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Indias government pushes through a half 1000000000. 00 budget for a Population Survey that critics fear could be used to further discriminate against muslims and we look at how a typhoon has disrupted Holiday Travel for a 1000000 in the philippines. Is very warm welcome to the program we begin in syria where at least 12 people including 6 children have been killed with Government Forces pushing their offensive deeper into the province the latest attack was on a school in the town of joe bus where hundreds of displaced syrians have been sheltering Government Forces have made steady gains since launching an assault to retake it live last week tens of thousands of syrians are fleeing the fighting by heading towards the Turkish Border and syrian Government Forces are also now closing in on the rebel held city of moderate all new men in the province was residents have already left the. Area dozens of people have been killed and hundreds injured in government attacks on the northwestern city over the last month. In melbourne outside the model may god take revenge on each of those who caused this what if we done to deserve this what have we done that i plead to god for mr c. God to punish them for displacing us because using all of this to humiliating us for gods sake we are being paid to live. Well mama dont joins us from on talking about some turkeys border with syria mohamed these refugees are its simply desperate humanitarian groups are struggling under the pressure as well how many people if you can give us the context on the move and where can they go right now. Was joined entire villages on toms have been designed people for leaving only vons ing troops of the city in a full sense but also the believe its. Theyve been cutting out oust strikes ground shelling us well as bottle bombs have sent people fleeing from their homes as though does this village is made just sit in such as a mud hut and on the city off such a camp was with us which is the provisional had seen so many people clearly and most of them 2 of the takesh boda best of them have set up make shift comes that they. Aid agency i have to do which is the technician chad its a thats been helping that f. E. D. s has been trying to provide them with large tents accommodating up to 100 people and they say they cannot provide individual tons to everyone and theyve also been giving them all d to mils last night and why in one of the big kit is where they are working that on the clock trying to make us much bread us possible to take to these people who are living out in the op and tacky is what i do warning that there might be a humanitarian catastrophe about to unfold and it is calling for a quick call halt to the opposition saying sent us from message to russia that this needs to stop a soon as possible and how significant mohamed would it be if newman was to fall back into government hands how would it affect the broader picture. One of my dots in them is a strategic city its sits on the m 5 highway which links the muskets that coupler told to the city off aleppo which is the largest city and one of the biggest martial sense of the has been before it was destroyed a couple of years ago the Government Forces are keen to detect what arts and none because this would mean linking these cities under government control and also boosting trade to but its also a key line in that whole mission of trying to take every last bit of headed city that is in the hands of opposition fighters but the opposition fighters of themselves have been putting up a stiff challenge and in the past 48 hours or so we have been told. That mushroom depression formed which is supported by techie has managed to take some villages the hard on the on been captured by the Government Forces mohamad until joining us there live with the very latest from the border at an attack at mohammad thank you. Well for more on this lets speak to our one couple in doha who said they had a policy analysis of the arab center for research and policy studies marwan as always very good to see you its the people suffering its this constant stream of people trying to escape how can turkey still involved in this conflict along with russia and syria Work Together to give these people somewhere to go but as you said actually civilians have been the heaviest price during this conflict. Between the Syrian Regime opposition and as you said all saw that confrontations on the ground are in fact dowsing through the tune of darshan turkish relationship because it actually was one of the deescalation zones which have been agreed between to the quay and russia in 2018 but this that this agreement has been violated many times actually and this particular time. The Main Objective as i see it of the regime and its russians backers is to take control of the of the main road between hammer and a liberal and between also latakia and one moderate and i one is a very important and subject than actually on this main or that the turks are trying in fact to. Amend the agreement which have been reached with the russians in september 2018 but unfortunately as i said earlier the 2 sides have not been in full agreement over how to implemented to implement the deescalation zone or the Demilitarized Zone in fact which. Which which sybian is that the 2 countries will try actually to of been the storm in all its between. And. They will be trying in the coming weeks. To reach a new agreement in my opinion because turkey is very. Concerned about the displacement of hundreds of thousands of syrians most of them actually are trying to cross the borders towards turkey and this is something that turkey is very much concerned about so more when turkey is obviously concerned about a flood of refugees moving towards its borders but how concerned are the syrian along with Turkish Forces i mean who who holds the card at the moment in terms of negotiation we talked a lot about safe zones and this deescalation zone in your view are we just going to see more fighting or is there