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Democrats carry out final preparations for only the 3rd impeachment trial in u. S. History the white house lays out its defense of President Donald Trump. And chaos as hundreds of migrants cross from guatemala into mexico as they continue their desperate journey to the United States. Be disturbed in doha with only a small door for the bush fire consumes its rain which hampers the opening day of the Australian Open but on the court under the roof framing. The lights the crowds in melbourne. A low a very warm welcome to the program our top story this hour at least 2 people have been killed in baghdad after Iraqi Security forces used tear gas and live ammunition to break up antigovernment protests meanwhile in the south of the country hundreds of demonstrators that blocked main roads in several cities the had been a brief lull in protests as regional tensions between iran and the United States took center stage but iraqis continue to say the Prime Minister has not fulfilled his promises and they are calling for an overhaul of the political system in iran. On reports now from a capital. In one of the main squares in central Baghdad Police and protesters confront each other it again in the early hours of monday as protesters tried to block the road leading to the square they want a change of government and accuse the current one of corruption a cool had got out to protesters to block main roads in baghdad a major highways in the south cutting off access. Police used live ammunition and fight a gas in attempt to disperse the crowds in the capital but a standoff sued lost in several i was angry iraqis determined to get their message across. The idea isnt just blocking the roads all the people here often straighted so we make noise here to make sure that we are heard not about to show them a days did you want to for months no one has listened to our demands theyre killing us its just bloodshed. Throughout the day took took 3 wheelers have been ferrying to gas victims to makeshift hospitals like this one. I went to Tyrone Square in baghdad and the people wanted me to help them i was also attacked by tear gas i fell down the Security Forces have been using tear gas and live ammunition to iraqs National Security council has authorized the arrests of protesters but so far thats had little impact on the movement there wasnt the same level of violence elsewhere in the country as the wars in baghdad and the roadblocks in the south the protesters considered a success the real question for the protest movement is where do you go from here once you started knocking off roads in the south of the country effectively cutting off the cell from the rest of the country where do you escalate your demands being listen to and thats really angering the protest movement now it really remains to be seen whether the blockade of the roads is going to work and whether the government will listen as a result of it. Aljazeera baghdad. Well now to our other top story this hour the World Health Organization will convene an emergency meeting in geneva on wednesday to address the spread of a mystery illness which originated in china a virus has killed 3 people since 1st being detected in the chinese city of one hand more than 200. 00 cases have now been confirmed and on monday officials said they had evidence of human to human transmission south koreas centers for Disease Control and prevention also reported its 1st case a chinese woman who flew into insurance city from will hand on sunday has been quarantined that follows one case being confirmed in japan early in january and 2 in thailand 6 days ago katrina you reports now from beijing. Stothard hospital are working around the clock to identify a mystery virus which has been linked to stars Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome at least 3 people have died and the number of those confirmed to have the virus is growing the chinese Officials Say the outbreak is under control. All the. New cases have been a been tips to a visit to the hospital and we have concentrated resources experts to treat the patients in one place sheba. The virus which causes pneumonia like symptoms originated in a womb and seafood in meat market cases have been confirmed in beijing and shenzhen and found in chinese visitors japan thailand and south korea this week marks the official beginning of chinas busiest travel season hundreds of millions are using Public Transit ahead of Chinese New Year celebrations checks are being conducted in railway stations and airports but what hasnt it is the growing concern about the spread of the virus people here are looking to the gun world to do more to keep them safe but god i dont think the government is doing enough because im just not here enough details about it i dont think they will give us the true number of those infected im worried and thats why i wear a mask when im out others say they trust the governments handling of the virus i believe the government or give us past and Accurate Information i think theyre more worried than the public they were have to figure out how to deal with it so im not worried but the outbreak is bringing back an easy memories of the 2003 saw outbreak which killed almost 800 people worldwide and left more than 8000 sick authorities initially withheld information about the epidemic leading some to question the chinese governments transparency around the new virus british researchers say they could be as many as 7100 cases the World Health Organization has sent a Research Team to work on for us to fully otherwise the extent of human to human transmission we need to collect more and more information so this is obviously the new diseases and so many things we still dont know videos are circulating on chinese social media of passengers being tested on flights for move on but the government has appealed to the public to remain calm 8 people were arrested earlier this month for spreading rumors about the outbreak online but preventing the spread of the virus may not be as straightforward as controlling the spread of information katrina you aljazeera beijing. Well joining me now is rosalind an assistant professor at the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine 