Assignments genocide is taking place inside Zimbabwes Health care system. And a close call in one of the worlds most fragile ecosystem see emergency crew work crews work to contain a scale in the got a progress its. Cool. 50 student groups in new delhi are marching against a controversial citizenship law the groups are also calling for a National Protest day across india opponents say the new law discriminates against muslims and violates a secular constitution at least 25 people have been killed during protests in the legislation was passed nearly 2 weeks ago Elizabeth Warren m is in new delhi for us. And she joins us now live tell us about whats been happening in delhi for us where you are and elsewhere in the country. Ive been with protesters a whole day in delhi they began marching in the center of the capital so where we are now a place called john 10 month or which is considered the center of protests in the capital and also in the country they are defying a police ban police said that there was going to be a ban no more than full people and earlier on in the day we saw police preparing telling officers to detain anyone that is any groups of people more than 4 yes police have been very much standing on the sidelines today on like other days and now when these protests to continue theres probably at least a 1000 people behind me here in the capital but the protests elsewhere in the country have be much bigger protests than states controlled by opposition parties by parties other than the ruling b j p the biggest that were hearing often. In the state of west bengal the chief minister month of benji shes been holding valleys there every day and every day the crowds are coming and also a very large protests in the Southern City of chennai so around the country follow the opposition to the citizenship Amendment Act very much alive and is this pressure from the streets is it likely to force the government to reconsider its position. For the its pretty unlikely because as you know this is a popular government i mean it was voices with an overwhelming majority reelected with a level while majority of the sierra and the act was passed by both houses of parliament so its unlikely that they will scrap the door but it is going to be challenged in the Supreme Court where its received the Supreme Court has received 65. 00 petitions challenging the legal of the liberty of the law and just in the last few hours folly weve heard that the government has actually approved funding for. Whats called the National Population register which is seen as a precursor for the National Register of citizens and that something protesters around the country have not just been against the citizenship goal but also this National Register of citizens which they say requires indians to prove their citizenship and will also make it harder for muslims to prove their citizenship so at the moment it doesnt look like the government is going to back down thank you for that elizabeth for us in new delhi and other world news china japan and south korea have agreed to Work Together to promote dialogue between the United States and north korea the countrys 3 leaders made the pledge at a summit in Southern China the leaders also discussed trade and agreed to close a corporation despite tensions between them some dating back more than a century katrina you has this report from beijing. Overlooking old wounds by reinforcing ancient times as china japan and south korea presented a united front during the trilateral summit in chinas Southern City of chengdu. I want to build a new era of 3 kingdoms in which we cooperate and develop together with the international community. Setting aside deep grievances dating back to world war 2 the leaders of asias largest economies pledged to work closely together on trade they want to agree on a 16 nation Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership or. By the end of next year and continue negotiations on a 3 nation Free Trade Agreement trade between south korea japan and china exceeded 720000000000. 20. 400 we need to protect the free trade in order to help Business Activities and continue to Grow Together north korea carrying out a missile test over the Christmas Period overshadowed some of the pageantry. Chinese Prime Minister lee could chung south korean president and japanese Prime Minister shinzo agreed to continue supporting negotiations between washington and pyongyang demand for the u. S. To lift economic sanctions has led to a halt in the Nuclear Talks and an end to be a deadline to progress the negotiations is fast approaching. China is north koreas most important ally and sees itself as playing a simpler world works and for 3 privation on the Korean Peninsula has its thing why did nations to lift sanctions on pla want to help break the deadlock but its unclear whether so or tokyo worth u. S. Allies would support that routes. On monday one day and she met separately the chinese president xi jinping in beijing. China the summit is an opportunity to expand its regional influence but the 3 countries have currently embroiled in territorial disputes miss south china sea. South korea and japan are allies with the u. S. So if china can develop and improve the relations with these 2 countries crees u. S. Influence