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U. S. President bill clinton now ken starr will represent donald trump at his trial. And small game urgency with 4 european cities among the most polluted in the world protesters demand their governments take action. So were going to begin with diplomatic moves ahead of a highly anticipated summit in balin on sunday which is aimed at ending the conflict in libya what has met the Prime Minister of greece now greece has been excluded from the summit and its the main regional rival of Turkey Russia and turkey support opposing sides in the conflict they will be battling a conference the goal is to end fighting between Hostile Forces and the u. N. Recognize government of. The most important thing now is. After the berlin conference if everything goes as planned and the Security Council supports the conclusions from the conference if the libyan sides do not repeat their own past mistakes and start adding any additional conditions and blaming each other as of now the relationships between them are very strange they dont even want to be in the same room let alone speak or meet each other meanwhile the fighting continues Libyas National Oil Corporation says its warehouses have been bombed by huff those forces. Is enough and sent this report on the meeting there with the Prime Minister. We still dont know whether theres going to be any statement after the meeting between general have tyler and the Prime Minister and that meeting is still ongoing as far as we know but we do know what was said earlier in general have to his meeting with because then there is the foreign minister mr then the us told reporters after that he and general have to have agreed that among general have to us aims of the peace conference to secure a cease fire and security in his country should be the pursuit of the. A blockade against any other reaching the warring sides a departure of foreign mercenaries that have played such a large part in this war and also in an old mint of the maritime jurisdiction agreement reached by rival the government in tripoli with turkey last november that is an agreement greece has taken particular objection to because it infringes upon areas in the mediterranean that greece also sees as its maritime jurisdiction belonging to its eastern asian islands and so it wants that agreement and all that is its main concern in these talks but of course it is aligned with its European Union allies and partners in wanting International Law to prevail in libya and an agreement thats acceptable to all sides meanwhile and if i have to has written a letter to russian president Vladimir Putin thanking him for trying to resolve the libyan conflict step vasant has more on this from moscow. The press service of the kremlin has just made public that they have to have send a letter to president putin to reaffirm his willingness to go to moscow again to continue the dialogue the peace talks and he also said mr president my dear friend i wish to express my personal gratitude and appreciation to russia for efforts towards establishing peace and stability in libya and this is all of course very interesting because this latter comes a little over 4 days after have to pretty much embarrass president putin after he left moscow there were peace negotiations going on for more than 7 hours so russia the Prime Minister of the u. S. Backed government in libya had signed this cease fire agreement and have to ask some time until the morning to think about it and then suddenly in the middle of the night left moscow without any signature so this was seen as a failure of course for moscow and for president putin and this letter now seems to be safe face saving operation to make sure that russia is back in the game. World are the one hurt is in tripoli and so is the u. N. Recognize government is cottle im chinless you are to return the berlin peace conference on sunday. The Foreign Ministry in tripoli has sent an official letter to the German Embassy in tripoli requesting that both qatar and tunisia be invited for the bit of talks we know that the government of National Accord is keen to include both countries to achieve some kind of balance facing the other delegation supporting the warlords really for have today as you know at least 4 countries supporting the warlord holy for have are invited to take part in the 1000000000 talks on sunday including the United Arab Emirates egypt russia and france so by this move the government here into play is trying to achieve balance it says that tunisia is very important to take part in these talks as tunisia not only as a neighboring country and being impacted and and affected by the ongoing crisis in libya but it has been also costing thousands of libyan if you g. D. And as for qatar the government says that qatar has been all supporting the freedom revolutions in libya since 2011 and the government believes that qatar is a key. Player in the peace talks in berlin. Libyas been torn apart by conflict since long time ruler Moammar Gadhafi was overthrown in 2011 its divided between warring militia groups which mostly back to rival governments the un recognized administration led by Prime Minister. Is based in tripoli its supported by turkey and many european nations including italy which is one of the fighting there tripoli is going to force more people to flee across the mediterranean and the east theres the to brook based government the center of power for warlord Khalifa Haftar and now hes backed by egypt saudi arabia russia and the United Arab Emirates fronts is also accused of providing military support to his forces which this impacts the founder of Libya Analysis l. L. C. No its a consultancy and hes also a nonresident fellow but the middle east institute is joining us now from new york thanks very much indeed for being with us in amongst all those names that i just read the name of the of greece doesnt really appear very highly why is. Paying this visit to the greek Prime Minister well thats a good point the greeks are big players on the mediterranean or middle