan Team by gunmen in lahore. Rockets have been fired from gaza into israel hours after a cease fire was agreed the attacks appear to a violated a truce struck earlier between israel and the Islamic Jihad group 34. 00 palestinians have been killed in israeli airstrikes and the escalation began after the israeli army assassinated a Senior Leader of the group on tuesday rob math and joins us live now from west jerusalem so rob it seems that already this cease fire is in danger with both sides trading fire now. Well the point in this ceasefire was 1st announced in the early hours of thursday morning the hours that came after that actually were fairly quiet and then it midmorning we understand that 5 rockets were fired from gaza into israel now we dont yet know who is responsible for firing those rockets and we are told by the Israeli Military that 2 of them at least 2 were brought down by the iron dome system the Aerial Defense system that israel has but that doesnt seem to have had a significant effect on the ongoing element if you like of the cease fire certainly the Israeli Military didnt respond significantly to those rockets so at the moment were just waiting to see whats going to happen with this cease fire but Islamic Jihad which has been that the center of all this certainly in gaza has said that it has managed to get some agreements from israel out of in order to get this cease fire under way some of those agreements relating to for example israels policy of targeted assassination that was one of those targeted assassinations that killed an Islamic Jihad leader and his wife on Tuesday Morning and led to 48 hours of shelling on both sides in this on a jihad says its also got israel to commit to stop shooting protesters at the gaza border and that they have got an agreement at least in part on some movement of goods and people between israel and gaza now for its part israel says thats not the case that nothing has changed that his policy remains the same and it says that israels foreign minister israel katz in fact has said that simply that calm will be met with calm nuts a phrase that israel very often uses when it comes to cease fires in that it doesnt want to acknowledge that it has negotiated a cease fire but it is acknowledging that a cease fire exists but after 48 hours of deaths in gaza and terror on the streets of sometimes in israel both sides in are just waiting to see whether or not this cease fire will hold. Rob thanks for that rob matheson in west jerusalem now least 4 people have been killed in iraqs capital baghdad during protests there 35 others were injured many of those hurt choked on tear gas or were hit by rubber bullets 300 people have been killed since the beginning of october iraqs government has taken some measures to address peoples grievances but many protesters want a complete overhaul of the political system jim jhoom has the latest from baghdad. Weve been told daily that there are going to be substantive measures discussed and taken in parliamentary sessions and really they have yet to really transpire the Parliament Continues to meet there are expectations by a multitude of protesters on the streets that they will hear perhaps some news that would indicate to them that the government is actually taking their concerns and their demands under consideration discussing them in parliament and yet that doesnt seem to be the case yesterday as well as today it had been expected that perhaps part of Electoral Reform would be taken up in the parliament that perhaps ways of combating corruption would be taken up in the parliament that doesnt seem to have happened it didnt happen yesterday despite the presence of the head of the United Nations Assistance Mission here in iraq today were told it has not happened as far as we can tell what weve been told by some officials is that there was a draft law that was completed by the president s office with regard to Electoral Reform that was then given to the head of Parliament Rather the cabinet and then it has gone to the president of parliament and that it will be discussed at some point we just dont know when and thats one of the reasons the people that day after day continue to protest despite the threat of violence and thats one of the reasons they keep coming out. Now the investigation into the 2014 downing of the Malaysia Airlines flight m h 17 has found evidence that strongly connects russia to ukrainian fighters in the east investigators released phone call recordings they say are between separatist fighters and high ranking russian officials in the weeks leading up to the attack Russias Foreign Ministry says the phone recordings are partly false scent of not been confirmed so far 4 people including 3 russians were charged with murder the plane was shot down over Eastern Ukraine killing all 298 people on board and lets take a look now at the report that was released by the dutch led joint Investigation Team it says the names of senior russian government officials have been mentioned in the released recording of course and it states that there was almost daily telephone contact between separate fighters in eastern separatist fighters in Eastern Ukraine and moscow before also suggests russias influence went beyond military support Investigation Team is now appealing for more witnesses to come forward before the trial of 3 russians and one ukrainian charged with murder in connection with the case of the International Criminal court has agreed to investigate crimes against muslims in the i. C. C. Says theres reason to believe me and mas military committed widespread acts of violence and 2017 and that they could qualify as crimes against humanity and 700000 fled to neighboring bangladesh to escape what human rights officials have called ethnic cleansing. Plenty more ahead on this news out there zimbabwean dollars made a comeback well find out if it will ease the problem of cash shortages and could Climate Change be to blame for the worst flooding in decades in this popular tourist destination. But later in sport a former teammate of calling