in this region and the weakened chinas pressure from the u. S. The leaders have signed a 10 Year Corporation plan which includes tackling shared challenges such as Climate Change and aging populations. But the biggest challenge perhaps his political future they would trust rather than risk threats. At least 8 people have been killed after a Syrian Government test trying to target a School Province tens of thousands of civilians have been fleeing towards the border with turkey to escape the escalation in violence there Government Forces and their russian allies are pushing deeper into the last rebel stronghold in the un secretary general has called for an immediate end to the violence in Northern Syria al jazeera as mohammed i dont know is near at my camp on the turkish Syrian Border behind me is the aughts marie fiji one of the biggest refugee camps on the turkish Syrian Border and Charity Workers are telling us that the crisis unfolding on the other side of the border which is about 100 also from where we are they say they are overwhelmed by the sheer number of people who fled from their homes most of them from in and around the town of man which is one of the many albums. A strategic town that sits right across the 5 highway which links the cup with all the mosque to the city of aleppo it is a place where bush settlers its forces very keen to get and theyve been making steady progress towards. Mun in the past few days of clashes they managed to take up to 20 towns and villages for the opposition often putting up a very stiff light and they say to have to with taken from the regimes forces about 3 villages in the past 24 house so people keeping on moving to the Turkish Border and the not being allowed to course of this point the tokyo photos are saying they will not allow one more syrian refugee to cross into turkey. Theres no end in sight to a strike by medical staff in Zimbabwe Health workers are demanding better pay and improvements to the Health Care System thats left many people needing medical care with few options and some say the actions making their conditions even worse nicholas hot reports from zimbabwe 2nd largest city. Has lost the ability to speak since a stroke in september disoriented she no longer leaves the confines of her room frequent power cuts means shes for the most part in the dark with her daughters the tempest so. I asked her do you remember this man pointing at and the killers husband and this lady pointing at an old picture of 10 day healing before a stroke when they kill a took the nursing aide course thinking she could help sick patients now shes the one who needs help doctors across them but we have been on strike since september so the only care she can get is from her daughter sometimes she gets frustrated. We get frustrated. Because the times. We might be looking for something. That turned the lake in here and understand our conversation when she collapsed during her stroke her family rushed her to one of the few functioning hospitals in the country most medical staff were on strike and it took 3 days before a doctor could see her her condition worsened because of insufficient care her right arm paralyzed the Doctors Union say the medical system is to blame things like gloves i should say things like sitting needles kenyas i. V. Fluids the most basic things that are supposed to find in the hospitals theyre not there. A hospital director gave aljazeera rare access to one of them by always Public Hospital in willow way 0 in the wards he chose to show us there was no shortage of equipment but few medical supplies right now the government is making these major major problem is this the sanctions in. To get for the. Tracks so thats beyond my control by in wait i have to wake and use what devices which is available to save lives most doctors on the wards refuse to talk to us or be filmed a curtain of shame shrouds conditions inside hospitals with doctors paid less than 70. 00 a month not only are they protesting over pay and working conditions they say the government is failing to protect the sick but when they took to the streets last september they were met by riot police the governments response was to fire about 400 doctors in a country thats already short of medical staff and while some have returned to work its the patients and those that are sick and are paying for this crisis private care is an affordable to most zimbabwe carers is an online Citizens Movement that raises funds to help those desperately in need of treatment but it can only do so much abandoned by a broken Health System many people in zimbabwe are left to cope however they can. Or left to suffer alone Nicholas Hawke aljazeera zimbabwe. The ecuadorian coast guard says an oil spill from a ship in the Galapagos National park has been contained authorities launch an Emergency Operation on sunday on the island of San Cristobal a 1000 kilometers off the mainland coast and. These are the dramatic moments when a crane collapsed while loading a generator on swiss ship the crew diving into the water as it begins to flounder. After taking quick action to save themselves work began to save the delicate marine life around them the moment this is approximately 2000 liters of diesel was in the oil its being handled in a way to prevent a