eastern stage and of course theyve been dealing with their own Economic Crises over the past decade but what happened is that ever since have to attack tripoli in april 29000 the nature of the civil war in libya changed for the last 4 years before then you had a proxy war the different libyan coalitions were fighting with outside actors supporting one side or the other but now whats happened is. Its really the outside actors who are running the show and the different libyan coalitions are fighting and after has many supporters you listed them egypt russia the u. A. E. Saudi Arabia Jordan and to some extent even france where as the g. And a has not been able to get military support from its traditional allies the u. S. U. K. And italy so its been between a rock and a hard place and desperately only the turks have stepped up to the plate with the drones air support and mercenaries that the g. N. A. T. Needs and in exchange for that they demanded you need to sign this maritime m. O. You and the maritime m. O. You violates the International Law of the sea known as on costs in giving a turkish libyan shared zone of economic influence between south western anatolia and the libyan coast and of course that has enraged greece and cyprus because theyve been prospecting for natural gas in those waters so if i understand what youre saying correctly that this is no longer just restricted to ending the fighting were talking about regional considerations which are being brought into into play here lets talk about the deal a potential deal that could be on the table what kind of conditions do you think general are colorful huffed are would be looking for as part of the deal. Well there really isnt going to be any peace deal proposed in berlin and its not meant to be a peace conference so thats kind of a misnomer the conference has 3 goals the 1st goal is to box out these spoilers that weve mentioned because we went from a proxy war as i described to truly an extra territorial drone war the turks pilot the drones against huffed cars drones which are piloted by the u. A. E. So the berlin conference is going to try to impose penalties on those who violate the u. N. Arms embargo and and change the nature of the conflict in libya theyre not seeking to actually have a long term peace the 2nd track is about the libyan economy and changing the incentive structures and the 3rd track is about changing the very nature of the Legal Framework with which the International Community looks at the libya conflict and thats like updating this corrupt agreement how much are we seeing given the events of the last few days how much are we seeing essentially the balance of leverage for want of a better phrase shift from the tripoli based government to the tobruk based government were seeing a lot of publicity about the movements of general huffed or we dont seem to be seeing quite so much in the media about the g. N. A. T. The government of National Accord which is of course u. N. Backed as well whats the representation as far as youre seeing it. So on the one hand youve made a keen point which is that since our launched his assault in april 29th teen has had more foreign support despite being illegitimate but the problem is that you refer to the 2 blocs as the eastern government of the western government neither of them are really governments what it is its a collection of militias so the l n a calls itself an army but its a collection of militias and then it faces another collection of militias in the west the governments and as much as they both have Prime Ministers the Prime Ministers are afterthoughts and are not powerful were talking about this coalition of militias and youre right that it is huffed are in his eastern based coalition of militias who have the upper hand and have leverage and thats because his International Supporters are willing to give him the drones mercenaries and training that gives power on the ground and what were going to be seeing over the next days is all sides trying to use as much leverage as they have to secure their interest so there but noises today that oriel will be shut off in the oil crescent and those are the main ports of break rosslyn ouf said drugs to 18 up and that could change the game because even though this conflict has been raging for 8 months now there have not been mayor droids stop at this really complex situation and we appreciate your kind of picking the details for us jason park thank you very much indeed. 30 more ahead in the news including families with nothing left to lose hope for a Better Future outside guatemala. Flying over an erupting crater we join the 1st helicopter recognizance of the devastation caused by a volcano to halt. And a warning for african footballers liverpools coach says the top clubs may lose interest in signing players from the continent far is going to be here to tell us why. Dozens of people have been injured in clashes in the iraqi capital Baghdad Security forces fired tear gas to break up a crowd of demonstrators trying to breach baghdads bridge the bridge is close to talk to the square where thousands of been camped out for months demanding political change in iraq hundreds of people have been killed since months protests began in october. Irans Supreme Leader says European Countries cant be trusted in negotiations over the 2050 nuclear deal ayatollah ali a colony made the comments during friday prayers not the 1st time hes led the simon and tech run in 8 years said big has more from the iranian capital. The days events began with the customary. And the chants of death to america. To friday prayers to hear the Supreme Leader. The last time he did this was in 2012 in the midst of the arab spring the spiritual and political leader of iran turned its focus to the United States and europe with the europeans having triggered the dispute mechanism in the 2015 nuclear deal. To the United Nations while you got to germany france and even government of the u. K. Responded to their threat after the u. S. Withdrawal from the nuclear deal i said i dont trust them and that theyre