going to be some sort of an attempt to to come to an agreement around this deescalation zone and how it can actually be implemented well i think the final goal in my opinion of the russians and the Syrian Regime is to take control of the whole of it live but this is not going to be very easy digging into account the number of fighters of opposition fighters in so they are trying to take it bit by bit so they have a couple of months ago the managed actually to control the horn which is another key and the subject on the on the main road now its moderate in a man is in my opinion would be a socket its also on the main road so i think they will not stop this confrontation and they have control over the end road between how and i will but on the other hand russia is mindful actually not to put a huge brush up on turkey because they still need to be in syria they need it because of the of the political solution because of the Constitutional Committee that the turks and the russians have agreed to establish so i think that i shall well be trying to escalate on one hand and will on the other hand try to take into account the concerns of tutti concerning the refugees and the civilians so its going to be like theres going to be going like this for some time. Joining us here in doha marwan thank you thank you. 2 days of National Mourning have been declared in burkina faso after at least 35. 00 civilians were shot dead during an attack in the north and according to the government 80 armed men have also been killed a warning some viewers may find the following images disturbing well the attack was launched on an army base in our been and a nearby time violence has increased after the military began an offensive against armed groups in november theres been no claim so far of responsibility so they didnt do a procedure now we have to think about solidarity and National Cohesion people women for the most part were getting water and got murdered in cold blood by the terrorists while they were retreating you must show compassion with the populations that is why all flags will fly at half mast for 2 days and all christmas celebrations are cancelled well off with your sis in a budget where hes been following this story for us hi there ahmed and is it unusual to see so many civilians attacked in this way and what does it tell us about the activity of some of these groups. Well basically its not its not rare weve seen that so many times in the jitter if you look at the statistics coming out of nigeria according to official figures 37000 people have been killed in book or on attacks for example most of them civilians and weve seen how their army unit has been targeting civilians deliberately or they started targeting official institutions and its so is the situation in other parts of the cell but can a fossil weve seen how internally displaced persons have come and that type for example this attack on ive been down and the surrounding village weve also seen such attacks in the in come through in chad. Probably the fighters wanted to push the government to a limit to try to inside the civilian population and against the government if they kind of get their way with the attacks on formations that they are in the region and so these are not new in this particular region and in the south but overall in mali weve seen how these attacks are primarily targeted at International Forces and local me bases in in mali and the so hail of course is vast and these attacks look as if theyre increasing not just in complexity but in number as well and why is that given the number of troops on the ground. Well basically like you said the area is vast and its more mainly or largely uncontrolled but in between countries you find thousands of kilometers of borders and these are countries that dont have the resources to deal with even the provision of Basics Services in the countries let alone. Enough manpower and buy enough military hardware to deal with whatever comes across the border and you also understand that over the past years weve seen the fallout and the importation of a movement of fighters as well as arms and munitions from the conflict in libya into the sahara into parts of west africa and how these have helped groups in this region to execute their activities or other to push their agenda in this region so in addition also governments in the region have not addressed the key issues that give rise to these local armed groups in the 1st place for example the issue of poverty the issue of education employment and of course government presences so many communities so these fighters when they come into these areas they explode the situation allying with them with local communities sometimes they even render humanitarian services to this communities and also that is that threat of via be used to get the civilian population if they spy on them or have the Government Forces so these this is a mixture of so many as so many reasons but give rise to all these attacks we see and experts in the region are warning that we probably will see more such attacks in the near future after 1st of all this month and weve seen also attacks in but can a fossil and then in 24 hour intent in 48 hours and seen some some attacks in nigeria as well ahmed interest there joining us with the latest on that incredibly complex story there from a bridge off my thang. Well became a fossil was once a pocket of calm in the sahara we jim but security as ahmed was saying has deteriorated over this past 5 years the removal of long time president lays claim for in october 24th team created a security vacuum which has been exploited by several armed groups as well as homegrown fighters groups from mali affiliated with al qaeda and i sort of crossed the border and added to the on the rest the un says more than 700 people have been killed since 2015 and almost half a 1000000 have been displaced well earlier we spoke with William Lawrence about the attack hes a professor of International Affairs of the George Washington university where part of his teaching