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A full state funeral for Hosni Mubarak the long time president objections forced from power during the 2011 revolution. And the corona Virus Outbreak is having a far reaching impact across sport the president of the womens tennis the boss says the crisis closes in our president the talent. Pool for the 1st time since the corona Virus Outbreak began the number of new infections outside china has exceeded the number within 37 countries have tallied 427 new cases will beijing says is counted 411. 00 earlier the World Health Organization warns immediate action is needed to prevent it becoming a pandemic where its widespread around the world where one country is seeing rise. In fatalities is iran at least 19 people have died there and 130 are infected including the Deputy Health minister in south korea the number of cases has past 12 hundreds the largest number of infections outside Mainland China churches have cancelled religious services and as japan tries to limit the spread Prime Minister shinzo abyei has called for sporting and cultural events to be delayed by 2 weeks or canceled completely well well have more on that shortly but 1st lets speak to. Run same to see that alarming spike in fatalities in iran how are the government responding to this. Well in an effort to address this very very Serious Public Health crisis irans president Hassan Rouhani 3 days ago set up what hes calling the headquarters for fighting coronavirus know what this is the consolidation of several Senior Leaders including ministers of transport Health Representatives from the our forces and other Senior Leaders into one office into her own to try to coordinate efforts on how to combat this Public Health crisis now iran has been criticized since the start of this since the 1st case was announced for not reacting swiftly enough not reacting seriously enough and today president Hassan Rouhani during his weekly Cabinet Meeting addressed a number of concerns he said the reports given by the ministry of health and medical education at the session of this headquarters for fighting coronavirus were promising and hes promising that measures are being taken to address this Public Health crisis in a very serious way he also addressed what has become an issue of public trust people have lost trust in what the government has been saying in terms of reported numbers theres been discrepancies between Senior Leaders about exactly how many are effect. My friend mike and i dont mean. I emphasize that we dont manipulate the figures we neither increase nor decrease them nor do we exaggerate or downplay them ive told the Health Ministry to announce any figures they have this is a plot we see today in foreign propaganda recently a high ranking u. S. Official made a comment about coronavirus in iran they themselves are dealing with the flu 16000 died because of that this year but they dont talk about it and now they are turning their attention to corona virus in iran. And saying her responding to all of this so they trust the official numbers that are being released. Well when the outbreak was 1st publicly announced we heard from a member of parliament representing called where the 1st case of corona virus was discovered who said that the numbers are far larger the numbers of dead are far larger than the official government statistics and that created a great deal of discrepancy and disagreement between Government Officials now what iranians of what the iranian authorities are dealing with is on social media that lack of trust that discord that disagreement really playing out so present Hasan Rouhani also saying that do not believe whats happening on social media this is a form of foreigners trying to effect an influence whats happening inside iran these these discussions should not be trusted trust the government but iran has in recent months over a number of crises over his handling of the public message of a number of crises struggle to maintain public trust in what its saying really the flow of information here is 1st the primary flow of the primary role of the flow of information is to. Control access that public has to information to maintain the writ of the state not necessarily to manage a Public Health crisis now we also heard president Hassan Rouhani say in a speech yesterday on tuesday that by saturday things should begin to normalize but his spokesman for the for the Health Ministry said in his weekly announcement to his Daily Briefing today that they are expecting the number of cases of coronavirus to rise in coming days same to survive a reporting live from tehran thank you. Lets take a look now at this online tracker from the Johns Hopkins university in the u. S. A gives a fairly good picture of where the outbreak has spread and the number of cases the world as you can see is just over 81 thousands. Now from south Koreas Capital macbride reports on how the outbreak is affecting daily life there. I think looking at the latest figures there is an increasing sense of alarm of nearly a spike of nearly 300 new cases in one day alone and it comes of course as the government here repeats its message that the next few days will be critical in whether south korea is able to contain this outbreak down in the southeast of the country or not and when you look at these figures in the way we have spikes like like we have on this day wednesday then increasingly people will be thinking this is just not going in the right direction in fact its going very much in the wrong direction and you do feel that sense of nervousness on the streets in places like seoul people will be avoiding any crowds the cinemas are quiet restaurants are quiet we have people being told by the companies to work from home schools are suspended and of course down in the epicenter in daegu city itself we have a number of businesses of factories there closing as some of the workers are discovered to be sick and people just dont have confidence in the workplaces in some factories that is going to be clear of the virus and we have also had fairly unprecedented an ounce but by the Catholic Church in south korea that for the time being at least it is taking for the 1st time in its 236 year history the decision to cancel all services and all masses but then we are it seems living through pretty unprecedented times. Well as i mentioned earlier japans leader is calling for some events to be canceled or delayed and as david sport stalks reports this comes just 5 months before the Tokyo Olympics get underway. Japan is set to host the olympics in 149. 