american servants and clients these countries want to bring the iranian nation to its knees and the u. S. Which is your master couldnt do anything let alone you who are smaller we can be a deceitful in the negotiations with those a steel hand in f. L. That glove they cannot be trusted we have no problem with talks but not with the us. But domestically the country has seen protests against price rises and in the last week condemnation of the downing of the ukrainian passenger jet after it left the iran with the loss of 176 lives the message one of regret and condolence hopes will die will the plane crash was a bitter accident but through. Next month iran has parliamentary elections polls show that the turnout could be very low an obvious concern for the legitimacy of the political system here in iran as hes firing as hes made my dear brothers and sisters my d. N. A. Sion of iran the presence of the iranian people is the most important factor of power and this presence is power in many places one of the most important goals is the election. The nation of military commander general qassam so the money by the United States had resulted in a wave of support throughout iran but that changed when its military shut down the ukrainian airline. How many decided to speak at a time when the country is experiencing tense pressure extending domestic. Support the situation and getting to face up to the challenges that the coming months and years this country may face. Most of. Us are in chief of the Fars News Agency he says the Supreme Leaders friday speech underscored how seriously hes treating the ukrainian jet crash. He showed very serious stance saying that investigations should continue in officials should continue their probe into the incident also they should improve the systems and the air Defense Systems in order to avoid. Similar accidents in future so he showed very much of you know care about this incident but still i believe iranians were shocked of course in the last 2 weeks and some parts of the Society Might have been you know still in the shock so they might have been feeling some kind of passiveness but the iranians supremely there really energized them and showed them the policy and the path and especially when you consider the cold weather here it was it had just started snowing such a huge crowd that gathered around him again they renewed allegiance to the Islamic Republic and the leader and they would follow his line as as was expect that thats one of the. You know sentiments that he has had and whenever he appears in the friday prayers he may very drastic change in you know in the community in the iranians in the officials so he was very influential in his presence was very much influential even without saying a war the very fact that he let the friday prayers was very important well president Donald Trumps respond to the comments by irans Supreme Leader joining friday prayers he says the socalled Supreme Leader of iran who has not been so supreme lately had some nasty things to say about the United States and europe their economy is crashing and their people are suffering he should be very careful with his words. United states is sanctioning a Brigadier General from irans Islamic Revolutionary guard for his involvement in a crackdown on protesters in november at least 300. 00 people were killed when Security Forces suppressed nationwide protests that started off to fuel prices were increased the United States is listing i. R. G. C. Brigadier general haasan shover pour under section 7031 see. These sanctions general shop or committed gross violations of human rights against protesters in musher shar he oversaw the massacre of 148 helpless iranians in the musher our region last november general shop a poor was in command of units responsible for the violent crackdown and lethal repression around musher shar canadas Prime Minister says iran must commit to a full investigation into the dining of ukrainian airliner Justin Trudeau has given an update about the crash which killed 57 canadian citizens he says iran must hand over flight and data recorders to a country fully equipped to examine them as soon as possible iran does not have the level of Technical Expertise and mostly the equipment necessary to be able to analyze these damaged back black boxes quickly there are only a few places in the world that can france is has one of the laboratories that can do it there is a beginning of a consensus that the french are certainly offered to do it that that would be the right place to send those black boxes to get proper proper information from them in in a rapid way and that is what we are encouraging the iranian authorities to agree to. You know as president Donald Trumps defense team for his upcoming impeachment trial has been announced theyll include former independent counsel ken starr and lawyer Alan Dershowitz the trial is going to be held led by a white House Counsel pats apollo knee and trumps personal attorney jay sekulow for more were going to cross live to Gabriel Elizondo in washington d. C. Game it looks as though this is a pretty high powered defense what are we reading into this. Yeah i think you can read into it that trump is taking this very very seriously i mean these 2 lawyers that he brought in to be part of this team are celebrity lawyers that are very very well known in washington and have a long history in this city and really in the nation 1st looking at Alan Dershowitz a long time a law professor at harvard hes considered one of the preeminent constitutional lawyers in the u. S. Dershowitz is actually a democrat and voted for Hillary Clinton however he has come out very strongly over the last 3 to 4 months or so even if before that saying that he believes that this impeachment trial is something that should not be pursued constitutionally and that there are no high crimes and socalled misdemeanors and so thats really caught trumps attention and i think thats probably why he brought dershowitz on his team also dershowitz as appears on television here in the United States as a legal analyst a