1st of all how quickly is this fire spreading well its hard to know early on in an outbreak how quickly its spreading what we need for about is robust data to understand when the people who have it got ill when they sought care and how many of them there are and then we can better understand how quickly this outbreak is progressing tell us more about the symptoms is it easily identifiable well at the moment its the middle of the usual influenza season and this is seems to be a disease that causes a flu like illness and so its really can be difficult to detect whether this is a normal flu like illness a non flu infection or one caused by the new coronavirus so authorities will test people who have suspected symptoms and we now have a standard Case Definition that might do tests and then they can identify it the virus is sort of originated in the central chinese city of. New how do you i mean its very difficult at this point i know because youre still gathering data this but what does it suggest to you that it into human transmission has now been confirmed beyond chinas border is so there has been human to human can transmission confirmed within china but and theres been some International Spread but we dont yet know if theres epidemics happening in the countries that its reached so far its only people who have confirmed links back to the region so that will be something to discover next if there are sustained human to human transmission or of the cases were seeing just very close contacts of early cases and when it reaches new places is there transmission happening there its very difficult question to answer because in the patients of all come from one so we know that whenever it spread the the the individual. That has passed it on has been traveling has been on in some respects. Where do these viruses come from what is it that might cause the creation of the mutation of Something Like this well so we this is a corona virus and we know that corona virus is circulate within wildlife and we know that when people and wildlife come together closely then those viruses can pass from animals to people and this is called who are not expel over so when an animal disease animal virus moves into humans and that happens wherever people and animals come in close contact and its likely whats happened here can it be prevented then. To prevent preventing zoonosis is very difficult because people and animals always come into close contact you know we those animals that we use for food animals that we are that live in our houses so we have to be. Yes we can try and prevent nurseries in the future by by safe practices around animals but this is a risk that is always present. How worrying is it that we are imminently going to see tens of millions of people traveling across china crisscrossing the country for the upcoming year that excel rate the pace of it being passed on theres a potential that that could affect the size of the epidemic but right now the chinese authorities are implementing strict surveillance and containment measures theyre tracing the contacts of all of the infected people and this will not only help us understand how transmissible the virus is but will also aid containment and so thats the most important thing right now to gather more information to try and contain and to do the really great epidemiological work that the authorities are doing right now thank you for sharing your expertise with us appreciate it rosalind eco system presser at the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine thank you. It the news hour live from london much more still ahead as ceasefire talks try to stop all out war libyas u. N. Recognized leader says hes facing an economic catastrophe. It is a time to be very very well. Africas Richest Woman says she is the victim of a politically motivated attack after shes accused of corruption hundreds of millions of dollars. And a bit later well tell you why chiefs fans are getting shirty ahead of the super bowl in 50 years. The white house has filed a 110 page legal response laying out their defense ahead of president Donald Trumps trial in the senate starting choose day is lawyers argue that democrats have diluted the standards of impeachment they argue that the House Democrats novel theory of abuse of power improperly supplants the standard of high crimes and misdemeanors with a made up fairy that would permanently weaken the presidency by effectively permitting impeachments based merely on policy disagreements live now to see whos in washington tell us more about. What this argument suggests a the approach that trumps legal team might take. I mean the main message of the argument is this is a shiling this is the democrats trying to overturn the results of the 2016 election and affect the forthcoming results in the 20 twentieths action and as you suggested that the made all humans rule based on this idea of separation of powers between the executive the presidency and colin grass 1st of all it is the president s job to to direct Foreign Policy of the United States under the constitution if hes interested in issues of corruption in ukraine or the conduct of joe biden the former Vice President and southern ukraine thats his right to ask questions about that added to the National Interest corruption is a major a major issue and its all very well to bring lots of Civil Servants and as the democrats did from the state department who say well this is all against received american Foreign Policy bedrock to guide Foreign Policy its the president s job to govern Foreign Policy and anyway they say no quid pro quo was ever proven all that the democrats would rely on is 2nd hand in direct witnesses in direct testimony saying yeah we kind of figured that i must be a quid pro quo the democrats say well thats because were relying on these 2nd hand witnesses because you know allowing those with potentially 1st time knowledge to testify but then the president says yeah but thats because the president has the right to private deliberations on Foreign Policy with his advisors and then we have the argument that it all for that to be proof or a charge of high crimes and misdemeanors the has to be in the quiver looms equivalence of a crime