00 days but right now domestic sporting events are taking a major hit as the Prime Minister shinzo up in his government try to curb the spread of coronavirus thats a look at about the money youre not considering that theres a large risk of infection for nationwide sports and cultural events where a large number of people gather will consider measures such as suspension put spawn meant and reduction of size for the next 2 weeks worrying times for organizers of tokyo 2020 which has been 7 years in the making at a cost of more than 20000000000. 00 the game starts in july with 11000 athletes expected to compete and hundreds of thousands of friends set to attend on tuesday dick pound the longest serving member of the International Olympic Committee Said the games are under threat and that a call needs to be made within 3 months however the head of tokyo 2020 has played down those comments and. Our basic thoughts are that we will go ahead with the olympic and paralympic games. That the end of may is the time limits weve never heard of this so when we asked about it the i. O. C. Said its not their official position the games may still be on but coronavirus has already made its mark on the event qualifying tournament safin perspiring across several sports from boxing to badminton but a limpid committees around the world are still preparing to compete come july were taking it very seriously were not going to this walk through the next few months you know avoiding the conversation were dealing with and were taking going to vice and we remind as our partners. In the taking government and the organizing committee come for the guys will go ahead theres been talk of possibly moving the games to london which hosted back in 2012 but its unlikely given the logistics involved and the limited Time Available listen youre going to do theres your florida. Bans so much. Theres not enough youll never get. Instantly or bust and the organizers are considering scaling back the Olympic Torch Relay which starts in march the modern games have only ever been counseled on 3 occasions since they began in 1906 each time because of war and the longer the battle against coronavirus drags on the more tokyo 2020 is at risk of suffering the same fate david stokes aljazeera. Now indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for coma after 3 days of farmers killed at least 22 people nearly 200 have been injured as hindu crowds are bars targeted muslims on the streets of some of the worst rioting for decades buildings were set alight and most ransacked there has been a new wave of protests over the past few days against a controversial law that denying citizenship to muslim immigrants lets bring in elizabeth piron whos live for is in new delhi the Prime Minister in the original g. Has broken his silence on twitter appealing for peace and harmony as the government expands on this reference the controversial law that started this process in the 1st place. Yes hello it was a deafening silence because what were seeing on the streets of the indian capital is the worst violence as you mentioned in decades of upon this to finally tweeted to tweets asking for peace and harmony and calm and didnt say anything about the citizenship law which he and his government have said since it was that theyre not going thats not something that theyre going to back down on but at the moment they are under so much criticism the b j p is being blamed for the violence weve had the Delhi High Court in the last few hours alter the police to file a complaint against the b. J. People the titian the b j p of prominence in that in the movie the ruling party file a complaint against him because this is the politician who on sunday held his own rally close to where the protests against the citizenship law peaceful protests were taking place he held his own valley with his supporters and those who support the citizenship law and said you know demanded that protesters get off the roads that police removed them and that. They were going to wait until donald trump left the country. And then take matters into their own hands well they didnt they didnt wait they started attacking protesters on sunday and thats whats led to all of the violence of the last few days and the Delhi High Court even saying that they are not going to allow 19 eightyfour to happen again they were referring to the 984. 00 riots when thousands all sikhs were killed in delhi after the leader in their own gandhi was assassinated by her bodyguard the. Common man party which is in power and delhi there asking for the military to be deployed for all the northeast in the areas to be to be under curfew its only one that that is under curfew right now with no one even allowed to come out of their homes and theyre also blaming the b j p for this and the reason for that is because the incident on sunday with this one politician its not the 1st time weve had several b j p leaders inciting violence against protesters and thats why today the Delhi High Court named 2 other leaders who said things in january during the Election Campaign called protesters rapists and murderers and said that they want to make india a Muslim Country another said that protest to be shot so the Delhi High Court has ordered the police to file complaints against all of these b j p leaders the Main Opposition Congress party in india for the interior minister who is in charge of security to resign but despite all of this criticism the b j p f weve heard from a few leaders in the past few hours they refuse to condemn their colleagues who have made these speeches asking people to attack those protesting against the citizenship law. Lifers. Thank you. Well indias new law has been