lot so hes very adept with the media spotlight and i think thats something that trump probably appreciates also you have ken starr who was from the late ninetys where youre well known in washington d. C. As you mentioned briefly he was the independent counsel that helped to prosecute or bring the trial impeachment trial against the then president bill clinton and so i think starr is very well known to and i think thats why he was probably brought on this team as well i think you can read into this that trump wants the absolute best people that he can get his hands on and thats why he brought these 22 lawyers here and theyre both very media savvy and i think that thats probably going to be something very critical because starting next tuesday when this trial gets underway it is going to consume this city and really the United States as a whole and i think thats why you seeing these high profile lawyers brain being brought in on trumps team thanks very much indeed i want to bring in bruce fein hes a constitutional lawyer and hes a former u. S. Associate Deputy Attorney general hes joining us from washington d. C. As always was thank you very much indeed for talking us through this just from a procedural point of view for those of us who dont really understand how this works how much of the defense is going to be carried out by these 2 lawyers and how much is going to be done by their defense team. But we dont know that really is a choice to be made by President Trump who is the client here. We do know this and in full disclosure to your audience i was at harvard with professor dershowitz i know him hes a friend ken starr i worked with at the department of justice it was later solicitor general there so i know both gentlemen and they clearly are well above the house managers in their mastery of constitutional law in their ability to deliver oral arguments with a great deafness and felicity. The house managers are what they call and mrs pelosi trumpeted as a trial lawyers trial lawyers are not gifted in constitutional law their arguments are in the weeds if you will not the loftier elements that are ordinarily present in impeachment but i think we have raised a question thats critical here and we dont know how much preparation mr starr and mr. Dershowitz have had with regard to the facts in the case no matter how brilliant a lawyer is if you havent mastered the facts you could come off as rather clumsy and it does seem as though the appointments of these 2 which are really superstars within the Legal Community are a kind of 11th hour efforts and that will perhaps subtract from their ability to play a more prominent roles in the impeachment trial then one of the key questions that people have been talking about in the run up to this of course is whether or not witnesses are going to be allowed to testify during this trial if i remember correctly bruce when ken starr was prosecuting president bill clinton in the run up to that hes brought in a huge number of witnesses to testify against the the president do you think that that could be used as some sort of leverage by the democrats to force the trial to. Witnesses to take part. Well its a wonderful question but i think its a little bit off that is mr starr was investigating mr clinton as a prosecutor his initial investigation was focused on a crime but he wasnt part of the House Management team that went over and presented the case to the senate of the United States and the argument would be if im a republican as well the house of representatives took mr starrs information they added whatever not much more on their own and sent it over and the that the republicans were well the democrats why dont you investigate and have the witnesses that was your job before you sent articles of impeachment why are you sending us the job of an investigation that you had an opportunity to undertake but i do think the republicans now are fully convincing on that score because new Additional Information has surfaced relating to that quid pro quo for will between mr zelinsky and the President Trump about aid military and otherwise in exchange for opening investigation against mr biden is possible 2020 adversary and getting a white house visit that wasnt available at the time of the house investigation and therefore it justifies calling needs new witnesses to the trial before the senate i think the strategy of the republicans is as follows they will hope that the American People will get bored after the opening arguments and the presentation of the evidence thats already in play and after several weeks theyll say we just need to get to a verdict the 2nd element that militates in favor of delay on mr trumps part is that i believe as happened in the nixon and clinton impeachment there will be a National Security crisis that will develop and mr trump will maybe assassinate someone likes all the many theyll be an escalation of tensions in the middle east or a straight a for most it will be said that we cant afford. An impeachment trial we need to bring this to closure it member thats what mr nixon did in the yom kippur war and put us on def con 3 that was the highest Nuclear Alert stage with the soviet union mr clinton bombed iraq for 6 months hoping to deflect attention from his impeachment ordeal and i believe mr trump will not be reluctant to follow those examples so if you look for a National Security crisis in the next weeks bruce fein we appreciate it thank you very much indeed. Turkish president has accused the Syrian Government of breaking a ceasefire agreement and killing 20 people in the opposition held province over the deal came into effect last sunday but violence has continued pushing more people from their homes and protesters to the streets charlotte ballasts reports. The ceasefire deal was short lived in a loop serious last opposition on play. Brokered by turkey and russia it came into effect on sunday. This was filmed on thursday it shows a russian jet in the Syrian Army Pounding opposition positions they say they were provoked. But the most and military operations resolved