captain it doubts the former quarterback will ever make a return to the n. F. L. Is all that still ahead but 1st the u. S. Has formally recognized libyas new interim leader. But theres been widespread opposition to her appointments in bolivia 2 people were killed in violence that broke out on her 1st full day in Office Around of sanchez has more from. Protesters clashed with police and the army on the streets of believe yeah live rounds were shot tear gas didnt dispel and we believe ians who demanded into real precedent. To resign on her 1st day in office shes facing a country in turmoil i so she limped did it cool disputes are battled all around including the National Assembly on wednesday some of it will not ellis mass Party Members tried entering congress at the end of the year the had resigned from the senates presidency she tried to come back a police blocked the way you know to go get this government is trying to portray the court it as a natural thing where legislatures and we need to go to the assembly. On the other side of the barricade more ellis foes shouted adversaries a reminder of what sparked the political crisis that forced preceded it will medallist to resign. The interim president is reliant on Security Forces to restore law and order she appointed military commanders before the cabinet. Taking up command of the armed. Forces at a crucial time for the state to bring this stage to an end and for new elections. The interim president has said that she wants to bring peace back to the streets of the country and that means the police will continue their patrols with the army. Stability naming a new Electoral Court and calling on new elections in december is the priority of the Transitional Government but analysts say nothing can be done without negotiating with one ellis supporters the president must begin a dialogue because the m. E. s party is a reality whether people like it or not otherwise if there is no dialogue were lost. From his refuge in mexico former president model is to return to your question to me it will appear if my people ask for it we are ready to go back to pacify the country but National Dialogue is important otherwise it would be difficult to stop this confrontation. In the capitol some roadblocks were removed and Stores Opened after weeks of near shutdown but just for a short time. Thousands of angry believe events were back on the streets early a reminder of just how far believe is from coming out of the crisis. Marianne is live for us now in summary and whats the situation there with the protests right now are they winding down. Well know how some of the protests are protests around the country or not winding down in fact they are getting much more violent with the military out on the streets weve been seeing large. Operations in several parts of the country 2 people dead only yesterday shot dead and people from the rural areas which is the base of alice saying that they will come to the to the past to the capital to join protesters now the. Minister a government minister after them what do you have said that there are people infiltrated from other countries fueling the fueling these protests however something that we cannot independently verify or confirm in the meantime protesters are saying that they will continue to focus that they want the military out of the streets and they want the immediate resignation. Of the interim president and what are the. Members saying about all this right now. Well house and the things are getting much more complicated on that front because after midnight last night a group of legislators from the mosque party were able to go inside the National Assembly behind me and they had a session they still have the majority in parliament and they named a new congress 1st didnt they name a new Senate President and they say that they will name a new interim president this former president ever what alice is speaking from mexico saying that there is a military dictatorship and saying that he is ready to come back to what he will to pacify the country mariano thank you all lets get back now to one of our earlier stories the investigation into the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight m h 17 in the newly released details that show a link between russia and the separatist groups in Eastern Ukraine step vasant is now in ukraines capital kiev life or so step just how damning is this evidence or is it just circumstantial at the moment. Well these details are very interesting that are coming out of this i made 7 investigation into the downing of the airplane here in ukraine 5 years ago these phone intercepts and ive been reading them are fairy fairy detail and shocking at times these are phone intercepts between leaders of the separatist movement here in Eastern Ukraine and officials in moscow lower officials but also very high ranking officials one of these officials is bloody sluff sukkot of who is a special advisor to fly to be put to him putting himself on ukraine and one of the other calls the name of the minister of defense of the Russian Federation show you who was mentioned in that phone call a leader from the separatist area basically sas man are coming from moscow with a mandate of show you go to replace the leadership in the east of ukraine with leadership from moscow these are very important details for the Police Investigation a joint investigation in the downing of m h f one team because until now they were only like lower or middle ranking officers. Cleared the cleared suspect there are 4 people now 3 russians one ukrainian who are asked who are summoned to court in the netherlands in march but these are all middle ranking and the investigators want to go higher up to the people who actually ordered ordered the book missile to go into ukraine and also made that order to use the book which was the book that downed this airplane and one of the chances that anyone else will come forward before those those people go go to trial. Well 1st of all its very questionable or doubtful that these 4 people will actually go to court in march