controversial from the very beginning it was proposed by the b j p led government and was passed by parliament in december last year no the legislation makes it easier for religious minorities from neighboring countries to gain indian citizenship but specifically excludes muslims and thats why many say this law is discriminatory and marginalizes near the 200000000 muslims who live in india there have been widespread protests since the bill was passed and those protests have become increasingly violence but the b j p has sent any bias lets get more on this from london shruti capulets a lecturer of the faculty of modern Indian History at Cambridge University and joins us now good to have you with us on the news or im just interested to find out whats behind the spiraling violence weve talked about this citizenship law but as a correspondent was withdrawn im illiterate see we have seen this kind of violence before so quick is it really diamonds or the citizenship war is are there tensions that have been underlying for quite some time in india. And i think it would be fair to say inaccurate to say that this has everything to do with the citizenship Amendment Act and the series of protests that have bitterness these protests have witnessed the passing of this legislation so lets remind us our selves that these protests have been by and large peaceful for 2 months and its not simply the muslims who are protesting but a Wide Coalition of Civil Society actors including low caste groups students and other members of society have come out against against this bill so for 2 months there has been absolute amount of restraint despite provocations of the kind that weve just seen blow up in northeast delhi your correspondent is right to say that this is not happened in delhi since 94. 00 but delhi has not seen mass in the muslim riots since partition in that sense which was a 947. 00 the bill is incredibly divisive because it is it is not simply about giving Refugee Status or fast tracking citizenship to hindu or hindu sikh and christian minorities from Indias Muslim neighbors but it is it is increased incredibly discriminatory when it is added on to the other related policy of the National Population register which will then mean that every indian citizen will have to produce produce documentation to prove themselves as as indian citizens so this has in a way created a mass protest because it in a way legislates and brings in religious discrimination at the heart of indias citizenship compact and so in a way i think this is not about primordial hatreds or divisions in social divisions but it is entirely related to what is an seesmic change in indias political settlement if i can put it that way given the soft position and there has been widespread opposition to these protests i mean between he has been criticized for this but theyre not backing down they dont see this is a problem so i guess were just what follows from this were to be google me here because there is no indication here is whatsoever from the b j p that theyve done nothing wrong here. You know youre absolutely right. The b. G. P. Committed to this in its manifesto and it kind of prosecuted this very quickly within 6 months of coming into into power so it means business but i think the opposition which is i suppose stunned the b. G. P. Is the widespread nature of protests which is not look at it which is not limited to delhi but all over the country and and in a way this is what has taken a back and you will see i think those protests in a week probably getting articulated under provincial elections and this is the other trigger point is that. The failed miserably in the delhi local elections held just 2 weeks ago and it only got 3 out of 70 odd seats in the local look at assembly so in a way this kind of divisive politics we know for the last 2030 years electorally benefits the b. G. P. As it in a way of credentialism or its core hindu water so its polarizing it in the long term will probably lead to the hardening of the hindu water that that movie depends upon but at the same time it is really interesting that it has that that that the protests have been widespread and in a way because the police has been complicit and the state machinery has been complicit in this in this writing it also shows that the government in effect wants to deescalate these protests it wants to send a very strong message that the this will not this kind of civil disobedience will not be allowed to to escalate or become widespread so i think things are evenly are poison a very difficult very difficult place at the moment what would it be j. P. But for the protesters as well as for all indian citizens ok Shruti Kapoor agreed to get your thoughts thank you so much for joining us live from london. Theres plenty more still to come on the news hour including a report on why some fighters back in the bin war largely for have their right used to sharing an ideology with eisel plan softer years of violence many inside sudan fear history may be repeating itself and a sports bra from the down sets his sights on the claiming the top spots in the world banking see. My. President recha thai apart on says ankara plans to back to push back Syrian Forces in a live province turkey has a number of military orbs of ation posts there and some have been surrounded joining in advance by the Syrian Government and one has also called on damascus and its ally moscow to stop their attacks and that civilians leave the border safely we are doing and will continue to do all that we can to address the humanitarian catastrophe taking place in italy we demand the regime poles back to where we agreed in sochi unfortunately russia is not concerned with this humanitarian issue the assad regime is killing his own people we will push their forces back from the border and make sure the refugees can go home. Meanwhile the United Nations says nearly 950000 people have been displaced since the government began its offensive in december and says more than half of the People Living in places like this are children is the biggest displacement of people in such a short time in the nearly 9 year long