on south eastern fronts after the insurgents violated the truce and targeted humanitarian corridors the insurgents a rebels aligned with the Syrian Opposition the last fighters in a war that began nearly 9 years ago is supported by turkey president responded to the escalation after friday prayers. Unfortunately this is clear proof that the Syrian Regime is not abiding by the steps that we took regarding the ceasefire and the excuse is always ready this is the excuse terrorist organizations are doing this or that these are all lies. Living in this province 3000000 people its the last opposition stronghold with little recourse they sing of the suffering heart full of not fear but. This is as much a protest as a funeral they say despite the ceasefire 2 bombs killed their friends here on wednesday. And in the shadows 350000 syrians who fled their homes since early December Michael hart the found shelter in mosques across the province. And that then led we have no one on a but knocked on the door in the morning and took us with him myself and my younger brother he pushed us here as were living on relief aid. Life is stark here in the winter many refugees seem to visit just building carcasses theres no heat water let me get back here that i havent had that wasnt on the lot and we are waiting for someone to have met us come to help us here we committed no crime to be punished this way no one is looking at us and messy my husband and son about disabled our life is destroyed this was meant to be temporary now the cease fire has broken again shallop palace al jazeera. Still had an aljazeera continue tax on Tech Companies make social media safer calls for Urgent Research into the impact of internet use. And in sports the striker had to be honest toes to accept a gift from a goalkeeper far have more later. How the weekend star in the us is moving up to the plain states underneath this massive cloud here in america across the midwest and every followed by a court to children the most of the temperatures are subzero to sleep in the snow on the ground is moving slowly ease with certain be a burst of snow that it will move on and thatll be more or less once your data 1000 saturday the backwash wind coming out of the cold into the prairies of calendar where when it hangs at minus 17 it will be felt. Felt at least here but the code of coast countries longways cyrus and if you look at sunday the sun is added mrs lee but the High Temperature in minneapolis is minus 40 its minus 4 in kansas city is any 9 in atlanta at missy the sun is out in the beast now on the ground but it went off cold and all this time in British Columbia this has been falling ever time is doing so in washington and oregon as well. The last frontal system that plagued this is this one here so its now coming down into the caribbean across cuba has been year in the islands and that suggests im stunned and slow moving rain otherwise its light showers for most of the caribbean islands and of course the standard from panama north was the yucatan peninsula youve got days of at least coastal showers on the gulf side. The 21st century began with extraordinary Economic Growth across much of latin america. But since this halted in 2008 theres been a political shift to the right on a continent where socialism once a drive to. A chilean politician goes on a journey to meet a leading leftwing ficus to understand why that politics have lost ground so dramatically. In latin america a giant in turmoil coming soon. Winning best to katyn crime an admission of guilt is the ultimate corroboration. Or is it there are tactics that can be used to get innocent people to confess to crimes they didnt commit witness explores the shocking phenomenon of people incriminating themselves the person who falsely contrast actually came to believe the lie that they were told about their own behavior false confessions on aljazeera. Your geography a reminder of our top stories this hour greece is calling for a cease fire in libya what are you for is enough and as for talks head of a conference and live on sunday off those forces of fighting the internationally recognized government in tripoli. Irans Supreme Leader says european states cant be trusted in negotiations over the 2015 nuclear deal Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made the comments during friday prayers the 1st time he was that the son went into. In 2 years. Turkeys president. Has accused the Syrian Government of breaking a cease fire in the last rebel held province of idlib at least 20 people were killed the ceasefire was supposed to take effect last sunday. A count of out of almost 3000 people is heading north through guatemala towards the Mexican Border with the aim of reaching the United States most of his gaping stream poverty and Gang Violence in honduras correspondent John Heilemann is with those migrants in Guatemala City. This is the queue of people from honduras that have traveled in a caravan they were aiming to get to mexico many of them to get through mexico and to the United States were actually outside of d a migrant shelter here in Guatemala City so this is just one of the stops on the way for them theres already people that have gone on and are already at the border of guatemala mexico now whats going to happen there is the Mexican Government sortie said that its not going to give them transit so that they can get through and get to the United States he says that the most it can offer them is to enter the country and to ask for asylum but its actually quite a backlog for asylum in mexico city and so the people here as we said that a lot of them is sort of destined for disappointment really in the in the hope of reaching that dream of the United States the reasons that they go in and the reason that theyre leaving home to do it is really 2 things by loons theyre fleeing from gangs city extort and kill much of the population in various different parts of the country and also poverty in honduras theres not a lot of opportunities this in a canonic situation its been bad in the in recent years its been getting