focuses on working a fossil. Whether its been hundreds of attacks this year one group said it was a 7000 percent increase in the year before but they usually have very lowly fallacy if you look at the list of attacks its one or 2 victims this is the worst attack ever as far as i know in brooklyn a fossil which had its 1st terrorism attacks only in 2015 and both the frequency and lethality of attacks have been creasing but this is much much worse this is a a group led by someone from. Recruiting fighters from kenya faso even though they launch attacks from mali and while they are trying to sow chaos and they are under pressure from the french their main goal is to liberate this area and establish an Islamic State not unlike what we saw in the north of mali in 2012 and so theyre going to keep going you know whatever the french are doing and whatever. The other secure the Security Forces in the region are doing theyre going to keep attacking and continue to recruit people because the Security Forces in burkean have themselves been committing some atrocities as have Defense Forces and so populations are kind of on the run now and they dont know who to trust. Theres plenty more ahead on the news hour including. Where it all began will be in bethlehem as thousands of christian pilgrims from around the world gather to celebrate christmas in sports the financial threat hanging over a cliff teams in part 2 of our 8 featured death of a Football Club. Indias government has announced new guidelines and approved funds for an updated National Population register that critics fear could be used to further discriminate against muslims the survey was introduced in 2010 but for the 1st time people will be asked to share information about the date and place of birth of their parents they will also be asked to give details of identity documents like volta cards driving licenses and passports with governments approved more than 500 1000000. 00 in funding for the exercises Prime Minister Narendra Modi is pushing ahead with that despite facing backlash over a new citizenship law thats also being viewed as them in new delhi there are more protests against the law 25 people have died in the violence since the legislation was passed well elizabeth purana joins us live from new delhi hi there elizabeth so the government approval of funding do you think that thats just going to make people more indignant who are out protesting in the streets. Yeah absolutely julie so weve been at a rally here in the capital new delhi at Delhi University in fact its just wrapped up was attended by some of the countrys most prominent intellectuals and ashes and whereas for the last 2 weeks people have been protesting about the things you mentioned a citizenship door that grant citizenship to religious minorities who want citizenship based on religion excludes muslims a Plan National register of citizens which requires some 1300000000 and. To prove this citizenship or now people are also protesting against the government. Approving funding for this National Population they just are people here say they dont and they dont want the government to spend 500000000. 00 on a population made to stay even though the government says its just part of the census but people joy believe that they say it will be used as a basis the National Register of citizens they dont want that and they especially dont want it when the economy is at its worst state in 6 years and you know people protesting around the country say that the government is using these ideological issues like religion to distract from the rue issues facing the country elizabeth piron and theyre joining us live from new delhi elizabeth thank you well lets speak to Supreme Court lawyer in mandarin in the indian state of goa a very warm welcome to the program corona whats the impact i wonder all of conducting this National Register all citizens straight after the citizenship law why bring them in so close together given the reaction weve already seen. I think this was part of the future and the larger somebody or the larger one samuel you own. Institutions that believe in. Before they give my heart and they get well when they promised us a number of times and its been announced a number of times that. Despite what the Prime Minister as you know said couple of days ago there is absolutely no clarity that it wont go at that in fact it just very much will. The idea behind the National Register of citizens is to who sort of identify little notes on the people who. Dont stray. From the london conference and the others are just now the problem with this is that. In a country that is very very short document also somewhat short. This is disastrous because what happens is that you get the point you get the electorate you get marginalized you get tribals left out thats. Second problem is that. Is discrimination against. Those who just remember theres something on the tracks all those guns. At. The other citizens and i begin to question indeed any other religion but if youre muslim then you cant. Be recognized under amendable because thats the only reason left out you see weve also seen in an arson from instead of just going through it so far that there is has been a huge discrimination against muslims as well in that process all of them but also considering what theyre going to be all sorts of. What do you. On that will cover in a if i can just interrupt you very quickly on that note ive noticed very much in our coverage when weve been covering the protests which weve seen lots of members of Civil Society plenty of people who are hindus and other religions out there protesting it seems to me the top note here is very much people simply feel afraid because they want a fair and reasonable way for this sort of law legislation to be handled but people simply seem to be afraid that it could be as it were them next. I just its just that i think people have personal interest in not being left out tonight as i said you know people of other religions aside from islam are also very much you know. I think its