that the president is being accused of in the actual criminal Justice System in the law otherwise and there are standards otherwise as you suggested just before coming to me whatever the opposition has no votes in congress and i dont like a particular policy they can just say oh you see thats an abuse of power oh thats a vote for an impeachment so those are the arguments that were seeing and. I mean obviously that theyre arguing here that the impeachment investigation has no legitimacy whatsoever but godless of the outcome the fact that a conviction is highly unlikely obviously the senate is controlled by the republicans how historic these events. Well an impeachment is always historic but as far as the republicans are looking at it and perhaps the president himself they plan to get this done very quickly by february the 4th the the state of the Union Address and he can not combine on being acquitted so what the long term ramifications of the short term ramifications of all this are uncertain because basically all in trouble now come out of this saying i was acquitted by a sham a sham inquiry and he can do that at the state of the Union Address but what we do know there is an impeachment is a historical event as i have both leverkusen on troubles personally troubled by that but politically at least in the short term going into the election its all something hes probably going to campaign on and the polls have been consistent 50 percent think he should be impeached 50 percent dont think he should be impeached or really dont care all right thank you very much you have a chance in washington. Now Foreign Ministers have agreed to look at ways to support a ceasefire in libya but only if a tentative truce holds comes after a summit in berlin on sunday and could include a Monitoring Mission and we starting a Naval Operations hold a u. N. Arms and that has been a shaky trees between eastern based government and the u. N. Recognize administration based in tripoli after has been fighting to take the capital for months meanwhile in an exclusive interview with al jazeera the leader of libyas un recognized government. Says hes hopeful the meeting marks a real opportunity for peace. Because probably we are cautiously optimistic about the berlin summit simply because we have had previous meetings and understandings but we were not met by a genuine political partner on the contrary we were met with malice and treachery along the way now all have come to realize that there is no military solution to the crisis in libya despite the fact that half her and us forces do not believe in diplomacy nor a political process we hope that half stars our allies and supporters have also come to this conclusion and would recalculate their moves in order to revive this political process the berlin solution has introduced 3 main courses of action military political and economic progress must be achieved on all these 3 fronts simultaneously in order to arrive to a comprehensive solution in libya the core problem is the negative intervention by foreign forces. For us and he says that there is likely to be some skepticism that the e. U. Is able to make a difference to the situation in libya. He was basically saying the situation on the ground is must better no hint of this could be because of the european interference thats not true its because of the agreement between the russians and the turks the 2 of them have absolutely massive leverage over one lot of money for how to and also the government of phase assad us the european role in libya has become pedophile absolutely irrelevant and they are trying to say that we are united and we are willing to set aside our differences and our divisions in the past about the it remains to be seen how can the european on their own put together a new mechanism to ensure the cease fire holds and the flow of arms into libya comes to an end without having the 2 key players now russia and turkey on board so until yesterday when they were here in berlin there were they have managed along with the United Nations special envoy to libya to convince her if i have to name 5 military commanders from his side and the Prime Minister named 5 minister commanders from his side these are the ones who will talk about all the details of the cease fire agreement when it comes this is why brad was talking about this is just a truce not a cease fire the cease fire agreement once we have full commitment from all the parties the libyans and the International Community to start a genuine secession of hostilities on the ground those commanders will be the ones to discuss the logistics and the modalities of that agreement along with representatives from turkey from russia and european. France is to send an extra 220. 00 troops to fight armed groups in the sahil president emanuel said he had agreed to create a joint command structure with regional states to fight growing violence in the region speaking after a summit with the leaders of those states and said we have no choice we need results france already has about 4000 about 400000 troops already operating in the sile u. S. Secretary of state says more action will be taken by washington to support him as well as opposition to one after meeting with him in colombia call for president Nicolas Maduro to be removed from office describing his rule is tearing me under m. P. s he has more now from this summit in bogota the issue of venezuela was front and center in this regional conference against terrorism where the u. S. Secretary of state mike pale accused of being a swell of being a failed state in a supporter of terrorism saying that the government of Nicolas Maduro is sheltering and assisting groups as the land the last active rebel group from colombia or dissidents of the former rebel group the far and also accusing them i do it of assisting cells of its ball or the iranian proxies operating or he said in latin america tanks to Nicolas Maduro and thats why he praised the government such as colombia and another a number of governments in the caribbean and latin america that have decided to label is a terrorist organization. We. The really regimes talk to. This isnt acceptable. One of the surprises here was the arrival of the dog the leader of the