war that has been described as a horrifying new level of crisis many people had come to the North Western region after fleeing other areas have been widespread reports of babies and small children dying of exposure. And this is what theyre fleeing at least 26 civilians including schoolchildren have been killed more than 100 injured in the past day alone russian and syrian air strikes and shelling of hits a number of times and villages across said liban the remaining rebel held areas and hama and aleppo on the grounds Government Forces have taken a cluster of locations in the southwest of the province lets get more now from our correspondent barbara he is and has a encircled near the border with syria good to see you again. Shocking statistics that weve been hearing and its children essentially here bearing the brunt of this advance with pants off words from the turkish president s but has the situation looking on the grounds. It is further declining across the province of italy because of this into intensified fighting and selling by Government Forces of rebel held territory particularly were talking about the southern part of the it live province theres about as another small rebel stronghold and the government seems to be willing to take over those areas that would pave the way for his troops to move forward to words the city of idlib but hala this is exactly what is exacerbating the humanitarian situation in italy each time the government steps of the offensive thousands and thousands of civilians flee to the north were left with areas like must we have many many ghost towns now in the province of idlib because people always think that they could be next and this has created an unprecedented level of anxiety among civilian population in italy they think they could be the next target now they believe the relatively safest place to go to would be on the border with turkey and this explains why the turkish government is concerned about the situation they believe that the russian government the russians and the syrias are intentionally targeting civilians to push them into an exodus into turkey and this explains why turkey is adamant the only way out to defuse tension is tyria is for the syrian army to pull out from the areas if you control it controls now and to go behind the safe zones will be able to convince russia to do that i think this is going to be the biggest challenge facing turkey in the coming days i have to remind our viewers that talks are still underway between the russians and the turks about defusing stenson but so far theres no indication whatsoever that they have managed to narrow their differences about that particular issue. Bring us all the latest from the turkish Syrian Border thank you. A state funeral has been held in cairo for egypts former leader of Hosni Mubarak he died on tuesday at the age of 91 were barak was in power for 3 decades until being 4 states during the 2011 revolution the funeral complete with cannon fire and a horse drawn carriage looks to be part of governments efforts to highlight mubaraks military career rather than his time in office lets get more now from jamal he reported extensively on mubaraks fall from power and the aftermath and joins us now live from the chin is in capital chinos said jamal weve been looking to see what kind of public reaction there has been this grandes military funeral you reported on the process that led to Hosni Mubaraks time for what are your 1st thoughts. Well i mean its important to look at the reaction in terms of both what the state has been putting forward and what people in egypt have been expressing in terms of the 1st one weve seen state t. V. Extensive broad cost of the funeral weve seen the current leader of egypt how the fatah has sisi participating in the funeral the interim leader that was between the military coup and other fatah sisi taking office arguments were also present walking side by side weve seen the heads of the religious institutions the Coptic Church of the mufti of egypt and others participate so in all intents and purposes the Egyptian State apparatus wanted to show thats mubarak was still very much a respected leader and somebody that deserved this prestigious sending off so to speak in terms of the population well egypt now according to all human rights organizations suffers probably its worst ever a case of freedom of expression in the sense that there is almost 0 space for people to express themselves so we look at what people been saying on twitter and other social Media Outlets which may be provide some whats some sort of freedom and there are people are remembering the legacy of mubarak in the sense of the poverty thats essentially beleaguered egypt as a result of his 3 decades in power the Police Brutality which became synonymous with the mubarak regime the decrease in egypts political power in terms of its positioning in the region the repositioning of egypts Foreign Policy from one that supported for example the struggle for human rights and freedom in palestine to one that was a lot more closely aligned with israel and its illegal occupation and that is probably more what the average egyptian will remember in terms of. How there are quality of life as well as their freedom gradually was eroded the longer mubarak was in power ok jamal reporting live from shyness thank you very much indeed lets get more on this now just serious middle east unless youre here her name is here with me know where we have almost a series of contrasts year do we not we have Hosni Mubarak the military leader. Hailed by the army you were seen on this funeral for him weve heard that the tributes in the present foreign leaders and there really are almost 2 ways to remember Hosni Mubarak are there not one for his military and his regional diplomacy rule and the other the the rule he built his domestic will within egypt and the 2 dont often rub very well side by side do they know they dont but it makes sense it makes sense i mean of course nobody can deny his achievement as the commander of the air force during the the 19 seventies 3 war. But of course of. The his achievement doesnt justify