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Violence and provocations. Also ahead forces loyal to libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar to take control of one of the Largest Military bases in the country. Sports. Fans who made racist chants towards Mario Balotelli and on the field christiane or another starts the new year in style with a hat trick for you the interest in city are. Huge crowds of packed the streets of irans capital tehran for the funeral of military commander kasim solomonic the general was assassinated on friday by u. S. Airstrike in iraq prayers were led by the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei whose promised revenge al jazeera has said big reports from tehran. Nation in mourning and tears from the Supreme Leader for irans top military general assassinated in the u. S. Drone strike in iraq how many a friend of customs in the money lead the Funeral Service at the wrong university outside the streets of the capital were packed with the iranians who considered for the money a hero a man who defended his country crowds like this have not been seen since the death of the founder of this logic republic Ayatollah Khomeini 30 years ago so the on his daughter addressed the crowds you know its hard to harness how you would see anwar photo ha ha today the philosophy and struggle of my father has made the resistance front into a principled and victorious philosophy. So the money and iran have long supported palestinian groups a senior hamas leader Ismail Haniya paid his respects. Were here to express our heartfelt condolences to the leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khomeini general solomonic family and the flag bearers of the resistance against the zionist regime and the us the crowds chanted sang and cried the feeling here that this is a moment of change not just a run for the entire region but here for president on the front porch of the fascination of boston for the money would result in people coming out and celebration coming out against the political establishment in iraq well the number of mourners here i think is the one so that he was greatly mistaken there were a chance of death to america and an expectation that iran must respond with we should take revenge the feeling that i had towards the digital its unique i dont have this feeling towards anyone else in government you can thats not my heart theres no one is valuable as the general a little on some blood with blood residual that what i was since i heard the news ive been crying 100 so weird feeling but at the bottom of our hearts we want revenge revenge revenge but not everyone agrees on what action to take and their intended political struggles in parliament. If. The best response is to expel us forces from the middle east and make efforts to liberate palestine but the specific response of iran shouldnt be hasty and should be well considered an important body called the assembly of experts condemn the killing of said the money and said silence in the face of assassination would make iran weaker they called upon young people to mobilize and prepare to oust American Forces from iraq as the world awaits irans response the government here will find it hard to ignore the calls for revenge and when its revenge for a man of course him so the money standing it would appear this Popular Support for whatever action may follow as. Ron. Was assassinated on iraqi sources outside Baghdad Airport lets go live now to baghdad to some of the java iraqs Prime Minister caretaker Prime Minister has met the u. S. Ambassador to iran whats he been saying about that meeting. Indian security stability and sovereignty those should be the 3 points in the relationship between the United States and iraq thats according to a readout that weve received from the Prime Ministers office after his conversation with the u. S. Ambassador according to the Prime Ministers office they both discussed matter of the region concerned in including the role of foreign troops in iraq a Prime Minister saying that both sides need should Work Together for quick removal of foreign troops from iraq and thats something that the Iraqi Parliament voted on and its been the 1st option for the iraqi Prime Minister as he told parliamentarians just 24 hours ago saying that now that the events have taken place of the assassination of licensing the money it will be difficult for foreign troops to carry out any of their operations but to protect themselves and it could be very difficult for iraq to sort of Security Forces to defend them as well. Given though the state of Iraqs Parliament the challenges that that it faces i mean can you actually implement orders to. For the expulsion of Foreign Forces in iraq religion it was a very important word that you used in the introduction same caretaker Prime Minister which shows that this is a government on its way out its a Prime Minister whos on his way out hes been asking the parliament and the president for a quick installation of a permanent government this is a government which has been on its way out for the last few weeks after months of protests so it is going to be a very difficult task for this government or the incoming government to implement these sentiments because its not just the 2014 agreement that exists between various world powers which are present in iraq but also other individual agreements save putting the one called the s f e r the special Framework Agreement with the United States according to which if iraq asks to terminate that agreement it will essentially need to give at least 12 months notice so even if and that is a big if if all parliamentarians came together you saw in the Parliament Session which was not attended by the sunnis and the kurds that if they came together and decided that they want to remove the forces it is going to be months not weeks and time that those groups who are out for revenge do not want to give the iraqi Security Forces what do iraqis think of President Trump and his threats against the cultural sites and. Say that he will charge them for the bases that theyve theyve set up in the country they essentially sanctions against. But so far there isnt be an official reaction but iraqis who weve been speaking to see this as another escalation we spoke to an