there will be probably be a court in absentia but the police are now asking for witnesses to come forward who have more information on this line of command up into the kremlin up to the highest ranks in moscow and theres a possibility that more suspects will be named in this case but then again its very questionable doubtful if these people will ever really face the judges themselves but there will be a court case and there will be a verdict eventually steverson in force thanks there are chinas president says mounting protectionism and bullying have eroded International Trade and investment as leaders from 5 major emerging economies are meeting for the 2nd day of the brics summit in brazils capital xi jinping says threats across the world are also weighing down Global Growth the 11th annual bric summit in brasilia is happening with the backdrop of unrest in several south american countries a 2nd look now of what the brics group of countries are all about its brazil russia india china and south africa who make up of the organization it was formed in 2009 to improve trade relations the 5 emerging economies represent about 42 percent of the worlds population and they account for 50 percent of Global Economic growth. Im on the summit now from. Brasilia. Brazilian president greeted the leaders of russia china india and south africa for the 2900. 00 bricks summit the theme of what is now the 11th summit of the socalled brics nations is Economic Growth for an innovative future we break countries were going to send out a strong message to the International Community ziyad that we are defending strongly in multilateral system a more open free fair International Trade system one controversial topic at this years gathering is the question of venezuela which has put brazil at odds with russia and china i know that whatever was on wednesday fights broke out on the street in front of the Venezuelan Embassy in brasilia between supporters of venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro and supporters of Opposition Leader one military police were called to the embassy as rival factions fought over control of the diplomatic compound. It was assaulted it was irresponsibly attacked by criminal groups and it is currently under siege we havent recognized people inside the Facilities International law is being violated the Geneva Convention is being violated we call on the International Community to speak out. There were also other protests in the brazilian capital some were against the visit of chinese president xi jinping with demonstrators showing solidarity with the ongoing protests in hong kong the brics summit is taking place during an especially tough time in latin america discussions over the ongoing crisis in venezuela as well as the recent resignation of bolivian president evo morales are likely to take place among brics leaders though not publicly. So despite the obvious differences in geo political agendas the focus of this years brigs summit continues to be the strengthening of International Trade. Agreements you know china is a trading partner and to give it with my entire team. As well as the brazilian Business Community we want to just expand we want to diversify our trade relations with the bric countries represent more than 40 percent of the worlds population and almost a quarter of global g. D. P. But. Much of venice is still under water after it was hit by the highest tide in more than 50 years fishes there are blaming Climate Change at least 2 people have died and several people have been left devastated by water that submerged more than 85 percent of the citys historic squares and streets. Moscow getting. Out plates everything look at what were living with here i just want to cry when you want to tend to say to you no no ive never seen anything like it in my life there was a terrifying when it was a hurricane and i can tell you that it was really something horrible or matilda rossley is director of the World Heritage center at unesco she joins us live now from paris via skype to talk more about this thanks very much for being with us so just tell us 1st of war about how how devastating these floods are for venice they have had quite a few of them in recent years and what your organization is jew is doing to try and preserve sites like this. Behalf quite often. This situation is quite exceptional because 1. 8787 meters above know. Most of the city underwater this is what you have never seen before its only just 2nd time in 100 years to see this level so this is very much affecting the city and the built environment for which the city was recognised on unescos World Heritage list we have been working this to city and the italian all story to use for a number of years because this is not the only stretch to venice and i have huge issues miss over tourism this ever latch. Increasing capacity of cruise ships. You have issues off effective management off the city etc so for the past years looking into all of these shows and including Climate Change now increasing better effects such as. Rains in the mediterranean and so many is not the only city beaches affected but you have heavy rains all over and in venice especially these time i. Have to. Work with the city to enhance the Climate Change plan that actually be for all of heritage sites we are updating our Climate Change policy so we encourage all 193. 