hanging on to power for almost 3 decades and all the wrong the ones that he made during the 3 the cage that he ruled and let me remind everyone on that mobarak was just a ruler who ruled he was not the president will govern and theres a difference between ruling and governing. Definitely he didnt govern and definitely he he was the reason for many of the catastrophes that happened during his 13 year long team and also the still be folding the country until now for instance im going to give you an example most of the people think that given up the 2 islands of. Some of here to run and sign up here is an act of or at the now this president or ruler c. C. Actually it started in 1991 when Hosni Mubarak signed the president ial decree. Choo choo demarc the executive of Economic Zones of egypt in which and by which he ejected the 2 islands out of egypt sovereignty and it was because of the pressures done by the United States israelis and saudi arabia so actually given up part of egypts sovereignty is taught in and was done by former president mubarak well its interesting you raise that point because certainly his 30 year long tenure at the top will have been closely watched by others particularly the current leader of egypt. Hosni mubarak was brought down by the revolution in 2011 protesters may be thinking what lessons can we learn but certainly the egypts current leadership will also have have taken notes will they know whats about the end of his tenure and and refined their governing strategies as a result what lessons do you think regional leaders. Of the fatah sisi has taken from mubaraks rule i dont believe the to the breed of rule can take any listens. At this moment but i hope that the peoples whom we had a pool would. Learn the lesson that. The army is. Out there to brazil democracies and politics but to practice them because practically become all practice politics the moment they try to practice politics be kill it because they stopped using guns so the rule is in politics who ever is licensed to carry and use the arm is banned from practicing policy or politics and is vice versa whoever is licensed to practice policies politics is not allowed to carry arms and use them so i hope that the peoples in the region would would learn to listen and try to stop that breed of rule this from getting involved into politics because practically the kill ok thank you so much for your analysis there thank you very much indeed lets get a quick check on the weather now everetts it is here with news of more dust and sand in west africa. Yeah thats right however weve had a pretty murky start to the day here in doha it is a similar picture across parts of west africa this was the same in senegal in dhaka where you can say the the gray skies the dusty skies but the lifted dust and sand which had been sucked out of the sahara and pushed in that general direction over towards that western side of the country and further south into more tainio very similar pitches here see visibilities down to around 40500 meters in places and it is of course the dry season but it has been particularly bad over the past couple of days it will stay very similar as you go on through the next couple of days very little show here largely dry and settled but the winds continue to just push in from the sahara east in the way of tools that western side of africa said over here in the middle east the same a similar kind of picture you can see this weather system here this weather front just follow. Trial of cloud down towards southern parts of saudi arabia behind that weve been pulling in that northerly wind that northwest in the way and this was the same here in doha the in the gray skies the murky skies that weve seen over the past day or so more the same as we go on through thursday but that strong wind but the winds will ease off as we head towards the weekend thank you everetts and lots more still to come on the news hour including a power struggle in malaysia well have the latest on the political upheaval and in sports it was raining threes and portlands sun oh the whole applebee basketball action later in the show. Is news as it breaks the syrian army seems determined to defeat the rebels and continue its advance to was the city of idlib thats a red line for turkey with detailed coverage the National Policy to and serve Wild Elephants is yet to be fully implemented 14 years after it was introduced from around the world well this fight will be completely transformed over the next 6 years this will be the northern terminal for phase one of the project. In 2011 aljazeera reported from tanzania on the sinister trade in the body parts of albion. This is where people are numbs feel they put to use right and shop on the spot rewind revisits a survivor. Mutilated to service the rituals of witchcraft. Rewind spell of the albion on aljazeera. The all. The all. This is aljazeera on our minds are all the headlines this hour indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for calm after 3 days of violence in delhi killed at least 20000 people maybe 200 others were injured after hindus for muslims for more protests against a contentious citizenship role turkish president richard type are the ones who push back moscow backed Syrian Forces in the provinces make it safe for civilians United Nations estimates the u. 950000 people have been displaced there since the beginning of december and the 1st time since the corona Virus Outbreak began the number of new infections outside china has exceeded the number within south korea has the highest number of confirmed cases 1200 people have contracted the virus 12 people have died. Equates government has joined others and banning shipping to and from corona affected countries as part of efforts to prevent the virus from spreading the outbreak has already blown sea freight transport of course threatening the Global Economy the baltic dry index which reflects the daily price of moving goods is the main shipping indicator and its dropped to lows last seen in 2016 when the sector was still recovering from the Global Financial crisis this isnt surprising say analysts who point to the fact