m. P. Who told us that essentials. The United States and president from respects iran enough that hes been sending me juries youve been trying to deescalate but iraq he did not give any notice for these franks and b. Hes talking about in a threatening tone towards iraq so there is no respect from the United States to words iraq a country according to many politicians and people here which has been on the front lines of the fight against isis and it was the words front line as i said it was not just a threat to iraq but the rest of the world as well and according to iraqis are out has given many sacrifices and they have been given complete disregard it completely disregarded by the u. S. President when he says that he will charge them for the bases and put sanctions on iraq but again these are things that you have taken to context of what which one is meant for which audience to have been hearing friday statements from leaders here as well various political factions armed groups saying that even if the United States leave voluntarily the they will not they will still avenge the blood of the martyrs they say you heard from the other saying that there is a meeting that is going to happen in from all political. Armed groups inside and outside iraq to for the truck out a future strategy there have been leaders calling for a complete end of u. S. Presence including shutting down of the u. S. Embassy so theres a lot at stake there is a lot of anger here on the streets in baghdad but there is a lot of anticipation as well because people fear that once again iraq is going to become the theater where world powers like United States and iran play out their differences. Algis there was a summit in job at the live in baghdad a summer many thanks indeed will hide your castro is standing by for us in capitol hill in washington where the senate is set to reconvene in the next few hours but 1st lets lets speak to our White House Correspondent kimberly how could you if you could see is outside the white house right now as he made his way back to washington from florida on sunday night the president made the remarkable threats kimberlee against iraqi Cultural Heritage and size and sanctions on iraq hes been tweeting again on monday morning what are we to make of it all. Yeah the latest tweet from the us president coming down about 3 hours ago where the president said iran will never have a Nuclear Weapon he put that in all caps whats interesting about this is the president said it before but it comes to the heels of comments by his counselor Kellyanne Conway who told reporters here at the white house that despite this enormous escalation despite the threats coming from the u. S. President towards iran that they do believe there is still room to negotiate a new Nuclear Agreement to limit Irans Nuclear program of course the United States withdrawing from that 2015 Nuclear Agreement and certainly we know that in recent days iran for its part has said that it is also retreating from the pact now you brought up those cultural sites and the threat by the United States the u. S. President saying that he would target them the white house also not backing down on the president s statements in that regard that 52 cultural sites a significant number for the United States because the this is the number of diplomats that were detained back in 1979 by the iranians so the u. S. President not backing down from that threat to potentially target those cultural sites important to iranians if in fact iran retaliate for the u. S. Killing of general solo monny in fact just the opposite again the counter Kellyanne Conway defending that saying that this would be within the law but unclear whose law shes talking about because the consensus around the world globally as there is concern about potentially the targeting of these sites is that this would be an action if the u. S. Were to target that would be in violation of International Law Committee Many thanks indeed so well on capitol hill how did you cast troop politicians back after the christmas and new year break today u. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said that the house is going to introduce those on a war powers resolution this week what is she hoping thats going to change. Thats right adrian and Speaker Pelosi she has been critical about the strong strike that killed general soleimani shes called it disproportionate provocative and even possibly illegal because President Trump took this action without Consulting Congress the Us Constitution does say that the power to make war is a power that is divided between the executive and legislative branches and so the resolution that Speaker Pelosi is is introducing this week along and she says that it will be voted upon this week in the house of representatives would seek to stop what what in her letter she calls these military hostilities regarding iran within 30 days if congress does not give its authorization now this resolution it could have passed in the u. S. House of representatives because thats of course controlled by the Opposition Party the democrats but it is considered to have a very small chance of passing when it makes its way to the senate which is of course controlled by republicans President Trumps own party so then what would be the purpose of introducing it at all in the 1st place well it could be political pressure to get more information from the administration about this intelligence that both President Trump and secretary of state might pump ale have been citing saying that it was important to kill general so they monny at that moment because there was intelligence that an imminent attack on americans in the region was being planned by the general now there was a letter delivered from the administration to members of congress over the weekend that was the letter which notified them of the initiation of hostilities now Chuck Schumer the minority leader in the senate called the contents of that letter unsatisfying he as well as fellow democrats in the senate are pushing for that entire letter to be declassified to share with the public meanwhile in the house of representatives the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee adam schiff. It is calling for public hearings into the question of why the strong strike was called