significant Environmental Impact ecuadors government declared an emergency after the incident on sunday and by monday it said it was under control we shouldnt be relaxed about this its not a minor issue if we hadnt reacted as we did it could have been a lot more serious. The Galapagos Islands are home to dozens of vulnerable species found nowhere else in the world the regions diversity helps inspire Charles Darwins theory of evolution after a visit to the islands more than 200 years ago half of the reptile species here are threatened or endangered marina guana species were decimated during a 2001 oil spill that dumped hundreds of thousands of liters of fuel into the ocean scientists later discovered it killed 60 percent of marina a nearby santa fe island. Early tests on animals nearby showed no visible signs of damage from sundays spill but the government says its too early to see the impact on the ecosystem. This is one of the worlds most fragile ecosystems with threats like Climate Change already an issue more will have to be done to prevent spills like this after schapelle aljazeera. Still ahead on Aljazeera Palestinian christians in gaza are left in limbo before Christmas Well take you live to bethlehem to tell you why and in the spirit of christmas volunteers in lebanon feed those struggling in a weak economy made worse by political crisis. Going to welcome back to you in the National Weather forecast well were going to see a lot of cold air here across parts of eastern russia as well as North Eastern parts of china now temperatures are down vladivostok minus 4 degrees here sapporo minus 2 youre also feeling the effects of that polar air as well down towards tokyo it is going to be a clear day at 8 but do expect to see some rain coming into play as we go towards thursday heavier rain down here towards a saka rain extending all the way back here towards the eastern part of china as well and for china expect to see a lot more expanding rain over the next few days will haunt here on wednesday it is going to be quite messy with the terms of their of 11 and the rain is going to start to extend a little bit more down here towards the southwest as well where were going to see those temperatures jump down to about about Single Digits for you at 7 degrees in greenland hong kong though a nice day for you at 25 degrees and then very quickly across the philippines we are watching our typhoon make landfall and push across the central parts of the philippines bringing a very heavy rain over the next few days we are talking about mudslides landslides as well as localized flooding it wont be until thursday that we start to see a break as a system starts to make its way a little bit more towards the west but down towards the south indian asia it is going to be quite wet for you to carter plenty of rain with the tempter 31. A city defined by military occupation theres never been an arab state. At the capital of jerusalem everyone is welcome but the depot structure of the main things because only project just what we defuse it was one of the sound of the settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people segregation occupation discrimination injustice this is apartheid in the 21st century jerusalem a rock and a hard place on aljazeera. Welcome back a recap of our top stories on aljazeera 50 student groups are marching in indias capital against a controversial new citizenship law that. Criticizes being on time muslim protests are also taking place in tamil nadu and kolkata chinas premier says japan and south korea have agreed to cooperate on north korea the leaders met at a summit in the chinese city of chengdu theyre also working towards a 3 nation Free Trade Agreement and in syria tens of thousands of civilians are fleeing towards the border with turkey to escape an escalation in violence in the adelaide province and 88. 00 people were killed after a Syrian Government s. Reichs talkative a school. Fewer Palestinian Christians from the gaza strip will be able to travel to bethlehem this year to mock christmas. Celebrations are ready underway but many from guys i cant attend because israel has been granted them permits according to the Greek Orthodox church and guys only 193 out of the 950 applications have been approved Israel Movement of the gaza strip live to need abraham who is in bethlehem for us in the occupied west bank so its Christmas Eve need to tell us about the scene in bethlehem right now. So many palestinians and tourists have gathered here to celebrate and to witness that and those of the catholic archbishop but its were expecting in the next hour or so you will be ushered in that if its in church to mark the beginning of celebrations here in bethlehem of course many Palestinian Christians from the gaza strip couldnt attend and couldnt come here today because the israelis decided to give less numbers of people permits in the beginning a few dozen of them only got permits and then after an uproar here and there and in the media more of them have been given permits of course last minute we dont know how many of that were able to add to the process. Here to celebrate christmas this is one of the most important days in the specifically giving that is the great. Narrative where jesus christ has been born the city