that china accounts for some 40 percent of seaborne trades and many of its ports and factories are almost at a complete standstill there is fear that this will have a long term impact on manufacturing supply lines around the world but the drop in chinese manufacturing does have an op cites a dramatic drop in Carbon Emissions where hate explains. Hong kong harbor is usually one of the busiest in the world with hundreds of ferries cruising container ships passing through every day but as the corona Virus Outbreak has worsened the economy has slowed and the waters have become quiet the situation is a lot worse in Mainland China where according to one a statement lock downs and business closures may have already cost almost 200000000000 dollars this year but as the economic price of this outbreak goes up the demagogue to the environment is going down the study showed that a drop in coal and oil use in china have reduced Carbon Dioxide emissions by at least 25 percent and levels of general air pollutants are also significantly down. In the cases such as coal fired power stations and still production. Being big reductions 15 to 40 percent in each of those indicators and we think Something Like 100000000. 00 tons of c o 2 hasnt been emitted compared to last year there were less emissions elsewhere too much of the Global Supply chain has been broken by the disruptions in china factories in countries like cambodia and vietnam cant get enough Raw Materials from china so a slowing down or suspending operations in the International Air transport association expects Global Demand for air travel to fall by almost 5 percent this year in asia that number could be higher less demand means fewer planes in the air and a decrease in emissions weve seen this sort of thing before like during the 2008 Global Financial crisis but after that economic slowdown china looked to make up for lost time by introducing a massive stimulus plan designed to get the economy moving again meaning any environmental gains were soon lost chinas government has already promised tax cuts and other assistance to help companies balance back from the Economic Impact of the op break president xi jinping wants a quick recovery but that could be risky i think the leaders in beijing are very eager to restart. Economy we have already seen some of factories sequentially opened but the concern is that you know if the workers started to come back to the companies and offices there could be a part time shows 2nd wave of the spread of the virus workers will also be wanting to start earning again after Many Companies suspended wages because of the downturn as chinas economic engine starts turning over again scientists will be watching with interest what happens to the environment as a result wayne hay Al Jazeera Hong Kong well so far the philippines has only a handful of confirmed cases but roman catholics are being urged to avoid physical contact since as they observe ash whedon stage a Christian Day of fasting and prayer on a below has more from manila. Ash wednesday marks the beginning of a 40 day period leading up to Easter Sunday and here in dominantly catholic philippines its an important day where millions of filipinos go to church to have their foreheads marked with ash now the ash is a symbol of repent so usually what happens is priests would tip their finger into a bowl of jam ashes and we use that same finger to mark the 4 heads off believers but this year thats not whats happening in many of the churches because the catholic leadership off the country thats recommended the sprinkling instead often drive ash onto the crowd of heads of churchgoers to prevent contact between priests and Church Chorus and this is due to the coronavirus care he would like to even be airing the hail motion. Rather than. Something better im going to guess and then that they. Were used to priest marking our poor hoods on Ash Wednesday but they understand that because of the virus they had to make adjustments now its worth noting that these bring pulling of ashes on the crown of heads of the reverse its not an imposition but just a recommendation and in fact some churches have opted to follow the vision and that is to mark the 4 heads i believe are as we. Now inside the church right behind me would see people still kissing and touching the image of jesus but moving forward the countrys catholic leadership should says thats not what theyre recommending to do ask the country observes the lenten season and some of race easter. Says libin want to play for have to began his offensive to take the capital tripoli his courts at the west saying hes trying to rid the country off in his words terrorists but elements within have to his forces have been accused of sharing an ideology similar to i so child stratford reports live from tripoli. These are fighters loyal to walter lee for half the battling u. N. Backed Government Forces in Eastern Libya have to says the world should support him because hes a secular force the west can trust to fight terrorism. But many of the most powerful militias fighting for hafta are considered by western governments to be a threat to the future stability of libya and the security of their own countries because of the ideology they embrace. The big contradiction is in what have to tries to promote about himself and the evidence which is clear his forces are comprised of so that the jihad these their ideology scares many people we have seen them storming mosques and forcing others to follow their version of islam they are in an open war against the moderates in libya. These are monthly fighters saying that huffed is gods chosen one the muckle is follow what some analysts describe as an ultra conservative sect with a jihadist ideology based in saudi arabia. This is a saudi based shake telling motley fighters loyal to have to that their fight against the u. N. Backed government in tripoli is a religious one. The government in tripoli in western libya says it wants to dissolve all militias fighting on its behalf and integrate them into a National Army have to has far more solid hes fighting with him by thousands than the western