worse but people say they just dont earn enough to live so looking for more opportunities in the north they come many of them with what they carrying is who they have. Taken to stop here in the show you can see theyre just going in and the new the next stop on their regional. Now Afghan Taliban has offered to implement a 10 days cease fire if it reaches a deal with the u. S. Negotiators in doha pakistan has played a key role in reviving talks to find a long time solution to the conflict in afghanistan now earlier i spoke to pakistans ambassador to the u. N. And we had a calm and asked how the countrys been influencing negotiations. We were asked to facilitate the talks between the u. S. And the taliban and we have used our good offices to that end. The United States asked for the release of a prominent taliban leader more more love but out there which we released we have encouraged the taliban and we have advised them of the necessity for talks and i think those negotiations have been going on for some time from all accounts the progress has been made and an agreement may be close so we have played our part and we will continue to play our part to promote peace and stability in afghanistan. Before and during and after the agreement between the u. S. And the taliban we believe the next stage will be intra afghan talks and we will be as helpful as possible at that stage is if the u. S. Chooses not to do that given the fact that pakistan shares as an extensive border with afghanistan what are pakistans concerns about what could happen in its neighboring country if the americans dont stay. Well i think we would we would need to manage the situation. Would obviously if the afghans themselves are able to agree on a arrangement to stem the violence to have a ceasefire and to address the problem of terrorism which exists in afghanistan that would be a comfortable situation but if that is not the case pakistan is as you may know we are friends who are the border so as to prevent any cross border terrorism emanating from afghanistan and we would have to depend on our own abilities to control any such movements any attacks that me emerge from from of coniston but we are hoping that as a result of these negotiations as a result of the agreements that there would be there would be an effective action to eliminate the presence of i. S. K. And other terrorist organizations such as the. T. T. P. And other organizations which are. Attacking pakistan from kurdistan they would be effective action to eliminate those those organizations and remove the threat of terrorism from of coniston to neighboring countries. After conducting an Aerial Survey of the to haul volcano in the philippines the government and scientists are worried another powerful eruption could be eminent people are being warned to stay out of 14 kilometer exclusion zone around the volcano. Room was on the flight over the rumbling volcanoes crater. These government officials want a closer look at the rumbling volcano so theyve come to this military air base in the town this province to plan to fly over the creature of the top. And decide how to respond to the threat it continues to pose its been days since that erupted but the crisis is far from over. We flew over the past city towards our late what we saw there was beyond human comprehension. Of what was once a popular Tourist Destination is now i dont recognize it will. From above we can see the and it was killed when it came nose buttes the scene and farmlands this is showing communities damaged carvings in crisis but in the middle of the destruction some are tearing to return for many this is all that they have left. We finally reach the volcano squitieri. This is what alert level for looks like up close experts are warning their eruption is imminent. Seconds later a fountain of plaques. And the pilot has to make you very quickly to escape a reminder of how the child the situation is. The very 1st bite. From the bill a piece of paper that howard and ill grant covering the areas affected by. I have occasionally raps. By the way. What we saw you. Makes but they should also based on that he says has met the people my heart broke and it was heartbreaking to see the devastation last terrible as far as the military is concerned we know that a lot of things need to be done in the in. The sense. And focus more than 50000 people have been evacuated from a 40 kilometer danger zone. But beyond the physical discomfort Officials Say it is the uncertainty of what might happen next that breaches the government to prepare for the worst gannicus eruptions are difficult to accurately predict but more are expected and government Officials Say theyre leaving nothing to chance. But then this province northern philippines. Police in democratic republic of congo have fired tear gas at demonstrators in the capital kinshasa antigovernment protests were led by the former president ial candidates march and failing to mourn the killing of hundreds of civilians in the northeast by rebel groups the protest was initially banned by authorities. In d the balkans one too small good is a yearly misery but this year people have had enough widespread reliance on coal and wood fires has been impacting on air quality and now a growing number of citizens across the region are demanding Government Action paul brennan reports. Belgrade sarajevo pristina and scorpio in recent weeks all 4 have been ranked in the top 10 list of the worlds most polluted cities january has been a suffocating ordeal for the residents of the balkans most is. A worry for the whole of mankind this is not good at sarajevo then belgrade and all of the cities it is polluted because of cars and bad fuel coal and like night. A recent un report agreed finding that more than 60 percent of people here rely on coal and fire wood stoves to heat their homes 20 percent of the regions premature deaths were directly linked to chronic air pollution the bosnian capital saudi avers sits in a valley ringed by high mountains for most of the past week pollution in the form of microscopic airborne