00 countries which have ratified it will direct the convention to do their job no most and this updated Climate Change policy will go to the voltage committee next year and 2025 much of it is to suggest that these floods are. Unequivocally the result of Climate Change. There were recent study especially on both sides cities in the mediterranean area scientists conference a conference that is extreme weather. Related to Climate Change and then this is of course in the forefront of the city built on torture which is more effective perhaps than other sites but we have scientific evidence. And when you look at venice theres a lot there that suggests that the city is kind of slowly sinking i mean whats being done to address that. But look scientists are also ridiculing the impacts other impacts of Climate Change for example there are introduced species special warm speech and tag the tongue beach venice is built so this more on the Science Evidence we can also better dress those shows. To be whole that also measures are taken to advance us and also a project which is of highly complex approach ect to save the city from the high tides. Going on since 1984 but they had a myriad of problems due to the complexity on the system good to good to speak you speak to thanks very much for joining us ross live there in paris thank you. Health officials in the democratic republic of congo are beginning a major Clinical Trial of a new ebola vaccine but the rollout is already facing criticism catherine surely has more from the eastern border city of goma. A new a ball of vaccine for a major child scientist a testing it on up to half a 1000000 congolese over the next 10 months to study its effects. The vaccine is safe it has already been tested on a small sample of people elsewhere according to professor would not have approved it if it was harmful to the people but some people are concerned that the long term effects of the drug made by u. S. Multinationals are not yet known and the fact that it needs to dozes 8 weeks apart may not work on people who travel often its a challenge to show grades between 2 to do his will be a indication of the acceptance of his vaccines and population. We we will work with the communities we explain to the communities we believe though that if we explain simply things to the people say they are able to understand about 250000 people in parts of this region are already being injected with another vaccine made by a German Company that has just been approved by european regulators those receiving the newer drug even areas that are considered at low risk of an outbreak this is a very busy Border Crossing between d. R. Congo and rwanda tens of thousands of people mostly traders use it every day Health Workers say vaccinating them is crucial feelings here over both vaccinations are mixed. Destruction is good it helps us go about our business without fear. Of them and i can never do it i dont know what theyre injecting into us they didnt benny and people are still dying a ball of oxy nations in the demo. Pratik republic of congo have long been controversial and political one Health Minister is reported to have lost his job. For opposing the u. S. Study some congolese say they dont trust whats going on but Health Workers insist this is the best way of beating a disease that has killed many people catherine saw aljazeera obama as their head on aljazeera defeating i saw World Leaders gather to develop strategies to eliminate the armed group plus. And support well hear from the rugby star has just become the highest paid player in the history of why the coach. Hello they want to see bits and pieces the cloud across the sections of the middle east it will the not really across into afghanistan and pakistan that is where we have seen some rain but also some snow pretty cool in kabul on friday 6 degrees celsius and cool into northern around just 12 cells is interim and there is a chance that those showers just really lined the coast that in the southern caspian sea and heading further to the south the temperatures are considerably higher than that it is a fitting pretty warm still because knows as he made as we have seen however what we have seen with all this moisture is some snow and this is to a general shams and you can see it quite a dumping of course this is on the high elevations up into the mountains but very reduced visibility coming down obviously with this snow but once you move away from that to the coast it is very nice 29 celsius in will scan 30 celsius in abu dhabi on friday what we might see is some blowing sand and dust into northern sections and around riyadh and there is the chance of some showers at the same time let me bring down into Southern Africa and go to few showers into madagascar over the next couple of days also most southern areas of mozambique a very vigorous area of low pressure just sitting off the eastern cape so scattered thunderstorms on friday for johannesburg and been no 22. 00. I dont deal with poverty unless you deal with the gap you decide to i disagree with that toy it sounds like you blaming the public the country for the president all of the seeming anybody these people are well trained as much a part of the Islamic State machine as we have been very inspirational populist altered future join me may the sun as i put it up from questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on aljazeera. The Prime Minister. Should do to the british on the 31st about trade up and making this country the greatest place all over britain departure is delayed but for how long follow the drama of bricks it on aljazeera the career doomsday cult as we would hundreds of foley was to a tropical paradise. Wonder when a student instigates the secretive sick accused of abuse and violence in fiji. On aljazeera. And again youre watching edges in a reminder of our top stories this hour rockets have been fired from gaza into israel hours after a cease fire was a great it would appear to have violated the truce agreed earlier between israel and the Islamic Jihad group. At least 2 people have been killed in iraqs capital bank that during antigovernment protests 35 others were injured many of them choked on tear gas or were hit by rubber bullets. The investigation into the 24000 down. Awning of a Malaysia Airlines flight has found evidence strongly connecting russia to ukrainian fighters in the east investigators released phone recordings they say are between the fighters and russian officials moscow says the recordings are partly false of Foreign Ministers from more than 17 nations are gathering in washington to talk about strategies to defeat eisel the 2nd meeting of the Global Coalition this year and the meeting was called to review their strategies after the recent death of ice a leader