by President Trump and senators are also waiting for a full classified intelligence briefing on exactly what the president s rationale was here of course the key question that congress has for the president is whether or not this was as he claimed truly necessary to take out general so in money at this moment why after having decades. Of it of the possibilities of killing the general then of malign behavior by his part why did previous administrations not ask but this administration did act at this moment and whether or not that action is worth all of the fallout that the u. S. Has been experiencing and perhaps will continue to experience as a result but even he thinks nato is ahead has warned iran against further violation. Against for the violence rather than provocation for an urgent meeting held its headquarters in brussels secretarygeneral against old book says that a new conflict is in the ones interest so book is called for restraints deescalation nato maintains a 500 strong Training Mission in iraq for the fight against eisel but it suspended the mission following the deaths of solid money. Nato is prepared to continue our training and Capacity Building when the situation permits we remain strongly committed to the fight against international terrorism. After a meeting today at the United States also briefed on the regional situation following recent attacks on Coalition Forces in iraq and the strike against generals for the money. For years all our allies have expressed concern about irans destabilizing activities in the why the middle east region. We agree iran must never acquire a Nuclear Weapon we shared concern about irans missile tests ive got a brussels officer tasha butler is there so you have stop saying that the us explained its rationale for targeting so about it now. But couldnt he couldnt tell us why even though they said that those were in agreement about it what else did he say. Yes. The nato secretary general convened this emergency meeting of nato is 29 and busters here in brussels to discuss the situation the tensions that are really reaching boiling point between the United States and iran now of course United States is a nato member insult said in a press briefing off to the meeting that the u. S. Had briefed the other nato ambassadors or the us a strategy on why they had decided to kill general however sort of bikes that he could share that information with the public or with the press but that other nato ambassadors had been adequately briefed he did say that all the on busters were in agreement over the fact that they felt that all sides must now show restraint there must be a deescalation on all sides because i thought about said you are nobody wants to see this heading towards a conflict he also said that nato had expressed in the post its own concerns about iran and what he said was Iran Destabilizing influence in the region now one of the topics that was discussed of course a real concern for the Nato Alliance is the future of its mission in iraq there are nato troops in iraq training iraqi forces in counter i saw operations now that training was suspended on saturday iraqi lawmakers have also foreign troops to leave the country post stoltenberg said at this stage he would like mater members would like the arts operation to continue for that nato training to continue said it was very important indeed for those council i saw operations me said that those nato forces are in iraq at the request of baghdad so its not exactly clear whats going to happen to that mission in the coming days but at least from nato his point of view they would like to see that continue. Does nato have any influence as far as the steering the course of of the tension that that it that exists in the region in the middle east right now well again stoltenberg what is the os how would nato i react if iran was to tell gates and us interests in stoltenberg i simply said that thats not the sort of question but he could also say he said that is a us mind so even though of course the us is a member of nato he called speak on their behalf and so some bold step in what he didnt want to do was enter into that kind of conversation because thats only going to feel the situation which is already extremely precarious and cheshire many thanks indeed attention to that live in brussels is a former director of policy planning with mates and he joins us now via skype from brussels could have you with us want was this meeting all about and today well i think it was just to make. The decision that ive already taken that nato is free to join a its Training Mission from iraq in a way to be the damage and not to be falling in the crossfire yes get a shot between iran and the United States and for the ball i think there was time to get a better sense of the reason why the u. S. Can. Strike and. Its really by the and i believe from what the neighbors cricketer not say they were given some advance that doesnt mean that order nato Member States agree with the russian army but there was if you have it or 2. 28 other great the Member States to go to it talks about a nato being caught in the cross fire. What do you mean i mean as we were saying to natasha just a few moments ago it has very little scope for influencing any course of action. Absolutely and nature is not going to be an actor in the hostilities between iraq and the United States can be a victim of its you know theyre our 500. 