the uprising across the nation is about the idea. Constitutionality is interesting because you know and what will you be deal with oh but across the country. Holding copies of the constitution reading preamble talking about how. Juge it should be or it isnt as your posts are about that is based on basic rights and is based on basic rights for all and its quite incredible to see that not just new delhi but really across the country. Cornette just a very quick last one if i can how and when will the Supreme Court decide on the citizenship law. Its and sheer because they need to say you know what id call it what you. Really january. Look if this could be much dr constitutional best like a number of issues and i think that at this point what people are seeking is a democratic response rather than a quarter response here. Because its not just about citizenship amendment but indeed its not even just about them that will restore citizens all the population its about ideal. And i think that that is what now and you know not all of the time not a big deal its coming and on to there joining me from mansion in the indian state of korea thank you very much for joining us with your thoughts thank you. Iraq is bracing for the and im smart of its new Prime Minister after parliament approved a critical Electoral Reform the new law was one of the main demands of the months long and to give them an protests gives independent politicians of bets a chance of winning seats the demonstrations are continuing made the debt go over who will be appointed interim Prime Minister and they say they wont accept any candidate backed by political groups lets go live to baghdad where dorsett job baria is standing by so door so do the protests to spill by going out onto the streets theyve had some effect with this new electoral law. Yes certainly the feeling here is that this status for change are not a topic. Of placers these are hard work and the mindset of lost in the process. By the people we spoke to here this morning talkers for say that their mission has been accomplished assured that without the fake speculation carried out these streets but it never happened even the poll that was causing all the needle just to eat meat is a historic one because it changes how the country now votes it is no longer based on candidates and parties but rather independent people than 3 let me go to which is what the demonstrators want to shout the name other issue that we need to find out about is the new Prime Ministers economists are that with your were waiting for that announcement to come from ted president in waiting for the largest law in the Iraqi Parliament to nominate a candidate for this post but theres been many disputes about who is going to last but regardless of who they appoint the protesters here say that they dont want anybody. In politics they want somebody that is going on the outside of this arena is not watson that is the front for them so were waiting for that announcement in the coming days the protesters are now very intent which was a nonissue achieved so far so since you are there joining us live with the latest on that story from baghdad there are some key. Well in a few moments with the weather with gemma still ahead on aljazeera. And theres a close shave at the skiing world cop hall will happen story later in sports. Hello there well while western europe is enjoying a fine spell of rather a brief spell house we said not so through the eastern end of the med just look at this we have a very powerful storm with some very strong winds and heavy amounts of rain these winds gusting to about 75 kilometers an hour right the way through these coastal areas not the rain has been coming down in the last 24 hours this is from adana in Southern Turkey and just look at wills happens here it has been very widespread weve had an 8 year old boy was rescued hes fine from these floodwaters schools were closed as well and you can just see the amount of damage that these floodwaters have done 197 millimeters of rain came down in those 24 hours so as we continue through wednesday this is a picture more of these very very strong winds on this very heavy amounts of rain of course into turkey more rain weve got some snow as well through those Higher Elevations it was cold as well as very wet and by thursday there really is very little change as you can see still extreme amounts of rainfall really building up along these coastal areas and not helped by the strength of these weigh ins friday things are looking a little bit better still some shells for the eastern end of the med plenty of snow further to the north but still some pretty big accumulations to come and study by friday maybe 150. 00 millimeters of rain some more flooding in the picture. As a sponsor can tolerate. What happens when comes for a new life of crude idea railed by committing serious crimes from Drug Trafficking to little green tomato. I dont remember how many times it started the way her boyfriend spoke to me and even her aljazeera world goes inside an italian prison meeting men and women from north africa who left home only to face life behind this double exile on aljazeera. The latest news as it breaks boeing is the largest manufacturing exporter in the u. S. With detailed coverage critics say secular protections are great in the Indian Constitution and now the rest. And fearless journalism from around the world recycling centers like this one play a crucial role in argentinas Waste Management system. You are watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour at least 12 people have been killed a syrian Government Forces push their offensive deeper into a province and i causing in on the rebel held city of mazar all. Of these 35. 