becker in baghdad mike hanna reports. This week the commemoration of the soldiers who lost their lives in service and speaking at a veterans day event in new york President Donald Trump highlights what he regards as the signature military victory just a few weeks ago American Special forces raided the isis compound and brought the worlds number one terrorist leader to justice thanks to a barrack in war al baghdadi is dead. The killing of abu bakar bug daddy was welcomed by all members of the Global Coalition to defeat isis but most were less enthusiastic about another recent development that had a major impact in northeast syria the unilateral withdrawal of u. S. Forces from the region which led to a massive military operation by turkey against Kurdish Militia that had long been fighting alongside coalition forces. The kurds had forced i saw a lot of Northern Syria and assumed the governance of the land they captured losing an estimated 11000 troops in the process but now the kurds have been driven from many of their strongholds by the Turkish Military and with the u. S. Protection stripped away they are turning to russia and syria for support on the ground at least the Global Coalition is beginning to brag meant the division intensified by President Trumps decision to redeploy u. S. Forces to guard oil fields in northwest syria we want to bring our soldiers home but we did leave soldiers because were keeping the oil i like the oil were deep in the oil this unilateral shift in objectivism deep concern to a number of members in the coalition with some contending the seizing of Oil Facilities in a sovereign state contravenes Geneva Conventions in russia has an excellent propaganda point now President Trump has made the u. S. Mission in the kolisch and about not only securing the oil but taking the oil and profiting from it in moscow theyre going to have a heyday accusing the United States and its allies of stealing oil i mean in the imperialist war its a subject that will be at the heart of discussions at the u. S. State department this week all agree the situation in northeast syria has grown even more complicated but many members of the coalition argue this is a consequence of unilateral u. S. Action the seizure of oil fields a particular point of division one that could threaten the unity of a group that is held together in the 5 years since it was formed by kana aljazeera washington. Rosalynn jordan is live for us now from washington so rosalynn how contentious are those discussions going to be among the Coalition Members given the decision by President Trump to withdraw u. S. Troops in Northern Syria and what that entailed. Well those discussions are now happening behind closed doors so unless some diplomats come out and tell us exactly what the climate was during these talks that are starting midmorning on thursday and running into the early afternoon before the conference is over were not going to have a real sense of how divisive it is but certainly the commentary going into thursdays ministerial was very much one of the situation is much more complicated than it needed to have been because of what many foreign officials believe was Donald Trumps implicit approval of terror decision to go into northeastern syria to go after what i heard one has called terrorists what many others have said were the very kurdish fighters who helped the u. S. And other countries defeat eisel in that part of syria. All right roslyn jordan live for us there in washington thanks was. Now simon my bunnies director of the Richardson Institute at Lancaster University in the u. K. He joins us live from there thanks very much for being with us so what do you think is likely to figure into those disgusted me in washington. I think these are going to be really significant discussions for a number of reasons but 1st of all theres the issue of the u. S. Withdrawal from syria albeit leaving 50500 military personnel there but also how to recalibrate the fight against diet after the group has lost its leader so theres a real strategic rationale that needs to be figured out here not only in terms of the members of the coalition how they relate to one another how they can maintain trust after this this quite significant withdrawal for the coalition but also how do you then continue to fight against a group that doesnt have a leader but the conditions that gave rise to diet in the 1st place remain and are perhaps even getting worse and what about the whole issue of how to deal with the United States and the diner this is a criticism thats been brought up before with u. S. Foreign policy as to who exactly is speaking for the United States given that President Trump says one thing and and the secretary of state says Something Else and the fence secretary says Something Else i mean now how challenging is there for the other leaders to deal with. Its incredibly challenging because you dont know what is going to be said by whom and at what point and to what extent that will then contradict the messages that have come out of other parts of the administration i guess what the other Foreign Ministers are going to have to do is just watch the actions on the ground and try somehow to build some type of trust some type of relationship with actors in the u. S. Administration that theyre able to work with and hope that the Rose Relations can hold even if someone like donald trump or key figures in his administration say completely the opposite things and i think its those those high level but not top Level Relationships that are really important here because its through those relationships that were able to get some type of direction some type of diplomacy particularly when things are increasingly precarious and how would you assess the strength of viceral right now in Northern Syria i mean their leader. Has been killed but they this isnt all about one leader is it. Exactly lets not forget the guard he was hiding hed been in hiding for a number of years hed been really seen out in public but yet the group continue to thrive and i think what were seeing