ministers well an opposition who arrived here in defining a travel ban imposed by the government. He met with pompei on the sidelines of the conference and its talking to journalists here now that there will be new actions that will be taken by the United States to put more pressure on the government of Nicolas Maduro but no concrete new sanctions have been announced. We undertook this tour precisely to find the tools to take action against the dictatorship and to continue back in the years long struggle of the venezuelan people also announced that on wednesday he will travel to brussels to meet with the chief diplomat of the European Union Joseph Burrell and will then travel to dabis in switzerland for the World Economic forum where he could meet with the United States President Donald Trump the question is though if this trip would will do anything to break the deadlock in venezuela where the military still stands behind the president of my daughter and where my daughter himself seems to stand on firmer ground where he was for example a year ago the last time that way though trying to ramp up pressure against him. And other stories are following hundreds of migrants from Central America forced their way into mexico by waiting through a river at its southern border they became impatient after authorities stopped them from crossing a border bridge connecting guatemala to mexico mexicos stepped up its Police Presence there with hundreds of National Guard troops deployed as migrants threw rocks at them the country is on the mounting pressure though to prevent the immigrants from reaching the u. S. Border with president all trump threatening trade and other sanctions if they do. Then you might say you know we just want to pass through here we didnt come here to stay here we just want to get to the other side im a mother i need to look after my daughter and im a single mother we just want to find work please im so scared and i dont want to go back to my country because theres no work there theres nothing my daughter and i are suffering from hunger. Well out is there is John Heilemann has more now from syria that he dago on the guatemala mexico border he says people are desperate to get to the United States. We spent much of that farm here with a family of them on the mother and her 2 Young Children as they tried to work out how to get in to make sure they actually didnt get hit for asylum she said that she can tell the kids are going to guatemala some of the home during times when the story. Would be trying to feed all the seed they really dont think is a very firm enough food in their homes not everyone is in the bridge to do the bridge between them on the chapters he thought the dow good and make to drive 3. They actually had to be the patricians of the mexican government. You knew boasted of them to get the government shipped out to the possible not everyone thank you reynolds to which sound and fit for the rich of the troops only about. What you did and then came up on the make side of the National Guard. Militarized police force a way to move them. Africas Richest Woman has denied allegations that she siphoned hundreds of millions of dollars out of angola and into offshore accounts speaking to al jazeera is about to santos responded to leaked documents which journalists say implicates her in corruption they collect gauge reports. Shes facing allegations of fraud and corruption the daughter of angolas former president is a builder santos is at the center of an investigation now claiming she saif and hundreds of millions of dollars of government money to offshore accounts thank you for speaking to al jazeera she called the corruption probe and all could straight attack against her saying her wealth is selfmade and she hasnt done anything wrong this is a very concentrated attack it is an attack that has been very very well coordinated is an attack that is very much where did it between foreign media that is acting together with the angle of 30 days to try and create a false perception of my business and her father show saved just santos wrong done kolo for almost 40 years until 27. 00 tane the International Consortium of investigative journalists detained papers which it says shows he gave his daughter big chunks of some of the countrys most valuable resources as she built a Business Empire that stretched from telecommunications to banking and construction prosecutors fruits her Bank Accounts and assets last month investigation which took 8 months and more than 100 journalists to complete found the dos santos aided by her sort of qadri of western advisors funneled hundreds of millions of dollars and offshore Shell Companies and from there into all kinds of assets including luxury homes and big businesses before being forced out by her fathers successor. Isabel. Descent also headed angolas National Oil Company sonnen goal but the new government suspended some of her projects and seized an estimated 1000000000. 00 worth of assets in a corruption drive last month her half brother shows a fuller manor went on trial for corruption hes pleaded not guilty and goal is rich in oil and diamonds but it remains one of the worlds poorest countries with a staggering wealth gap the i. C. I. Jay also accuses angolan government officials as well as western Financial Firms lawyers and accountants of helping isabel dissent toss stash away public funds the portuguese authorities are possibly investigating and other governments around the globe are likely to take a closer look at some of the money thats for their Financial Systems despite her legal troubles to sentosa remains defiant shes even considering running for president to 9. 