has been surrounded with the settlements since the start of this radio nation joining me now is the Deputy Foreign minister for the Palestinian Authority about. What p. J. What. Did this in bethlehem are giving. By that time it was up to the court to make the boat. Really separate that there was a time. I dont. Know if those justices not that this is a. Break. From all walks of life. You know sort of expensive you know pretty good outfit. You know about this and go back to something that exists that that is not. What it is you know. Its not even if it is. Something by the secretary. Did not you know. The fact is. You know theyre not. Exactly. The types of things that im not. Happy about. The fact. That it at. The end of the week. Not specifics in the 5 of them both because thats the beauty. Of the dark hole that you know. Where. Thank you. Very much. For celebration. Thank you for that need to abraham live for us in bethlehem in the occupied west bank. Of volunteers in lebanon are providing meals for those in need this christmas as a country goes through its worst economic crisis in decades the struggling economy is one of the main reasons for the months long protests against the Political Class thats been in power for 30 years as in a harder has a story from beirut. A show of solidarity with those in need at a time of crisis volunteers from across lebanon have been helping prepare christmas dinner for the poor people are hungry they need to eat. With flowers. And good food. Theyre hosting them in Martyrs Square which has become the epicenter of a tarion protest movement against the Political Class that has ruled lebanon for decades. My People Special event and just to see all unite and. County there may be unity here but this is a deeply divided country that has been without a government for weeks politicians are bargaining over power instead of heating demands from the street to make way for a new leadership the situation has got this traffic but i think what you have to look at something bright that came out of all of this is this love. Of law of generosity of kindness of voluntary initiatives of people coming together. And i think this is our duty as devaneys we have to look out for it is difficult times the state is on the verge of bankruptcy one and a half 1000000 lebanese are officially designated as living in poverty thats a 3rd of the population the world bank has warned the total could rise to house the population and that dire prediction was made before the economy started to collapse a few months ago and the crisis has worsened further with businesses shutting down thousands losing their jobs and. Any workers receiving half their salaries lebanon is a need of International Financial assistance but no country seems to be willing to come to the rescue until the make up and shape of the new government capable of reforms is agreed for now people only have each other to rely on. The day these people mark government because when are used to ask for help they never help the. Protesters against the ruling elite want a new leadership is proving hard to achieve but gatherings like this are achieving Something Else theyre bringing people together as lebanon faces tough challenges ahead sen aljazeera beirut. The u. K. Homeless says Charity Crisis has once again opened its annual christmas Centers Last Year more than 4 and a half 1000 homeless guests were given shelter across britain and this year the charity is highlighting the hidden homelessness of so called so far surfing paul brennan reports. Out of all schools have been breakfast. And for the past 20 years russell was one of the 1st arrivals when the doors opened at this center the street is no place to be at christmas or any other time to killed. And dangerous. Drugs. It is a bit. For him this Christmas Center alleviates the loneliness and boredom of being homeless it means i wont be able to smokes. It means i might be able to watch television use a computer occasionally. Well have a lot of arts and crafts activities in here for the 7 days that these centers are open they can be a lifeline for homeless guests can get medical checkups advice and counseling is one of the chance to wash and get a haircut and importantly to relax what you see on the last day is a group of transformed people leaving those that come in very suspicious of people from Mainstream Society and suspicious of the world in which they operate leave you know looking much better having showered having had haircuts had their feet looked at they theyd just leave kind of transformed the most visible form of homelessness is of course rough sleeping in doorways for example but new research from crisis this christmas shows that nearly 6 times as many people are caught in a precarious existence no less so for surfing crisis found 39 percent of sofa surface it stayed at 5 or more different places in the past year including friends and relatives 28 percent had not had a stable home for 4 years or more and 77 percent said their physical health had suffered as a result were talking about people with whom i dont even have access to washing facilities to read people who might have to go out during the day when i use this is that so very very unstable situation back at the north london christmas sent to the board