right now although diet has lost millions of square meters square miles of territory its a wounded animal and as a consequence its a dangerous animal as i said earlier the conditions that gave rise to the Group Earlier on this decade still remain the economic frustrations the marginalization the discrimination the latent sectarianism the really sort of brutal existential challenges that people are facing continue to remain and its in those conditions with that fear that people turn to groups like dives for protection and and while theyve certainly not as strong as they were back in 2014 theyre still able to have a message that resonates and with the turkish incursion into syria with the ongoing brutality of the assad regime and the increasingly precarious conditions across lebanon and iraq i think its a worrying thing to say but i think that the diet narrative may continue to find traction in the in the not too distant future and thats the real challenge that this coalition is facing how do you tackle that narrative how do you reduce the appeal of that narrative when there are still these prepare eous on certain conditions where people are struggling to live their lives what they did the narrative as you say and the war of ideas is one thing but theres also the practical issue of the of the i saw fighters on the ground there and what becomes of them. Yeah of course and those theres a whole host of legal and political questions about who is responsible for them under what law should they be tried why should they be tried or to what extent can they be tried for terrorism and who is defining that theres a whole host of challenges and actually negotiating between the various parties involved in the fight against is not only in terms of the strategy defeating the group on the ground and trying to prevent the group from reemerging but its also in terms of who is going to be responsible for addressing this legal and political battle and its one that has to be done in the right way because if its not much like we saw with the case of Guantanamo Bay after 911. 00 this can serve as a recruiting tool for groups like al qaida and so it has to be done and a responsible way some and maybe one could speak the. When dollar notes have been reissued for the 1st time in a decade the currency was scrapped because of hyperinflation the government now says the new notes will help ease cash shortages arrow from harare. Queues outside banks in zimbabwe disappeared when there was hardly any cash available most transactions were made electronically now for the 1st time in a decade dollar notes are back but there are only a few in circulation thats why some zimbabweans feel nothing will change but the government is now operating in panic mode and this desperate decision of bringing. Noise is not plenty of zimbabweans most parents are limiting individuals was drawls to just 20 u. S. Dollars a week inflation is in the triple digits many here say theres not enough for them to cope with constant fuel shortages and the price of basic commodities going up every week people are getting the money that they want only getting 100. 00 which is not enough to through to about 2. 00 to 2. 00 bottles of the world. So its not much in 2009 dumped its currency will lead to hyper inflation widespread unemployment soaring food prices and shortages a basic goods the u. S. Dollar and other foreign currencies were made legal tender but that didnt turn the economy around 4 years ago the government introduced the bonds notes and coins and while we were told the value was based on the u. S. Dollar but few people believe that on the black market they kept losing value as some people fear these new notes and coins will again cause inflation. This year history could repeat itself if the government prints these new notes recklessly live in years ago. Very precious. Bird. The danger of that happening again is real we have to hope recollections. Of that. Bright enough Strong Enough for them to so remote avoid anything which is that irresponsible the government says there will be no recluse printing and the thing you know its easy cash but people are skeptical this bag ran out of cash in less than 4 hours leaving many customers frustrated and again uncertain about the countrys Economic Future young lady go on why am i was i was but what i what aljazeera had any other president of the european accounts of donald tusk says britain will be in his words a 2nd rate player once it leaves the block he also questioned the u. K. s role on the global stage after breaks it during a Farewell Speech in what is now his last month in the position i have heard repeatedly from brick city of that they wanted to leave the European Union to make the United Kingdom global again believing that. It can be truly be great you could you could hear in this voices a longing for the empire but the reality of exactly the opposite. Of part of the united europe can the u. K. Play a global role after the parts of the u. K. Will become an outsider a 2nd rate player. Of the u. K. s state funded Health Service is at the center of the Election Campaign after new figures showed hospital waiting lists are the longest since records began thats according to a monthly report by the national Health Service it says patient waiting times have increased drastically putting more than 4000000 people on standby in delays for hospital care Accident Emergency Services have hit their highest level since targets were introduced in 2012 the report comes ahead of elections next month all Political Parties have promised to increase funding for the n. H. S. More now from paul brennan whos live for us in london so poor on the on the report itself what more does it say well youll recall last friday for a start of how when i reported on the financial problems that the n. H. S. Is suffering from with 67 percent of acute Care Hospitals currently running a deficit the deficit well in excess of 700000000 pounds at the moment and around 100000 unfilled vacancies well fast forward now to today and you see the effect of those kind of restrictions the n. H. S. England statistics are for england only for the month of october i want to show is that one patient in every 6 had to wait more than 4 hours in the accident and emergency units up and down england before they were either treated or discharged or put on to a ward now but in the context 83. 