00 and they told person no deployed in iraq train the Iraqi Defense forces there also some nato advisor is basically told and bankers that there are countries in the middle east including kurang so base some nato exposure to pussy. Yet retaliations and i think departing here whats the i think the make the exporter so i made the week not again before i was basically a potential target for d irans pursuit of the kind of missions to the us strike what sort of i mean iran has vowed to take revenge for something on his assassination what what shape might that revenge take and how would it affect things when forces. Well i think based on all. The experience you write. Hafey genevieve we could or could expect something off the boat problem approach where its all going to be a single let. Me tell you but he might be weights at several fronts he could be in some of the regional hotspots like yemen and lebanon where iraq has some direct involvement in proxies it could also be. On and u. S. Allies in the region including saudi arabia weve seen that weve recently in that time act against something you had some saudi old refineries and of course it would also be against u. S. And nato it is our 1st and that they seem to go out and the wider region and again think well also be able but it also cyber means used to come out from gates on the u. S. That fact that we have seen some of these some some accounts out technology of Cyber Attacks the make the right side step was taken down for a few minutes im not saying its iran but if we can explain the dawn of these the problem strategies to show that iran is not spend these responding to what is fundamentally a brain thats important kitty could still just say many thanks indeed for response here that speaking from brussels thank you very much in the last hour or so the u. N. Sector general antonio potential is cold for a deescalation ive been following the recent rise in global tensions with great concern i mean Constant Contact with living officials around the world and my message is simple and clear and stopped escalation exercise maximum restraint restart dialogue the new international cooperation. Let us not forget the terrible human suffering caused by war lets go live now to the u. N. How serious mike hanna is there was a very short statement whatever what else to the secretary general had to say well it was very short indeed basically that was the gist of the he was in and out in front of the podium in less than a minute effectively obviously expressing the deepest concern but in a very unspecific way very careful not to point any fingers or name any actors in these various crises which he refers to around the world there was a little bit more from the Chinese Ambassador john shewan who emerged from Security Council proceedings today and took some questions he was very. Specific about who is responsible for at least one of these crisis saying that the United States says violated basic norms of International Relations as he puts it hes called on all parties to prevent a further escalation but when austerity whether he was going to call for a Security Council meeting he hedged a little bit saying that yes there has been a letter received from iran asking for the Security Council to take some attention to the u. S. Attack however he did not go so far as to say that china want to the meeting he said that china was in close consultation with other Security Council members so the Security Council in session business as usual despite this crisis going on today for example discussing the chemical weapons situation in syria close doors discussion about libya but not able to directly address the crisis between iran and the United States might be speaking of libya forces loyal to the ward Khalifa Haftar a reports of reach the center of the city of sirte where the u. N. Envoy to libya has been speaking there what did he have to say. Yes he briefed the Security Council behind closed doors on the situation in libya and did make a statement to reporters afterwards painting a very bleak picture saying the situation in libya is a very bleak as he puts it as well particularly difficult he did raise the possibility of an all Party Conference taking place in berlin at some stage but he did emphasize too that the Security Council is not doing enough in and in direct criticism of the council itself he said that since april last year for example the Security Council has met 14 times in the situation in libya and yet is still unable to spearhead a cease fire so critical of the Security Council but once again in the wider scheme of things this is just another example as is the example of the situation of dealing with a conflict between the u. S. And iran that sometimes the Security Council appears simply unable to act because of the divisions among its 5 permanent members are serious mike hanna reporting live there from the u. N. As we reported though forces loyal to the libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar have reached the center of the city of sirte thats after they took control of the al qaida beer base one of the largest in the country after us troops are trying to wrestle control of this of the strategic city from the internationally recognized government its part of an offensive which the general wants in april to take control of the capital tripoli and to syria as part of the what is in tripoli and says the situation in sirte is changing rapidly. Were getting news from military sources in this caused the city of sirte saying it out have those forces that have taken control of several parts of the city including the poor and the city center thats also along with the military camps in southern cities for. The thing is still going on until now according to military sources and their area and they say that they take all of what happened after a certain detachment inside the city it was belonging to the Government Forces that changed position just because the our affiliate to the. Tribe of the warlord have to now the city of sirte it is a very strategic as it is very close to the oil fields and oil ports in central libya and specially close to the coast were getting also news from military sources in misrata that theyre sending troops. To repel have to his forces attack. The high profile trial of the american Film Producer Harvey Weinstein has begun in new york hes pleaded not guilty to charges of assaulting 2 women including raping one of them in a hotel room and 2013 if found guilty he faces life in prison. Or weaver is womens empowerment expert and the founder of the Exceptional Leadership institute for women she joins us now live from washington d. C. Thanks for being with us your thoughts on this the 1st day of the trial. Well you know this has been a long day coming allegations against weinstein actually came about 2 years ago and as im sure youre aware those allegations just exploded are roughly 80 women came out to say that he had engaged with Sexual Misconduct with them ranging all the way to rape and so many women around the nation and quite frankly around the world have been motivated me to movement but those allegations pond its a its a day that quite literally millions of women have been waiting for given the the settlements that these already made the financial settlements is this an open and shut case. Its not the financial settlement and civil trials they are bar is much lower than in criminal cases and interestingly there was a financial settlement but it didnt come from his bank he was able to get the studio to pay 25000000. 