particles has been at least twice and sometimes 8 times higher than the e. U. Safe limits to d. C. We can hardly breathe when we go out its especially hard for patients with heart and lung problems sometimes you cant even walk on the street even with a scarf on it was suffocating. In the bosnian town of tuzla this week carrying banners saying we want to brief hundreds protested their anger at government inaction it was showing seraphim the local authorities tell us stories about some nebulous temperature inversion and the like but we all know that the basic cause of pollution in this city is particle pollution from individual heating stoves the city is simply not investing enough. Emotions that i came here to support these protests and to find an inmates of 8 people to enforce a change to show that they care about the city and about breathing with full lungs. Governments and local authorities often downplay the issue some politicians refer to it as choking season simply typical for the time of year this year though campaigners are rejecting that narrative like never before and demanding clean energy be made more accessible that older polluting vehicles should be banned and regulations on industry emissions and power plants be tightened all that requires money investment and with impeccable timing the European Union last month announced a new Green Deal Fund promising 1. 00 trillion dollars of investment in the western balkans it cant come soon enough paul brennan aljazeera. Climate activist groups with whom bug has been leaving huge crowds for a climate march in the swiss city of los suns on friday the demonstration marks the one Year Anniversary of the climate strike a movement phonebook helped to start the crowd sang happy birthday to mark the occasion before setting out on the march it comes ahead of the World Economic forum in davos next week which the book is planning to attend. To the world 6 leaders and those who. I would like to. Thank you havent seen anything yet you have not seen the last of us we can assure you that. And that is the message that we will bring to the World Economic forum in davos was next week. Protesters in the yemeni city of tire is a demanding that the government does more to end nearly 4 years of conflict the Southern Region is on the front line of yemens conflict and its been struggling with famine and poverty pro iran who the rebels and saudi u. A. E. Backed fighters a battling for control of the city there are calls for an end to israeli natural gas imports in jordans capital of amman activists accuse the government of financially supporting israels occupation of palestine jordans National Energy company signed a 10000000000. 00 deal for the gas and 2016 its caused widespread anger in a country the hosts millions of palestinian refugees. Chinas president xi jinping is marking his 1st official visit to me and bob schoolchildren have lined the streets in the capital nappy door to welcome his motorcade shes expected to sign a 1300000000. 00 deal to build a port in rockn. State thats where 1000000 mars military is accused of carrying out a Genocidal Campaign against the hinge of people mimo has struggled to attract Foreign Investment because of its human rights record Tech Companies are being accused of withholding data on social media and internet use a panel of leading psychiatrists warns theres growing evidence that increased screen use is hurting children but it cant be properly researched and less that data is released the u. K. S Royal College of psychiatrists found there isnt evidence of a complex relationship between Technology Use and depression but its called for urgent funding so the relationship can be investigated properly it suggested a levy on Tech Companies could fund independent research for people working with children the report also noted the gaming disorder was now classified internationally as a disease dr john golden is the vice chair of the Royal College of psychiatrists child and adolescent fact an adolescent faculty he also was involved in the report and he believes Tech Companies need to make the Mental Health of their users a top priority. It seems that at the moment that priorities are making money increasing advertising revenue increasing the numbers of users which is understandable is their business but the reality is that a lot of young people are suffering through access to social media and online for example if they have an eating disorder there are these algorithms which will push more content related to eating disorders other people who have eating disorders might encourage people to go online and look up eating disorders to be a better man or exit for example and thats the sort of thing that is not helpful we think they should be rather encouraged to access more positive was orses that might support someone with an eating disorder but the algorithms dont necessarily work like that at the moment so we do think that there should be an independent regulator with t. V. That can be required to release data from social Media Companies for the benefit of research into this area i think its fair to say by the way that theres a kind of double standard in relation to protecting Children Online and offline if there was a home being done to a child offline social services would step in we want to you know look after that child then we seem to not manage that so well when it comes the online world children are suffering various homes when theyre online and we dont seem to be doing enough to protect. A rare gold coin featuring Britains King Edward the 18th has been sold to a private collector for 1300000. 