6 percent were treated within 4 hours but thats down on the previous month and were only in october you know the winter hasnt even started properly yet so the prediction is that these worst figures since records began in 2004 are going to get even worse as the months pass and we get into the heart of midwinter and its not good news for any of the Political Parties. And of course the n. H. S. And the state of it what what what the future of it is was always going to be an issue in this election and were seeing that its its become front and center now on for one citizen breaks it well indeed i mean the conservatives would love to keep the topic on brets it that is the u. S. P. Thats the issue that they want to make their single Biggest Campaign prerogative unfortunately theyve been bombarded by events we saw the flooding in in the north of england over the past 5 days Boris Johnson distracted from bracks its a go and address that and now these n. H. S. Figures forcing the Prime Minister to actually respond to them i said a 2nd ago that it was bad for all parties but actually its probably worse for the government because theyve been in power since 2010 and its under their watch that these figures are happening but Boris Johnson on a tour of a school how to respond to these figures lets have a listen what the these figures show is the huge pressure that is on the n. H. S. Caused by the demand and thats why they were making colossal investments not in the n. H. S. Just since ive been Prime Minister 34000000000. 00 per program of in investment 21. 00 that cute little 20 or so upgrades 40 new hospitals and yes it will help after a now close to a decade of underfunding cuts after axing of over 50000 bets after the brutal slashing of social care budgets and a failure to address chronic workforce shortages of 100000 our n. H. S. Is crying out for a Financial Rescue plan plan and real change. Now you can hear that labor believes that this is a stick that they can really beat the government with and they knew these figures were coming out so labor actually brought their Spending Plans for the n. H. S. Out on wednesday a day ago in which they pledged to spend 6000000000. 00 equivalent more than the conservatives on this its an important election issue 77 percent of the british people like the n. H. S. The way it is 90 percent according to a recent opinion poll believe in the founding principles of the n. H. S. That is free care according to need but not of according to the ability to pay so its an important issue for Political Parties to get the trust of the british people when theyre going to the ballot box on december the 12th for brannan in london thanks paul. Our president ial candidates in sri lanka have wrapped up their campaigns before saturdays vote for whoever wins the tight race will face tough challenges the nation is still recovering from the east to bomb attacks a sluggish economy and political instability and al for nandos has more from colombia. 35 candidates are running for president in sri lanka. Says one of 2 main contenders hes a cabinet minister with the Ruling United National Party addressing his final Campaign Rally in central colombo he promised action in combating crime and booster insecurity. About every half an hour we will destroy terrorism we will destroy better as we will destroy the drug dealers we will not leave room for such people to be in our society he supporters braved the rain to attend his final rally. In the future when we are not around at least south children will have a good country and advancement under premed. As a young person i feel premadasa understands young peoples hopes and feelings. As main rival is former defense secretary go to the rajapaksa the former president s brother he represents the opposition sri lanka peoples front. Hes supposed to say he has proved himself overseeing the defeat of the tamil tigers who battled the government during a 26 year civil war. Hes the one who saved this country thats why we have a country for the future. Will definitely where it will be good for the country if he does rajapakse is promising to strengthen National Security which took a beating after the easter bombings in april that killed more than 250. 00 people the government came under fire by the opposition for intelligence reports received by authorities more than 2 weeks before the bomb a strong and already hes also promising to Bring Development and democracy. Is dismissed criticism of his role in ending the civil. We have our challenges 1st the challenge to build this country we urge you to join us in working towards and achieving that goal. Leftist candidate. With the National Peoples party is likely to come in distant 3rd in the president ial race as he wrapped up his final rally. He said both frontrunners represent broken promises so people should vote for him weeks of intense campaigning ended at midnight on wednesday 48 hours before the president ial election its been one of the most expensive campaigns sure lankans have known and both frontrunners are hoping it secures them the presidency fernandez 0. All right. Well again lets get old sport now heres andy thank you so much as well asian champions cattle were new their footballing rivalry with the United Arab Emirates of the upcoming gulf cup after initially boycotting the events the u. A. E. Saudi arabia and bahrain have now decided to play in die hard a new draw for the tournament has just been made with host cuts are up alongside the u. A. E. Yemen and iraq when cats are in abu dhabi earlier this year the home scene was sanctioned after fans pelted the katsav players with shoes and bottles during the asian cup semifinal the u. A. E. Saudi and bahrain are among the countries have been part of a blockade against cats are since 27. 