00 for him and so he really hasnt had any sort of personal impact directly related to these crimes as a result of having to face any sort of come to jesus moment in the courts this will be the 1st time that that happens and unfortunately with criminal cases so fortunately depending upon what side of the aisle that youre on the think the barrier is much higher in criminal cases you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that that person is guilty of what theyre accused of and quite frankly in Sexual Assault cases that can be rather difficult if he is found not guilty at the end of this trial what will that mean for the me to movement it will be a blow to the me to the movement as i mentioned some 80 women have come out to accuse him of Sexual Misconduct but thats while there are trials right you its more than accused here were talking about actually being able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt and so the idea here is to have women who have come forward bravely to actually stand in a court room to say what happened to them if they do that and if a jury hears all the evidence and then suggests that hes not guilty it may make millions of women around the country sort of come face to face with their biggest fear and that is that if they are sexually assaulted that no one will believe them and that might drive them further underground. Its been really good story to everybody thanks indeed for being with us. Absolutely my pleasure. Well get a weather update next here on that then well be in liberia to find out why theres growing discontent with the nations ruling elite. And in school the reinvention of the olympics gives a winter games debut to and its from the middle east. Hello that is a fairly quiet picture generally throughout much of the Arabian Peninsula the recent rain kid very swiftly out of the picture but unfortunately still to the north across the of and we are going to see more in the way of rain now all these coastal areas throughout of israel 11 on into serious a very strong winds to choose the on wednesday and some heavy rain at times will change as we go through the next couple of days of course to the north of there in turkey that right changing in to snow in the cold air and then quite a line of rain showers working their way through areas of iraq and eventually on into the north and the west of iran and then into Northern Africa that same system it will be impacting these Northern Areas particularly libya on into egypt but the winds are really quite strong and also beginning to push a fair way south as well so wait feeling that weather to the north at 3 will central and southern areas timers and 14 celsius though in shipley and across into benghazi and in capetown on tuesday 27. 00 celsius some good sunshine but the rains becoming really quite widespread and heavy throughout much of the south africa and then elsewhere weve got the usual scattered showers really across into mozambique and again some fairly stubborn rain showers into all central and Northern Areas of madagascar. More than 10 years after the Global Financial crisis youve taken home more than 480000000 dollars your company is now bankrupt our economy is in the state of crisis i have a very basic question for you this is where millions lost their homes in the us alone whos held responsible i will be fabulously wealthy and i will pay in price for thank the lord the man who still looms on aljazeera. It is murder when you throw a fire bomb into someones home and mishit you off trashing you know i have not done in a significant in numbers that insignificant ideologically that is significant even as it crime get down very significant by dictating Big Government and the fucked up policy to douse shalt not kill no part of the radicalized series on aljazeera. And i guess it is good to have you with us adrian for going to here in doha but the news out from out is there are other headlines irans leaders join huge crowds and turn around to hold prayers of the funeral of the assassinated general custom circassian solomonic his body was later taken to the city of qom so the money will be buried in his hometown of come on tuesday. Iraqs can take a Prime Minister has told the u. S. Ambassador that both countries should Work Together on withdrawing american troops Iraqs Parliament voted on sundays an urge the government to expel all foreign troops in the wake of the u. S. Sas they should have sort of body back that and forces loyal to the libyan war to come if i have to take control of one of the Largest Military bases in the country after us troops trying to wrestle control of the strategic city of sirte from the internationally recognized government of national corps. Event chaotic and confusing scenes in venezuela as the government of president Nicolas Maduro forcibly had stalled a new head of Parliament Armed troops physically blocks the opposition leader. And his allies from getting into the building ahead of the vote both one guy though and his opposition rival the newly elected National Assembly speaker luis posada have been trading accusations of the last few hours heres what theyve had to say going to. Its not just that they have prevented the lawmakers from entering the assembly they did not allow the president because they violated the rights of venezuelans what you say is what youve been saying for years persecution kidnappings wrists and of takeover of the assembly. We want to tell you the truth about the change this our National Assembly is undergoing yesterday the National Assembly elected its leadership in accordance with the constitution of venezuela in accordance with the constitutional mandate and the assemblies quorum regulations. Latin america thats a use in human joins us now live from caracas to say whats that the strategy now for the opposition i mean theyve lost physical control of congress will try to return on tuesday when a new sessions