00 civilians have been shot dead during an attack in burkean a fossil and according to the government 80 of the attackers were killed it happened at an army base in our benda and a nearby town. Indias government has approved funding for an updated National Population register which opponents say is anti muslim it follows a new citizenship law thats led to huge protests across the country. The state funeral for algerias army chief is taking place despite protests defying coals for 3 days of mourning the tenant general ahmed guides suffered a heart attack on monday laura birdman he takes a look back at his life. For years he was the chief of staff of the Algerian National army but. Would mostly be remembered for being behind the resignation of president up to lazy. Flicka after 2 decades in office. On march 26th the cea not long after hundreds of thousands of algerians march in the streets demanding the president s debt down it was getting speech urging beautifully could to quit that made that a reality the army backed the arrests of many of beautifully his allies a month later seles supported the newly appointed interim leader. I would. I would like to confirm in truth to the transitional period to prepare for the president ial elections take place with the oversight of the National Peoples army which will keep watch over the course of this transition in lot of the mutual trust between the people and their army. Just last week gets attended the inauguration of the new president to measure. But many protests is a boycotted the election that brought him to power saying there was little choice of candidates beyond the established elite get sas spent his entire adult life in the armed forces a former officer in the national abberation army he spent years working his way to the top of the army. He forced now jerrys war of independence against the french and was considered a hero in his country. As a close ally to them president beautifully in 2004 he became chief of staff of the army and 2013 vice minister of defense i was in february this year and the sudden wave of protests algerians demanded the entire government step down. His loyalty to boot flicka had come to an end and he joined the calls from protest says for the president to resign. But many algerians turned their anger on to get salah. Obviously is part of the order the establishment because of different positions in the jury military its only recently that some of the protesters as well calling for him to go because as far as they were concerned he didnt all the. Luck did not live up to expectations they expected all they wanted a more open democratic. Some protesters rejecting a 3 day mourning and a calling to real democracy and an end to the military state. In afghanistan 27 peace activists have been abducted whilst on a march the leader of the Peoples Peace Movement says the group was taken by the taliban in the west of bala bullock district the taliban has not responded to requests for comment well lets speak to abdul hadi ashoks i in kabul hes a spokesman for the same Peace Movement in afghanistan of a woman called to the program sir he tell us more about what happened. Thank you for being with you yes i did want to say when members are for people to small him into their work and not by taliban this incident happened when our march was just finished and here are throw ins and i will move it members who are coming from here whenever. Fota when they were coming it was lit even even in. Even ungoverned. There were trying to sell on people and they wanted and they planned to. I dont drink in front of prudence and suddenly and by law to look at this threat it is sort of let it will probably ince the taliban kidnapped and to be just a suit because from our members that the taliban kidnap them and go at the taliban but to be dont know far the issue is what is the what is the main issue why the taliban capture them and what is the issue behind this and that was going to be my next question a bill why are people on these sad peace march being abducted its happened before hasnt. This movement initially started from him until insiders youd be to know that we have. Conducted different cultural duggar in getting different princes in 21. 00 points israel have offices and much and our guidance out on going and going and it will continue but this incident this is not 1st time that to be fierce with such incidents so this is full time the taliban their culture our members and us can sit and questions that. Who are you and how you started them this is this god or in god this move into but the main issues that are this moment is. Started by local people and this is our effectiveness in the princes in the districts and among the people on the communities is very efficient and the People Like Us people they want peace and they want to make a good life i can sense and if i am. Good life and every afghan and if. His style of are going to me to him to but you want to make good life for them the only incident that to this unclear happened in. This tract actually we had planned to conduct together and much and. And but this point says but when our people do a common. Wanted to conduct the covering a much in purpose this incident happened we hope and i reassure the taliban that i will do it safely and they will be there to get new home from the from the taliban i did do to provide. Proof and evidence that a new kind of movement and its not a little to anybody and we want just a good life and everyone and you have specific objectives i ams goes i will get together for that. This is says far. Enough that a star in the whole of going to stunt and you want to know its going to madonna you arent going to go to negotiation between the gun going to be done. And you arent time to have an off the floor in the flu or vitro if i was going to start oh a joke to those and its specific to everyone so this therms that to the taleban this time of the thought of undercut our members i will move between verse from certain numbers if you want them to believe is simply a view only do for other kind of approach are just doesnt if they want. How the ashok side they are joining us from kabul sara thank you for joining us now were getting reports that a plane has crashed into sub and thats northwest of irans capital tehran details right now are limited but irans official news agency suggests