00 goalless next election in 2022 nicola gage aljazeera where is about to santos also told aljazeera the business interests were legitimate and doubted the strength of the evidence against her heres more of what she said in her interview with aljazeera. My business is a private business i work in the private sector i have built over 10 commercial companies in Angola Companies in retail so supermarkets cinemas shopping malls media telethon these are commercial companies that work every single day ive built 5 of and those most loved brands i have over 20000 employees greatly and one of those largest taxpayers so these companies are companies or commercial companies the work every day they serve thousands of being bought this is a politically motivated tack and it is an orchestrated attack my lawyers and myself we have written to a c. A. J. Repeatedly saying please give us the occasion to review the documents that youre mentioning now when youre talking about 715000 documents 1st i doubt very much that in just a matter of a few months people had the opportunity to read them all i dont think its possible 715000 documents im sorry this is just a very very large number of documents for it to be reviewed in such an im sure amount of time thats my 1st concern my 2nd concern consuming and these are documents air fleet we never had an opportunity to even as im ticket is documents and theyre standing i dont know we have asked for these documents we said can we see them can we have any information and i c. A. G. Simply refused. Still ahead for you on the program the rich and powerful descend on down walls for the World Economic forum on the Climate Crisis is top of the agenda. Just days ago now australia is battered by hail stones and flash flooding and its a golden double as america turns on the style of the way to the u. S. And picks peter has that much more. Case of very High Pressure across northwestern parts of here at record breaking High Pressure here actually you can see the clear skies thats what we do have that high and this area of High Pressure actually were looking at the strongest high for belgium on record as far as you concerned with the pressure exceeding a 1050 millibars through the course of monday making is the strongest high here since 9057 so that is unusually will take some shifting as well as we go through the next few days for the south the day feria of low pressure here has been bringing some nasty weather into that eastern side of spain fabulous snow theyll be more snow to come as we go on through the next couple of days some heavy rain as well very very strong winds gal force winds winds gusting at says abounded 30 Kilometers Per Hour over the next 24 hours or so that means big seas as well to see some 7 meta waves as a result of this system affecting that western side of the mediterranean theres that cloud that right that sleet and snow as that quater weather further north a bit of cloud with a high here it has to be said but it will be largely dry over the next couple days largely triumph across a good part of europe but staying very stormy for the west a met. A. Healthy environment depends on a healthy insect population but across the wild. Numbers are dwindling. Countless creatures are declining as a result of human activity. People in power investigates the extent of the crisis and asks what can be done to a big change. Insect to get in on aljazeera. Ive worked it out as their anger since its lord sugar as a principal presenter and as a correspondent with any breaking news story we want to hear from those people who would normally not get their voices heard on the International News channel one moment ill be very proud all was when we covered the polish quake of 2050 a terrible Natural Disaster and the story that needed to be told from the heart of the affected area to be then to tell the people story was very important at the time. Welcome back our look at the top stories this hour now antigovernment protests have reignited in iraq as a deadline set by demonstrators for a form has passed at least 2 protesters were killed in baghdad when police used live rounds while Health Organization will hold an emergency meeting as a deadly virus which has killed 3 people spreads in asia chinese experts say the corona virus can move from person to person in the white house says the charges against President Trump our friends list and dangerous less than 24 hours before his impeachment trial gets underway. On now to another story were following piracy in the gulf of guinea has and it the title of being one of those dangerous shipping routes in the wild region accounts for more than 90 percent of global abduction of crews and thats increased by hoff in the past year as nicolas hack reports from the car and meeting is being held by senior west african Navy Officials to counter this illegal maritime activity. So they go special forces on patrol on newly purchased boats its a Training Exercise but the threats are real more hijacking attacks take place in the gulf of guinea than in any other waters in the world. The operating here are looking for sailors to kidnap or merchant ships to hijack the only way to stop this is to patrol or territorial waters to secure our borders in 2014 huge reserves of oil and gas were discovered in waters senegal shares with mauritania a potential of billions of barrels of oil in a trillion cubic feet of gas the navy fears of once it starts to flow this newfound wealth could come under attack from piracy gangs as it happens regularly in the niger delta and so its been a buying spree for dozens of new high speed boats. Its boats like this that are used by the kenyan these. The gulf of aden to try to fend off pirates also by the Colombian Police trying to stop the darker traffickers and while this is in the central tool to stop piracy that old lone will not stop armed robberies here in the gulf of guinea. The heads of the various west african navies are meeting in deckard to find ways to cooperate more closely on security 90 percent of global trade takes place in these waters easy to do many teams through maritime insecurity is a threat to the stability of the coastal countries and despite the growing menace and the political will to tackle it effectively little has changed as. The number of attacks has doubled in the gulf of guinea and although the United States is pulling out many of its troops from west africa the Us Government is funding the regions navy fleet this issue goes beyond the borders of africa its a world while issue that weve seen in asia the middle east this well however specifically for africa we have seen that with the pullback of the International Troops many of the nations are being required to step up and protect their own territorial waters. The piracy gangs are often made up of fishermen