00 saying now england are about to become the 1st country in history to play 1000. 00 internationals gas southgates team will hit a landmark on their payments and i grow in a European Championship qualifier a little less from a draw will put their place at next years finals its 100 years since this game against wales was caught on camera it seems very 1st match for that came back in 1872 against scotland we always talk to the players about the badge on the front of the shirt and. How we are a small part of that history and many players that have gone before. And players that will come after and its important that we respect this year and try to leave in a better place than we found if you like so. So to be involved in this game is a particularly poignant moment. Slaton abraham of it has confirmed hes leaving the l. A. Galaxy and Major League Soccer the swedish striker has been in the states is 2018 now expected to return to his old club in its early ac milan typically understated he tweeted i came i saw i conclude thank you l. A. Galaxy for making me feel alive again you want i gave you last and youre welcome now go back to watching baseball one man heading in the other direction is terry henri the world cup winner has been named head coach of the montreal impacts its return to the league where he finished his playing career with the new York Red Bulls the portland follows an unsuccessful stances monaco coach where he was sacked in january after just 4 wins in 20 games. Attacks that have announced they will host their 1st test matches since 2009 pakistan who are currently on tour in australia will plight see matches against sri lanka next month theres been no test cricket in pakistan since gunmen its actually increased same bus in lahore 10 years ago or 6 pakistani policemen and 2 civilians were killed in that 2009 at sac a number of the Sri Lankan Team were also wounded or since 27 seen International Players have featured in the countrys domestic t 20 competition thats the Pakistan Super League or zimbabwe sri lanka and the west indies of return to pakistan to take part in limited over matches are calling captain x. Forward say made eric reid is suspicious of the n. F. L. s move to grant him a private workouts reid was one of the players who took the knee with captain it during the National Anthem protesting Racial Injustice capeks been a free agent now for 3 years and accused the n. F. L. Of colluding to stop teams signing him but now the league has invited all 32 franchises to watch him tryouts in atlanta on saturday retiree skeptical. My girls told me that a p. R. Stunt because theyve done so many over the past couple years so i believe when i see the way its happened in a strange again. I think its unprecedented to have an event like this where players basically a combine for senior player a good feeling is again as disingenuous they they want the 1st they want appearance of theyre giving kong a chance. But they give him 2 hours notice and they tell me it has to be on a saturday when they know that Decision Makers on teams are traveling. So is this room. Or several teams have confirmed they will attend macapp and it work out including the Miami Dolphins who are on the waiver wire you know want to daily basis and we do our Due Diligence on on our players so you know well have someone there that would say you know having that much time off to get back into the swing of things but hes a very good player so well see what it looks like and. You know doing diligence and take of meth i mean we like our quarterback situation right now you know its. Going to do our Due Diligence i would say you know anytime we can add a good player we try to do that we want to do that. But you know theres you know theres a lot of moving parts to that and rugbys highest paid player Sonny Bill Williams has promised to give his new chain value for money the new zealand has again switch cars to join the Toronto Wolfpack Rugby League saying the canadian side who are the 1st professional transatlantic side will play in englands top Division Next season his series 10000000. 00 deal next and the highest paid player in the history of either rugby card wear white i know this is a lot of baggage and a lot of headline grabbing things that come along with it but i just want to make and. That was a show that a concert i know thats once each of you know i know that if i dont form a few obviously nothing else too. Ok sports is looking for now stuff thanks sandy and that is it for lish news hour were back in a moment with more of the days news stay with us. Since its inception in 1961 the kuwait fund has been supporting peoples livelihoods in over 100 countries by funding projects in an array of sectors. Ranging from infrastructure to health and education. These initiatives ultimately help to eradicate poverty. And promote sustainable development. The earth is a Tipping Point scientists are telling us right now that we have just 12 years as the worlds leaders fail to agree on a solution. To taking matters into their own. What top you know either. Which by its actions to get people to understand that it kills people and that it kills people now its ridiculous both rise return to peoples doors on aljazeera. Is a crime against humanity and a silly years ago the ideological battle lines over abortion weve heard are some far ahead the or one of the sharia law makers. A womans right to cheese with a group thats been ignored now for decades has been. Against those lined up to defend that choice were talking about being able to make decisions for our bodies fault lines investigates the abortion bans on aljazeera. A shaky cease fire rockets launched from gaza into israel hours after a truce went into place. This is just ahead on live from doha coming up. On. As more protests theres a killed in iraq demonstrators say theyll stay on the streets until their demands are met. A new report on the downing of flight m. H. 17 says theres a strong link between russian officials and separatists in

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