convened. Hello adrian well i was able to day i had the opportunity to meet at both mr luis and also to speak with wide all wide law says that he is going to attempt to along with all the opposition deputies and they have the vast majority more than a 100 of them to go back on tuesday and reclaim the National Assembly building clearly they are setting themselves up for a new confrontation and he is calling in a rather subtle way for other people to accompany them we understand that students have some student movements have said that they will go also to try to help them get back into the congress and perhaps others as well we we also saw that the Congress Building is completely surrounded so are no a very very wide broom. Or by National Guardsmen they are reinforcing the security in that area on the other hand really spot on the man who claims now to be the new president of the National Assembly has said that he would allow the opposition and one bible to take their seats in the assembly but clearly not as the leaders so its not quite certain how this is going to play out in any case why the law says that he will hold the session that there is only one National Assembly and whether it actually operates from the Congress Building or anywhere else in the country or the capital is another matter that doesnt change anything of course in the background of all this is president Nicolas Maduro why would he risk escalating. And he said the conflict with the u. S. And other countries who condemned what they could saw they call an assault on the only institution that the president would do does dont actually control. It is a very very risky proposition there is no doubt because this will clearly escalate the conflict and the antagonism with countries like the United States and the European Union even latin american countries which are uniting even the ones on the left against this move and that means more economic pressure and more political pressure but its possible that president nicolas my little calculates that its all lost anyway that this is a kind of part of a strategy to try to get the office in the National Assembly design off on a new Electoral Council this time a National Assembly that he would control even though his father claims to be in the opposition but he was elected by the government deputies and so this this is a key point having a new Electoral Council that until now the government has flatly refused to do admit to allow appointed or elected by socalled members of the opposition who really arent this in order to have elections later on this year that would at least in theory be more transparent and more acceptable to the world and to venezuela is a lesson america. Live in. The sand but he thinks the. Thousands of people have marched in liberias capital monrovia over the countrys deepening economic crisis demonstrators demanding that president george weah take action to tackle the rising cost of living and government corruption its the 3rd demonstration against the footballers president since june last year the government had said that it would block any protests before the end of january but opposition groups about to defy that ban aljazeera. In liberias capital and says there was a big security presence at the antigovernment protest. Gross leading to this particular area and the capital as they call it had been locked mustnt security on the streets as well as roadblocks trying to organize a protest. Designated right you see peace men trying to keep order and calm on the streets and at the same time try to block the protesters from accessing key areas where Government Installations like the office of the president is not catered as well as the Supreme Court and the National Parliament now this is where the government says the project will and and that the protesters i insisted that they may. Because they would like to see action from the president. However because the system. For one day ends today we really dont know exactly what. Measures the Security Forces will take if the protesters insisted on staying you know what was allocated to that we understand that the protesters demanding the government to take action key issues he says that the. Governments as well as the president asking the president to place an assessment of the constitution doesnt require him to do so publicly. When hes insistent that some of his demands have been addressed and also. They all look like the rest of the demands maybe not. After the start of todays demonstrations however the numbers compared to what happened someone months ago really disappointed many supporters who expect big numbers to be present. In Uganda Police again detained musician and political activist bobby why and he was prevented from holding a Campaign Rally for next years president ial Election Police fired tear gas to disperse his supporters outside the capital kampala the meeting had been all the rawest by electoral authorities of the winds been calling for the retirement of longtime president yesterday the 70 the president himself is marching through the jungle with 70 says that he wants to highlight the liberation struggle 3 decades ago that led to him taking power in 1986 critics have dismissed it as a bid to rally support for a 6th in office a 70 began his 60 march from the north of kampala on saturday. Democratic republic of congo authorities want to pay around 10000 families to move away from lucrative minefields to make way for Foreign Companies with. Reports many people are refusing to leave because they dont trust the government. These men used to work for themselves that was until the congolese government moved them and gave the mining contract to a company from china that means working for the chinese if they want to survive now they hear local authorities want to pay people to move even further out to make room for more Foreign Mining Companies i mean summated 10000. 