it may have been a military plane or a fighter jet no debbie has yet been found and investigation though is on the way the leaders of eritrea and ethiopia meeting to push forward stalled peace negotiations ever train president i. Z. s of work in the ethiopian capital addis ababa where he was met by Prime Minister ahmed now the 2 countries signed a historic Peace Agreement last year ending a 2 decade military standoff but uncertainty remains around Economic Cooperation and border crossings. Thousands of people in the philippines are stranded during the Christmas Holiday after typhoon fun full made landfall many in the predominantly catholic nation were stuck in airports and bus terminals authorities have evacuated coastal areas fearing floods and landslides the typhoon is expected to move across central philippines and into the South China Sea by thursday want to be low is in manila and says travelers are likely to remain stranded there for several days we are outside the main port the off manila where traditionally over the Holiday Season thousands of passengers wait to board their respective passenger ferries going back to their provinces in different islands in the philippines now christmas is a very important occasion for this predominantly catholic country and as you can see families are waiting here theyve got their packages here but theyve had to spend their Christmas Eve here because this is here this type of phone or local you know enough personal or maybe landfall in the Central Region of the philippines Christmas Eve one and that has grounded all pipes of travel in the country and so here they are this is where they spent their Christmas Eve theyve only had food thats been given to them by the Philippine Coast guard and you have children here who have basically nowhere to sleep and they have nowhere to bathe and theyre saying this is has been a very difficult christmas for them i dont look at me at monday im very sad and ive been crying for days i told my child that i cant do anything they did not let us board the ferry because theres a typhoon and we understand that we still have our clothes my wife wants us to be together but to be here and theres nothing that we can do now the situation here isnt unique across. The country in different ports thousands more are stranded and it is likely that they will remain stranded until the typhoon leaves the philippines now passengers here tell us that they have not been assured that they can leave immediately as soon as the typhoon leaves the philippines theyve also been told that it is likely that it will be one more week before they can actually get on their ferry school back to their provinces so it is likely that they will be spending new years here as well. Ana be no reporting there i guess President Donald Trump has joked about north koreas warning of a quote christmas surprise if washington doesnt make concessions in Nuclear Negotiations are you this long pyongyang gave the u. S. Until the end of the year to come up with a new proposal and see what happens. Lets see if maybe its a nice president maybe its a president where he says the beautiful bars. Is a place to listen. To make it a policy and make it a nice present you dont know you never know. And as women president Nicolas Maduro is urging brazil and peru to rest in the boy those involved in an attack on a remote military outpost in the size of the country they have built a brazils president. Saying the suspects are in brazil brazil with stolen rifles and grenade launchers local media reports 12 men to ponce in the raid on the state of bali of our brazil call colombia peru and the venezuelan Opposition Leader one why do have been accused of assisting those attackers im obviously not unseal venezuelan weapons have been stolen in a terrorist attack mr j. Are both in our o. And these weapons are headed for and are in brazilian territory we demand that the brazilian authorities capture the assailants and that the weapons of the national boulevard in armed forces be returned. A president ial candidate for ivory coast general election has flown to spain after authorities issued a warrant for his arrest former Prime Minister a rebel leader gave him sorel was charged with what prosecutors called an attempt against the states of foresty so has the loyalty of many Senior Army Figures who previously served as rebel commanders people in the ivory coast makes fuz about they will rest warrant vol some of them it hurts me to learn that theres a warrant for sars arrest seeing as he worked for the evolution of the ivory coast he previously served as the Prime Minister he was also the president of the National Assembly it hurts my heart that someone of his authority can be prosecuted like this was a bunch of brunt of this is what happens when you take up arms against your country when you take up arms against the motherland it is nature itself to have brought this about a story this is what must happen to him in a country governed by the vote of law things must be done according to the vote of law we must lay him in the way for him to come in and shed light on a lot of things that we were approached him for. The end of the year for many people is a time to reflect on whats happened in the past and also look forward to some who fled war and conflict settling into a new country can be tough being away from loved ones even harder lets hear the story of one syrian refugee who arrived in britain for useable believes nothing is actively. My way with my example im 20 years old and im from damascus syria im really hoping to become a commercial pilot one day and you know perhaps be the 1st ever female syrian refugee parla i was 11 when the war started and it just moved closer and closer until it happened the mosques were old prepared that were going to do something at some point because thats what war does thats what everyones face from experience during the war is losing something whether like a relative a loved one their house their businesses and different stuff so it was all the stuff whenever