government so what he says and whats actually happening on the ground is quite different the backbone of his libyan troops the Strongest Force arent highly salafist to follow and obscure a saudi sheik and and have what some claim is a quietist philosophy although this is an anomaly to you for all the analysts because what kind of quiet is silent this should get people every day this is general haftar with one of his top commanders mahmoud and were fully and this is a war fully killing prisoners in benghazi he is wanted by the International Criminal court to face war crimes after reportedly detaining a wolf for leave for a few days off the released him and promoted him to Lieutenant Colonel in the near 6 years since warlord Khalifa Haftar launched his military operation to try and seize power in libya Rights Groups such as Amnesty International have accused both sides of committing war crimes after describes himself as being a secular leader fighting terrorism a leader of the west can trust before the u. N. Backed government here in tripoli military analysts and many people across this country that simply isnt true stratford aljazeera tripoli. So sudans warren parties forms a transitional unity government on saturday a power sharing agreement this aimed at ending years of conflict the u. N. Estimates 400000 people have been killed since 2016 and another 4000000 have been displaced have a morgan reports from juba whether people have hoped for lost in peace. Almost every evening just of getting and his friends meet under this tree they discussed life and the recent Political Developments in their country south sudan specifically the latest power sharing deal that has seen the reappointment of Opposition Leader rick machar after years of war. Would not feel. So alone i wanted as i was to be there because. Joseph says he feels the deal take south sudan back to where it was in 2013 he wonders what if anything has been achieved africas youngest country seceded from sudan in 2011 after 2 decades of fighting for 2 years later its own civil war started when the president salva kiir accused his Vice President trick machar of attempting a coup a deal was signed in 2015 to end the war that killed thousands and displaced over a 1000000 people but it didnt last i cannot assure you that things will be different but what. Is our commitment. We need to restore peace and stability in the country will be a National Army wish not the militia may belong to. Or belong to the government the new deal is a revitalised version of the 2015 deal and has been broadened to include other armed opposition groups that were born after that deal collapsed. Machar is once again Vice President along with 4 of us with the same position the deal also includes a 3 year transition period before elections are held the revitalised deal includes sharing of ministerial cabinet positions between the government and the opposition groups thats yet to happen it would is for the war even you can read from the political leaders face that all of them they are fed up in continue to do so they by this time adjust to assume political issues politically in the state of collapse and fight. The partial formation of a Transitional Government last saturday didnt come without deadlines what regionally and internationally repeatedly missed deadlines that the sanctions on federal Government Official frustrate him through a month out of the mean of the poor economy and the worsening when a tear in prices but some doubt the breach of the current deal they fear its a return to the days when the president and the Vice President didnt present each other. Joseph and his friends have nicknamed the tree they meet under the tree of hope they say theyll wait to see how the revitalized deal is implemented and the improvements it can bring and hope it better south sudan after years of suffering morgan aljazeera juba. The u. S. Military says it has killed a Senior Member who was behind an attack on a Kenyan Military base last month one american soldier and 2 contractors died in the attack on the munda bay military base used by u. S. And kenyan forces u. S. Africa command says the al shabaab leader was killed in somalia on saturday in an airstrike his wife was also a member of the armed group and she too was killed. Malaysias interim Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad says hell return as leader if he has enough supports in parliament 2 days ago he resigned suddenly and his party quits the Government Coalition martineau says he wants to form a new unity governments which he says wouldnt be aligns with any specific party but his former Coalition Partner Anwar Ibrahims says 3 parties nominated him as Prime Minister and her supporters have been protesting outside the parliament the palace rather where the king is holding talks. Family in the u. S. State of florida has released video of their 6 year old child being arrested at school. Well either her. Or the girl is hurt sobbing and praising as her hands are restrained with a sip tie the 4 being lifted into a police car or she died they have been accused of kicking and punching Staff Members at school in orlando incidents happens in september. Coming up next in sports pakistan pull off a surprise win at the womens t 20 world cup some will be here after the break. Business later this vote to buy no brass pot. Business leaders just want to buy no brass pot. Its time for the sport here sana thank you very much a hello world one of tenniss highest profile players has announced her retirement is stepping away from the game at the age of 32 in a Magazine Article the 5 time grand slam champion said a series of injuries had become a distraction and she was saying goodbye to competitive tennis was 17 when she won her 1st major title wimbledon in 2004 in 2016 she served a 15 month ban testing positive for a banned substance. Off on the dell is impressive in his opener and acapulco. Looks to reclaim the top spot in the World Rankings he crushed his fellow spaniard. A 6362 in mexico adult to become world number one again if he wins the title and current rantings of a top know about djokovic fails to reach