00 families could be affected. Only Big Companies are allowed here but we will not leave until we know where they want us to go better we also dont know how much money they are offering us to move. More than half of the worlds cobalt is produced in democratic republic of congo its a vital component in batteries used in goods ranging from electric cars to phones and laptops but some here in the south East Township of in the tender province say they are not benefiting they want fair compensation before they move. There were 2 previous 3 locations before to their village of. Our north of they were laid. The government must 1st build proper houses for us before we move. 2 years ago around 600 families were relocated to this place come to kenai village about 25 kilometers away from but starting over hasnt been easy for everyone some families say there are great moving. We still dont have proper sanitation facilities theres no Running Water or electricity we havent heard any politicians come and explain to us whats going on Civil Society groups a past relocations have exposed corruption and human rights abuses in the mining sector. The previous relocations did not work in some cases people were forced to move the government cant make people leave an area without providing adequate housing and other facilities including fair compensation in a statement the provincial governor richard. Says with a drop in price of cobalt on the world market the relocation of people from is no longer on the agenda because no company is ready to finance its relocation process it is now up to the National Government through the ministry of mines for years locals have been told by the government that Foreign Investment creates jobs but at this foreign owned mine these men say they earn barely enough to survive. Aljazeera in mali at least 5 soldiers have been killed after a roadside bomb hit an army convoy in the Central Region of. Mali a struggle to contain rebel groups who have killed more than 140 soldiers since september thousands of french troops have been stationed in the south to help contain the violence. Protests are being held across india condemning an attack that targeted students and faculty at a Prominent University in new delhi demonstrations taking place will have taken place in bengaluru chennai chanda and mumbai besides new delhi the protesters say that students affiliated with the ruling b j p carried out the attack counterdemonstrations ive also been held in solidarity with the accused the b j p s student body denies that it carried out the assault. More than 30 people who were inside show how narrow university came under attack on sunday evening mosque people with roads sledgehammers and stones targeted teachers and students despite multiple calls victims say the Police Arrived late delhi police which is controlled by the Central Government is also accused of doing little to contain the violence. In a few weeks millions of people will celebrate Chinese New Year around their dining tables but this year china is facing a shortage of its favorite food pork trader you reports from beijing. Pork stew shredded pork and braised. Just some of the most popular dishes served during the Chinese New Year holiday. But as families in china welcome the year of the rat few a pork items may be on the menu in recent months prices have more than doubled not i know for us if prices keep going up like this then i will order and eat less pork or even try to not eat out as frequently as before. African swine flu has wiped out heart of chinas hope heads up to 200000000 farm pigs have died or been culled since the outbreak began a year ago harmless to humans the contagious disease kills pigs within 10 days there is no vaccine. China has 26000000 people farmers and industry is crucial in impacts and many other sectors of this shortage has caught everyones attention including Farmers Consumers and the garment. The Chinese Government has released more than 100000 tonnes of strategic pork reserves to ease demand and lifted environmental restrictions on. China consumers hoff the worlds pork and during the Chinese New Year holiday demography seeks to address the source its the Chinese Government has a world wide spending spree to buy more. And its pushing up prices worldwide beijing is ramped up pork imports from the European Union and despite the trade is awaiting tariffs on u. S. Pork its also boosting reports of other new person including australian musson beef and chicken from brazil. Agricultural experts say the 4 could effect eating habits from the long term you know we will see increase will poultry consumption is a metre high protein and the. Other has a shorter large cycle and a. It could be the most possible replacement for polk. For now maines chinas Favorite Meat but with no end to the show he didnt cite it will continue to be more costly to bring home the bacon trini you aljazeera. Just ahead. In sports thing get a little heated on court in a case that will be here to tell you. All. But i dont try to support his peter thank you very much christiane or another kicked off a new decade in the same form that he ended the last as italys city are returned from its winter break he scored his 1st tantrik for you venters in a foreigner winning in scouting on monday it was the 56. 00 of these career an elder taking his tally for the season to 15 goals even to score top of the table with nearest rivals into action later against napoli. On his return to the san siro the latter only bring him a bitch was unable to provide the spark ac milan are looking forward to lift this season came on as a 2nd half substitute in their goal of straw at home to sampdoria. Italian football is still facing some familiar problems though i have responded after some of their fans made racist chants towards Mario Balotelli and they win a pressure balloted he described it as shameful a lot see a Statement Read the club disassociates itself in the most exhaustive way possible from the discriminatory behavior carried out by a very small minority of fans the club confirms its intent to prosecute those who betrayed a sporting passion causing a serious injury to the image of the club and the team. Tottenham and London Police have closed their investigation into claims of racist abuse towards chelseas antonia ruediger they found no evidence to support allegations made in the English Premier League match last month were to get said he had monkey noises off he was involved in the sending of spurs player son using main. The reinvention of olympic sports is allowing new countries to make their winter games debuts one of those is cutter which is sending an f. A. To the youth in them picks in switzerland its all thanks to a new form of hockey and a thriving league in the biz of nation elders here is someone who reports. 