like my parents would leave the house they would they would say goodbye as if we might never see them again so we were like we were not living. My mom my 2 younger brothers and i got from damascus to live on top of the air for on them from the airport we went to turkey and then from turkey to bermuda. I always. Believed that if you cation is whats going to define my future and education is how i can represent myself my country my family where im from. I knew the kind of stereotypes that people have about refugees of being on the unskilled i just feel like when people look at me i dont want them to define me with the scope of stereotypes or labels you should not expect but 1st persons on the uki to the school just because they came from a refugee background you dont expect them to be broken im sorry of them like you know of the past like they can be do offer you births a poor like try to beat a car industry cam but also expect that youre treating just a normal human being with normal impressions and hopes and dreams. Millions around the world are celebrating christmas but in hong kong with festive periods to mark by more violence between antigovernment protesters and Police Demonstrators occupied a Shopping Mall and rallied in the streets around a busy shopping district in kabul its the most unrest the territory has seen in weeks. Because survivors of this years Easter Sunday bombing celebrated christmas at one of the churches which was attacked the archbishop of colombo blessed many of the victims who are still recovering from their injuries at least 259 people were killed in that attack or many australians flock to the beach firefighters in New South Wales managed only a brief christmas break before heading back to tackle the regions bush far more than 70 fires are still burning across the state. Support france has held a mass at the vatican as part of the Roman Catholic church is traditional christmas celebrations he said wishes of peace and prosperity to side sudan negotiations have faulted between the rival sides. In baghdad protesters built a Christmas Tree ad of iraq in flags in the middle of tahir square they say its a mark of solidarity with Iraqi Christians and a symbol of peace and love. And thousands of christians have gathered at the site where jesus is believed to have been born in bethlehem in the West Bank Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas attended mass at the church of the nativity. Well 29000 has been one of the holy cities busiest years nearly 2000000 tourists making the trip ill just say or is it natasha ghanaian reports now from bethlehem. Music and prayer joy and reflection from the church of the nativities built over the grotto were christians believe jesus christ was born this was the last Midnight Mass of the decade. Over 6 months of planning brought the ospina family from columbia to manger square in bethlehem. Provocations a special hour to me in the place where we believe jesus was born odd that i dont know how to bring disowns only to hide any make it fairer they can not turn out a real christmas. These tourists join a declining population of christians in the holy land experts say in the last century the christian population has decreased more than 15 percent with 1900000 visitors bethlehem is having its best year in 2 decades according to the ministry of tourism and antiquities that may be in part due to the relative calm in the area yet Small Business owners such as Newbuild Jack come and say this is not a merry money making christmas i spent a whole week to correcting preparing for this day and lou really im a little bit sad doctor spending all of this money like this for the cause of dollar for a great day and i still like the cover pop effect the biggest attraction seemed to be the 16 meter Christmas Tree with hand carved nativities tailor made for the selfie age many of those posing for photos were muslim its a very magical whereas especially with all the different religions coming together here i really really love it really gives me a wrong feeling inside this kind of a message for the world. Like we are here like this time to each other like with that we have no conflict with each other the christmas of the 21st century has evolved into something no one could envision centuries ago but christian leaders hope the holy day spirit of good will and peace will always prevail its washington aim. Bethlehem. Still ahead here on aljazeera the demise of one english Football Clubs one city great cups im so warning to others is overspending putting that with paul will be here with that story in just a female. Capturing a moment in time. Snapshots of other lives. Of the stories. Providing the clips into someone elses work out. The one do the or. Inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers. Witness on aljazeera. If time for the day sports news that would fall do you like thank you very much liverpool returned to English Premier League duty on boxing day after coming back from cats are with the Club World Cup trophy manager at your gun club takes his team to 2nd place less to city liverpool go into the game 10 points clear of leicester but they have experience of losing leeds before as they paid for a 1st league title since 1990 we are not in the situation where we are in because we would be thought things over before they are over we are not in the states it is really because we didnt take each game we played so far 100 percent serious bugs were always when i was in focus and thats what we will be while the premier league is now a world away for a club that twice won the f. A. Cup and with the pride of that town name Manchester Barry f. C. Were kicked out of the English League this season thats hail a warning for other teams that could pay the price of financial mismanagement aljazeera is lee wellings reports in part 2 of death of a Football Club. This should have been much diane berry the pictures be maintained in hope but there will be no match. After 134 years of existence beriah say its close to death. Big clubs including