the semifinals olds the dubai championships. The president of the womens tennis. Has left the sport to facing unprecedented challenge events in china where the outbreak began that have already been cancelled all the amount of travel players on the take also exposes them to the risk of infection for a small reports. Tennis players are among sports great travelers this week the leading women arent kept are during the year they have top level events in 28 Different Countries while coronavirus may have started in china is now having a Global Impact president of the womens tennis tour says safeguarding Players Health while keeping them on the move is a huge challenge weve never lived through anything like this its unprecedented this is an outbreak that has grown exponentially so fast and i mean you know weve all heard it in the news we keep up with the daily reports of new cases here or new cases there are south korea iran italy japan. China is a big market town an important venue for tennis but the womens tour is already had to cancel some lower profile events there due to coronavirus from september onwards the games top players are due to play in a series of asian tournaments with china the 1st port of call this season ending finals in november are also in china. Before that comes the Tokyo Olympics in july on tuesday a senior games official said organizers had a 3 month window to decide its fate well i know that. Its very clean country and they will host such a big if they would be some problem if it should happen then its going to happen but i believe we as a tennis players and an overall sports people we are so strong so we can get through it and definitely we have huge warnings from you know all the tournaments so theyre doing great job just to make sure we are just safe and nothing can happen to us tennis officials are passing on up to the Minute Health advice to players but except the Global Nature of their sport means risks do remain. Airplanes cruise its all you know we live in a small world now and a very accessible world so thats great but its also bad in a situation like this when its very hard to contain Something Like the coronavirus for our seats for ourselves and you know were a traveling circus keeping this circus on the road and at star performers how fee for challenge now being replicated across the sporting world far is. Rugby 6 nations autonomy to could be thrown into chaos by coronavirus arlens team are set to play italy in dublin on the march the 7th but the irish Health Minister says the game should not go ahead its in europes worst affected country with more than 300. 00 cases of the virus and 11 deaths Italian Football Team event to sign in france its a player in the Champions League to local mayors say the 3000. 00 event as fans should not be allowed to attend the game but events as coach. Disagrees. Its a european issue and valid supporters have the full right to be present here for the match you can see on jeremy its clear we have tasting a problem the authorities have to try and contain this why risk and sold it afterwards but still. In the other man to man city take on the 13 time european champions real madrid city have officially appealed against a 2 year european ban to the court of arbitration for sport city where head with a ban for breaching financial fair play regulations. By the stand pulled off a shock win in their opening match at the womens t 20 world cup it beat former champions the west indies by 8 wickets in australia batting 1st and the windies were restricted to score of 124 for 7 pakistan captain. Then guided her team to a famous victory with an unbeaten 38 pakistan have never gone beyond the group stages at the tournament. And being now in Boston Celtics star jason to put on a 3 point master class on tuesday we all saw a forward that was near unstoppable love from a long range against important trailblazers he sank 8 of his 12. 08 and racked up a 36. 00 points in total. Leaving the celtics 118206 when fed in the eastern conference. And so is paul for me and the richardson will have more for you later on but for now back to hella thank you so much sun a woman princess news articles do you stay with us here on aljazeera with you again on the other side of the break from friendly stroke used to be here. March on aljazeera. Up to theyre also going on the nation witness brings a new film this time from africa for International Womens day a crucial day in the race to challenge donald trump where live across key u. S. States for a super tuesday studio b. Unscripted brings a fresh approach to discussing contentious issues and finding Common Solutions as Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to go on trial for corruption israel heads into its 3rd election in less than a year the listening posts dissects the worlds media how they operate and the way they cover stories march on aljazeera. Migrants in uniform volunteering their labor to appease locals and combat anti migrant sentiment. People in power travels to the north of italy where a bold experiment is underway. With an unconventional approach to integration. Italys migrant boot camp on a. Trade tensions could cut Global Economic growth by north 48 percent well bring you the stories in developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in one example china be a drag on the Global Economy in 2020 counting the cost on aljazeera. We understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the wound so matter how you take a aljazeera bring the names and Current Affairs that matter to you. Down to 0. The a the. The gold. You corona virus infections outside china exceed those within for the 1st time since the outbreak began. Im home a good deal and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up indias Prime Minister appeals for calm troops patrol the capital after at least 20 people are killed in violence turkey says it will push back Syrian Government forces in Northern Syria as the number of displaced people reaches nearly a 1000000 also a full state funeral for the robot at the moment im president it just

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