who are struggling to earn a living and who have no access to this newfound wealth sinegal has not yet suffered from such attacks but once the oil and gas starts to come on stream possibly in 2023 the navy wants to be ready Nicholas Hawk aljazeera to car. The 50 s the World Economic forum is getting underway in the Swiss Mountain resort of davos and the climate situation is top of the agenda the International Monetary fund is among those calling for an action off it was revealed that for the 1st time Environmental Concerns are dominating the top 5 long term global risks for business. The countries need to cooperate in multifold friends to raise grow old and spread prosperity the need to reverse protectionist trade measures and result the impasse over the world trade organizations appellate court. They must adopt strategies to limit the rise in temperatures of the severe consequences of weather related National Disasters the new International Taxation regime is needed to adapt to the growing Digital Economy and to curtail tax avoidance an evasion while assuring that all countries receive their fair share of tax revenues. Paid to andrew scott the director of the climate and Energy Program at the overseas Development Institute he says governments missed incentivize businesses to cut their emissions i think the governments and Business Leaders at davos know what needs to be done. But im not sure that. Their discussions at davos will lead to any meaningful change in any of that the environment Climate Risks of being in the top list of risks with the World Economic forums are no review for several years now. But emissions keep going up so the extent to which davos is making much difference is is questionable i think the real question is whether even whether davos could enable change to take place at the rate but it is necessary to avoid catastrophic Climate Change governments need to set the right policy frameworks in place the right taxes regulations standards to incentivize businesses many businesses do some do take action without government control microsoft for instance recently announced they were going to go carbon negative but many others require governments to take the action to increase. The the emission Emission Reductions and incentivize companies to take those actions there are many Things Companies can do in their supply chains to reduce their own emissions to do reduce their supplies emissions. Well along with the Climate Emergency health is another big issue that is going to take center stage at this summit with campaign is trying to persuade some of the richest people to pay for more health care for some of the poorest although some estimates that if the richest one percent of people spend point 5 percent more tax on their wealth it would pay for health care to save the lives of more than 3000000. 00 poor people such as the roughly 38 percent of people globally u. N. Aids estimates have but are currently not receiving and retroviral treatments we need by email is the executive director of u. N. Aids which is leading the global effort to stop the virus from posing a Public Health threat by 2030 she joins me now from the World Economic forum in davos and i suppose companies will try to minimize the amount of tax they pay they see that as a efficient Corporate Governance and they do it using legal tools available to them what is your message to many of those companies there in davos how will you try to persuade them to do otherwise hello. Thank you very much for having me were living in a world that is where extreme inequality is out of control about 2100 billionaires owners march wealth more wealth than 4600000000 people in this world while they enjoy such wealth that they could never spend half the world live on less than 5. 5 dollars a day huff the world struggle and do not have access to Health Care Priority Health Care Every day every 3 minutes a woman dies in childbirth every day 10000 people die because they couldnt Access Health care its unacceptable its immoral its unsustainable right so this is a massive issue and it points to another i suppose data point for Global Inequality whereabouts is health care particularly bad people really struggle to get access to the basic health care let me let me tell you what is so painful 1700000 people last year where newly infected by hiv we were not able to prevent them from getting this virus deadly virus at the same time 15000000 people are still not own treatment for hiv and yet we could do this here in davos there would be at least about 400. 00 billionaires here if they sat in one room they could solve the problem of a child v its like loose change for them considering the 1000000000 see how we i know. A situation where theyve talked preach on their companies are allowed to not to pay their fair share of taxes and the poor people ordinary people pay with their. House q how. Broad spend it on peoples emptied its such a broad complicated issue and how much Big Companies pay in tax has been very much under the spotlight for some years now and its been controversial mean a lot of these companies you know they make a distinction between tax evasion and tax avoidance tax evasion obviously being illegal tax avoidance while its its unethical is technically illegal so whose responsibility what is the responsibility lie for these companies to pay more tax if theyre not going to cough it up themselves im not concerned with what is illegal because what is legal has been constructed by the very rich at the top im concerned with what is moral what is what is sustainable you cannot tough more than half of the worlds population unable to us you cant tough hill for being the privilege of a few and half the world living without health care or adequate telfer care let me tell you 1700000 people who are newly infected by hiv the do your know that 4 out of 5. Of people who are newly infected by hiv in africa adonis since there are children and out of those almost 2 thirds of girls we have to do something to save our girls and civil way young people and give them health care so they can have a future we can top a few people sitting buck and their media creating more billions for themselves while people are denied the right to health and the right to life this is a human right and im here to tell governments to do the right thing tox control talks door to tax the rich and spend on Peoples Health spend on our Childrens Health well thank you very much for sharing your perspective with us winnie be on ema executive director of u. N. Aids it is of course a very important issue and hopefully it will get the attention it deserves there at davos now its estimated that up to 3 point 6000000. 