15 year old fellow artist days unusual in qatar because even the ice hockey player hes unique in custer because hes the 1st athlete from the country ever to become a winter olympians after call fine for the 2020 youth limpid games in the sun go down with us and a lot could a village rather than skating since i was 7 years old at the same rink i became more fascinated by the game when i used to watch ice hockey players from the National Team compete here and i participated in many competitions on an International Level and now im competing for the games in switzerland after all the support ive received from the coach and my team because ive been dubbed no. Its been a will compete in one of the games in news disciplines 3 by 3 ice hockey. The teams are formed of athletes from Different Countries so the teenager will be playing both with and against a more established nations like sweden finland and the czech republic. The introduction of a new hockey format to the winter games means the emerging nations dont need an Outstanding Team they just need an outstanding individual and thats what qatar has and so what they. What they also have is a thriving domestic competition the Qatar International i hope the league is packed with expats from canada and the u. S. As well as other countries playing every week at the rink in one of many shopping malls of the capital doha free of all kinds of levels weve got guys who were once paid to play ice hockey theyre phenomenal players others a rookie like myself. Every record for 4050 years and there are 4 or 5 coverings that are excellent skaters. And their plans are a division very competitive its amazing to watch these its actually a challenging summer for a Division Player and quite honestly theres a lot of those that are players way better to meet it in their face and theyre very skilled after the league introduced catteries to the sport the limb pick a committee wants to take it further. Theres a nation confident that they will become the 1st of many to go from passing through the food courts to sports because state. All dizzy had done. In tennis rafa nadal lead the reigning davis cup champions spain into the quarter finals at the new Team Competition the a. T. P. Cup the world number one was and to rough it for him in the singles match against a bloke square busts of youre a guy and ill talk just 3 games in a straight sets victory which clinched the time spain would go on to win the doubles match as well for a 3 no victory. Things are a bit more heated in the time between serbia and front range when ben will pay last break to do so on live a singles match and took out his frustration on his spirits a fighting back to win the match but serbia took the tie 21. 00 thanks to wins for Novak Djokovic about the singles and doubles as vague qualified for the knockout stage as well. Le bron james put on a must to close as the Los Angeles Lakers showed off their title credentials against the Detroit Pistons the braun owned the course on this breakaway to set up and to me davis in the 1st quarter. But it was at the basket that he really wowed the crowd at the staples center. I mean that passed some old lakers frailties or. Remerge says the persons fallback to leave though. Butler bon took it upon themselves to stop their charge with one of his own lake of sealing 8109190315 in a row in the 1st championship in a decade looking increasingly possible. For. Australias cricketers have moved closer to india at the top of the World Championship after completing a 3 nil series whitewash over new zealand meanwhile attains final days in prospect in cape town at the 2nd test between south africa and england a South African chasing a target of 438 they closed 112642 earlier don Sibley School hes made into a century for england. Ok thats where well leave it for now back again later with another sports bulletin adrian fagan many thanks indeed and thats where we end doha leave it for now its time for us to have the back into our team in london body of the mozzie is up next here on officer to update you also here again thanks for watching. Its a tough time for the afghan Security Forces taliban attacks have increased their suffering heavy casualties and the prospect of a withdrawal of u. S. Forces hangs over them yet young men are still joining up some for reasons others its the only way to get a job despite the risks midways karimi was an Army Bomb Disposal engineer in Helmand Province he knew the risks he was blinded in both eyes and lost a leg when a roadside device exploded as you try to defuse it always aware of the danger of seeing friends wounded while working on mines i wasnt scared to lose an arm or a leg is to sacrifice we have to like to serve this country almost the last time you were out on the streets protesting whether on line you feel the weight of the system when you walk through each and every love border layer further and further into the jail or if you join a sunset retention has to start from day one whether again youre in detention or youre incarcerated this is a dialogue everyone has a voice so far there are studies that support rush coverage will be varying accounts but i want to give people the reason for joining the global conversation on out is iraq when the news breaks today the current government. Its lost the trust of the people they cant do anything because the producers are against it when people to vote for it work in the represent the law for sure for opponents of brechts its drawing from the conservative aljazeera has teams on the ground right now hopes the meeting in paris will push politicians to create a competent and credible government to bring the relief documentaries and the nightly on air and online. Tears from irans most powerful leaders as crowds packed the streets of tehran for the funeral of assassinated commander money and iraqs caretaker Prime Minister tells the u. S. Ambassador that both countries should Work Together on withdrawing american troops. Im Maryam Namazie in london youre with aljazeera also bringing you all the stories this hour for says loyal to libyan war Khalifa Haftar say they

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