games had begun the escapism in company of the centers are only a temporary respite latest figures showed the numbers rough sleeping in england had increased 15 percent on the Previous Year and when this center shuts next week many of the homeless guests here will be back outside again paul brennan on his 0 north london. France is facing widespread travel destruction joining the busy Christmas Holiday as strikes over pension reform show no sign of easing transport remains heavily restricted with up to 80 percent of Train Service is cancelled on monday demonstrators confronted police at one of pariss main railway stations some set off fireworks in fares inside the 2 week long nationwide walkout has topped Railway Services and forced scores suppose police in ivory Coast Service should an arrest warrant for next years president ial candidates sorrell the former Prime Minister is accused of misusing public funds in trying to destabilize the country sarah was due to return home to start his campaign but his fight was diverted to ghana police fired tear gas at supporters who had gathered to greet him. Infomercials you deserve a judicial investigation has been immediately opened against mr sorell q before your for serious suspicion over the tip to take the state of forest in the integrity of the national to retreat concealment of public funds and money laundering. Did receive is in nigerias capital a butcher he says the arrest warrant is a Significant Development 5 a coast. Im sorries a very important politician in ivory coast not only because of the 2020 president ial elections but rick looking at his road previously as 2 time Prime Minister and president of the National Assembly he also led a rebellion a battle against his former boss Laurent Gbagbo help Allison Ouattara form the next government after the crisis in ivory coast that killed at least 3000 people now a lot about who was shuttle to arrive ivory coast yesterday on monday afternoon and then there was this a warrant of arrest announced by the Public Prosecutor state prosecutor on television along side with 4 others over investment in additional. Sort of was also charged for climbing to a site of violence against the state or other crisis in the country in ivory coast which could set the tone of probably the things to come in the run up to the 2020 president ial elections the Public Prosecutor made weighty allegations against him sorrow a very notable opposition figure in ivory coast a un special investigator has condemned saudi arabias trial over the murder of genesis as a mockery of justice 5 people have been sentenced to death for the killing but the court exonerated senior figures including south a tiny and adviser to the saudi crown prince. Hello again im fully back to bill with the headlines on aljazeera 50 student groups in new delhi are marching against a controversial citizenship law theyre also calling for a National Protest day across india opponents say the new legislation discriminates against muslims and violates a secular constitution Elizabeth Brannon is at the protest in new delhi in the hundreds of people im watching the new delhi to a place called the hotel over the summer and let me. Go to the plant the now on the phone the. One more than the child stop the protest the police are here and very pleasant the Little Office was all over the. Turnstiles the in other news chinas Prime Minister says japan and south korea have agreed to cooperate on north korea their leaders met at a summit in the chinese city of chengdu theyre also working towards a 3 nation Free Trade Agreements in syria tens of thousands of civilians have been fleeing towards the border with turkey to escape the escalation in violence in italy province at least 8 people were killed after a Syrian Government asterix targeted a school on tuesday. Frances facing widespread travel destruction during the busy Christmas Holiday as strikes over pension reform show no sign of easing transport remains heavily restricted with up to 80 percent of Train Services counseled on monday demonstrators confronted police at one paris mainway paris one of pariss main railway stations some set off fireworks and flares inside the 2 week long nationwide walkout has stopped Railway Services and forced schools to close and fewer Palestinian Christians from the gaza strip will be able to travel to bethlehem to Mark Christmas compared to last Year Celebrations are already underway but many from gaza cant attend because israel hasnt granted them permits according to the Greek Orthodox church in gaza only 193 out of 950 travel applications have been issued there up to date with the headlines on aljazeera inside story starts now thanks for watching. Islamia putin creating a new reality on the ground in crimea and explained there from ukraine in 2014 and russia as its been under International Sanctions but now the russian president has opened a direct train link to the peninsula so what does this mean for the future this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program once a whole rom and a new road and rail bridge now connects the Crimean Peninsula with russia the full 1000000000 dollar transport link is the longest in europe but it seemed by many in key

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