00 e. U. Citizens live in the u. K. And after the brics a transition period they will all need to prove they can stay in the country settlement scheme is an online application that grants legal status to remain but a new report shows that many people feel that its not providing them with any sense of security Charlie Angela has more. Catarina roo pick is anxious for the past 8 years the 32 year old german has called the u. K. Her home she studied here rents a home here is employed and paid taxes here but when asked to retrospectively account for her time in the u. K. Time she spent abroad unemployed but she does not have a continuous Record Online application granted her preset old status while her boyfriend who followed exactly the same trajectory but with the u. K. Employer was given settled status is there to status and one of them is special then the other and obviously ive been here since 1012th thats obviously the one i would want to go for and ultimately i still feel that even the home office cant really tell us what the status is as well as wes so lets say i would like to try and rent again to find a new flats lets try and apply for a new job or maybe even want to buy a house and how is that the states perceived a new study shows those concerns a shared by many launched by the Campaign Group 3000000 they say some who had not yet completed the online application were being discriminated against they cited evidence of employers withholding job offers people being denied health care and others prevented from opening Bank Accounts so in the survey we have a quite a high number of people who are choosing not to apply for Different Reasons and the one high bracket there is people who dont apply out of principle a lot of them have been at home in the u. K. For a very long time and that clearly is playing a fact a part in their decision not to apply they feel revolted disgusted by the fact that they even should have to apply and therein lies the crux they say if it was a Registration System we might well do it but enough to cation system very different its estimated that tens of thousands of people have still not applied and when the deadline expires in less than 18 months will be left without legal rights risk of a victualling detention and deportation. The home office say 2500000 people now have secured digital status and for the majority the application process is working well but according to this report 90 percent of people say they want a physical document to prove their right to stay in the u. K. Rather than just rely on digital evidence without it they say they will feel unsettled and on monday the house of lords supported that request contradicting the government own advice in a move that would be welcomed by all citizens who call the home charlie and the aljazeera london thats a story been following from nepal army and government rescue crews have intensified their search for 7 people went missing when an avalanche swept a popular trekking route for south korean terrorists and then a poly guides have not been seen since the avalanche hit the end amount on a person or on friday all of the trackers in the region have been safely rescued on sunday the search had to be called off because of poor weather conditions or more thunderstorms are forecast across australia where the heaviest rain in months has flooded areas that were burning just days ago despite these downpours more than 80 bushfires a still burning in the east 100 thomas reports for weeks australia burned and choking smoke filled the air but this is dust a huge dust storm rolled across the towns of dubbo and parks over the weekend dramatic but not dangerous and elsewhere its now flooding in melbourne to rain storms and hail stones the size of golf balls. Qualifying matches at the Australian Open were abandoned smoke from bushfires had been a big worry for players now its further rain interruptions this story obviously. You know would have a lot of troubles if they have to cancel matches and you know luckily they have 3 close. Courts with a with a roof. Still has so many matches already flew so. Lets hope theyre through the worst is behind us the rain has also been heavy in parts of the states of queensland and New South Wales for those tackling the bushfires its just what was needed though dozens of fires are still burning the water has dampened them and none of threatening homes or lives but the Economic Impact of the fires is still being felt tourism in summer is usually the backbone of kangaroo islands economy but this cruise ship is the 1st to visit the island of australias south coast since spires earlier this month most tourists are staying away they think the whole rawlings are for and thats not so we really need to send that message out that they are all and so accessible australia is huge varied weather is normal but the start of 2020 has been exceptional Andrew Thomas aljazeera sydney now after more than 4 decades of doubt a rare selfportrait at dutch artist vince ivanka has been confirmed as authentic experts say its probably the only known work painted by van gogh while he had psychosis in 889 researches took 6 years to reach that conclusion about the painting which was purchased by norways National Museum in 1910 for the equivalent of around 110000. 00. Still ahead will the tennis action from day one all the Australian Open including the moment when one player. The next. Time now for this ball with. Marion thank you very much Australian Open organizers are hoping for better conditions on the 2nd day of the years 1st tennis grand slam rain rather than bushfires might disrupt the should rule in melbourne but thanks to the roofed stadiums there was still a fair bit of action on monday as david stokes reports. So we know williams might have beaded extra time to talk his shoe laces but she took next to no time to win the 1st set of her match against anastasio. 