00 that makes it the most expensive british coin ever it was one of just 6 made by the royal mint when ever became king in 1936 but he abdicated to marry american divorcing want to simson when the coin never went into circulation. Still ahead in aljazeera the man being given a shot at redemption in the ultimate fighting championship despite several run ins with the law is going to have more in this sport. Time for the sports heres 5. Thank you carlos sens has won the jack a rally for a 3rd time the spaniard finished more than 6 minutes clear of defending champion of cats are the worlds highest profile off road rally was being held in saudi arabia for the 1st time with sans his previous 2 wins coming in south america a 57 year old winning by 6 minutes. Who won the final stage in his 1st win of the stock car. And has been really died from the. Bush in 100 percent no no no d. C. Its nicer when the bubble is so so so hot it is nice and im. Very different in god. But it probably. In the bikes category ricky made history by becoming the 1st american to win the dakar on 2 wheels since the insurance race began in 1979 rabbit beat out jose ignacio of chile by 53 seconds liverpool manager youre going club has described the decision to move the africa cup of nations back to a winter date in 2021 as disastrous both for his team and for african players in general liverpool have 3 stars Egypts Mohamed Salah nabby keda of guinea and senegal is raining african player of the year saudi money would be called up to play in cameroon klopp said the clubs would be less willing to sign talent from africa if they were absent for several weeks due to the tournaments the african government has going back to china in february which is. For us a catastrophe in that moment losing 3 players the other thing it does and thats true it doesnt help african players go even though it sell. More or not be well because they have a tournament in fed and center in february of course not. But if you have to make a decision about bringing in a player thats a massive form because you dont have to but you will be policies already you havent for 4 weeks run about you dont have it so thats normal process so as a club you have to think about things like that it doesnt help the players for showing up a week after reportedly turning down the job of coaching barcelona Jeffrey Hernandez on friday kostas outside team to victory and the cats are cup final but even a man of his long playing career wont have seen many goals quite as bizarre as this one is long ball upfield looking easy for the ill do hill defense but then this happened. The keeper hitting it straight to our sad striker baghdad to show instant reactions to score outside winning 4 nail to give shabby his 2nd trophy as coach. The goal in st worriers nightmare season has got even worse the enemys most dominant team of the last decade have slumped to a 10th Straight Defeat its their 1st double digit losing streak for 18 years so how malik reports its been a miserable season for the Golden State Warriors with stars steph curry and Clay Thompson missing most the games through injury theyve become the n. B. A. s whipping boys but against denver on thursday they looked like they might be in for a real win. Despite losing their previous 9 the warriors starter top taking a 17 point lead into halftime the nuggets though are the 2nd best team in the western conference this season and they werent about to lay down. What might seem by jumping the veil scored the depleted warriors 68 to 51 in the 2nd home to take the game to overtime nicklaus joke which starring for them with 23 points over all thats little baby girl. It just wasnt going to be golden states night their 5 consecutive trips to the finals looking like a distant memory. In the end they just didnt have enough the nuggets going on to win it by 3 taking golden states losing streak to 10 games another night of pain for the warriors and they found 3 who malik aljazeera. The San Francisco giants have made history by becoming the 1st Major League Baseball team to appoint a full time female coach les anakin a former softball player joined the giants in 2014 as an intern and has now been named one of the teams assistant coaches the m o b is legged behind the n. B. A. And n. F. L. Which both already have several women on the benches Connor Mcgregor will be back in the cage in las vegas on saturday night 15 months after losing his lightweight championship fight against can be off and hasnt fought since his defeat to the russian back in october 28th he has however had several run ins with the law including being fined for punching an elderly man at a bar now legations of Sexual Assault which hes in a night mcgregor weighed in on friday for his welterweight fight with donald sharone another you have seen veteran looking to make a comeback the 31 year old mcgregor was the you have cs 1st 2 Division Champion but the last fight he won was back in 2016. And thats all your sport for now more later. As always you can get more pictures and a lot more background on our web site as the address for that so al jazeera dot com but thats it for me rob matheson for this news hour im going to be back in a moment with more of the days news but for now. On in the touring highways india killed as young as 10 wickets close to. One of my knees travels to the villages where parents still live under a storm the thick. On aljazeera. Examining the impact of todays headlines you use the misinformation but ive used the term by setting the agenda for tomorrows discussions how unique elopement is this in terms of modern American History when it comes to racism you have the makings of a nail fascist Moment International filmmakers and world class john analysts bring programs to inspire you. On aljazeera. We live in a digital well where even the remotest communities have access to mobile phones. But look in this Technology Bring to a nomadic existence life apps travels to the media and gives the Software Designer the ultimate challenge design an app to help the game the tribe in their daily lives can really be done. Fly facts one for nomads now disease. Aljazeera where every. World leaders prepare for a meeting to resolve the conflict in libya but russia isnt confident theyll reach a deal. By robot the some of this is all just a live from doha also coming up. To a fun. It is 1st friday samon and 8 years irans Supreme Leader ayatollah ali of commie calls for National Unity and condemns western powers. 11

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