Manchester United feared giggling and the white shirts of barry at the turn of the 20th century the team won the famous f. A. Cup twice. While the big clubs got bigger very couldnt keep up. Was chairman tried but i was stretched themselves a familiar tale in modern football the controversial out of joining the liquidation process steve dial has stayed away from the town the people of barry are angry with him and at the English Football League for expelling them but mainly they are heartbroken. Or almost grieving together and going through something to remember and all the good times and look and upset. And so thats something i like about barry and especially. If. Youre not going to when ive really zoe hitchens staged an exhibition of barry memorabilia every manchester do you know that there is no shortage of precious memories in the town bizarrely to collect. The given 40 years of support. For his look at race. Back in february of 0. Very big strong. Everythings a mess in the unlucky in the football the. Last really without football who is biggest months a seaman united. Been a big club. Too much money now in the snow sports anymore is just a business in the. Area one of many english clubs whove had severe financial problems 10 kilometers away much. Wonders. Survivals one of english footballs glorious clubs i nearly went out of business just a few months of guard barry were kicked out of the Football League and were punished with points deducted but they were rescued when a buyer intervened just in time theres just something about mars. As being part of life. Its something i can just be taken away from. And bury in crisis in the 1st chairman. Decisions left him with a lot of debt 2nd chairman steve dale i dont think hes sole was invested in the place and i dont think he was there for the right reasons is meant to have control over both of those people being able to run a Football Club for me they lost control over both of those men footballers got to be protected and clubs like barry have got to be protected in the future because once they got in they gone. Peterborough were meant to be barrys opposition in league one on this particular saturday nothing special but it would have meant something. Joy a halt in capsule 8 sperry football clumpy so much for coming. Was a player here and physio and manager she had raised awareness of their plight by handcuffing us self to the club it means everything is seeing great a football community. All is wrong with our mourning over the town. Definitely its the death and generations it will affect. You have to be a football for the floor to really to understand that if theyre thinking about is they know the death that we feel over in bolton by school light so when then my. God you know if youre at the yard where everyone was close to stay no one was up i think its very dark yet were just what we need is a large array things oh its hot here that i see him eventually because they have to get that they bury fans just want them matched back. Aljazeera in the town of barrie. Now a quick lesson in how not to be hit by a skier travelling at high speed philip was hurtling towards the finish line at the joint slalom in italy this week when he encountered an official casually strolling across the priest a man seemingly hadnt noticed a world cup the race was taking place so pitch just managing to avoid him and keep them both out of hospital. The tallest player in the n. B. A. Is now become the tallest person by quite a long way to conduct one of the most famous orchestras in the United States senate goalies taco fall only made his home debut for the Boston Celtics 4 days ago on wednesday the 7 foot 5 inch center thats 2. 2 metres took the baton for the boston pops christmas concerts he made sure the orchestra had no problem hitting the high notes more jokes coming out like a really excellent ball forward sibyllas but wed like to leave you with a live shot here of the vatican where the head of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Francis will be given a Christmas Day thanks in some peaceful shots there you cant quite see it but out of that picture theres a blazing Blue Christmas sky well be back with more news in just a couple minutes. A city defined by military occupation has never been an arab state he with the capital of jerusalem everyone is welcome but this default structure that maintains the could only project thus what we diffuse it was one of the sound of herself a settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people segregation occupation discrimination injustice this is apartheid in the 21st century jerusalem a rock and a hard place on aljazeera the growing up in the United States i learned that the 1st amendment is really key to being a decision to bring them up to the challenge of going to be the men and women of the resources that are available what makes aljazeera story to me is that we just dont tell you what the subject of the story wants to know the government is not going to do the one thing the demonstrators want to apologize for thats what aljazeera does we ask the questions so that we can get closer to the truth. They wanted 43000000000 pounds with a weapon that was 6000000000 pounds in commission. Theres no hope of ending war because theres always a small cobbles people from really really good business. In assonance we in the United States have privatized the old from a Public Function more shadow on aljazeera. A. T. V. Scenes of an abandoned town in Northern Syria at least 12 people were killed in government strikes dogging the last rebel stronghold forcing thousands to flee. Back to boyer watching aljazeera on live from of Global Headquarters in doha also ahead this hour all christmas celebrations are counseled in book enough aso after 35 People Killed by an armed group in the worst attack in the u s plus. Indias government pushes a half 1000000000. 00 budget for a Population Survey that critics fear could be used to further discriminate against muslims

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