6 love in just 19 minutes. Gave her i she didnt hang about in the 2nd set either dropping just 3 games on the way to a comfortable when the 7 time Australian Open champion just happy to be out on court nearby bushfires had barred the build up to the tournament but Rainy Weather although disruptive has at least improved air quality. That is still a concern for i think pretty much everyone in you know every single day we get so thats been really good to see that the Australian Open take their stance on that defending champion amy osaka was also in action and like serena showed off her power game sometimes a bit too much power. This serve in the 2nd set actually ended up breaking the net but after a quick patch up job by the officials or soccer went on to wrap up her 1st round match against members kober in straight sets. To which the japanese star responded to a woman on twitter who unprovoked had heckled or calling her boring and annoying. Was her children thing hes going to come on the internet for no reason in doing t. V. I always wonder like people like this if they see you in person i wonder what they would do another rising star of the game is 15 year old. In cocoa golf for the 2nd time in a grand slam the youngest player in the tournament beat the oldest 39 year old Venus Williams got one in straight sets and heads through to the 2nd round at her 1st Australian Open top seed and home favorite ashley barty made a shaky start to her campaign losing the 1st set against lacy a serene coach but shes top of the World Rankings for a reason and recovered brilliantly to win the next 2 sets 6161 to storm into round 2 i in the mens draw defending champion Novak Djokovic also dropped a set in his match against Young Leonard stroke but he came through in 4 to stay on track for a record extending 8 Australian Open title Roger Federer is chasing title number 7 in melbourne and grand slam number 21 he too may safely into the next round the swiss breezing through his opening match against american Steve Johnson david stokes aljazeera. Fans of the Kansas City Chiefs are getting their travel plans in place after their team reached the super bowl for the 1st time in 50 years the a. F. C. Champions t. Shirts were ready in the shops just hours after their victory of the Tennessee Titans and theyve been flying off the shelves on monday the excitement of the showdown with the San Francisco 49. 00 ers has also spread to the chiefs a libertine supporters actors paul rudd and Eric Stonestreet had this message. It started out started last week it started in september got one of my saying it started in august it started last. Year at this time with the old farts penalty. And the few weeks from now in miami oh. Speaking of miami monday so a landmark moment for the citys newest sports team the players of into miami took to the field for their 1st time at the preseason Training Camp their 1st m. L. S. Fixture is on the 1st of march against al a. F. C. Into the stadium still needs to be completed and the final squad lineup is not yet confirmed brazilian teenager rainier joy in spanish giants rail madrid on monday for a reported fee of 33 1000000. 00 the 18 year old playmaker helped flamingo win the couple of the daughters last season rainier will join rail at the end of february after playing in the qualifying competition for the 2020 alone pick games. The really geisha of rugby champion saracens for breaking salary cap rules in england wont temple the National Team thats according to england head coach eddie jones 7 of the squad for the 6 nations play for the club including captain owen farrell thats not a concern for me my concern is picking the best price and then the best price come we can pay playing with pride and passion for england. Its obviously disturbing for the Club Competition but im sure like Everything Else it will work then. Its taken the United States team 11 days of competition to strike gold at the winter youth olympics but was well worth the wait and was a golden doubled through at the lace in park slope style course singles 1st up killen fagan won the mens free ski title with success coming just 2 days after his 18th birthday and that was followed by another u. S. Victory in the snowboard slopestyle 16 year old dusty henriksen wowing the crowds on his way to gold hes from california and let me tell you theres not much snow in that state. And there was a double gold for 3 years marco. In the ski jumping competition on monday yet at the mixed team title 2 individual gold as austria underlined that their status as favorites for this medal with a comfortable victory. And thats where well leave it for now merriman specs so you can learn the most sport for me again a little later that evening thank you peter well that wraps up the news hour but ill be back in amount with much more news for you and bring you all the latest on the days developments in iraq as we see protests once again at least half assing in the capital baghdad but also in the south of the country will have an interest. Frank assessments the one good thing about these bushfires usage really whats going on the Climate Change informed opinions economy i think is actually whats keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on those 2 school board lawyers on the vote this argument is astonishingly patronize i think indepth analysis of the days headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of the new conscious and aware of youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian kota inside story on aljazeera. The all. The all the old. Violent demonstrations in the iraqi capital while protesters in the south of the country block roads in an act of defiance. Im mariam my z. And london youre watching aljazeera also coming up on the program the World Health Organization calls an emergency meeting as the chinese coronavirus jumps borders and human to human transmission is confirmed. As democrats carry out final preparations for only the 3rd impeachment trial in u. S. History the white house lays out its defense of President Donald Trump. And

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